Heroes "Captain's Daughter. The history of the creation of "Captain's Daughter"


1. The tracking. Cheap - the main character Tale

2. Head part.

a) Grinyov and Swabrin, opposition

b) Masha's panting and her courage

c) Pugachev - personification of Russia

d) Ivan Kuzmich and "Brave Lady" Vasilis Egorovna

3. Transcue. Auxiliary characters and the last meeting of the main characters.

The one who Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin decided to put in the center of his story "Captain's daughter", this is not at all a romantic hero, habitual for the literature of the beginning of the XIX century. Simple provincial inexpensive, brought up by Savelich, chosen to him in uncle for a sober lifestyle. The poor nobility family, which had three hundred fortress shower.

Father, who served before the title of Premier Major, Mother, a kind soul, who did not dare to say words across his spouse, and he, Petrusha, who gave the pigeons to sixteen years. It was he who did not have a pedigree that could be proud of nor good education was in an abandoned fortress by the personification of the noble honor. But we are so characteristic of it.

Peter himself does not consider himself a hero. He just lives like a nobleman should do. About his appearance the reader will not know anything, because the story comes from his behalf. Much more on the hero like Shvabrin. He himself about himself such an opinion. Service in the abandoned garrison for him, as reference. Undeserved, of course, for young man from a wealthy and informant family. Although from the guard he was dedicated for the murder of his comrade. Nevertheless, he is confident that worthy is much more. The appearance of it either does not cause location. Low, with very ugly, dark, but a living person.

Masha Mironova may first seem a secondary character. A kind girl from a simple family officer who drove out of soldiers. Circle, ruddy, blond, tested for ears hair. The main quality of its quality, which immediately notes is kindness. Probrusive Savelich calls her angel of God. Such a bride as he says, and the dowry is not needed. What it doesn't seem at all, it's a brave. Even the mother characterizes her, like a coward, which is still afraid of sounds of shots from guns. But afterwards the girl turns out to be able to confront all the intrigues of Schwabrin, even remaining orphan. At the end of the story, its simplicity and meekness are bribed even to the Empress who is sleeping at her request of Peter.

The third central hero of the story, this, of course, Emelyan Pugachev. Sleepy, medium height, with broad shoulders and eyes, which run around. At the first meeting during the Barana, he produces a Plut and Radiated Drunkard on Peter. But it was he who in the "Captain daughter" personifies Russia. Unrightened anger, rampant, and immediately grace to a person "for his virtue." Emelyan perfectly understands that he became foam on a wave, which sooner or later breaks about land. Moreover, he knows what will be devoted to someone, but with his comrades. But trying to change anything later. He tells about this by Peter Greenyava, who apparently trusts more than his surrounding.

The fortress, where Peter got at the request of the father, was a village fenced with a wooden fence. The disabled was a garrison, a disabled gun - serf artillery. But it is precisely what allows you to admire the courage of these people. All they could die. And they did it. Without loud words, rifle salts, gloss swords. Machines Parents, a commandant of the unbelong fortress Ivan Kuzmich and his wife Vasilis Egorovna, are not much different from the fortress peasants of the nobility of the Grneeves. He is an officer, who heard the nobility, being a family of soldiers. She is also a simple rustic woman. However, even Schvabrin calls her brave lady. She manages to command not only his spouse, but also a fortress. And he, Ivan Kuzmich, despite the fact that an experienced and brave soldier, a real rebelnik. The hospitable owner and the kindest soul is a person, but not a good leader. But they die as not any noble person will be able. Just because this is their service. They are guided by simple human feelings. There is no such word as debt, even in their dictionary. Just do not sneak, in fact, "Warmer and Sapphist".

The remaining characters are playing a supporting role in it. That is Bopre, a large fan of drinking, which was hired by young Petrich in Teachers. He did not torment the pupil lessons, and they were completely satisfied with one to others. But parents still kicked him out. You can mention the commander of the troops in the Orenburg province. Andrei Karlovich is a kind and lonely servant, the old catcher of Father Peter Greenyowa. Loving order and discipline, the nurses from the Germans did not help the son of an old friend, when he asked to send the military unit to release Masha. But it was due to this that the third meeting of Peter with Pugachev occurred when the leader's leader opened him from the new side. There was another one, the latter, when the rebel nodded his friend head, which a minute was chopped by a pall.

"Captain's daughter" is a historic novel (in some sources - a story), written by A.S. Pushkin. The author tells us about the emergence and development of a large and strong feeling between the young noble officer and the daughter of the Komentant of the fortress. All this happens against the background of Emelyan Pugacheva's uprising and creates additional obstacles for lovers and threats to life. The novel is written in the form of memoirs. Such an interweaving of the historic and family chronicle gives him an additional charm and charm, and also makes believe in the reality of all that is happening.

History of creation

In the middle of the 1830s, translation novels were gained popularity in Russia. Secular ladies were read by Walter Scott. Domestic writers, and among them Alexander Sergeevich, could not stay aside and responded with their own works, among whom were "Captain's daughter".

Pushkin's creativity researchers argue that at first he worked on the historical chronicle, wanting to tell readers about Pugachevsky Bunt. Following the matter responsibly and wanting to be truthful, the author met with the immediate participants of those events, especially for this, having left for the South Urals.

Pushkin doubted for a long time, whom to make the main character of his work. At first he stopped at Mikhail Shvanvice - an officer, who during the uprising moved to the side of Pugacheva. What forced Alexander Sergeevich to abandon such a plan, it is not known, however, as a result, he turned to the format of memoirs, and an officer-nobleman was put in the center of Roman. At the same time, the main character had every chance to move to the side of Pugachev, but the debt before the Fatherland was higher. Schwwitch from a positive character turned into a negative Swabrina.

For the first time, Roman appeared in front of the audience in the magazine "Contemporary" in the last issue of 1836, and the authorship of Pushkin was not mentioned there. It was said that these notes belong to Peru the late Peter Greeneva. However, in this novel for reasons of censorship, an article was not published about the peasant rebellion in the estate of Grnev himself. The lack of authorship led to the absence of any printed reviews, but many noted the "universal effect", which produced the "Captain's daughter" on those who familiarized themselves with the novel. A month after the publication, the real author of the novel died for a duel.


Description of the work

The work is written in the form of memoirs - the landowner Peter Grinevu tells about the times of his youth, when his father ordered to send him to serve in the army (though, under the supervision of Uncle Savelich). On the road with them, there is one meeting, which has fundamentally influenced their further fate and the fate of Russia, - Peter Grinev meets with Emelyan Pugachev.

I drove to the destination (and they turned out to be a Belogorsk fortress), Grinevo immediately falls in love with the daughter of Commandant. However, he has a rival - officer Shvabrin. There is a duel between young people, as a result of which the Grinev is injured. His father, having learned about it, does not give his consent to marriage with a girl.

All this is happening against the background of the developing Pugachev rebellion. When it comes to the fortress, Pugachev's accomplices first deprive the lives of Masher's parents, after which they offer Swabron and Ginner to swear to the loyalty to Emelyan. Schvabrin agrees, but the Grinev is due to considerations of honor - no. His life saved Savelich, who reminds Pugachev about their accident.

The Grineal fights against Pugachev, but this does not prevent him from calling the latter to the allies to save Masha, which turned out to be the hostage of Schwabrin. According to the conveyor, the rival is in prison, and now Masha does everything for his salvation. A random meeting with the empress helps the girl to achieve the liberation of the lover. To the joy of all the ladies, the case ends with the wedding of young in the Greeneva Parental House.

As already mentioned, the background for love Story The great historical event was served - Emelyan Pugachev's uprising.

main characters

In the novel, you can allocate several main characters. Among them:

Emelyan Pugachev

Pugachev - according to many critics, the brightest due to its color is the main figure in the work. Marina Tsvetaeva claimed that Pugachev flashes a colorless and faded Greeneva. Pushkin Pugachev looks like a charming villain.

Peter Grinev, who at the time of the story was only 17 years old. According to the literary critic Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky, this character was needed for an impartial assessment of the behavior of another character - Emelyan Pugacheva.

Alexey Shvabrin is a young officer who serves in the fortress. Freemets, smart and educated (in the story it is mentioned that he knows French and understands the literature). Literary critic Dmitry Marsky called Schvabrin "Pure Romantic Scoundrel" because of its treason on the oath and the transition to the side of the rebels. However, since the image is prescribed shallow, say about the reasons that prompted him to such an act, difficult. Obviously, Pushkin's sympathies were not on the side of Schvabrin.

At the time of the story, Mary was only 18 years old. True Russian beauty, while simple and sweet. Caught to act - to save your beloved, goes to the capital to meet with the Empress. According to Vyazemsky, she decorates the novel as Tatyana Larina decorated Evgenia Onegin. But Tchaikovsky, who at one time wanted to put the opera on this work, complained that it was not enough of it, but there is only kindness and honesty. The same opinion was adhered to Marina Tsvetaeva.

From five years to the Grinevo as uncle, the Russian counterpart of the governer. The only one who communicates with a 17-year-old officer as a small child. Pushkin calls him a "faithful holop", but Savelich allows himself to express uncomfortable thoughts as Barina and its ward.

Analysis of the work

Colleagues Alexander Sergeyevich, who he read the novel independently, made small remarks regarding non-compliance with historical facts, while generally opposing the novel positively. Prince V.F. Odoevsky, for example, noted that the images of Savelich and Pugachev were discharged carefully and thought out to the smallest detail, but the image of Swabrin was not finalized, and therefore readers would be difficult to understand the motives of its transition.

The literary critic Nikolai Strahov noted that a combination of family (partially love) and historical chronicles are typical for the works of Walter Scott, the answer to the popularity of which among Russian nobility, in fact, was the work of Pushkin.

Another Russian literary critic Dmitry Mirsky highly appreciated the "Captain Daughter", emphasizing the tag maneer - compressed, accurate, economical, while spacious and leisurely. His opinion was that in the formation of the genre of realism in Russian literature, this work played one of the main roles.

Russian writer and publisher Nikolai Greek a few years after the publication, the work admired how the author managed to express the character and the tone of the time he tells about. The story turned out so realistic that it was possible to think that the author was an eyewitness of these events. Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolay Gogol also periodically left enthusiastic reviews about this work.


According to Dmitry Mirsky, "Captain's daughter" can be considered the only full-fledged novel written by Alexander Sergeevich and published during his life. Let us agree with criticism - everything is present in the novel in order to be successful: the romantic line ended with marriage is provided for wonderful ladies; The historical line telling about such a complex and controversial historical event as Pugachev's uprising, - more will be interesting to men; Clearly discharged main characters and placed landmarks regarding the place of honor and dignity in the life of the officer. All this explains the popularity of the novel in the past and forces our contemporaries to read it today.

- The main character of the story "Captain's daughter".

Peter Andreevich - the young man of noble origin, brought up a lap Savelich and the guys from the yard.

Peter respects parents. Father's word for him - law. He dreams of serve in the capital, but he is sent to Orenburg, in the Belogorsk Fortress. The child obediently performs his father's father.

Grinove has the concept of honor and dignity. He is true to Empress.

Be noble and honest - life principles Peter. Contrary to the perturbations of Savelich, he returns to Zurine lost money. Because of the insult, Masha Schvabrin is fighting with him on a duel.

Grinev - brave and bold: he does not pass to the side of the Don Cossacks, and truthfully tells Pugachev that when ordered will fight against his gang. Showing the courage, and knowing what could be killed, he takes Masha from Schvabrin.

Peter committed a generous act, who was useful to him in the future: Gave Pugachev a fur coat, for which he was pardoned.

Masha Mironova- The heroine of the first plan is the young girl, the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. Her image is the personification of morality and mental purity.

She is alone, cowardly, a few, but her actions are always correct. She appreciated and Shvabrina, and Grneev.

She has hard fate. Having survived the assault of the fortress, the death of the father and the mother, being captured by Schvabrin, Masha retained the power of the Spirit and remained faithful to his moral allegations.

At the end, when Masha saves Peter, she, without recognizing the Empress, communicates and even argue with her. The victory remains for Masha: with its help, the Grineal is coming out of imprisonment. In the image of Masha Mironova, all the best qualities of the Russian girl are assembled.

Emelyan Pugachev - Ataman Cossack squad, the leader-impostor. Its image is presented from different sides.

After the first meeting, unrecognized Pugachev seemed to Peter Grinevo poor with cunning eyes. But when capturing the fortress, he looked at the king: there were caftan and a hat from a sable.

At the beginning, the story of Pugachev is a fierce rebellion, he is with all the cruelty of the Masher's parents. At the end, the man is more generous.

Its speech happens both ordinary, calm and coarse.

Ataman is true. He helped Grinevo to save the bride and punished Shvabrin for the use of violence.

Shvabrin "A spokesman of the noble class falls into the Belogorsk fortress for killing on the forbidden duel." Alexey Ivanovich - a man educated and smart, but is distinguished by low spiritual qualities.

He like Masha Mironova, but she does not reciprocate him. For that he takes out, slandering it. In the end, he mocks her, forcibly forced to marry him.

Schvabrin is a sneaky traitor: during the siege of the fortress by the gangsters, he, despite the oath, shamelessly passes on their side. In court, he put Greeneva's companion Pugachev.

This character acts in the story of the antihero, he is opposed to Peter Grinev.

Archka Savelich - Strengthened, loyal and devoted assistant, "Good Uncle" Peter Greens. He is indifferent to the alcohol, for which he was entrusted with the upbringing and training of Peter. Having truly Russian temper, with contempt refers to the French Governor Bopre.

Executive, honest person, conscientiously performs all owners orders; But with Peter often argues and tells him.

Savelich devotedly cares about Peter: he does not give him to refund Zurina, he is ready for self-sacrifice on the upcoming execution of Peter, after the siege of the fortress "brazenly" places Pugachev list of looted endors.

Savelich is an unfortunate fortress, with each convenient case it gets from Father Greeneva.

Mironov Ivan Kuzmich - Father Masha Mironova. Despite noble originHe is poor. Without smoking her bosses, gives all his life to military service, and in old age years remains in the rank of captain. The last twenty-two years serves as a commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress.

Ivan Kuzmich loves to drink, but remains a decent person. Sometimes he trusts its wife to make decisions in service.

Vasilisa Egorovna-Jee Mironova. Contrary to his position in society, it looks very simple.

The faithful and devoted wife, a strong and wise woman, she controls not only the household, but also by the affairs of Ivan Kuzmich.

During the seizure of the fortress, it was manifested by the features of the Russian woman heroine: courage, dedication, nobility.

Ivan Ignatich - Lieutenant of the fortress. It is presented in a story as a simple Russian servant, loyal debt, homeland, morally. It is inherent in such qualities as decency and generosity.

Ivan Ignatievich does not recognize Pugachev's authorities, because of which it turns out next to the commandant on the gallows.

Zirin "Rothmist of the Hussarsky Regiment, Barin, Player and ILO, Ghenevea met him, heading to the Belogorsk fortress and losing a hundred rubles. He is lying, not indifferent to alcohol, knows army jokes and ridiculously tells them. Marriage and love is not his path.

Zyrin is an honest officer. During the Bunt, Zirin and Grneev are intersect again, Peter goes to the serve in a detachment of a young officer, where it serves to the end of the uprising.

Frenchman Bopre - Teacher Petra Grneev. He refers to their duties without much heat. Bopre loves to drink extra, it is not indifferent to the weak floor, for which it is expelled from the estate of grine.

Parents of Peter Grneev . Father - Andrei Petrovich, a military officer in resignation. Mother - Avdota Vasilyevna, daughter of poor nobles; gave birth to nine children, of which the only survivor - Peter.

Both are intelligent and educated people. Father raises his son in rigor, mother - in love and affection.

CatherineII.secondary character Tale. When meeting with Masha Mironova, it appears an important and calm, inspiring confidence, a woman. Frees Peter from prison and promises Masha to provide their future.

General Andrey Karlovich - Head of the troops of the Orenburg province, a friend Andrei Petrovich Grneva. German origin, lonely old, appreciates the order in everything. Gnower and educated person.

Working Heroes Works Captain's Daughter

In the captain's daughter, Pushkin offers a whole kaleidoscope of the heroes of the main and secondary, which create the canvas of the narrative.

The captain's daughter, which is being in question - Maria Mironova, she is only 18 years old, she is modest and smart, is the daughter of the commandant of the Belgorod fortress and his spouse. She fell in love with Peter Greeneva, young noblemanWho is the younger for two years and comes to the service in the fortress.

Peter is young and educated, but not quite good, he studied somehow, as it was assumed to be in St. Petersburg as part of a prestigious Semenovsky regiment. Nevertheless, his father sends it to Orenburg for service by the ensign in not particularly prestigious location. Grievous senior comes in a similar wayIn order for his son to feel and better learned this world.

GRINEVA FATER - Andrei does not apply to the main characters, but Pushkin opens its image more or less in detail. In particular, he describes the premier major retired, which has a very solid capital, but it is not wounded by wealth. Senior Grineal is accustomed to rigor and in such a rigor tries to keep and son.

In turn, Mother Peter Greeneva from not a special rich kind. He loves his only son and is a patient woman, a good mistress.

Manage the fortress Ivan Kuzmich Mironov and his spouse - Vasilisa Egorovna. Ivan Kuzmich serves about 40 years, he only nominally controls the fortress, although it is an experienced military and overall, good man.

In fact, the fortress is improving the captain of Vasilis Egorovna, but not to say that she somehow usurned this power. Just an experienced mistress and wise woman, she understands this world and is able to take correct solutions. Therefore, when it comes to some everyday cases, solutions in the fortress more often takes the captain.

Grynev servant - Savelyev's archite, which is also called Savelich, is a devoted and good man. This old man will often grumble and speaks Greens in every possible way, but at the same time he really loves a young man and is ready to protect him in every way.

Pugachev is a major negative character in a story, although it is not completely negative, he contradictory. That is why he became friends with Grinev, but did not move to his side. Pugachev is the Don Cossack and Raskolnik, it has many negative traits, ranging from boastfulness and finishing with rods.

Of course, it should be noted another historical figure - Catherine Great, which is described quite lively and detail. The Empress meets Masha Mironovaya and the girl asks for her pardon of Peter Greeneva, who is considered another Pugachev. In fact, Grinev never committed betrayal and, after hearing the explanation, the wise of the Empress understands this fact and understands the essence of the matter.

Schvabrin continues to the canvas of negative characters. This officer serves in the fortress, but after Pugachev comes, goes to the side of the robber and thus becomes a traitor, since the main part of people in the fortress does not obey him and remains a sovereign. Schvabrin in turn is a completely false and rather vile man and these qualities determine his behavior in everything.

Ivan Ignatievich - an elderly officer who is friendly with Mironov and is an experienced military. He helps Vasilis Egorov in the farm. At the arrival of Pugacheva, it does not turn on his side and in the end it turns out to be hung next to Mironov.

Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, in turn, continues the canvas of positive characters and to some extent is the opposite of Swabin. This young officer serves as the Rothmistrome of the hussar regiment, he wears a long mustache, never bent and has a good temper. Grine and Zyrin are friends, after Zyrin takes Peter into his hussar detachment, the young man remains there until the end of the riot.

Bopre is a secondary character, a teacher from France, who was supposed to teach the younger Greeneva. As a result, this fan of drinking falling on women did not teach the boy in addition to fencing. In fact, Bopres is not a professional teacher as such, in reality he was a hairdresser and served as a soldier.

In conclusion, I will note Andrei Karlovich R. - General, who manages the troops of the Orenburg region and, accordingly, participated in the suppression of the rebound. This military comes from Germany, he is friends with Andrei Grinev and tries to adhere to the order and savings in everything. This military boss does not possess own opinion (at least she does not seek to approve it) and relies for the most part of the opinion of the majority, avoiding risks, in particular the GRINEV project to liberate the Belgorod Fortress.

Text 3.

The work of "Captain's daughter" is based on real life events that occurred in the middle of the 18th century. The basis of the plot of the book is the uprising of the peasants under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev.

The main hero of the book is Peter Grinev. Peter was born in the noble family. He recently turned 16 years old. He studied at home and did not attend educational institutions. He was a young and smart, also educated nobleman. He perfectly owns the blade, knows French and reads the books of Russian writers.

Emelyan Pugachev is considered the second major character of the book. He was the Cossack and served in the army about 18 years old. After the army, he became a follower of the peasant uprising. Emelyan was cruel and merciless to his enemies, at the same time he was gullible and kind to friends. He knew how to understand all the Cossacks and leads them for himself. He appreciated care and kindness and was honest with everyone.

The main female image belongs to Maria Ivanovna Mironova. Maria was the daughter of the captain of the fortress. The girl was good-natured and clever and born in the noble family. In the work, the family of Mironov has experienced monetary difficulties. She was in love with Peter Greeneva and believed because of her love.

Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich was a nobleman and worked in the fortress along with Grinev. He possessed a difficult and bad temper and served for the benefit of the Motherland. In addition to the Motherland, he served in enemies. With the peasant Bunte, Swabrin moved to Pugachev's troops. After attacking the Belgorod fortress, he became the head of this area.

Mironov Ivan Kuzmich is the captain of the military fortress and the father of Masha. In the military army, Kuzmich has been served for 40 years. The last 22 years he was the head of the Belgorod fortress. He was a good chief with a soft temper. Because of kindness, he did not control the fortress. Because constantly forgiving the employees of their error. In the work he was executed from the hand of Pugacheva.

Vasilisa Egorovna Mironova is a minor heroine of the book. She is the wife of Ivan Kuzmich and working a commandant in the Belgorod fortress. Vasilisa was inquisitive and tried to know about all matters. She is noble and good, loves daughter and spouse.

A secondary way is the archite Savelyev. The archup works serfs in the estate in the grine. He was a household, calm and good man of old age. He loved Peter greatly and was ready to give life for him.

Ivan Ignatich was an experienced officer, although he did not have a special education. He was a friend of Captain Mironov. The hero was a duel opponent, and he tried to prevent Grinevo and Swabron. Because of the refusal to accept power, the hero was killed by order of Pugachev.

Ivan Ivanovich Zyrin served in Simbirsk as a Rothmistra. He was familiar with Peter and stayed him best friend. In the peasant uprising, Zurin got a chin of major.

Andrei Petrovich Grinevo was the father of the young Peter, which retired. It stands out with a hardy and courageous temper. Andrei Grinev was a nobleman. He brought up his own son and gave him everything you need.

Avdota Vasilyevna Greeneva was Mother Greeneva Senior. She loved to do the needlework and was distinguished by respectfulness, and was a loving mother.

Characteristic of heroes

Historical Roman A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" was published for the first time in 1836 without specifying the name of the writer. The effect of the work occurs during the peasant uprising of Emelyan Pugacheva in the second half of the 18th century. This event is called one of the most bloody, no wonder in the work itself there is a statement "Do not bring God to see Russian Bunth, meaningless and merciless."

The main heroes of the novel are Peter Grneeov, Maria Mironova and Emelyan Pugachev. Secondary heroes - Swabrin, Savelich, Captain Mironov and his wife Vasilisa Egorovna, Zurin, Bopre and others.

Petr Grineev - The central figure of the novel. From his face there is a story throughout the work. This is a young nobleman of the 16th year, which since childhood was preparing for military service in St. Petersburg. But the father decides to send it to Orenburg, where the young man does not see the prospects. But it is there, in the Belgorod fortress, adventures begin. Petya good and responsive boy, what does the reader says the episode with a hare Tulup, which he gave Pugachev.

Masha Mironova - Girl of 18 years old, the daughter of Captain Mironov. This is a capital character, as the work is called on it. She is smart and responsive, but poor noble, "girl without dowry." Despite this, Petr falls in love with the Heroine, she meets him the same. Because of the rebellion, she is experiencing a huge loss - her parents die.

Form Emelyan Pugacheva Written off from a real historical personality. He is the Don Cossack, the leader of the rebellion. His identity in the novel causes mixed feelings: on the one hand, he is a bloodthirsty robber, but with another intelligent, cuty, freedom-loving man. His worldview is concluded in the quotation: "Than 300 years to eat Padalu, it's best to drink live blood." At the end of the work, he was executed.

Secondary characters are also important in the work, as it is help to reveal the nature of the main characters.

Shvabrin - A young man from a good family, former Guardian, as he was demolished for the murder of colleague. At the beginning of the work, his friendship is tied with Peter, but during the uprising period he takes the side of the Bunta, betrays the Russian army. Moreover, he betrays Greenwood: makes the offer of Masha after Peter shared his feelings to her. This is rather a negative character, a sneaky and mercantile man.

Savelich (Savelyev archite) - servant under Peter. He since childhood serves his owner and at the time of the narrative is already an old man. He was sent with a young man in Orenburg and tried to protect him from evil influence. He is used to obeying orders, but teaches Peter's life. At the same time, Savelich wants him only good and is ready to give life for him.

Captain Mironov "Old officer, head of the fortress, where Soslated Petya Grinev." He is experienced in war, while a hospitable and good-natured person. In fact, he is a bad leader and practically hears his wife.

Captain Vasilisa Egorovna - Captain's wife. She is a brisk woman, essentially manages both husband and fortress. She was ready to go beyond her husband even at war.

Zirin - Officer for 30, loves drinking and gambling. The hero meets Peter in Simbirsk, where they play billiards. Ineptly Grinyov loses to him a big amount, but despite this, the heroes become friends. Zurin is an honest and responsible employee.

One of the minor bright characters of the work is the wife of a friend of the main character of the Comedy Chatsky Natalia Dmitrievna Gorich.

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    Peter Grinev Maria Mironova Alexey Shvabrin Savelich Emelyan Pugachev Captain Mironov Vasilisa Egorovna
    Appearance Young, Static, collective image Russian man Miloid, ruddy, round, with light rusia hair Young, not very attractive on face, low. Old man. It is embodied by the image of all Russian population, with all the national flavor A low broadcaster with a wonder in the beard. Clear eyes and shook smile on the lips, which sometimes seems cruel ruffling. Elderly man, a little funny and awkward. Elderly woman. The whole appearance pointed to the position of the wives of the commandant.
    Character Decent, noble, fair Modest, fearing, devoted Cynical, sharp, cowardly Smart, dedicated, cuty Sharp, strict A devotee, brave, kind, honest, decent. Good, economic, devoted to her husband.
    Social status Nobleman, officer Daughter Captain of the Belogorodskaya Fortress. Ordinary girl. Nobleman, officer Fortress, yard servant Peter Greeneva Peasant. The leader of the uprising. Captain of the Belogorodskaya Fortress Wife Captain of the Belogorodskaya Fortress
    Life position Be an honest officer worthy to fulfill the service Become a devotee who loving his wife. To receive benefits in everything, always first. In all obey their Lords. Protect Peter in any situations. Free the peasants from the nobleman and serfdom Perform your duty imposed on it by the rank. Be a good wife and hostess in the house.
    Relationship to moral values Considers following the moral principles - the responsibility of the officer Appreciates morality. Neglects morality It has high moral values, such as self-sacrifice and devotion. It's hard to reveal moral values In a person who raised a bloody uprising, albeit in a noble goal. High-willed man Shares husband's assurances. It believes that immoral acts should not be.
    Relationships to material values Indifferent to wealth. Money had no meaning for her. Never dreamed of wealth She strives for money. Indifferent to money. Particularly does not seek wealth, but does not neglect them. Indifferent to wealth. Glad to what has. Indifferent to wealth, pleased with what is
    Moral Moral Highboring Immoral High moral man. Immoral Honest, moral Moral
    Relationship Grievo is in love with Maria Mironov, joins her and participates in a duel for her honor. Machine's parents applies with respect and respect. To Savelich refers to the servant. Never thanked him for the help. In love with Greeneva, and even the parental ban on their marriage does not save her from warm feelings. Afraid of Swabrin. He is unpleasant. It applies to everyone. Despises the family of Mironovy. Punched by Maria. He wants to marry her, but not thinking of her enemies. Devoted to his Barina. He loves him and ready to defend. Does not dare to disobey and ask for gratitude for the service. Refers well to everyone who treats well to Peter. He serves a cruel, bloody leader of the uprising. Kills the parents of Masha Mironova. But he remembers the kindness of Peter, so it gives life and lets him together with Maria. He loves his wife and daughter. Well refers to the Grinevo. Takes it in his house. It supports the hot-beloved husband in everything. Worried for the well-being of his daughter. It relates well to Grinevo, but against his marriage with Masha.
    Dedication to the motherland, attitude to Pugachev Rained oath. Does not go to the side of the enemy. Not reptiles before Pugachev. Boldly responds to his questions. Does not go to the side of the enemy. Verne to the prevailing embezzlement. Does not know how to treat Pugachev: He killed her parents, but saved her himself. Easily refuses the oath. Ready forgiveness, crawling in Pugachev's feet. Lost himself was devoted to Barina. Does not want to join the uprising. Not afraid of Pugacheva. His prayes only about Emelyan regretted Peter. The leader of the uprising, displeased by the current regime of the Board. Loyal soldier, who did not break the oath even in the face of death Supports in everything husband. Does not swear Pugachev under the fear of death.
    • The work of A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" can be fully called historical, because concrete historical facts, the color of the epoch, the morals and the life of people inhabited by Russia are clearly and clearly transferred. Interestingly, Pushkin shows the events of the eyewitness with the eyes, which he himself took direct participation in them. Reading the story, we seem to fall into the epoch with all its life realities. The main character of the story Peter Grinev does not simply set out the facts, but has his personal opinion, gives [...]
    • "Take care of the dream Dress, and the honor of the Smalod" is a famous Russian folk proverb. In the story of A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", as a prism, through which the author offers the reader to consider his heroes. Putting acting persons to numerous tests, Pushkin masterfully shows their true essence. Indeed, the most fully, the person is revealed in a critical situation, leaving her either by the winner and hero, who managed to remain faithful to his ideals and views, or a traitor and a scoundrel, [...]
    • Masha Mironova - the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, "round, rosy, with light rusia hair." For their kind, she was a cowardly: even a rifle shot was afraid. Masha lived quite closed, lonely; Grooms in their village was not. Her mother, Vasilis Egorovna, spoke about her: "Masha, a girl on granting, and what is the dowry? - a frequent comb, yes a broom, and Altyn money, with what to go to the bath. Well, if you find a kind person, otherwise Sydi Heads in the girls of New [...]
    • A. S. Pushkin throughout his creative path Repeatedly interested native history, periods of large social upheavals. And in the 30s. XIX century Under the influence of the repelling peasant uprisings, he turned to the theme of the people's movement. In early 1833, A. S. Pushkin was able to explore archival documents on the events of the uprising under the leadership of Pugachev 1749-1774. and began work on historical labor and artistic work. As a result, "History of Pugachev Bunt" and Roman [...]
    • In the novel "Captain's daughter" and in Pugachev's poem, two author of different times describe the leader of the peasant uprising and his relationship with the people. Pushkin was seriously interested in history. Pugacheva turned twice: when working on the documentary "history of Pugachevsky Bunt" and in the "Captain daughter". The attitude of Pushkin to the uprising was complex, the main features of the rebellion, he considered the lack of a long-term goal and animal rigidity. Pushkin was interested in the origins of the uprising, the psychology of participants, the role [...]
    • Roman A. S. Pushkin, dedicated to the events of the peasant war 1773-1774, it is no coincidence that the name "Captain's daughter". Along with the historical character, Emelyan Pugachev, the fictional main character - the story of Podr Grinev and other actors of the novel, the image of Marya Ivanovna, the daughter of Captain Mironov. Marya Ivanovna was brought up in a medium of simple, unassuming "old people", which had a low level of culture, the limited mental interests, but courageous, [...]
    • The figure of Emelyan Pugacheva - the leader of the peasant uprising 1773-1774. - became famous not only due to the scope of the most popular movement, but also the talent of A. S. Pushkin, who created the complex image of this amazing person. The historicity of Pugachev is fixed in the novel by a stateless order about his capture (the head "Pugachevshchina"), genuine historical facts that are mentioned by the tolder Grinev. But Pugachev in Tale A. S. Pushkin is not equal to its historical prototype. The image of Pugacheva is a complex alloy [...]
    • A lot of female images We meet on the pages of the work of A. S. Pushkin. The poet always distinguished love for a woman in the highest sense of the word. Female images of A. S. Pushkin is almost an ideal, clean, innocent, high, lightweight. Of course, not the last place in the gallery of female images is the heroine of the novel "Captain's daughter" Masha Mironova. The author with great warmth refers to this heroine. Masha - traditional russian nameIt emphasizes the simplicity, the naturalness of the heroine. There is no [...]
    • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, founder of realism and Russian literary language, was interested in turning point in the history of Russia, as well as outstanding personalities, which influenced the course of the country's historical development. Through all his work, Peter I, Boris Godunova, Emelyan Pugacheva are held. Of particular interest was in Pushkin, the peasant war under the leadership of E. Pugacheva 1772-1775. The author traveled a lot in the places of the uprising, collected the material, wrote several works about [...]
    • In 1833-1836. A. S. Pushkin wrote a novel "Captain's daughter", which was the result of the historical search for the author, which embodied all his thoughts, experiences, doubts. The main acting person (he is the narrator) - Peter Grinev. This is a completely ordinary person who will turn out to be drawn into the whirlpool of historical events, in which the features of its character are revealed. Petrusha - a young nobleman, a darned inexpensive, who received typical provincial education among the Frenchman, who "was not an enemy [...]
    • Before leaving to the Belogorsk Fortress, Grine-senior gives her son to his son, saying: "Take care of the honor of the Smalod." His grine always remembers and accurately performs. Honor is a courage, nobility, debt, loyalty to the Greenland-Father. How did these qualities manifest themselves from Greennev-Jr.? I would like to respond to this question, to stop more in Greennev's life after taking the Belogorsk Fortress Pugachev. The fate of Greeneva during the uprising period was unusually: his life was saved by Pugachev, moreover [...]
    • Historical material about Emelyan Pugachev A. S. Pushkin collected for a long time. He was worried about the question of the largest in the Russian history of the national uprising. In the novel "Captain's daughter", the fate of Russia and the Russian people clarifies in the historical material. The work is distinguished by deep philosophical and historical and moral content. The main storyline of the novel is, of course, the rebellion of Emelyan Pugachev. A rather peaceful course of the author's narration in the first chapters is suddenly [...]
    • Troceurov Dubrovsky Quality Characters Negative Hero The main positive hero character is spoiled, selfish, dissolved. Noble, generous, decisive. It has a hot character. A person who knows how to love not for money, but for the beauty of the soul. The race of classes is a rich nobleman, spends its time in gluttony, drunkenness, leads a slut-length life. The humiliation of weak brings him great pleasure. It has a good education, served as a cornet in the guard. After […]
    • Evgeny Onegin Vladimir Lensky Age Hero is more mature, at the beginning of the novel in verses and during dating and duel with Lensky for 26 years. Lensky Yun, he is also 18 years old. Education and education received a home education, which was typical for most nobility in Russia. The consistencytelusers "did not bother morally strict", "they scolded a slightly for the pranks", and it's easier to say the barchonka. He studied at the University of Göttingen in Germany, the Motherland of Romanticism. In his intellectual baggage [...]
    • Tatyana Larina Olga Larina Character for Tatiana is characterized by such character traits: modesty, thoughtfulness, trepacy, vulnerability, silence, melancholic. Olga Larán is a fun and wondrous character. It is active, curious, good-natured. The lifestyle of Tatiana leads the recovery lifestyle. Best pastime for her - alone with me. She loves to watch beautiful sunrises, read French novels, reflect. She is closed, lives in its own internal [...]
    • Roman A.S. Pushkin introduces readers with the life of intelligentsia in early XIX. century. The noble intelligentsia is presented in the works of Lensky, Tatiana Larina and Onegin. By the name of the novel, the author emphasizes the central position of the main character among other characters. Onegin was born in the ever rich nobility family. As a child, he was away from the whole national, in the detachment from the people, and Yevgeny had a French teacher. Eugene Evgenia Onegin, as well as education, was very [...]
    • The ambiguous and even somewhat scandalous story "Dubrovsky" was written by A. S. Pushkin in 1833. By that time the author had already managed to grow up, live in secular society, disappointed them and existing state orders. Many of his works, by that time relating, were under a censored ban. And Pushkin writes about a certain "Dubrovsky", young, but already by the daily, disappointed, but not broken by everyday "storms", a person of 23 years. There is no retells to retell - he read him and [...]
    • Lyrics occupies a significant position in the work of the Great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. He began to write lyric poems in the Tsarskoye Lyceum, where he was given to teaching the age of twelve years. Here, in a lyceum, the brilliant poet Pushkin grew out of the curly boy. All in the lyceum inspired him. And the impressions of the art and nature of the royal village, and cheerful student feasts, and communicating with their faithful friends. Sociable and able to appreciate people, Pushkin had many friends, wrote a lot about friendship. Friendship […]
    • Let's start, perhaps, from Katerina. In the play "Thunderstorm" this lady is the main heroine. What is the problem of this work? Problems - this is the main question that the author asks in his creation. So here is the question of who will win? Dark kingdomwhich is represented by the chinous town of the county town, or a bright beginning that is our heroine. Katerina Chista's soul, her tender, sensitive, loving heart. The heroine itself is deeply hostile against this dark swamp, but not fully aware of it. Katerina [...]
    • A.S. Pushkin is the greatest, ingenious Russian poet and playwright. In many of his works, the problem of the existence of serfdom is traced. The question of the relationship between landowners and peasants has always been contradicted and caused many disputes in the works of many authors, including Pushkin. So, in the novel "Dubrovsky" representatives of Russian Baria are described by Pushkin bright and clearly. A particularly distinguished example is Troekurov Kirila Petrovich. Cyril Petrovich Troceryov can be safely attributed to the image [...]
  • Grinev Peter Andreevich - the protagonist of Pushkin's leading "Captain's daughter". The Russian provincialist nobleman, on behalf of whose narration about the Epoch of Pugachevsky Bunt.

    Emelyan Pugachev is one of the main characters of the Tale of Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the leader of the Anti-Davranic uprising, the invader of the fortress in which the main characters of the story are.

    Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich - secondary hero Tale of Pushkin "Captain's daughter", antagonist of the main character.

    Masha, Maria Kuzmichnna Mironov - the main female character of the story, the most captain's daughter, because of which the story is wearing such a name.

    Ivan Kuzmich Mironov - the captain of the fortress in which the events of the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter" are unfolded. This is a secondary character, father main heroine. According to the plot, his fortress is captured by the ribs under the leadership of Pugachev.

    The main characters of the "Captain Daughter"

    The main character of the "Captain Daughter" - Petr Andreevich Greenovev. Honest, decent, to the end of a young man faithful to his duty. He is 17 years old, he is Russian nobleman, who has just entered military service. One of the main qualities of Greenyev is sincerity. He is sincere with the heroes of the novel and readers. Talking and his life, he did not seek to embellish her. On the eve of a duel with a pinch, he is excited and does not hide it: "I confess, I did not have that cold-blooded, which was almost always those who were in my position." Also directly and simply speaks his condition before conversation with Pugachev on the day of capturing the Belogorsk Fortress: "The reader can easily imagine that I was not completely cold-blooded." Grinev does not hide the negative actions (the case in the restaurant, during Burana, in a conversation with the Orenburg General). Gross mistakes are redefining his repentance (case with Savelich). Grinev was not a coward. He without hesitation takes a call to a duel. He one of the few acts on the defense of the Belogorsk fortress, when, despite the command of the commandant, "the or-making garrison does not move from the place." He returns to the resigned Savelich. These actions also characterize Grneev as a person who can love. Grineh is not malicious, he sincerely put up with the Swabrine. He is not taller than gloating. Leaving from the Belogorsk Fortress, with Masha liberated by order, he sees Schwabrin and turns away, not wanting to "triumph over the humiliated enemy." The distinctive feature of Greeneva - the habit of paying good for the good skill to be grateful. Gives Pugachev his Tulup, thanks for saving Masha. Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich - the leader of the anti-Davranian uprising, calling himself the "Great State Superior" Peter III. Pugachev is one of the main characters of the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the invader of the fortress in which the main characters of the story are. This image in the novel is multifaceted: Pugachev and malicious, and generous, and boastful, and wise, and disgusting, and Vsevlusten, and dependent on the opinions of the environment. The image of Pugacheva Dan in the novel through the eyes of Grneeva - a disinterested person. According to the author, it should ensure the objectivity of the hero. With the first meeting of Greeneva, with Pugachev, the appearance of the rebellion is not remarkable to the Buntar: this is a 40-year-old man of medium height, thin, broadcaster, with a smart beard, with running eyes, a pleasant, but attacious facial expression. The second meeting with Pugachev, in the precipitated fortress, gives a different image. The impostor sits in chairs, then Garsets on horseback surrounded by Cossacks. Here he is cruel and mercilessly disappearing with the defenders of the fortress, who did not fit him on loyalty. It seems that Pugachev plays, portraying the "present sovereign". He, from the royal hand, "execute so executing, is pretty solee." And only during the third meeting with Grinev, Pugachev reveals completely. The ferocity of the leader disappears on the Cossack Pir. Pugachev sings his favorite song ("Not Shumi, Mati Green Dubrovushka") and tells the fairy tale about Eagle and the Rope, which reflect the philosophy of the impostor. Pugachev understands which dangerous game he started, and what is the price in case of losing. He does not trust anyone, even his closest associates. But still hopes for the best: "But isn't it good luck to delete? "But Nadezhda Pugachev is not justified. He is arrested and executed: "and nodded to him the head, which is later, dead and bloody, was shown by the people." Pugachev is inseparable from the folk element, he leads her by him, but at the same time depends on it. It is no coincidence that the first time in the story he appears during the Snow Burana, among which he easily finds the road. But at the same time, he can no longer collapse from this path. The doubt of the rebellion is equivalent to the death of Pugachev, which happens in the final of the novel. Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich - yard

    Heroes of the novel "Captain's daughter" brief description

    Peter Grinev - Peter Andreevich Grinev. 16-year-old nobleman. Grinevo comes to the service in the Belogorsk Fortress under Orenburg. Here he falls in love with the daughter of the head - the captain's daughter Masha Mironov.

    Masha Mironova - Marya Ivanovna Mironova, Captain's daughter. 18-year-old daughter Captain Mironova. Smart and kind girl, poor noble. Masha and Peter Grynev fall in love with each other. They overcome many difficulties on the way to happiness.

    Emelyan Pugachev - Don Cossack. Rises an uprising and gives himself to the late emperor Peter III (Catherine II's husband). He attacks the Belogorsk Fortress, where the Grineal is. Pugachev has a friendly relationship with grine, despite the fact that Pugachev is a cruel robber.

    Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich - Schvabrin - a young officer, nobleman from a good family. It serves with grine in the Belogorsk Fortress. Slip and false man. During Pugachev Bunta, he passes to the side of the impostor Pugachev.

    Savelich - Savelyev archite, or Savelich - the old servant Peter Greeneva. Economic and kind old man. Loves Greeneva and ready to give life for him. Grumble and loves to read the sermons Grinevo, but always wishes to him.

    Captain Mironov - Ivan Kuzmich Mironov - an old officer, commandant (chief) of the Belogorsk Fortress. A kind and hospitable person. An experienced warrior, about 40 years in military service. "Podkinnik" and bad leader.

    The captain of Vasilisa Egorovna - Vasilisa Egorovna Mironova - the old woman-wife Captain Mironova, "Captain", "Commandantsh". Good, hospitable mistress. Boy and brave woman. Manages both her husband and the whole fortress.

    Ivan Ignatich - the old "curve" officer, Lieutenant. Serves in the Belogorsk Fortress. Friends with the family of Mironovy. Experienced warrior. In battles, he lost one eye. Good lonely old man.

    Zirin - Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, 35-year-old officer, friend Grynev. Zurin meets Grinevo in Simbirsk for playing billiards. Zyrin loves to drink, play cards and billiards. At the same time, he is a good, honest officer.

    Bopre - Teacher of Young Petrushi Greens. Former hairdresser from France, served as a soldier in Germany. Bad teacher, fan of drinking and women. He taught Greeneva fencing.

    Catherine II - Empress Catherine II Great. Masha Mironova once gets acquainted with the Empress personally in the garden. Catherine II helps Masha. The Empress decides to pardon Greeneva, arrested for "friendship" with Pugachev.

    General Andrei Karlovich - Andrei Karlovich R. - Old buddy Andrei Greenieva (Father Peter Greens). The general manages the troops of the Orenburg province. He is a German by origin. Old lone officer. Good and clever man. Loves order and savings.

    Petra Grneeva's father - Andrei Petrovich Grinev - a former officer, Premier Major retired. Wealthy nobleman. Strict, solid and proud person. Does not indulge the son and wants to raise in it.

    Mother Peter Greeneva - Avdota Vasilyevna Yu. - A kind woman, left the poor noble family. Peter Grinev is her only son. Good mistress, patient and understanding wife.