Simple play story. "Very simple story" (M. TDO)

I finally understood what catarsis is. This is when you look at the performance not in order to note the advantages of the text or the shortcomings of the formulation, appreciate the game of actors or the originality of the scenery. This is when merging with what is happening on the stage, as if you participate in it, when, in addition to the will, such emotions are broken from your soul, who are not waiting at all. And after that it becomes slightly hard, and it is impossible to tear off.

Approximately such feelings caused me a "very simple story" of Mary Lado, delivered by the Astrakhan Drama Theater.

History and really simple. Country life. Two families. One good one, wealthy. At the head of a strong rural worker - the owner (Daniyar Kurbanhayev). Another ... Already not the family at all: the father-drunka and son, whose life is largely determined by the "reputation" of the Father. The owner frankly despises a neighbor (Valery Shtepin), secretly climbing him in the barn and the warring moonshine, which he welded his work, and for any occasion (even if this occasion is the release of news!) Casement of what the light is worth it.

But it's not enough. Children of two fathers love each other. And they suffered, as it happens, before the girl became pregnant. Son of neighbor Alesha (Nikolai Smirnov) wants to marry. And the girl, of course, is not against. But the owner can not agree that his daughter Dasha (Anastasia Krasnoshkova) married the son of an uncompressed neighbor-Alkash. Shame after all! Therefore, they decide to send Dasha to the abortion.

That's where the most interesting begins. After all, the heroes of the play are not only people, but also animals: pig, cow, horse, dog, rooster. All of them turn out to be involved in what is happening. Moreover, it is animals that intervene in the process and safely allow the situation.

In the play, animals communicate with each other, and they will not understand what people are involved, what is the abortion of such and why for this you need to go to the city. Each of the animals has their own fate, their own world, their own "horizons." It is understandable, because animals in the work of art are not animals in the literal sense, but living beings endowed with human feelings. In many ways, more honest and noble in people around them.

Pig (Violetta Vlasenko), which, no doubt, is the central figure of the play, did not see anything in life, except for the chlev. Does not know what river and meadow, grass and sand. But dreams of finding out. And also dreams of finding wings and fly! The pig sincerely puzzles why people need some money if they can't buy wings.

And when the dream is already ready to become a reality, and it seems that her, pig, finally, will go to walk, she dies under the owner's knife ...

The shrill scream somewhere behind the scene, dumbfounded, who saw it with his own eyes, had a rustled, but in a moment I bored with horror rooster ... and over all this, a sad melody, which became the playing lattice: "In the lunar shine, snow silver ..."

After that, everything seems to be turned over, everything becomes another: both animals, and spectators. As if not a pig slaughtered, and the dream itself about happiness ...

But a miracle! In the second action, the pig returns to the scene. Returns in the form of an angel with the wings that he dreamed about when was alive.

Only children and animals are capable of seeing such angels. But some kind of miracle and see, and hear the angels and animals became a neighbor of a neighbor. Or maybe he is not such a disappearance, as everyone seems? Or the disappearance, but in the soul a bright and kind person? After all, he is the only one who does not want an abortion, but wishes the birth of a child, best of all "girls". Because it will be felt. But pity and kindness so lacks in our world. And he drinks because it was not able to quietly survive the death of his beloved wife. Yes, and the owner hates him in many ways because once "Verka married him, chose him!" Chose not a practical master, followed by as behind a stone wall. Chose a neighbor. Not a mind, but heart.

So, now the pig does not ask the PSA about life, and herself explains the animals that they have been accompanied. Including about the preparing abortion. And the fact that people found the best way out of the current situation, animals consider wildness and barbarism. And wish to prevent this.

All the animals, except for a shrimp, but cowardly rooster, are ready to give their lives for the life of a little man. Because so there, in heaven, it is: that the new person is born and gained the guardian angel, someone should get on the sky. Who? It will be better to know about it by looking at the performance.

So in the cinema, you will not see anyone! The actors are laid out full! Sing songs playing harmony. And the roles are performed so that you begin to believe in what is happening, without distinguishing the truth of art from the truth of life.

Very difficult questions are set in "very simple history" ... and not about animals at all this play (in the final they disappear at all), and not about the angels. About people. Perhaps, about the fact that in every person there is something good and good. And for the awakening of all this in the human souls will have to suffer someone or even life to give away, but the world will become clearer and light.

No wonder I say a neighbor in response to the reproach of the Son: "Yes, if someone had paid for my life, I would die, and I would give money to Aaleh ... more I have a fool, there is nothing." Here you and Alkash!

Wait for the next release of the performance, postpone all things, take your relatives, friends and acquaintances, and forth in the theater! Watch and laugh will be all, regardless of gender and age.

ATTENTION! The timing of tickets for all performances of the theater Commonwealth of Taganka actors is 30 minutes!

Staging N. Gubenko
Artist V. Arefyev
Music: S. Barber, B. Bartok, M. Brook, Mahler, J. Massne, D. Shostakovich
Poems, Sounds N. Gubenko

Assistants Director - N. Bondar, I. Yatsinina

The play "Very Simple History" was raised by the play of the young Kiev playwright Maria Lado.

Existing persons in this play are not only people, but also pets - a horse, a cow, a rooster, dog, and even angels. The genre can be defined as a play-parable, tragicomedia. The author shows life through the eyes of animals - this unusual admission allows the audience to take a fresh look at, it would seem familiar things.

With bewilderment, animals are followed by their masters, because, according to the author's thoughts, the soul of animals from nature is chicted, they are unknown envy, borestip, betrayal.

The action takes place today. Fabul performance is really "very simple." Two young people, Dasha and Alyosha, love each other. They will find out that they should have a child to be born.

But their parents dislike each other. Dasha's father is a tricky peasant, and Alexei's father is a poor man who has not found places in the changed reality. Father Dasha requires the daughter to get rid of another unborn child. Loving hosts animals, having learned about it, decide to prevent the sin performed by people - to save the child and for this everyone is ready to sacrifice themselves.

For an uncomplicated plot of the performance, a deep meaning is hidden: a person has followed the laws of nature, and his soul frowned and hardened. Only people for their own benefit are able to kill the person who has not yet appeared.

The performance of the performance Nikolai Gubchenko and the artist Vladimir Arefyev managed to reveal the philosophical, the biblical content of this play-parable, thanks to the innovative stage incarnation, which comes partly from the pile of Shagal. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance also help to convey to the viewer written by Nikolai Gubhenko Zona.

The most important thing is that, despite the tragic notes sounded in this performance, it turned out very light and kind. Thanks to such works, in the heart of people, even the most difficult times lives faith in love, support, warmth relationship.

The play is occupied:

Basov Mikhail Yuryevich
Goddess Alla Mikhailovna
Bodyakova Nadezhda Anatolyevna
Vladimirin Vladimir Vladimirovich
Vashotsky Vitaly Evgenievich
Kaikov Andrey Albertovich
Clabukova Irina Vladimirovna
Serkov Roman Petrovich
Starkova Natalia Anatolyevna
Tycasov Artem Longinovich
Ustyuzhanina Elizabeth Nikolaevna
Fokina Polina Vladimirovna
Barinov Alexander Vladimirovich
Grup Kristina
Petrov Kirill
Ostrovskaya Yana Vladimirovna
Nikanorova Olga Vitalevna
Ryabkova Maria Nikolaevna
Aleshkin Alexander Vladimirovich
Trusov Dmitry Aleksandrovich

Duration:2 hours 15 minutes

Photo and video

At the end of 2011, the leadership of the Haifa City Theater allowed the creation of a troupe, which will play on his stage in Russian. In December of the same year, the premiere of the first performance corpses - "I am another tree" took place. The premiere, as the subsequent speeches, were successful, but the project was soon frozen.

This year the head corpse Asya Niphald I made a second attempt. Again, gathering Haifsky actors on the stage, Nipheld presented the spectators a tragic comedation on the play Mary Lado "Very simple story." The premiere took place - 16, 17 and 18 May.

Last Saturday and I finally saw him. From the performance I am in full delight!
Now I will try to tell about it, along the way, as you can see, give links to materials from the Internet, which found.

Information for those who want to see "very simple history": in July and August theater on vacation, but since September once a month this performance will again be put on a small scene of the Haifa Theater.

ATTENTION: There is a spoiler in the post! Those who are going to see the performance, better not to open it.

On the photo, the entire troupe after the performance, in the lower row director asya Niphaldel and the composer
Minda Hitarishvili writing music to the spectral.

Photos are borrowed from photo report Tatyana Klimovich

On the scene, the hlev, the whole action, and it lasts it without a break of one and a half hours, passes here. Here they live and talk, with respect and caution looking at the owners, animals.

Curious, open peace, enthusiastic and so dreaming to fly, pig. A frisky dog, who constantly resorts here from the street, the pig asks him about everything: "What is the river? And what is swimming? ..."
All artists play very well, but the pig is especially beautiful. It is difficult to believe that the playing of her Lena Boulet-Baksan is not a professional actress and appeared on the stage for the first time!

Here they live a power cow and old, tired of life, horse.

From time to time it comes to a boastful, carrying stunningly funny nonsense, cock. Dmitry Basin plays him, for which it is also the first role in the theater. Plays perfectly!

The story is really simple: the daughter of the owner of Dasha and the Son of their neighbor, a stray and a drunkard that tastes along the deceased wife, Aleshka fell in love with each other and even waiting for the baby. Dasha's father against and demands from the future descendant to get rid of.

This story unfolds in front of animals. With bewilderment, animals are followed by their masters, because, according to the author's thoughts, the soul of animals from nature is chicted, they are unknown envy, borestip, betrayal.

Here is the owner takes the pig to be slaughtered, because the daughter needs to take to the city for an abortion, you need money. And she, the poor thing, thinks that the owner first came out with her to take a walk, as she had been walking with the dog's attachment.

After the death of the pig is in the hlev in the image of the angel,
During his lifetime, she asked so many questions, but becoming an angel, knows almost everything

The pig has found a way of salvation who has not yet born baby and the love of Dasha with Alesh.

I will not tell the story to the end, come to the next performance and enjoy. Moreover, honest under the spoiler some phrases in order not to disclose unexpected turns of the plot.

  • Simple history in 2 acts on the play M. Lado
  • Director - Igor Cherkashin
  • Scenbon - Vladimir Korolev
  • Costume artist - Zhanna Verizhnikova
  • Duration - 2 h. 20 min. With intermission

The performance spectacle telling about the fine face between good and evil, about the dangerous proximity of love and death. The fact that people sometimes are more cruel to each other than animals. And animals, on the contrary, are capable of self-sacrifice for those who are the roads of them. Let it even the future child of the master's daughter ...

Reviews of audience

  • Thank you, Elena.
    I hope that this is the case.
    Because The performance page on the theater website is the essence of the program. Do not indicate the leaders in the program, at a minimum, violation of copyright.
    Sincerely, Vladimir. / Vladimir /
  • Good afternoon, colleagues!
    Congratulations, the site is good !!!
    But why in annotations to the spectrum are not indicated by the director. I hope it's just forgetfulness.
    Artist, the performance of the play "Simple History" M. Lado
    Vladimir Korolev. / Vladimir /
  • Good day!
    This is not completely forgetfulness. The site is still in the process of filling. Materials are still added ...

    P.S. Now prepare photo galleries for performances / Elena /

  • Just returned home from the theater. Emotions overwhelm. Still we still can not move away with your daughter. It happened that this story is very close to us (in the sense that before the appearance of our babe we lost two grandparents), and we observed with special feelings and experiences on the scene. Thank you very much to everyone who made your contribution to the formulation of this performance. / Lyudmila /
  • were yesterday on the performance !! Many thanks to the actors !! Such a game, just great! Wonderful production !!! : O) / Julia /
  • I looked at the premiere of the spectral in March 2006. At the "old soldier who does not know the words of love" tears themselves stood their eyes! Awesome story, still worries memories! / NSG /
  • really liked the really real acting game for 5 +. Who would say-believe. And the site is really better and more convenient than other theaters (on that youth) ./ Sergey /
  • It was wonderful! Thank you Ivan /
  • this is the only performance in the last 10 years in all theaters of the city, when I cried during the donkey.
    Wonderful production and work! / Stella /
  • Stunning performance. I saw many photos from similar productions in other theaters - not that. In the Rostov interpretation, everything is much more allegorically and closer to the parable, and the soul of River is much more natural. Separately, I would like to celebrate the amazing game of Hanzharov (owner), Vorobyov (rooster), Volobuev (fastening). But most of all struck by his game Mateshov, brilliantly played a neighbor. Well, Melentyev is traditionally good: one of the most promising actresses of the theater. But the drenched Lobanova, Merinov and especially - Blinov - they play mechanically, clinging, without giving their proper power roles. But this does not detract from the merits of the production: it is perfectly understood and teenagers are 13-14 years old, and mature, and elderly. And the main thing: the play of something can you teach young people, and the people older will once again give a reason to think about the fraternity of being. One of the best performances on Roshamt, along with the "Squat" and "Small Demis". Bravo! / Alexey /
  • Performance is one of the favorites in the youth! It was once again 5. He reduced all friends and relatives on him, he herself walked with pleasure. It is a pity that now the performances of this quality are no longer put in your theater. I do not like the production of Lelianov: the veryilic interpretation of classical works. Performances pulls only the amazing game of actors. In the Tyuz, I go more and less often, because it was tired of seeing the same thing on stage. I want real classic productions! / Anastasia /
  • For the fourth time, I visited the play "Very Simple History". Another time I am in admiration ... This is something incredible, though! He can watch dozens of times! Actors game - awesome! And along with the plot .. not to avoid. And all what they say what are being discussed .. everything is so vital and it seems simple, but at the same time it is incredibly difficult, and you realize that we are so little conceived about some important things ...
    It really is better to see once than hear than a hundred times. Although in this case you can see a hundred times ...
    Incredible something .... / Polina /
  • Five years later, he did not refuse to see the performance again. The plot is still exciting, and also in the second act comes in the throat gets up ... Bravo, youth! You are the best! / NSG /
  • Guys, I'm our colleague, I am an artist with Estonia, I also play in the Youth Theater Expression, the theater is in Yoevi, come to us with a very simple story with a performance. / Ivan /
  • yesterday -17.11.12. I looked at the play with my son, I am a second time. Emotions overwhelmed, wonderful performance, actors just smartly all !!! Thank you. More such performances, maybe the world will become kinder. Son today repeated several times "and it was a pity." / Olong /
  • The most extraordinary production of what I saw before. Yes, and perhaps the best! / Alexander /
  • Thanks to all the actors and a low bow / watched the play in June, I will definitely go again. / Oligura /
  • This is the first performance on which I could not hold myself, the tears were pulled by themselves, the subject at the very point. Woro! I am delighted with you. / Tatiana /
  • I was shocked by the game of actors and the stage of the theater to the depths of the soul. Very glad that we have such artists in Rostov, the directors know how to make their creative work at the level of world stars.
    Thank you huge! KEEP IT UP! Well done! / Igor Kamensk /
  • It's incredible! Really wonderful setting. The game (all without exception) actors shake. It seems that these roles are created for them. Realistic. Fully immerse yourself in the plot and you are worried about everything that happens. Do not drop boredom. Everything is so capturing that time flies imperceptibly. In my opinion it is wonderful that on this performance can be moments and laugh and swim. THANK YOU! \u003d) / Katyusha /
  • Tell me, and this performance can be visited with a child of 6 years (it is written in the poster that he is 16+), is there any scenes "for adults"?
    They looked with the child "toys" (the same is not children), I understood in my own way, but I liked it, I read the reviews, I also wanted to go)) / Masha /
  • 09/26/13 The actors worked on the road to S. Peschanokopsky. I was accompanied by students of the Developed School No. 10 (11,10,98 classes) and was very waiting for feedback guys. There was not a single one who would remain indifferent. They immediately called their relatives and friends after the play, wanting to share what they saw. Everything is delighted. "It must be seen!" - they said. And I jumped down the bullet, string that they will see my tears. Here is the morning of the next day and the first idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he saw. Then meetings with colleagues and the desire to share a bright impression. Sometimes on the performances of other theaters, I caught myself thinking that it was not the right cry and an extra gentleness. And there is a game of actors and you don't notice, you talk to you, you sincerely tell you "a very simple story," forcing you to look with other eyes, for yourself and On those who are near ... / Olga Alexandrovna Sokolova /
  • Once I did not miss any premiere of the Tyus and drove to all the performances of the Son. The son grew up, the theater was called the youth, and I moved away from my beloved theater. But today, after many years ... This shrill performance! He makes and cry and laugh. And wonderful actors, they still work in their theater: Vorobyov, Hanzharov, Filatov, Lobanova, Lysenkov ...
    What all the creators of this simple and delicate history did, everything that happened on the stage is real high art. Thank you! I am proud of youth ... / Elena /

"Very simple story" is a parable about the current, everyday life of two rustic families.
Briefly the plot is. The daughter of the wealthy peasant discovers that it is pregnant from a neighboring guy, the poor man and the son of the Ridge. The girl's father insists on an abortion, but here the animals from the catal courtyard interfere in the case (they are depicted with disguised actors) - horse, rooster, dog, cow and pig. They save the girl from the moral crime.
The phenomenon of the play - in the unusual ease and sentimentality of everyday history.
At the same time, the action unfolds in Klelev, where there are pets with people, which see others in their own way, reflect on their events in their own way, become witnesses of strange human relationships. In the "very simple story" is shown our life without embellishment, without varnishing.
The story, told by Maria Lado, is even too simple. They love it, playing harmonica, arguing about life, think of death. People, horses, pigs - all together.
A simple, almost biblical story about the spiritual fierce of people and the pure, righteous world of nature. The fact that animals are closer to Christ's commandments than people. This story, in addition to people who act in an amazing way, become animals, and even angels, - anthem the highest and light human feelings: love, loyalty, kindness, mercy.
"Skotes are ready to die for the people who became the beasts themselves," this is the moral of a simple Ukrainian theater fan.
... Yesterday I looked at this performance. This time, we went with children, what I am insanely glad! Words of one young lady: "I never thought the theater is so cool !!! I even thought, where to go next time, in a movie or the theater? Most likely, I will go to the theater! Cinema and nearby !!! "
Amazing acting game! I especially want to celebrate Sergey Borodina, who played a neighbor, and the owner - Valery Kondratieva.