Reflection of ancient Greek myths in the presentation. Presentation on the topic "Greek mythology

  1. 1. Mythology: Ancient Greek and Mythology: Ancient Greek and Slavic. Slavic. Teacher: S.V. Kupryashova Teacher: S.V. Kupryashova
  2. 2. MythologyMythology Ancient people could not explain the phenomena Ancient people could not explain the phenomena of the surrounding nature, so they inhabited the nature around them, so they inhabited their world with many gods and spirits. One world with many gods and spirits. Some of these deities controlled the movement of the sun, of these deities controlled the movement of the sun, others ruled over the waters, the third gave others dominion over the waters, the third gave good luck on the hunt, the fourth guarded the home luck on the hunt, the fourth guarded the hearth. Legends about gods in the minds of people. The legends of the gods in the minds of people were intertwined with real events, intertwined with real events and phenomena, so gradually phenomena were created, so gradually mythology and mythology were created.
  3. 3. Mythology Mythology For the primitive For primitive man, the mythology of man, mythology was objective, was an objective reality. Reality. The same as for us, the same as for us, for example, the knowledge of it, for example, the knowledge that there are 365 or 366 days in a year, that there are 365 or 366 days in a year.
  4. 4. Ancient mythology Antique mythology The word “antique” in translation from the word “antique” in translation from Latin (antigues) means Latin (antigues) means “ancient”. Antique "ancient". Ancient mythology is considered the most significant in terms of its significance in terms of the degree of its influence on the further development of influence on the further development of the culture of many peoples, in the culture of many peoples, especially European ones. Features of European. By ancient mythology, ancient mythology is understood, the commonality of the Greeks is understood, the commonality of Greek and Roman myths and Roman myths.
  5. 5. Ancient mythology Antique mythology A. Pushkin: “I don’t think A. S. Pushkin: “I don’t consider it necessary to speak about the need to speak about the poetry of the Greeks and Romans: the poetry of the Greeks and Romans: it seems that everyone seems to be every educated man-educated person should have a sufficient notion of a sufficient notion of the creation of the majestic creations of the stately antiquity.”
  6. 6. Myths of Ancient Greece Myths of Ancient Greece The origin of the world and the origin of the world and the gods. Initially, there was only eternal, only eternal, boundless, dark, boundless, dark Chaos. It was in it. It was the source of life. All source of life. Everything arose from the boundless, emerged from the boundless Chaos - the whole world and Chaos - the whole world and immortal gods, immortal gods.
  7. 7. Chaos gave birth to the most ancient that was in ours Chaos gave birth to the most ancient that was in our nascent universe - time (chronos). The nascent universe - time (chronos). Chronos gave birth to three elements - Chronos gave birth to three elements - Fire, Air, Air, and Water and Water .. The remnants of primitive Chaos were already spinning. This egg was the embryo of the Earth. But here it is, this egg was the embryo of the earth. But then it split into two parts. The top half split in two. The upper half of the shell became the Starry Sky - the shell became the Starry Sky - Uranus Uranus, the lower half became Mother Earth - the lower half became Mother Earth - GaiaGaea. And the liquid. And the liquid that spilled over the body of the Earth - Infinitely spread over the body of the Earth - by the Endless Sea - Pontus. He became the first husband of Gaia. Sea - Pontus. He became the first husband of Gaia. The second was the second was Uranus-Heaven Uranus-Heaven. From their marriage. From their marriage all the Olympian gods and the Olympic gods originated.
  8. 8. Myths of Ancient Greece Myths of Ancient Greece The second husband The second husband of Gaia Gaea was Uranus Uranus - the sky. From them is the sky. From their union, a lot of children were born: first titans - first titans - six giants six male and six male giants and six female, then female, then cyclopycyclops
  9. 9. Myths of Ancient Greece Myths of Ancient Greece KronosKronos (Cronus, Roman - (Cronus, Roman - Saturn) -Saturn) - titantitan, the younger, younger son of Uranus and Gaia, the father of the son of Uranus and Gaia, the father of the Olympic gods of the Olympics .. Zeus Zeus (Zeus -Cronid, Rom. - (Zeus-Kronid, Rom. - Jupiter) - son of Jupiter) - the son of Kronos Kronos and Rhea Rea. Most. The most powerful and powerful of the Olympians, the lord of the Olympians, the lord of all gods, all gods
  10. 10. Myths of Ancient Greece Myths of Ancient Greece The gods divided the world into three kingdoms and the Gods divided the world into three kingdoms and cast lots. Poseidon Poseidon got the right to own the sea, the right to own the sea, Hades took over at the head of the underworld, and Zeus ruled the air of the underworld, and Zeus ruled over the air and everyone who breathes it in and everyone who inhales it. Taking his sister as his legal wife Zeus began to rule the world Zeus took his sister Heru Hera as his legal wife
  11. 11. ApolloApollo ApolloApollo (Phoebus - (Phoebus - "shining"; Musaget) - "shining"; Musaget) - son of ZeusZeus and Latona Latona (Summer), god of light, (Summer), god of light, arrowhead, arrowhead, patron patron of predictions, predictions, arts, music and arts, music and poetry, leader of poetry, leader of music.
  12. 12. AphroditeAphrodite AphroditeAphrodite (Roman - (Roman - Venus) -Venus) - originally a goddess, originally a goddess of fertility, then fertility, then the goddess of love. Goddess is a goddess of love. The goddess was born from the sea, born from the sea foam and drops of blood-foam and drops of the blood of UranusUranus ..
  13. 13. Dionysus Dionysus Dionysus Dionysus (Roman - Bacchus, (Roman - Bacchus, Bacchus) - son of Bacchus) is the son of Zeus Zeus and the mortal woman of the mortal woman Semele Semele, god, god of vegetation, wine-growing, wine and wine-making. And wine-making. Celebrations in honor of Dionysus served as the beginning of theatrical and theatrical performances.
  14. 14. Perseus Perseus Perseus Perseus - a hero, son-hero, son of Zeus Zeus and Danae Danai, killer, killer of the Gorgon Gorgon Medusa Medusa and the liberator liberator of Andromeda Andromeda, daughter, daughter of Kefei Kefei
  15. 15. Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion and Galatea
  16. 16. Theseus Theseus Theseus Theseus - the Athenian-Athenian hero, the son of the Athenianhero, the son of the Athenian king Aegeus Aegeus (or (or Poseidon Poseidon) and) and Ephra, the winner of Procrustes, the Minotaur Procrustes, the Minotaur and others
  17. 17. Paris and Helena Paris and Helena Paris Paris is the beautiful, beautiful son of the Trojan king, son of the Trojan king Priam and Hecuba, Priam and Hecuba, who kidnapped Helen and kidnapped Helen the Beautiful, which became Beautiful, which became the cause of the Trojan cause of the Trojan war
  18. 18. Paris and ElenaParis and Elena
  19. 19. Prometheus Prometheus Prometheus Prometheus is a titan, - a titan, son of a titan son of a titan Iapetus Iapetus (Iapetus) and oceanids (Iapetus) and oceanides Klymene, who gave the Clemens, gave people fire and people fire and crafts, contrary to the will, against the will of the gods of the gods
  20. 20. Erwin Lazar "Fire". Erwin Lazar "Fire". “In the corner stood“ In the corner stood a small small glass bell, a glass bell, like grocers, like grocers, cover yeast. Cover yeast. Near the sign: Near the sign: "Fire of the soul." Under the "Fire of the Soul". There was nothing under the cap, there was nothing ... "it was ..."
  21. 21. Bulat Okudzhava Bulat Okudzhava Into earthly passions Involved in earthly passions, involved, I know that from darkness to light I know that one day an angel will come out of darkness into light, one day a black black angel will come out and shout that there is no salvation, and shout that there is no salvation. But simple-minded and But simple-minded and timid, timid, beautiful, like a good, beautiful, like good news, a message, a white angel following behind, a white angel walking behind will whisper that there is hope, that there is hope. 19891989
  22. 22. Olympics athlete. Olympic athlete. Olympionics - the winner of the Games - the winner of the Games - compatriots paid tribute to compatriots who were honored, which were honored by gods, gods.
  23. 23. Slavic mythology Slavic mythology SlavicSlavic mythology, imifology and religionreligion (Slavic (Slavic paganism) paganism) - - a set of mythological mythological views, beliefs, views, beliefs and cults of Slavic peoples
  24. 24. God Rod God Rod All peoples know himself All peoples know the very first God - this is living, the first God is a living, creative thought, endless creative thought, infinite in time and space in time and space Universe. The cosmos is one, and the universe. The cosmos is one, and, at the same time, it is infinitely simultaneous, it is infinitely many, many. It was the Almighty who created It was the Almighty who created by his thought the Golden Egg, from his thought the Golden Egg, from which his son came out - from which came His son - Rod. This god began to create Rod. This god began to create the visible world. Everything, the born visible world. Everything born by a Rod still carries a Rod, still carries its name: nature, homeland, its name: nature, homeland, parents, relatives, parents, relatives.
  25. 25. Svarog Svarog From the sacred language From the sacred language of the Aryans Sanskrit, Sanskrit dictionary, the word "svarog" is translated as "svarog" is translated as "walking in the sky." The "Heaven Walker." In ancient times and in ancient times, they designated the daytime path, designated the daytime path of the sun across the sky, then the sun through the sky, then they began to call them, they began to call the sky in general, heavenly light, in general, heavenly light. In other words, the son of the Rod In other words, the son of the Rod god Svarog is Father God Svarog is the Heavenly Father. Sometimes his Heavenly. Sometimes he was simply called God. He was simply called God.
  26. 26. StribogStribog The ancient Rus revered the god The ancient Rus revered the god of the winds - Stribog not less than the winds - Stribog no less than other Svarozhichs. Russes of Vinny Svarozhichi. The Rus in deep antiquity, deep antiquity, conquered the sea element. They conquered the sea element. The Rus invented a boat, a rudder, the Rus invented a boat, a rudder, an anchor and a sail. Being an anchor and a sail. Being sailors, the Rus, of course, sailors, the Rus, of course, revered Stribog, who, they revered Stribog, who, turning into a bird, turning into a Stratim bird, can cause or Stress, can cause or tame a storm.
  27. 27. Semergl Semergl One of the Svarozhs was the god of Svarozh was the god of fire - Semarglognya - Semargl
  28. 28. Perun Perun is the God-Thunderer in the God-Thunderer in Slavic mythology and Slavic mythology, patron saint, patron saint of the prince and the squad of the warriors in the Old Russian Ancient Russian pagan pantheon.
  29. 29. Dazhdbog, DazhbogDazhdbog, Dazhbog Dazhdbog - god Dazhdbog - god of the Sun, giver of the Sun, giver of heat and light. His name is warmth and light. His name is heard in the most heard in the shortest, surviving doctor who has survived to this day, prayer: our days, the prayer: "Give, God!" "Give, God!"
  30. 30. Lada Lada Lada - Slavic goddess Lada - Slavic goddess of love and beauty. In the name of love and beauty. In the name of Lada the ancient Slavs, Lada, the ancient Slavs called not only called not only the original goddess, the original goddess of love, but also the whole structure of love, but the whole structure of life - the way, where all life is the way, where everything should have been okay, it should have been okay, that is, good. All people are good. All people should be able to get along each other should be able to get along with each other. The wife called him a friend. The wife called her beloved one, and he called her beloved one, and he called her - sweetheart.
  31. 31. Bereginya Bereginya Ancient Slavs The ancient Slavs believed that Bereginya believed that Bereginya was a great goddess, a great goddess who gave birth to all that exists, gave birth to all that exists. She is accompanied everywhere She is accompanied by radiant horsemen, radiant horsemen, personifying the personification of the sun
  32. 32. MermaidsMermaids are mythological, imythological and folklore, folklore, human-like human-like creature, a creature predominantly female (or female (or spirit) associated with), associated with reservoirs.
  33. 33. Kikimora Kikimora is predominantly a predominantly negative negative character of the Slavic character of Slavic mythology, one of the mythologies, one of the types of house-house ..
  34. 34. Brownie House Slavic peoples of Slavic peoples home home spirit, mythological mythological owner and patron of the house, patron of the house, ensuring the normal life of the family, normal family life, human and animal health, human and animal health, fertility. Fertility. He differs from demoniacs in that he does not differ in that he does not do evil, but only jokes and does evil, but only jokes sometimes, even renders sometimes, even renders services if he loves the owner of a service, if he loves the owner or mistress or mistress
  35. 35. Water Spirit in Slavic mythology in Slavic mythology, the spirit that lives in the vodovod, the owner of the water. The embodiment of the elements The embodiment of the element of water as water as a negative and negative and dangerous beginning, a dangerous beginning.
  36. 36. Goblin
  37. 37. Baba-Yaga Baba-Yaga character is a character of Slavic mythology, Slavic mythology and folklore (especially (especially a magical fairy tale) of Slavic) Slavic peoples, an old woman-people, an old woman-sorceress, a sorceress, endowed, endowed with magic, werewolf
  38. 38. Hut on chicken legs Hut on chicken legs In ancient times, the dead In ancient times, the dead were buried in domovins - they were buried in domovins - houses located above the houses located above the ground on very high grounds on very high stumps with peeking out from the stumps with roots peeping out of the ground, under the ground with roots similar to chicken feet. similar to chicken feet. The houses were placed in such a way that the hole was in a way that the hole in them was facing in them, it was turned in the opposite direction opposite to the settlement, towards the forest settlement, towards the forest
  39. 39. Baba-YagaBaba-Yaga The name "chicken legs" The name "chicken legs" most likely came from "chicken legs", that is, from "chicken", that is, fumigated with smoke, fumigated with smoke, pillars on which the pillars on which the Slavs put “The Slavs built a“ hut of death ”a small blockhouse for death" a small blockhouse with the ashes of the deceased inside the ashes of the deceased inside (such a funeral (such a funeral rite existed among the ancient Slavs back in the VI-ancient Slavs in the VI-IX centuries). ).
  40. 40. Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention! 

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Myth and mythology. Myth is a peculiar form of the world perception of an ancient man, the desire to understand the world. Myth as an aesthetic phenomenon. The main categories of myths. The rise of myths. Myth (from the Greek mythos ("mythos") - legend, legend) is the most ancient form of man's presentation of his worldview. Mythology 1) A set of myths (stories, stories about gods, heroes, demons, spirits, etc.), reflecting the fantastic ideas of people in pre-class and early class society about the world, nature and human existence. 2) Science that studies myths (their origin, content, distribution). In the process of transferring knowledge, information about ordinary and unusual phenomena from generation to generation, a special form of consolidating the memory of humanity is formed - a myth. Myths are a complex cultural phenomenon. They peculiarly capture the ancient history of mankind, and each new generation of modern people reads it in the spirit of assimilated (or lost) cultural traditions. Ancient man in the form of myths and legends tried to answer such global questions as the emergence of the most important phenomena of nature, animals and humans. A significant part of mythology was made up of cosmogonic myths dedicated to the origin and structure of the universe as a whole. Much attention in myths is paid to various stages of people's lives, the secrets of birth and death, the cognition of posthumous existence or non-existence, various tests that a person undergoes in life. A special place is occupied by myths about the achievements of people: making fire, inventing crafts, developing agriculture, taming wild animals, etc. Etiological myths (literally, "causal", that is, explanatory) are myths that explain the appearance of various natural and cultural features and social facilities. Cosmogonic myths tell about the origin of the cosmos as a whole and its parts, connected in a single system. Part of the cosmogonic myths are anthropogonic myths - about the origin of man, the first people, or tribal ancestors (the tribe in myths is often identified with "real people", with humanity). Calendar myths are closely connected with the cycle of calendar rituals, as a rule, with agricultural magic, focused on the regular change of the seasons, especially on the revival of vegetation in spring (solar motives are also interwoven here), to ensure the harvest. Heroic myths record the most important moments of the life cycle, are built around the biography of the hero and can include his miraculous birth, trials by older relatives or hostile demons, the search for a wife and marital trials, the fight against monsters and other feats, the death of the hero. Eschatological myths about the "last" things, about the end of the world, arise relatively late and are based on the models of calendar myths, myths about the change of eras, and cosmogonic myths. In contrast to cosmogonic myths, eschatological myths tell not about the emergence of the world and its elements, but about their destruction - the destruction of land in a global flood, chaos of space, etc.

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Mythological heroes and characters. Mythological heroes - characters of ancient Greek myths Heroes (from the Greek ἥρωας, "valiant husband, leader") are children of a deity or descendants of a deity and a mortal person. Usually mythological heroes were endowed with great physical strength and cruelty. The main difference between heroes and gods is that heroes are mortal. Most heroes are warriors who destroy ancient monsters and fight among themselves. With the development of ancient culture, heroes, in addition to traditional military prowess, began to be endowed with special wisdom, musical gift or cunning. The heroes-diviners (Tiresias, Amphiarai, Kalchant, Trophonius, Pug (diviner), Branch, Idmon), hero-masters (Daedalus, Zeta and Amphion), hero-musicians (Orpheus, Lin), legislators (Theseus) stand out. A peculiar niche was occupied by Odysseus, the cunning hero. The hero is called upon to fulfill the will of the Olympians on earth among people, ordering life and introducing justice, measure, laws into it, despite the ancient spontaneity and disharmony. Usually the hero is endowed with exorbitant strength and superhuman capabilities, but he is deprived of immortality, which remains the privilege of a deity. Hence the discrepancy and contradiction between the limited capabilities of a mortal being and the heroes' desire to assert themselves in immortality. Genealogical tables of mythological characters mentioned by Sophocles Mythological characters MYTHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS AND PLOTS

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olympus Olympus (O l u m p o z) is a mountain in Thessaly where the gods live. The name Olympus is of pre-Greek origin (a possible connection with the Indo-European root ulu / uelu, "to rotate", that is, an indication of the roundness of the peaks) and belongs to a number of mountains in Greece and Asia Minor. On Olympus are the palaces of Zeus and other gods, built and decorated by Hephaestus. The gates of Olympus are opened and closed by the mountains (daughters of Zeus and Themis) when they ride out in golden chariots. Olympus is thought of as a symbol of the supreme power of a new generation of Olympian gods who defeated the titans.

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Zeus Zeus, Diy (Z e u z) · the supreme deity, the father of gods and people, the head of the Olympic family of gods. Zeus is a primordial Greek deity; his name is of purely Indo-European origin and means "bright sky". In antiquity, the etymology of the word "Zeus" was associated with the roots of the Greek words "life", "boiling", "irrigation", "that through which everything exists." Zeus is the son of Kronos (hence the names Zeus Kronid, Kronion) and Rhea, he belongs to the third generation of gods who overthrew the second generation - the titans. Zeus's father, afraid of being deposed by his children, swallowed each time the child just born by Rhea. Rhea deceived her husband, letting him swallow a wrapped stone instead of the born Zeus, and the baby, in secret from his father, was sent to Crete on Mount Dikta. According to another version, Rhea gave birth to Zeus in the cave of Mount Dikta and entrusted his upbringing to the Kurets and Koribants, who fed him with the milk of the goat Amalfea. It was in Crete that the most ancient fetishistic symbols of veneration for Zeus of Crete were preserved: a double ax (labrys), a magic weapon that kills and gives life, a destructive and creative force.

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Apollo Apollo, in Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and the Titanide Leto, the twin brother of the virgin goddess of the hunt Artemis. He occupied one of the main places in the Greek and Roman traditions and was considered an arrow god, a soothsayer, a luminous patron of the arts.

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Dionysus Dionysus, (Roman. Bacchus, Bacchus) in Greek mythology, the eternally young god of the fruitful forces of the earth, vegetation, viticulture and winemaking, known as the "god with bull's horns" because he loved to take the form of this mighty animal, the son of Zeus and the Theban princess Semele. Zeus, who appeared before the princess in a flash of lightning, accidentally incinerated his mortal beloved, but managed to snatch the premature Dionysus from the flame and sewed him into his thigh. In due time, God gave birth to a child and gave it to nymphs to raise. Having matured, Dionysus, wandering through the candle, met Ariadne, abandoned by Theseus, and married Pei. Dionysus was famous as a god who frees people from worries and removes the fetters of measured life, therefore, the procession of Dionysus was ecstatic; it was attended by satyrs, bacchantes and maenads.

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Neptune Neptune is one of the most ancient gods of the Roman pantheon. He was identified with the god of Greek mythology Poseidon. In ancient Rome, on July 23, a holiday was celebrated in honor of the god Neptune, hoping in this way to save the harvest from drought. Almost nothing is known about the origin of this god, but there is no doubt that Neptune has always been associated with water. The god's retinue consisted of such deities as Salacia and Vanilia. The Romans identified Salacia with the Greek goddesses Thetis and Amphitrite. Basically, Neptune was revered by people who were somehow connected with the sea: sailors, merchants, fishermen. This god was also credited with the protection of horses. In honor of the equestrian Neptune, festivities and equestrian competitions were held.

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Jupiter Jupiter, in Roman mythology, the almighty god of the sky, the king of the gods. Jupiter was revered as the supreme deity, the lord of thunder and lightning. One of his nicknames - Lucetius ("luminous") - indicates that he was also considered the god of light. The image of Jupiter combined the features of many ancient Italic deities. He was credited with patronage of agriculture, protection of borders; God monitored the observance of oaths and granted the commanders victory in battle. The Roman generals, returning in triumph from their campaigns, brought thanksgiving sacrifices to Jupiter and carried laurel wreaths to his temple.

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Aurora Aurora in ancient Greek mythology is the goddess of the morning dawn. The word "aurora" comes from the Latin aura, which means "predawn breeze". The ancient Greeks called Aurora the ruddy dawn, the rosy goddess Eos. Aurora was the daughter of the titan Hiperion and Theia (in another version: the sun - Helios and the moon - Selena). From Astrea and Aurora came all the stars burning in the dark night sky, and all the winds: stormy northern Boreas, eastern Evrus, humid southern Not and gentle western wind Zephyr, carrying abundant rains.

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Athena Athena, in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom, just war and crafts, daughter of Zeus and the Titanide Metis. Zeus, having learned that the son of Metis would deprive him of his power, swallowed his pregnant wife, and then he himself gave birth to a completely adult Athena, who with the help of Hephaestus came out of his head in full military clothing. Athena was, as it were, part of Zeus, the performer of his plans and will. She is the thought of Zeus, realized in action. Her attributes are a snake and an owl, as well as aegis, a goatskin shield, decorated with the head of a snake-haired Medusa, possessing magical powers, frightening gods and people. According to one version, the statue of Athena, palladium, allegedly fell from heaven; hence her name is Pallas Athena.

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Themis Themis, in ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of justice. The Greeks called the goddess by different names, for example Temida, Temis. Themis was the daughter of the sky god Uranus and Gaia, the second wife of Zeus and the mother of numerous offspring. Her daughters were the goddesses of fate - moira. In one of the legends, Themis acts as the mother of the titan Prometheus, who dedicated her son to the secret of the fate of Zeus. The Thunderer was to die from one of his children, born to Thetis. In the myth of Prometheus, it is said that the hero discovered this secret only after thousands of years of torment, to which Zeus had doomed him. In Olympia, the inhabitants of Ancient Greece set altars to Zeus, Gaia and Themis side by side, which shows how much they honored this goddess of law and order.

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Hades Hades, Hades, Pluto ("invisible", "terrible"), in Greek mythology, the god of the kingdom of the dead, as well as the kingdom itself. Son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. When the world was divided after the overthrow of his father, Zeus took the sky for himself, Poseidon - the sea, and Hades - the underworld; the brothers agreed to rule the land together. The second name of Hades was Polydegmon ("recipient of many gifts"), which is associated with the countless shadows of the dead living in his domain. The messenger of the gods, Hermes, conveyed the souls of the dead to the ferryman Charon, who transported only those who could pay for the crossing through the underground river Styx. The entrance to the underworld of the dead was guarded by the three-headed dog Cerberus (Cerberus), who did not allow anyone to return to the world of the living.

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Hercules Hercules - in Greek mythology - Greek folk hero, the son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene. In the service of Eurystheus, Hercules performed twelve feats: -1- strangled the Nemean lion with his hands; -2- killed the Lernaean hydra -3- caught the Erimanthian boar alive; -4- caught the Kerineys doe; -5- exterminated the Stymphalian birds; -6- got the belt of the queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta; -7- cleared the stables of Avgius; -8- mastered the Cretan fire-breathing bull; -9- defeated King Diomedes; -10- stole the cows of Geryon and the three-headed giant; -11- got the golden apples of the Hesperides; -12- defeated the guardian of Hades the hellish dog Kerber. Hercules was portrayed as: - a child strangling a snake; - young men resting after a feat or performing a feat; - a mighty bearded man armed with a mace and dressed in the skin of the Nemean lion he killed

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Achilles Achilles, Achilles (A c i l l e u z) one of the greatest heroes of the Trojan War, the son of the Myrmidonian king Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis. In an effort to make her son invulnerable and thus give him immortality, Thetis tempered him in fire at night, and rubbed him with ambrosia during the day. One night Peleus, seeing his young son on fire, snatched him out of his mother's hands (Apollod III 13, 6). According to another version (Stat. Ach. III I 269 trace), Thetis bathed Achilles in the waters of the underground river Styx, in order to make him invulnerable in this way, and only the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable (hence the expression "Achilles heel") ... Offended by the intervention of Peleus, Thetis left her husband, and he gave Achilles to be raised by the wise centaur Chiron, who fed him with the entrails of lions, bears and wild boars, taught him to play the sweet-sounding cithara and sing

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Odysseus Odysseus (O d u s s e u z), Ullis (Ulixes) · king of the island of Ithaca, son of Laertes and Anticlea (Homer "Iliad", IX 308). The genealogy of Odysseus is closely related to the general character of the hero - clever and cunning. According to some versions of the myth, Odysseus is the son of Sisyphus (Soph. Philoct. 417, 1311; Eur Iphig. A. 524), who seduced Anticlea even before her marriage to Laertes (Schol. Soph. Ai. 190). Moreover, Anticlea's father Autolycus - "the great perjurer and thief" (Hom. Od. XIX 396 trail.) Was the son of Hermes and helped him in all the tricks (396-398); hence the hereditary, coming from Hermes, intelligence, practicality, dexterity of Odysseus.

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Medea Medea, in ancient Greek mythology, a sorceress, the daughter of the Colchis king Eetus and the oceanids Idia, the granddaughter of Helios.

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Europe Europe, in Greek mythology, is the daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor, who became the subject of passion of the thunderer Zeus. Flying over the city of Sidon, Zeus saw the girls leading round dances in the meadow and weaving wreaths of bright flowers. The most beautiful of all was Europe - the daughter of a local king. Zeus descended to earth and appeared in the guise of a wonderful white bull, located at the feet of Europa. Europe, laughing, sat on his broad back. At the same moment, the bull rushed into the sea and carried her to the island of Crete, where Europe gave birth to Zeus three sons - Minos, Radamanthus and Sarpedon, and then married the local king Asteria ("star"), who adopted her sons from God. Zeus graciously bestowed upon the rival the mighty copper pelican Talos, who was supposed to guard Crete, bypassing the island three times a day. And he placed a divine bull in the sky - the constellation Taurus, as a reminder to Europe of his great love for her.

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Narcissus Narcissus, in Greek mythology, an unusually beautiful son of the Boeotian river god Kephissus and the nymph Liriope. When the parents asked the soothsayer Tiresias about the future of the child, the sage replied that Narcissus would live to old age if he never saw his face. Narcissus grew up as a young man of rare beauty, and many women sought his love, but he was indifferent to everyone. Among those rejected by him was the nymph Echo, who dried up from grief so that only a voice remained of her. Offended by the inattention of Narcissus, the women demanded the gods to punish him, and the goddess of justice Nemesis heeded their pleas. Once, returning from a hunt, Narcissus looked into an unclouded source and, seeing his reflection in the water, fell in love with it. The young man could not tear himself away from the contemplation of his face and died of self-love. According to legend, a field of amazing plants and herbs appeared at the place of the death of Narcissus, in the center of which a healing flower, marked by austere beauty, grew, which was named after the young man.

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Ancient myth: the origin of the world and the gods: "The Birth of Zeus", "Olympus". "In the beginning there was a word ... Everything through it began to be ..." Gospel of John (Chapter 1) Initially, there was only eternal, boundless, dark Chaos. It was the source of life. Everything arose out of boundless Chaos - the whole world and the immortal gods. He was, as it were, the raw material from which everything that ever existed came into being. Obeying an unknown force that made it rotate and create, Chaos gave birth to the most ancient thing that was in our incipient Universe - Time. The Greeks called him Chronos. And now everything happened in time, because space was still in its infancy. Chronos gave birth to three elements - Fire, Air and Water. But this is after the Earth appeared. Following Chronos, Eros and Anteros emerged at the same time as twin brothers. (Subsequently, such a double birth is very common and was considered by the Greeks almost sacred) Eros - Love, and Anteros - Denial of Love. Chaos gave birth to something similar to itself - Erebus, as an incarnation of Darkness. Behind him - Niktu - the dark starless Night. And also the Incomprehensible Abyss - Tartarus. Tartarus was emptiness itself, a black hole. Throughout history, the Gods have used its depths as punishment for the defeated. No one could break out of the Abyss on their own. Tartarus was the most horrible place in the universe. But from the Darkness and Night were born the Eternal Light - Ether and the Shining Day - Hemera. "The Black Night and the gloomy Erebus were born out of Chaos. The night Ether gave birth to the radiant Day, or Hemera: She conceived them in the womb, with Erebus in love." Hesiod: "The Origin of the Gods" Erebus and Nikta also had children: gloomy Charon - a carrier across the Styx River in the kingdom of the dead and three daughters - the twins of Tisiphon, Alecto and Megera - the goddess of vengeance Erinia. The remnants of the primeval Chaos were already spinning with great speed and turned into an Egg. This egg was the embryo of the Earth. But then it split into two parts. The upper half of the shell became the Starry Sky - Uranus, the lower one - Mother Earth - Gaia. And the liquid that spilled over the body of the Earth - by the Endless Sea - Pontus. He became the first husband of Gaia. The second was Uranus-Sky. All of the Olympian gods originated from their marriage.

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Homer Homer is an ancient Greek poet. To date, there is no convincing evidence for the reality of the historical figure of Homer. According to ancient tradition, it was customary to represent Homer as a blind wandering aedom singer, seven cities argued for the honor of being called his homeland. He probably came from Smyrna (Asia Minor), or from the island of Chios. It can be assumed that Homer lived around the 8th century BC. Homer is credited with the authorship of two of the greatest works of ancient Greek literature - the poems The Iliad and The Odyssey. In ancient times, Homer was recognized as the author of other works: the poem "Batrachomachia" and a collection of "Homeric hymns." Modern science assigns to Homer only the Iliad and the Odyssey, and there is an opinion that these poems were created by different poets and at different historical times. Even in ancient times, the "Homeric question" arose, which is now understood as a set of problems associated with the origin and development of the ancient Greek epic, including the relationship between folklore and literary creativity itself. Biographical information about Homer, given by ancient authors, is contradictory and hardly plausible. "Seven cities, arguing are called the homeland of Homer: Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Pylos, Argos, Ithaca, Athens" - says one Greek epigram (in fact, the list of these cities was more extensive). Ancient scholars cited various dates regarding the life of Homer, from the 12th century BC (after the Trojan War) to the 7th century BC; the legend of a poetic contest between Homer and Hesiod was widespread. As most researchers believe, Homeric poems were created in Asia Minor, in Ionia in the 8th century BC, based on mythological legends about the Trojan War. There is late antique evidence of the final editing of their texts under the Athenian tyrant Pisistratus in the middle of the 6th century BC, when their performance was included in the festivities of the Great Panathenae.

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"Iliad" and "Odyssey" The works of Homer, the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" are the first monuments of ancient Greek literature known to us in time, and at the same time the first literary monuments in Europe in general. Containing a huge number of different sorts of legends and being very significant in size (in the Iliad there are 15693 lines of poetry, in the Odyssey there are 12,110 lines), these poems could not appear suddenly, in the form of a work of only one genius writer. Even if they were compiled by one poet, they are compiled on the basis of centuries-old folk art, in which modern science reflects the most diverse periods of the historical development of the Greeks. These works were recorded for the first time only in the second half of the 6th century. BC e. Consequently, folk materials for these poems were created even earlier, at least two or three centuries before this first recording, and, as modern science shows, Homeric poems reflect even more ancient periods of Greek or, perhaps, even pre-Greek history. The plot of the Homeric poems is different episodes of the Trojan War. Troy and the region where this city was the capital, Troas, were located in the northwestern corner of Asia Minor and were inhabited by a Phrygian tribe. The Greeks who inhabited the Balkan Peninsula waged wars in Asia Minor for many centuries. One such war, namely with Troy, was especially engraved in the memory of the ancient Greeks, and many different literary works and, in particular, several special poems were dedicated to it. They told about the Trojan War, about the reasons that caused it, about the capture of Troy and about the return of the victorious Greeks to their homeland. To understand the content of the Iliad and the Odyssey, it is necessary to know in general all the legends about the Trojan War, since both poems depict only individual moments of this war. Greek myths say that the Earth, weighed down by an overgrown population, asked Zeus (the supreme deity of the ancient Greeks) to spare her and reduce the number of people living on it. For the request of the Earth, at the behest of Zeus, the Trojan War begins. The closest reason for the war was that Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, kidnapped Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. To avenge this abduction and return Helen back, Menelaus's brother and the king of Argolis, neighboring Sparta, Agamemnon advises Menelaus to gather all the Greek kings with their retinues and start a war with Troy. Among the attracted Greek kings, the most prominent are the astonishing swift-footed Achilles, king of Phthia, and Odysseus, king of the island of Ithaca (west of the Balkan Peninsula). All Greek tribes send their troops and their leaders to Aulis, from where the general Greek army moves across the Aegean Sea and lands near Troy, which is several kilometers from the coast. Agamemnon is elected the supreme leader of the entire Greek army. The war has been fought with varying degrees of success for 10 years. And only after 10 years did the Greeks manage to get into the city itself, burn it down, kill the men, and take the women prisoner. In the Iliad and Odyssey, only allusions to the war in general are scattered. But in the poems there is no special narration either about the reasons for the war, or about its first 9 years, or about the capture of Troy. Both poems are each devoted to a special plot, namely, "The Iliad" - one episode from the tenth year of the war, and "Odyssey" - the legends about the return of Odysseus after the war to his homeland.

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"Odyssey". The main content of the "Odyssey" is the legends about the return of Odysseus to Ithaca after the end of the war with Troy.

Greek literature, like the literature of any nation, counts its appearance from oral folk art, which develops on the basis of primitive communal relations, at a time when the individual is not yet separated from the collective, it becomes a reflection of the feelings, ideas and life experience of the collective. This is typical for all genres of Greek folklore: myths, fairy tales, fables, folk songs. A significant place in Greek folklore is occupied by mythology, which played a large role in the formation of Greek literature.

Mythology is a collection of folk legends about gods and heroes, myths (which differ from fairy tales, where fiction is significant), where stories about events that really happened once prevail. The science that studies myths is also called mythology. Both myth and ritual are essential aspects of religion. Mythology proved to be sacred history for the Greek people and for most writers and poets right up to the Alexandrian era (i.e. the Hellenistic period). Unfortunately, the writings of logographers - the authors of the first historical works, who recorded and presented myths as true history, have not reached us.

The literature of Greece is based on mythology, reflecting the already sufficiently developed stage of Greek religion, corresponding to the late period of the tribal society, and representing anthropomorphic polytheism (that is, the religion of many gods endowed with a human appearance and human character traits). The Greeks had a huge variety of gods, demigods, demons and all kinds of supernatural beings, cults of gods and heroes. The list of these gods was continuously replenished, the existing gods changed their appearance, their names, attributes and functions, depending on both the era and the locality. Moreover, in different parts of Greece, certain gods were worshiped to a greater or lesser extent.

The unifying principle in relation to local traditions and cults was the Homeric religion. The Greeks considered Homer to be a systematizer, the creator of their ideas about the gods. The aristocratic socio-political system created the Homeric divine state in its own image. It was headed by Zeus, whose cult was brought with them by the conquerors. In the Homeric epic, the views of various epochs coexist, but the author's striving for selection, for the processing of tradition from a certain point of view, is also noted. Homeric Olympus is predominantly patriarchal: the aristocratic religion gave a sharp edge to the patriarchal gods. Zeus with his family rules the world like an earthly king with nobility.

APOLLONAPOLLO Phoebus-Apollo Son of Zeus and the goddess Latona, who is hiding from Hera on about. Delos gave birth to twins - Apollo and Artemis. Phoebus-Apollo personifies the sunlight, the rays of the sun are life-giving, but sometimes deadly, causing drought, hence the rays - the bow - one of the attributes of the image of Apollo; another attribute is lyre. Apollo is a skilled musician and patron of music. He is accompanied by 9 muses. Apollo is crowned with a laurel wreath in memory of his beloved nymph Daphne.

ARESARES Ares The son of Zeus and Hera, personifies storms, bad weather, elements, destructive for agriculture. Later, Ares (Ares) becomes the embodiment of war, the god of war of extermination, bloodthirsty and merciless does not distinguish between the right and the wrong. The arrival of Ares always means the beginning of carnage and bloodshed. The sons of Ares - Phobos - fear and Deimos - horror, always accompany their father.

ARTEMIDA ARTEMIS Artemis Twin sister of Apollo, goddess of the hunt, patroness of forests. Her attribute is a deer at her feet. Artemis hunted together with her companions, the nymphs, who took a vow of celibacy. The one who broke the vow was expelled from the retinue of the goddess.

ATHENA ATHENA Athena The beloved daughter of Zeus, born from his head. Zeus's beloved oceanis Metis (the goddess of reason) was expecting a child who, according to the prediction, should surpass his father. Zeus cunningly made the oceanid shrink and swallowed it. The fetus did not die, but developed in Zeus's head. At the request of Zeus, Hephaestus cut his head with an ax and Athena jumped out of it in full military equipment. Athena is considered the goddess of reason and intelligent war, into which she brings an element of humanity and brings reconciliation. Later, Athena is the patroness of women's craft.

APHRODITAAPHRODITE Aphrodite Daughter of Uranus, born from sea foam. Later, she was considered the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Represents earthly love. Aphrodite is also called Cypride, because she went ashore on about. Cyprus. Aphrodite is the ideal of beauty, slightly covered nudity is depicted, which is the main attribute of her image.

HERMESGERMES Hermes Son of Zeus and the Mayan Pleiades (the Pleiades are daughters of Atlanta). Born in Arcadia, in the cave of Mount Killena. In infancy, he stole Apollo's cows. Hermes is considered the inventor of the lyre. He personifies the forces of nature, the god of cattle breeding, the patron saint of shepherds, and the abundance of livestock means wealth. He is the god of trade and the patron saint of merchants, he is also the patron saint of rogues and swindlers and is considered the pioneer of eloquence.

HEPHESTHEPHESTUS of Hephaestus Son of Zeus and Hera, god of fire, later blacksmith and pottery. The hallmark of Hephaestus is his lameness. There is a legend that during a quarrel, Hephaestus stood up for his mother, and Zeus threw him from heaven, he fell and broke his leg, according to another legend, Hera, having learned that her baby was born lame and weak, pushed the newborn from Olympus. The lame god's gait was like flashes of fire.

DIONYSDIONIS God of the plant forces of nature, patron saint of viticulture and winemaking. Popular with the common people as opposed to Apollo - the patron saint of aristocratic art. He is accompanied by satyrs and bacchantes, an attribute is thyrsus - a wand entwined with ivy, which is called. Dithyrambom. Dionysus is the patron saint of the theater.

The ancient Greeks believed that their sunny country and the world around them were inhabited by beautiful and powerful gods who did not know old age and death. The palaces, where the gods feasted carefree, were on the highest mountain - Olympus. Therefore, they were called the Olympic gods. The Greeks believed that each city was under the protection of some god. Athens is patronized by Athena, Ephesus –Artemis, Argos –Hera, Chersonesus –hero Hercules. The gods also patronized various spheres of human activity: Athena - crafts and sciences, Artemis - hunting, Apollo - poetry, Hera - family and marriage. The gods often had symbols with which their divine qualities were identified. The symbol of Zeus, the supreme power and strength, was the eagle, Athena the owl, Artemis the moon, Hera the cow. The gods had a human appearance, often acted like people, but they ate only ambrosia and nectar, and not blood flowed in their veins, but ethereal ethereal juice. They showed considerable interest in human affairs, intervening in wars, strife and love affairs. The Greeks tried to please the gods and appease them, building beautiful temples for them, making frequent offerings of sacrifices and offering them prayers.

Presentation on history on the theme “Culture of Ancient Greece” of Grade 10 “A” pupils Zenina Daria and Zhuravleva Antonina Mythology of Ancient Greece The mythological culture of Ancient Greece is based on material-sensual or animate-rational cosmologism. The cosmos is understood here as an absolute, a deity and as a work of art. The Greek idea of \u200b\u200bthe world is reduced to the idea of \u200b\u200bit as a theatrical stage, where people are actors, and all together are a product of the Cosmos. Myths about the Greek Gods The Greeks believed in many gods. According to myths, the gods behaved like people: they fought, quarreled, fell in love. They all lived on Olympus Zeus Zeus - the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, in charge of the whole world. Chief of the God-Olympians, father of gods and people, third son of the titan Kronos and Rhea. Brother of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Zeus's wife is the goddess Hera. Zeus' attributes were: a shield and a double-sided ax, sometimes an eagle. Hades The kingdom of the dead was ruled by Hades, brother of Zeus. Few myths have survived about him. The kingdom of the dead was separated from the rest of the world by the deep river Styx, through which the souls of the dead were transported by CHARON. Cerberus or Cerberus, in Greek myth-making, the watchdog of the kingdom of the dead, guarding the entrance to the world of Hades Poseidon Poseidon (among the Romans Neptune) was the Greek god of the seas and oceans. He is depicted in the guise of a domineering bearded man, somewhat similar to Zeus, with a trident in his hand. Poseidon is the wildest of the gods, the god of storms and earthquakes, rapid and merciless tidal waves - the dangers that are exposed when the forces that dormant under the surface of consciousness are released. His animal symbols are a bull and a horse. Demeter Demeter was the great Olympic goddess of agriculture, grain, and daily bread for humanity. She also presided over the region's foremost secret cults, whose initiators were promised her patronage on the path to a happy afterlife. Demeter was depicted as a mature woman, often wearing a crown and holding a sheaf of wheat and a torch. Gestia is the goddess of the hearth and sacrificial fire in Ancient Greece. Eldest daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Sister of Zeus, Demeter, Hades and Poseidon a. Her image was in the Athenian Pritaneum. She was called "who owns the Pythian laurel." She was sacrificed before the beginning of any sacred rite, regardless of whether the latter was of a private or public nature, due to which the saying "start with Hestia" was formed, which served as a synonym for a successful and correct approach to business. Hera Gera is the goddess, patroness of marriage, protecting the mother during childbirth. One of the twelve Olympic deities, the supreme goddess, wife of Zeus. Sculpture of Ancient Greece Ancient Greek sculpture is one of the highest achievements of the culture of antiquity, which left an indelible mark on world history. The origin of Greek sculpture can be traced back to the era of Homeric Greece (XII-VIII centuries BC). Already in the archaic era, in the 7th-6th centuries, wonderful statues and ensembles were created. The heyday and highest rise of Greek sculpture fell on the period of the early and high classics (5th century BC). And IV century BC. e., already a period of late classics. The sculptures of the archaic era are dominated by statues of slender nude youths and draped young girls - kuros and barks. Neither childhood nor old age attracted the attention of artists at that time, because only in mature youth are vital forces in bloom and balance. Early Greek sculptors created images of Man and Woman in their ideal form. Archaic sculptures were not as uniformly white as we imagine them now. Many have preserved traces of coloring. The artists were looking for mathematically verified "Discobolus" Myron "Goddess with the proportion of a human" body "from 460-450 BC. body igranatom "Keratea 580-570 architecture The main task of architecture among the Greeks was the construction of temples. It gave birth and developed artistic forms. Throughout the historical life of Ancient Greece, its temples retained the same basic type, which was later adopted by the Ancient Romans. Greek temples did not resemble the temples of Ancient Egypt and the East: they were not colossal, religiously fearsome mysterious temples of formidable, monstrous deities, but friendly abodes of humanoid gods, arranged like the dwellings of ordinary mortals, but more graceful and wealthy. * Temple of Apollo The main task of architecture for the Temple of the Greeks was the construction of temples. Throughout the historical life of Ancient Greece, its Artemis temples retained the same basic type. the column played an important role in Greek architecture: its forms, proportions and decorative decoration subordinated the forms, proportions and decoration of other parts of the structure; she was the module that defines his style. The columns of Ancient Greece are divided into two styles: o The Doric style is distinguished by its simplicity, power, even the heaviness of its forms, their strict proportionality and full compliance with mechanical laws. Its column is a circle in its section; o In the Ionic style, all forms are lighter, softer and more graceful than in the Doric style. The column stands on a rectangular, rather wide foot * The ancient Greeks painted all types of pottery used for storage, eating, in ceremonies and holidays. Ceramics, especially carefully designed, were donated to temples or invested in burials. Tens of thousands of ceramic vessels and their fragments, which have undergone severe firing, are resistant to environmental influences. From the second half of the 7th century. before the beginning of the 5th century BC. human figures began to appear on the images. The most popular motives for images on vases are feasts, battles, mythological scenes, Centuripska telling about the life of Hercules and about the Trojan War. I vase painting In different periods of life, the Greeks used different types of black-figure vase painting: black-figure, red-figure, vase painting on a red-figure white background, gnafia vases, Kanoz, Centurip. vase painting Vase-Gnafia vase painting Vase painting on a white background Ancient Greek writing The ancient Greeks developed their writing on the basis of Phoenician. Some Greek letter names are Phoenician words. For example, the name of the letter "alpha" comes from the Phoenician "aleph" (bull), "beta" - from "bet" (house). They also came up with some new letters. This is how the alphabet turned out. The Greek alphabet already had 24 letters. The Greek alphabet formed the basis for Latin, and Latin became the basis for all Western European languages. The Slavic alphabet also originated from the Greek. The invention of the alphabet is a huge step forward in the development of culture. Of the vast array of works of ancient Greek literature, only very few have survived. The literature of Ancient Greece is divided into two periods: The Archaic period is the main phenomenon - Homeric poems, representing the completion of a long series of lesser experiments in legendary poetry, as well as religious and everyday songwriting. This also includes the Odyssey and the Iliad. The classical period - during this period comedy and tragedy prevailed, reflecting the real political life of the Greeks. Hellenistic period - among the scientific disciplines of that time, philology or literary criticism occupied the first place. The removal of poetry from politics was, as it were, offset by idyllic pictures of common life - Wikipedia and other Internet resources