Love stories. Interesting stories about true love.

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In my life for almost a year there was only one person, and I loved him very much. But as soon as he went home to his parents, I became very strong, there were quarrels, he completely stopped trusting me, but at the same time he says that he loves me.

He parted with me several times. I forgave everything. And at the last moment, he began to distrust again, called me and asked where I was. I replied that I was at home. He didn’t believe it and began to talk nonsense: “you’re already in love with someone, I deeply doubt that you’re at home at all, chatting with guys?”. Sometimes I hung up, sometimes I tried to prove the truth.

The next day he usually calls and says that he loves. I love him too, but I keep trying to suppress this feeling so that it doesn't hurt so much alone. He is a self-sufficient person, he has his own apartment (which was bought by his parents), he has a car, a good expensive phone, he has a friend and lives with him, goes to the gym, he is cute, but painfully irritable, irascible and jealous.

I have a big problem with the bride, or rather our relationship. We have been living together for a little over a year with my parents.

She was well received in my family, the relationship to her is warm and kind, no one meddles in our relationship. Sometimes mom connects to reconciliation so that we don't fight anymore. end in tears. I, of course, lose my temper when I try to explain to her, put everything on the shelves, and at this moment she interrupts me, then I feel like a beast, and she is afraid of me.

But I don't allow myself to raise my hand to her. As a child, I had enough to see how my father beat my mother when he drank. In general, after the first quarrel, we reconciled, but after a while we quarreled again, also began with a calm conversation and gradually the conversation began to get out of control. Again she stood her ground and interrupted me, I could not stand it and in anger I hit the wall with my fist, from this I saw fear in her eyes, she said don't come near me, I'm afraid of you. In general, after a couple of days we made up.

They lived with their first husband for 25 years. He died. At 43, I was left alone. Children are adults, have received higher education and left to live in the northern capital.

For a year I could not find a place for myself from grief, although my husband was an alcoholic and life with him was not honey. Then for about six months I asked God to. There was a desire to love and be loved. But for myself, I firmly decided: no married men I will not have!

I was introduced to one, and after the first meeting I barely showed him off, asked for money for a taxi. Then my friend and I were invited to visit. There was at that time my sister's man, they met for several months. I was about to get to know each other, I was worried and, seeing an acquaintance there, we of course began to communicate.

I am writing in the hope that some of you will be able to give me good advice. For about 4 months I have been dating a man whom I really like. He is 34 years old, he is single, looks after beautifully, says a lot of compliments, says that he wants children from me.

The first month brought roses to every date. But I am strained by some moments in him: outwardly, he is not my ideal, he smokes, he is not rich, he can only meet on weekends, as he gets tired at work (he is a worker in a factory), at every date he sticks to me, very often touches mine hands, back, legs, climbs to kiss. On the fifth date, we kissed. On the ninth date, he openly offered me sex, I said I was not ready.

I have been married for 7 years, we are raising a son with my husband. Before meeting my husband, about six months before we met, I had a relationship with a man.

That man was married, I dated him for more than two years, but then I left him myself, realizing that I was doing badly and wrongly. And then she met her future husband.

The husband did not know about that relationship. Naturally, I did not speak, thinking why it was necessary, especially since the man was married. But more recently, maybe half a year, I began to understand some things that prompted me that my husband might have a mistress. Some too frequent business trips, calls at night.

I don't know what to think anymore. It's about me, my character, or I'm just a magnet for attracting mean men.

I am 24 years old, in fact, I haven't really seen life yet, but I have already managed to be disappointed in many ways. My first relationship began when I was 16. I met a guy in a circle of friends, by the way, he is 5 years older than myself, at that time it was a very big difference for me.

Meetings, courtship began, and, moreover, very beautiful courtship, although I had nothing to compare with. But from the experience of girlfriends who met with our peers, it was clear that I was drowning in love, affection, compliments, everyone envied me. I lost my innocence with him, closer to 17 years. After that, the wild hell began.

I grew up in a prosperous family. Until the age of 27, I only had friendships with guys, no sex, because I was waiting for my love.

I am a beautiful, efficient, decent girl, without bad habits, with a good and calm character, so I thought that I would find a decent guy with whom I would live my whole life. I am a psychologist by education, I work at a good job.

About a year ago, I broke up with a guy I can't forget. His name is Anton, he was my first and only (at the moment) man, I loved him very much. I was already 27 years old, I had been waiting for my love for a long time, dreamed that I would meet my prince, who would become my husband and the only man for me. We met on a dating site, talked for a long time, met, after the first date we began to communicate in social. networks, he sometimes humiliated me morally in communication, hinted that he wanted hard sex, said that he would not look after me and walk with me, because he was not a womanizer, often invited me home, but I refused.

We have been married for 18 years and have two children. Recently, my husband has begun to pay less attention to me.

Although from work straight home, everything seems to be fine and does the housework, and earns money, and plans for the future. But the relationship is not the same. Sex once a week, as if he is being forced, and he is doing it a favor. Soon, people began to say that they were taking the employee to work. I started digging.

By the way, the phone has never been controlled. And it turned out that they were working together and supposedly this was just communication. Before that, there was no sex at all, he says, you became like a mother to me and there is no attraction. It turned out, but for two, there is no strength.

My name is Kostya, I'm 22 years old. It just so happened that I was dating a girl, and we did not make it for several weeks until a year. ...

I believe that I am to blame for our separation. We loved each other and lived together. But lately I've started to hysteria, to act like a girl. Either I do not have enough attention, then I forbid her to communicate with someone from her acquaintances. He took offense at any nonsense.

During this time, we diverged many times and immediately converged. But the last quarrel was final. She said that she loved me, but did not want us to be together. She cried when she said this, I tried to tell her that I love her, and I will not quarrel over trifles, as well as that I will stop behaving like a girl, but she does not believe my words.

It was in the first year, in the fall. The very beginning of student life, a hostel and new friends. I got used to it pretty quickly, already on the very first evening with the girls and the responsibilities were distributed around the room, and I realized who was closer to whom in spirit. We made friends with Zhenya right away - they were similar in characters. And so it happened that Anya and Toma - two other girls - were somehow on the sidelines, and Zhenya and I (who was two years older than me) became friends on the spot.

I have always believed that if I am an "ideal" wife, then my husband will not leave me and, certainly, will never cheat. I tried to keep my body in perfect shape, I never sawed off my husband's brain and I never had a headache in four years of marriage.

The beginning of the two thousandth. In the spring, after finishing the ninth grade, I turned 16. Then I just wanted to go out with friends, but my parents sent me to my grandmother in the village for a month. She was already old and grandpa could not cope with all the household chores. Those. I was sent to labor work. Then it seemed to me to be sent to a real hard labor, although now I don't think about it that way. In the evenings I went to the river to swim, sunbathe. I often baked potatoes in ash. But what did I miss? Communication, of course.

She changed and changed herself, because she had a beautiful rival. But he was not attracted to the bleached earthy hair, the new lip circumference, or the stupid blue lenses. And he worried her, as before.

Yes, it was a lucky chance when her heel broke. Stas did not leave the girl in trouble. He called her a taxi, although Lena lived a five-minute walk from the house. All she could achieve was his mocking phrase in the smoking room "look sick!" Enough! Time to destroy everything connected with Stas, the old life, and in general, with the earth. She watched her personal diaries burn and dreamed: it would be nice to get off the ground like this, or at least become a flight attendant ... At least she vowed to herself not to regret him for a minute and never to be blonde again. Let Tanya be her.

Her new life started unsuccessfully. The airline refused her. The verdict was brutal: "Appearance is not photogenic, lips are thick, hair is dull, your English leaves much to be desired, let alone French, and you do not speak Spanish ..." At home, something dawned on her. "And that's all?" So, you just need to learn Spanish and tighten up English ... So, full lips are no longer needed! So much effort to change yourself! Nothing, everything will be different for another purpose: airlines.

And she became a brunette. She was inspired by her own successes. She made them in order to become a flight attendant, and she did not want to land. She has become a highly qualified specialist and a respected face of the company. She knew several languages, several exact sciences, business etiquette, the culture of the countries of the world, medicine and continued to improve. She listened with irony to happy stories about love, and did not remember her Stas. Moreover, I no longer hoped to see him face to face, and even in flight.

The same couple: Stas and Tanya, they have a tourist ticket. Lena fulfilled her duties. Her pleasant voice sounded in the cabin. She greeted passengers in Russian and then in two more languages. She answered the troubling questions of a Spaniard, and a minute later she was talking to a French family. She was extremely attentive and polite with everyone. However, she had no time to think about continuing her romantic story on the plane. We need to bring soft drinks, and there was a baby crying ...

In the darkness of the salon a blonde slept for a long time, and his eyes were burning tirelessly. He met her gaze. Strange that he still worries her. A glance stirred her senses and she turned to leave. He couldn't speak. Stas raised his palm to the foggy window, where the letters "Ж", "D", "I" flaunted, and then gently erased them in her presence. A wave of joy swept over her. The landing was near.

In contact with


● I met my wife after work, and she was like: "Hello! Why did you go to the coffee shop without me? Oh, and you were in the bookstore too? Did you say hello to Aunt Rimma?" Surprisedly I ask how she knows where I was, and she calmly: "You have a little powdered sugar on your nose, and you only eat donuts there. Advertisements are always handed out near the bookstore, you again have two sticking out of your pocket. And Aunt Rimma is in the bookstore. always works on Tuesdays, so you've seen her. " I will never cheat on this woman with her deduction ...

● Today I saw my son propose to his girlfriend. In the process of breakfast, he took out a box with a ring from somewhere, and, without looking at the girl, methodically chewing food, pushed this box towards his alleged wife. You know, this is how people usually pass salt on to someone. I was all tense, expecting women squeals and tantrums (the girl is twenty years old, for them it is so important, after all), and she opened it, put on the ring and said "yeah." Then they continued to eat in silence ...

● I decided to surprise my husband. While he was washing, she put on panties with a tail, cat ears on her head and seductively went to bed, took the pose of a playful cat ... I woke up because a naked playful cat was wrapped in a blanket, scratched behind the ear and said: "Sleep, flea-stricken."

● The husband is now on a business trip. He calls me every night before bed so I can sing him a lullaby. Lullaby! He says that he cannot sleep without it. A 40-year-old man, a "2 × 2 wardrobe", is now opening the third branch of his enterprise abroad, a stern-looking uncle with a tat on half his back ... And we do not need a lullaby anyhow, but from the cartoon about Umka - others do not roll. What am I? I sing...

● Before the wedding, the parents had been dating for 7 years, and all this time my mother thought that my father was a janitor (he told her so), and after the wedding, my mother found out that he was a Boeing pilot.

● Mom forgot how to talk after a stroke. Speech is recovering badly and slowly, but the first phrase that she mastered was: "I love you, daughter."

● My grandmother lives in the village. At every convenient opportunity, they took me there. My grandparents lived across the same house, and they had a grandson, 4 years older than me, he coddled me when I was a baby. At 3 years old, he smeared my knees with brilliant green. At the age of 5 he taught to read. At 10 he protected him from boys. At the age of 15, I arrived in the village, he was in the army, it was the longest summer. At the age of 17, he helped to survive the death of a friend. At 19 he pulled me out of depression. Now I am 24, and he is 28. Today he became my husband.

● We are sitting with a friend sharpening the fringes, she tells how she removed hairs from the upper lip, my husband is spinning nearby. A friend unexpectedly asks him if he wants his wife to delete it too. To which he calmly replies: "A hussar wife is an honor!" - and continues to go about his business.

● I didn’t cook my own food as a bachelor, I ate in canteens, cafes, bought everything ready. Not because I don't know how to cook, but for the reason that I hate washing pans and pots, especially greasy and with dried food, I just have a phobia about this, and I don't have enough nerves! I got married. And now, when she asks me to wash the dishes, I silently go to wash them; mine and angry; crazy, but mine; I get furious, but I rub these pots to the holes. And all because love for her is much stronger than hatred for dirty pans.

● I'm 24. Brother 10. A couple of months ago I went on a diet, built up, prettier. Recently I've been spinning by the mirror, admiring myself, the little one hanging out next to me. I shove him in the side with my elbow: "Hey, man, how beautiful is your sister?" To which this asshole with a poker face replies: "You know, it seems to me that you haven't lost a gram of weight." He waited for me to swear, and with the same impenetrable face continued: "As for me, you have always been slim and beautiful."

● Recently I parted with a young man whom I loved very much; terribly worried. And then some "secret admirer" began to show off flowers. And the mood itself immediately improved. Yesterday I learned that the "secret admirer" is dad. The most beloved and best dad in the world.

● When I was 9 months pregnant, I asked my husband to paint my toenails. He denied for a long time: they say, I do not know how, this is not a man's business. I got offended, went into the shower and heard: "Okay, Google, how to paint your nails?"

● One grandpa lives in our city. And he has an old dog. Very old. She has some problems with her paws - she can't walk at all. So this grandfather, as soon as spring comes and it gets warmer, takes her in his arms, takes her outside and walks: he walks back and forth for hours, carries her in his arms, although the dog is not small. But with what loyal eyes she looks at him ... And licks his hands. It becomes so sad when I see them. Can you be a bigger person than this feeble old man?

● I work in shifts: two days at work, two at home. My wife began to collect breakfast and all sorts of sweets with surprises for me. I rejoice like a child at a gift, finding notes in boxes with food, in which she wishes me bon appetite and writes how much she loves me. Nobody has ever done this for me.

● Recently I realized what love to the grave is. My grandparents are 77 years old and they do everything together. But grandmother sees very badly, and grandfather hears. Therefore, as my grandmother says: "I hear for him, and he sees for me."

● I knew that pregnant women can be weird and moody. And I was ready for it. More precisely, he thought he was ready. And now I pluck raspberries with tweezers, because they are "hairy and prickly" ...

● She spent most of her childhood, often visiting my mother at work in the children's oncological rehabilitation center. So, a 17-year-old girl with her boyfriend left an indelible impression for her entire life. She had osteosarcoma, had several chemotherapy sessions, cut off her left leg above the knee. Once a guy came to visit her, that girl told him, they say, let's disperse, I don't want to ruin your life. The guy told her a firm "no" and said that she was the best for him. Not so long ago I met them by chance. She is in trousers, with a prosthesis, of course, walking, holding a hand, with them two children. We talked, the eldest son (he is 6) got into the conversation, proudly declaring that his mother is the best, because she is the Terminator.

The process is quite simple and, most likely, will not be a revelation for someone. A piece of paper, pencil or pen is taken, and most importantly, the plot and the creative process begins. The best thing is, of course, to write short stories about love. The shorter, the more likely the potential reader will read the story or story to the end, because he may have more important things to do than reading your work. And besides this, it will be easier for you to describe romantic events in a more concise form, not to focus on describing the splendor of nature, landscape or other setting. The best love stories are devoid of such descriptions.

Beautiful stories and stories about love and relationships between a man and a woman

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Alexander Blok was distinguished by pedantry, rare for the poet. One of his finest poems, Orozah, dates from January 1, 1907. Instead of the name, there are three letters N.N.V. The same letters, but already with the word "dedicated", precede the well-known cycle of his poems "The Snow Mask", in which the dates are also carefully put down. They can tell a curious reader a lot ... For example, that on January 3, 1907, the poet wrote ...

In one of his letters to his beloved, the famous French writer Victor Hugo stated: “Your love is more important than anything, more important than your daughter, more important than God”. To whom were these incredible and almost blasphemous words addressed? Victor Hugo and Juliette Drouet. Love story At this time, Hugo had already turned 42 years old, and he was famous in France and throughout the world. His novel Notre Dame Cathedral was unprecedented ...

Fra Filippo Lippi hated monasteries where there is so little light, where there is no place for beauty and inspiration. Nevertheless, he lived in the monastery from early childhood. Filippo was left an orphan early. He did not know maternal affection: his mother died in childbirth, and then, two years later, the boy's father also died. He was a merchant, but, unfortunately, extremely unlucky, so the heir was left without money. Childhood Fra Filippo Lippi ...

The famous Italian poet, founder of the humanistic art of the Renaissance, Francesco Petrarca and the beautiful Laura are another example of sublime and selfless love. Petrarch's strange love for Laura Petrarch was never close to his beloved, but throughout his life he carried a wonderful feeling of true love for her. His sonnets, canzones, sextines, ballads and madrigals on the life and death of Laura, published ...

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According to legend, Shah Jahan met his beloved at the bazaar. The girl was so beautiful that the wooden beads she was selling looked like magnificent diamonds to the prince. In fact, Arjuman, that was the name of the beautiful girl, was the daughter of the closest vizier, the padishah, and the niece of his wife. Legend of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz. Sacrificing a crown for love The prince's love was real ...

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Love that enslaves the body and mind is rare, but the novel by Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier can be safely called an exception. Vivien Leigh. Pay for crazy love with loneliness When they first met, both were married, and each of them believed that nothing could break these ties. Vivien Leigh's husband was madly in love with a beautiful young wife. In addition, the couple raised a charming little daughter, ...

The name of Ekaterina Nikolaevna Gekkern-Dantes became famous at the behest of evil fate. Just because she was the wife of Baron Dantes, by whose hand A.S. Pushkin died, she went through a lot of grief and hardship throughout her life and wear the shameful stigma of the murderer's wife. Ekaterina Gekkern-Dantes - sister of the beautiful Natalie Girls in the Goncharov family were brought up strictly. Their childhood was spent in a vast manor house with ...

When Polina traveled through Siberia, she was pleasantly surprised by the cordiality and hospitality with which the locals greeted her. “Everywhere we were received, as if we were passing through kindred countries; everywhere they fed people excellently, and when I asked how much I had to pay for them, they didn’t want to take anything, saying: “Only give God a candle,” Polina later recalled. Polina Gebl in Siberia ...

Polina Gebl was the wife of a Decembrist. She is one of many women who went to Siberia for their husbands, overcoming all difficulties and achieving a meeting with loved ones. But the story of Polina Gebl and her husband, the Decembrist Annenkov, can be called the most poetic. This fabulous, all overcoming love became not only the topic of conversation in the high society salons of that time, but also the plot for the novel by Alexander Dumas "The Fencing Teacher" and the opera by A.D. Shaporin ...

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Great and pure love always goes hand in hand with fidelity, which sacredly preserves the memory of the beloved and makes the heart not respond to the passionate calls of other men. The love story of the famous poet Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov and Nina Alexandrovna Chavchavadze, unfolding against the background of the ancient walls of Tiflis, illuminated by soft sunlight and filled with the aroma of tart wine, is a vivid example of this. But back to the beginning of this tragic story, in 1 ...

Strange as it may seem, they spoke of Maria Valevskaya's infidelity in the era of Napoleon with respect. And the point was this. Most secular ladies cheated mainly to increase their own wealth or for sensual pleasures. The Polish subjects considered Maria's act to be justified: she cheated on her husband, caring first of all about the well-being of her country. Maria Walewska - Polish wife of Napoleon Maria Walewska, harvest ...

Like any well-mannered girl, she did not accept anything from him, except for gentle messages and flowers. Louise kept these notes between the pages of her prayer book. The rapprochement of lovers was facilitated by chance. Once during a walk, the king's retinue fell under heavy rain. Louis XIV immediately took off his luxurious wide-brimmed hat and held it over Louise's head like an umbrella. Courtship of the King Such an act on the part of the king ...

Louis XIV became famous not as the creator of Versailles, but rather as a king who really knew how to love, sincerely and tenderly. Novels have long been written about the women he loved, but Louise de Lavaliere is perhaps the only one who reciprocated the king. It was this love that immortalized her name. Louise de Lavalier. A searing love for the king Louise de Lavaliere was born ...

Once, in a conversation with Diane de Poitiers, Francis I complained about the behavior of his youngest son Henry: "He spends all his time alone, communicates little with the courtiers and most of the day disappears in the garden." Heinrich, who by that time was 14 years old, devoted all his free time to military affairs, improved in fencing, horse riding and went in for sports (in particular, long jump). Henry II and his ...

The beautiful Diane de Poitiers went down in history not only as a lady of the heart of King Henry II, but also as one of the most influential noble persons of the Renaissance France. Her portraits still adorn the walls of the largest French museums today, and the love relationship between the crowned Henry II and his beautiful lover to this day serve as a plot for historical novels. Diana the Huntress and Henry II & nbsp ...

They keep children from evil by affirming them in good. Orthodox proverb A wise old man taught his grandson: - In every person there is a struggle of two wolves. The black wolf is envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies ... White wolf - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ... - And which wolf wins in the end? - asked the grandson. –...
