Creative story of a thunderstorm is an island presentation. History of creation, image system, techniques characteristics of heroes in the play A

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History of creation, image system, techniques characteristics of heroes in the play A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" "The most resolute work of Ostrovsky"

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The story of the creation of the play The work has a generalizing meaning, it is not by chance that the Ostrovsky called his fictional, but surprisingly real city with a non-existent name of Kalinov. In addition, the play of the play was the impressions of the trip along the Volga in the composition of the ethnographic expedition to study the life of residents of the Volga region. Katerina, remembering childhood, talks about sewing on velvet gold. This fishery writer could see in the city of Tverskaya province.

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The meaning of the name "Thunderstorm" thunderstorm in nature (action 4) is a physical phenomenon, external, independent of heroes. Thunderstorm in the soul of Katerina - from the gradual confusion caused by love for Boris, to the flock of conscience from betrayal husband and to the feeling of sin in front of people, pushing to repentance. Thunderstorm in society - the feeling of people spoken by the invariability of the world, something incomprehensible. Awakening in the world of non-free feelings. This process is also shown gradually. Initially, only the strokes: there is no proper respect in his voice, does not comply with the decency, then disobedience. Thunderstorm in nature is an external reason that provoked and thunderstorm in the soul of Katerina (it was she who pushed the heroine to recognize), and a thunderstorm in a society, which was dumbfared because someone went in advance.

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The meaning of the name of the "Thunderstorm" output. The meaning of the title: the thunderstorm in nature is refreshing, the thunderstorm in the soul - cleans, the thunderstorm in society - illuminates (kills).

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The position of women in Russia in 1 half of the 19th century. In 1 half of the 19th century, the position of a woman in Russia was in many ways dependent. To the marriage, she lived under the continued power of the parents, and after the wedding, her master was becoming her owner. The main activity of the woman's activity, especially the lower estates, was a family. According to the rules adopted in society and enshrined in "Domostroy", she could only count on a home role - the role of his daughter, wife and mother. The spiritual needs of the majority of women, as in Doparyrovskaya Rus, satisfied the folk holidays and church services. "Domostroy" is a monument of Russian writing of the 16th century, which is a set of family life rules.

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The era of the change of Piece "Thunderstorm" was created in the preforming years. It was the era of political, economic and cultural change. The transformations affected all the sectors of society, including the medium of merchants and burghers. The old way of life collapsed, the patriarchal relationship went into the past - people should adapt to new conditions of existence. In the literature of the mid-19th century, changes also occur. At this time, the main characters of which were representatives of the lower classes were specially popular. They were interested in writers primarily as social types.

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System of acting persons play speaking surnames Age of heroes "The owners of life" "Victim" What place is Katerina in this image system?

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The system of acting persons play by wild: "You're worm. I want to give me, I will want to give up. " Kabaniha: "I see a long time that you want Will." "That's where the will leads something." Kudryash: "Well, it means that I am not afraid of him, and the forests are afraid of me."

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The system of acting persons of the play of Barbara: "And I was not a deceiver, yes I learned." "And in my opinion, do what you want, if only Shito, it was." Tikhon: "Yes, I, Mama, and I don't want to live my will. Where can I live your will! " Kuligin: "It's better to delete."

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Features of the disclosure of the characters of the Heroes of Katerina - a poetic speech, reminiscent of spell, crying or a song filled with folk elements. Kuligin is a speech of an educated person with "scientific" words and poetic phrases. Wild - speech is replete with rude words and curses.

Presentation on slides

Slide text: The history of the creation of the drama "Thunderstorm".

The text of the slide: the creation of "thunderstorms" was preceded by the Journey of Ostrovsky along the upper Volga, undertaken on the task of the Maritime Ministry. The result of this trip was the island's diary, a lot of provincial upper allegiance in his perception of life. "Merry starts with Pereyaslavl, - he writes down in the diary, - land, rich in the mountains and waters, and the people and the tall, and beautiful, and smart, and frank, and mandatory, and the free mind, and the soul of the Naraspa.

The text of the slide: "We are standing on a circular grief, we have a Volga under our feet, and the ships go back and forth here on sails, then burles, and one charming song pursues us irresistible ... And there is no end to this song ... Impressions from Volga Cities and villages, from the most beautiful nature, meetings with interesting people from the people were drunk for a long time in the soul of playwright and poet before such a masterpiece of his work was born as "thunderstorm."

The text of the slide: for a long time it was believed that the plot of the drama "Thunderstorm" was taken from the life of the Kostroma merchants, and the work was based on the sensational case of the canine. Up until the beginning of the 20th century, many Kostromichi with Hornevia pointed to the Katerina's suicide place - a gazebo at the end of a small boulevard, in those years literally hung over the Volga. Pointed to the house where she lived.

The text of the slide: A. P. Klyova was issued sixteen years in a sullen merchant family, consisting of old people of parents, son and daughter. The hostess of the house, harsh old supplies, forced the young snow to do any black work, refused to see her to see her relatives. At the time of the Drama, Klyova was 19 years old. In the past, she was brought up with his beloved grandmother, was a girl cheerful, lively, cheerful. The young husband her, fangs, carefree, an apathetic man, could not protect his wife from the mother-in-law of mother-in-law and treated them indifferent. There were no children in the canine. And here on the way, another person, Maryn, who serves the post office, got up. Suspicions began, scenes of jealousy. It ended in that on November 10, 1859, the body A. P. Klyukov was found in the Volga. There was a noisy trial that was widely published.

The text of the slide: many years have passed before the researchers of Ostrovsky's creativity accurately found that the "thunderstorm" was written before the Kostroma Kuchach Klykov rushed in the Volga. But the very fact of such a coincidence speaks of the brilliant volatility of the playwright, deeply felt the dramatic conflict between the old and new, the conflict, in which the Dobrolybov seek "something refreshing and encouraging" in the merchant life of the top Volga.

The text of the slide: to write "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky began in June - July 1859 and graduated from October 9 of the same year. For the first time, the play was published in the journal "Library for reading" in the January issue of 1860. The first representation of "thunderstorms" on stage was held on November 16, 1859 in the Small Theater in Benefis S.V. Vasilyeva with L.P. Nikulina-Kosicina in the role of Katerina

Slide text: Thank you for your attention!

The meaning of the title of the Piez "Thunderstorm". Inability to hire. Behavior of hypocritical. Moscow State University. Kudryash. Ostrovsky style features. N.A. Dobravubov. Catherine protest. Small academic art theater. Monument to A.N.ostrovsky. Polemics around the play. Columbus Zamoskvorechye. The results of the actions of the heroes. The main topic of "thunderstorms". Love. Human feelings. Who is terrible - Kabanova or Wild.

"The play of Ostrovsky" Nuredannica "" - Romance. Lee Larisa Paratov needs. Groom Larisa. Love for Larisa. Ostrovsky's mystery. Poetic lines. Sad song about the idleness. Ostrovsky. Skills presenting your thoughts. Shot of Karandyshev. What is the person's paraty. Cruel romance. Gypsy song. Acquisition of text analysis skills. What Karandyshev. Problem issues. Piece analysis. What gives the Gypsy song play and the film.

"Piece" Dustpannica "" - and everyone looks at Larisa as a stylish, fashionable, luxurious thing. Final scene. All actions of the hero are motivated by the desire to support such an impression. Or maybe here is the right decision: the frank offer of Knurova .... Larisa. Female images. Mother leader, for example. "Didnote". Former merchants turn into businessmen millionaires. Katerina. Katerina is a truly tragic heroine. Like Katerina, Larisa belongs to women with a "hot heart."

"The pies of the island" thunderstorm "- in the center of the city - the market square, nearby the Old Church. Katerina Boris Kuligin Varvara Kudryash Tikhon. What is the similarity and distinction of wild and kabani characters? What opinion do you hold and why? Boris. Tikhon is kind, sincerely loves Katerina. Could Katerina find happiness in the family? Tikhon - from Greek: Successful, calm. What can Katerina differ from other heroes of the drama "thunderstorm"? Kudryash.

"Ostrovsky" Nonmennica "" - usually the name of the Pieces of Ostrovsky saying, proverbs. A.N. Ostrovsky drama "Dustpannica". Characters. Symbolic meaning of names and surnames. Discussion of the image of L.I. Ogudallova. Ideas of creativity A.N. Ostrovsky. At first glance, the first two phenomena are the exposition. The purpose of the lesson. What we learn about the paraitas. Paratov Sergey Sergeevich. Karandyshev. Analysis of the drama "Damnant".

"Heroes of" Snow Maiden "- tests for consolidation on the topic. Santa Claus. Lie Elements of Russian folk rituals. Love. Music Roman Corsakov. Test results. Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. Magic wreath. Snow Maiden. Characters. Dance birds. Spring fairy tale. Songs. Beauty of nature. Rimsky-Korsakov. Huge power. Power and beauty of nature. Morning love. Composer. What heroes are just fabulous. The ideals of the author. Musical instruments.

Signatures for slides:

Ostrovsky began to write in June - July 1859 and graduated from October 9 of the same year. For the first time, the play was published in the journal "Library for reading" in the January issue of 1860. The first representation of "thunderstorms" on stage was held on November 16, 1859 in the Small Theater in Benefis S.V. Vasilyeva with L.P. Nikulina
In the role of Katerina.
The creation of "thunderstorms" was preceded by the Journey of Ostrovsky along the upper Volga, undertaken on the task of the Maritime Ministry. The result of this trip was the island's diary, a lot of provincial lifetime in his perception
Means begins, - he writes in the diary, - Earth, abundant mountains and waters, and the people and the tall, and beautiful, and smart, and frank, and mandatory, and the free mind, and the soul of the Naraspa.
Many years passed before the researchers of Ostrovsky's creativity accurately found that the "thunderstorm" was written over a month before the Kostroma Kechakha Klykov rushed to the Volga. Subsequently, such cases were found in Plesa and Kineshma.
But the very fact of such a coincidence speaks of the brilliant volatility of the playwright, deeply felt the dramatic conflict between the old and new, the conflict, in which the Dobrolybov seek "something refreshing and encouraging" in the merchant life of the top Volga.
The drama "Thunderstorm" was created in the conditions of directly preceding the abolition of serfdom. She confirmed the idea of \u200b\u200bN. Dobrolyubov, expressed in the article "Dark Kingdom": "Ostrovsky has a deep understanding of Russian life and the great ability to portray sharply
and lively the most essential sides. "
History of creation
. Ostrovsky
A. P. Klyova was issued sixteen years in a sullen merchant family, which consisted of old people of parents, a son and daughter. The hostess of the house, harsh old supplies, forced the young snow to do any black work, refused to see her to see her relatives.
At the time of the Drama, Klyova was 19 years old. In the past, she was brought up with his beloved grandmother, was a girl cheerful, lively, cheerful. The young husband her, fangs, carefree, an apathetic man, could not protect his wife from the mother-in-law of mother-in-law and treated them indifferent. There were no children in the canine.
And here on the way, another person, Maryn, who serves the post office, got up. Suspicions began, scenes of jealousy. It ended in that on November 10, 1859, the body A. P. Klyukov was found in the Volga. There was a noisy trial that was widely published.
A strong, protesting character of Katerina, its ending death of an irreconcilable struggle raise "thunderstorm" to the level of the folk tragedy.
Ostrovsky calls her drama
Since the heroine of the play comes from the Patriarchal Meshchansky environment and much attention is paid in the play with the household side of life.
For a long time it was believed that the plot of the drama "Thunderstorm" island took from the life of the Kostroma merchants, and the work was founded by the sensational case of the canine.
Up until the beginning of the 20th century, many Kostromichi with the Hornie pointed to the Katerina suicide - a gazebo at the end of a small
In those years, literally hung over the Volga. Pointed to the house where she lived.
Piece "Thunderst" - drama or tragedy
In the play "Thunderstorm"
In the tragedy. "Very tense, irreconcilable conflict, ending most often by the death of the hero. The hero turns out to be superior to his force obstacle." "Literary Article" ed. L.

Tense, tragically sharp conflict leads to the death of the heroine
"Only the Higher Man may be a hero or the victim of tragedies" (V. Belinsky). "It needs noble characters" (Aristotle)
Strong, passionate character of Katerina allows us to consider her victim of tragedy
The conflict of the tragedy "is exceptional in its importance, reflecting in the most pointed form leading, progressive trends in social and historical development." "Literary Article"
Katerina joins not a private nature, and public: "Dark Kingdom" - awakening personality
Changing the initial position at the end of the tragedy
Thunderstorm swept over the city and at the end of the play everything became different
"We stand on
Mount, under your feet, we have a Volga, and the ships go back and forth here on sails, then burlacs, and one charming song is haunting us irresistible ... and there is no end to this song .. "
The impressions of the Volga cities and villages, from the most beautiful nature, meetings with interesting people from the people were accumulated in the soul of playwright and poet before such a masterpiece of his work was born as "thunderstorm."
Disputes about the genre of the play
Disputes around "thunderstorms" are determined, firstly, the nature of the genre, since the work intended for the scene involves various
secondly, the content of the content, since the socio-moral conflict, thirdly, is the active development of critical thought in this period.