Read about parallel worlds history. Parallel worlds - proof of existence, how many parallel worlds exist? How to get into the parallel world

I live in a tiny military town on one of three streets. My street is built up mainly by four-story bricks "crushes" and seems to be incredible to sadness. But already twice it happened something strange. About the first time I will tell at the end of the story, and the second took place just last night.

Yesterday I went for a walk with a neighbor's peel, which the owners instructed my care for the time of departure. It was already quite late, more than eleven in the evening. In the entrance, I heard Cat Oer on the street, and when we went to the courtyard, it turned out that this is a stray cat, whom we feed, quietly with a white cat from the first entrance ... I always hurry to help my cat, so shrinkled On white.

This story happened to my cousin named Sergey when he was nine years old, in the distant 1978. Then he lived with his parents in a small village, in a good stone house, which his father built his own hands. Actually, Sergey and now lives there, but alone. Parents died, and with his wife he, as they say, did not work out. It is not particularly soluble, he does not like his house very much and did not move away from there, even when it was forced very serious circumstances. Only one unpleasant memory is connected with this home, which although it does not overshadow the overall picture, but not erased from memory for many years.

I want to tell my story. Previously, anywhere did not share similar, although the stories are "wagon and a small trolley."

At that time I was about 13. Summer, vacation, who will not please this beautiful season?

We sent me to the sister on the so-called rehabilitation. Small village, near the river. A total of about 200 tenants, mostly old-timers. As it was done, all young people in the city are looking for prospects for further, secured life. About the old men also do not forget, you can often find young families on weekends, who came to visit their native land. So, closer to business.

The third day of my stay in the "link" came, how suddenly the parents decided to visit me, and go to the river, relax, squeeze.

UPD 04/02/2018. The material is complemented by a new publication.

The case was in the distant 90s, when there was a fashion for all anomalous - UFOs, contactees and other mystics. My friend and I have been a little psychic and often went to the exhibitions of artists, the benefit of them (exhibitions) was a lot in our city. Have a friend even X-ray eyesight opened at the time. I wanted to then learn to adapt to any types of energy, the benefit at that time a little also dealt with this - the energy could be on subjective sensations - barbed, cold, warm, etc.

I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that there are almost no people who would have a mysterious one way or another. In the sky, on Earth or in the sea ... It is another thing that this contact is enclosed or remains unnoticed. And one more important aspect of contact - now imagine the ant runs through the forest in search of contact - whether he will perceive a person as a counterpart or just hang around. People perceive UFOs, reasonable behavior of ball lightning, adjacent worlds (houses and other good guys).

For example, one of the thousands of cases - I look out the window, outside the window "Moon" is yellow, half graduates in diameter, suddenly it starts to fall vertically down and disappears behind the forest.

My family - I, husband Kostya and the daughter of Adrian - lives in the house, which before many years was a small railway station, that is, 5 rooms have. We bought the building for pennies, because there were no communications there. Repaired completely, broke the vegetable garden, lawn, lacking. Near the forest, from the terrace you can see the snow-covered mountains even in the summer. There are no neighbors, 150 meters from the house, closer to the forest, shepherd. But we do not communicate with the shepherds, they have their own things, our own. On the other hand, behind the house of railway lines and 30 meters - a new railway station. Behind the house close to the fence, the husband was seeded by a curly plant - a bush, which blooms with white small flowers and smells just a pleasantly pleasant.

Back in the fifties, American physicist Hugh Everett substantiated the secrets of quantum mechanics. The meaning of the "multi-line" universe is that each new event is possible and causes the separation of the universe. The number of alternative outcomes is equal to the number of worlds. An example was brought: the driver of the car sees the pumped pedestrian on the road. In one reality, he avoiding the departure, heifest himself, to another falls into the hospital and remains alive, in the third pedestrian dies. The number of alternative scenarios is infinite. The theory was recognized as fantastic and for many years they are safely forgotten.

At present, the opinion of scientists has changed, evidence has appeared that we live only in one of the many parallel worlds, and not in the only one.

I got a higher technical education, but not possessing deep knowledge of quantum mechanics. Nevertheless, I had the opportunity to move into parallel worlds and go back. Skeptics can argue me, they say this hallucination or vision of inflamed consciousness. I will not persuade anyone, just share the experienced.

The first case occurred in gentle age when the chumadic is the larch, and the knees are always broken. In the afternoon, in the presence of my mother and grandmother I screamed in full voice from fear. Adults could not understand what happened, I screamed through the tears: "Tiger! Huge Tiger! " He scalled his teeth, pressed her ears, published a formidable roar and beat his tail about the floor. Then somehow came to my senses, the other world was closed, I calmed down. Not only the tiger was my wrong guest. Can Higher power I was regretted, I was too small for such travel. Transitions to other worlds for several years were closed to me.

Everything was repeated in student years. I went to the Institute for classes with a classmate. It remained to go through the road, as suddenly, I saw on the other side, at the entrance to the institute, myself. I watched myself, peeringly identified my wardrobe. Errors could not be, it was my own person. At that moment, when, almost fell out of the words, addressed to my companion: "Lyudmila, already waiting for us at the door of the institute," everything disappeared. I understood the entire absurdity of what was happening for others and was incredibly glad that I did not have time to say anything. Soon I forgot about this case. But it was just the beginning of my travels.

Returned home, past me slowly dripped a trolley bus with a lonely passenger in the cabin. I learned my friend. She sat by the window, not naturally smoothly, looked forward. I was surprised by the fact that the familiar did not come out at the stop, which was opposite her at home. I decided that the woman thought, drove his stop and now it will be in a trolleybus park, which was very close. At that moment I did not see any other transport or people. Holding trolleybus in the field of view, went after him. As soon as he heard the sound of the opening doors, everything changed. Passersby and cars appeared, heard the noise of a big city. The most interesting thing is that there was no one in the Salon Trolleybus.

Such plots became frequent phenomenon, I even allowed myself to think, they say, nothing surprising. I seemed to be heard, scenarios changed in their content, I received evidence that I really had in the parallel world.

Somehow in July, on weekends I sent my daughter to a tour bar from the enterprise, where he worked, and herself remained in the city. Usually, employees left for a tourist in two buses - the old Lviv, which was always broken and - Ikarus's excursion brand. The daughter was supposed to go back on Sunday. That evening, I went out of the house. Along the way on the narrow street, the factory bus was noticed ("Lviv"), from which several employees of the plant came out. Looking into the windows of the bus, I went through my eyes among other employees of the plant, who knew in the face, did not see her daughter, he was delighted to return home on a reliable bus and continued his way. Interestingly, and the fact that I did not try to speak with anyone, just watched, although it was from the bus two meters away. On the other day, on Monday, I met the employee who came out of the bus and asked how she had rested on the camp. My question was extremely surprised by her, and I surprised me the answer, because she did not go to the tour duct. Before, I hurried to another employee who also saw the buset. The result was the same, and she did not go to the turbase. I was not in my own, I went to the senior mechanic of the garage. It was necessary to figure out everything about the bus. It was great for my amazement when I found out that the "Lviv" bus in repair, he could not be on the route on the day off. But I saw people on the bus that knew well for many years.

It comes out for a minute into a parallel world, where events unfolded on another scenario. Crossing the line between the worlds, I dwell in a changed consciousness. There were no emotions, nothing bothered to observe what was happening. I tried to figure out what contributed to my transition back and forth. I remembered the American doctor of philosophy and hypnotherapist Michael Newton. He developed the technique of hypnosis (age regression), extracting memories of twisted world. He introduced in hypnosis of patients, received the necessary information from them, then removed them from hypnosis. I was not exposed to hypnosis. If you disassemble the above case, I said keywords by putting energy in them, anxiety. It was very important for me that the daughter returns to reliable transport, the unknownness worried me. I switched to a parallel world where I saw a script in which my daughter did not go to emergency transport. That is, through his journey, he received an answer - the daughter will return on another bus, as I wanted to. This information returned to me the balance and peace, which in turn returned me to the real world.

I did not tell anyone that the trip. I could not understand me. At that time I worked as a leader in the enterprise and my walks could be expensive to me.

Another case is worthy of attention. He spent the guests, returned from the airport home. In the fall, it darkens early, twisted the battlefield of the car does not rush. He felt some vacuum in the head. I think that this allowed me to go to another world. I lost a thread with the real world - thoughts, feelings and emotions. The world has changed, I found myself on the road between the trees, followed by low stone houses. The houses of the houses were frightening dark. I did not watch the lanterns. I did not see anything like this in the city. Everything was someone else's and gloomy. I dropped the speed, the car did not go, and dragged like a fleet of road. Suddenly, I saw a red cat, running right in front of the car, she looked at me through the windshield. I sharply slowed down and stopped. Fear covered me, the hands were trembling, thoughts were confused: "Can't be! How so! Cat has moved. " With caution looked back, there was no one on the road. Doubt in what happened returned me in reality. Even said out loud: "Is there any cats in my world with a car size"? I turned my face forward and saw a familiar street, the road was lit by the lanterns, light burned in the windows of the houses.

Since then, we regularly receive news confirmation of parallel worlds. Not everyone can decipher, I can not explain everything and understand why I need one or another information. I will give an example:

In the evening, passing by the house of the house, felt an irresistible desire to go to her. It was like an unknown guest than surprised her, we broke up with her two hours earlier. From courtesy, she suggested dinner with her. The apartment in which the girlfriend lived was communal. Along a very narrow corridor, about one and a half meters wide, the doors of other rooms were located on different directions. Opposite the girlfriend's room, a lonely grandmother lived. She was sick, no longer got up, no one was secret - a person leaves. I got out of the room, I wanted to wash my hands. And, again, an altered consciousness arose, all the surrounding disappeared, and past me flew along the air with the late. I even had a slightly stood up for a stretcher to hurt me. The deceased was firmly wrapped in white sheets from head to legs. I thought: "Packed a man as if Mumia." My thoughts returned me to reality. I returned to the room and completely revealed, announced a friend: "Today your neighbor, that is, the grandmother will die." Surprise and inhibiting a friend finally returned me in reality. In the morning, the girlfriend reported that at night the grandmother had died, she was wrapped up by white sheets and carried out onto the stretchers. The only difference from my visions was that her people worked.

It was incomprehensible to me that this scenario, the date of death, I did not order a person for me for me. There were no key issues, and I saw what would happen in a few hours.

It must be said that such cases, with unauthorized people for me, more than once came with me. I returned to the city from the area. Approaching the large settlement, I remembered, I will soon pass the traffic police. Prudently dropped speed. Suddenly, the memory pulled the memory of the bins. A few months ago, driving the same fast traffic police, I witnessed the accident. A man moving the road, died under the wheels of the wagon. He lay on the road in a green warmed jacket, torn jeans, densedly the leg of the unfortunate. The memory did not leave, I did not understand why. I was painted: "Well, of course, the jacket on a man was brown, and not green. However, what is the difference, and the deceased all the more. " Here is the traffic police. What happened there again? Some kind of cork formed. I got closer, I understood everything. As under the carbon, an accident occurred. Again the man died, running the road, under the wheels of the wagon. You can imagine my amazement when I saw on the deceased, a warmed green jacket. Also, as with a grandmother, I saw what would happen, specifically in the scenario of my reality. I do not know how to explain it. I did not ask what would happen to me unfamiliar to me. We need to think for what I need this experience, can be understood already close.

I hope to meet like-minded people who are able to take seriously and with understanding to what happens to us. I am sure of the disputes is born a feud, and in the dialogue - truth.



Bear, my friend, works by a psychiatrist in the regional hospital. And, like any psychiatrist, he has interesting patients and cases from practice. They are not so much, as it seems, but there are direct characters from Kunstkamera. And not all of them are so funny, people are not deprived of a good life, and certainly not in their will. For example, he talked about a woman. Meet her on the street - and you will not understand that something is wrong. Goes with a stroller, smiles. Sometimes I will look at the baby, shifts it on the handles. And you will come closer - this is not a child at all, but a doll in a rag. He climbed the mind on the basis of the tragic daughter's death. After cure, the woman became more unhappy, and look worse than before. So think after that, what is better - to live in illusion or in reality?
At seven in the evening, as a schedule, Micah, Brencha bottles in the package fell into my bachelor burgrel. A simple table for homemade gatherings has already been covered. Everything is as usual - vobla, sandwiches and beer.
"We ask you a question," he thought thoughtfully. - Do you know about the theory of "multimist interpretation"?
- MTOMOBER ... What? - I asked.
- This is one of the many theories of quantum physics. She says that perhaps there is an endless set of worlds similar to our. Differences can be as at all insignificant, for example, in one of the worlds you row for dinner sausages, and in another fish, and global so much that not only our world can be different, but the whole galaxy or the universe, - finished explaining the Bear.
- So knew that you would fuck at your work. No wonder there is such an anecdote: "In a mental hospital, who is the first to put a robe - the psychiatrist."
- Yah you. Trying to enlighten the ignorance, and he also calls the psychos. Be that as it may, it was from this question that the patient began to tell you about.
* * *
- Yes, I know about this theory. But I would like to talk about what, you actually came? - I asked the young, decently dressed guy who came to me at the reception.
Bunked through his eyes on his medical map: 25 years, earlier, registered in a psychdisperess did not stand. At the age of 19, there was a traumatic amputation of the mother's right hand at production. Standard ORVI and flu went further.
- You see, there are two options for events that happen to me. Either this is the theory is true, except that these worlds actually intersect, or I went crazy and I need your help, "he said calmly, not showing signs of anxiety or fear.
It became clear that his campaign was carefully thought.
"Let's tell me to tell me about everything that worries you or worries, and then I will try to think about how and what to help you," he was the last patient on this day, so I wanted to finish and go home. "
- I will start with those moments when it started, but I have not yet noticed anything or did not give it values.
- How can you be comfortable. The more I recognize, the better, is my hope to go early instantly went out. We'll have to listen to everything, this is my job.
* * *
- It started three years ago. Once I left the house and noticed that something was wrong. Such a feeling happens when you come to a familiar apartment, and there I was removed or something rearranged. You can't even say exactly what exactly changed, but the feeling does not disappear. When I began to analyze that moment after two years, I remembered that there was always an oak in the courtyard at home. Mighty, with thick branches and powerful roots. I still remembered how in my childhood I collected acorns under it. And now larch grew! The same big and even looks like, but the trees are completely different!
People are very afraid to change their usual world. They are easier to believe in a lie, which supports its existence than the truth that will destroy it. I also did, I, convince myself that no oak was, as if larch had always grew there. Remembering all moments later, I understand how fool was. Constantly convincing himself not to notice the truths, not believing with his eyes and memories, I approached the catastrophe closer.
After that there were still many such moments. Many were so insignificant that I do not remember them. I'll tell you about several remembered. Once, going with a friend, I remembered the "Tarkle" gum, which we often bought for the ruble in the stall. Inside there were still translation tattoos. A friend was surprised by saying that they were called "Malabar". And I was simply sure that he had to jumped into me. Google houses - and right, "Malabar"!
Then he was familiar with the rock concert, who did not recognize me and everything was surprised, where I got his phone number and name. Such events took place every time more and more and more changes. I could no longer constantly justify them with your forgetfulness or changeable memory. And yet tried simply not to think about it. I shore my little world to the last. Even when he was all in the poppipes and cracked on the seams.
The last event was not unexpected, rather, on the contrary, quite predictable if I had not been such a duct. When I came home, I found unusual silence and darkness. There were no eternal dialogues of the heroes of the TV series from the TV, nor a shit or bouffaging of preparing dishes from the kitchen. No, most importantly, greeting my beloved wife's wife. If she left to walk with his friends, he would definitely left a note, sent SMS or called. I immediately did not give me an understanding that everything was wrong at home. There was no wall that she liked so much that I immediately bought it. Instead, my old chest was standing. Moreover, there was nothing at all of her things or what we bought together. From the shock state, I brought me a phone call:
- Where did you go home from work?! - By voice, I recognized my boss with the last work, from where I left a couple of years ago and settled on another, on the recommendation of the test.
- What are you about? - I was perplexed, - I have already quit it for a long time.
- You did not hit your head there? For today I forgive, but next time you will actually be fired.
All that happened simply did not fit in the head. I do not remember how much time passed before I calmed down, and my head began to work again. First of all I called my work, familiar, friends, light. I didn't know anything about me. Friends and acquaintances did not even know that I married, although they were all attended at my wedding. And the light ... I just didn't know the light, or did it seems that he did not know. Her understanding of what I know about her, having frightened it. After that, her phone number was unavailable.
When I calmed down, I began to analyze the earlier that happened to me. And two ideas came to mind: Either I was crazy, which is most likely, or I somehow travel between the worlds, imperceptibly moving from one to another. These worlds differ little, simply in one there was an oak, and in another larch, in one was the gum "Tarkle", and in the other "Malabar". And finally, in one of them I was late for the bus, closed the doors in front of my nose, and met at the stop with a beautiful girl with a light. And in another world, I probably managed to have time for this planned bus and spent it. I could find her again, start meeting and marry her again. But what is the point in this, if I'm a crazy or traveler between the worlds?
* * *
I heard a lot sad storiesI saw mothers who killed his children during the exacerbation, having considered them by demons, and after that, loyadedly sobbing, I did a lot. But heard such for the first time. At first glance, he himself came up with these "other" memories, trying to escape from a lonely reality. But much did not converge. Suppose, the phones and names he learned somehow, but then why does he know so much about his "wife" if she is not familiar with him? Muddy story.
I advised him to talk more with friends, to know if he had no injured memories and where he could learn so much about the light. Perhaps he is familiar with her husband or relative, learned everything about her and forced himself to believe that she was his wife. I shook his hand and said goodbye. No longer came to the reception.
His coupon was hung unclothed, so I called, left the phone number left them. He, having learned who I am, and at what reason I call, I was very surprised. He began to argue that he did not know any psychiatrist, no one knows about any wife and considered that his friends were played. But I still persuaded him to come to the reception.
When the Sidorov came and handed me a hand, I suddenly remembered one item, embarked on me. This Sidorow had no finger, as was written in his map. But at that, the first reception, enthusiastic by the patient's story, I did not give the meanings that all his fingers were intact.
* * *
After that, the story Mishka was silent, and we drank beer for a long time in silence. We both thought about one. Are there any worlds in addition to ours? If they are, what? What decisions did we take there?
"Do you remember how I broke from the branch and broke my leg?" Did you drag me on the hump of good two kilometers? Imagine, my parents do not remember this, "I decided to slow the tension. - Maybe collective amnesia?
"No, there was no such thing," Bear was surprised.
We looked alarmingly on each other, but did not say anything. None of us wanted to destroy their Mirki.

American physicists received sensational confirmations. Four NASA satellites explore space by performing a mission called - MMS. At the end of May 2016, with the help of special equipment, they first observed, the collision of the magnetic fields of the Sun and Earth. Scientists declared that at that moment the space was distorted, and something like a broach appeared in the magnetosphere, in which the traditional laws of physics are increasingly reduced.

Once in such a gap can instantly move to any point of the universe. Specialists of the American Space Agency argue that these are the most parties in parallel worlds.

Parallel worlds can be everywhere, including near us. Researchers argue that the emergence of all anomalous: UFOs, ghosts, Poltergeist and even the ability to foresee the situation for many years ahead - is associated with parallel worlds.

The existence of parallel worlds still write science fiction. But today it becomes obvious that this is no longer fiction.

Where does the "evil" come from and where people disappear

In one Chinese city, the television cameras recorded the moment of teleportation. First drove two cars, then a truck falls into the frame, smoothly gaining speed. I was moving around the cyclist, who was thinking about his own. The collision is inevitable. However, someone at a huge speed flies into the frame, leaving behind a flash of light, and the cyclist with the cart instantly turns out to be on the other side of the street. He is saved.

The incredible case of teleportation was removed on the DVR. A passenger car crosses the tram paths. And suddenly, as if from the air before his hood, another car appears. Driver in shock. He was sure that the roadway is free for travel and as the DVR shows - so it is, but then where did this car come from?

No less strange looks for another incident by the same video recorder. The SUV goes to the right and it is clearly seen that there is no one between the dividing stripes, but suddenly a person appears there. The slow motion shows in detail it that he was nowhere to take.

Cases with the sudden appearance and disappearance of people are known for a long time. One of them is documented in pre-revolutionary Russia. Two peasants grazed cows, and fell into fog. The fog was so strong that they had to sit in the ravine, and when the fog dissipated and the peasants came to the village, it turned out the incredible: they were absent twenty years! How did this happen? They probably got into some pararalx, in contradictions of a spatial-temporal nature.

Evidence of the appearance of skeptics refer to optical deception or violent fantasy eyewitnesses.

At different times, outstanding thinkers who argue that our world is multidimensulated, become ruddled by society. In the sixteenth century, the Catholic Church condemned and sentenced Jordan Bruno to the painful death, which stated the infinity of the universe and the multiplicity of worlds.

In ancient sources, there are allegations that our land, inside the hollow and in depths there are underground inhabitants. No wonder we got a saying from the ancestors: "Fall into Tartarara." Greek mythology He tells about the "Tartar" - ominous underground world.

The philosopher Anaxagoras in the fifth century of our era even built a model of the universe of parallel worlds, in which there are people, cities and heavenly shovels. It would seem that this is a consequence of the early, naive idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of the world, when science was in the infancy, but is it really?

Arkim is the fortified settlements whose age according to scientists reaches four thousand years. This cities system found on a significant area covering Kazakhstan, Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Orenburg regions. According to the testimony of authoritative scientists, it is clearly observed by an illogical flow of time: it slows down, it is accelerated. Expedition members have repeatedly declared disappearances, and then the appearances of their colleagues.

Most likely, there is a breakthrough in some other reality. For us, this is the world of spirits or the afterlife, or some other reality; For them - our reality is the same.

Parallel worlds under scientists microscope

Today, in our presentation, the land and the planets around us are some cobblestones filled with something dense and hot. And all this is dense and hot consists of atoms, and here the paradox arises. Considering through the microscope the atom, which we consider to be a hard ball, we immediately recognize: the atom is not solid - it is just a tiny particle of the dense substance, in the center of the electrons surrounded by a soft cloud, which disappear and pop up from being.

It turns out that in the physical plane, an atom is emptiness, though filled with colossal. And it is enough space for the existence of other worlds, which from time to time can touch.

Once responsible for the abduction of people in unknown spheres considered the spirits, gods or devil.

For the history of its existence, human civilization collected a number of evidence of such a phenomenon as moving over time. And during the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs, and during the Middle Ages, eyewitnesses appeared, telling about meetings not only with ghosts and ghosts, but also with strange people, cars and mechanisms.

About a year ago, the British government declassified a curious document. It is associated with the mystical episode of the First World War. It turns out in 1915, two battalions of the Norfolksky regiment were disappeared without a trace, which landed on the Turkish coast as a landing. 267 soldiers under the command of the colonel of the bobbing moved towards the reprimand of the enemy. On the way, the soldiers entered the cloud of fog, and when he dispersed - no one was in place. The bodies of the missing British were not found so far.

And this is not the only case when people, airplanes, ships disappear without a trace. Over the past century, dozens of books are written about it.

Who leaves modern items in the past

Sensational finds made Chinese scientists. During the excavations of the ancient tomb, a strange subject was discovered. At first, they thought that this is a ring, but clearing it from dirt, I realized that it was a clock. And not just a clock, and Swiss. Inside the corresponding modern inscription was made. The clock arrows stopped at ten o'clock six minutes. But how so? After all, the tomb of 400 years and never opened it.

Until now, none of the scientists can clarify the situation with another find-made in the US in 1934. The usual appearance of the hammer literally enament into limestone by age about 140 million years. The composition of the iron made at the Ohio Technology Institute showed that such a pure metal did not receive in the entire history of industrial metallurgy.

These artifacts are scattered around the world, including in Russia. Modern things are found literally imagined into rocks that millions of years. One of the conclusions may be like this: perhaps after a while, people will create a time car and can travel in the past. The same Swiss watches found by Chinese archaeologists may have lost the guest from the future.

Parallel worlds - cases of life The reality of parallel worlds parallel world is a reality that exists simultaneously with our, but regardless of it. This autonomous reality has various sizes: from small geographic areas to whole universes. In the parallel worlds, the events occur in their own way, they may differ from our world, both in separate details and dramatically, in almost everything. At some time, the borders that share us become almost transparent, and the uninvited guests are provided in our world (or we become guests). There are quite a few cases when parallel worlds intersect. For example, a strange case of human disappearance is known. It happened in the Vladimir region. The young bride was preparing for the wedding, pleasant trouble was a lot. And so, when all the preparations were behind, and before the wedding there were quite a bit of time, she is full of her maidial unrest and experiences, went to relax to her bedroom, where her wedding dress was prepared. Once again, looking around his flawless dress and veil, she lightened to take a nap. And here, through the sleep of the bride he heard some incomprehensible rustling, from which immediately and woke up. To his surprise, she saw a strange man standing in front of her bed, who reminded her dwarf from children's fairy tales. He had a greenish face, the cheeks are very impossible, which clinically converged on the chin, for some reason, his eyes were closed. In shock, she closed her eyes herself, but he died a little, decided to see if it was not given it before the wedding. Opening his eyes, she almost lost feelings, this stranger at the same moment also opened his almond-shaped huge eyes, the bright green light of which literally lit the bride's bedroom. She lost consciousness and remembered nothing more. I wanted to go to the room to the room to help get ready for the wedding, but the door was closed from the inside and the daughter did not respond. After waiting for some time, and already feeling something wrong, the parents broke the door castle, and saw that the room was empty. The bride disappeared without a trace. Instead of the planned wedding they had to call the police, who was also unable to explain this mysterious disappearance. They checked all the windows and doors, and came to the conclusion that they did not open, and the foreign fingerprints did not find them. The wedding was upset, the groom was in a panic from the incomprehensible disappearance of the bride. He climbed the most terrible thoughts. Phoned all acquaintances, friends and friends, but they could not help investigate this mysterious case. After two days, the parents killed by grief were sitting early in the morning in the kitchen and moved various options for the disappearance of people who heard from familiar and from the media. Suddenly, it seemed to them that someone had in the apartment. The entrance door was locked on all the locks, there was no one at home besides. After overlooking, they went to inspect the apartment. When the sleeping daughter was opened, the mother fainted, the father was dumbfounded from the painting seen. On the bed, they sat her daughter and squeezed sweetly, trying to finally wake up. Seeing parents in such a state, she rushed to help them. After everyone came to themselves, they sat down and embraced his daughter for a long time, as if they were afraid that she could again disappear and slowly rejoiced her return. She told them about the strange dwarf, who visited her on the night before the wedding, but did not remember anything else. Waking up, she thought that it was just a dream. She could not come to mind that she was absent such a long time. This case had allocated all Vladimir and the area adjacent to it. In the house of the bride came researchers engaged in paranormal phenomena, but there were no traces of anomalies in the apartment. This amazing case, they explained by many parallel worlds existing in space, and in rare cases sometimes come into contact with each other. 1974, October 25 - Robert Wyoming went hunting. In vain, drumming the whole day in the forest, he, in the end, for about four pm literally faced his nose to the nose with a huge bison. Mighty bull stood at a distance of some 30 meters from the hunter. Riding a gun and aiming, Wyoming shot ... Everything that happened further resembled sleep. The bullet, as if in a slow filtle, slowly flew by meters 15 and gently fell to the ground, into the falling autumn foliage. The hunter was shocked. But barely coming to himself, he again experienced a shock. Not far away, he saw something resembling ... Spaceship! Near the ship were amazing creatures. They approached him, and one of the creatures asked the hunter, as he feels ... Wyoming woke only in the hospital, where he delivered the forest security patrol. True, from now on ... 4 days. The fighter pilot of the Royal Air Force of England says: "This case occurred in June 1942. Our squadron was based in the turf, on the Libyan coast, we were engaged in patrolling the Leadant Sea ... This afternoon, my partner Finna Clark enhanced the engine, the techniques could not immediately repaired and sent me one in their free search. In the sky not a cloud, a bright sun shone. And then I saw such that I had to wipe the glass of protective glasses: on the left, in the floor mile from me, I saw sailing ship , small, elegant, absolutely not similar to rude courts of aborigines. It was a large square sail on it, and the oars foamed on the sides! I have never seen anything like that and to consider the ship, I did not fall into it without decreasing. On the deck there were several space and bearded people in white long clothes. They looked into my side and shocked raised fists. On the nose of the ship, on both sides of the Forest, two huge human eyes were drawn. Suddenly, the engine strokes, and I turned "Harricsein" in planning, hoping to reach the shore. But then the engine earned again. I laid the turn, scored height and again ended up over a strange ship. Now the oars were stationary, and the people on the deck were added - everyone looked at me. I decided to make them raise the flag. I turned around, caught the ship in the crosshairs of the sight, turned a little away and pressed the machine gun's gash. Smoky routes stretched forward, the bullets foamed the water band at the rate of the ship. No reaction, besides swinging hands ... The pilot decided to attack the vessel whose command was clearly hostile. But this time the weapon refused, and the mysterious ship suddenly disappeared. And a week later his partner F. Clark died. He managed to inform the base that an enemy sailing ship attacks. After the connection was cut off. ". Did F. Klark died? The ship from the parallel world marked the physical hole from our world to this parallel world. Trying to approach the ship, the plane could slip into this hole and stay in the parallel world. The hole closed, radio communication broke ... Three guys went to the forest, but, passing through the dry log, one of them fell and, as it seemed to him, rolled. Rising he saw that he was not in the forest, but on an endless wheat field, and wheat was heightened with him, and a huge tree was lifted alone on the very field. Not realizing anything, the boy began to rush back and forth until it realized that something incredible happened. Not realizing that he was going to do on the ground and cried, but here he called a very high growth man. The giant pointed to the boy on the barely visible path in wheat. He went on her and again found himself in the forest, only in a completely different place. Hero of this story, after many years, told his story to members of the Perm Commission on abnormal phenomena. Another evidence of the possibility of penetration into our world of creatures from other measurements was found in African jungle. This time, they turned out to be huge monkeys, which are not like any of the types of higher primates living on our planet. They have a torso gorilla, chimpanzee head, the length of the feet is not less than 40 cm, and growth reaches 2 meters. They sleep, while only in the afternoon, and eat food, absolutely not characteristic of monkeys. In addition, like wolves, mysterious monkeys like to throw on the moon. Biologists believe that these creatures cannot be the result of mutation of some terrestrial primates. Finally establish it can only analyze their DNA. But while scientists fail to get a single representative of the giant monkeys. They are so aggressive that they attack even large predators. Therefore, local hunters refuse to track down the "killers of Lviv", as they called these giants. One of the most mysterious places on Earth is considered the so-called black mountain, which is located in 26 km from the Australian town of Kuktauuna (Queensland). She received such a name, because consists of a disreter jet of black granite rocks. Local aborigines are named Her Mountain Death. They try not to approach her, because they believe that the demons living in her womb are devouring people. The first officially registered case of the mysterious disappearance of a person occurred in 1877, when one of the locals, in search of his oxen, entered the labyrinth of huge cliffs. No one did not see anyone else nobody. And in 1907, Constable Ryan disappeared there, who pursued a runaway criminal. Mysterious disappearances happened in subsequent years, they continue in our time. Mountain "swallowed" several gold kits and shepherds, police and aboriginal trailings that tried to reveal her secret. All these disappearances were carefully investigated by the local police, but never came to anything ... 1978 - in one of the psychiatric clinics of Switzerland, the examination of Brigitt X was, for some reason, she proved with persistence that her husband died, although he was alive and healthy and healthy and He was even the father of her future child. According to Brigitta, her husband recently died in a car accident. But somehow coming home from service, she nevertheless saw him at home. Walter X. wondering: After all, the wife considers him a ghost! In reality, he actually came to the car accident, but he received only minor damage. Brigitta same, contrary to the evidence, claimed that he knew perfectly, as Walter was reported to her, and described his funeral in the smallest details. And Martin, and Brigitta passed a comprehensive psychiatric examination, which showed that they have no deviations. The only inspired by the fact of the fact was their strange inconsistent stories about the events, which were supposed to be with them ... These people clearly visited in a different dimension. Bamboo gorge. 1950 - about hundreds of Gomintan soldiers were missing in the gorge, who wanted to find salvation from the competing communist detachments there. In the same year, a private plane of one banker from America, who suffered a catastrophe in this area. 1962 - a similar fate suffered five Chinese geologists and one of two conductors. Another conductor remaining alive and returned to the "big land," recalled: "Suddenly, everything around plunged into a dense fog, and there was a terrible noise. I lost consciousness, and when I woke up, my companions were disappeared, no one. It was". The case in the subway. 1999, May 14 - about 21.00, the train of the Moscow Metro drove from the underground tunnel between the Izmailovsky Park stations and Pervomayskaya (in this place the path is partially ground with access to the edge of Izmailovsky Forest), as suddenly the windows fell darkness. The passengers did not have time to be frightened as darkness dissipated, and the sun light up again. The forest behind the windows was the same, but now, for some reason, people in the soldiers and crackles of shots were heard around the windows and cracks of shots from machine guns and rifles around the edges and in the depths of the forest. Between the forest and the train, the cavalrymen with checkers were jumping and groups - in general, the situation was very much reminded by the battle of the Civil War. But these were not filming the film: Agonia dying looked genuine, as there were genuine explosions and blood. The marok was dissipated as suddenly, as appeared - the train stopped, opened the doors, after the announcer announced: "Caution, the doors are closed. The next station is "Pervomayskaya", - and the metro again dived into the tunnel. On "May Day" everything was in order - as it should be in our time. One of the founders of Rome - Romulus disappeared without a trace during the review of his troops - in one instant, the impulse of the wind swept - and the Romulus as if dissolved in the air. Then they found a simple explanation - we wanted to take it to yourself! Greek Cleomed, in the past - a wrestler, the winner of the Olympics, was looking for refuge from the murderers in the temple of Artemis and climbed into a large chest. The pursuers opened the lid and saw Kleomed disappear, as if the smoke was driven by the wind ... in the French city of Arle in Trinity Day, 1579, the believing daughter of Mostotte Pierretta was carried in the church procession of Holy Clara's church procession. Suddenly in front of the clergy and many believers, the girl began to become transparent and disappeared along with the figure. Where it was seen at the last moment, only a muslic veil was left, torn by an unexpected impulse of the wind from her hair, told eyewitnesses of what happened. No one has ever seen her more. 1807, November - English diplomat Benjamen Bathurst, as His servants of St. Slug Hotel assured, "as if I fell through the earth, when I sat down in the carriage. It happened in the German town of Pearleberg, not far from Hamburg. Together with the unfortunate attache, the folder disappeared with the documents, as well as a sable fur coat, which he was going to wrap on the road. Money and other values \u200b\u200bimmersed in the carriage earlier, remained in place. Searches lasted 25 years without any results. "The French adventurer Diderichi, who was in the fortress of Fold in Danzig, while walking the arrestants in the courtyard began to disappear in front of the eyes of confused prisoners and guards. And finally, "dissolved in the air, only his shackles with a ringing fell to Earth" ... While scientists are developing the theory of parallel multi-line, such cases sometimes occur in different parts of our planet and the concrete explanation to them until modern science can give it ...