Presentation of the topic of the first steps of mankind. The primitive world - the first steps of mankind

- Hello guys! I have not come to you empty-handed. I have a riddle for you: "Who walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?"

- Human origins - the subject of scientific discussionwithuh. Humanity has been developing for a long time and unevenly.
Perandodd primitiveness covers millions of years. In this period on the ground a person appears.

(slide "Topic of the lesson:" The primitive world - the first steps of mankind ")

He develops the land, learns to live in harmony with nature. In other words, he takes the first steps in the knowledge of the world.

While developing, he goes through a certain school of life.

(slide "Lesson name")

  1. Formulation of the problem.
- Let's look at the pictures.

(slide "Monkey and man")

How was ancient man different from an animal?

How did he look like an animal?

We divide our conclusions into two columns: similarity and difference.

(slide "Table. Similarities and differences")

Look at the picture on page 47, guess what we are going to talk about.

Whether our answers coincide, let us read the text on page 47.

Today in the lesson we will talk about the primitive world. But let's take a look at the keywords of the lesson first.

(slide "Keywords")

  • Epoch

  • Primitive world

  • The ancestral home of man

  • Civilization

  • Tribe

  • Morality

Let's read the conversation between the computer and Anyuta.

- Humanity took its first steps more than 2 million years ago. The era of the Primitive world can be called "the childhood of mankind" - began the story Computer.

- Why "first steps"? Are all primitive people just learning to walk ?! - Anyuta was surprised.

What did Annie not understand?

What is the question?
(Slide "Baby in the cradle")

  1. Children's versions, knowledge actualization.
- What is the Primeval World?

(slide "Timeline").
- And what is the historical era?
- Remember from the course "The World Around" of the 3rd grade, did the very first people know how to grow plants and animals?

At what age does a person acquire acquired skills?

What do we need to learn to answer the lesson question?

Let's put your answers in the "We know - we do not know" table:

Slide “Table. "We know - we do not know"

Take a look at the table. You can make some guesses about the problem of the lesson.
- We know when the first person appeared.

Where did he come from? Let's look at the map of the textbook (pp. 48-49).

  1. Search for a solution to the problem (discovery of new knowledge)

  1. Resettlement of primitive people around the planet.
- What territory is depicted on it?

Imagine on what continent a primitive man could have lived?

In which part of the world is ancestral home(clarify!) humanity?

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of ancient people in Africa.

Let's trace on the map how the ancient people settled?
- What do the symbols on this map mean?

Let's conclude: can this card help us solve the problem?

Let's complete tasks 1 and 2 for the map. (In what part of the world is the ancestral home of mankind located? How did ancient people settle on the planet?)
(Animated map slide)
- How is the fate of mankind in the era of the primitive world similar to the fate of a small child?
Slide "Table" We know - We do not know "
2. Physical minutes. Slide "Human Evolution"

Song "If there were no schools" (verse 1)
3. The conquest of nature by people of primitive society.

(Slide "Mammoth Hunt")

We know why the ancient people united in groups.

What did the ancient people learn to survive?

Working in groups

Each of you has a piece of the puzzle on your desk. You need to unite in groups by collecting a picture. Having collected it, you will find out whose kind you represent (foxes, wolves, bears, hares)
(Or color draw: group 1 (red) - Fox genus; Group 2 (burgundy color) - Hare genus; Group 3 (brown) - Bear genus); Group 4 (green) - the genus of the Wolf).

Group Assignments Slide

Group assignments.

    1. How did the community of ancient people differ from the pack of ancient people? (according to Fig. 1 and 2 on p. 50)

    2. How did the early community of modern humans differ from the community of ancient people? (according to Fig. 2 and 3 on p. 50)

    3. How was the community of modern humans different from the early community? (according to Fig. 3 and 4 on p. 50)

    4. What discoveries and inventions did primitive people make? (p. 47 of the textbook).
- Preparation time - 3 minutes.
- Let's draw conclusions:

1) Flocks of ancient people: without clothes and fire, they eat fruits, roots and small animals.
2) Communities of ancient people: use clothes and fire, live in caves, hunt.
3) The early community of modern humans: collective hunting, bow and arrow, simple dwellings.
4) Communities of modern people: they grow plants, tame animals, build houses, clay dishes.

Conclusions slide

Why did people have to live and work together?
- What do you know about the achievements of primitive society?

How is this era similar to the childhood of a child?

In the column "We do not know" we insert:


  1. Primitive morality.
(slide "People in nature")

What is goodness?

What is "evil"?

- What was considered good and evil in the primitive world?

Imagine that people in modern society would reason like this. Would you agree with them?

How are the representations of the characters in the story of good and evil different from modern ones?

Do you know what the concept of good and bad, good and evil is called?

Have you heard the word "moral"?

- Let's take a look at the dictionary! Find the word "MORAL".


Slide "Table" Know-Don't Know "
- Let's look at the "Don't know" sign:

- Let's change the name of the column "We do not know" on the "We learned"

  1. Expression of the solution to the problem.
- Let's get back to the main question of our lesson. What did we want to find out today? (slideWhy is the primitive world called "the childhood of mankind"?)
- What answer can you give to this question?

  1. Application of new knowledge.
- Now let's check ourselves what we learned in the lesson!

Slide " Insert the missing words "

The era of the primitive world is the time of the appearance of the first people and their dispersal across the planet.

In the conditions of a primitive society, people united in unions - tribes, which consisted of clans that had common ancestors. Only a person of his own kind and tribe was considered a real person who cannot do evil.


Select the features of primitive man, in which he differed from animals.

Walked on two legs, lived in a cave, made tools, went hunting, dressed in animal skins, was not afraid of fire, developed, invented something new, had movable dexterous limbs, communicated with the help of speech, could foresee, predict the results of his actions.

Play the song "If there were no schools"

(slide "Lesson name")

Why do you guys think we listened to the song today?

The word "school" has more than one meaning ...

Another "school" is some kind of test passed by a person.

Can we say that a person went through a certain school of life, enduring hunger, cold, surviving in the ancient world?

But after going through difficulties, the main thing is to remain human.

How was kindness manifested in the primitive world?

And now?

Slide "Happy Children"

VILesson summary."Free microphone"

What did you find difficult, incomprehensible?

What, in your opinion, seemed the most interesting?


(slide "Homework")

    1. Read full topic

    2. Creative task (to depict the achievements of universal human culture in the era of the primitive world)

A) Mutual greeting

B) fixing the absent

Teacher: One unknown Greek named Herostratus wished to become famous by any means and remain in the memory of people. For this, he committed a crime and in 356 BC. the arson of the beautiful temple of the goddess Artemis in Ephesus. This is such a mark in history left by this man, thereby becoming famous. Each person, whether he wants it or not, leaves traces in the history of the country. Someone wants to become famous by doing evil, and someone - by doing good deeds. Raise your hands, who would like to leave their mark on history?
Today I will give you the opportunity to become famous in the lesson for my good answers, thereby leaving as many traces in history as possible.
To see who left a more significant footprint, you will receive your footprints for your work in the lesson, and at the end of the lesson we will see whose footprint was the most significant.

Teacher: students are invited to solve the "Confusion"

1. Belief in the existence of supernatural forces, gods or God "GILIARE" (religion)

2. Occupation arising from gathering that reliably provides people with plant food "DEZELEMLIE" (agriculture)

3. The occupation of ancient people, allowing to get mainly plant food "VOLTESTBIRASO" - (gathering)

4. What is the name of the community, consisting of a permanent group of relatives "YADOROV" (clan)

5. The term denoting the sequence of events in time "GILOYAROKHNO" (chronology)

Lesson topic announcement:"The primitive world - the first steps of mankind")

Teacher: So we have a research lesson with you. Each group will explore their specific problem. We will have groups of archaeologists, anthropologists, religious scholars, social scientists. Experts. Groups get their assignments. Within the groups, the roles of the group members are distributed: researcher, secretary, artist, speaker, time-keeper. Time to work 10 minutes.

1st group "Archaeologists"

Assignment: - to compile an archaeological map, a catalog of ancient tools ;, Ancient Kazakhstan;

Be able to tell, explain your card;

Group 2 "Anthropologists"

Assignment: - to present the stages of development of ancient people;

Come up with two questions about your topic - one "thin" and one "thick".

Group 3 "Social Scientists"

Assignment: - to present in the form of pictures, diagrams, tables, clusters of occupations and types of social structure of ancient people;

Be able to tell and explain;

Come up with two questions about your topic - one "thin" and one "thick".

4 group "Religious scholars"

Assignment: - to present in the form of pictures, diagrams, tables, clusters of worldview and religious ideas of ancient people;

Be able to tell and explain;

Come up with two questions about your topic - one "thin" and one "thick".

Patriotic physical minutes. They all stood up.

If you are happy to go to school, wave your right hand.

If you value honesty and decency in people, take a step forward.

If you are confident in your abilities, stamp your foot.

If you believe that we must respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality or social background, take a step back.

If you are concerned about the fate of your country, clap your hands.

If you consider yourself a patriot, raise both hands in the air.

If you believe that your country will take its rightful place in the world, stretch both hands forward.

If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.

Work with group 5 (while 1-4 groups work independently)

Human origins - subject of scientific discussion withuh. Humanity has been developing for a long time and unevenly.Per andodd primitiveness covers millions of years.In this period on the ground a person appears.

- He develops the land, learns to live in harmony with nature. In other words, he takes the first steps in the knowledge of the world.

While developing, he goes through a certain school of life.

    Formulation of the problem.

Let's take a look at the pictures.

How was ancient man different from an animal?

How did he look like an animal?

We divide our conclusions into two columns: similarity and difference.

Problematic question

Finding a solution to the problem

Children's versions, knowledge actualization.

What is the Primitive World? (The first era of world history

What is a historical era? A large period of time, part of the history of mankind.

How is the fate of mankind in the era of the primitive world similar to the fate of a small child? (drawing)

The ancestral home of people is the cradle, the bed of a person who still cannot walk.

- Settling around the planet - getting to know your room, home.

Problematic question

why the ancient people united in groups.

What did the ancient people learn to survive?

To solve a problematic task, it is necessary to answer questions,

      How did the community of ancient people differ from the pack of ancient people?

      How the early community of modern humans differed from the community of ancient people

      How was the community of modern humans different from the early community?

      What discoveries and inventions did the primitive

Teacher: So, we have done a great job. Examined the Stone Age. Now you need to find out what you, as scientists, learned about this period.

(groups present the results of their work, Whatman on the board) 2-3 minutes

Expression of the solution to the problem. 2-3 minutes

Let's get back to the main question of our lesson. What did we want to find out today?

What answer can you give to this question?

Why is the primitive world called "the childhood of mankind"?

Pupils confer in groups.

    As in childhood, in the era of the Primitive world, they received knowledge about the world

    Learned to live in it

    Separate good from evil

Words from the song If there were no schools ... "

Why do you guys think I read the words from this song?

The word "school" has more than one meaning ...

Another "school" is some kind of test passed by a person.

Can we say that a person went through a certain school of life, enduring hunger, cold, surviving in the ancient world?

But after going through difficulties, the main thing is to remain human.

How was kindness manifested in the primitive world?

And now?

Lesson summary."Free microphone"

What did you find difficult, incomprehensible?

What, in your opinion, seemed the most interesting?

D / s repeat the theme of the ancient stone age,

The primitive (pre-class) era in the development of mankind covers a huge time interval - from 2.5 million years ago to the 5th millennium BC. NS. Today, thanks to the works of archaeological researchers, it is possible to restore almost the entire history of the emergence of human culture. In Western countries, its initial stage is called differently: primitive, tribal society, classless or egalitarian system.

What is the era of the primitive world?

They appeared in different territories at different times, so the boundaries that delineate the primitive world are very blurred. One of the largest anthropologists interested in primitive history - A.I. Pershits. He proposed the following division criterion. The scientist calls societies that existed before the appearance of classes apopolitical (that is, those that arose before the emergence of the state). Those that continued to exist after the emergence of social strata were synpolite.

The era of the primitive world gave birth to a new species of man, which was different from the previous Australopithecus. could already walk on two legs, and also use a stone and a stick as tools. However, this was where all the differences between him and his ancestor ended. Like Australopithecus, a skilled person could only communicate using shouts and gestures.

The primitive world and the descendants of the Australopithecus

After a million years of evolution, the new species called Homo erectus was still very little different from its predecessor. He was covered with hair, and his body parts looked like monkeys in everything. He also still looked like a monkey in his mannerisms. However, Homo erectus already possessed a large brain, with the help of which he mastered new abilities. Now man could hunt with the created tools. New tools helped primitive man to butcher animal carcasses and hew wooden sticks.

Further development

Only thanks to the increased brain and the acquired skills, a person was able to survive the ice age and settle in Europe, Northern China, and the Indian subcontinent. About 250 thousand years ago, or homo sapiens first appeared. From this time on, primitive tribes began to use animal caves for habitation. They settle in them in large groups. The primitive world begins to take on a new look: this time is considered the era of the birth of family relations. People of one tribe are beginning to be buried according to special rituals, their graves are surrounded by stones. The finds of archaeologists confirm that a man of that era was already striving to help his relatives in diseases, sharing food and clothing with them.

The role of fauna in human survival

In the primitive era, the environment, namely the animals of the primitive world, played an important role for the evolution, development of hunting and animal husbandry. Many long-extinct species belong to this category. For example, woolly rhinos, musk oxen, mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, cave bears. The life and death of human ancestors depended on these animals.

It is reliably known that primitive man hunted woolly rhinos already about 70 thousand years ago. Their remains were found on the territory of modern Germany. Some animals did not pose a particular danger to primitive tribes. For example, despite its impressive size, the cave bear was slow and clumsy. Therefore, the primitive tribes easily defeated him in battle. Some of the first tamed animals are: the wolf, which gradually became a dog, and a goat, which gave milk, wool and meat.

What was evolution actually preparing man for?

It should be noted that the multimillion-dollar evolution of man prepared for survival precisely as a hunter and gatherer. Thus, the main goal of the evolutionary process was the primitive in man. The new world with its class stratification is a completely alien environment for people.

Some scholars compare the emergence of a class system in society with expulsion from paradise. At all times, the social elite could afford better living conditions, better education and leisure. Those who belong to the lower class are forced to be content with minimal rest, hard physical labor and modest housing. In addition, many scientists are inclined to believe that morality acquires very abstract features in a class society.

Decline of the primitive communal system

One of the reasons why the primitive world was replaced by class stratification is the overproduction of material products. The very fact of excessive production testifies to the fact that at a certain moment society reached a high level of development for its time.

Primitive people learned not only to produce tools and household items, but also to exchange them among themselves. Soon leaders began to appear in primitive society - those who could control the process of producing products. The class system gradually began to replace it. Some primitive tribes already by the end of the prehistoric period were structured communities in which there were chiefs, assistant chiefs, judges and military leaders.

Teacher MBOU "Lyceum" Arzamas

Sukhanova Iraida Anatolievna

Theories of the appearance of man on Earth

Human -

creation of god



land conditions

person - product



Human -




People who lived before

invention of writing, before the appearance of the first states

and big cities.

Foraging - collecting ready-made types of food:

roots, wild fruits, shellfish, etc.

In a primitive society, gathering

coexisted with hunting and fishing.

Stone Age - the oldest period in development

mankind, when the main tools and weapons

were made mainly of stone,

but wood and bone were also used.

According to the characteristics of stone products, the Stone Age was divided into:

  • paleolithic ancient stone age;
  • Mesolithic middle stone age;
  • Neolithic new stone age.

Art is a creative reflection

reality by a person.

Religion is a belief in existence

higher divine power.

The ancient funeral rite testifies to the emergence of what new views among people?

The territory of our region at that time -

tundra and forest-tundra

Glacier melting in Western Asia drought

death of many animals and plants.

The ecological crisis has forced people to start artificially planting plants and raising animals.



9 thousand years called.



9 thousand years called.



10 thousand years called.



15 thousand years called.



9 thousand years called.



7 thousand years called.



5.5 thousand years called.

A donkey


6 thousand years called.

Homo erektus -

the first person to go outside Africa


1 million

years ago


500 - 700 thousand

years ago



400 thousand liters back

V brain -

V brain -

1000 cm3 .

V brain -

1000 cm3 .

  • - 900 cm3 .

Homo sapiens ( Homo sapiens) .

30 - 40 thousand years ago.


V brain -

1. Insert the missing words into the text.

Epoch primitive the world- this is the time of the appearance of the first of people and them resettlement across the planet.

Insert the missing words into the text.

In a primitive society, people united in unions tribes and clans which consisted of of people who had common ancestors. A real person who cannot do evil was considered only his own person. cities and tribe .

2. Using your knowledge from the sections of the course "The World Around", circle those features of primitive man, in which he differed from animals.

  1. I walked on two legs.
  2. Lived in a cave.
  3. Manufactured tools.
  4. I went hunting.
  5. He dressed in animal skins.
  6. I was not afraid of fire.
  7. Developed, came up with something new.
  8. He had mobile, dexterous limbs.
  9. Communicated through speech.
  10. He could foresee, predict the results of his actions.

Circle those features of primitive man, with which he looked like animals.

3. Write in the box how many years ago these events took place.

Plot the same data into the boxes on the “river of time” (page 31).
On the “river of time”, look at the drawings that represent the achievements and inventions of the people of the Primitive world. Write captions for these drawings: taming a dog, mastering fire, farming, settling on the planet.

4. Complete the tasks for the contour map (see pages 82-83)

  • Sign the names of the oceans.
  • Sign the parts of the world.
  • Paint over the place where the ancestral home of humanity was.
  • Paint over the areas where the first civilizations originated.

Write down in which parts of the world the first civilizations were located.

Asia, Africa

5. Look carefully at the pictures. What do you think primitive people would have done? Draw iri write the continuation of this story from the point of view of primitive morality.

Primitive people seized the found boy from a foreign tribe, tied him up and brought him to their village. After that, they tied him to a tree so that the prisoner would not escape anywhere. In the evening, when the whole tribe gathers in the center of the village, this strange boy will be sacrificed to the spirits.

Continue the sentence.

Position (opinion) I wouldn't want to be treated the same way captured and sacrificed.
Argument (s) because people should not harm each other, but should help, even strangers.

Think about how you, a person of the XXI century, would act in a similar situation. Draw or write a continuation of this story from the point of view of a modern person.

If I saw an injured boy, I would call an ambulance and then call the boy's parents to inform them of the incident. Then I would have stayed to hold him until the ambulance or his parents arrived. I would try my best to help him.

Make a conclusion.

Position (opinion) I believe that modern people should help each other, especially in difficult situations.
Argument (s) because you need to treat people the way you want them to treat you. People should be kinder to each other.