"Tales". "Presentation on the topic" M.


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Essay of life and creativity. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

I love Russia to pain cardiac ... literary critic Editor of the contemporary magazine, "Domestic notes" (along with Nekrasov) Satir writer

The house where the future writer was born. The estate is saved. Childhood is surrounded by "all the horrors of serfdom."

Mother of Writer Olga Mikhailovna Father Writer Evgraf Vasilyevich

Nobility Institute in Moscow Tsarskostsky Lyceum Education

"Vyatsky captivity" of the story "contradictions", "confusing case" "The harmful way of thoughts and a detrimental desire for the spread of ideas that shook the whole Western Europe" (Nicholas I) Link to Vyatka

The house in Vyatka, in which Saltykov-Shchedrin Vyatka captivity lived an abundance of the impressions of the provincial essays of the author to the "one of the distant corners of Russia" in order to "detect evil, lies and vice", but faith in the future, in the "full life."

The principal position of the writer. Vice Robespierre. Ryazan mid 19th century. Tver end of the 19th century. 1860s State Service

Group of employees of the journal "Public Notes"

Writer's wife E. A. Bottin House for the Foundry Avenue, in which the writer lived until the end of days.

Daughter Writer Son Writer

Humor - soft laugh, smile. Irony - hidden ridicule. Satira - merciless ridicule of human vices. Sarcasm is a stinging cruel mock. The hyperbole is a strong exaggeration of certain properties of the pictured. Ezopov Language - (Named by the name of the ancient Greek Basinista Ezopa) is a speech abounding by allegoryrs, pioneering, hints, etc. for concealing direct meaning.

"The history of one city" the essence of the work is a satirical image of the relationship between the people and power. The main idea is "Graduals of the sem in ordinary people, and ordinary people tremble." Conditional narrator - Archivius-chronicle of the provincial era of the late XVIII - XIX century, who knows a lot that happened later. Composition Tale. Historical monograph: Previation Common Essays of the Studious History of Head-Persons

Roman "Lord Golovyov" The idea of \u200b\u200bSaltykov-Shchedrin: The destruction of society begins with the destruction of the family. The novel shows the degradation and death of a whole genus of Golovna - Arina Petrovna "chainets in the apathy".

The history of the creation of the first three fairy tales ("the story about how one man's two generals was punished," "disappeared the conscience" and the "wild landowner") M. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote back in 18 69. By 1886, their number increased to thirty-two. Some ideas (at least six fairy tales) remained unrealized.

Genre originality in genre attitude of the fairy tale M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin is similar to the Russian folk fairy tale. They are allegorical, they act in them - animals, traditional fabulous techniques are used: inspired, proverbs and sayings, constant epithets, three-time repeats. At the same time, Saltykov-Shchedrin significantly expands the circle of fabulous characters, and also "individualizes them. In addition, the Moral Moral is an important role in the fairy tale of M. Saltykova-Shchedrin - it is close to the Bassni genre. The story of how one man's two generals pissed

The main topics of the fairy tales M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin unites not only the genre, but also common topics. The theme of power ("wild landowner", "Bear on Voivodship", "Eagle-Macenate", etc.) The theme of the intelligentsia ("Promotud Piskary", "selfless hare", etc.) The theme of the people ("The story about how one man two The generals Ponommil "," Fool ", etc.) The topic of universal defects (" Christ's Night ") Eagle-Metzenate

The fairy tales of M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin reflect then the "special pathological condition" in which the Russian society was located in the 80s of the XIX century. However, they are affected not only social problems (the relationship of the people and the ruling circles, the phenomenon of Russian liberalism, the reform of education), but also universal (good and evil, freedom and debt, truth, and lies, cowardice and heroism). Promotud Piskary

Artistic features of the most important artistic features of Tales M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin are irony, hyperbole and grotesque. The reception of antithesis and philosophical reasoning is also playing a big role in fairy tales (for example, the Bear's fairy tale begins with the preface: "Harvesters are large and serious are often referred to as those who are crucial. The villains are small and comic for the soles and not only The story is misleading, but also from contemporaries do not get praise ").

Irony - Thin, hidden ridicker (for example, in the fairy tale "Will Piskary": "What is the Sala of Pisch to swallow a pussy, dying piscory, and besides, still wisdom?") Hyperbole - exaggeration (for example, in a fairy tale "Wild landowner": "Thinks What kind of cows it explores that neither skin is neither meat, but all one milk, all milk! ") grotesque - comic, based on sharp contrasts and exaggerations (for example, in a fairy tale" The story about how one man two generals Pin ":" Muzina Before that, I was stupid that I became even in the handful of cooking soup ") antithesis - contrast, the opposite (many of them are built on the relationships of antagonist heroes: a man - General, hare - Wolf, crucian - pike)

Conclusion The main feature of the fairy tales M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin is that the folk genre is used to create an "Ezopovsky" narration about the life of the Russian society in the 1880s. From here their main topics (power, intelligentsia, people) and issues (the relationship between the people and ruling circles, the phenomenon of Russian liberalism, the reform of education). Borrowing from Russian folk fairy tales Images (primarily animals) and techniques (inspirations, proverbs and sayings, permanent epithets, triple repetitions), M. Saltykov-Shchedrin develops a satirical content laid in them. At the same time, irony, hyperbole, grotesque, as well as other artistic techniques, serve as a writer for chosen not only social, but also universal defects. That is why Tales M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin have been popular with the Russian reader for many decades.

Homework. Written analysis of an independently chosen fairy tale: Analysis plan 1. The main topic of the fairy tale (what?). 2. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale (why?). 3. Features of the plot. How is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale reveal in the system of actors? Features of the fairytale images: a) images symbols; b) originality of animals; c) proximity to folk tales. 4. Satyric techniques used by the author. 5. Features of the composition: plug-in episodes, landscape, portrait, interior. 6. Compound of folk, fantastic and real.


History of creating fairy tales

The vertex of mastery and the embodiment of the ideological quest writer-citizen became the famous "fairy tales for children of a fair age", which modern literary crops called "the small encyclopedia of his satire." And in the conclusion of the censorship Lebedev, we read: "... The fact that the city of Saltykov calls fairy tales, does not meet his name at all; His fairy tales is the same Satire, and the Satira is caustic, a tendency, directed against the public and political device ... ".

The first three fairy tales ("The story about how one man's two generals was punished," "disappeared conscience" and the "wild landowner") M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote back in 1886.

By 1886, their number increased to thirty-two. Some ideas (at least six fairy tales) remained unrealized.

  • Satir is called "through a magnifying glass" (V. Mayakovsky). The subject of satire in the literature can be a variety of phenomena. Political satire meets most often.
  • The bright proof of this is the fairy tales M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The fantasticity of fabulous plots allowed the writer to continue the criticism of the social system, bypassing censorship even in conditions of political reaction.
  • Shchedrian fairy tales draw not just evil or good people, not just the struggle of good and evil, like most people's fairy tales, they reveal the class struggle in Russia the second half of the XIX century.

Genre peculiarity

  • In the genre attitude, the fairy tale M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin is similar to the Russian folk fairy tale. We meet traditional fabulous characters: speaking animals, fish, birds. The writer uses characteristic of the folk fairy tale, promsories, proverbs and sayings, language and composite trickens, spacious and household peasant vocabulary, constant epithets, words with diminishing suffixes.
  • At the same time, Saltykov-Shchedrin significantly expands the circle of fabulous characters, and also "individualizes them.
  • An important role in the fairy tale of M. Saltykova-Shchedrin plays Morality - it is close to the Bassni genre.

Genre peculiarity

  • As in the folklore fairy tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin has no clear temporal and spatial framework. But using traditional techniques, the author is quite intentionally retreating from tradition.
  • He introduces into the narration of social and political vocabulary, stationery, French words. The episodes of modern public life fall on the pages of his fairy tales. So there is a mixture of styles that creates a comic effect, and the compound of the plot with the problems of modernity.

Genre peculiarity

  • If we compare the famous folk tales about Barina and a man with fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, for example, with a "wild landowner", we will see that the image of the landowner in Shchedrian fairy tales is very close to folklore, and men, on the contrary, differ from fabulous. In folk fairy tales, a manifold man, deft, resourceful, wins the stupid Barin.
  • And in the "wild landowner" there is a collective image of workers, country's breadwinners and at the same time patient martyrs-sufferers. So, by modifying the folk fairy tale, the writer condemns the folk long-suffering, and his fairy tales sound like a call to rise to the struggle, to divert from the slave worldview.
  • Thus, having enriching the fairy tale with new satirical techniques, Saltykov-Shchedrin turned it into an instrument of socio-political satire.

Tags of Shchedrin fairy tales

Tales M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin unites not only genre, but also common topics:

  • Theme of power ("Wild landowner", "Bear on Voivodship", "Eagle-Metzenate", etc.)
  • Theme of the intelligentsia ("Promotud Piskar", "Selfless Hare", etc.)
  • Theme of the people ("The story about how one man's two generals was punished", "Fool", etc.)
  • The theme of universal defects ("Christ's Eve")

Fairy tale problems

  • The main problem of generous fairy tales is the relationship between the exploiters and exploited. The writer created Satira at Tsarist Russia. The reader takes place of the rulers ("Bear on Voivodeship", "Eagle-Metzenate"), exploiters and operated ("wild landowner", "a story about how one man's two generals Picksmil"), inhabitants ("Wheel Pescar", " Dried vobla ").
  • Tales M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin reflect then "a special pathological condition", which contained Russian society in the 80s of the XIX century. However, they are affected not only social problems (the relationship of the people and the ruling circles, the phenomenon of Russian liberalism, the reform of education), but also universal (good and evil, freedom and debt, truth, and lies, cowardice and heroism).

Artistic features

  • The most important art features of the fairy tales M. Saltykova-Shchedrin are irony, hyperbole and grotesque.
  • The reception of antithesis and philosophical reasoning is also playing a big role in fairy tales (for example, the Bear's fairy tale begins with the preface: "Harvesters are large and serious are often referred to as those who are crucial. The villains are small and comic for the soles and not only The story is misleading, but also from contemporaries do not get praise ").

Irony - Thin, hidden ridicule (for example, in the fairy tale "Wombary Piskar": "What is the Salt of Pisch to swallow a pussy, dying piscory, and besides, still woven?")

Hyperbola - Exaggeration (for example, in the fairy tale "Wild landowner": "Thinks what kind of cows he collects, that neither skin is neither meat, but all one milk, all milk!")

Grotesque - a comic, based on sharp contrasts and exaggerations (for example, in a fairy tale "The story about how one man's two generals proceeded": "Muzicina before he was sought, which became even in a hassle cooking soup")

Antithesis - contrast, the opposite (many of them are built on the relationships of antagonist heroes: a man - general, hare - wolf, crucian - pike)

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Researcher of creativity M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrina D. Nikolaev in his monograph "M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Life and creativity" (1985) So determined the place of the writer in Russian and world literature: "Last centuries gave the world a lot of outstanding writers Satirikov. Swift, Dickens and Tekcakerey lived and worked in England, in France, the victorious laugh was Rabel, Moliere and Voltaire. In Germany, he shone with stingy heine. Kantemir, Fonvizin, Novikov, the Kopnis - this is not the complete list of Russian writers of the XVIII century, the whole Satire dedicated themselves. Here is this phalanner of great mockerels and belonged, along with Griboedov and Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin. " (Nikolaev D. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Life and creativity. Monograph. - M., 1985, p. 11.)

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"Fairy Tales" is one of the most striking creations and the most readable from the books of the Great Russian Satirik. Saltykov-Shchedrin was the successor of the satirical traditions of Phononovin, Griboedov, Gogol. Gubernatorial activity Shchedrin allowed him to discern the "vices of Russian reality" and made him think over the fate of Russia. He created a kind of satirical encyclopedia of Russian life. The fairy tales summed up the 40-year work of the writer and were created within four years: from 1882 to 1886.

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Tales Saltykova-Shchedrin Fairy Tales of the Russian People General Features Stains Fairy Tale Folklore Expressions People's Lexics Fabulous Character Ending Distinctive Features Satira Sarcasm Mixing Categories of Good and Evil No Positive Hero Climbing Humor Animal Humor Hyperbol Victory Over Evil Positive Hero Victory of Animals

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The writer essentially created a new genre - a political fairy tale. The life of the Russian society of the second half of the XIX century imprinted in the richest gallery of characters. Shchedrin showed all the social anatomy, touched all the main classes and layers of society: nobility, bourgeoisie, bureaucracy, intelligentsia.

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In the "Prism of Pescara", Shchedrin paints the image of that intelligentsia, which heard a panic, left the active struggle into the world of personal worries and interests. Pescar-a villager, fearful for his life, closed himself in a dark Nore. All "Peremudril"! And the result of his life can be expressed by the words: "I lived - trembled, died - trembled." The personification of the honest and vulgar household became the Shchedrian wovel of Pescar - the hero of the fairy tale of the same name. The meaning of the life of this "enlightened, moderately liberal" cowal was self-preservation, departing, from the struggle

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So, in "Tale of how one man's two generals, the writer shows the full helplessness of two generals who were on a uninhabited island. Despite the fact that there was an abundance of game, fish, fruits, they almost died with hunger, if not the ability and resourcefulness of the man. In this fairy tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin expresses the idea that Russia holds on the work of the peasant, who, despite its natural mind and the smelter, persogently obeys the helpless gentlemen

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The same thought is developing in the fairy tale "Wild landowner". But if the generals from the previous fairy tales found themselves on a uninhabited island by the will of fate, the landowner from this story had dreamed of getting rid of the loose men, which goes bad, the cold smell. Therefore, the post nobleman of Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev oppresses men in every possible way. And here is the Men's world disappeared. And what? After some time, "all he has around his hair ... and he had become iron claws." The landowner wild, because without a man he is not able to even serve himself.

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In the fairy tale "wild landowner", Shchedrin, as it were, summarized his thoughts on the reform of "Liberation" of the peasants contained in all his works of the 60s. He puts it unusually acutely a problem of the collapsive relationships of the nobility-destroyers and finally ruined the reform of the peasantry

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Deep Vera Saltykov-Shchedrin in the hidden forces of the people is visible in the fairy tale "Konya". The tortured peasant Klyach is striking his endurance and life force. All of its existence lies in infinite heavy work, and in the meantime, the full emptiness in the warm stall is surprised by her endurance, a lot reason about her wisdom, diligence, and sanity. Most likely, in this fairy tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin is meant under the emptiness intelligentsia, which shouted from the empty to empty the argument about the Russian man, about the fate of the Russian people. Obviously, in the image of the convoy reflected the peasant-worker.

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In fairy tales, the two social forces are opposed, as well as in all his work, the labor people and its exploiters. The people act as masks of good and defenseless animals and birds (and often without a mask, under the name "man"), exploiters - in the images of predators. The fairy tale of "Konya" is an outstanding work of Shchedrin on the plight of the Russian peasantry in Tsarist Russia. Never fading the pain of Saltykov-Shchedrin for the Russian man, all bitterness of his thought about the fate of his people, the native country was concentrated in close borders of the fairy tale.

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"Fairy Tales" is a peculiar result of the artistic activity of the writer, as they were created at the final stage of the life and creative path. Of the 32 fairy tales - 28 created for four years from 1882 to 1886.

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In the genre of fairy tales, ideological and artistic features of the Shchedrian Satira were most bright: her political acuity and purposefulness, realism of her fiction, merciless and the depth of Grotesque, shook the sparkiness of humor. What did you learn about thinking of "Children's children" Saltykov-Shchedrin? "Children of a fair age" must be matured and stop being children.

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What are the objects of satire M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin? government circles and a dominant estate; Customized (liberal) intelligentsia; the powerful position of the people in Russia, his passivity and humility; Cheerfulness.

"Tales" - Fizkultminutka we checked the posture and brought the blades. We want to want a lot - you will lose the latter. About animals. What proverb comes to the fairy tale "Winter beasts"? Folk fairy tales: "Teremok", "Gus-Swans". The junk of the hedgehog touched, the hedgehog stretched sweetly. Repkah. Rumor rush. Magic fairy tales: "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty".

"Fairy Tale lesson" - in my head of my sawdust, but sculptures and cribs (as well as the crochets, puffles and even the rims and so on) I compose good and-legs-yes! Fabulous quiz: parade of fabulous men. I am a man in the very primestream, I can not say anything else. All over the Luxury Lights Family: Chipollich, Chipolletto, Chipolloo, Chipolloto and, of course, I!

"Tales in the pictures of Russian artists" - a trip to Northern Italy had a great influence on the development of Vrubel's creativity. Fabulous Rus. Harmonic compound of fantastic and real in the picture "Tsarevna-Swan". Vrubel Mikhail Alexandrovich. "Tsarevna - Frog" V.M.vasnetsov. At the end of the course in St. Petersburg University, Vrubel entered the Academy of Arts.

"The Hero of Fairy Tale" - so the round moon became less and less. Heroes of the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok". The hero of fairy tales - Ivan-Fool. The egg should have been complete as the surrounding our world. The world around us becomes fabulous. It is not by chance in many fairy tales there is a stone by the road. Baba Yaga B is a "first woman-astronaut."

"Tales project" - rest? The end of the fairy tale. Writer (author). Magic. Magic object. Project "Tale". Household. Start (stained). Tests. Project test. Experimentators. A place. Tys of fairy tales. Decision in groups. Setting the problem. Methodical development of a lesson on the topic "Literary fairy tale". Bogatirskaya. People.

"Fairy tales of writers" - k.I. Chukovsky. Children really like the works of Nosov. Gianni Rodari story about the onion boys. In the sunny city of N.N. Nose. Fairy tales remember and love. Events conducted by the head. Library in 2006-2007 academic year. The fairy tale is a favorite genre of children's reading. The guys actively participated in the game. Literary holiday dedicated to creativity K.I. Chukovsky took place on March 15 in the first classes.

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Artistic features of fairy tales M. Saltykova-Shchedrin Teacher of the Russian language and literature MOU "Gymnasium № 3" Khabarovsk Shestakova Larisa Nikolaevna

Purpose: reveal the facts of biography and creativity Saltykov-Shchedrin, giving the opportunity to determine the topics and artistic features of fairy tales.

Tasks: get acquainted with new facts of the biography of the writer; Recall the basic concepts of the theme "Artistic features of Russian folk and author's fairy tales"; Determine the main problems of fairy tales Saltykov-Shchedrin; Find receptions of a satirical image of reality; Make the characteristic of the heroes of the work.

His God sent anger and sadness to the slaves of the earth to remind Christ N. Nekrasov

A.I.Kuprin "Golyanit" teacher of gymnasium, teaching Russian literature and grammar, Mr. Costka changed the ideals of youth, turned into a soulless official. Once he learned the exam for the great Russian writers. Their portraits, "acquired once a long time ago, in calf years of enthusiastic words and preserved part of the misfortune, part of the mechanical habit, are hanging in his office. They are his enemies, terrible and invulnerable. As ill-faced disciples, he puts them twins and units for behavior: Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol. "But suddenly his eyes face angry, expanded, convex, almost colorless eyes with eyes, - the eyes of a person who, highly lifting a majestic bearded head, looked at the cloak. [This is Shchedrin's eyes.] - Your Excellency ... - Zavented the crutch and all cold and finely trembled. And there was a hoarse, a rude voice that said slowly and sullenly: - Slave, traitor and ... Burning mouth Shchedrin said another terrible word that a great man, if he utters, then only in seconds of the greatest disgust. And this word hit the crutch in the face, blinded his eyes, ripped his pupils with zippers ... "

Saltykova-Shchedrin has a fairy tale-elegy "Adventure with Kramolnikov". In it, the author talks about himself, about his writer, about his sorrows and joys, at the same time - and about the flour of the Russian pillofal writer. "Kramolnikov was a radical Poshekhonsky writer. He deeply loved his country. All the forces of his mind and heart he devoted to restoring his hearts in the souls to the end of the world and truth and maintain faith in their hearts that the light will come and the darkness will not hurt it. . This actually concluded the task of all his activities. "

Researcher of creativity M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrina D. Nikolaev in his monograph "M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Life and creativity" (1985) So determined the place of the writer in Russian and world literature: "Last centuries gave the world a lot of outstanding writers Satirikov. Swift, Dickens and Tekcakerey lived and worked in England, in France, the victorious laugh was Rabel, Moliere and Voltaire. In Germany, he shone with stingy heine. Kantemir, Fonvizin, Novikov, the Kopnis - this is not the complete list of Russian writers of the XVIII century, the whole Satire dedicated to this phalange of great mockerels and belonged to, along with Griboedov and Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin "

"Fairy Tales" is one of the most striking creations and the most readable from the books of the Great Russian Satirik. Saltykov-Shchedrin was the successor of the satirical traditions of Phononovin, Griboedov, Gogol. Gubernatorial activity Shchedrin allowed him to discern the "vices of Russian reality" and made him think over the fate of Russia. He created a kind of satirical encyclopedia of Russian life. The fairy tales summed up the 40-year work of the writer and were created within four years: from 1882 to 1886.

A number of reasons prompted Saltykov-Shchedrin to appeal to fairy tales. The complex political situation in Russia: the moral terror, the defeat of nationality, the police persecution of the intelligentsia - did not allow to identify all social contradictions of society and directly criticize the existing orders. On the other hand, the genre of fairy tale was close to the character of Satirik writer. Fantasy, hyperbole, irony, ordinary for fairy tales, are very characteristic of generous poetics. In addition, the genre of fairy tale is very democratic, accessible and clearly understood by the wide circles of readers, people. The fairy tale is characteristic of Didactism, and this directly corresponded to the publicistic pathos, civil aspirations of saticaries.

Tales Saltykova-Shchedrin Fairy Tales of the Russian People General Features Stains Fairy Tale Folklore Expressions People's Lexics Fabulous Character Ending Distinctive Features Satira Sarcasm Mixing Categories of Good and Evil No Positive Hero Climbing Humor Animal Humor Hyperbol Victory Over Evil Positive Hero Victory of Animals

In the genre of fairy tales, the ideological and artistic features of Satira S.-Sh.: Her political acuity and purposefulness, the realism of its fiction, merciless and the depth of Grotesque, shook the sparkiness of humor. What did you learn about thinking of "Children's children" Saltykov-Shchedrin? "Children of a fair age" must be matured and stop being children.

The writer essentially created a new genre - a political fairy tale. The life of the Russian society of the second half of the XIX century imprinted in the richest gallery of characters. Shchedrin showed all the social anatomy, touched all the main classes and layers of society: nobility, bourgeoisie, bureaucracy, intelligentsia.

What are the objects of satire M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin? government circles and a dominant estate; Customized (liberal) intelligentsia; the powerful position of the people in Russia, his passivity and humility; Cheerfulness.

Satyric techniques used in fairy tales by a writer: a) different ways of laughter: Irony - a ridicule having a double meaning, where the true statement is not a direct statement, but the opposite; Sarcasm - caustic and poisonous irony, sharply irreviving phenomena, especially dangerous for humans and society; Grotesque - extremely sharp exaggeration, combination of real and fantastic, violation of the boundaries of believing.

b) Allegory, allegory - other meaning hidden behind the external form. c) "Ezopov language" is a artistic speech based on forced allegory. d) hyperbole - excessive exaggeration.

Tales problems (Satira object) Time realities Satirical techniques

In almost all fairy tales, the image of the peasant people is described by generous with love, breathes out of illness, nobility. Man is honest, right, kind, extremely rapidly and smart. He can everything: get food, sew clothes; He conquers natural forces of nature, jokingly twists the "ocean-sea". And to enslave their man is mockingly, without losing self-esteem.

The images of Saltykov-Shchedrin fairy tales entered the source, became nominable and live in centuries. Meeting them, every new generation knows not only the history of his country, but learns to recognize and hate those defects of humanity, which so evil and mercilessly ridicule the Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Features of the fairy tale images: Symbol images; Originality of animals; Proximity to folk fairy tales; Satirical techniques used by the author; Composition Features: Plug-in episodes, landscape, portrait, interior; Compound of folk, fantastic and real.

Fairy Tales M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Problems of artistic features of autocracy and oppressed people ("Bear in Voivodeship", "Eagle-Metzenate"); Relationships of a man and a barina ("wild landowner", "the story of how one man's two generals punished"); position of the people ("Konya", "Kisel"); meanness of the bourgeoisie ("liberal", "crucian idealist"); Powder's cowardice ("Will Piskary"); the elderness ("Durak", "Christ's Night") folklore motifs (fairy plot, folk vocabulary); Grotesque (Weaveness of Fiction and Reality) "Ezopov Language" (allegory and metaphoricity); social satire (sarcasm and real fantasy); denial of denial (showing of wildness and confusion); hyperbolization

"Fairy Tales" is a peculiar result of the artistic activity of the writer, as they were created at the final stage of the life and creative path. Of the 32 fairy tales - 28 created for four years from 1882 to 1886.

Fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin had a great impact on the further development of Russian literature and especially the genre of satire. The images of fairy tales entered the source, became nominable and live for many decades, and the universal types of Satytkov-Shchedrian objects and today are found in our lives, it is enough just to look into the surrounding reality and reflect ...

Hat with hatred chest, arming Satiir, he is going through a thorny path with his punishment lyre. N.Nekrasov

Homework: Analysis of the fairy tale (by groups) An exemplary fairy tale analysis plan is the main fairy tale topic (what?). The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale (why?). Features of the plot. How is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale reveal in the system of actors? Features of the fairytale images: a) images symbols; b) originality of animals; c) proximity to folk tales. Satirical techniques used by the author. Features of the composition: plug-in episodes, landscape, portrait, interior. Compound of folk, fantastic and real