Why is not a similar row for the margarita image formed? Educational institutions of the Russian Federation

Test No. 1 based on Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita.
1. What is the originality of the composition of the novel?

A) ring composition

B) chronological order of development of events

C) parallel development of three storylines

D) parallel development of two storylines
2. What is the specificity of the system of images of this novel?

A) based on the principles of duality

B) the characters are united by a common idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

C) heroes form a kind of triads from representatives of the biblical world

D) the system of images is built on the principle of antithesis
3. "I, Yeshua, said that the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of Truth will be created." What is the meaning of this saying?

A) Yeshua - the new king of the Jews, who erected a new Temple

B) it is not about faith, but about Truth

4. Why is Yeshua presented as a vagabond in the novel?

A) compliance with the biblical plot

D) the author seeks to show Yeshua as a poor man
5. Assign the names of the heroes who make up the triads of representatives of the ancient world, the modern author of Moscow and the other world (or characters who penetrate both of these real worlds)
Gella; Azazello; Woland; Hippo; Levi Matvey; Margarita;

Professor Stravinsky; Ivan Homeless; Judas; Mark Ratslayer; Pilate.

A) heroes have power in their world, but are still powerless in the face of human choice

B) beauty and its service to the forces of darkness

C) heroes perform the function of executioners

D) traitors who are justly punished

E) the image of a disciple-follower

E) faithful friend, reliable assistant

6. Why does not a similar row form for Margarita?

A) the novel does not have a traditional love triangle

B) the image of Margarita is unique, does not require parallels

C) historically there were no parallels in the biblical and other worlds

7. Whose portrait is this: "His antennae are like chicken feathers, his eyes are small, and his trousers are checkered, tucked up so that you can see dirty white socks"?
A) Azazello

B) Koroviev

C) Varenukha

D) Homeless

8. “Justice in Bulgakov's understanding is not limited to punishment, retribution and retribution. Justice is administered by two departments, the functions of which are strictly separated: the department of retaliation and the department of mercy. This unexpected metaphor contains an important idea: revenge is in vain, the right-wing force is not able to revel in cruelty, endlessly enjoy the vengeful sense of triumph. Mercy is another face of justice. ”(V. Ya. Lakshin)

1) Explain the meaning of the words "in vain" (from "ripen" - "see"), "right power" (righteous power).

2) Please comment on this statement. From your point of view, what is justice?
9. Roman Bulgakov is “a satirical chronicle of that city life

20-30-ies, which was available to the artistic eye of the writer ... "(PA Nikolaev)

1) How did the city life of that time appear before us?

2) What satirical techniques did the author use when writing this chronicle?

10. Who betrayed Yeshua?

A) Levi Matvey

C) Pilate

D) Ratslayer
11. What did Margarita hold in her hands when she first met the Master?
A) yellow tulips

B) red roses

C) white lilies of the valley

D) yellow mimosa

12. In whose apartment is Margarita arranging a pogrom, turning into a witch?

A) Likhodeeva

B) Latunsky

C) Berlioz

D) Woland
13. What does Woland say after the show at the variety show?

A) that people have changed for the better

B) that Moscow has not changed at all, there are no new houses in it

C) that the city has changed, but the people remain the same

D) that people have become much worse
14. Who turned Varenukha into a vampire?

A) Margarita

B) Azazello

C) Gella

D) Koroviev
15. In what institution did the foreman work before entering the hospital?

A) in the museum

B) in the hospital

C) in the theater

D) in a variety show
16. What object tormented Frida, one of the participants in Satan's ball?

A) broken mirror

B) blue scarf

C) lost necklace

D) unbuttoned bracelet
17. Whom does the Master forgive at the end of the novel, saying: “Free! Now you are free! ”?

A) Levi Matvey

B) Woland

C) Ivan Bezdomny

D) Pilate
18. What is the name of the poet Ivan Bezdomny at the end of the novel?

A) Ivan Sergeev

B) Ivan Ponyrev

C) Ivan Lavrent'ev

D) Stepan Likhodeev

19. When does the novel take place (in both worlds)?

20. Which two cities are mentioned in the novel?

21. About whom did the Master write his novel?

22. After Woland's departure, who has the same dream every year at the same time?

Fifth lesson

Love and creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita".

The task: read the lesson materials, answer the questions; complete test assignments on pieces of paper, bring to class on Monday, 02/14/2011; prepare for the seminar

The purpose of the lesson: to understand the moral lessons of Bulgakov, the main values \u200b\u200bthat the writer speaks about; check knowledge of the content of the novel.

During the classes

I. Working with the text of the novel.

Forgiveness to Pilate comes from the Master, it is he who releases him. The novel is not invented by the Master, but guessed ("Oh, how I guessed! Oh, how I guessed everything!"). You don't need a membership card to be a writer. With this certificate, they are allowed to enter a restaurant, but not to History.

Analysis of the episode of chapter 28.

Dostoevsky is dead, - said the citizen, but somehow not very confidently.

Objection! - Behemoth exclaimed hotly. - Dostoevsky is immortal!

It turns out that "a writer is not defined by his certificate, but by what he writes." Only not everyone is able to soberly assess what he is doing. Ivan Bezdomny succeeded. He agrees that he is “an ignorant man” (chapter 13) and promises to “write no more” poetry. He leaves his profession as if imposed by someone with a feeling of liberation, relief. The mediocre Riukhin (Chapter 6), who realized the insignificance of his talent, is not able to change. He continues to envy Pushkin. "Lucky, lucky!" - Riukhin concludes venomously and realizes that "nothing can be corrected in his life, but you can only forget."

- Where else do you see the connection between Ryukhin and Homeless?

The master does not come to Ivan from outside, but from his own visions and dreams. Chapter 13 - the space of Ivan's dream, his vision.

- Whose traditions are Bulgakov continuing here?

- Do the other characters in the novel have doubles?

- There are also double objects in the novel. Let's find them.

- Does Margarita have a double?

II... The theme of creativity and love in the novel.

The reader is brought to the second part by the call of the narrator: "Follow me, reader!" The same appeal opens the second part of the novel: “Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut off his vile tongue! Follow me, reader, and only me, and I will show you such love! " By the way, chapter 19 is called "Margarita", she is the main character of the second part.

How are the themes of love and creativity related?

The master tells Ivan his story. This is both the story of the novel about Pilate and the story of love. Margarita is an earthly, sinful woman. She can swear, flirt, she is a woman without prejudice. How did Margarita deserve the special grace of the higher powers that rule the Universe? Margarita, probably one of those one hundred and twenty-two Margaritas, about whom Koroviev spoke, knows what love is.

The love story of the Master and Margarita is associated with the changing seasons. The time cycle in the hero's story begins in winter, when the Master, still alone, settled in the basement and began to "compose a novel about Pontius Pilate." Then spring comes, “lilac bushes dressed in greenery”. “And then, in the spring, something much more delightful happened than receiving a hundred thousand,” the Master met Margarita. The “golden age” of love lasted for the heroes, while “the May thunderstorms went on and ... the trees in the garden threw off their broken twigs and white brushes after the rain”, while the “sultry summer” was going on. The Master's novel "was completed in August," and with the onset of autumn, autumn came in nature for the heroes as well. “In the middle of October” the Master fell ill: it seemed to him that “the autumn darkness would squeeze out the windows, pour into the room” and he “drowned in it”. The hero burned the manuscript of the novel and on the same evening was arrested on the denunciation of Aloisy Mogarych. The Master returns to his basement, where others already live, in winter, when "the snowdrifts hid the lilac bushes" and the hero lost his beloved. The new meeting between the Master and Margarita takes place in May, after the ball of the spring full moon.

Love is the second path to superreality, just like creativity, leads to the comprehension of the "third dimension". Love and creativity are what can resist the ever-existing evil. The concepts of goodness, forgiveness, understanding, responsibility, truth, harmony are also associated with love and creativity. In the name of love, Margarita performs a feat, overcoming fear and weakness, conquering circumstances, demanding nothing for herself. We find the scene of the ball at Woland (chapter 23), the scene of Frida's forgiveness (chapter 24).

The image of the master allows Bulgakov to pose the problem of the responsibility of the creator for his talent. The master is endowed with the ability to “guess” the truth, to see through the thick of centuries the image of genuine humanity. His gift can save people from unconsciousness, from the forgotten ability to do good. But the Master, having composed a novel, could not stand the struggle for it, abandoned his creation, burned it, did not accept the feat.

Margarita values \u200b\u200bthe novel more than the Master. By the power of his love he saves the Master. He finds peace. After all, the image of the house, the family hearth, beloved by Bulgakov, is also associated with Margarita. The theme of creativity and the theme of Margarita is associated with the true values \u200b\u200baffirmed by the author of the novel: personal freedom, mercy, honesty, truth, faith, love.

III... Testing students' knowledge.


1. What is the originality of the composition of the novel?

a) ring composition

b) chronological order of development of events

c) parallel development of three storylines

d) parallel development of two storylines

2. Why is Yeshua presented as a vagabond in the novel?

3. "I, Yeshua, said that the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of Truth will be created." What is the meaning of this saying?

a) Yeshua - the new king of the Jews, who erected a new Temple

b) it is not about faith, but about Truth

4. Why is one of the worst sins for Yeshua- rubsoy?

a) cowardice leads to betrayal

b) cowardice - a conscious choice of a hesitant person towards evil

c) cowardice - cowardice, lack of mental strength

5. How is the image of Levin Matvey solved in the novel?

a) a disciple of Yeshua, who accepted his ideas and followed them

b) Levi Matvey believes fanatically, did not understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe teacher

c) Levi cannot accept suffering with dignity, he denies God

6. What is the specificity of the system of images of the novel "The Master and Margarita"?

a) based on the principles of duality

b) the characters are united by a common idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

c) heroes form a kind of triads from representatives of the biblical world

d) the image system is built on the principle of antithesis

7. Correlate the names of the heroes who make up the triads of representatives of the ancient world, the modern author of Moscow and the other world (or characters who penetrate both of these real worlds).

Gella; Azazello; Woland; Baron Meigel; Hippo; Levi Matvey; Margarita; Aloisy Mogarych; Tuzbuben; Professor Stravinsky; Bantha; Ivan Homeless; Alexander Ryukhin; Judas; Archibald Archibaldovich; Natasha; Niza; Mark Ratslayer; Pilate. and)

a) heroes have power in their world, but are still powerless in front of human choice

b) beauty and its service to the forces of darkness

c) heroes perform the function of executioners

d) traitors with just punishment

e) the image of a student follower

f) loyal friend, reliable assistant

8. Why does not a similar row form for the image of Margarita?

a) the novel does not have a traditional love triangle

b) the image of Margarita is unique, does not require parallels

c) historically there were no parallels in the biblical and other worlds

9. Which of the "worlds" of the novel is the most populated?

a) biblical b) otherworldly c) Moscow

10. Whose portrait is this: "His antennae are like chicken feathers, his eyes are small, and his trousers are checkered, tightened up so that you can see dirty white socks"?

a) Azazello c) Varenukha

b) Koroviev d) Homeless

11. During the meeting of Behemoth and Homeless with Woland, five proofs of the existence of God are mentioned, to which Kant added a sixth.

a) historical c) explanation of the structure of the universe

b) theological d) "by contradiction"

12. Match the hero and his food preferences.


Prepare for the seminar - 02/14/2011 - "There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will" () on the textbook:

First topicfor discussion - "Final: Better than the Best."

1. Why did the Master, according to Woland, deserve no light, but only peace?

2. The request of Yeshua to arrange the fate of the Master Levi Matthew transfers to the "spirit of evil" in an almost commanding and hostile tone, and he begs to take Margarita with the Master. Why?

3. Why is it that Woland, and not Yeshua, suits the fate of the Master?

4. Trace the chronology of the novel: what Christian and non-Christian dates are there?

"What is the novel about?" - second topicfor a dispute or free discussion. Look for arguments! Just take your time with the decision. "Correct" answers in the literature are only on testing. After all, there is no right or wrong literature - there can be good and bad.

Question: "What is the novel about?" - measures the depth of understanding. Check out several answers to this question.

1. "The novel" The Master and Margarita "is written about truth, untruth and their relationship in time (" Yershalaim "and" Moscow ") and in eternity ... According to the concept of" The Master and Margarita ", kindness and mercy are a consequence of honesty, and not vice versa ”(O. Lekmanov).

2. “The basis of the novel is the problem of the relationship between two eternal principles - human or superhuman - Good and Evil. A novel begins with the affirmation of the natural kindness of man and leads the heroes through evil and suffering to mercy. Mercy and compassion are the only rewards a person can deserve. Bulgakov's novel about the two poles of human nature - light and dark, which will never converge and will never separate ”(A. Kiselev).

3. “Still, something else forms the basis of The Master and Margarita. I would say that this is a confrontation between individual freedom and non-freedom. Isn't this the whole novel? And evil, in its various guises, comes, as a rule, from lack of freedom, and good is born of freedom " (V. Boborykin).

Reflections can be continued. Maybe this is a novel about the inevitability of evil and the illusory nature of good? Or maybe this is a novel about betrayal and loyalty? Or maybe this is a love novel? ..

Test No. 1 based on Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita.
1. What is the originality of the composition of the novel?

A) ring composition

B) chronological order of development of events

C) parallel development of three storylines

D) parallel development of two storylines
2. What is the specificity of the system of images of this novel?

A) based on the principles of duality

B) the characters are united by a common idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

C) heroes form a kind of triads from representatives of the biblical world

D) the system of images is built on the principle of antithesis
3. "I, Yeshua, said that the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of Truth will be created." What is the meaning of this saying?

A) Yeshua - the new king of the Jews, who erected a new Temple

B) it is not about faith, but about Truth

A) compliance with the biblical plot

D) the author seeks to show Yeshua as a poor man
5. Assign the names of the heroes who make up the triads of representatives of the ancient world, the modern author of Moscow and the other world (or characters who penetrate both of these real worlds)
Gella; Azazello; Woland; Hippo; Levi Matvey; Margarita;

Professor Stravinsky; Ivan Homeless; Judas; Mark Ratslayer; Pilate.
A) heroes have power in their world, but are still powerless in the face of human choice

B) beauty and its service to the forces of darkness

C) heroes perform the function of executioners

D) traitors who are justly punished

E) the image of a disciple-follower

E) faithful friend, reliable assistant
6. Why does not a similar row form for Margarita?

A) the novel does not have a traditional love triangle

B) the image of Margarita is unique, does not require parallels

C) historically there were no parallels in the biblical and other worlds
7. Whose portrait is this: "His antennae are like chicken feathers, his eyes are small, and his trousers are checkered, tucked up so that you can see dirty white socks"?
A) Azazello

B) Koroviev

C) Varenukha

D) Homeless
8. “Justice in Bulgakov's understanding is not limited to punishment, retribution and retribution. Justice is controlled by two departments, the functions of which are strictly separated: the department of retaliation and the department of mercy. This unexpected metaphor contains an important idea: revenge is in vain, the right-wing force is not able to revel in cruelty, endlessly enjoy the vengeful sense of triumph. Mercy is another face of justice. ”(V. Ya. Lakshin)

1) Explain the meaning of the words "in vain" (from "ripen" - "see"), "right power" (righteous power).

2) Please comment on this statement. From your point of view, what is justice?
9. Roman Bulgakov is “a satirical chronicle of that city life

20-30-ies, which was available to the artistic eye of the writer ... "(PA Nikolaev)

1) How did the city life of that time appear before us?

2) What satirical techniques did the author use when writing this chronicle?
10. Who betrayed Yeshua?

A) Levi Matvey

D) Ratslayer
11. What did Margarita hold in her hands when she first met the Master?
A) yellow tulips

B) red roses

C) white lilies of the valley

D) yellow mimosa
12. In whose apartment is Margarita arranging a pogrom, turning into a witch?

A) Likhodeeva

B) Latunsky

C) Berlioz

D) Woland
13. What does Woland say after the show at the variety show?

A) that people have changed for the better

B) that Moscow has not changed at all, there are no new houses in it

C) that the city has changed, but the people remain the same

D) that people have become much worse
14. Who turned Varenukha into a vampire?

A) Margarita

B) Azazello

D) Koroviev
15. In what institution did the foreman work before entering the hospital?

A) in the museum

B) in the hospital

C) in the theater

D) in a variety show
16. What object tormented Frida, one of the participants in Satan's ball?

A) broken mirror

B) blue scarf

C) lost necklace

D) unbuttoned bracelet
17. Whom does the Master forgive at the end of the novel, saying: “Free! Now you are free! ”?

A) Levi Matvey

B) Woland

C) Ivan Bezdomny

D) Pilate
18. What is the name of the poet Ivan Bezdomny at the end of the novel?

A) Ivan Sergeev

B) Ivan Ponyrev

C) Ivan Lavrent'ev

D) Stepan Likhodeev

19. When does the novel take place (in both worlds)?

20. Which two cities are mentioned in the novel?

21. About whom did the Master write his novel?

22. After Woland's departure, who has the same dream every year at the same time?

Test based on the novel by M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

1. What is the originality of the composition of the novel?

A) ring composition

B) chronological order of development of events

C) parallel development of three storylines

D) parallel development of two storylines

2. Why is Yeshua presented as a vagabond in the novel?

A) compliance with the biblical plot

C) the avor emphasizes the inner freedom of the hero

3. "I, Yeshua, d said that the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of Truth will be created." What is the meaning of this saying?

A) Yeshua - the new king of the Jews, who erected a new Temple

B) it is not about faith, but about truth

4 Why is cowardice one of Yeshua's worst sins?

A) cowardice leads to betrayal

B) cowardice - a conscious choice of a hesitant person towards evil

C) cowardice - cowardice, lack of mental strength

5. How is the image of Levi Matthew resolved in the novel?

A) a disciple of Yeshua, who accepted his ideas and followed them

B) he believes fanatically, does not understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe teacher

C) Levi cannot accept suffering with dignity, he denies God

6. What is the specificity of the system of images in the novel "The Master and Margarita"?

a) based on the principle of duality

b) the characters are united by a common idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

c) heroes form a kind of triads from representatives of the biblical world

) the image system is built on the principle of antithesis

7. Which of the "worlds" of the novel is the most populated?

A) biblical b) otherworldly c) Moscow

8. Whose portrait is this: “His antennae are like chicken feathers, his eyes are small, and his trousers are checkered, tucked up so that you can see dirty white socks?

A) Azazello

B) Koroviev

C) Varenukha

D) Homeless

9. During the meeting of Behemoth and Homeless with Woland, five proofs of the existence of God are mentioned, to which Kant added a sixth.

A) historical

B) theological

C) explanation of the structure of the universe

D) "by contradiction"

10. Match the hero and his eating habits.

A) N.I.Bosogo's lunch 1) “vodka, neatly chopped herring, thick

sprinkled with onions "

b) Behemoth snacks 2) "alcohol, salted and peppery pineapple, caviar"

c) breakfast of Stepa Likhodeev 3) “Vodka in a pot-bellied decanter, pressed caviar in a vase,

marinated porcini mushrooms, saucepan with sausages "

  1. The presented test can be used in the final lesson based on the novel by M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". I


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    ... novel. Novel « Master and Margarita"(One of the novelsby choice). History of creation and publication novel. Originality genre and compositions novel ... a poet? 3. In than appears the individuality of the sound of patriotic lyrics ...

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In this article we will turn to the most famous novel by Mikhail Bulgakov - The Master and Margarita. The image of Margarita will interest us in the first place. It is to this heroine that we will try to give a detailed description and consider all the changes that occur to her throughout the work.

Margarita: common features

The heroine embodies the image of a loving and beloved woman who, for the sake of the chosen man, is ready to do anything, even make a deal with the devil. Margarita's age at the time of her meeting with the Master is 30 years old. Despite this, she has not lost her attractiveness and stature. Her character is a little impulsive, but this energy is like a breath of fresh air for the Master. Margarita supports and helps her beloved in everything, if not for her help, his romance would not have been created.

The heroine is associated with the romance line of the novel. Her appearance in the narrative enlivens the work, endows it with lyricism and humanism.

Characteristics of Margarita

About how the heroine lived before meeting the Master, we learn only from her words. Her life was empty. On that day, she went outside with yellow flowers so that her beloved would finally find her, otherwise she would have been poisoned. This speaks of the meaninglessness of its existence, the absence of any desires and aspirations.

Margarita got married at the age of 19. Her chosen one was a respected and rich man. The spouses lived in prosperity that any woman would be happy with: a beautiful house, no worries about everyday life, a loving husband. However, she was not happy for a single day. In her life, she saw no meaning or purpose.

The characterization of Margarita gives an idea of \u200b\u200bher as an extraordinary woman who has little material wealth. Her soul needs emotions and real feelings. The mansion she lives in reminds her of a cage. She has a rich inner world, the breadth of her soul, therefore the philistine dullness prevailing around her is gradually killing her.

Bulgakov describes the heroine as an amazingly beautiful woman with lively, "slightly squinting" eyes that shone with "extraordinary loneliness." Before meeting the Master, she was unhappy. A lot of warmth and energy accumulated in her heart, which she could not spend on anyone.


The beloved Master and the woman he accidentally bumps into on the street are completely different people. Margarita is transformed, a meaning finally appears in her life - love for the Master, and the goal is to help him in writing a novel. All the spiritual energy accumulated in it is now directed to the beloved and his work. Never caring about life and not knowing what a primus is, the heroine, entering the Master's house, immediately begins to cook dinner and wash the dishes. Surprisingly, even household chores brought her only joy if she was next to her beloved. Margarita appears to the reader to be economical and caring. At the same time, the heroine manages to balance between the images of the writer's muse and a caring wife.

Margarita perfectly understands and feels the Master, hence her empathy and love for his novel, which was suffered by both of them. That is why the heroine reacts with such anger and hatred to the refusal to publish the novel and to critical reviews about it. From that moment on, rage towards the gray and petty world begins to accumulate in her, which will find a way out later.


Deal with the devil is one of the key motives of The Master and Margarita. The image of Margarita is very closely connected with him. Desperate, the heroine meets with Azazello. At first, the woman did not pay any attention to him, but when Woland's envoy began to quote lines from the Master's novel, she believed him. It is Azazello who gives her the cream and instructions. Realizing who came to her, Margarita is ready to do everything, if only she had the opportunity to return the Master.

At night, the heroine decides to use a magic cream and turns into a witch. Margarita's character changes again. Dark power transforms her no worse than love. She becomes free and brave, and her impulsiveness only increases. In the guise of a witch, Margarita does not lose her sense of humor: she jokes at the neighbor who saw her in the window, makes fun of the arguing hostesses.

A new Margarita is born. And she no longer holds her anger. Ready to deal with the Master's offenders, she does not miss the chance to destroy the critic Latunsky's apartment. At this moment, she looks like an angry fury.

Margarita the witch is a very bright and strong image, Bulgakov spares no emotions and colors, painting him. The heroine throws off everything that fettered her and prevented her from living and breathing. It literally becomes easy.

At Woland's ball

So, how does Margarita appear at Woland's ball? To begin with, the ball is the climax in the novel. Several key (for the novel and the character of the heroine) questions are raised here. For example, the problem of mercy. This theme is inextricably linked with the image of Margarita. And we see that, even having turned into a witch, she does not lose this trait, saving Frida from torment. Margarita manages to preserve her bright human qualities, surrounded by evil spirits.

All the events of the chapter describing the ball are centered around the heroine. We see how she suffers from jewelry, but suffers. Margarita really appears as the queen and mistress at the ball. She bravely endures everything that falls to her lot. This is also noted by Woland, mentioning the power of the royal blood that flows in Margarita.

There is no more witchy prowess and recklessness in the heroine, she behaves with dignity and observes all the rules of etiquette. At the ball, the witch transforms into a queen.

Margarita award

It was the actions of the heroine that determined the denouement of the book "The Master and Margarita". The image of Margarita is a driving force that helps the plot to develop. Only thanks to her consent to Woland's proposal, the Master gains freedom and gets his novel. Margarita achieves the goal to which she so strives - the acquisition of love and peace. Despite the fact that the image of the heroine is often transformed, we do not see any drastic changes in her character. Margarita remains true to herself, despite all the trials.

And as a reward for all the suffering she is granted peace. The spiritual world, into which Woland sends her and the Master, is not paradise. The heroine still did not deserve it, as she made a deal with the devil. However, here she found the long-awaited peace. The lovers walk next to each other, and Margarita knows that she has done everything possible to never part with the Master.


Almost every hero has his own prototype in the novel The Master and Margarita. The image of Margarita is associated with the third wife of Bulgakov himself - Elena Sergeevna. The writer often called her "my Margarita". It was this woman who was with Bulgakov in the last years of his life and did a lot to ensure that this very novel was completed. The work was being edited at a time when Bulgakov was seriously ill and was dying. Elena Sergeevna made edits under his dictation, sitting by the bed. And after the death of her husband, she fought against criticism for another two decades to get the novel published.

Also, Bulgakov's Margarita has the features of Gretchen, the main character of Goethe's "Faust".

Quotes from "The Master and Margarita"

Here are some of the most famous quotes of our heroine:

  • "And in pleasure one must be at least a little prudent."
  • “Sadness before a long journey. Isn't it quite natural, even when you know that happiness awaits you at the end of this road? "

Quotes from "The Master and Margarita" have long become catch phrases that have even been heard by those who have not read this amazing work.