Name 5 sculptures on the theme of images of wrestling. Images of struggle and victory in art

The topic of the lesson is "Images of struggle and victory in art"

Class: Grade 5


Fostering patriotism, a sense of pride in your country, for your

people. To acquaint students with an outstanding work of the world

classical music, define its historical role.



foster emotional responsiveness to music;

to cultivate pride in their people, their determination and resilience in the fight against the forces of evil.


development of cognitive interest in a given historical fact, development of memory, thinking, the ability to express one's thoughts and judgments;

develop the listening culture of students, imaginative perception through works of painting, graphics, music and words;

develop performing skills.


to acquaint students with musical works created in besieged Leningrad;

to expand the knowledge of students on the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Planned results:

Subject: to introduce children to the heroic past of our country; about the composer who wrote during the war.

Metasubject:to form the ability to highlight important information, draw conclusions and give feedback.

Personal:to form respect for the Motherland, pride in it; life self-determination of the individual; moral and ethical orientation.

Integration of educational subjects: history, music, literature, fine arts.

Methods and forms of work: collective, individual, problem-search, dialogue.

The use of TCM (technology of critical thinking: challenge comprehension - reflection).

Musical material:

“The Invasion Episode” from the first part of Symphony No. 7, DD Shostakovich, “Katyusha” by M. Blanter, “The Holy War” by A. Aleksanlrov, the song “Poppies” by N. Mei.

Additional material: after the blockadepoet Lev Boleslavsky, poem "We believe, we remember" by O. Zabusov, songs of the Second World War.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, button accordion, information guide.

During the classes.

Slide 1.

Organizing time.

Slide 2.

Musical greeting.

Teacher. Guys, today we are going on an unusual journey. Let's get acquainted with the epigraph of our lesson:

(the epigraph is read to the music "The Holy War")

Knowledge update.

Slide 3.

“A storm was rolling over the world.
Never at a concert yet
The hall did not feel so close
The presence of life and death. "

M. Matusovsky

Teacher. Based on the epigraph and the music that has just sounded, think, what time will we leave?

Children: The song "Sacred War" sounded, which was written during the Second World War.

Teacher. That's right, The Sacred War was written on June 25, and executed on June 26, 1941. On the third day of the war. What do you think will be discussed in the lesson? What are your assumptions?

Children: Probably, we will talk about music during the Great Patriotic War, about a war song.

Studying and consolidating new material.

Information stage .

Teacher: And today we will talk with you on the topic "Images ... ... ... ... ... and .................. in art."

Does nothing surprise you in the wording of the topic?

Children: Missing words.

Teacher: We will try to find these lost words during the lesson.Yes indeed. We will go with you to the XX century, during the Great Patriotic War, and specifically on August 9, 1942, to besieged Leningrad, to the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic.

Slide 4.


This year, this hall, these are the people who are present at this concert. Let's imagine that we are also in this room. Let's take a closer look at the faces of the people who came to the concert and try to understand what kind of music sounds in this hall.

Teacher. In the compositional center of the picture is locateda man with a formidable face... What feelings did the music evoke in his soul?

Children: A feeling of rage, hatred for the enemy: his cheekbones are clenched, his eyebrows are pulled together, his hand on the bag is tense, it seems he is about to stand up and rush into battle.

Teacher. To his leftman covering his face with his hands... What feeling did the music evoke in his soul?

Children: Bitter memories of the death of loved ones, friends, perhaps he is crying.

Teacher. A young girl sits at the column... Compositionally, it is located in the brightest place of the picture. What does this mean?

Children: That her soul is bright, pure, that she is young and romantic.Teacher. What feelings did the music evoke in her soul?

Children: The feeling of pain, sorrow, bright dreams of happiness crashed against the terrible reality of war ..

Teacher. The girl standing at the pillar. What can you say about her?

Children: She is dressed in a military uniform, which means that she takes part in hostilities, she is closed in herself.

Teacher. What feelings does music evoke in her soul?

Children: In her eyes, sadness, mixed with pain and bitterness, she recalls everything she had to endure in the war.

Teacher. Look, guys, all the characters in the picture are in one place, sitting next to each other, listening to the same music, but does this music evoke the same feelings in each of them?

Children: No, music evokes different feelings for each of them.

Teacher. Let us now also listen to this music. What feelings will it evoke in your soul?

Slide 5.

Hearing "D. Shostakovich's Leningrad Symphony" 4 part.

After listening, children

express their impressions of what they heard.

Teacher. Thank you guys, you listened to the music very attentively and emotionally and expressed your thoughts very figuratively. And now I will tell you the truth. On August 9, 1942, in besieged Leningrad, in the great hall of the Leningrad Conservatory, the 7th symphony of the outstanding Russian composer Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich sounded.

Slide 6.

Practical stage.

Teacher: We will begin our acquaintance with the work of the composer and his amazing music by searching for information. We do not have OkeyGoogle in the lesson and there is no Alice, but it is on your tablesinformation retrieval reference book with which you have the opportunity to work. The content of the guide is the same for all participants in the lesson, but each group will have their own circle of questions. (The second part of the symphony sounds in the background )

1st group - a group of historians. Your task in the source of information is to find answers to questions related to the situation in Leningrad at the time when D. Shostakovich lived.

2nd group - a group of biographers. Choose the most important and curious facts about the composer's life.

Group 3 - a group of musicologists. Your task is to choose and name D. Shostakovich's musical works. Please take pencils and underline the information you need in the text. Get to work.

Time limit 3 minutes. R collection of answers to questions.

Teacher: Thanks to the groups for their work.

Slide 7.

The symphony is embodied in 4 movements. Part I is of particular importance. Shostakovich wrote about her: “The first part tells how a formidable force - war - burst into our wonderful peaceful life.” And now let's listen to the theme performed by a symphony orchestra and answer the questions: What does the music represent? What is her character?

Children listen to 1 part of the symphony before the episode of the fascist invasion.

Teacher. Guys, what do you think, hwhat does the music represent? What is her character?Children : The music depicts an impending enemy avalanche. I think this is the topicfascist invasion,which is repeated many times under the incessant beat of a snare drum, but in a modified form.

Teacher. How many images have we heard in the theme of the invasion?

Children: One.

Teacher. What is the image?

Children: The image of the struggle, the image of the developing invasion of savage barbarian forces.

Teacher: So wefound the first missing word of the lesson topic. The image of the struggle!

Teacher: What do you guys think Shostakovich put into this symphony? What did he want to tell people?

Children: The idea of \u200b\u200bthe symphony is the struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders and the belief in victory.

Slide 9.

Teacher. Yes, in fact, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe symphony is the struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders and the belief in victory. This is how the composer himself defined the idea of \u200b\u200bthe symphony: “My symphony was inspired by the terrible events of 1941. The insidious and treacherous attack of German fascism on our Motherland rallied all the forces of our people to repel the cruel enemy. The Seventh Symphony is a poem about our struggle, about our coming victory. "

Teacher: Guys, answer: have the people resigned themselves to the blows of fate?

Children: No.

Teacher: What else is there in Shostakovich's work?

Children: Image of Victory.

Slide 10.


The poet Lev Boleslavsky wrote the following lines in the poem Shostakovich:

Ah, Dmitry Dmitritch! It's a war in the yard
Forgive me dear, but to whom, my friend,
Do you need your music today?
Landmines are soloing. Bullets whistle
Huge hell. The villages are on fire.
Pret adversary. Not to the eternal harmonies.
When, my dear, the guns say
The muses fall silent. With music, of course.

Are they falling silent? No really! No!
You can't be silent! -

Turning around, cut it off. For glasses
It seemed that the eyes did not blaze,
And a flame burst from the soul.

Teacher: Why Shostakovich answers “No! You can't be silent! ”. What is he talking about?
Children: Every creative person responds to the events taking place through his works. The composer conveys his thoughts and feelings, his attitude to what is happening through music.

Generalizing stage.

Teacher: In my opinion, it was a great idea - to show the enemies that the city lives and fights, that the inhabitants of Leningrad are not discouraged, but hope for victory. What name would you give the symphony?Children: You can give the name "Victory Symphony", "Courage Symphony", "Dedication to Leningrad", "Siege of Leningrad".

Teacher: All of you were almost right, Shostakovich called Symphony No. 7 "Leningradskaya". And on the title page of the score, Dmitry Shostakovich wrote:"I dedicate my Seventh Symphony to our victory over fascism, our coming victory over the enemy, to my beloved city of Leningrad."

Teacher: Tell me, do they listen to the symphony these days, because the war is long over. Is this music relevant today?
Children: I think the symphony sounds today at the philharmonic, at the conservatory, maybe on television. This is a reminder of the great war, of the resilience of the Soviet people.

Teacher: Beginning with its performance in besieged Leningrad, the symphony was of great agitation and political importance for the Soviet and Russian authorities. On August 21, 2008, a fragment of the first part of the symphony was performed in the South Ossetian city of Tskhinvali, destroyed by Georgian troops, by the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev.

Dynamic pause.

Teacher: German composer L. Beethoven wrote: "Our time needs people with a strong spirit!" And I believe that any time needs them. Why? Because only the strong in spirit can rise above the circumstances, and in a difficult situation do more than they can.

Slide 11.

Teacher: We were born and raised in peacetime, it is difficult for us to believe that it is as easy to end human life as it is to sleep in the morning. For us, war is history and memory. And a symbol of memory of those who died in the war is a red poppy. Many songs have been written about red poppies, now we will get acquainted with the song "Poppies", the words and music to which were written by Natalia May.

Guys, I'm going to ask you to stand up, pick up the poppies and repeat the movements after me.

"Choir of hands" to the song "Poppies"

Vocal work.

Slide 12.

Teacher: Every spring, many people of the planet live on the eve of the brightest holiday - the Victory Day. It was hard, very hard for our people. There was no family that was not affected by the war. The fate of the songs was closely intertwined with the fate of people. Music and war. Seemingly incompatible concepts. But also A.V. Suvorov noted: "Music doubles, triples the army, with unfolded banners and loud music I took Ishmael." During the Great Patriotic War, it was the song that became one of the effective weapons in the fight against the enemy. It helped to overcome difficulties, raised the morale of soldiers, rallied them, went into battle with a soldier, poured new strength, courage, and courage into him. Songs of the Great Patriotic War: even now, after more than 74 years, they still excite the souls of veterans, are loved by the people of today's generation.
What wartime songs do you know?

Children: (student answers)


Who said that you have to throw a song in the war?

After the battle, the heart asks for music doubly.

These words from the poem "Vasily Terkin" by Alexander Tvardovsky say that people drew their spiritual strength from the songs of the war years. All our people fought, and the song also fought. Speaking about songs of military themes, one cannot but recall one of the popular songs - the song "Katyusha" by Matvey Isaakovich Blanter and Mikhail Vasilyevich Isakovsky. This song strengthened the belief in victory, instilled courage, helped the people to endure and win. And she helped and won! And today we will learn it with you.

Slide 13.

Learning the song "Katyusha"


Slide 14.

Teacher: Our lesson is coming to an end and, to summarize it, I want to say thati really enjoyed working with you today. You were active, quick-witted, original in your answers. We quickly coped with the tasks received in the lesson. We performed the song "Katyusha" very emotionally and expressively. Let's thank each other with applause, you deserve it today! Thank you very much! But I would also like to hear from you answers to a few questions:

What do you remember from the lesson?

What piece of music did you want would you hear (perform) again? Why?

Do you think it is possible to say that music brought Victory Day closer?

Homework .

Draw the image of the hero of the symphony or the hero of the song to express your attitude to the music that sounded in the lesson.

Slide 15.

Teacher: And I want to end my lesson with the words of the local poet Oleg Zabusov, from the poem "We believe, we remember"

Let the sounds of bombing and the smell of conflagrations

Will remain in the past for everyone forever!

And may not a single lost comrade

Will not be forgotten for anything, never!

Slide 16.

Thank you for the lesson!

Class: 5

Lesson Objectives:

  • To reveal the figurative structure of one of the most famous symphonies - Symphony No. 5 by Ludwig van Beethoven.
  • Follow the creative process of composing music by the composer, the peculiarities of its symphonic development.


Musical greeting

U .:What is the topic of the last quarter's section?
D .:Music and visual arts.
U .: What means of expression unite these arts?
D .:Tempo, rhythm, dynamics, genre, structure ...
U .:Music performance is of great importance. Not only the work of the creator, but also the artist. Let's remember the music of George Gershwin "Clap to the Beat".

Performance of J. Gershwin's song "Clap to the Beat".

U .:In what style is the piece that we performed written in?
D .:Jazz.
U .: And what do you think, did we manage to understand it correctly, recognize it, and, most importantly, execute it? Give reasons why?
D .:It seems to me that we succeeded because we were emotional, and we even wanted to dance!
U .:Perhaps I agree with you. Let's move on to the topic of today's lesson and write it down in a notebook.
Guys, many years ago, during World War II, the Czech writer Julius Futchik, being a fascist prisoner, secretly from his torturers wrote a book in which he mentioned Beethoven's music several times. Why do you think this was happening?
D .:Maybe because he liked Beethoven's music?
U .:We will leave this question without discussion for now, and move on to the next ...
"Oh, my soul, now - Beethoven is with you!"

Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770 in the German city of Bon. Ludwig's relatives had musical abilities: for example, his grandfather played the violin and sang in the choir of the court chapel of the prince, governor of Bonn. The father of the composer Johann van Beethoven also worked here as a tenor singer. Ludwig began to show his musical talent very early and his father himself was engaged in the development of the talent of the little musician, but he did it very clumsily and cruelly. Often returning from a fun party at night, he raised Ludwig out of bed, made him play, but if his son refused, he was punished. Such "music lessons" were supposed to suppress the desire of little Beethoven to study music, but in music he found his most faithful friend. Years later, he forced to talk about himself as a wonderful musician, but his mother dies and all the worries of raising two younger brothers fall on his shoulders ... The Beethoven family is going through hard times of lack of money, but Ludwig resists fate and stands up. A new test comes to him at the age of thirty - this is growing deafness and unrequited love, but he copes with these tests. Beethoven now sees the only joy in his life in music. He loves her, he is devoted to her as the most worthy woman on earth. The great composer died in 1827 in complete solitude, and his last words were: "I heard a thunderstorm ... Morning."
Symphony No. 5 is dedicated to the fate of the earth, the fate of humanity. Why am I writing? What is in my heart must find a way out. That is why I am writing, ”Beethoven said.
Guys, I ask you to refer to the assignment questions on our board.
Our goal today will be to "decipher" Beethoven's music: to try to understand what he told us about with music and to describe it all.
So, answer the questions in writing:

  • Who or what is the main character of the symphony? How do you imagine it?
  • What happens to him in this part of the symphony?

Hearing of the 1st movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5.

Hearing (selectively) children's mini-compositions.

U .:Guys, let's define the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe first part of the symphony (after all, this is just the beginning of the story), write it down graphically and try to come up with our own words for it.

In the course of work, we composed the following:
- Who is this here, what kind of hero?
- Who is this here, who are you?
The children came to the conclusion that the main character is the undoubted Hero, who has endured a lot and continues to resist reality like Beethoven himself.

U .:Beethoven wrote this symphony in 1902, feeling deafness more and more often, he was betrayed by his beloved girl - Juliet Guicciardi, who prefers not only a whiter rich man, but also, as she believes, a more talented musician! Deafness! Poverty! "I will grab fate by the throat!" - Beethoven shouts. The ideas of the revolution in Europe become for him akin to "Freedom, equality, brotherhood!" And unlike Napoleon, Beethoven did not betray these ideals!
And Beethoven called the musical theme, to which we were just composing our words, "This is how fate knocks at the door."

- It's time to continue and finish our story for Symphony No. 5. We listen to the 2nd and 4th movements of the symphony and continue our composition.

Hearing of the 2nd and 4th movements of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 (fragments)

Hearing (selectively) children's compositions. Their assessment. If necessary, a discussion about the content of the work.

U .:Well done, guys, you have come to a common opinion - after all, in your works I saw a real Hero who fights, fights and tries to win in a fight with something or someone.
The heroic images of Beethoven's music are often compared with the sculpture of the Italian artist Michelangelo "The Risen Slave" and the Greek sculpture of Nika of Samothrace, the goddess of victory. Why do you think this is happening, what connects art and music of Beethoven?

(Reproductions in the textbook "Music" by Sergeeva-Kritskaya grade 5, page 122).

Children answer the questions orally, and then they fill out a table on their own, which serves as a comparative analysis of the expressive means of music and fine arts.

Oral analysis of the work in the table is not carried out, since this is a test task.

U .:More recently, Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto made a remarkable discovery. The film "Messages of Water: Secret Codes of Ice Crystals" was even created about this. He proved that water understands everything and even itself can tell a lot. You can play music for water, and then freeze it in liquid nitrogen and examine the amazing resulting crystals under a microscope. Water can sense and understand all kinds of music from rock music to prayer. And this is how water sees Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 5. Rate ...


U .:Well, we did a good job today, let's summarize and answer orally to the questions-assignments in the cards.

  • Why is Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 so popular? What significance does it have for contemporaries?
  • Were we able to define "what's in the heart" of Beethoven?
  • Is Beethoven defeated or victorious in this battle with fate?
  • What can connect the arts of different time historical periods?
  • What did you like in class today?
  • What did you do well?
  • What would need to be completed?
  • What is the relation of names in the work of Masaru Emoto “Messages of Water. Secret Codes of Ice Crystals "to Beethoven's Symphony No. 5?

- And my last question for today! We began our lesson with a book by the Czech anti-fascist writer Julius Futchik, who was arrested by the Gestapo, but miraculously survived. How important was Beethoven's music to him?

Fragment of chapter 4 from Julius Futchik's book "Reporting with a noose around the neck"

... May intermezzo of 1943. Today is May 1st, 1943. And the one with whom to write is on duty. Happiness! What a joy it is to be a communist journalist again, even for a minute, on this day and to write about the May review of the combat forces of the new world!
Do not wait for the story of fluttering banners. There was nothing of the kind. It was much easier today. There are only a few communists here - men and women. Yes, no less, for this is a show that now passes under a hurricane of fire and turns not into ash, but into steel. This is a look in the trenches during the battle. And in the trenches there is no show, they wear a field uniform. You feel all this on such trifles ... I don't know if you will understand me, comrade, when you read my words, if you have not even experienced everything yourself. Try to understand. Trust me, that was the power.
Morning greetings from the next cell: today two Beethoven bars are tapped out from there more solemnly, more insistently than usual, and the wall also conveys them in a different, unusual tone.
We try to dress better. And so in all cells.
By breakfast we are already in full dress ...

Lesson topic: “Images of struggle and victory in art.

The work of Ludwig van Beethoven. "

Lesson type: a lesson in the study and primary consolidation of new knowledge:

The form: interdisciplinary integrated lesson (art, music).

Goal: perception and primary awareness by students of images of struggle and victory in the work of Ludwig van Beethoven, comprehension of the connections of musical works by the composer (musical images). with similar images in the art.



emotionally, consciously, holistically perceive music at the level of key knowledge;

to acquaint students with Beethoven's music, fragments of his life and work;


develop the ability to analyze the work;

develop the ability to express your attitude to Beethoven's music in the process of listening


to form an emotional-value attitude to the music played in the lesson;

instill a sense of compassion, humanism to others;

develop musical taste;

the formation of spiritual and moral foundations of students by means of art.

Methods: analysis, comparison, emotional drama (rhythmoplasty)

Forms of work: individual, frontal, steam room, group.

Lesson structure:

Musical greeting.

Hello guys

How is your mood?

Ready to practice?

Will we all try?

Pay attention to the guests !!!


Today, guys, as always, we welcome her Majesty's music to our lesson. Why is this art form given so much attention.? Probably because we meet music everywhere, in the morning our favorite melody on the phone picks up us. We come to school, we are invited to the lesson by a loud bell. Walking through the park, we hear the cheerful, spring singing of birds. Ie music surrounds us everywhere.

And guys, music is history - the history of the fate of our Earth, history - the fate of wonderful musicians-composers.

The fate of many musicians is tragic. To live, to create, many of them have to struggle with life's difficulties to go against their fate


We open notebooks and textbooks page 122 and write down the topic of the lesson “Images of struggle and victory in art. Creativity L in Beethoven. "

New material.

"Moonlight Sonata" by L.V. Beethoven, the teacher reads the author's poem about Beethoven

We tell about the work of Beethoven

Beethoven Ludwig van (1770-1827), German composer.

Born in Bonn into a family of musicians. The first music teacher for Beethoven was his father, whose hot-tempered and rude character almost completely turned the boy away from his studies.

Much more was given to him by the lessons of the court bandmaster (head of the chapel) KG Nefe.

In 1785, Beethoven was appointed organist of the Elector Chapel. In 1792, by order of the Elector (ruler) Max Franz II, he went to Vienna to improve his skills. The musician studied with I. Schenk and J. Haydn, and after Haydn's departure to England in 1794 - with A. Salieri and I. G. Albrechtsberger.

The most significant works created by Beethoven by the mid-80s. XVIII century: piano sonatas No. 8 ("Pathetic") and No. 14 ("Moonlight"; the title was given after the death of the author), oratorio "Christ on the Mount of Olives" (1802-1803), "Kreutzer Sonata" for violin and piano (1803), the Third ("Heroic") Symphony (1804; at first the author wanted to dedicate this work to Napoleon I, but when he proclaimed himself emperor, removed the dedication), the opera "Fidelio" (1805, delivered in Vienna).

In 1809, Archduke Rudolph, Prince Lobkowitz and Count Kinsky invited Beethoven to stay to work and give concerts in Vienna. Since then, he has lived permanently in this city. His performances were met with consistent success; in 1814 the composer reached the peak of his fame. But his life was overshadowed by progressive deafness, which first made itself felt back in 1797, the disease forced him to completely abandon concert activities.

However, even completely losing his hearing, Beethoven continued to write music. In the last years of his life, he created five piano sonatas (32 in total), five string quartets, etc.

The Ninth Symphony (1823) with the chorus in the finale to the words of F. Schiller's ode "To Joy" was a kind of synthesis and the pinnacle of all Beethoven's work. He wrote this work, already being seriously ill, tormented by loneliness and disappointment in people.

Perhaps the main theme of Beethoven's work can be called the idea of \u200b\u200ba heroic struggle for freedom, consonant with the revolutionary era. At the same time, his music also conveys the finest lyrical experiences.

“Suddenly, a terrible thunderstorm burst out with a snowstorm and hail ... A thunderclap shook the room, illuminated by the ominous reflection of lightning in the snow. Beethoven opened his eyes, stretched out his right hand with a clenched fist to the sky with a threatening gesture. The expression on his face was terrible. He seemed to be shouting: "I challenge you, hostile forces! .." .. Forward! " The hand fell. Eyes closed ... He fell in battle. "

The funeral took place on March 29. On this day, all schools in the Austrian capital were closed as a sign of mourning. Beethoven's coffin was followed by 200 thousand people - about a tenth of the population of Vienna.

We mark the years of life in the notebook.

Genres: concert. sonata, quartet, operas, ballets.

But the most favorite genre of muses was the symphony of 9 symphonies.

Symphony - muses. a work for a symphony orchestra consisting of 3-4 parts united by a common theme, but different in sound.

The task... If I was Beethoven? (children from the proposed characteristics choose something that could correspond to Beethoven's music)

Sunny. Playful, disturbing, tragic, mysterious, gloomy, formidable, affectionate,

The composer's music will help us to confirm or refute this.

We play music notes. (beginning of symphony No. 5)

Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 begins with these disturbing sounds. Let's beat the rhythm of this melody ...

What is this sound associated with?

Beethoven himself said that this is how fate knocks at the door.

Listening to an excerpt from the first part

Children answer verbally and mark on the board (harmony: sad, cheerful; tempo: fast, slow, moderate: rhythm: smooth, abrupt; dynamics: loud, quiet, mixed; melody)

Considering sketches, manuscripts. We read the text on page 124.

It should be noted that Beethoven's musical images are very often compared with images of other types of art.

Nika of Samothroke - the ancient Greek goddess of victory

Michelangelo - "Risen Slave"

What do you think these works have in common? They answer.

And now we will be the conductors. Who is a conductor?

We will perform Beethoven's works together with the musicians. (rhythmoplasty)

We open the diaries and write down homework... Page 125 write out a sketch, study, sketch, sketch in the definition notebook.

Reflection:On the tables you have notes if you were interested in the lesson and you gained new knowledge, then raise the green notes up, and if you were not interested and did not understand what the white teacher was talking about.

I decided to finish our lesson with a poem by Elena Kamorina “A Word about Beethoven

His talent is comparable to a blizzard,
Thunderstorm and fire;
And there will be his music
Sing triumphantly about him.

Through the years, through the centuries
That music to go
Let her walk
There is no better way.

Life for him was not Paradise,
And very often Hell,
But he didn't cry
Didn't moan, but was
Always glad to her.

I got up before him every day
Envious wall
He was choked, poured mud
She's out of slander.

Then the genius was attacked
Physical ailment
Hearing loss brought
He has a lot of torment.

But their proud wings
Beethoven did not fold;
Freedom, light and love
He served to the end.

In spite of the mediocre haluy
He idolized life;
And "Ode to joy" my
He gave it to the world.

And not a sufferer, but a fighter,
Not a victim, but a creator;
He became an idol forever
For a thousand hearts.

Department of Education, MO "Baryshsky District"

Municipal educational institution

secondary comprehensive school r.p. named after V.I. Lenin

municipal Formation "Baryshsky District" of the Ulyanovsk Region


“... what is in my heart must find a way out ...” L. Beethoven Monument to Beethoven in Vienna. Monument to Beethoven in Vienna. () Ludwig van Beethoven

Thirty-year-old Beethoven “... Look at him, at Beethoven, this thirty-year-old conqueror, great virtuoso, brilliant artist, salon lion who pretends to despise fashion, but raises his head high above a beautiful, white, thrice-twisted tie and contented, proud (at the same time, not quite calm), obliquely observes what impression he makes on those around him, on Beethoven, who has a good mood, laughter at the top of his lungs, cheerfulness. " R. Roland

By 1800, he had become the most popular composer in Vienna. He earned much more than most composers of the time, and his fame spread far beyond Austria. All examining doctors agreed that the disease is incurable, and one day he will become absolutely deaf. For a man who trusted the sound with his wealth and deepest feelings, this was the most cruel sentence. "For two years now, I have not been involved in public life solely because I cannot tell people: I am deaf." - Beethoven wrote in 1801.

Symphony 5 is dedicated to the fate of the earth, the fate of humanity. 1801 ... Partial hearing loss ... 1801 ... Partial hearing loss ... Creates one piece after another, full of volitional impulse ... Creates one piece after another, full of volitional impulse ... "... I will grab fate by the throat! "" ... I'll grab fate by the throat! "

"Not a single day without a line ..." "Why am I writing? What is in my heart must find a way out. That is why I am writing."

Sculpture by Michelangelo Buonarroti - "The Risen Slave" ... The image of a beautiful and strong youth trying to break the bonds. Sculpture by Michelangelo Buonarroti - "The Risen Slave" ... The image of a beautiful and strong youth trying to break the bonds. Greek sculpture Nika of Samothrace - goddess of victory

Why is Beethoven's Symphony 5 so popular? What significance does it have for contemporaries? Why is Beethoven's Symphony 5 so popular? What significance does it have for contemporaries? Is Beethoven defeated in this battle with fate, or is Beethoven defeated or victorious in this battle with fate?

What can connect the arts from different historical periods, what can connect the arts from different historical periods? How does Masaru Emoto's work “Messages of Water. Secret codes of ice crystals "to Beethoven's Symphony 5. How does Masaru Emoto's work" Messages of water. Secret codes of ice crystals "to Beethoven's Symphony 5?

Fragment of chapter 4 from Julius Futschik's book “Reporting with a noose around the neck” “… Try to understand. Trust me, that was the power. Morning greetings from the next cell: today two Beethoven bars are tapped out from there more solemnly, more insistently than usual, and the wall also conveys them in a different, unusual tone. We try to dress better. And so in all cells. By breakfast we are already in full dress ... "" ... Try to understand. Trust me, that was the power. Morning greetings from the next cell: today two Beethoven bars are tapped out from there more solemnly, more insistently than usual, and the wall also conveys them in a different, unusual tone. We try to dress better. And so in all cells. By breakfast we are already in full dress ... "

Summary of the music lesson of the teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium № 1 named after AS Pushkin “Pylova Irina Vladimirovna.

Topic: Images of struggle and victory in art.

Lesson type: integrated, learning new material.

Class: 5

The purpose of the lesson: to reveal the artistic image of one of the most famous symphonies of world musical culture - Symphony No. 5 by L. Beethoven. On the basis of penetration into the creative laboratory of the great creator, make sure of the development of the composer's idea: "through struggle - to victory",

Educational task: to follow the creative process of composing music by the composer, the peculiarities of its symphonic development.

Developing task: to develop the ability to reveal the figurative structure of one of the most famous symphonies of world musical culture - Symphony No. 5 by L. Beethoven.

Educational task: to foster a reverent, respectful attitude towards art - as a part of the spiritual culture of the people, towards art that carries a creative charge, its significance in the search and choice of a life position by the young generation.

Teaching methods: conversation, listening to audio recordings, watching a video.

Lesson organization forms: oral questioning (individual and group).

Comprehensive - methodological support: projector for multimedia slides, computer, CD, piano, sheet music.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Today you will be faced with the philosophical questions "What is man?", "What is life?"

U .: I will now read a poem by the poet V. Urin. Determine what is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis poem? Can it sound like an epigraph to any work of art?

Poem by V. Urin

When we hurt our dignity

And, as if by pain we learn bitterness,

Obstacle talks to desire

Like the wind with the arising fire.

And this defiant wind is like a reward

To get even more flushed

You were not afraid where you need to decide

And confessed if you were wrong.

Let it seem - an absurd idea,

But it's better to do and then regret

Than doing nothing, regretting

And die in difficulty in life!

D.D .: We will talk about works of art, the heroes of which are courageous and staunch people who withstand the blows of fate, boldly look "the wind in the face."

David: These poetic lines will become the epigraph to our lesson. Music has played an important role in the lives of many people, but for others it has become simplyfate ". The most important thing, the most significant in life. Such is the life and love and the great vocation for music of the composer Ludwig Beethoven.

Children, what does the word destiny mean?

D: The life path of a person, his difficulties, joys and sorrows., Overcoming adversity. Fate can be happy, or it can become a bitter lot.

David: Today we will listen to music that the composer defined as a themetheir destiny ... Let's listen to a small fragment. Think about what the author is talking to us about?What is his hero ? Listen to the figurative system: with what intonations did the composer define his character?

Search method.


3. Method - "I LISTEN"

4. Ways that the student owns:


a) character

b) intonation

c) timbre (color of music)

d) register

e) dynamics

David: How many topics have you heard? Describe them.

D.: 1st - singing, mournfully - lyrical, gloomy, alarming, powerless, plaintive intonations are heard, cellos and double basses were performed,pianissimo, in low case. It sounded like a question, meditation, doubt.

2nd - imperative, harsh, imperious, marching intonation is heard, sounds from trumpets and woodwind instruments, calls for action.

David: Indeed, in the first theme, the gloomy, dull color of the melody, its slow movement create the impression of a gloomy foreboding, spiritual heaviness. In the second theme, the brass timbre of French horns and woodwind instruments calls for action. It sounds imperious, interrupts the speech of the first theme, but at the same time there is an irresistible forceful movement of the melody.

And if we imagine that this is a portrait, then can we say that a person has two lines, two "voices of life"? What are these voices?

D.: There are two essences in a person - he is both weak and courageous at the same time.In music, you can hear the tenderness, timidity, defenselessness of the hero on the one hand, and on the other, it is a gloomy will of fate, it can be cruel and inevitable, merciless and unfair.

David: Who wins this fight?

D: Will and courage.

We draw the table: "Two principles are fighting in a person: weakness and courage"

David: Remember which of the composers was special, characterized by the theme of struggle and overcoming, strength of mind, will: such a musical language, a style of expression?

D: This is Beethoven's music.

David: Do we sometimes think about the price of victory and self-affirmation of a person? The Fifth Symphony tells about the thorns on the path of man to the stellar heights of the spirit. How do you understand the music of the symphony? Can the listened music be a means of communication between the composer and the listener? There are many genres in the art of music - opera, ballet, concert, romance, etc. And what is the peculiarity of a symphony? If we compare a symphony with literature, then with what literary genre can it be compared?

D: A symphony is like a big story, a story, a novel, something very significant, sometimes dramatic, happens in the lives of the characters.

David: Indeed, in the structure of the symphony there are moments close to the compositional structure of literary works: narrative chapters, i.e. parts, in a symphony there are usually four; plot of action, prologue, development, climax and epilogue. Sometimes a symphony opens with an introduction, a kind of epigraph. Like this symphony, Fifth. Now we listened to a fragment of her third parts representing a kindheroic the center of the symphony.

But what came before that? What did Beethoven tell about in the first movement of the symphony? It opens with an epigraph theme, about which the composer said: "So fate is knocking at the door!"


By what means, in your opinion, can the image of fate be embodied? How do you hear it?

D: Terrible, gloomy, strong, scary ...(character)

David: What intonations will more accurately convey the essence of this theme - song, march, dance?(intonation)

D: Most likely marching.

David: Listen again to Beethoven's words: "So fate is knocking at the door!" What is the key word? It will tell you the main means of expression.

D: The word is knocking.In the motive of fate, the main thing should be rhythm.

David: What role do you assign to orchestral timbres? What tools could, in your opinion, match the nature of the fate motive?

D: It could have been performed by brass instruments; or gloomy and anxious - cellos and double basses.(timbre)

David: Now, compare your presentation of the topic and how it sounds in Beethoven.


David: We can assume that the hero of the symphony is Beethoven himself, that this is his personal, authorial position, his revelation?

D: Yes, of course.


The understanding that until the end of his days he would be fenced off from the world by an impenetrable wall of deafness coincided with yet another drama: Beethoven was denied marriage to his girlfriend. She is Juliet Guicciardi, the daughter of a count, he is just a musician, even if he is fanned with European glory, but he earns his living by his labor ...

Ludwig goes to his small estate in Geiligenstadt, where he writes his will ... He decides to end the scores with life, which, as it seemed to him, was of no use to anyone; with music he will never hear. But then one day ...

POEM. Sun. Christmas

Where did he get these gloomy sounds

Through the thick curtain of deafness?

A combination of tenderness and torment,

Lying on sheet music!

Touching the top keys with a lion's paw

And shaking a thick mane,

I played without hearing a single note,

In the dead of night the room is empty.

The hours passed and the candles swam,

Courage went against fate ...

And he is the whole conscience of human torment

I only told myself!

And he convinced himself, and believed imperiously,

As for those who are alone in the world,

There is a certain light, not born in vain

And music is a guarantee of immortality!

Large garden rustles and creaks

Conduct your conversation through half-sleep

And heard in the open window of a linden tree

All that he did not hear.

The moon rises above the town

He is not deaf, but this world around,

Who does not hear the things of music,

Born in happiness and torment

What does the poem tell us?

D: The music began to speak, sounded in him!

David: She was torn from the depths of the soul, she was born! Today we will listenfirst movement of the Fifth Symphony , to which Beethoven prefaced the tempo designationAllegroconbrio, i.e. Soon with fire.

The task.

Follow the intonation movement of the fate motive; what methods of development does Beethoven use?

HEARING I PARTS OF SYMPHONY # 5 (- development. Hearing - end of the 1st part -

5. Situation of success.

Pupils express their impressions of the design and development of the image.

For the image of Man a kind of emotional diminuendo is characteristic. The intonations of anxiety, excitement, pleading. You can hear the tired voice of loneliness (oboe). The world around seemed to be deaf, everything stopped, froze, but there is hope "What if they hear?"

For the image of Destiny development is characteristic on the rise. Music sounds like an avalanche ball, gathering forces, like the firmament of evil (unisontutti orchestra).

Hearing - end of part 1

D .:Collision of two themes - fate and man, strong and weak. The intensity of the struggle grows with special force towards the end of the first part, and at the climax reaches incredible power.

David: What is the outcome of this fight?

Pupils comprehend: Fate has overcome the Man.

David: Was it a psychological barrier that both Beethoven, a human, and Beethoven, a composer had to overcome? (so as not to die, and continue to write music).

The meaning of the main motive, the bright expressive music of the Symphony make it possible to interpret it as a picture of a person's struggle with the blows of fate. The four movements of the Symphony are presented as stages of this struggle. The spirit titan was not born immediately.

If a person wants to win, what should he do?

D: through the struggle of doubts, suffering, gather the will into a fist in order to win.

Listening to the 2nd movement of the symphony.

David: What do we hear in this music?

D.D .: A portrait of a man gathering his will into a fist, the struggle of doubts, suffering and courage (solo violas and cellos), but also faith in victory, since you can hear heroic, marching music - this is the threshold beyond which you can hear the steps of an unbroken will.

David: What kind of music do you think a symphony should end with if a person did not submit to fate, but came out with dignity in a fight with it?


David: What did we hear in the music, what kind of atmosphere?

D: Victory, celebration, jubilation, light.

David: But this music does not lose its courageous coloring, strict willful determination. This is not a whirlwind of carefree carnival fun; it is a fusion of pride, greatness and joy.

“The forces are eager to regain wings for flight ...”, “Strong and mighty is the one who experienced despair and defeated it” (A.N. Scriabin).

Try to find intonation confirmation of this.

What is the melody and where is it going?

D: The melody of the victorious song-marching warehouse moves up in stages. And the fact that the peak has been conquered is confirmed by the repetition of the motive.

David: The timbre of which instruments is consonant with the color of the victorious fanfare?

D: The timbre of brass instruments.

David: Imagine, this music has been living for two centuries, and it excites people. What is its power of influence? What do people find in it?

D: Yourself! Probably, each person will have to go through difficulties, trials, there may be self-doubt and even despair. People find in Beethoven's music a hero who wants to imitate, to be like him.

David: What do you think became Beethoven's Fifth Symphony?

His salvation, return to life, overcoming. He realized that he can write music, and, most importantly, he must create music, that people need it!

Outcome: We penetrated into the creative laboratory of the great composer L. Beethoven and became convinced of the development of the composer's idea: "through struggle - to victory"

How did Beethoven prove intonationally, gave the listeners a melodic, auditory "confirmation" of the victory of a person with the forces of darkness, dull doom, lack of will?

The theme of "fate" runs through the entire symphony.

1st part. Show of hero and destiny.

2nd part. Portrait of a man gathering his will into a fist.

3rd part. In the hero, two people are fighting - a strong and a weak one.

4th part. Victory triumph.