Positive and negative aspects of the personality of Oblomov. Positive and negative traits of the nature of Oblomov, its inconsistency in the Roman Goncharov

The main character Roman - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a landowner, living, however, constantly in St. Petersburg. The nature of Oblomov is descended perfectly throughout the novel. It is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. The main features of the nature of Oblomov - almost painful weakness of the will, expressing in the laziness and apathy, then - the absence of living interests and desires, fear of life, fear of any change at all.

But, along with these negative features, there are both large positive: wonderful spiritual purity and sensitivity, good nature, cordiality and tenderness; Oblomov "Crystal Soul", according to the expression of the gallery; These features attract the sympathy of everyone who comes with him to the nearest contact: gallez, Olga, Zakhara, Agafa Matveyevna, even his former colleagues visiting him in the first part of the novel. Moreover, the nature of the obcomments are far from stupid, but his mental abilities are dormant, depressed laziness; There is a goodness of good, and the consciousness of the need to do something for general benefits (for example, for their peasants), but all these good deposits are completely paralyzed in it apathy and bravery. All these features of the nature of Oblomov are bright and convex in the novel, despite the fact that there is little action in it; In this case, this is not a disadvantage of the work, as it is quite consistent with the apathetic, negative nature of the main character. The brightness of the characteristic is achieved, mainly by accumulating small, but characteristic details, vividly drawing habits and inclination of the face depicted; So, by one description of the apartment Oblomov and its settings on the first pages of the novel, you can make a fairly correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality of the owner itself. This method of characteristics belongs to the number of Potcharov's favorite art techniques; Because of his works and there is such a lot of small details of life, the situation, etc.

In the first part of Roman Goncharov introduces us with the way of the lifestyle of Oblomov, with his habits, and also talks about his past, about how his character has developed. Throughout this part, describing the one "Morning" of Oblomov, he almost does not come off with his bed; In general, lying on bed or on the sofa, in a soft bathrobe, it was, according to Goncharov, his "normal state". Any activity tired him; Oblomov tried to serve once, but not long, because it could not get used to the requirements of the service, to strict accuracy and execution; A fussy service life, Scripture, the purpose of which was sometimes unknown for him, fear to make misses, - all this is Oblomov, and by sending a service paper instead of Astrakhan in Arkhangelsk, he preferred to resign. Since then, he has healed at home, almost anywhere away: neither into society, nor in the theater, almost without leaving the favorite deceased robe. His time was held in the lazy "overwhelming day of day", in the idleness of something or in no less idle dreams about high-profile exploits, about glory. This game of imagination occupied and keshila him, for the lack of other, more serious mental interests. As any serious work, requiring attention and focus, reading it tired; Therefore, he did not read anything, did not follow the life of the newspapers, pleaseing those rumors who were brought to him with rare guests; The undressed book, deployed in the middle, jewel and covered with dust, and in the ink instead of ink there were only flies. Every extra step, all the effort of the will was unable to him; Even the concern for himself, about his own well-being, and he willingly provided it with another, for example, Zahar, or relied on "Avos," that "somehow it will arrange." When some serious decision was to take, he complained that "life touches everywhere." Its ideal was calm, peaceful life, without worries and without any change, so that "today" it looks like "yesterday", and "tomorrow" on "today." All that embarrassed the monotonous course of its existence, every concern, every change was frightened and depressed him. The letter of the headlights demanding his orders and the need to move from the apartment seemed to him with real "misfortunes", according to his own expression, and he calmed down only by the fact that somehow all this would suit.

But if there were no other features in the nature of Oblomov, except for laziness, apathy, weakness, mental hibernation, then he, of course, could not be interested in a reader, and he would not be interested in Olga to them, could not serve as the hero of the whole extensive novel. For this it is necessary that these negative sides of its nature be balanced at least important positive, which can cause our sympathy. And the gonchars, indeed, from the first chapters shows these features of the personality of Oblomov. In order to relent more clearly, the positive, cute sides, Goncharov introduced several episodic persons appearing in the novel only once and then without a trace disappearing from his pages. It is wolves, empty sky man, France, looking for in the life of some pleasures, alien to all serious interests, leading life is noisy and mobile, but nevertheless completely deprived of internal content; Then the Sudybinsky, a careerist official, all immersed in the minor interests of the service world and paper office work, and "For the rest of the world he is blind and deaf," according to the expression of Oblomov; Penkin, a small writer of satirical, an accusatory direction: it is praised by the fact that in his essays it takes on universal daring weakness and vices, seeing the true calling of literature: but his self-satisfied words are repulsted by Oblomov, who are in the works of a new school alone only slave loyalty to nature, but too little soul, little love for the subject of an image, a little true "humanity". In the stories that Penkin admires, no, according to Oblomov, "invisible tears", and there is only visible, rude laughter; Depicting fallen people, the authors "forget a man." "You want to write one head! - He exclaims, - Do you think that for thought it is not necessary for the heart? No, she fertilizes love. Let's pull the hand to the fallen person to raise it, or cry at him bitterly, if he dies, not mock. Love him, remember himself myself ... Then I will read you and inclined your head before you ... "From these words, Oblomov shows that his view on the calling of literature and his requirements from the writer much more seriously and elevated than the professional The writer of Penkina, who, according to him, "spends the thought, his soul on the little things, trades the mind and imagination." Finally, she takes the potters more than anyone Alekseeva, "man of indefinite years, with an indefinite physiognomy," who has nothing: neither his tastes, no wishes, nor sympathy: Goncharov introduced this alekseev, obviously, in order to show it by comparing, That bugs, despite all their non-absorption, is not at all the impersonality that he has its own definite moral physiognomy.

Thus, the comparison with these episodic persons shows that the obcomments in mental and moral terms stood above the people around him, that he understood the insignificance and the ghostity of the interests they were fond of. But the bugs not only could, but also knew how to "in their clear, conscious minutes" critically treat the surrounding society and to himself, to recognize their own shortcomings and hard to suffer from this consciousness. Then the memories of the years of youth awakened in memory, when he, together with the gallery, was engaged in science, translated serious scientific writings, was fond of poetry: Schiller, Goethe, Bayron, dreamed of future activities, about fruitful work for general benefits. Obviously, at that time, idealistic hobbies that dominated the Russian youth of the 30s and 40s had their influence on Oblomov. But it was indefinitely influenced, because the apathetic nature of Oblomov was no longer a long-term passion, as a systematic hard work was unusual. At the University of Oblomov was content with the fact that he learned the passively ready conclusions of science, without thinking by independently, without determining their mutual relationship, without leading them into a slim connection and the system. Therefore, "his head was represented by a complex archive of dead affairs, persons, epochs, numbers, no bound political and economic, mathematical and other truths, tasks, provisions, etc. It was like a library consisting of some scattered volumes on different parts knowledge. Strangely affected the teachings on Ilya Ilyich: he had a whole abyss between science and life, which he did not try to go. "His life was in itself, and the science in itself." Knowledge torn off from life, of course, could not be fruitful. Oblomov felt that he, as an educated person, needed to do something, he was aware of his duty, for example, before the people, in front of his peasants, he wanted to arrange their fate, improve their position, but everything was limited to many years of thinking out the plan of economic transformations, but The actual management of the economy and peasants remained in the hands of illiterate elders; Yes, and the conceived plan could hardly have practical importance due to the fact that the obcomments, as he himself confess, did not have a clear concept of rustic life, did not know "what a barishment is what rural labor is, which means poor man that is rich."

Such a ignorance of real life, with a vague desire to make anything useful, brings the Oblomov with idealists of the 40s, and especially with "superfluous people", as they are depicted by Turgenev.

Like "excess people", the bugs sometimes penetrated by the consciousness of their powerlessness, their inability to live and act, per minute of such a consciousness "he was sad and painfully became for his undeveloped, stop in the growth of moral forces, for the severity that prevented everything; and enlightened him that others are so full and widely live, and he seemed to be a heavy stone on a narrow and pitiful path of his existence ... and meanwhile he painfully felt that he was buried in him, as in the grave, That is a good, bright start, maybe now, the dead, or it lies like gold in the depths of the mountains, and it would be time for this gold to be a walking coin. " Consciousness that he lives not as follows, vaguely wandered in his soul, he suffered from this consciousness, sometimes cried with bitter tears of powerlessness, but could not decide on any change in life, and soon calmed himself again, which he contributed to him Apathetic nature, incapable of a strong lifting of the spirit. When Zakhar has carelessly decided to compare it with "others", the bugs brutally insulted with this, and not only because he felt offended in his barnant pride, but also because in the depths of the soul it was aware that this comparison with "others" kneading far from In his favor.

When Stolz asks Zahar, what kind of brooms, he answers that it is "Barin". This is naive, but quite accurate definition. Oblomov, indeed, the representative of the old fortress bed, "Barin", that is, the person who has "there is Zakhar and three hundred of Zakharov", as the goncharov himself is expressed about him. On the example of Oblomov Goncharov, thus showed how adversely reflected serfdom On the nobility itself, preventing the production of energy, perseverance, amateurness, the eye habits. In former times, the mandatory public service kept in serving the estate these necessary for the life of the quality, which began to gradually stuck since the obligation of the service was canceled. The best people Among the nobility has long been aware of the injustice of such a procedure created by serfdom; The government, starting with Catherine II, was asked about his abolition, literature, in the face of Goncharov, showed his fear for the nobility itself.

"It began with inability to wear stockings, and ended in the inability to live," said gallets about Oblomov. Oblomov himself conscious of his inability to live and act, its inaccessibility, the result of which is vague, but painful fear of life. In this consciousness, the tragic tragic line in the nature of Oblomov, sharply separating it from the former "Oblomovans". Those were native, with a strong, alien, alien to any doubt, all inner division. In contrast, it is such a splitness in the nature of Oblomov; It is entered into it with the influence of the gallery and the education they received. For Oblomov, it was already psychologically impossible to lead the same calm and smug existence that his fathers and grandfathers led, because in the depths of the soul he still felt that he lives not as it should and how "others" live, like a gallery. Oblomov has already the consciousness of the need to do anything, to benefit, not live for one itself; He has the consciousness of his debt to the peasants whose writings he enjoys; He develops a "plan" of a new structure of rustic life, where the interests of the peasants are taken into account and the interests of the peasants, although the bugs do not think about the possibility and desirability of the complete abolition of serfdom. Before the end of this Plan, he does not consider it possible to move into a crushing, but of his work, of course, nothing comes out, because he does not have enough knowledge of rural life, nor persistence, nor the urgent, nor a real conviction in the feasibility of the "Plan itself " Oblons at times hard grim, suffer in the consciousness of its unsuitability, but not to change its character in a state. The will of him is paralyzed, every action, every decisive step is frightened by him: he is afraid of life, as the ravine was afraid of a ravine, about which various unkind rumors went.

National character traits in the image
I. I. Oblomova

In 1859, one of the most wonderful works I. A. Goncharov - "Oblomov" was published. This novel was perceived by readers ambiguously: some praised him, read it, others scolded and expressed all sorts of neglect. Critics also did not agree out, everyone gave their assessment to the novel and did not want to agree with someone else's. But meanwhile, the novel was diverged, and soon the entire Petersburg knew and discussed "Oblomov".

The work stirred up a new wave in the ocean, raging in Russia at that time: to be a true Russian character and lifestyle or try to imitate foreign style. People construed in the opinion that, indeed, Goncharov put Oblomov in too unsightly light.
What are the same National character features in the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, where were there so many disputes and discussions? The main character of the novel is a slow, unusually lazy man. He never hurried anywhere, loved to postpone the works "in a long box", did not hurry to do today what could be done tomorrow. His favorite occupation was a dream, in second place was a meal. Ilya Ilyich woke up to dinner, and only extraordinary events could pull him out of the cozy bed. All day, he spent her brooms in idle and rest, he did not go anywhere, was not interested in anything, and every day there would be a measured life, his life, if they were not familiar and friends, occasionally visited him.

Damage of national character in the image of Oblomov Goncharov, exaggerating a little, showed unusually accurately. Recall at least the spiritual qualities of Oblomov. According to the author of Roman, Ilya Ilyich had a clean heart to which all the dirt did not appear, and transparent, like a crystal, soul. Oblomov was very kind, soft, man. His house has always been opened for visitors: both for close friends and ordinary friends. Ilya Ilyich's harb-solidity also did not know the limit, he never denied people, even unpleasant for him: Oblomov always treated Tarantyev, although it is very difficult. suggest that they were close familiar ..

It is these qualities that the spells of ages distinguished Russian people. Inomes, traveling around Russia, always amazed the latitude of the soul of Russians, their generosity, kindness and openness.

In Oblomov, there is another amazing feature, inherent in all Russian people without exception, is hope for "avos." Which of us ever used this magic word? Ilya Ilyich hopes that there may be a matter of moving to another apartment by himself, having everd a stroke to correct the financial position of the crushing.

Where do these come from Fights of national character In Russian character? The answer to this question of Goncharov gives in the chapter "Sleep Oblomov", which, it seems to me, is the key to all of the novel. Since childhood, Ilya Ilyich was brought up in such conditions when it was easier to say a few words than to do the case. As a child, Ilya Ilyich watched the nature, tried to do something with his own hands, but her parents carefully protected him from any work, from making independent decisions. All his life, Ilya Ilyich felt the hidden forces, but could not free them and use them for the benefit of Russia or at least for her good. In the broom, the stereotype of a happy life is firmly fixed - peace, rejection of all kinds of activity. Symbols of happiness become a cozy bathrobe and soft perina for Ilya.

Bakes could not stand the test of sincere hot love to Olga Ilinskaya. At first, when their attraction to each other flared up in passion, Ilya Ilyich changed a lot to the better: he forgot about the bathrobe, afternoon sleep ... Oblons began to appear in society, dressed, often met with Olga, and it seemed that he had changed forever , buried former life. But as soon as a serious situation was formed, demanding from Ilya Ilyich decisive actions (it was necessary to make an offer to Olga, to remove a new apartment, to put in the order of business in the estate, etc.), the bugs did not find the strength to fulfill the conceived and again dropped: I stopped video with Olga, I returned to the old my friends - a coat and a sofa, I began to sleep again and, finally, moved to the Vyborg side, where she took away from society, as if hermit.

Moving to the Vyborg side and acquaintance with Agafei Pshetitsyna played a tragic role in the fate of Oblomov: he finally sank, and nothing, even friendship with the gallery and the love of Olga, unable to pull him out of that pit, where Ilya Ilyich got it.

After reading "Oblomov" * I have long reflected on the Russian character, compared myself, my relatives and acquaintances with the hero of the novel and, confess, was surprised to find in all very similar features. Oblomov lives in each - from Russian people to one degree or another. In the nature of Ilya Ilyich, there are many positive and many negative features, in "his image reflected a typical Russian national character, however, not without some exaggerations. And for a very long time, Russian people will suffer from the inherent contemplation, illuminating in fruitless dreaminess, but I want to believe That, despite all the peripetics of fate, they carry them through the years of the open good heart their own and clean, like a crystal, soul.

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov for ten years worked on the novel of "Oblomov". The characteristic of the main character is so convincingly represented by the classic, which went beyond the framework of the work, and the image became nominative. The quality of study by the author of the characters of the narration is impressive. All of them are solid, having features modern writer of people.

The topic of this article is the characteristic of the heroes of Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Slide on the plane of laziness

Centrally the book is a young (32-33 years) of the landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a lazy Valya dreamer. He is a man of medium height, with dark gray eyes, pleasant features of the face, childishly raised chubby hands. In St. Petersburg apartment on the Vyborg side, this person lives ambiguously. Oblomov is a wonderful interlocutor. He in nature is not able to cause any evil. His soul is clean. Educated, has a wide range. At any time, his face reflects the continuous flow of thoughts. It would seem that we are talking about if it were not for a huge laziness, united in Ilya Ilyich. Since childhood, numerous babysitters befeed him. "Zakharki and Vanya" from the fortress did anything for him, even small work. In idleness and lying on the sofa are his days.

Trusting them, Oblomov signed a bondage agreement on his Vyborg apartment, and then paid the lime "moral damage" to the brother Agafi Mukhoyarov in the amount of ten thousand rubles by a false borrowed letter. Friend Ilya Ilyich Stolz exposes the villains. After that, tarantyev "starts in running".

Close bug people

The surrounding feel that he is a mental man, bugs. Characteristic - characteristic, However, the self-destruction of the main character is not preventing him from having friends. The reader sees how a true friend Andrei Stolz is trying to eat Oblomom from the close embraces of Noschenia. He began after the death of Oblomov, according to the will of the last, adoptive father for the son of Andryushi.

Oblomov has a devotee and loving civilian spouse - the widow of Agafya Pshenitsyn - an unsurpassed mistress, near, illiterate, but honest and decent. Externally, it is complete, but the bulky, working. Ilya Ilyich admires her, comparing with the cheese. A woman rummates all the relationship with the brother Ivan Mukhoyarov, having learned about low selling her husband. After the death of a civil husband, a woman feels that "the soul from it was reversed." Giving the Son to the upbringing gallery, Agafya simply wants to leave after her Ilya. The money is not interested in it, which is seen from her refusal due to income from the estate of Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich serves Zakhar - untidy, lazy, but the home -coming owner and devotee to the end of a servant of an old hardening. After the death of Barina, the former servant prefers to be a bent, but is located near his grave.

Read more about the image of Andrei Stolz

Often the topic school Works Is Oblomov and Stolz. They are opposed even to appearance. Supported, dark, with the shoulder cheeks, it seems that the gallery is all consists of muscles and tendons. He has a rank of rank, guaranteed income. Later, working in the trading company, he earned to buy a house. He shows activity and creativity, it is offered interesting and cash. This is he in the second part of the novel tries to bring Oblomov with Olga Ilinskaya, introducing them. However, the breakdowns stopped in the construction of relations with this lady, since it was afraid to change the accommodation and engage in active work. Frustrated Olga, who planned to re-educate lazy, left him. However, the image of the gallele is not ideal, despite its constant creative work. He, like Antipode Oblomov, fears to dream. In this image of Goncharov invested with excessiveness and rationalism. The writer believed that the image of the glass was not finalized. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov even considered this image negative, the judgment that "too satisfied" and "thinks about himself too good."

Olga Ilinskaya - Future Woman

The image of Olga Ilinskaya is a strong, finished, beautiful. No beauty, but surprisingly harmonious and dynamic. She is deeply spiritual and at the same time. Meet her who sings Aria "Casta Diva". This woman turned out to be able to stir even such a phenuty. But the re-education of Oblomov turned out to be a superhett, not more efficient to the training of Dyatlov, lazy deeply launched roots in it. In the end of the relationship with Olga, the first (because of the laziness) refuses bugs. The characteristic of their further relationship is the active sympathy of Olga. She marries a loved ones who loved her active, reliable and faithful Andrei Stolz. They have a wonderful harmonious family. But the insightful reader will understand that the active German "does not finish" to the level of his spouse of the spiritual principle.


Reniece Goncharovsky Images passes before the eyes of the reader of the novel. Of course, the brightest of them is the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Having wonderful prerequisites for a successful, selfless life, he managed to ruin himself. At the end of his life, the landowner realized that it was still happening with him, giving this phenomenon the capacious concise name "Oblomovshchyna". Is it modern? And how. Today's Ilya Ilyach have, except for dreams, also with impressive resources - computer games with stunning graphics.

The image of Andrei Stolz Roman did not reveal to the degree conceived by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov. The author of the article considers it natural. After all, the classic depicted two extremes in these heroes. The first is a useless dream, and the second is pragmatic inadvertent activities. Obviously, only by combining these qualities in the right proportion, we will get something harmonious.

Roman "Oblomov", who wrote Ivan Goncharov, became one of the key in the literature of the XIX century, and such a concept as the "Oblomovshchyna", which was superbly opened by Goncharov in the novel, reflected how it is impossible to the character of the society of that time. When we consider the characteristic of Oblomov Ilya Ilyich, the main character of the novel, the concept of "granious" will become even more understandable.

So, Ilya Oblomov was born in the landowner's family with her lifestyle and accepted standards. Ros boy, absorbing environment and the spirit of the life of the landowners. With his priorities, he began to consider what he learned from his parents, and, of course, his personality was formed precisely in such circumstances.

Brief description of Oblomov Ilya Ilyich

Already at the beginning of the novel, the author introduces us with the way Oblomov. This is an introvert that has experienced to all apathy, which is indulging in his dreams and lives illusions. Oblons can be so bright and vividly to draw a picture in their imagination, inventing her that he himself often crying or from the soul rejoices that scenes that do not really exist.

Oblomov appearance in the novel "Oblomov" as if reflecting his inner state, his soft and sensual character traits. It can be said that his television flows were smooth, graceful and gave some unacceptable for a man with tenderness. Characteristic of Oblomov is pronounced: he had soft shoulders and small chopped hands, long ago, it was already frozen and led a low-effective lifestyle. And the view of Oblomov is always sleepy, devoid of concentration - testifies to him brighter than the rest!

Bakes in life

We proceed from considering the image of Oblomov to describe its life, which is importantly understood by studying the characteristics of the main character. First, reading the description of his room, it seems that it is perfectly removed and cozy: there is a pretty wooden bureau there, and sofas with silk upholstery, and hang carpets with curtains, and paintings ... But here we are looking at the package to the decoration of the Oblomov Room And we see a web, dust on the mirrors, dirt on the carpet and even an unlocked plate, on which a uniform bone is lying. In fact, his housing is abandoned, abandoned and sloppy.

Why is this description and analysis in the scramblement characteristic for us? Because we make a significant conclusion about the main character: he does not live by reality, he plunged into the world of illusions, and his life worries little. For example, meeting acquaintances, bugs not only do not welcome their handshake, but it does not even get to get out of bed.

Conclusions about the main hero

Of course, the upbringing of Ilya Ilyich played an important role in the formation of his image, after all, he was born in the distant estate of a crushing, which was famous for his peaceful life. Everything was calm and measured there, ranging from the weather and ending with the lifestyle of the life of local residents. These were lazy people who are constantly in vacation and dreaming of heartfelt food from morning to evening. But the image of Oblomov, which we see, starting to read the novel, will vary greatly with the characteristic of Oblomov in childhood.

When Ilya was a child, he was interested in everything, thought a lot and imagined, actively lived. For example, he loved to consider the world around the world with his diversity, go for a walk. But Ilya's parents brought up him according to the "greenhouse plant" principle, they tried to protect him, even from labor. How did this boy grow up? What they sowed, it grown. Oblomov, being an adult man, did not respect the work, did not want to communicate with anyone, but difficulties preferred to decide the challenge of the servant.

Turning to the childhood of the main character, it becomes clear why the image of Oblomov has developed exactly the one who is to blame. Yes, because of this upbringing and nature of Ilya Ilyich, which and so on itself was very sensual with a good imagination, he was practically not able to solve problems and strive for something high.

Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" was written during the transition of Russian society from obsolete, Domostroevian traditions and values \u200b\u200bto new, educational views and ideas. The most difficult and difficult this process was for representatives of the landlord social class, as it demanded almost a complete abandon from the usual lifestyle and was associated with the need to adapt to new, more dynamic and rapidly changing conditions. And if part of society easily adapted to the updated circumstances, then for other transition process turned out to be very difficult, since it was essentially opposed to the usual way of life of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The representative of such landsel drivers who failed to change together with the world, adjusting to him, in the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. According to the plot of the work, the Hero was born in the village of Russia far from the capital of Russia, where he received a classic landowner, Domostroevsky education, which has formed many basic features of Oblomov - Saintlessness, apathetics, uninimal, laziness, reluctance to work and wait that someone will do everything for him. Excessive parental careek, permanent prohibitions, the peaceful-lazy atmosphere of the crushing led to the deformation of the nature of a curious and active boy, making it an introverted, prone to an escapherm and not able to overcome even the most minor difficulties.

The inconsistency of the nature of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov"

Negative side of the nature of Oblomov

In the novel, Ilya Ilyich does not solve anything himself, hoping for help from the side - Zakhar, who will bring him food or clothes, gallery, able to solve problems in a crushing, Tarantyev, who, though he deceives, but he will understand the situation of interest to the Oblomov, etc. . The hero is not interested in real life, she causes him boredom and fatigue, while the true peace and satisfaction he finds the illusions invested by him. Conducting all days, lying on the sofa, the bugs are building unrealculated plans to arrange the crushing and his happy family life, in many ways similar to the calm, monotonous atmosphere of his childhood. All his dreams are sent to the past, even the future, which he draws himself, - the echoes of the distant past, which is more impossible to return.

It would seem that the lazy, living in an unlocked apartment, the hero-slab cannot cause sympathy and location from the reader, especially against the background of an active, active, purposeful friend Ilya Ilyich - Stolz. However, the true essence of Oblomov is disclosed gradually, which allows you to see all the multifaceted and the internal unrealized potential of the hero. As a child, surrounded by the quiet nature, caring and control of the parents, thinly feeling, the dreamy Ilya was deprived of the most important - knowledge of the world through his opposites - the beauty and deformity, victory and defeat, the need to do something and the joy of their own difficult labor. From the small years, the hero had everything that he needed - the helpful courtyard was performed on the first call, and their parents were poured in every way. Outside the parent nest, obcomments, not ready for the real world, continues to expect that everyone around will treat him as warm and friendly, as in his native broom. However, his hopes were destroyed in the first days in the service, where there was no business to him, and everyone was only for himself. Exhausted will to life, the ability to fight for their place under the sun and perseverance, the bugs after a random mistake itself goes from service, fearing the punishment of the authorities. The first failure becomes the last one for the hero - he does not want to move forward, hiding from the real, "cruel" world in his dreams.

Positive side of the nature of Oblomov

A person who could pull Oblomov from this passive, leading to the degradation of the personality of the state, was Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. Perhaps gallery performs in the novel by the only character who saw not only negative, but also positive features Oblomov: Independence, kindness, the ability to feel and understand the problems of another person, inner calm and simplicity. It was to Ilya Ilyich Stolz came into difficult moments when he needed support and understanding. Pigeon tenderness, sensuality and sincerity of Oblomov are revealed during relations with Olga. Ilya Ilyich is first aware that it is not suitable for an active, purposeful Ilinskaya, who does not want to devote himself to "Oblomovsky" values, is a subtle psychologist in it. Bakes are ready to abandon his own love, as it understands that he will not be able to give Olga, the happiness that she dreams about.

The nature and fate of Oblomov are closely connected - his bravery, the inability to fight for his happiness along with spiritual kindness and softness lead to the tragic consequences - the fear of the difficulties and grievances of reality, as well as the complete care of the hero in the peaceful, calm, wonderful world of illusions.

National character in the novel "Oblomov"

The image of Oblomov Roman Goncharova is a reflection of a national Russian nature, its ambiguity and versatility. Ilya Ilyich is the same archetypal emelya-fool on the furnace, which hero in childhood told nanny. Like a fairy tale character, Oblomov believes in a miracle that should happen to him by himself: there will be a favorable firefish or a good wizard that will take him in beautiful world Honey and dairy rivers. And the chief of the wizard should be not a bright, working, active hero, but be sure to "quiet, harmless", "some kind of lazy, whom everyone is offended."

Unquestionable faith in a miracle, in a fairy tale, in the possibility of the impossible - the main feature is not only Ilya Ilyich, but also of any Russian man risen on folk fairy tales and legends. Finding on the fertile soil, this faith becomes the basis of a person's life, replacing the reality of the illusion, as it happened from Ilya Ilyich: "The fairy tale was mixed with his life, and it sometimes saddenly, why the tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale."

In the finals of the Roman Oblomov, it would seem that the "Oblomovskoye" happiness, which had long dreamed of - a calm, monotonous life without stress, caring good wife, arranged life and son. However, Ilya Ilyich is not returning to the real world, he remains in his illusions that become more important for him and significantly than real happiness next to his adorable woman. In fairy tales, the hero must withstand three tests, after which it will be expected to fulfill all the desires, otherwise the hero will expect death. Ilya Ilyich does not pass any test, the passing first before failure in the service, and then before the need to change for Olga. Describing the life of Oblomov, the author seems to appeal about the excessive faith of the hero in a unrealized miracle for which it is not necessary to fight.


At the same time simplicity and complexity of the nature of Oblomov, the ambiguity of the character himself, the analysis of its positive and negative parties, allow you to see the eternal image of the unrealized personality "not of your time" in Ilich Ilich - " excess person"Who failed to find his own place in real life, and therefore the illusions went into the world. However, the reason for how the potters emphasizes, not in the fatal coating of the circumstances or the severe fate of the hero, but the wrong education of the sensitive and soft in the nature of Oblomov. Grown as a "room plant", Ilya Ilyich turned out to be unsuitable for a rather tough for his sophisticated nature of reality, replacing it with the world of own dreams.

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