The performance of adventurers unwittingly. The performance "Aventurers Injury": reviews of viewers Read more about reviews

Favorite Stars Theater and Cinema in Comedy« Adventurers involved» !

The wonderful game of the masters of the scene of different generations is connected to a single virtuoso ensemble.

Pavel Priluchny - Actor who received unheard of popularity, his rating broke all records!

In Russia, his name is all the tabloids, he is one of the most desirable guests on any television show. Pavel Not just bloomed, but bypassed the popularity of such mastted pets of the public, as Danil Kozlovsky, Konstantin Khabensky and even Vladimir Mashkov!

Of course, for success and hype around its own behalf, the Russian actor must thank the younger generation. They chose him with a new symbol of their era. If you do not know about whom, I'll certainly remember Paul in the role of Igor Sokolovsky in the TV series "Major". Yes, that Major, The will of the chance of the police in the police.

Unprecedented popularity, main roles in the series - and here is the first main theater role!

In the Benefis Paulil There are no less well-known actors:

Agata Mutsenietse - Latvian and Russian actress and model (she is part-time wife in addition)

Raisa Ryazanov - People's Artist of Russia, Winner of the State Prize of the USSR, the performer of one of the main roles in the film "Moscow does not believe in tears", more than 200 roles in the theater and cinema.

Alexander Mokhov - Honored Artist of Russia, actor, director, producer. Known on the roles in the pictures "Moscow holidays", "two fates", "tired by the Sun", "The Last Yanychar" and many others.

Popular artists of theater and cinema are also occupied in the play: Sergey Gromov, Elena Charquiani, Alexey Yakubov.

About formulation:

The performance was delivered by the Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Mokhov According to the comedy play of Alexander Korovkina "Aunt".

The plot line is extraordinary and dynamic. Two sisters whose age is no longer suitable for the definition of "Girls", hotly loving their uncompressed nephews, live a very unusual life. Instead of choosing the color of the curtain and call plumbing to the house, their life is filled with incidents and incidents. The adventure, in which no one was going to initially take part, but in which everyone is involved.

The performance gives a mass of positive emotions and filled with jokes, funny scenes and absurd situations, leaving an exceptionally good mood during and after watching. The audience is involved in the adventure, and how it can not become its participants when on stage in an unusual lead role Pavel Priluchny!

Roles and performers:

Eric Krause - Pavel Priluchny

Inga - Agata Mutsenietse

Robert Krause - Sergey Gromov

Kuvikin - Alexander Mokhov

Rosalia Karlovna (Rose) - Raisa Ryazanov

Henrietta Karlovna (Greta) - Elena Charquiani

Babakin - Alexey Yakubov

We invite you to see this easy, extra funny comedy performed by young and elderly glorified Russian actors!

Spring - Time when you want smiles, delight, laughter, funny stories, new impressions and interesting evenings. A cheerful and exciting plot of the play will make you forget about everything in the world and plunge into this story.

Piercing look, sea charm and unconditional talent. Thanks to such popular TV shows as a "closed school", the "Life and Adventures of the Japanese Bears", "Major" Paulil 11 know everything today: his photos are not going with the covers of popular magazines, and he himself is always a welcome guest in any TV show. But Paul decided not to dwell on the achieved and try himself on the theater scene. His debut became the main role in the sparkling comedy.

Paul decent in the play "Aventurers unwitting"

What entertainment can have two elderly, cute sisters that behave the most measured lifestyle? Their main concerns are casual home affairs: bake patties, take medicine and make up cleaning. And, of course, none of them expects that a simple challenge of the Tinker Master can turn an ordinary day to a real Balagan. And then the whirlwind of events leads to them in the house of two favorite nephews, and begins ... scolding, a little criminal and unconditionally exciting history.

The performance is a classic comedy of provisions that gives joy and good mood even the most skeptical spectators. A delightful acting game, a fascinating plot and funny dialogues involve the public in this tempting adventure. And how to stay indifferent here, when two hours fly like one moment?

Of course, one of the secrets of the success of the performance is his star cast.

  • People's Artist of Russia, Laureate of Mr. USSR Raisa Ryazanovwho performs the role of one of the aunt, the legendary actress of cinema and theater. Her face is familiar to everyone thanks to the films "Moscow I do not believe in tears", "White Bim-Black Ear", "Moscow-Cassiopeia" and others.
  • In Tandem plays with her Elena Charquiani - Actress, known to the general public due to its numerous roles in the musicals.
  • Director of performance Alexander Mokhov - Honored Artist of Russia, Gull Prize winner, acting teacher at MHAT Studio School.
  • Together with Paul, in addition, one of the main roles performs his spouse Agata Mutsenietse. Bright, talented married couple - they will play together on one stage for the first time.
  • Sergey Gromov.

    Alexey Yakubov.

"Aventurers involved" - the comedy, who has already fallen in love with the audience. The performance visited the tour across Russia and each time he passed with anch.

Usually there is your favorite among theaters with a favorite director and actors. Every theatrical team has its own character, handwriting, a special atmosphere. But sometimes the directors and actors go beyond the scope of native theatrical walls or cinematographic sites and create something new and unexpected in Antenpuriz. When the director collects a completely new cast on stage, it turns out fresh and, as a rule, a successful statement. In Anhydrous, a lot of successful works. Such interesting work is the performance of "adventurers of unwilling", reviews and reviews of which contain many positive epithets.

Creativity Alexander Korovkina

The playwright Alexander Korovkin began his creative activity as an actor. Gitis graduate several years played on the scene of Mkhat named after M. Gorky. Then there were the first stories and plays that they deserve success. Alexander says that the work of the writer is complicated, it is difficult to write, but gratitude and laughter of the viewer have always been incentive for him. For example, the play on the play Korovkin "Doll for the Bride" for several years has been successfully on the stage of the Oleg Tabakov Theater. By the way, this is the first joint work of the playwright of Alexander Korowkina and actor-director Alexander Mokhov, popular and beloved viewers in many ways to the cinema. After the time of Mokhov, he put the performance of the "Aunts" on the play of Korovkina "Aunt" in Antenpuriza, where the stars of the older and youngest generation of actors played together.

Director Alexander Mokhov

Alexander Mokhov - Honored Artist of Russia, the first love of the public won on the stage of "Tabakcoque". But the tsunami of the audience love was covered by Mokhov because of his activities in the cinema. "Ivan Chonkin", "Siberian Barber", "Men's work", numerous favorite television series: Mokhov is removed a lot and fruitful. At the same time, Alexander Mokhov showed himself as a talented director of theater and cinema. He removes interesting films and puts no less interesting performances.

One of the noticeable theatrical performances was the witty comedy of the provisions of the "Aventurers of Injury" on the play Alexander Korovkin "Aunt". The director of Mokhov and played a small comic role in his performance. Do not detract from the director's merit, it is worth noting that the spectral success of the spectral was ensured initially due to the acting. Enough to call Raisa Ryazanov,

The play "Aunt" was written by Alexander Korovkin based on the script of the American film "Arsenic and Old Lace". Alexander Korovkin adapted the plot of the plays to Russian reality. The action takes place in Moscow, in the house of two old sisters Krause. The cheerful rose of Karlovna and strict Henrietta Karlovna live a quiet measured life consisting of homely trouble, taking medication and cooking endless pies. But once in their old house in the center of Moscow, the whirlwind of incredible events is broken.

At first, it is by chance that it is not clear where the window master dies in the arsenic pie, caused by the aunts on occasion. Then, on the threshold of the house there are native nephews of the old women - the personality of suspicious and disabled. Robert Robert Producer and Fallen from Prison Eric add confusion. And then there is still a officer, the official is trying to evict the old women from the mansion on the outskirts of the capital. At the same time, the official finds support from unlucky nephews. As be as accepted in the comedy of the provisions, the plot develops rapidly, one scene quickly replaces the other, holding the attention of the viewer throughout the action. The comedy "Aventurers interspersed" really turned out to be a mischievous, cheerful, moderately frivolous, with the sea of \u200b\u200bjokes and comical situations. Laughter on the spectacle does not shut down for a minute.

Star cast

The actors of the performance "Aventurers inevitable" create on stage the enchanting atmosphere of the classical comedy of the provisions. The main roles are performed by popular and talented actors. In the role of optimists of roses, Krause is the People's Artist of Russia Raisa Ryazanov, the legendary star of the Oscarone film "Moscow does not believe in tears." Thanks to Alexander Mokhov Ryazanov reached the theater scene after a long break.

Mokhov himself played the role of a policeman in his play. Popular and well-known in many telenotes Elena Bushueva perfectly performed the role of Iron Henrietta Krause. A pleasant surprise for the audience was the appearance on the stage of Alexander Karry - the stars of television serials "Return of Mukhtar" and "Special Forces". Of course, a young acting couple became a nail of the play: Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Mutzing. Prilochny plays an unborn, fled from the prison of the nephew Erica, almost all the performance moving on stage in a female dress. This is unusual for an informant image, comical and characteristic. The viewer was accustomed to another Paul, a steep and courageous hero. Judging by the audience reviews about the performance of "Aventurers Injury", the acting coped with the task brilliantly.

Legendary Raisa Ryazanov

The undoubted star of the performance "adventurists is involved" is all beloved Raisa Ryazanov. Raisa Ivanovna is more famous for the modern viewer for numerous serials. Although in the Soviet cinema she played a lot of roles, the All-Union Glory did not come to the actress. Even the role of Tosi in the famous film "Moscow does not believe in tears" passed for the audience almost unnoticed, although the actress was awarded for it the USSR State Prize. Film crimits say that the wines of the whole certain type and appearance of the actress. She is too similar to thousands of ordinary Russian women and little looks like a movie star. Ryazanov really primarily a real Russian woman. It is known that when in the years of the cinema pledged a pitiful existence, Ryazanov earned a living by private worker.

But in the new Russian television industry, Raisa Ryazanov turned out to be very popular. It actively removes and is known to the wide viewer for sensational television series. Theatrical experience in Raisa Ivanovna is insignificant. But, as it turned out, Ryazanov is very organic and interesting on theatrical stage. No wonder Alexander Mokhov after the first meeting with Raisa Ivanovna in the play "Doll for the Bride" literally fell in love with her and invited to the next statement of "Aventurers intentive."

Unpredictable Paul Prilum

The young actor rose to the cinematic Olympus gradually, but purposefully. Probably the profession of parents (dad - boxer, mother - choreographer) influenced the character and life of the son. He achieved serious success in boxing, becoming a candidate for the master of sports at the age of 14. But the actor defeated an athlete. Paul chose art. Sports character and men's charisma made Paul not only recognizable and popular artist, but also a sex symbol of modern youth. Absolute success came to primarily after execution of the main role in the TV series "Major".

They say that on the tour of the play "Aventurers to unwitting" in Voronezh, all the colors from the fans went to Paul, than it was unpaid him confused. The audience was accustomed that the incense usually plays the heroes of decisive, daring, even dangerous. But in the performance of "Anatyurists unwitting" the villain, according to the public reviews, revealed as a talented comedy actor. In the image of a sexy blonde on stage, he convincingly composed competition with his beauty-wife Agato Motsivaya. A talented actor was capable of reincarnation into a variety of images. In many ways, the commercial success of the performance "adventurers involved" with primarily, according to the reviews of the audience, the presence of the star contributed.

Touring tour

The premiere of the play took place at the beginning of 2017 in Moscow on the stage of the Russian Song Theater. Judging by the reviews about the performance of "Aventurers inevitable" in Moscow, the audience was delighted with the production. Checking the Moscow spectator, the actors with their entrepreneurs went to a large tour of Russia.

With constant success, the performance was taken in Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don and many other cities. St. Petersburg also favored a cheerful comedy. Reviews of the performance of "Aventurers of Injury" in St. Petersburg contain many warm words in the address of theatrical troupe. Staging was also successful in Baltic States and Germany. At the homeland, Agatha Mutzing in Latvia actors accepted very warmly. Judging by the reviews about the performance of the "Aventurists inevitable" in Germany, the production has become a cultural event for the Russian-speaking public in Berlin.

Read more about reviews

Looking at the performance, viewers especially celebrate the actual humor, sincerity and work of actors. The performance looks in one breath, and the impressions remain for a long time. Of course, there are negative impressions of the production.

The level of jokes in the performance and, oddly enough, the presence in the hall of a large number of fans of Pavel in the hall of the large number of Falsnica of Paul in the Hall did not come to taste. But the lion's share of the performance of the performance "Aventurers to Missile" speaks of the success of the next theatrical work of Alexander Mokhov.

Antpuriza as a popular form of art

The entrepreneurs in the modern theater world is becoming more popular. Unlike inpatient theater, the head of the entrepreneurs is always worth a producer or a commercial theater agency. It is believed that the purpose of entrepreneurship performances is to obtain maximum profits from the project. To do this, the play is necessarily invited movie and theater stars, on which the viewer is guaranteed to go. Reviews about the performance of "adventurers involuntar" confirm that in this statement such a star is Pavel Priluchny. But in this case, besides a commercial project, a really beautiful performance turned out, in which the actors primarily enjoy the game, creativity and gratitude to the audience.

Danar: two pensioners, an accident and one corpse. It is required to prove that charming old women are not involved in the crime. But there are additional conditions: two nephews with muddy past. One is a flaw producer, the second - a faded criminal from prison. It seems the story takes an unexpected turn, and it's time to hire a lawyer ...

Misfortune never comes alone
What problems can be in two elderly sisters, if the tablet prescribed by the doctor drinks on a schedule, life goes with his guy, and retire it properly? It seems no ... But this morning everything went not according to plan - a good guest in a cake was caught arsenic, and now old women need to decide how to be with a cooled body. However, the trouble says, one does not come ...

The performance "Aventurers interspersed" is an unrestrained comedy of provisions, mixed on absurd situations and completely illogical deeds of heroes. Crazy history of curiors in the performance of favorite actors takes on a special charm - on the screen, the participants of this adventurous company have never been so bold and reckless!

director - Alexander Mokhov.

Roles play:

P. Priluchny;

A. Minky;

A. Rudenko;

R. Ryazanova;

Duration - 2 hours 20 minutes. Age limit - 16+.

Recipe for a good mood
"Aventurers involuntar" - a bright modern production, in which there is everything that the auditorium laughs from the first to the last replica. An interesting story, unpredictable events, not vulgar humor, intrigue and confusion turn the action on the scene on the holiday of laughter and a good mood, to which you want to come again, grabping friends with you. From the date of the premiere passed more than one year, but the setting is not losing popularity and invariably collects the full halls of the country's leading theatrical sites.

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Additional Information

The duration of the performance: 160 minutes with intermission

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Theater address: Metro Station Serpukhovskaya, Moscow, Pavlovskaya st., 6

  • Serpukhovskaya

Teatrium on Serpukhovka

History of Teemum on Serpukhovka
The year of the foundation of Temium on Serpukhovka is considered to be 1991. Initially, it was a small theatrical platform, where children's comedy performances were performed mainly in which clowns played. But later his repertoire has undergone significant changes. Now at the heart of the site program - classic works for children, as well as original rooms and unusual productions. Most of the performances of the Temium in one action connect dancing, pantomime, parodies, acrobatic tricks, tricks and other clown techniques. By the way, a pleasant feature of the site is the presence of a living orchestra, which accompanies the act in some productions. Also in the consolidated poster you can see "adults", as well as the performances of other touring theaters.

Building the Temury on Serpukhovka
In the building of the Temury on Serpukhovka there are two halls. There are about 1000 people in a large number, and the small one is designed for 130 spectators. You can get on children's performances, both in the evening and daytime. Before each performance with children, animators who entertain young spectators with contests, games are necessarily working. Also, periodically in the theater passes a number of international festivals, such as "Gavrosh", "Territory", the festival named after A. P. Chekhov.