Chatsky and Molchanin that they have in common. Comparative characteristic of Chatsky and Molchalin (by Comedy A.S.

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Guest (21:20:55 28/05/2013):
Griboedov worked on his comedy "grief from the mind" at the end of the 10th and early 20th anniversary of the XIX century. These were significant years in the history of Russia. Just ended the victory of the Patriotic War of 1812. I think this victory confirmed the will of the Russian people to freedom and independence, his hot love for his homeland. People hated autocracy and serfdom, which prevented the economic and cultural development of the country. After the Patriotic War in Russia, secret political societies began to appear, whose members were revolutionary nobles, ready to fight tyranny and despotism. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, future Decembrist societies were born, the political attitude of the noble youth, to which Griboedov belonged to and was undoubtedly affected his worldview and direction of his work. But such advanced thoughts were seized not all, and most of the population of Moscow were still adhered to the old rules of serfs. Against this majority and advocated young noblemen - revolutionaries. This is such a historical situation in the country and reflected Griboedov in his acute and tagged comedy "grief from the mind." Chatsky and Solvelin Heroes Comedy Griboyedov "Mount from the mind. They are absolutely different in nature, and according to the worldview. But despite the deep incompleteness, in Molchalin and Chatsk, you can find general features that have attracted to each of them (at different times) Sophia Famusov. Two of these young and nonsense people are associated with the house of Famusov. Chatsky - the son of a friend Famusov, brought up in this house. In a young age, he left Moscow, "the mind was looking for," he studied, I saw a lot and found out. Molchanin works as secretary in the house of Famousov, enjoys universal love and respect: as I work and forces, since I have been lying around the archives, I received three awarded. But here the author drives them in comedies, and we see how different from each other, Chatsky and Molchanin, and this dissimilarity is not covered under the outer shell. The very appearance of these heroes in the comedy can tell about many features of their characters. Chatsky literally breaks into the plot, he is hot in love and happy after a long separation to see Sophia. Joy and energy so fill it that he does not immediately notice the coldness of the girl. Molchanin also enters the comedy first silent, and after - justifying and confused. And soon we will find something about these heroes through their assessment by other applicants, in their speeches and actions. How are the households of the House of Famusov and the owner speak about the Chap? Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and Oster, like Alexander Andreich Chatsky! Oster, smart, eloquent, in friends especially happy ... ... he is small with his head, and writes nicely, translates. Chatsky - nobleman and proud of it. From surrounding it distinguishes freedom and independence of views, frankness and direct statements. The goal of his life, Chatsky sees in the ministry to Fatherland, he is a true patriot of his homeland, but low-planness, the struggle for the ranks, title, the awards oppress him and outraged: to serve it, to serve sissing. He is ready to serve "the case, not to persons", but it is impossible in the Famusov society. It is the independence of judgments, the desire to judge a person in cases, and not on the situation occupied by him in society, openness and directness causes a complete misunderstanding of others, aggression and rejection from their side: ah! Oh my God! He carbonara! Dangerous man! And I do not want to know you, the debauchery is not tolerated. And what about Molchanin? What did he come in confidence and won sincere respect for those most people who are so ruthless to Chatkomu? Look, the friendship of all he gained in the house, for three years, it serves three years, that often all rights reserved to be angry, and he will be disassembled to his silence, from the kindness of the soul forgive. And by the way, the cheerful to seek to seek; Nice: From the old mans, it does not stop for the threshold. A little time you need to understand that Molchanin fully accepts the laws of the Famus society and becomes indispensable for him. He is a cowardly and always subordinates his image of thoughts what is accepted in society: my summer should not make a judgment to have. After all, it is necessary to depend on others. The most important advantages of Molchanin considers helpfulness, moderation and accuracy. Lyckers, hypocrisy, podkhalim and a chinopoclon, most in life he dreams of "walk to degrees of famous", most likely will come true, "after all, they love the wordless" calculating to the smallest things, Molchanin can always count on support and the patronage of the "powerful world of this ". Relations with Sofia are driven by Chatsky and Molchalin, there are two opposite positions painfully. Chatsky is immaculately honest and sincerely with Sofia and expects the same frank from her. He does not hide not only his joy and happiness, but also bewilderment and even indignation. He soon understands, it is an unloved girl, but he wants to know: who is the opponent? Oh! Sophia! Really Molpalin elected her! And ҹ not a husband? The mind in it is only little; But ҹtob have children, who lacked the mind? Help, modest, in the face of the blush is. Here it is, on the target, and is not rich in words; Some stubble knew how to get it in the heart! However, a few minutes of communication with this brief and flattering ҹelovek disperse His suspicions: with such omests, you love with such a soul! .. Cheat laughed I need me! Sofya also under the influence of French novels adheres to other opinions. Finding in love with a cunning and unwinding ҹeloveka, she does not know how to see the true face under the mask: Molpalin for others is ready forget, the enemy of keenness, always stylingly, looked like someone you can spend so much! And ҹThe Molpalin? MOLOALIN moves through life, performing father's covenants: I was watching my father: first, to please all people without an emotional owner, where I will bring to live, with whom I will serve, the servant of him, who will give dresses, Swiss, janitor, for Evil evil . Dog janitor, ҹTob Laskov was. Therefore, Sofya for Molphanina is just another step when conquering a service staircase. Without constraint, he admits: And here is a lover, I take a view of the please of the Domery of this ҹelovka. However, this does not interfere with the Molpalina to unhearsally fuck with Liza, with whom he does not even feel necessary to hide his sub-soul mate: I don't see any enviable in Sophia Pavlovna ... Having learned about the chief of Sophia, Chatsky cannot hold back indignation: here I am donated to someone! I do not know how in yourself I was hazardy! I looked, and saw, and did not believe! But Sophia is amazed "the curvature soul" of the ex-beloved, she drills him in anger. In his comedy, Griboedov created a gallery of typical characters, which go beyond the historical framework of the era and the play itself. The Chatsky type of a fighter, who is ready to defend its beliefs in any situation, and even in serving defeat does not change them. Malline today is called hypocrites and liars, diligent careerists and low-pickers. And in our time, "Molnins are blissing in the world", but the Chatsky engine of progress, a representative of young progressive youth. I think, ҹto Griboedov, depicting the types of Chatsky and Mallina, offered to contemporaries and descendants to make their moral choice, they want to appreciate the people of their ҹelly advantages, and not on the masks they wear.

Guest (20:23:34 07/10/2013):
the plan is excellent. But I need to work on this plan.

Guest (18:22:39 24/11/2013):
Thanks for the detailed and understandable plan \u003d) I hope that he will help write an essay

Guest (09:47:49 24/05/2014):
The plan is bad, firstly, the first and third part never divide the composite secondly, it turned out not a plan and already the finished writing, too unfolded, this is also considered a mistake, in - third in terms you can not use verbs!

Elik (15:57:00 02/10/2018):
Thanks for those who came up with this plan.

The comedy of Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" is a unique blindness of the emerging, but already irreconcilable struggle in the society of the beginning of the XIX century between the advanced, progress-highly thinking young people and conservative representatives of the fortress antique. These two different public camps in the comedy picturesquely appear to be Chatsky and Molchanin - people of opposite life positions, moral norms, worldview.

Despite the deep incompleteness, in Molchalin and Chatsk, you can find general features that have attracted to each of them (at different times) sofia Famusov. Two of these young and nonsense people are associated with the house of Famusov. Chatsky - the son of a friend Famusov, brought up in this house. At the young age, he left Moscow, "I was looking for a mind," I studied, I saw a lot and found out. Molchanin works as secretary in the house of Famusov, enjoys universal love and respect:

As I do hardships and strength, since I have been lying around the archives, I received three awards.

But the author drives them in comedies, and we see, as much as Chatsky and Molchanin differ from each other, and this dissimilarity is not covered under the outer shell. The very appearance of these heroes in the comedy can tell about many features of their characters.

Chatsky literally breaks into the plot, he is hot in love and happy after the long separation to see Sophia. Ra and energy so fill it that it does not immediately notice the coldness of the girl. Molchalin is in a comedy first silent, and after - justifying and growing-raised. And soon we will find something about these heroes through their assessment by other applicants, in their speeches and actions.

How are the household household name of the house of Pham-owl and the owner speak?

Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and Oster, like Alexander Andreich Chatsky! Oster, smart, eloquent, in friends especially happy ... ... he is small with his head, and writes nicely, translates.

Chatsky - nobleman and proud of it. From surrounding it distinguishes the freedom and independence of views, from-blood and a straightmark of statements. The aim of his life, he sees in the ministry to Fatherland, he is the true path riot of his homeland, but low-planness, the struggle for the ranks, title, the awards oppress him and outraget:

It would be glad to serve sissing.

He is ready to serve "the case, not to persons", but this is impossible in the Famus society. It is the independence of judgments, the desire to judge a person on affairs, and not on the situation held by him in society, openness and straight causes a complete misunderstanding of others, aggression and rejection on their side:

Oh! Oh my God! He carbonaries! Dangerous man! And I do not want to know you, the debauchery is not tolerated.

And what about Molchanin? What did he enter the trust and the wall-shaft sincere respect for those most people who are so ruthless to Chatkomu?

Look, the friendship of all he got into the house in the house, with a father for three years, he serves three years old, he often sadly, and he will disarm him with silence, from the kindness of the soul forgive. And by the way, the cheerful to seek to seek; Nice: From the old mans, it does not stop for the threshold.

A little time you need to understand that Molchanin fully accepts the laws of the Famus society and becomes indispensable for him. He is a coward and always subordinates his image of thoughts what is accepted in general:

In my summer should not be mixed to have a judgment. After all, it is necessary to depend on others.

The most important advantages of Molchanin considers helpfulness, moderation and accuracy. Lyckers, hypocriser, dying and a chinopoclon, most of all in life he wants to "walk to degrees of famous", which, most likely, will come true, "After all, they love the wordless" Calculation-lumbly to the smallest things, Molchanin can always count on support and patronage "The strengths of this".

Relations with Sofia are driven by Chatsky and Molchalin, two opposite positions are faced. Chatsky is immaculately honest and sincerely with Sofia and expects the same frank from her. He does not hide not only his joy and happiness, but also bewilderment and even the perturbation. Very soon he understands that they unloved a girl, but he wants to know: who is the opponent?

Oh! Sophia! Did Molchanin elected her! And what is not a husband? The mind in it is only little; But to have children, who lacked the mind? Help, modest, in the face of the blush is. Here he is on tiptoe, and not rich in words; Some stubble knew how to get it in the heart!

However, a few minutes of communication with this bright and flattering man dispel his suspicions:

With such feelings, love with such a soul! .. The liar laughed at me!

Sophia, under the influence of the French novels, she serves another opinion. Feel in love with a cunning and dishonorous man, she does not know how to see the true face under the mask:

Zerkollin for others to forget is ready, the enemy of keenness, - always shy, incurred the night with whom you can spend so much!

And what about Molchanin? Molchanin moves through life, performing the Cape Father:

My father bequeathed me: first, to please all people without rewrittening - the owner, where he will bring to live. The boss, with whom I will serve, his servant, which cleans the dresses, to the Swiss, janitor, for the escalation of evil. Dog janitor, so that Laskov was.

Therefore, Sofya for Molchalin is just another stu-hemp when conquering a service staircase. Without constraint, he admits: Material from site.

And here is the lover, I take the form of the daughter of such a person.

However, this does not interfere with silence shamelessly to blame with Liza, with whom he does not even consider it necessary to conceal his poddens:

I do not see anything enviable in Sofye Pavlovna ...

Having learned about the chief of Sofia, Chatsky cannot sider-press indignation:

Here I am donated to someone! I do not know how in yourself I was hazardy! I looked, and saw, and did not believe!

But Sophia is amazed by the "curvature soul" of the former Liu Bimoy, she drills him in anger.

In his comedy, Griboedov created a gallery of typical characters who go beyond the historical framework of the EPO and the play itself. Chatsky is a fighter type, which is ready to defend its beliefs in any situation, and even in case of lesion does not change them. Silent today is called hypocrites and liars, pious careerists and low-strangles. And in our time, "the silence of blames in the world", but Chatsky is the engine of progress, a representative of young progressive youth.

I think that Griboedov, depicting the types of Chatsky and Molchalin, suggested that contemporaries and descendants to make their moral choice, learn to appreciate people by their human advantages, and not on the masks they wear.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • woe from the mind characteristic of heroes Chatsky and Molchanin
  • chatsky and Molchanin as 2 Moral Comedy Poles
  • characteristic of Molchalin from Comedy Mount from the mind
  • in comedy grief from mind Chartsky's characteristic
  • comparison of Chatsky and Molchalin in Comedy Mount Mind

Three years later there will be two centuries, as on the scenes of theaters with constant success, there is a comedy "grief from the mind." Among the brilliant characters, which was depicted in the work of Griboedov - Chatsky and Molchanin. It is their article that our article is dedicated.

The classic of Russian literature of the beginning of the XIX century was an extraordinary personality: a brilliant diplomat "standing 20 thousandth army", one of the most educated people of their time. The viewer fascinates the model of the aristocratic Moscow society of the middle hand created by the playwright. The characters of the Griboedovskaya comedy are bright and relevant.

In particular, the conceptual principles of Chatsky and Molkolly, two young people of the 23rd and 24 years of age, which begin their social life in Russian society. The principles of the first are reduced to the destruction of the foundations of serfdom. The second is looped on an effective career inside a stable state.

Comparison of Chatsky and Molchalin

The nature of the social activity of people to a certain extent is determined by their social status. The origin of Alexander Andreevich Chatsky and Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin - Miscellaneous. Chatsky - Aristocrat, he is not in service, has a steady source of income. Moreover, not only providing "bread-pressing", but also allows you to go to "learn the mind" in Europe. The vital principles of Chatsky and Molchalin are the principles of various social groups: aristocrats who despise labor and passionate about the French revolution, and the differences, their work of achieving recognition.

Chatsky ironically named "Flame Prophet"

Having arrived at home, Aristocrat Chazki, inspired by European progress, according to Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, positions himself with the status of the "fiene prophet", which does not even represent how to be implemented in Russia declarative principles.

The phrases of the Chatsky Hest and are correct. Alexander - Utopist and Egoist. His communication with other people is reduced to fiery monologues and sharp parments of opposite opinions. Alexander Isaevich noticed the communicative incompetence of this Hero of Griboedov, his willingness of his opponents with the words "schish the gossip", and the process is unnecessary.

Pushkin, speaking about Chazkom, was even more ironic - "funny small."

Chatsky and Molchanin Different attitude to society

Unlike its more wealthy peers, Alexey fondly feels a society in which there are. His beat and help brings him social bonuses. is more than the secretary, in fact, the right hand of Famusov. He pleases the guests of his cartridge at the Magazovsky house.

Is Chazzky, the branding "double", "reptile", "dense" secretary? After all, he is not even trying to understand what Alexey man. Chatsky and Molchalin is outlines two completely different identities who have different types of mind. One - bright, shaped, ideological, second - practical, economic. After all, in fact, Alexey Stepanovich Molchanin acts within the framework of decency and tolerance.

In the end, they can move and gratitude to the Famusov - his benefactor, a man who gives work and shelter. Molchanin does not think about things (according to the Bulgakov professor of Preobrazhensky) "space scale and cosmic nonsense". He makes more than he says. Moreover, and Chatsky shows that the first is not only loyal to society, but is its useful screw. The second should be attributed to the cohort of unnecessary people in their fatherland, following Evgenia Onegin and Pechorin. He, following the logic of the author of the work, positions itself with the only "smart person" among the "fools".

The vital principles of Chatsky and Molchalin are incomparable. The ideas of the first are tearned from Russian Being, they are just common slogans. Prior to their implementation - the abyss.

Is the "Couver" of Molchanin?

Alexey Molchanin, unlike his opponent, really makes a living service. His life rules are verified in practice. He, working as secretary, lives in the house of his cartridge Paul Afanasyevich Famusov, actually carrying out all the office work of the management plant. In other words, Molchanin is a clerk and accountant. He values \u200b\u200bhis job. So is it worth blaming him for "moderation and accuracy"?

In addition, young people unites the love conflict. Chatkoma likes the daughter of Famusov, Sofya; And she, in turn, sympathizes Alexei Khlestakov. The vital principles of Chatsky and Molchalin are different, including in relations with the opposite sex. So, the Chatsky, who blames himself perfect, does not have the concepts regarding the reasons that have chosen the feeling of the girl to him.

Molchanin - "Live", a mistake character

Molchanin does not find courage to immediately admit sofhe in the fact that he does not like her. At the same time, he is delicate in communicating with her and does not compromise the girl. Griboedov in the image of Molchalina shows a careerist who does not have a noble rank, however, pragmatic. The step behind the step follows it to the achievement of a favorable position in society. Silence are not fond of ideas, criticism. Their elements are daily painstaking work.

Griboedov drives two of these characters to the worldview conflict: Chatsky and Molchanin. After all, they, young people, according to the author, will determine the face of the "coming century". However, the reader understands: the secretary of Famusov is not at all such a calculating monster, as Chasky expresses. Moreover, Alexey is really confused - on the one hand, wanting a relationship with Liza, which he loves, and on the other - trying to be kind with the daughter of the owner. By chance Sophia hears his recognition by the maid. Chatkom is on hand.

Molchalin's career ruffles "Bar Love"

The situation is not in favor of silence. Most likely, he will lose the work of the secretary of the state institution. However, nothing reprehensible, by a major account, he did not. The reaction of Sophia on the heard recognition can be called "a storm in a glass of water." She liked Alexey, and she naughtysed himself that he loved her. The discrepancy between the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reality of the daughter of Famusov presented as the lowestness of Molchalin. Chatsky is frankly gloating.

However, he perfectly understands that his position in the Famus House is enough. Therefore, the wise phrase, said Liza, about the destructive consequences for a person of a simple class of both the "Baroic Wrath" and "Bark Love" - \u200b\u200bdirectly concerns it. It is the "Bar Love" it is the cause of the future collapse of his career employee. Comparative and silence thus shows that it is the second inherent in society, modesty, self-discipline, will.

Obviously, these features caused Sophia sympathy.

Instead of imprisonment

Chatsky and silellow have a different type of thinking. Alexander Andreevich very temperamentally expresses his thought, he just substantiates the chosen position rather brightly, immediately criticizes opponents and does nothing, and then removed with offended views. It is worth remembering that the stormy and inside stream of thoughts lovers of Russian literature has already met one character. This is all of us familiar Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

Of course, Chatsky - the character is more dynamic. However, the first step on the path of Ilya Ilyich has already done - neglected work. Not in vain Alexey Molchanin pinches it on this.

At the same time, the characteristic of Molchalin and Chatsky, given by the author in the work, gives the basis to move away from the classic characteristics. And it is right. After all, Chatsky is not such a positive, and Molchalin on verification is not a potential villain.

These heroes are completely different in all indicators. According to worldview, upbringing, character, in the desire to earn its place under the sun. Silence is acceptable to flattery, humiliation and all low-lyual qualities of a person.

Chatsky by origin of the nobleman, here in it and are reflected all the best features of a noble person. Molchalin does not have noble roots, his position in society, he achieved thanks to his boss.

Due to its origin, Chatsky formed and comprehensively developed as a person. Molchanin is the opposite, stupid and is not educated in his aspirations other than getting a new rank, he is nothing more interested.

Chatsky is the opposite in all glances. In the desires and in the nature of a completely different person. Chatsky loves his homeland and a country, very ardent and bright young man.

Molchanin, on the contrary, completely invisible and faceless, the main goal of his life is to receive a position. And the more prestigious, the better, it is a dishonest, a two-room person who will not stop before what to achieve its goals.

Chatsky does not like the exhibited past, he strives for a bright future. And hopes that society will change for the better. Chatsky served in the army, he got up to the rank of officer, now he retired.

In society, when discussing different those interested in society, Chatsky openly, and frankly sharing its conclusions.

Molchalin opposite does not express his thoughts, but agrees with the thoughts of officials who are higher for its rank to arrange them to itself and move on the service staircase.

Chatsky will not obey and flatter in order to love him in society, Molchalin is ready for all humiliation for the sake of career growth. And recognizing him in society.

In the course of reading the work it turns out that the Chatsky frank and bold man. Molchanin is the same absolute opposite, liar, coward and careerist.

In the house of Famusov, Chatsky is considered an incomprehensible person. Soon because of this he leaves. Molchanin, on the contrary, fits well into this society. As a result, Chatsky leaves Moscow, and Molchalin remains here to live and earn a new rank.

Molchanin acts as a liar, the Lystz, Molchun and Careerist. Who is ready for everything to be recognized in society and gave a new title. For this it will not bend anything, in addition to all, Chatsky and Molchanin became rivals in the conquest of love of Sofia.

And that I wonder Lytz and Lyuzolly Lychalin, she fell in the soul, and not honest frank and ardent Chatsky. But soon, Sophia leaves, Molchalin learning that he cares at the same time behind Liza.

The conclusion from all this is the following and in our society full of Chatsky and silent. Some honest and frank, proud and self-confident having their point of view in everything. Other quiet and calm agreements with all hypocrites who think one thing, but they say others. Curve the soul and kindly to achieve their goals.

Writing Chatsky and Solvelin Comparison for Grade 9

"Woe from the mind" a work that gives an accurate picture of the life of the Moscow nobles of the XIX century. In his immortal creation A.S. Griboedov tried to raise the main problems of this time: political system, serfdom, education, human relationship. These issues are considered a writer with two opposite perspectives: "current century" in the face of Alexander Chatsky and the "century of the past", in the face of Famusov, Molchalin, Skalozuba, Zagoretsky. Through the struggle of Molchalin and Chatsky, Griboedov tried to describe the struggle of these generations.

Alexander Chatsky Central Figure in the play. This is a poor nobleman who has learned and possessing the mind and having all his point of view, which is not afraid to express.

First of all, Chatsky actively opposes the serfdom system. With rage and indignation responds about how one landowner exchanged servants on the thoroughbred dogs. His anger also causes a bow of the nobility in front of the West, where even Russian speech is pronounced in the afternoon with French words.

Chatsky actively acts and promotes the revival of Russia. To strive to disinterestedly serve the Fatherland and benefit society. However, it does not want to hypocrite and be underhalm, just to get a high rank and honor.

All conversations about a successful career, wealth, successful and mutually beneficial marriages cause the main character to fight and try to change such a society.

But Alexey Molchalin in the Famow Society to live and exist quite comfortable. To please all who is above his rank - in this case, Molchalin successfully succeeds. With its main advantages, the young man believes: the ability to be silent, moderation, accuracy, helpfulness and ability to save caution in everything. He understands well that a rootless official can not be made to people without the support of people who have a position in society and power. False of this character can be seen in its attitude towards people. Without a revelation of conscience, Molchalin is able to please and flatter the Famusov, 65 years old Ms. Khlestova, the well-minded compliments, only to "get higher than".

The difference between Chatsky and Molchalin is clearly manifested in relation to the topic of love. If Molchanin is lying about his delicate feelings for Sofa for the sake of his career, then Chatsky is capable of sincere feelings. For the sake of her, he is trying to stay in a society that openly considers him a crazy and "dangerous man." Chatsky suffers from the fact that his beloved girl, yielding to the mood of his environment, chose a man for himself comfortable and unhappy, and not him, a man of reasonable and "striking knowledge."

Unfortunately, the social and social and love torments of Alexander Chatsky remain unresolved. His turning mind can not affect the frozen and immoral world. But the desire and desire of Chatsky to fight with bureaucracy and indifference of society, of course, characterize it as a man of extraordinary and progressively thinking.

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(379 words)

In his comedy "grief from the mind" A.S. Griboedov showed a clash of two different worldviews, the struggle between conservatism and a burden of freedom. The expressive of the first party is the Moscow "Famovsky" the highest light, in which Alexey Molchanin rotates, and on the other side of the barricades is alone in his beliefs Alexander Chatsky.

According to external signs, Chatsky and Molchanin are almost indistinguishable. Young people, nobles, smart, are formed, intelligent. But on this similarity ends. Chatsky is a maximalist and a dreamer, for many years he traveled around the world, expanding his horizons. Returning to Russia, he clearly sees all its shortcomings and problems. Bribery, courage and careerism, who struck the whole society, cause genuine disgust in it. Being confident in your abilities, he believes that it is able to stir up this swamp, and comes into a hard opposition first with the Magazov, and then with all his surroundings.

Molchanin is not at all such a, they only lead the desire to rise above the surrounding, and on this path the hero does not stop before. If Chatsky is trying to change, clear the system, it is used by the villocks and flaws of society for themselves. Suppressing his individuality, he successfully joined the highest light, where she flatters and led to the power of it. When Alexander spreads his opponents in the fluff and dust by angry monologues, Alexey keeps his thoughts and fully obeyed public opinion. As a result, the Moscow to know the noble, but alien to her the enlightener, which brightened his crazy, while sneaky, but the seductive swing was in every possible way.

An even more apparent difference between them becomes during their struggle for the heart of Sophia Famusov. Chatsky sees ideal in Sofa, the love of his life, and in this love he is blind. Until the very end, he could not understand that his beloved had long become part of the "Famusovsky" society. Alexander, Alexander setting up the girl against Himself to their audacious, ulcer comments about the Moscow life and her nrawls. As a result, she disgraces and rejects it. Another thing is Molchanin, who was his courtesy and intake modesty in Sophia Pavlovna, who in his imagination turned mediocre into the hero of love romance. For Aleksey, Roman with the daughter of the boss is a regular way to rise higher on the social staircase. One cold calculation is dominated in his head. Fortunately, at least our hero and defeated the opponent, but he himself was exposed and rejected.

According to the results of the struggle, Chatsky suffered a complete defeat, but did not break and remained faithful to his beliefs. So Griboedov expressed the hope that someday "Chatsky" will win "silent".

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