Reviews of the play "Dinner with a fool" in the theater of the stage and in the "red torch". Buy tickets for play dinner with fool dinner with fool pop theater cast

The sparkling humor determines the review of the performance dinner with a fool in the production of L. Trushkin at the stage theater, emphasizes the dynamic plot in combination with the brilliant game of star actors.
The play of dinner with a fool in the stage theater is considered today the best comedy, and the main role of Gennady Khazanov emphasizes his talent and guarantees positive feedback on the performance of dinner with a fool in the production of L. Truckin in the pop theater.
Are you curious about what the performance of dinner with a fool in the production of L. Truckin in the pop theater? Then imagine that dinner is planned with your friends to which you should bring just a fool, who has no idea, for which he has this honor. The meaning of this event is to keep the guest talking and who will have the best fool, that winner. And then there are a number of unforeseen and comic events.
If you want to know how it develops and how it will end, it is enough to just buy tickets to the nearest play tickets for a dinner with a fool.

An ordinary tax employee Francois Piton suddenly invite dinner in the company of respected people, and he does not recognize that he was invited to the role of a fool or a jester. The owner's disease cancels the party, and the guest is involved in a new chain of incredibly comedic events, about this, the play of dinner with a fool in the production of L. Truckin in the pop theater.

Modern dynamic comedy with the participation of famous actors, where the main role was assigned to the genius comic to Gennady Khazanov, who sets a certain burdens and the piquancy of his game. And to see it, it is worth buying tickets to the play dinner with a fool.

Exceptionally delighted reviews about the performance The performance of dinner with a fool provides anchlage of this work. People go on well-known actors and for a good mood for a long time, which will be guaranteed after viewing it.

Oleg Basilashvili and Gennady Khazanova creates a certain aura from what is happening on the stage of action, so all the performances of the Estrada Theater with the participation of such actors are doomed in advance for success. The duration of this performance is two hours.

Performance "Dinner with a fool" in the congress center named after G.V. Plekhanova (Theater Anton Chekhov)

Imagine that today you have dinner with friends. The prerequisite is to bring with you ... Fool. The fool naturally does not recognize why he was given such an "honor." The meaning of the joke is to unleash an unusual guest language. The same who will lead the "best" fool - winner. And now imagine that you have a terrible attack of the radiculitis, my wife leaves the house, and before you the same fool, invited to dinner.

The play is occupied:

* Francois - Fedor Dobronravov
* Pierre - Boris Dyachenko
* Christina - Oksana Korostyshevskaya / Ekaterina Vlasova / Ekaterina Klochakov
* Arshambo - Vladimir Mikhailovsky
* Lamb - Alexander Davydov
* Marlene - Alina Sergeeva / Lyubov Tikhomirova / Ekaterina Vlasova
* Shewal - Boris Shuvalov / Alexander Yushin

One of the best comedian productions, put on many scenes of Russian theaters, of course, is "dinner with a fool." Reviews of the performance say that it charges positive, energy, and humor is very thin. But with all this, this comedy has a deep meaning and a very interesting storyline. Especially this setting was perfectly played in the stage theater and the "red torch" by their wonderful acting troupes.

Description of the plot of performances

"Dinner with a fool" is the playwright F. Weber, who also wrote scenarios to many famous films such as "fugitives", "blond in a black boot", "toy", "losers" and many others.

The basis of the plot of this comedy statement is that one unusual dinner in the circle of friends was supposed to take place once in the evening. In order to get on this evening meal, it is necessary to bring a fool with you, who naturally does not recognize about such a condition and the roles allotted on this dinner. And the essence of this joke is that such an unusual guest to unleash the language. A participant who brought with him the "best" fool and will receive the title of the winner at this event.

But such an idea was completely inappropriate that evening, when I decided to visit the house of the owner of dinner and even besides, the wife decided to leave just at this time, so the invited fool turned out to be completely inappropriate. Reviews of the play "Dinner with a fool" promise that viewers will continuously laugh for two hours of display.

Show in the theater of pop and spectator reviews

On this scene, this theater comedy has been held more than ten years. The hall is always crowded, and people buy tickets still long before the show. Reviews about the play "Downtown with a fool" with Khazanov say that his game is simply great and this is undoubtedly the star role of this actor.

Pierre, played by Oleg Basilashvili or Boris Dyachenko, in any case, is beautiful and causes a genuine visual laughter. The director of this performance is L. Trushin, coping with the task simply excellent. The show lasts two hours without a break on an intermission, but the audience looks at one breath, since the talented acting troupe of this theater does not allow them to be bored not a minute.

Many who have already been lucky enough to get into this production, they say that two genres awkrew in it very successfully. The plot is viewed by a vital drama that skillfully diluted with a successful and subtle humor.

Press Review

Reviews of the play "Dinner with a fool" in the theater of the theater of theatrical critics report that this is the best statement in its genre. They say that in this comedy there is everything: everyday life and his routine with all the ensuing consequences, magnificent humor, sparkling jokes and the sight of the whole thing that is what is happening, perfectly from the actors of the Chekhov Theater.

Many critics believe that no review will be able to disclose everything on the scene in full. Francois, played by one of the greatest comedians of Russia, Gennady Khazanov, guarantees the audience two hours of rampant fun and laughter. The view of the press about the performance was so far that critics consider this formulation with a genuine example of entertainment art.

Premiere in the "Red Torch" and viewers' opinion

Reviews about the play "Dinner with a fool", the first time on the stage of the Novosibirsk theater in December 2010, also exceptionally positive. The director of this comedy is the talented Pavel Yuzhakov, who tried to make fun in the performance of a human snobbery that he had successfully. He believes that, unfortunately, this feature has become inherent in many people of our society, and simplicity and naiveurism go somewhere irretrievably. As a result, the production turned out simply great with such amazing actors of the main roles, as Sergey Novikov as Francois, and Vladimir Lemeshonok played Pierre.

Therefore, feedback on the play "Dinner with a fool" of grateful spectators strongly recommend visiting this formulation to all those who have never come to her. This performance beaten by actors of this theater is very vital and unusual, thanks to which he brings real pleasure from viewing it.

Press statements about showing in the theater of Novosibirsk

There are many opinions of critics about the comedy formulation of "dinner with a fool". Reviews of the performance ("Red Torch") Theaterov suggest that the game of Novosibirsk actors was able to turn the trifle comedy into a real tragic Russian drama of life, which at the same time is not overwhelmed with everyday problems and leaves a place for magnificent humor. Everything is often originally friendly: male friendship, lack of mutual understanding between people, love story and all the delights of communication between relatives.

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Dinner with fool

Imagine that today you have dinner with friends. The prerequisite is to bring with you ... Fool. The fool naturally does not recognize why he was given such an "honor." The meaning of the joke is to unleash an unusual guest language. The same who will lead the "best" is the winner. Now imagine that you have a terrible attack of the radiculitis, my wife leaves the house, and before you the same fool, invited to dinner ...

Dobronravov Fedor

Dyachenko Boris.

Davydov Alexander

Vlasova Ekaterina / Tikhomirova Love / Sergeeva Alina

Klochkova Catherine / Korostyzhevskaya Oksana / Vlasova Catherine

Mikhailovsky Vladimir

Shuvalov Boris / Yushin Alexander

The exact cast on a specific date can be found on the official website of Anton Chekhov's theater.

"," Servicedescription ": NULL," SERVICEMATION ": 7200000," SERVICEAUTHOR ":" Leonid Truchkin "," ServiceArt ": NULL," SERVICEACTORS ":" g. Khazanov / Fedor Dobronravov, B. Dyachenko, A. Ravikovich, M. Eagle / E. Vlasova / O. Korostyshevskaya, V. Mikhailovsky, A.Sergeeva, A. Davydov, "," AvailableTicketCount ": 825," MinPrice ": 900, MaxPrice: 10,000.0, "MindiscountPrice": 0, "MaxDiscountPrice": 0.0, "IDCITY": "ED4DB1FEE7CF31E0E030007F01007315", "City": "Moscow", "CompanyAddress": "Moscow, new Arbat st., 35", " PosAddress ":" Moscow, "," Twit ": NULL," PHOTOPATH ":" 18 / 378656.jpg "," VideoOpath ": NULL," AgeFrom ": 16," PlaceScnt ": 1092 , "AvgPrice": "5450", "ServiceLikessum": "22990", "ServicePriceIndex": "5", "ServiceLikeIndex": 5, "PLACEINDEX": "5", "LinkCompany": "Chechov", "Link" : "ugin_s_durakom", "idDiscount": "F7B4C35A8F036421E0404B5E01F54336", "discountName": "Two for the price of one", "idServiceGroup": 9, "promo": false, "latitude": 55.728091, "longitude": 37.630006, "availableDiscountTicketCount ": 0," PURCHASEDTICETCOUNT ": 0," GURU ": TRUE," SERVICETICKEDSOLD ": 5152," DESCRIPTIONEXPERT ":" Want to laugh with friends? Invite a fool in the company ... But be careful! He can turn your life ...
Wealthy friends every Wednesday play a special game. They invite another fool for dinner to entertain guests. One of them, the famous publisher, because of the radiculitis takes a fool at home.
Chudak enthusiastically tells the publisher and his layouts that he collects from matches. But here the publisher's wife calls, reporting that it is divorced with him. The publisher desperately needs who is able to listen to him and help find her beloved wife.
How will the invited fool, a modest servant of the Tax Department Francois Pinon, will behave in such a role? What can advise this big child?
You are waiting for unexpected turns of the topic, incredible situations, kaleidoscope of bright events.
Piercing comedy French playwright Francis Weber, easy and delightful funny. She deservedly enjoys success in the audience. Great Gennady Khazanov brilliantly plays the role of Francois.
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Norm Foster

Translation of Marina Obolentseva

How difficult it is to find love, and how easy it is to lose it. One casually abandoned word is sometimes enough to destroy his life.

We build fences from misunderstanding, irony and peeling, out of the ground and rudeness. Fences, which hide their loneliness and fear, longing and helplessness. And, it would seem that it is easier - you just need to say two main words: "sorry" and "love." But it is these words so hard that happens ...

Director - Leonid Trushkin

Composer - Vladimir Davydenko

Artist - Igor Makarov

Inga Obold

Fedor Dobronravov

Ivan Dobronravov / Alexander Usov

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"When, finally, you understand that your father was usually right, you are already growing up with my son, convinced that his father is usually not right."

Father and son have not seen her thirteen years. Do they forgive each other?

Each of them is not an easy character, everyone accuses the other in the fact that they once broke up.

But time passed, so much in their life has changed.

Dad does not even know that his son married, does not suspect that she became grandfather. He whips without his boy.

The father had a pretty girlfriend, which asks his loneliness.

A pretty woman did not lose her husband so long ago, who committed suicide.

Does she find a common language with the adult son of his beloved person?

When the son still decided to come from a big city to the countryside, where his parents always lived, he was very worried about his father.

Between them the wall of misunderstanding, mutual offensive and insults.

Which of them first will find the strength to ask for forgiveness?

Touching performance about love, loneliness and mutual understanding.

Son follows the example of the father, and not his advice.

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Wonderful actors. The hall is not very comfortable. The action of the performance occurs in the right, then in the left corners of the scene, so those who bought tickets to the amphitheater do not see exactly half the performance. Metal security pipes are prevented. 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The performance was delivered by the work of the Canadian playwright, the norm of the Phoster "Johnny and Barry". The performance is very cheerful, bright. It is perfect for family viewing or hike to theater with friends! The performance teaches to love life and enjoy it inpite any circumstances! Initially, Leonid Trushkin wanted to call the performance "Do not be afraid, Barry!", But after the appearance in the scenery of the tower, the bright and memorable name "Rescuer" persisted persistently. Decoration was very unexpected. So in the nursing home we see a playground: a slide, swing and a lifeguard tower. We seem to be in such a small world, we understand that our whole life is one big playground. And on the rescue tower, thirsty of salvation and imminent changes settled Barry. On the scene we see only three artists. In the role of Barry - such an indifferent old man, which has lost all taste of life and slowly living his years - Gennady Khazanov shines. Such a pitiful and boring in its gray trico, and such an active and cheerful in a bright green suit. The role of Joni performs Fedor Dobronravov. Active young man living here and now. He knows how to enjoy life in spite of everything, contrary to all circumstances. But he hides one secret .... a deadly disease, which is about to absorb it. Rosie's role - daughter Barry performed by Daria Makarova. Believe her tears, each emotion. This performance is very touching. He is about how important to love, as it is important to rejoice at every moment, in spite of everything, it is important to stay every day, as if he is the last ... And now ... Once ... This is the most ill-fated tomorrow does not occur tomorrow ... Staging a lot of funny scenes. It is incredibly fascinating to observe how Joni changes the character of Barry. As the once boring inhabitant of the house for the elderly begins to live, rejoice, "fly", dream. The genre of this performance can be described as tragicomedia. Incredibly touching the scene, in which you realize that Joni is no more ... Winter has come, swing swings the wind, snow flakes fall from the sky ... and Joni .... He never never learns to play Curling .. .. Strong acting. Interesting directorial finds and solutions! I recommend for viewing! 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Director Leonid Tver managed to create an interesting staging with bright unique characters. In the comedy, Jerzhi Gubacha is a story about the life of Napoleon (Gennady Khazanov) in imprisonment on the island, about how once the brave emperor lost all his greatness and forced to "live" his last days in the company of two generals. But here it appears - a burning Corsican (Inga Oletd) with a bright character ... and ... all the most interesting thing begins ... life on the island, it will not be exactly the same !!! The scenery is minimalist, all the attention of the audience is concentrated on a brilliant acting game. Inga Obold reincarnated in a bright volitional woman, who is virtuoso knows how to "sober faces." Gennady Khazanov - desperate emperor, who lost the meaning of life, and who found him again. In the theater Anton Chekhov knows how to make an incredible spectacular ending. I will not disclose the card, but you will see a very spectacular and beautiful end. The performance turned out to both ridiculous, and touching, and motivating. After the performance, a lot of thoughts appeared that it was not worth postponing his life, sit in a cage (dungeon, apartment), and it's time to act. The following shows will be held on November 3 and 7. 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Yes, the performance itself is not distinguished by masterpidence, but the humor is. We in the main role was Dobronravov and he was straight a separate low bow, because if he were not, we would leave immediately. I do not know how in the parter, and it is impossible to sit in the amphitheater. Who is the distance between the armchairs calculated? Even miniature girls rested the knees ahead of the sitting. Such actors are involved in this theater, and the theater itself is just disrespect for the viewer. Until the hall will not redo - we are neither foot in this theater. We will look for meetings with your favorite actors elsewhere. 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Yes, the performance itself is not distinguished by masterpidence, but the humor is. We in the main role was Dobronravov and he was straight a separate low bow, because if he were not, we would leave immediately. I do not know how in the parter, and it is impossible to sit in the amphitheater. Who is the distance between the armchairs calculated? Even miniature girls rested the knees ahead of the sitting. Such actors are involved in this theater, and the theater itself is just disrespect for the viewer. Until the hall will not redo - we are neither foot in this theater. We will look for meetings with your favorite actors elsewhere. "," IDContact ":" F6961B30078EB732E0404B5E01F55A3E "," LIKEINDEX ": 0," amountbonuses ": 0," Servicename ":" dinner with a fool "," Servicedate ": 1551163200000," Eventid ": NULL," SOURCETYPE ": NULL," PHOTOPATH ":" 18 / 378656.jpg "," linkcompany ":" Chechov "," Link ":" ugin_s_durakom "," companyName ":" Theater Anton Chekhov ")," Regionid ":" 04F614AAFE674B7AE040007F0100640C "," RegionName ":" Moscow "," SchoolProgram ": False," Premiere ": False," CashBackPerCent ": 0.0," ServiceDescriptionLight ":" "," ServiceCommentsCntType ": 99), (" ID ":" 9946BA470F88BDF1E0504B5E01F5596C "," idCompany ":" B492ED2668F70A80E040115529B052B7 "," longCompanyName ":" Theater Anton Chekhov Private Entreprise (nonprofit organization) "," companyName ":" Theater Anton Chekhov "," shortCompanyName ":" Theater Anton Chekhov " "CompanyType": "Antrepriza", "CompanySite": NULL, "IDPOS": "712d623bedf68adeee0504b5e01f5489b", "POS": "DK REU them. G. V. 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\\ "All like people \\"

Not far from Paris, in a country house, rebuilt from the former farm, suddenly meet people who would be better never to know about each other.

A small innocent lies of the host of the house, increases in geometric progression, turning all the participants of the parties they are tailored in the selected liars.

And no longer understandable - who is a husband who is a wife who is a mistress ... An intriguing ball, of course, is ravaged, but for this, the heroes of the play will have to overcome many obstacles.

Imagine that the wife leaves for mom for as many as 2 weeks. And to you in your small house (just a half hours drive away from Paris) a stunning beauty comes. Now imagine that everything went awry: the wife did not leave, instead of a beauty - a ridiculous cook fell to you, and so carefully planned charming evening became a real nightmare! And it is impossible to understand how many lovers can fit on one square meter of your cozy house. You are your wife - your friend is your pretty woman - your cook is her husband ... But no matter what happens, remember: arguing with cooks is the last thing. Can poison ...

In the new season 2018-2019. In the play, Vladimir Santzkov will play the role of Bernard

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How to hide the mistress if the wife suddenly suddenly? Tell his wife that this is a friend's mistress!

Everything was mixed in Bernard's country house. The stylish house, converted from the barn, is located near Paris. Deciding having rested with a girlfriend, Bernard, even in a nightmarish dream, could not assume that his wife would suddenly get out. He was unfortunately to her, scorch his visit to the cottage. And he himself was sure that his wife went to mom.

Bernard offers his friend Robert, who has long joined the secret love relationship with Bernard's wife.

And here it also comes invited to the weekend of the cook, which was accidentally confused with Bernard's mistress, since their name is Suzy.

How long can a cowardly husband from the evil and jealous wife? Will his lovely love-lover dismiss all the dishes? What segments Robert with his wife Bernard? And was it worth quarreling with the disassembler?

Merry comedy of the positions of the famous playwright Mark Monastery will delight the viewer from the first to last minute. Laugh is allowed!

Francis Weber

Comedy in two actions (16+)

Translation from French M.Polichik

The duration of the performance is 2 hours 30 minutes

From the history:

French screenwriter, playwright and director Francis Weber is well known to Russian audience. He is the author of the popular comedies "High Blondes in the Black Box", "Toy", "Dock", "Unweight", "boring", "Jaguar", in which the stars of French cinema Pierre Pierre Rishar, Jean Reno, Gerard Depardieu, Jacques Brel, Lino Ventura.

On the play "Dinner of the Fools" Weber took off the film, which in the Russian rental was called "dinner with a fit".


Every Wednesday Pierre Broshen with buddies arrange "dinner of fools", which is invited to "notepad" and compete, "whose nobles". The winner receives a prize. This fun is the main passion of Pierre. But one day, Francois Pinont, who confuses all the main character maps of the main character is another "Candidate of Conducts". He sincerely wants to help, but pounds Pierre in a situation, one is absurdly different. "Before someone called a fool, think twice," Francois says in the final.

About the play:

Francis Weber wrote a comedy of the provisions, and the staged group of the Tver Academic Drama Theater tried to strengthen its comedy character and reflect on stereotypes that geographic borders were not led.

Performance "Dinner with a fool"- This is a comedy on the play of the French scenario and director Francis Weber, which is replete with unusual situations and witty dialogues.

After a successful setting in the theater, Francis Weber postponed his play on the screen and removed in 1998 the film "Dinner with a fit" with the participation of Jacques Willre and Thierry Lermitta, who received wide fame far beyond France.

And already in February 1999, a premiere took place on the stage of the stage the play "Dinner with a fool"in the formulation of Leonid Trushkin. The famous director and the creator of Anton Chekhov's theater invited the main roles of popular actors - Gennady Khazanov and Oleg Basilashvili.

The statement was successful and performance "Dinner with a fool"for more than ten years, it has been going on a scene with great success. The components of success became the original play, talented director and participation of wonderful, favorite spectators of actors.

Aristocrats company every environment suits a comic dinner for which each participant must bring the most real fool. Which, of course, does not recognize, for what purpose he was invited. Friends are unleashing their guests and having fun on the whole coil.

And then decide, whose fool was most convincing, and give the winner a special prize. When the queue comes to Pierre (Oleg Basilashvili), he never doubting a second, calls Francois Piton (Gennady Khazanov), which, at first glance, seems like a fantastic idiot and must

Provide a certain victory to Pierre.

BUT B. the play "Dinner with a fool" Events develop the most unexpected way. On the appointed day, Pierre starts terrible troubles: the wife runs away from him, the attack of the radiculitis begins, and a tax inspector (Anatoly Ravikovich) appears on the threshold.

Dinner has to be canceled, but Francois does not think to leave Pierre alone. Instead, he falls into a series of funny situations, simultaneously destroying the well-established life of a prosperous Pierre and putting him in the fool in the final.

Performance "Dinner with a fool"do not claim philosophical conclusions. This is a real comedy, in which one of the best pop comic actors in Russia - Gennady Khazanov plays a major role in Russia. It is worth going to this formulation only for the sake of the game of this popular artist, which, like no one else knows the public.

I am charged by the energy of Gennady Khazanov, perfectly perform their roles: Anatoly Ravikovich, Vera Voronkova, Oksana Korostyshevskaya, Vladimir Mikhailov and Alexander Davydov.

Performance "Dinner with a fool"causes real fun in the hall, this comedic formulation attracts the widest range of viewers of completely different ages. It can be said that Leonid Trukchina managed to create an excellent example of an entertainment theater that does not claim to be depicted, but a fascinating theatrical action providing the public.

Tickets to performance "Dinner with a fool" We diverge very quickly, but using the services of the SSERVIS website, you can order tickets for this formulation, without leaving home.