Human beauty drawing the image of a Russian beauty. Open lesson on the topic: "Human beauty (female image)"

The fine arts lesson was conducted according to the program of B.M. Nemensky in 4th grade.

Lesson objectives:

  • show students the role of art in understanding the beauty of a Russian woman;
  • to acquaint students with Russian folk costume, the concept of "ensemble";
  • to work out skills and abilities in solving creative problems for variation;
  • instill an interest in Russian folk art;
  • continue the development of aesthetic and artistic taste, creative activity and thinking of students;
  • carry out interdisciplinary communications (literature, art, music, history);
  • to educate children to love the history of Russia.


  • for the teacher - computer presentation, visual aids;
  • for students - blanks of girls' figures, watercolors or gouache paints.

Visual range:

Presentation with reproductions of paintings by M. Vrubel "The Swan Princess", I. Argunov "Portrait of an Unknown Peasant Woman in a Russian Costume", K. Bryullov "Fortune-Telling Svetlana", K. Korovin "Northern Idyll", K. Makovsky "Near the outskirts", "Russian beauty "," Boyaryn at the window "and illustrations of Russian folk costume.

Literary series:

  • AS Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (excerpt);
  • N. Nekrasov "Who Lives Well in Russia" (excerpt);
  • N.Nekrasov "Frost, Red Nose" (excerpt).

Musical series: recording of Russian folk songs.

The course of the lesson “The Image of the Russian Man. Female Images in Art "

I. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Guys, today in the lesson with you we will continue to study the section "Origins of Native Art". Let's remember what topics we have already studied. (Slide number 1).

All types and genres of fine arts directly or indirectly tell about a person. The main object of art has always been a person, a complex spiritual world, character, mood.

II. Topic announcement.

The topic of our lesson: “The image of a Russian person. Female Images in Art ”(slide 2).

III. Goal setting.

Teacher: Let's define the objectives of our lesson. What would you like to learn in the lesson? What would you like to learn?

Vi. Work on the topic of the lesson. Learning new material.

Teacher: Each nation has its own understanding of male and female beauty. The image of a man is inseparable from work. In Russian peasant culture, this is the image of a plowman.

How do you see the female image? The woman was seen as the progenitor, the beginning of life, the mother of all nature. She was understood as an intercessor, mistress of the house, valued dignity, emotional responsiveness and warmth.

Russian beauty. Many works of art and literature are dedicated to this image. What do we mean by the expression Russian beauty?

Let's turn to the works of great artists and to the artistic word about the beauty of women who lived in ancient Russian villages and cities. (Slide number 3).

Disciple: They say there is a princess,
That you can't take your eyes off.
In the afternoon, the light of God dims,
At night it illuminates the earth -
The month under the scythe shines
And in the forehead the star burns.
And she herself is stately,
Acts like a pava.

Disciple: The image of a bird is the oldest symbol of goodness and prosperity. In the image of a woman, in her costume, and most of all in the image of white sleeves-wings, the image of a beautiful dream - a bird of happiness - was expressed.

Disciple: “The Swan Princess” is one of the most poetic female images in the art of the artist Vrubel. Vrubel depicted the Swan Princess wearing a crown decorated with river pearls and semi-precious stones. Vrubel lovingly tried to convey all the beauty of national women's clothing, its colors, close to native nature. (Slide number 4).

Disciple: There are women in Russian villages
With the calm importance of faces,
With beautiful strength in movement
With gait, with the gaze of queens.
Beauty to the world wonderfully:
Blush, slim, tall,
Beautiful in all clothes
Dexterous in all work.

Disciple: If you look closely at the portrait of a peasant woman made by the artist Argunov, you can see that she seems to radiate an even, soft radiance, she has a light in her soul. A young girl is dressed in a festive red sundress with a white smart blouse. The tall kokoshnik embroidered with gold emphasizes the girl's noble, almost royal bearing. (Sweet number 5).

Disciple: Our dances are famous everywhere,
Our dances are like fire.
A Russian beauty will come out,
Let it go to the accordion.
Russian boots are sewn in gold,
Narrow boots shine in the sun.
A beauty is walking, floating like a swan
And everyone admires her beauty.

Disciple: Bryullov's painting was inspired by Zhukovsky's poem "Svetlana". Shown is an episode of divination that was part of the celebration of Christmas. Bryullov depicted Svetlana in the Russian national costume, sitting in front of a mirror, to which she turned her gaze. The artist created an impressive image of a young girl that attracts with its beauty and spontaneity.

Teacher: Guys, you looked at reproductions of paintings, listened to literary works. How did you see the image of a Russian beauty? What do all these images have in common?

All these images are united by a rich inner world, kindness, hard work. Each painting reflected the national traditions of the Russian people. People believed: beauty is a good protective force. Therefore, women sought to decorate their costume. Special attention has always been paid to the Russian national costume. (Slide number 6).

Teacher: The ensemble of Russian folk costume creates a poetic image that is inseparable from work life, holidays, rituals. The idea of \u200b\u200ba Russian female costume is associated with a shirt and a sundress.

Shirt - the basis of a woman's costume was sewn from white linen. The shirt was decorated with embroidery, especially the collar, shoulder, chest and hem. (Slide number 7).

Teacher: A sundress was worn over the shirt. The sundress was decorated in front with a patterned stripe and braid. The hem of the sundress was decorated with a pattern that symbolized the fertility of the earth - rhombuses, triangles, squares with dots.

In the north, a sundress was often supplemented with an open-topped chest dress - an epanechka. Epanechka is a short sleeveless flared blouse. (Slide number 8).

Teacher: In southern Russia, instead of a sundress, they wore a poneva - a homespun checkered skirt made of wool. She was trimmed with ribbons, braid. An apron, decorated with patterns symbolizing the earth and water - rhombuses, wavy lines, birds, was relied on by the way. (Slide number 9).

On holidays, the head was decorated with a marvelous headdress - a kokoshnik. Kokoshniks were richly decorated with river pearls, embroidery, and pendants. Girls put their braids on display, and a married woman tucked her hair under her headdress.

V. Creative work.

Teacher: Today in the lesson, I suggest you create an image of a Russian beauty. What should you show in your work? That's right, you must reflect the beauty of the Russian folk costume, convey the character of the girl and her mood.

(During the work, Russian folk songs are played.)

Teacher: Guys, we will place your work on the board.

  • What do you see on the board? (A small clearing near the forest).
  • And what did the girls in the meadow do when they got together? (We had a round dance).
  • How do we arrange our girls? (Round).

(Students place girls' figures in a circle on the board).

  • And what did the girls do when they got into a round dance? (Sang songs).
  • Let us and you and I sing the song "There was a birch in the field."

(Performing a song with children).

Vi. Summing up the results of the work.

Teacher: Guys, what new have you learned in the lesson? Have we achieved our goals? What have you learned about Russian folk costume? Well done, everyone worked very well today. Thanks everyone for the lesson.

Presentation “The Image of the Russian Man. Female Images in Art "

  • What will our lesson be about?
  • Where do you see the beauty of a person?
  • What kind of person do you think is handsome?
  • Who is "Good fellow"?

What product was not planted in Ancient Russia?

  • Vivid examples are reflected in Russian folk tales.
  • What fairy tales do you know where the image of a Russian peasant is shown?
  • Let's look at illustrations from Russian folk tales.

  • What was the men's clothing in Russia?
  • What can you tell us about shoes?
  • Who wore boots in Russia?



Russian trousers were sewn without cuts, with a knot, so that it could be used to make them wider and narrower.


  • Guys, why do you think our ancestors wore a belt?
  • There was one more task at the belt - a secret ...
  • Tell me, what shape does the belt tied at the waist take on?
  • And what did the symbol of the circle represent in ancient times among most peoples?
  • Guys, have you ever heard the expression "got loose"? What does it mean?

That's right, and he also performed various functions: Some objects were “laid” in the belt, while others were hung from the belt. For example, a sword, knife, weapon, the warriors wore in their belt. In the old days, a mirror, a pincushion, figures-amulets from evil spirits and bags for money were hung from the belt.

The circle of the ancient Slavs meant the religious symbol of God And was a talisman. So, the belt was a talisman, it protected the stomach. After all, the word "belly" in ancient times meant "life". Thus, it turns out that the belt protected life. Therefore, it turns out that everyone had to wear it.

This means, as it were, lost his human form.

PHE CULT A minute

We worked together and were a little tired.

Quickly, everyone immediately stood at their desks.

Silence stands around

The mowers went out to the meadow.

Swing oblique here, here,

Do one and do two.

Here we spread our hands

As if surprised

And to each other to the ground

They bowed to the belt.

Below, children, do not be lazy

Bow down, smile.

We reached out from the heart

And they returned to the place again.


  • Creation of the image of a Russian peasant - a portrait image in gouache.


  • Today in the lesson I ...
  • The most interesting thing in the lesson today was ...
  • The most difficult thing for me today was ...
  • Today in the lesson I felt ...
  • Today I realized ...
  • Today I learned ...
  • Today I thought….
  • Today's lesson showed me ...
  • I want to know more about ...

Outline of a fine arts lesson in grade 4 under the program of B. M. Nemensky on the topic "The image of a person's beauty (female image)"

Characteristics of the stages of the lesson

Technological lesson map

Kokoshnik schemes

Presentation "Image of Human Beauty"



Outline of a fine arts lesson in grade 4 according to the program of B.M. Nemensky

on the topic " The image of human beauty (female image) ”.

Fine art teacher Elena Gennadievna Ponomareva

MOU Secondary School No. 89, Dzerzhinsky District, Volgograd

  1. Class: 4
  2. Date: 09/26/2013
  3. Thing: art.
  4. Theme: Human beauty image (female image).
  5. Place of the lesson in the systemFine arts lesson in grade 4 according to the program of B. M. Nemensky. 5 lesson.
  6. Lesson type: Lesson in mastering new knowledge.
  7. Operational purposes: Image of a portrait of a woman in a folk costume.

Educational goal: Awakening interest in history, culture, art of Russia

  1. Lesson Objectives:

Educational: To acquaint with women's folk costume, to acquaint with the image of a portrait of a woman and the work of K. Makovsky, to teach how to depict a portrait, to consolidate the skills of working with color.

Developmental: to promote the development of aesthetic taste, logical thinking, speech, creative imagination and attention.

Educational: to contribute to the education of interest in the lessons of fine arts, the education of accuracy, friendliness.

Personal: - to acquaint students with the portrait genre, the beauty of Russian folk clothes of women;

Metasubject: - to carry out intersubject connections (literature, art, history, music);

Subject: create a drawing - a portrait in a kokoshnik.

  1. Equipment for the lesson: Computer, projector, presentation on the topic of the lesson.
  2. Didactic means:

for the teacher -

Figurative range: drawings, presentation with works by K. Makovsky.

Literary series: poems - A. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" (excerpt), "Frost, Red Nose" (excerpt). ...

Musical series: recording of Russian folk songs.

for the student - Sheet A-3, gouache and brushes.

  1. Expected results: to form students' understanding of folk costume, respect for culture, develop the ability to work with art materials.
  2. Basic concepts: Kokoshnik, round dance, portrait.
  1. Characteristics of the stages of the lesson

Lesson topic

Place of the lesson on the topic

Human beauty image (female image)

The fifth lesson on the topic "The origins of the art of your people"

Lesson type

Forms, techniques, methods

Combined, Lesson in mastering new knowledge, lesson-game

Frontal, pair work, individual work., Productive methods

The purpose of the lesson

Lesson Objectives

To depict a portrait of a Russian woman in a folk headdress, based on the works of K. Makovsky.

Educational: To acquaint with women's folk costume, to acquaint with the image of a portrait of a woman and the work of K. Makovsky, to teach how to depict a portrait, to consolidate the skills of working with color.

Developing: to promote the development of aesthetic taste, logical thinking, speech, creative imagination and attention.

Educational : to contribute to the education of interest in the lessons of fine arts, the education of accuracy, friendliness.

Personal : - to acquaint students with the portrait genre, the beauty of Russian folk clothes of women;

  1. - develop imagination, creative imagination, graphic skills;
  2. - to educate children to love the history of Russia
  3. - show the role of art in understanding the beauty of a Russian woman;
  4. - to learn to define the means of expressing mood and feelings in art;
  5. - to acquaint with the work of K. Makovsky;

Metasubject : - to carry out interdisciplinary communications (literature, art, history, music);

Subject: create a drawing - a portrait in a kokoshnik.

Intended outcome


Be able to

Basic concepts: Kokoshnik, round dance, portrait, varieties of kokoshniks.

Correctly determine the composition of the picture,

Use artistic materials to make a portrait.

Determine the affiliation of the presented images to any locality.

Competencies / UUD

Pedagogical technologies


educational and cognitive, informational, communicative

method of problem learning, technology of game methods, learning in collaboration

Computer, projector, presentation on the topic of the lesson, cards with the task.

  1. Technological lesson map

Stage name,


Teacher activity

Student activities

The form



1. Motivation (self-determination) for learning activities.
(2-3 minutes)

Purpose for the teacher:create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for students to be included in educational activities

Purpose for learners: self-determination to learning activities


Hello guys. Check if you are ready for the lesson?

Today we have an unusual lesson - a journey into the past.

Welcome. They organize their workplace, check the availability of individual educational supplies.


Formation of UUD:

(R) volitional self-regulation

2. Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in trial action.

Purpose for the teacher:contribute to the actualization of the corresponding mental operations and cognitive processes in students.

Purpose for learners: motivation for a trial educational action and its independent implementation.

Conversation, work at the blackboard

Hello my friends!

I am glad to see you.

Is waiting for you today

Skaz about the Russian beauty.

Guys, what do you think a "Russian beauty" should be? Let's turn to an artistic word about the beauty of women who lived in ancient Russian villages and cities. Folk music will help us to tune in to the right mood.

Slide 2.

They say there is a princess

That you can't take your eyes off.

In the daytime the light of God dims

At night it illuminates the earth -

The month under the scythe shines

And in the forehead the star burns.

And she herself is stately,

Acts like a pava;

Sweet speech speaks,

As if the river gurgles.

From what work are these lines?

There are women in Russian villages

With the calm importance of faces,

With beautiful strength in movement

With gait, with the gaze of queens.

Wouldn't a blind man notice them!

And the sighted one says about them:

It will pass - like the sun will shine

He will look - he will give him a ruble.

Beauty to the world wonderfully:

Blush, slim, tall,

Beautiful in all clothes

Dexterous in all work.

What unites these female images? What is their beauty?

The concept of Russian beauty reflects centuries-old ideas about the ability to hold oneself and dress, about facial features, and most importantly, about the ability to subtly feel nature and deeply experience grief and joy. Softness and spiritual strength, tenderness and dignity are understood as the essence of the beauty of a Russian woman.

Feminine images are deeply connected with the image of a bird of happiness, which walks on earth, floats on water and can fly freely in the sky accessible only to a person's dreams.

Children's answers.

Beautiful, kind, smart.

Children's answers

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. "Jack Frost".

Their hard work, beauty.


Formation of UUD:

(R) self-control: learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one; awareness of what has already been learned and what else needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.

(P) the formation of mental operations: analysis, comparison, generalization.

Formulation of the problem.

Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty.
(3-4 minutes)

Purpose for the teacher:create conditions for the formation of the ability of students to identify and record the cause of difficulty in external speech.

Purpose for learners: identify the cause and place of the problem

Conversation; viewing the presentation,
work with handouts

Do you know what costume your great-great-grandmother could wear?

What did everyday and festive folk costumes look like, how and why did they decorate them?

Guys, we have a difficult guest today - Mashenka. She came to us in a stylized Russian costume. The teacher demonstrates a female Russian folk costume.

The red maiden is walking

Like a pavushka floats

She's wearing a gold dress

Scarlet ribbon in a braid.

Take a look at the Machines suit. As if someone had collected sunlight, flowers from the fields and placed them on clothes. Everything in the suit reminds of the beauty of the native land, gives rise to a feeling of celebration in the soul!

Over the course of several centuries, in different parts of the Russian land, their own characteristic features in clothing developed, and people strictly adhered to local traditions.

On holidays, women's heads were adorned with a wondrous headdress - a crown or kokoshnik. Slide 3-7.

Kokoshnik is a tall, embroidered festive headdress for women that covers the hair. The name comes from the Old Russian word "Kokosh" - cock.Apparently the shape of the headdress reminded the ancient Russians of a cock's comb.

Richly decorated with river pearls, embroidery, pendants, it made you keep your head high and your back straight. And his mistress acted "like a pava", "swam like a swan." In everyday life, the girl paraded a braid: "the braid is a girl's beauty." A married woman pulled all her hair. According to legends, a woman's hair brought misfortune. It was shameful for a married woman to appear without a headdress. Even now, when they say "got it wrong," we mean - it was disgraced. By design, four types of kokoshniks were distinguished, each of which was characteristic of a certain territory.

One-horned kokoshniks can be of three types: in the form of an isosceles triangle, in the form of a cone with an elongated front part, in the form of hats with a high head and a flat rounded top.

Kokoshniks in the form of a cylindrical flat-bottomed hat... They were decorated with gold embroidery, beads, pearls, mother-of-pearl. They were usually worn with a scarf folded at a corner.

Kokoshniks with a flat oval top, protrusion above the forehead, lobes above the ears. Kokoshniks were usually tied with a white scarf decorated with gold embroidery.

Saddle-shaped kokoshnik, which was a headdress with a high rounded top in the shape of a saddle with a slightly raised front part. It was usually worn with a forehead - a narrow strip of ornamented fabric

Sundress, shirt.

On weekdays - simple, dim.

On holidays, beautiful, bright. Decorated with embroidery.

Consider a suit. They are discussing.


Formation of UUD:

(P) volitional self-regulation in a situation of difficulty;

learn to work according to the plan suggested by the teacher; define and formulate the goal of the lesson with the help of the teacher.

(P) the ability to pose and formulate a problem with the help of a teacher

Designing and fixing new knowledge.

4. Building a project for a way out of the difficulty.
(5 minutes)

Purpose for the teacher:promote the assimilation of new knowledge through a leading dialogue.

Purpose for learners:consider a project for future training activities

Conversation, acquaintance with the fairy tale

Kokoshniks from various regions of our country have been preserved in historical museums and art museums.

You have diagrams of different types of kokoshniks. Let's try to identify the area where the women wore these hats.

Slide 8-11.

Determine the belonging to any locality of the depicted girls in kokoshniks by cards and slides.


Formation of UUD:

(P) pronouncing the sequence of actions in the lesson; the formation of a cognitive initiative.

(P) the ability to find and highlight the necessary information; the ability to make assumptions and justify them.

(L) the ability to realize responsibility for a common cause;

the ability to follow moral norms and ethical requirements in behavior.

(K) the ability to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy; the ability to listen and understand the speech of others; take into account different opinions.

5. Dynamic pause
(3 min)

Purpose for the teacher:contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the health of students. Provide the necessary physical activity.

The purpose of the students:rest, prepare for the next stage of work

physical education

Did you guys know thatround dance - an ancient folk circular mass ritual dance? Today in the lesson we get acquainted with folk art, let's get up in a round dance and invite our guest.

Repeat the steps for the teacher


Formation of UUD:

(R) volitional self-regulation

6. Independent work (18 min)

Purpose for the teacher:create conditions for organizing a situation of success, motivating students to be included in further cognitive activity.

Purpose for learners:learn to apply the knowledge gained when performing tasks of a new type.

independent work;

We have already said that the main object of art has always been a person, his appearance, a complex spiritual world, character, mood, the structure of his thoughts and feelings - in a word, all the wealth of a personality in its various manifestations.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of the image of a certain, specific person?


The main quality of the portrait - the resemblance to the original - is provided, first of all, by an accurate depiction of a person's external appearance. However, one external similarity is not enough, since the true depth of the portrait lies in the disclosure of the psychological world of a person.

Before work, the teacher invites students to think about the questions:

What would their mothers look like in a kokoshnik?

How will you arrange the sheet?

The teacher explains that a vertical image that can be taken up to the chest is better. It is necessary to beautifully decorate the elements of the headdress.

When completing the assignment, compositional, coloristic problems are solved, the ability to portray a person is mastered. The head is wider at the top, narrower to the chin, the front part to some extent resembles the shape of an egg, a high, stately neck is a sign of female beauty. The teacher pays attention to how the eyes are drawn, the nose and lips are depicted. In a playful way, it brings students to the understanding that the beauty of their images will be achieved through the beauty of color relationships and shapes, individual details of the face. Will it be beautiful if we draw a large nose, a wide mouth, put our eyes close, make a small skull, huge ears. This moment of comparison is yielding positive results. Children independently work on the image of a Russian beauty.


Listen to the teacher.


Draw an oval of the face

They do it.




Formation of UUD:

(L) the ability to evaluate oneself based on the criterion of success.

(P) the ability to control and evaluate the process and performance.

(K) the ability to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy; the ability to listen and understand the speech of others.

9. Reflection of educational activities in the classroom.
(5-6 minutes)

Purpose for the teacher:
promote the organization of self-assessment of students' work.

Purpose for learners:self-assessment by students of their own learning activities.

Reflection (Express exhibition. Evaluation of works.)

Conversation, game "Artist-spectator"

In this case, dwell in more detail on the following criteria:

Originality of the idea;

Design aesthetics;


So, my dears, what new have you learned in today's lesson?

What goals did we achieve by the end of our session?

What remains for you an unexplored mystery, an unsolved problem?

Well done, this is what we will devote the next lessons to.

Homework assignment: Find reproductions of art that reflect masculine beauty.

Students demonstrate their work by hanging it on a magnetic board, discussing it, and after some corrections, we evaluate the work. We place the most successful ones in the paper frames made in the previous lessons.

Cleaning of workplaces.


- reflection of the ways and conditions of action (P);

- control and evaluation of the process and the results of activities (P);

- self-assessment based on the criterion of success (L);

- an adequate understanding of the reasons for success / failure in educational activities (L);

- expression of their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy (K);

- formulation and argumentation of your opinion, taking into account different opinions (K);

- the use of criteria to justify their judgment (K);

- planning of educational cooperation (C);

- adherence in behavior to moral norms and ethical requirements (L).


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FINE ARTS Human Beauty Grade 4 Lesson 5

Primary school teacher

MBOU SOSH № 33 Simferopol

  • Objectives: to study the images of female images in the paintings of Russian artists; carry out analytical work to compare them; to acquaint with the ideals of Russian beauty; repeat the skills of depicting a person in a drawing; teach the image of elements of folk costumes; to conduct the psychological mood of the lesson; to acquaint with the terms "kokoshnik", "sarafan".
  • Kind of activity: drawing.
  • Planned results: schoolchildren will analyze the images in the portraits of Russian artists; repeat the specifics of the portrait; acquire knowledge about changing the ideals of Russian beauty; practice painting a portrait; psychologically tune in to classes.

  • A portrait is a work of fine art containing an image of one or more people.
  • Portrait painter is an artist, specialist in the field of portraiture.
  • Russian costume is a national dress.
  • Idyll is a small piece of poetry depicting a serene life.

  • What are genres in visual arts?
  • What genres of fine art do you know?
  • You have already done drawing this year, what genre can you refer to your drawings? (Landscapes.)

  • Pictures are hung here
  • How many eyes do you want -
  • Here are the stands, and here are the showcases.
  • You have come to the museum today.
  • For every taste of the picture here.
  • What does our viewer love?
  • Grove with red rowan -
  • This, dear friend, ... .
  • Forest and field, meadow and river,
  • Blue skies
  • Wonderful places We watch for half an hour.
  • I. Agapova

  • Today you will meet with a genre of fine art already familiar to you. To remember it, you will also have to solve a riddle.
  • We love pictures very much
  • And we will give the answer to everything:
  • Here is a girl in a colorful fur coat -
  • This, dear friend, ...
  • Mom is drawn here,
  • Grandfather and grandmother follow her.
  • We will frame portraits
  • And hang on the wall.
  • I. Agapova

  • Before you start studying portraits of the great artists of Russia and creating your own drawings, let's get in the mood for a lesson. Sit comfortably, lean back in chairs. Take how many deep breaths in and out. Cover your eyes.
  • The teacher pronounces phrases that students repeat after him.
  • I enjoy working in fine art lessons.
  • I can distinguish paintings by their genres and can tell about them.
  • I enjoy studying the paintings of great artists.
  • I like drawing.
  • I like to do applique and design.
  • My hands will become skillful.
  • I diligently complete all tasks.
  • I try to do everything that the teacher asks, and I will learn to do everything very well.
  • I ask you to take a deep breath and open your eyes.

  • The artist Ivan Petrovich Argunov was a serf, manager of the palaces of Count Sheremetev.
  • I. Argunov was talented, his talent was noticed, he was trusted to paint portraits of gentlemen and even Russian queens. The main genre in which he worked was the portrait. Argunov strove to show the natural strength and dignity of man in his portraits.

  • But one of his best works was not a portrait of a count or a queen, but of a peasant woman in Moscow province, a reproduction of which is included in the textbook. The master created a clean, clear image of a Russian woman with a calm and kind soul. This portrait is distinguished by the clarity of the drawing, the rigor of the forms, and the thoughtful ratio of colors.

  • The second picture is called "Northern Idyll", its author is the artist Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin. The word idyll means consistency, an ideal image. Indeed, in his painting, the artist conveys the character of such an idyll.

  • In many books you have already met with a description of the image of a girl or woman - a Russian beauty.
  • I will remind you of one famous passage - the description of the Swan Princess from Pushkin's fairy tale.
  • Here she, glistening with wings,
  • Flew over the waves
  • And ashore from above
  • Sank into the bushes.
  • Startled, shook herself
  • And the princess turned around.
  • And she herself is stately,
  • Acts like a pava.
  • The month under the scythe shines
  • And in the forehead the star burns.

  • And here is a description of a Russian peasant woman, which was created by another Russian poet - N. Nekrasov.
  • There are women in Russian villages
  • With the calm importance of faces,
  • With beautiful strength in movement,
  • With a gait, with the gaze of queens, -
  • Won't a blind man notice them,
  • And the sighted one says about them:
  • “It will pass - as if it will illuminate with the sun!
  • He will look - he will give him a ruble! "
  • ... Beauty, wonder to the world,
  • Blush, slim, tall,
  • Beautiful in all clothes
  • Dexterous in any work.

  • ... Get started full face portrait drawing from an oval (it can be more or less oblong, depending on the shape of the head), divided by a line in half vertically. The horizontal line will also divide the oval in half, it runs at the level of the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye - the teardrop. The intersection of these lines, forming the so-called cross, will be the control point from which you need to build the rest of the face. To maintain the correct proportions of the face, it is necessary to determine the ratio of its width to height.

  • We outline all parts of the face, the nose fits about the height of the face three times and has the shape of a prism.
  • When portraying eyes, you need to remember that each person has an individual pattern. It is determined by the size of the eyeballs and how they are located in the eye socket. The eye shape also varies. The distance between the eyes is equal to the size of one eye. Exceptions depend on the physiological characteristics of the person, for example, close or far-set eyes.
  • Draw the line of the mouth. We outline the ears.

  • Next, we outline the location of the pupil, the width of the open part of the eye, the thickness of the upper and lower eyelids. We make the outlines of the nose more realistic. When drawing the mouth, keep in mind that it is always wider than the base of the nose. We outline the drawing of the lips, show their character.
  • The earlobes with the head not tilted are depicted just above the mouth line, and their upper points are slightly below the eyebrow line.

  • We work on all parts of the face in more detail.
  • We define the shadow side of the face, help to reveal the shape in tone. Strengthen the tone in places where the shape fades into shadow: on the cheekbone, left forehead, chin, upper lip, left wing and below the nose, on the neck. The surface of the forehead is divided into several planes - anterior, lateral and upper. In this case, the frontal tubercles serve as a reference point. The boundaries of these planes should be shown in tone.
  • You need to work out the nose in detail, since it is closest to us and the contrast of light and shadow on it will be most pronounced. At the final stage, in some places, you should work out the hair in detail, as well as make expressive eyes, outline the line of the shoulders.

  • What is a landscape?
  • What is a portrait?
  • What kind of work did you do in class today?
  • What accessories do you need?
  • What portraits have you painted?
  • What rules should be followed when drawing a portrait.
  • What folk costume details did you use in your portraits?
  • Did you manage to convey the characters of the heroines you drew?

  • Today you will be creating a portrait theme.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • To form an image of female and male beauty in students.
  • Arouse interest in studying the traditional protective clothing of Ancient Russia.
  • To foster respect for the peculiarities of the national culture.
  • To teach the image of a man and a woman in traditional clothes of Ancient Rus.


For a reproduction teacher:

  • Ivan Bilibin - illustrations for the fairy tales “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Go There - I Don't Know Where”, “Finist's Feather Clear-Falcon”;
  • N. Roerich - sketches for the ballet “The Rite of Spring”;
  • Boris Olshansky “Meeting”;
  • V.N. Vasnetsov - "Three princesses of the underworld", costume sketches for the opera
  • “The Snow Maiden”, “Three Heroes”, “The Nesmeyana Princess”, “The Frog Princess” Folk costume: men's shirt, women's shirt, poneva, headdress (birch bark), beads, belts, bast shoes.

For students:sheets of paper, pencils, brushes, gouache, water container.

During the classes

  • Organizing time.
  • Introductory speech of the teacher.
  • Practical work.
  • Summing up, homework.

Each nation has its own image of human beauty. It is reflected in traditional dress, in men's and women's festive attire. Consider the beauty of the image of a person in Ancient Russia.

The traditional costume has long since disappeared from everyday life. Already by the beginning of the 19th century, it was completely ousted from the city by European fashion brought to Russia by Peter 1. And only the peasants continued to wear their usual clothes and took out old clothes from their grandmother's chests on holidays. And the life of the Russian traditional costume found its continuation in the fairy-tale books of Ivan Bilibin, in the paintings of Viktor Vasnetsov, Boris Olshansky, Roerich. The artists meticulously recreated the details of Slavic clothing - brightly patterned men's shirts and embroidered outfits of dandy girls. Oddly enough, but the men's suit has not changed much since ancient times. The same belted shirt, trousers, bast shoes, a headdress, a hat.

As you know, the shirt in the old Russian village was the main part of the costume, and sometimes the only one for young people. For everyday clothes, not embroidered shirts were sewn, but how they decorated a festive one! The girls especially tried, because it was considered a shame to appear in public on a holiday in an un-embroidered shirt. Is it any wonder that people associated many different beliefs with a shirt? It was believed, for example, that there was no way to sell it - you would lose your happiness. And the wedding shirt, moreover, was believed to have healing powers.

The decorations themselves had a deep meaning. In ancient times, the rite of "reading patterns" was still alive. In one of the villages gathered, from near and far farms, girls in the best, handmade outfits. Four or five shirts with intricate patterns that went from hem to chest were worn one on top of the other. Then - a sundress, on top of it three or four elegant aprons. The guys who came to the holiday chose an old woman as their escort and with her approached the discharged girls. The woman showed them aprons and hemlines, while explaining the meaning of the patterns. Guys, on the other hand, judged the girls' hard work and abilities by embroidery. An old song says how one of these needlewomen worked:

Embroidered for the first time
Red sun with seaweeds.
With warm clouds;
Embroidered for the second time
The moon is bright with rays
With frequent stars ...
Embroidered for the fourth time
Blue sea with stars.

The most ancient color combination in Russian embroidery is white and red. The red color in the folk costume was at the same time a symbol of earthly fertility and the sun itself, and white is the color of purity, joy and Divine power.

Antique embroidery has a deep symbolic meaning. Ancient Slavic myths are encrypted in them - about the origin of the world, the man himself, the secrets of birth and death, etc.

Here are some symbols:

Symbol Value Symbol Value
Sprout The sun
White light
"Closed fire"
Earth The Land Revealed by Spring
Plowed field Sown field
Bereginya Tree of life
Water Water

We will try to find the key to knowledge of the language of embroidery in ancient fairy tales. At least in this one, where the sun is discussed: “Big room, the firebird is burning, everyone knows it and adores it”. After all, this is the solution to the image already familiar to us on the hem of the shirt: the light-room is the image of the world, the firebird is the clear sun! And the smaller birds (they are called pavas) are like rays around the sun.

Beads, bracelets, rings, earrings - additions to an elegant women's costume A headband, crown or headdress - girls' headdresses - left hair and a braid open on top, which was a girl's pride and adornment.

Let's take a close look at the details of the Rusichi clothes, depicted by the great Russian artists (B. Olshansky, V. Vasnetsov, I. Balibin, K. N. Roerich).

We closed our eyes and presented the beauty of the human image. Who introduced it, we take simple pencils and start drawing.

The practical part.

Now let's move on to the next step. Today we will create a folk festive costume.

Phased work:

  • remember the main proportions of the human figure;
  • composing the image on the sheet;
  • we supplement outerwear with characteristic elements and details;
  • working on the image with color.

Practical part - differentiable task:

1st group - strong level.

Assignment: to depict a festive folk costume, try to draw in more detail the details of the costume.

2nd group - intermediate level.

Assignment: draw a sketch of a festive folk costume.

3rd group - weak level.

The task : display item costume.

Exhibition of works by students.

We place children's works on the podium and on the board. The best completed works are selected for the school exhibitions “The World through the Eyes of Children” and “The Artist's Kingdom”.

Homework.Those who did not have time to finish painting, finish the work at home. Guys, try to learn more about the spiritual side of the art of your ancestors. Ask grandmothers, grandfathers, and parents about Russian folk holidays, how they were held. What customs, traditions and rituals were and are in your family.

Today we have learned a piece of our history, revealed the secret of the patterns of ancient embroidery, got acquainted with the festive clothes worn by our great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers. And you and I concluded that our ancestors knew how to create and wear Beauty, as a reflection of their spiritual strength and the world around them.

The lesson is over. Many thanks to everyone.