Musical professions presentation for children. Profession - musician

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Slide Description:

"Profession - a musician" Prepared by a student of the 11th grade MBOU Talitskaya secondary school Perovskaya Polina

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Slide Description:

Presentation plan 1. About the profession; 2. History of the profession; 3. The profession of a musician in Russia; 4. What a musician should be able to do; 5. Professional qualities of a musician; 6.Medical contraindications; 7. The advantages of the profession; 8. Disadvantages of the profession; 9. Ways of obtaining a profession; 10.Carry growth; 11.Specialties; 12. Where can a musician work; 13 why I choose this profession

3 slide

Slide Description:

About the profession The profession of a musician is an unusual job: This is an art that presupposes creativity. It is practically impossible to demand anything from such people, the flight of their imagination is not limited. That is why there are no rigid criteria and frameworks for this profession. Of course, you need to continuously develop your ear, rhythm, and recognize a melody without notes. The melody should sound easy and natural, only professionals will understand what a titanic work was spent on its creation. The average listener should just enjoy the music.

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Slide Description:

History of the profession The profession of a musician is as old as music itself. With the appearance of the first musical instruments, the first musicians appeared. They were the main characters in ritual dances and chants, ritual traditions, religious events, and therefore occupied a rather honorable place. In the Middle Ages, clergy often became musicians. In addition, wandering musicians were engaged in music, from their lips it sounded like an ideological weapon that conveyed the mood of the masses. The history of performing arts has passed through many centuries and has become one of the most important components of art and culture. And the music itself has undergone many changes during this time, experienced the birth of many genres, styles of performance, from classical to the most modern. At present, music does not stand still, but develops at a rapid pace. Music has become a whole industry, while classical music schools continue to remain. Therefore, contemporary musicians have a huge choice of points of application of their interests - from classical music to the latest trends in show business.

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Slide Description:

The profession of a musician in Russia At all times in Russia it was best for jesters and musicians - buffoons, because humor and music are the things on which the feeling of human happiness and joy depends much more than on financial and emotional security. But the philosophy of life, which allows one to devote oneself to the almost always unstable and low-paid profession of a musician, is rare, which is why guys and girls, men and women on the street, carrying a musical instrument in a wardrobe trunk, always make passers-by turn around.

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Slide Description:

What a musician should be able to do 1. Perform works on musical instruments in various playing techniques; 2. Understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba piece of music and express its image and emotional depth; 3. Work individually, in an ensemble, orchestra, etc.

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Slide Description:

Professional qualities of a musician 1. Musical ear; 2.Music memory; 3.Creative and pedagogical abilities; 4. Sense of rhythm 5. Well-developed motor memory (memory for movements); 6. Speed \u200b\u200bof response; 7. Good coordination of hand movements; 8. Artistic ability; 9. Ability to improvise; 10. Patience; 11. Persistence; 12. Purposefulness; 13. Originality; 14. Emotionality.

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Medical contraindications: 1. Diseases of the hands; 2. Severe scoliosis; 4. Nervous and mental disorders; 3. Decreased hearing;

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Advantages of the profession: 1. Creative profession; 2. The musician is free to choose; 3. The work of a musician can hardly be called boring or routine; 4. Music purifies human consciousness; 5) a talented musician gives joy and inspiration

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Disadvantages of the profession 1. High competition; 2. There may be a creative crisis; 3. It is difficult to reach a stable income; 4 music is hard to make money

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Ways of obtaining a profession 1. Children's music school, 2. Music college, 3. Conservatory, 4. Institute of arts.

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Natalia Gubantseva
Musical Professions Project

MDOU "Kindergarten number 23"


« Musical professions»


Musical director

Gubantseva N.A.

Rostov, July - August, 2019

Information - practice - oriented project

« Musical professions»


My topic is relevant at the present stage. Educators in the classroom introduce children to everyone professions in general... Most children lack in-depth knowledge and understanding of professionsrelated to music, low vocabulary on this topic. Profession is laborto whom a person devotes his life. How to help a child from childhood to gain a holistic view of his beloved professionthat brings joy to himself and benefits people. Familiarization with music professions will ensure the further entry of the child into the modern world, familiarization with his values, satisfaction and development of the cognitive interests of boys and girls.

goal the project:

Promote the accumulation of specific ideas about professions of peoplerelated to music

Tasks the project:


Introduce children to different music professions: composer, conductor, singer, dancer, sound engineer, teacher music, musical the leader and together with the parents at home, in the classroom, find, explain, tell about the responsibilities, importance, need for data professions.

Introduce children to musical culture


Enrich children's vocabulary, activate speech;

Improve, consolidate the skills of playing on musical instruments,

To develop dance and play creativity,

Develop musical ability when learning new songs, playing on musical instruments,

Develop the imagination and creative imagination of the child, presenting yourself in the image of the conductor of an orchestra, choir, music director, performer, vocalist - singer.


To cultivate the ability to listen to the speech of an adult and each other,

To bring up artistic and aesthetic taste

A type the project: collective, cognitive - creative

Participants the project: music director, educators, children, parents

Duration the project: mid-term (1 month)

Expected results:

They represent, they know which ones exist music professions,

They perform a new song "All professions are important, all professions are needed»,

Imagine, try themselves in the image of representatives of different music professions,

Enrich vocabulary, activate speech,

Strengthen your playing skills musical instruments,

Develop more musical ability,

Develop dance and play creativity,

Develop the ability to listen to an adult and each other

Implementation the project:

Implementation stages the project:

Stage 1 - motivational

Stage 2 - organizational

Stage 3 - activity

Stage 4 - creative

Stages of work:


Theme selection the project

Defining the goal the project

Defining tasks the project

Main (practical)

Performance the project

Collection, systematization and storage of information on the topic the project


Information: Internet resources, fiction, encyclopedias for children, encyclopedias and reference books for teachers, photographs, presentation;

Material and technical: projector, laptop, camera, musical instruments, easel.

Research directions

Key Questions Research Areas Products the project

I All professions are needed

1. Today we will talk about professions... A lot of them. And they are all very different and at the same time necessary for us. When you grow, choose your favorite. Now we'll listen to the song "All professions are needed» Please remember who the boys and girls wanted to be in this song?

2. Let's talk in more detail about music professions... My profession -« music director» ... Why do you think it is called that?

What can I teach you?

Is it useful for children, people? Than?

3. How can they be called profession, Related music?

Let's get to know others music professions.

We have concluded that you are amateur musicians.

We sing? Are we dancing? We play on musical instruments?

Of course we can be too musicians"So let's try ourselves in the role musicians! I'll be by now profession conductor... And you orchestra musicians... Follow my hand movements (quietly, loudly, finished)

4. And now we will try ourselves as dancers.

5. Well done! Homework for you. Prepare a mini story, you can draw if your family has musicians? Do your relatives have music professions?

The song is playing "All professions are needed» sl. Gaitana

Children's answers: astronaut, football player, doctor, musician, etc.... etc.

Children's answers:

She is associated with music... You can play the piano.

Have fun, make you happy. We sing better. Listening music... We play with you. We perform on stage.

We please parents, grandmothers, grandfathers ...

Children's answers:

Drummer, singer, artist ...

Show presentation « Musical professions»

Children's answers: Yes (I play my dad's guitar at home, I play the children's piano at home, I learned to play on three spoons in kindergarten. No (I have no instruments at home)

Children are invited to choose any musical tool from the proposed.

Children are invited to come up with any dance moves and perform to a cheerful dance song.

Dance creative composition

Children listen carefully to an unfamiliar song and try to remember many professions, which girls and boys sing about in this song.

Children look at the slides and, in the course of the adult's questions, answer which instruments they play musicians.

Children play instruments, follow the conductor, his gestures, voice.

Children perform a dance using their movements.

II. Musical professions

1. What did we talk about, talked about at the last meeting?

2. With what muses. we met professions? Who does the conductor lead? What does a singer, teacher do music at school, art school, music director?

3. I invite the children who have prepared their homework to speak.

III I musician

4. Want to try yourself as a conductor today? Then let's get started!

5. Which of you guys wants to try yourself in a role music director?

4. Today I will introduce you to Dr. professions.

5. Today we met new professions.

Homework: ask your parents about the following professions: teacher music at school, animator, choirmaster, accompanist, choreographer. What do these people do professions at work?

IV Musical professions.

2. Now we will watch a concert performance by the children's choir under the direction of the choirmaster. Accompanied by the accompanist (accompanist).

How did the children understand their teacher - the choirmaster?

3. Today we will try ourselves as performers of a children's choir. In the beginning I will be your choirmaster.

Let's listen to the song again "All professions are needed» ... And learn three verses.

Now let's repeat all three verses.

And now I invite anyone who wishes to conduct other songs in my place. And I will already be in the role "Concertmaster" (accompanist).

4. We pass to viewing the next speech musician singer or vocalist.

How many of you now want to try yourself in the role of a singer, singer?

5. At our meetings, we learned about diversity music professions... What kind music professions did you like everyone the best?

I will ask you to draw or find pictures with the help of the parents of your favorite music profession.

V Final lesson

1. “Look, think, guess, name. I propose to present your homework. You need to tell or show your loved one, you liked music profession.

Today we will remember everyone again professionsrelated to music... In the course of the games, I will see how you remember them.

2. Surprise moment - performance of children from the art school under the guidance of teachers musicians.

Repeat, fix with kids music professions.

Children's answers: about music professions.

Children's answers: conductor, performers music - singers, instrumentalists, teacher music, music director.

Children's answers: Orchestra, performs on stage in front of the audience, performing songs, teach children to know the notes, play the muses. instruments, sing, dance ...

Children's report on the results of the family assignment.

Children's answers: Yes!

A conductor is selected with the help of a reading-count. Children are encouraged to choose any instrument and closely follow the conductor's gestures. Play "quiet" or "loudly" or at all "Stop".

The game is running "Conductor"

Children's answers:I. I.

Children are invited to play a role music director

A game « Musical director» .

Continue acquaintance with new muses. professions.

Show presentation « Profession musician»

Offer to selected children, together with parents:

find pictures and prepare mini stories about the given professions.

Children's report on the results. Providing pictures, mini-stories, prepared jointly with parents or individually.

Watching a children's choir performance with a song "Mother" (German composer Till Lindemann)

Answers of the teacher and children: The conductor - the choirmaster raises his arms high, wide movements to the sides, then the children sing louder, if the teacher's hands are down and move slightly, the children sing quietly, carefully. Hands move clearly, with short, sharp movements, then the children also sing abruptly, shortly. If the choirmaster closes the hands, then the children stop singing altogether.

Suggest to listen to the song and move on to learning 3 verses of the song »All professions are needed»

Learning a song "All professions are important» Gaitana

Children are invited to perform the learned verses of the song.

Performing familiar songs previously learned in music lessons.

Watching a video clip of contemporary singers performers

Children wishing to offer to perform any song with a microphone

Creative play "I am a singer, I am a singer"

Offer children, together with parents:

Draw yourself at home - musician or find pictures and prepare mini stories for them.

Presentation of homework.

Two games are played "Guess the profession of a musician

1 - on the screen, 2 - in a circle, 3 - choosing a picture Children call music professionspassed in the last meeting. Explain their purpose, significance, necessity.

Children speak publicly with mini stories and present their drawings, prepared together with their parents, individually at home and in a group with a teacher. Increase in knowledge among children. Development of speech, enrichment of vocabulary, memory, creativity, imagination. They bring up perseverance, respect for each other.

Children closely follow the gestures of the chosen child - the conductor, play in accordance with his gestures, hand movements, and assignments.

The child shows dance moves, asks to perform any song previously known. Listen musical composition…

Meet new professions: customizer musical instruments, master of manufacturing and repair musical instruments, sound engineer, dj, sound engineer, music programmer, accompanist, music organizer(art - management)

Children speak publicly with mini stories, show pictures.

Consolidate knowledge about music professions

Children watch the performance of the children's choir.

Children give answers, the teacher complements the children's answers.

Children listen to the song again, learn three verses. Then they perform, and the teacher conducts.

Children are conducting the choir. The choir performs different songs. The teacher helps the child "For the choirmaster"

Children watch the performance of contemporary performers. Familiar songs sing along.

Several people who wish to perform their favorite song into a microphone without phonograms.

Children speak publicly, share their impressions of those they liked music professions... Show drawings, pictures with mini-stories.

Children on the screen, they call by pictures professionassociated with music... Further, the children stand in a circle, the teacher shows the muses conceived with movements, gestures, facial expressions. profession, children guess. Further, you can offer this right to those who wish.

Consolidate knowledge about music professions... Development of imagination, creativity, thinking, memory, speech, vocabulary.

Children live watching the play of teachers and children at various musical instruments.

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Attention! The slide preview is used for informational purposes only and may not represent all the presentation options. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Goal.Expand the musical horizons: form the ideas of preschoolers about various professions in the musical environment (singer, instrumentalist, conductor, composer, music teacher).


  • Develop memory, creative imagination, expressiveness and emotionality of the performance of familiar songs.
  • Expand words knowledge.
  • Foster a listener culture.
  • Evoke an emotional response and a sense of joy.

Materials, equipment for the lesson:multimedia projector, presentation, children's noise instruments by the number of children, music for games, coloring pictures of people of musical professions for each child.

Event progress

(2 slide)

Musical director: Guys, today I will tell you about musicians. About people who make music professionally. For them, music is a profession.

(3 slide)

A musician is a person who can play a musical instrument. There are several professions in the musical environment.

(4 slide)

For example, profession - vocalist... This is a solo singer or choir artist.

The musical instrument of a vocalist (singer) is his voice. Singer (singer) is the one who sings. He is engaged in singing songs, arias, romances, choirs.

(5 slide)

Listen to the singer Troubadour from the beloved m / f "In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians" (Troubadour's song "A ray of golden sun").

Singers specialize in a particular musical genre, for example, there may be an opera singer, a rock singer. In the church, the singer is called the chorister, on the stage - the pop singer.

(6 slide)

What genre do you think these singers sing in? (Fragment from the m / f "In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians": the song "We have come to you for an hour").

(7 slide)

Musical director:Singer in the choir - called the chorus or the artist of the choir.

(8 slide)

Listen to the choir's song "Oh, you are a grass-ant" (Fragment from the m / f "Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh").

Musical director invites children to imagine themselves as artists of the choir and perform their favorite song (of the children's choice).

Children perform any song they know

(9-13 slides)

Musical director:The next profession in the musical environment is instrumentalist(usually called a performer in academic music), for example, pianist, saxophonist, drummer, guitarist, violinist, etc. The name depends on the instrument the musician is playing.

(14 slide)

Listen to the violinist's performance (fragment from the m / f "First Violin").

Musical director invites children to play different musical instruments.

The imitation game "Musicians"

(To the sound of cheerful music, children, as shown by a teacher or a child presenter, imitate playing the piano, violin, button accordion, trumpet, drum, guitar)

(15 slide)

Musical director: there is an interesting profession in the musical environment - composer... This is the author or "composer" of the music.

(16 slide)

He records music using special characters - notes. So that musicians can read it and sing or play their musical instrument.

(17-19 slides)

Let's remember the composers we know (as the slides are played, the children name the composer, the teacher helps).

(20 slide)

Watch a fragment of the film "Rex the Composer".

(21 slides)

Next profession - conductor. This is the leader of the orchestra or choir. The word conductor is akin to the word director. And the director is the leader. The musicians of their leader - the conductor - unconditionally obey.

(22 slide)

Look, here is the choir conductor or choirmaster... The choir looks straight into the mouth of its conductor. Because the choirmaster usually shows with his lips how to sing.

(23 slide)

And this is the conductor of the orchestra, holding a dainty little wand. The musicians under the direction of the conductor play harmoniously and with inspiration.

(24 slide)

Who commands the orchestra's musical instrument parade? Who unites the voices in the choir? Who is he, the person standing at the concert with his back to us, the audience, and giving some mysterious signs to the musicians?

Children (answer in chorus): Conductor.

(25 slide)

Watch a fragment of the film "Tom Conductor" (from the series "Tom and Jerry").

Musical director invites children to play an orchestra (children choose noise instruments).

The game "Orchestra"

(To any funny music, children improvise playing noise instruments, listening to the commands of the conductor - a child or a teacher)

(26 slide)

There is one more wonderful profession in the musical environment - music teacher... This is a person who teaches children to listen, understand, love and play music. See how the firefly learned to play the violin.

(27 slide)

And here is the story of how a firefly learned to play the violin (fragment from the movie "The First Violin").

(28 slide)

Musical director:guys, let's repeat what professions are in the musical environment (asks children riddle questions about musical professions and opens a picture-answer on the screen)


  1. He writes music for us, plays melodies,
    He will put his poems on a waltz. Who composes the songs? (Composer)
  2. Wave a thin stick - the choir will sing on stage.
    Not a magician, not a juggler. Who is this? (Conductor, choirmaster)
    He waves his hands smoothly, hears every instrument.
    He is the most important in the orchestra, he is the president in the orchestra! (Conductor)
  3. For this musician, the musical instrument is his voice (Singer)
  4. The violinist is called ...? (Violinist)
  5. A man of this profession teaches children to listen, understand, play music (Music teacher)

Well done! Our acquaintance with the musical professions has come to an end. Until next time in the music lounge!

Musical director offers children coloring pages of musicians. Children color pictures in free activity.


  1. E.A. Leontyeva How to tell your child about music and music professions. Social network of educators - Electronic resource. - Access mode: detskii-sad / muzykalno-ritmicheskoe-zanyatie / statya-dlya-roditelei
  2. Finkelstein E. Music from A to Z. - St. Petersburg: Soviet composer, 1991. - 120 p.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 74" Birch ", Cheboksary, Chuvashia

"Profession - Music Director"

Summary of entertainment activities for older preschool children

Goal:acquaintance of children with the profession of musical director.



expand children's ideas about the world of music,

introduce the music director to the profession,

enrich the vocabulary of children with musical terms (synthesizer, sound engineer, screenwriter, choreographer,), technical means of the music director (microphone, earpiece, synthesizer, acoustic system);


stimulate interest in the art of music.

create optimal conditions that allow preschoolers to realize their creative abilities;

to form in children ideas about the social role of adult labor and the importance of professions in the life of society (music director);


foster a sense of collectivism, respect for peers;

to bring up in children a respectful attitude towards a working person;

To cultivate an emotional and conscious attitude towards music in the process of various types of musical activity: singing, dance movements, playing musical instruments.

Preliminary work:

musical and didactic games "Rhythmic Orchestra", "Guess what I'm playing", "Conductor", "Think of a Dance", "Musician", "We Play Theater", etc.

conversations about professions, words, terms characteristic of these professions;

visiting the theater;

meetings with teachers and students of the music school;

sketches "Hedgehog and Apple", "Heavy Rain", "Butterfly and Flower", etc.

excursion to "Delograd" entertainment center;

Materials and equipment:

Projector, screen, laptop, synthesizer, acoustic system, microphone, presentation with slides on the topic of the lesson, conductor's baton, musical instruments: tambourines, maracas, castanets; ribbons, snowflakes, elements of scenery and costumes.

Children enter the hall to music

1. Perform a greeting

M.R. Today I invite you to go on an unusual journey to the land of professions. Want to? Then you need to remember what professions you know? Who do you want to be when you grow up? People who professions work in kindergarten?

To find out the secrets of everything,

I invite you to speculate.

Look at the screen

Tell me what you see. (list) .

M.R... Right. You have already met many professions. And today I will introduce you to my profession - music director. What can you say about the profession of a music director? What does he do? (children tell)

M.R... The musical director in kindergarten is a special, unique profession that requires special professional knowledge and skills. He must be passionate about music, capable of creativity, and most importantly, he must love children.

Look at the screen

Tell me what you see.

performer musician (must be able to play one or more musical instruments, sing, dance);

sound engineer;


screenwriter and director and many others. dr.

And now I suggest you visit as a musical director. Do you agree? Then we look at the screen.

2. Video recording performance of a piece of music by a musical director, on any instrument.

M.R .: Here M.R. - acts as a performer! To be a performer, you need to practice a lot on the instrument: in music school, in college and at the institute ... Do any of you go to music school? I suggest that you also become performers only on children's musical instruments. Take musical instruments. The orchestra is ready. Who runs the orchestra? (answers) Well done! I will be the conductor. Attention.

3. Musical and didactic game "Rhythmic Orchestra"

M.R. (records the performance to a special device):Well done boys! Put down musical instruments. Sit down in your seats. Let's look at the screen further ... The profession of a sound engineer is closely related to music. What do you think he does? (children's answers) Sound operatorr is a specialist in recording and processing sounds. The main task is to make a high-quality recording, convenient for listening, performing.

Important qualities:

The profession of a sound engineer presupposes musicality, good hearing, good memory for sounds, the ability to master technical devices for recording and processing sound.

(Here you can turn on the recording of the music file with the children's orchestra, what was recorded at the lesson itself) Now you have listened to a music file with a recording of the melody performed by your orchestra. Here and here I had to work sound engineer, record music in your performance.

M.R .: Sound technician must be able to use special equipment.

Let's think about what is needed for sound recording? (Answers of children: laptop, microphone, headphones, sound file, performer,

Everything is correct! You can start recording only in complete silence. Pay attention to the screen, (shows) This is the audio track. Let's check our microphone. Try to say into the microphone: one, two, three! (Children speak into the microphone at the request of the sound engineer, observe the sound track on the monitor, you can put on headphones for 1-2 children, offer to listen to a sound file or a backing track of a familiar song, again watching the second sound track)

M.R.: And now I propose to perform a familiar song. ( children answer).

You are familiar with her, Dasha will be the soloist (or Liza, or Katya ...).Silence in the studio! (You can give the child a sign "Silence! Recording is in progress!") We started.

4. Song "Autumn". (M.R. records everything, in conclusion everyone listens to the finished recording. They applaud themselves.)

M.R. In the modern world filled with technical means, it has become much more interesting to work as a music director. Any melody can not only be played on a certain instrument, you can set a certain program and a miracle will happen ... I suggest you go to the synthesizer. It has such a function where you can set a certain rhythm, tempo, and harmony, and you can even hear the melody performed by another instrument. Want to listen? We listen and determine which musical instrument sounds.

5. “Guess the tool»Musical and didactic game to determine the timbre

(Children go up to the MR and the synthesizer. The melody is played on the synthesizer, and the children guess which instrument they are playing.)

M. p .:Liked? (children's answers) And we continue our journey into the profession of music director.

Look at the screen

Tell me what you see.

M. p .:Who do you see in the next picture? , Choreographer - a specialist in the art of dance staging. Dance is the most beloved mass art. Children are especially fond of dancing, but it is very difficult to learn to dance .. To help you develop creativity, imagination, expressiveness of movements, plasticity, a musician-choreographer is called upon to come up with a composition and drawing of a dance, select music, costumes.

Creative task.

M.R .: See how many interesting attributes are here, I propose to turn into a choreographer and come up with a snowflake dance. (you can choose a presenter-choreographer; ribbons, snowflakes, etc. At the end, children put the attributes in place and sit down)

M.R .: And now the girls will show a dance with balls, here the musical director acted as a choreographer.

7. Dance with balls

To find out the secrets of everything,

I invite you to speculate.

Look at the screen

Tell me what you see.


He runs the show
He knows all the scenes by heart.
He teaches how to play a role.
What should I call him, friends? (Producer.)

M. p .:Children, what does the director do? ( children's answers).He offers the roles of fairy-tale heroes, shows the artists how to behave in order to be like their hero, in what voice to speak - the director advises everything, conducts rehearsals. Producer - the most important person on the stage. He chooses a play, assigns roles, organizes and conducts rehearsals.

Do you think the filmmaking profession is difficult?

Is the director's profession interesting?

Would you like to become a director?

What performance would you like to stage on the stage of our kindergarten?

Who is an actor? What does he do?

M. p .: Yes work the actor is very difficult, they have to play not only positive, but also negative characters, such as Baba Yaga, Koschey, Karabas Barabas. And to turn into them, actoryou need to choose the right costume, wig, make-up.

M. p.I ask one actor to come out, put on the character's hat and portray him.

8. Background music sounds

1 etude: "Satisfied Bear" (a bear slowly walked through the forest, suddenly he felt a wonderful aroma, stopped and looked around and noticed a raspberry bush, licked his lips with pleasure)

2 etude"Fox at the chicken coop" (The fox was creeping up to the chicken coop to feast on a young cock or chicken. The cunning cheat quietly crept along the fence, covering the tracks with his tail, but suddenly she stopped, became alert, sniffed the air and smelled the presence of the yard dog. The dog barked loudly. The fox, with its tail between its legs in fright, ran away )

M. p .: Applause to our actors! There are actors, but for a full-fledged performance you still need to arrange the stage, fill it with ... (decorations). And we will become decorators for a while, decorate our stage. (Children are arranging the scenery) So, please put on the masks ... And you're done! Let's play a play?

9. "Thumbelina" Children show a performance based on a fairy tale

M.R. Well done boys! The fairy tale turned out! Let's thank ourselves with a round of applause.

Now is the time to sum up and remember:

What profession did we meet today?

Who is a music director and what does he do?

Who Can Become a Music Director?

What does he need to work?

Who wanted to get such a profession?

You can leave your impressions of the profession in the books - reviews. Select chips (red - liked, green - disliked) Children leave their comments.

M.R .: Now is the time to say goodbye. (children stand in a circle)

All: We played, had fun

Dancing and frolicking

Now we all have to go

Say goodbye kids! Goodbye!

(children quietly leave the hall to the music)

A musician is a truly creative profession, while requiring constant professional development and hard work. At the same time, you can do music professionally, or you can do it for yourself. The first musical instruments appeared in ancient times. Suffice it to recall the primitive tribes who used percussion instruments during the performance of rituals and ceremonies. The history of the creation and development of musical instruments and performing skills has passed through many centuries and has become one of the most important components of the art of nations.

Gradually, voice performance began to appear to give more emotional depth and richness to the melodies. Vocal art in a broad sense is the art of conveying the artistic, figurative, ideological content of a musical work in a singing voice. Vocal art, associated with the word, vividly, accessiblely reflects the composer's intention, the depth, strength and truth of human characters, expresses thoughts, feelings, subtle sensations.

Therefore, contemporary musicians have a huge choice of points of application of their interests - from classical music to the latest trends in show business. That is, a person can be a singer, musician (play instruments), can be a conductor, composer, as well as be a member of a musical group.

But, choosing these professions as the main one, you should understand that without special education it will be very difficult to achieve much in it. Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI) Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky Academy of Film and Show Business "STARS" Yana Rudkovskaya

For everyone, music has its own meaning in life. For some it is a reason to dance in a club, for some music is work, someone sees their life in it, and others are looking for their inspiration in it. The professions of musician and singer are good because there are no clear rules here, as in algebra or geometry - twice two equals four. In music, two times two can be five or even six. This is creativity, where you can realize your ambitions, you can invent something new, compose. And it's also nice to bring people joy and enjoy it.