What is the name of the Writer's meeting with readers. Meeting with the modern writer Evgeny Rudashevsky

Seven wonders of the world created people in antiquity. But there is another miracle of light, no less amazing. It is familiar to each of us, but we are so accustomed to this creation of humanity that we rarely think about its value. And the miracle always lies at hand and, as a real friend, ready to help at any moment. Teach, advise, encourage, tell. This is a miracle - book.

On June 19, the best readers from all over the Kudymkar district gathered in the Kudymkar district house of culture on a literary picnic called "Book gives inspiration". The holiday program was very diverse. Cheerful games, including Komi-Perm, correspondence interactive tour of the ethnopark "Celebrate treasure", master class postcard "Day of Darment", Book Exhibitions. While the guests arrived from the entire area, one could take part in different interactive sites before the opening of the holiday. The venue of the village of Peshnygort, chose not in vain, because the legends about the "cherished treasury" go about this, and it was there who lives Komi-Permyak writer Poet, playwright, folklorist Vasily Vasilyevich Klimov. Unfortunately, as a state of health, he could not attend, but the librarians prepared a presentation about him. The correspondence acquaintance was also with the Perm writer Vladimir Vinichenko.

S. Ya. Marshak said: "Literature also needs talented readers, like talented writers. It is on them, on these sensitive, who possess the creative imagination of readers and expects the author when he strains all his mental strength in search of a faithful word. " The main goal of the literary picnic is a meeting of readers with writers.

So this time kindly agreed to come Gulyaeva Lyudmila Petrovna, Komi-Permytsky writer and poetess. The meeting was held in a surprisingly warm atmosphere. With genuine interest and attention listened to the "living" writer, her stories about their work, asked questions. Our readers interested in much as becoming a writer where you can contact for publishing our works who can adjust text, etc. For young readers, this meeting will be remembered for a long time and serve as a good stimulus to read the books of comi-perm writers who have not yet been read. The acquisition to Komi-Perm literature is always fine, and contact with beautiful, always great. Meeting with writers brought them all those present at the meeting a lot of positive emotions and became for many amazing and interesting discovery! As a result of this wonderful meeting, everyone was satisfied. Not without autographs for memory.

The event was over the performance of the "sister and brother" of the puppet theater on the wheels of Kudymkar. All young readers received not only positive emotions, as well as a gift book.

The organizers of this holiday are the Department of Culture of Youth Policy and Sports of the Kudymkar District, Beloev Central District Library. F.F. Pavlenova, Beloevsky Children's Library.

Taking this opportunity, we want to sincerely thank the team of Mau "Kudymkar District House of Culture", grant you for not sorry for the strength and time and sent their talent to achieve success of our holiday.

N.V. Plotnikova, Bibliographer of the Beloevsky Children's Library

Literary Picnic - 2017

For active young readers of the Kudymkar district on June 16, 2017, a literary picnic "Fireworks of children's books" was held within the framework of jubilee events.

On this beautiful sunny day, young readers and librarians got acquainted with interesting people, participated in master classes, had the opportunity to acquire literature, which was provided by the book-breeding organization LLC Lira. Creative meetings with writers Fedor Vostorikov (Perm), Vasily Kozlov (Perm), Vasily Kozlov (Kudymkar) and Vera Melekhina (Kochyevo).

Children's reading leaders (librarians and teachers), invited guests and writers took part in a discussion event: "Open microphone" on the topic "Problems of Development of Literature and Condition of Children's Reading", during which questions were discussed:

State of bookstores libraries; Literature of Perm Writers; Local history literature on Committee.

Solving the problem: attracting children to reading.

On master classes, young readers made bright bookmarks - emoticons and a book man from paper. Specialists of the ethnocultural center of Kudimkar with the guys made the ecoramka and taught playing on Peloans.

All those present were delighted with the zone for the photo shoot "Fun Adventures in the Reference Watch". The guys gladly posed with various photo bankutaphorias with reading theme. Books from the exhibition "Fireworks of Children's Books" used in great demand.

In the work of the picnic, volunteers of Pupils of Beloevskaya Sosh actively participated.

All participants received a lot of positive emotions, each child received a gift, and the best gift is a book.

We express my gratitude to the administration of Maou "Beloevsky secondary school boarding school for students with ATS", on the basis of which event was held, MKU "Beloevsky SKDC", GKBUK "Komi-Permytsky Ethnocultural Center", Department of the EthnCountural Development Department of the Ministry of Committee of the Committee of the Perm Territory.

T. D. Epina, head. Beloevskaya TSD

About native - on the native

The library today is not only a book repository, but also a cultural, spiritual center, which plays an important role in the processes of national rebirth, the propaganda of the history and culture of the native land, the formation of national identity and patriotism. Creative meetings with interesting people became traditional in Beloevsky Children's Library. Over the past few years, we visited many comi-perm writers: Vera Melehina, Vasily Kozlov, Victor Rychkov, Nina Tomsk, Elena Konshin and others. Conversations that pass live with the author are expanding the horizontal horizons and successfully affect the formation of national self-consciousness.

On October 21, the Beloevsky Children's Library visited Vasily Grigorievich Kolchurin - a wizard of a word with a unique gift to capture even in sad and sad, bright and funny. Students 9 classes gathered to the meeting, despite the fact that they are not learning Komi-Permytsky, the atmosphere of living communication with the writer did not leave anyone indifferent. Poet-prose is so simple and open, told a little about myself, introduced to the work. He called on to love his native language, respect and read the traditions of our ancestors, so that when they visited other people's places, "the face was not falling in the dirt, but with feeling and dignity could protect their native nation." An hour flew unnoticed. And then there was a photo for memory.

We think that children will remember this meeting for a long time and serve as a good stimulus for reading books V.G. Kolchurin, who have not yet been read.

Plotnikova N.V., Librarian of Beloevsky TSD

"Meeting with creative people"

March 29, in the days of school holidays, in the Beloev Central Children's Library, a creative workshop "Joy meeting with interesting people" was held with a deputy. Chief editor of the newspaper "Parma" Irina Dulceva. Teachers of primary classes, philologists, history teachers and English took part in this event. Irina Leonidovna presented an application to the district newspaper "Parma" called "Parma Ru", which is a 24-page glossy edition in a comi-perm.

The application in the color version was published in 2015 with the support of the Ministry of Committee of the Komi-Perm, according to the project "Parma Ru", whose supervisor was Irina Leonidovna herself. In February 2016, a new number was released.

The magazine for all those present opened not only new names, but also returned to the past and reminded readers about classics, on the works of which should be learned to beginner writers. Irina Leonidovna, disclosed all the headings in detail, shared with what interesting people had to meet her when creating a magazine.

Everyone liked the design of the magazine, his "deep symbolism", where the flow of time is reflected, the life itself, and the birds symbolizing the seasons. The first edition in the style of ethno-paturism was designed by the artist and illustrator Polina Rychkov. The second issue was issued by the children of the Julling Children's School of Art, pleasantly surprised by peculiar drawings, also in the style of ethno-paturism.

Currently, work is underway on the next spring issue, which we look forward to. And we wish the creative team of professional success, new successful projects, optimism and cheerfulness of the Spirit!

T. D. Epina, head. Beloevsky TSD.

Literary Picnic

Suitable by completion of 2015, proclaimed the year of literature in Russia. On December 16, a literary picnic event was held on the basis of the Kuvinsky country camp called "Writers living nearby". The organizers performed the MU "Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of the Administration of the Kudymkar Municipal District", MKU "Beloev Central Settlement Library to them. F.F. Pavlenkova, "Beloev Central Children's Library. More than 100 participants from all over the Area gathered for the holiday. Among them were the best readers, librarians, philologists.

With a welcoming speech, the head of the administration of the Kudymkar Municipal District of Klimov Valery Anatolyevich appealed to the audience. In his speech, he noted that such events were conducted not only in the year of literature, but became a tradition.

The gratitude letter of the Governor of the Perm Territory "For the results achieved in the implementation of socially significant projects and many years of conscientious work" was awarded the head of the Beloev Central Children's Library of Epina Tatyana Dmitrievna.

After a fascinating journey along the Fairy Tale Park "Gaj Yag", the participants were divided into two audiences. Adults expected the master class "Children and Money" from Edward Matveyev, General Director of the investment company "Castom Capital", the author of two books, useful economic fairy tales "Forest Exchange" and "Dima and Council"

In the assembly hall of the children gathered Andrei Zelenin, Perm writer, author of more than 25 books. In his literary baggage, tales, stories, poems, riddles and many unreasonable stories with whom he introduced children.

Could not invite comi-perm writers at this meeting. With his work also introduced the love of Kosovo, reading works in his native language.

This event became the final point in the year of literature. The holiday was a success, no one was left without a gift. Children gave the books of Andrei Zelenin. Those who wished also acquire the books of other authors. Leaning, all thanked for organizing this holiday and for the invitation.

Let's hope that the coming year of the movie will be as interesting, bright, creative.

You komi edge - a droplet of Russia

In the Beloevsky Children's Library, a month was held to attract readers "Komi Territory - Drops of Russia", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Komi-Permytsky district.

In the reading room, a local history exhibition was issued dedicated to the native language "Native language - an inexhaustible spring", which presents books about Komi - Permyak, about writers and poets of the district, fiction.

With students of primary classes, a lesson was conducted by the lesson of the native language "Komi Books Wear, we will find out a lot of new things," where children introduced the novelties of Komi-Permyaky literature, with the magazine "Sizimok". I got acquainted in absentia with Komi - Permic writers and poets, drew attention to illustrators of books.

On February 16, a meeting was held in the library with the Komi-Permyt Poet and the writer Vasily Vasilyevich Kozlov. The meeting was visited by students studying Komi - Permytsky.

the beginning of the meeting Vasily Vasilyevich briefly spoke about himself, his books of poems and prose for children. Teacher by education, working at school number 3 by a Russian teacher and literature, he quickly found a common language with children.

Among other things, he drew the attention of children to the fact that it is important in our time to understand and know the native language, as well as invited children to try their forces on the literary field and send their works to the children's magazine "Sizimok".

The writer in the game form introduced himself to his works. He learned the patter on the Komi-Permyak language with children, made a riddle, offered to choose Antonyms in a poetic form.

Student 4 "B" class Konshshin Nikita read the poem of Vasily Vasilyevich, for which he received a prize - a book.

The children were engaged with pleasure, as a result, their lexicon was replenished with new words in Komi-Permyak. In the Honorary Book of Guests, Vasily Vasilyevich left the wishes, so that people love their tongue, preserved the traditions of their native people.

Epina TD Head of Beloev Children's Library

Day of poetry

Any book begins with a writer. His fantasy makes us be sad, rejoice, reasoning, thinking. We can agree with him or argue. Very good, when there is an opportunity to meet a writer, to meet a person who knows how to revive his thoughts and dreams. Creative meetings for children are especially interesting. The guys listen carefully, ask many interesting and sometimes unexpected questions.

In the Beloevsky Children's Library, a meeting with writers and poets became a good tradition. Many famous children's writers of our region were guests here. And the library is always open to dating new authors.

On March 21, a meeting was held with Mikhail Khoroshev, timed to the World Poetry Day. For connoisseurs and connoisseurs of poetry of our region, this name is quite known. With his work, you can meet, opening the collections "Inin", "native corners", "drop of dew" and others. And in 2010, the book of Mikhail Khoroshev "Nostalgia Soul" was published in the world. Famous Komi-Perry Poet Stepan Ivanovich Karavaev said: "Not a Russian I am, but a Russian", on one of the first pages of the book there is this statement, after which the poem "I am Komi - Permyak" follows, this is talking about the feeling of patriotism, love for his region and native language.

"... I am proud to belong
to the ancient family ...
... Yes, I am a Russian.
And Komi-Permyak. "
Despite the fact that the children were after classes, listened to the author's work with a huge interest, met his biography, asked various questions.
On the day of poetry on tradition should be poems. Children came to the meeting prepared. Recreated poems of favorite authors - Pushkin, Lermontov, Bunin.
But Mary Karavaeva, the student of the 5th grade, who spoke with the poem of Anna Istomine "Tarakan" surprised by his speech. I would like to note that Masha is the only one who has read the poem on Komi-Permyak.
At the end of the meeting, Mikhail Khoroshev, already at the existing tradition, left the wishes to readers of our library in the book of honored guests.
The need for such events today is very relevant. I want to acquaint the younger generation with the creators, professionals, who masterfully owns the Russian and Komi-Permyt.
Plotnikova N.V., Librarian of Beloevsky TSD.


Komi-Permyt's Day

On February 12, a meeting with Komi-Permyan writers was held in Beloevskaya School, faithful to the comi-Permytsky language, which is celebrated on February 17. For connoisseurs and connoisseurs of their native language and literature, these names are known. Their works were repeatedly published in collections and newspapers. The meeting was held in a warm friendly atmosphere.

Employees of the Children's Library were prepared by the presentation, which described the work of the faith of Petrovna Melchina, after which the author herself appeared before the audience and told that she was placed to become a writer, a poet. But at first she thanked everyone for giving it the opportunity to speak comi-perm. With great pleasure, everyone listened to clean, expressive speech. It was interesting and those who did not understand the Komi-Permytsky language and were often asked by nearby, what she says about? Vera Petrovna told that he began writing poems since childhood, but he was shy to show their works, was afraid of criticism. At the optional classes, which conducted Vasily Ivanovich Isaev, the stories were well obtained, which the teacher read about the class, thereby drove into the paint of a novice author. She gained confidence after meeting with Alexander Schadrin. As she admitted: "I showed him my works, he said simply:" I like it. " Perhaps, from great modesty, I don't like the author of a set of poems that it is called a poetess, says that she does not deserve such a title, but forced to argue with her, especially since she had the book "Olanlön Passez", which is read in one breath. Each work makes it possible to feel the smell of nature, the warmth of the native home, love for loved one ...

Nina Nikolaevna Tomsk told the children: "Write began late. Before and ne.
thought about creativity when he worked as a nurse in the hospital. But, having retired,
it began to describe life stories. One of them decided to show faith Petrovna,
having received a positive feedback, I decided to send to the newspaper. " Now the works of this
the author periodically can be seen on the pages of the Parma newspaper and Kama Kytesch.
The most memorable point for children was the heard story of Nina Nikolaevna
"Pyatk", which she read. At the end of the meeting, the children wished to take pictures
with wonderful people and proudly posed in front of the lens, becoming near

Within the framework of the week of children's book, on March 28, the famous Children's writer Andrei Sergeevich Zelenin came to visit our library. He spent Skype meetings with the guys from cities and villages Kamaje: Dobryanka, Chusovoy, Tchaikovsky, Lysva, Kungur, Grigorievsky, Ilyinsky and Gaina. At the meeting there were also schoolchildren from the city of Perm and Mama and Grandmothers. The guys presented a unique opportunity to communicate with the present, "alive," as our guest itself says, a children's writer.

The writer began a meeting with the Great Good Writing Word "Hello!", Wishing health and good mood to all participants. After them, several words of the fault of the guys who dream of becoming writers were said. Andrei Sergeevich advised not to strive to write big books right away, but start with short stories. Claimed that you should never despair, in case your creativity suddenly not liked someone.

During the meeting, Andrei Sergeevich spoke about the book "A piece of the Sun", which he wrote along with the children, and read out loud to the fairy tale "how the Koshiy became good" and the story "Who is cooler". Also raised the question of the importance of the knowledge of the history of his homeland. According to the writer, the earlier man learns his story, the stronger it becomes.

At the end of the speech, the guys got the opportunity to ask questions to his favorite writer. There were many of them from children and adults, among them the most popular was about the latest written works and books. The writer read his most fresher poem "Mom" dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Having answered all the questions of readers, Andrei Sergeevich once again reminded the guys that you need to read a lot and often, and especially what librarians, parents, teachers advise, and, of course, writers. At the end of the meeting, the guys from Perm were able to personally chat with the writer and even take his autograph.

Andrei Sergeevich, thank you very much for the meeting! Waiting for you again!

On Monday, June 27, in the city library №17 (5th grape pr-d, 22) held a meeting with the children's writer Galina Ilyina within the framework of the writer in the library project. The guys from the summer school camp MBOU "SOSH No. 31" were invited to the event.

I started my meeting with the defer Galina Yurevna from a small story about myself. Further, she read out his poems about the funny adventures of animals, of which schoolchildren learned that favorite animals writer - elephants. In addition, some poetic works of Galina Ilyina, the basis of entertaining video, one of them, the penetrated poem "Mama-Branch", was demonstrated by the guys. And Galina Ilina shared his experience in writing a fairy tale in prose about the adventures of a singing kettle.

All works of Galina Yuryevna are filled with a joyful laugh, which conveys the unique "taste of childhood." The author of the Children's Works completed his meeting with the readings of the deceptions, which children gladly guess and happily welcomed every literary image created by the magical fantasy of the children's writer.

The atmosphere of the meeting filled with a positive not only the guys, but also the writer itself. Parting with us, she left his impressions in verses in the literary album of our library, "Elena Orekhov's head told the head of the library. - There are such lines:

Revealing the book of the wings, we fly with it - without much effort, we will become more and clever! Even if the rain is an angry day and night goes the wall, the book path is always open! Filty! Who is with me?

Meeting with children's writers"The Magic World of Poetry"

An important problem of modernity is the reluctance of children and adolescents to read. Modern schoolchildren spend a lot of time at the computer, forgetting about reading books. But communicating with books, readers communicate with the soul of their author, while enriched and developing their inner world. That is why very important for children are events dedicated to books.

As you know, any book begins with a writer. His fantasy makes us be sad, rejoice, reasoning, thinking. Very good, when there is an opportunity to meet a writer, to meet a person who knows how to revive his thoughts and dreams. Creative meetings for children are especially interesting.

It was this meeting of children's writers with elementary school students took place on February 15 in the reading room of the library with. Quick. The famous children's poetess Afilatunova L.A. from p. Nikolaevka, Nikitina V.E. From the city of Sterlitamak and the beginning of the Children's writer Salikova O.S. from p. Quick.

The purpose of this event was the impulse of love for reading, the possibility in a friendly atmosphere to ask a question to the beloved writer, hear the story of creating already well-known works.

At the beginning of the meeting, the leading holiday - the librarian Stepanova E.N. And Zhigalina N. A. showed a presentation and told about our guests, presented the exhibition of books, drawings, stand with articles.

Schoolchildren prepared for a meeting with writers: recharged their poems, put the scenes, sang songs (on the words of Afliatunova L.A), prepared an exhibition of illustrations. The authors were tarnished by an excellent performance of children.

The decoration of the holiday was the performance of Halchchepova E. P. - Soloyski Chora Nikolskaya Church. She performed the songs of "Tangle" and "My Village" to the words and music of Afliatunova L.A.

With the interest of the disciples listened to the story of Afilatunova L.A. About your work. Lyubov Alexandrovna knows the secret of goodchildren's book - See the world through the eyes of a child. Not in vain, it was called "Bashkir Agnia Barto". And how many questions of the guys were to the writer ... The guys were interested in everything, ranging from questions about childhood and ending with creative plans for the future.

Nikitina V.E. introduced their new poems to the listeners. They have all the charm of childhood. Great interest and sincere children's laughter was a reward for our guest.

There was no limit to the surprise when they found out that in our village there is a "real, lively" writer - Salikova O.S. Although her book is only preparing for publication, the children have already managed to love the works of the young talented writer.

Writers sincerely thanked children, the library workers for organizing this meeting and left their books as a gift.

In conclusion, guests were awarded memorable prizes. The sponsor was the administration of the rural council. And from children in memory, drawings and letters of letters were presented. Thanks to these letters between children and writers, the correspondence has already started.

The queue of those who want to receive an autograph and take a picture with the writers turned out to be very long, our guests were kept with regret and hope for new meetings. We will look forward to the release of new books and new meetings.

  1. To acquaint with the work of a children's writer.
  2. Develop the creative fantasy of children, speech, thinking.
  3. Reliable respect for others, careful attitude towards his friends, interest and love for the book.

Equipment. Presentation with photos of writer and illustrations of books, show books Assumption, illustration of students to read books, costumes Cheburashka, crocodile genes, cat Matroskin, Psa, Postman Pechekin, Shaburak, Package, Telegrams, Music songs "Song Cheburashka", "Blue Wag" "Birthday", "Rybak", "Finnish Polka" dance.

Holiday move

Pupils enter the listening room to Gladkov, are seated by classes. On the screen portrait of a writer. ( Attachment 1)

Leading. Dear guys, now at school there is a week of Russian language and literature. And it has already become a good tradition with us, to hold literary holidays, quizzes, KVNs dedicated to creativity, writer or poet.

Here is an unusual holiday today, we will talk about the works of a wonderful children's writer E.N.Uspensky. And the unusual is that the writer himself came to visit us. He is very busy man, but today postponed all his affairs to meet with you young readers.

We welcome guys, Edward Nikolayevich and the director of our school Olga Ivanovna.

(The Writer Eduard Asspensky is included in the hall).

Student 1.

How good to be able to read.
Everyone should know about it.
Barto, Marshak and Mikhalkov
You will surprise without unnecessary words.
Chukovsky for many years
For all children a pleasant grandfather.
Now Assumption is familiar to us.
We will talk about this.

Leading. EN Shunter works in different genres. He writes a story: fabulous, fantastic, detective, adventure. As well as comics, poems, stories, cartoon scenarios. He led the transfer: "Radionan", "good night of kids", is the author of the gear "The ships" and "ABVGDIK" came to our harbor. Now we will find out, do our second-graders know anything about him?

(On the screen, the investigators of the kolobki conduct a survey among students of 2 classes.)

(Attachment 1)

2 "A": Do you know who E.Uspensky? Are you familiar with his works? Do you recognize us? What work do we?

2 "B": Do you know the works of E. Uspensky? Are we familiar to you? Guess what heroes are about the riddle:

In the village live
Friendly guys.
Although they are sometimes torn -
We know from the book.
But reliable friends
No boy.

2 "V": Hello guys. We are visible to you, but do you know who we are? And who invented us? What works by E. West you know? What heroes have you loved? On the works of Uspensky, cartoons were created, songs were written to them. Do you know them?

2 "G": Guys, who is E. Suspensky? Did you read his works? And from what work do we? Do you know the heroes from the riddle?

Who grows, and the mail wears?
Sometimes comes to visit
With a whole chamber of newspapers.
Gaured or not?

2 "D": Guys, do you know the children's writer E. West? And what works do you have the most beloved? Do you recognize the hero of his work?

Very tricky old woman
In the black hat on the top of the top.
She likes to dirty.
And, notice, not alone.

Leading.Thank you, the detective koloboki can be seen that the guys have learned to read, know the books of E.N., and most importantly visit the library and be friends with the book.

For all the signs of E.N. Assumption man truly fabulous. It was not by chance that his parents gave him a rare foreign name Edward, because before was not accepted to give foreign names. The name Edward, together with a rare surname, Asspensky obliges to be a creative person and be sure to be glory.

The writer comes up with his heroes and plots from modern life. Therefore, they are close to us, understandable, interesting. AND ….

(The microphone is turned off. In the hall, the old woman appears in the song "Whoever helps people ...).

Shapoklyak So, so therefore, the holiday was arranged here, you will talk about books, E.N. Invited, and as always forgot me. I think that this is in the country of literary studies on the street Uspensky everyone is worshiped, somewhere in a hurry. Koloboki all, something sniffing. But I still reasonable. And came.

Leading. Shapoklyak, you do not be offended. After all, we sent the invitation to everyone. But as you always, somewhere engaged in bad things.

Shapoklyak I?! Yes, I am the most kind grandmother in the literature. Here ask the guys. They certainly do not cross.

(Koloboki with microphones in the hall lead a survey from students. Pupils talk about the tricks of the old woman).

Shapoklyak Well, yes it was. ... But I just joking .... I'm not with evil .... I correct. ...

Leading. Then go. And what did you do with the microphone. We need at the celebration.

(Shapoklyak leaves the scenes. Microphone earned)

Leading. In this work there are other characters. Who are they? Guess.

This Musician Green
All and every sign.
Appears everywhere
With Lopovyhim, he is a friend.

"It's right - this is Cheburashka and difficult to imagine without his friend crocodile genes. Intelligent, brought up, with good manners who knows how to be friends. A little sad, but such a charming crocodile.

(A crocodile gene and Cheburashka appear on the stage, sing the song "Cheburashka").

Cheburashka. Guys, but want to know why I called me so strange? I think better than the author himself does not tell about it. E.N., tell the guys.

(Eduard Nikolayevich comes out and tells the story of the creation of characters of this book.)

Cheburashka. Thank you, Eduard Nikolaevich. And if some of the guys have not yet read this book, then after your story will definitely read. EN, let's come down and look at our holiday further.

Leading. And now we will look at Prostokvashino, where Uncle Fedor live, cat Matroskin, the ball and postman Pechkin.

Postman Pequin brought the parcel for cat Matroskin.
The postman Pechkin and Cat Matroskin

P.P. and M.: Hello guys. Is this school №2008?

P.P. You will parcel. Here she is. Only I will not give it to you. Do you have no documents?

M. Pechkin, we were invited to the holiday for the holiday. We are parcel from E.N. Brought with gifts. There are no children's documents, but they have knowledge, they read a lot.

P.P. Then I have telegrams. But not simple. You know other than fabulous leads, E.N. Compounds of funny poems for the guys. I think you also know. We are starting the line with Matroskinka, and you finish. Then get the parcel.

But, however, from small years
There is no guy pass
And screaming the eidny guys:
Vanya was driving on horseback
Led the dog on the belt,
And the old woman in .........

I remember the ravene,
And maybe not a ravene,

Bird Market,
Bird Market,

If the boy is cavokat.
Does the boy's guilty,
What was born red, cavalo?
But, however, from small years
There is no guy pass
And shout to him the echida old women:

P.P. Well done boys. Get your package

Leading. We are more often talking about the prose of E.Uspensky than about his verses. And this is a special world of fantasies, adventures, humor .

The poem "Memory" is performed.

- And you know that the verses of E.N. Assumption was written a lot of songs. It is inspiring various composers to create musical works .........? Now the Ladoga ensemble will perform the song "Rybak".

(Performed song.)

Leading. And we spent a little investigation And they wanted to open a small secret. Throughout his life, E.N. Learn.

In 40 years began to master the computer. And only in one finger printed, and now the ten prints. In 50 years began to learn English. And now he knows him so that, together with the Dutch writer, Els de Grün wrote the book "Year of a Good Child". And recently he began to learn to sing. And in recent years they are organized by Samovar's publisher and new books are published.

Leading. Reading books E.N., the guys have questions. And now we will ask E.N. Reply to them. (Attachment 1)

E.N. Suspensky talks about himself and answers the questions of the guys.

Leading. Books E.N. translated by more than 25 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, they go out in Finland, Holland, France, Japan, USA.

EN He was friendly with Astrid Lindgren. And translated from Finnish to all of your famous book "Kid and Carlson". ( On the Cover Screen of Books) (Appendix1)

The choreographic ensemble "Bees" gives you an incendiary dance "Finnish Polka".

(Word director).

Available flowers.

Leading. Many thanks! ( We accite \u200b\u200bthe writer.)