Synopsis of the lesson “Telling the fairy tale“ Teremok. Teremok Russian folk tale IV

Literary reading in 1st grade

"E. Charushin" Teremok "

Prepared and conducted:

primary school teacher

MBOU "Radishchevskaya secondary school No. 2 named after A.N. Radishchev"

Skotnova I.A.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

Lesson objectives: To acquaint students with E. Charushin's fairy tale "Teremok"; improve the skill of reading with whole words; develop speech skills and creativity, and analyze works.

Planned results:

    Subject: reason and correctly answer questions; develop reading skills of mindful, fluent reading; teach to analyze the text and indicate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

    Personal: to form a cognitive interest in the educational material.

Equipment: textbook " literary reading"L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, 1st grade; presentation; illustrations.

    Organizing time. Greeting.

The bell rang.

The lesson begins.

Everybody looked at me

And they sat down quietly at the desks.

We put our feet down

Put your hands together.

Looking ahead

The reading lesson begins.

    Speech warm-up.

Let's smile at each other, that's what a good mood we have.

Lips in a tube. in a string.

Wash our teeth with our tongue.

Take a breath. on exhalation, in chant, we pronounce the sound a.

3 . Knowledge update. Goal setting.

Teacher: We start reading lesson. Try to guess what we will talk about in the lesson. And to do this, read the confusing phrase: A fairy tale lies long ago a hint of a good well.(Slide)

Teacher: Yes. We will talk about fairy tales.

Do you like fairy tales? For what?

(children's answers)

What types of fairy tales are there? (magic, household, about animals).

In order to find out what kind of fairy tale we will read today, you need to guess the riddle.

The mouse found a home

The mouse was kind:

In the end of the house

There are many tenants. (TEREMOK)

(I post a picture of the tower on the board)

What goals will we set for today's lesson? (to get acquainted with the new work).

Does anyone know who the author of this tale is?
- The author of this tale is Yevgeny Charushin.

4. Learning new material.

And now I will tell you a little about it. The word of the teacher to the writer. . (Slide)

Since childhood, he was surrounded by wildlife - a parental home with a huge garden, a home zoo with piglets, rabbits, chickens and birds, which the Charushins cured and nursed. It is clear that in such a house and in such a family - his father was a famous architect - only an amazing and talented person could grow up, such as Evgeny Charushin. Yevgeny Ivanovich recalled how, as a child, he, listening to fairy tales, held a pencil in his hand and drew plots that came to his mind.

He grew up a kind, sympathetic, animal-loving boy.

When he grew up, fulfilled his cherished dream, he graduated from the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

An important milestone in Charushin's biography was his acquaintance with Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, who convinced the artist that he should start writing himself. This turned out to be not an easy task, but Charushin continued to work hard and even before the war had already published dozens of his books, while continuing to illustrate other children's writers - Vitaly Bianki, Mikhail Prishvin, Samuil Marshak. Marshak's book "Children in a Cage" was Charushin's last illustrative work. For her, he was posthumously awarded a gold medal at the international exhibition of children's literature in Leipzig.

The world of animals was also his world, which is why his drawings were so lively, bright, talented, which is why more than one generation of young readers was fascinated by his drawings and were read by his stories.

(Exhibition of books illustrated by E. Charushin) ( Slide)

Let's read this tale by roles now.

She stopped, little house, to sing.

5. Fidget.

Along the path. along the track

We are jumping on the right leg.

And along this path

We ride on our left leg.

Let's run along the path

We'll reach the lawn.

On the lawn. on the lawn

We will jump like bunnies.

Stop. Let's get some rest.

And let's go home on foot.

6. Consolidation of the learned.

Read the proverbs:

In the dark, but not offended .

Magpie knows where to spend the winter .

Harmony is stronger than stone walls .

Explain the meaning of these proverbs.

Which one fits our tale the most?

The tale taught us a good lesson, living among people, we must be tolerant of them, learn to yield, negotiate with each other, get along in harmony.

GAME "NASH TEREMOK" - work in a group with riddles.

1) Lurks in the corner,

Afraid of cats.

Who is this guys? (Mouse)

2) I am green like grass,

My song: "Kva-kva".

Who is this guys? (Frog)

3) Jumps across the field

Hides ears

Will stand up as a pillar-

Russian folk tale, which can be read fully considering beautiful pictures or listen to online. Here you will find summary, find out what its main idea is and what it teaches. For reading by roles or a scene, it is very convenient to download the text in PDF or DOC formats, and then print. Tale Teremok is an excellent option for staging a children's play in kindergarten.
Summary fairy tales Teremok: The mouse - norushka saw Teremok in the field and began to live in it. Then the frog-frog, the hare-runner, the fox-sister, the Volchok-gray barrel were asked to live with her. Bear saw Teremok clubfoot, and also began to ask for a hut, there was no place in the house, and he climbed onto the roof. The Teremok fell apart. But the animals did not despair, and together they built a new house, better than the previous one.
the main idea Teremok's tales are that there will be enough room for everyone in a good team, and if it happens difficult situation, together it will be easier and more fun to solve it.
Tale Teremok teaches friendship, hospitality, mutual assistance, solidarity. The proverbs fit the fairy tale: "In cramped quarters, but not offended", "Together we are strong," "Where there is friendship and advice, there is light."
Audio story Teremok is kind and instructive for the youngest children. You can listen to the tale about Teremok online or download it to your device in MP3 format for free.

Listen to the tale of Teremok

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The tale of Teremok read

There is a teremok in the field. A little mouse is running past. I saw a little house, stopped and asked:
Nobody responds. The mouse entered the teremok and began to live there.

A frog-frog galloped to the tower and asks:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse! And who are you?
“And I'm a frog frog.
- Come live with me! The frog jumped into the teremok. They began to live together.

A runaway bunny is running past. He stopped and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse!
- I, frog-frog!
- And who are you?
- And I'm a runaway bunny.
- Come live with us! Hare gallop into the teremok! The three of them began to live.
A little fox-sister is walking by. She knocked on the window and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- I, runaway bunny.
- And who are you?
- And I am a little fox sister.
- Come live with us! The chanterelle climbed into the teremok. The four of them began to live.

A top-gray flank came running, looked through the door and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- I, runaway bunny.
- I, little fox-sister.
- And who are you?
- And I'm a top-gray flank.
- Come live with us!
The wolf climbed into the teremok. The five of them began to live. Here they live in the house, singing songs.
Suddenly a clumsy bear walks. The bear saw the little house, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- I, runaway bunny.
- I, little fox-sister.
- I, a top-gray barrel.
- And who are you?
- And I'm a clubfoot bear.
- Come live with us!
The bear climbed into the teremok. Climb-climb, climb-climb - could not get in and says:
- I'd rather live on your roof.
- Yes, you will crush us.
- No, I won't crush you.
- Well, get in! The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down - fuck! - the teremok collapsed.
The tower crackled, fell on its side and fell apart. Barely had time to jump out of it a mouse, a frog, a frog, a bunny, a chanterelle, a little fox, a top, a gray barrel - all are safe and sound.
They began to carry logs, sawing boards - to build a new teremok.
They built better than before!

Evgeny Charushin is known primarily as an animal painter and author of stories about animals. But he also has books for the little ones - fabulous and playful.

"Jokes" are short, in two or four lines, poetic signatures under pictures, very close in character to folklore texts: a simple, understandable rhythm, simple, easily guessed rhymes.

The pictures show animals, birds, fish, engaged in a variety of activities. These cases are very reminiscent of children's games or episodes from children's life. Here are squirrels and little mice swinging on a swing; here the bear is rocking the cubs in the cradle, which suck the pacifiers; here the hedgehogs are floating on a boat under a painted sail. There are also "serious" situations: the cubs are angry with each other: they did not share the treat; the bunny is crying: he was scared of the monster, but it turned out to be a frog. All Charushinsky animals are affectionate - they are so cute and fluffy. Even hedgehogs and frogs seem to be fluffy. This is a feature of the artist's manner. He draws fearless, non-dangerous animals. And, if they turned into real toys, any kid would gladly take them with him to the crib: let them sleep side by side.

There is also a fairy tale "Teremok" in the book. In Charushin's performance, this tale turned into a brilliant work for kids - those who are just learning to listen to fairy tales. What did he do?

The text of the tale has turned from prosaic to poetic: it consists of short lines with very simple rhymes, which only enhances the feeling of the folklore basis. But children's attention can be based on rhythm and rhyme.

And the replica of each new character is preceded by onomatopoeic words:

As a mouse runs across the field,
She stopped at the door and squeaked:

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

Already like a frog runs across the field,
She stopped at the door and shouted:

Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!
Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!

What is onomatopoeia? Firstly, these are repetitive syllables: "av-av", "meow-meow", "ko-ko-ko", "ha-ha-ha" - that is, a kind of sound training, which is so necessary for a child during the period of mastering speech ...

Secondly, active speech of babies begins with onomatopoeia. At first, they are not yet able to reproduce difficult and long words denoting objects and phenomena of the world around them, but they themselves already distinguish these objects, highlight and try to express their attitude towards them. At the same time, the baby willingly uses "substitute words" that adults offer him: the same "av-av" and "ko-ko-ko".

It is clear that a fairy tale, which is filled with such "understandable" and easy to reproduce words, should attract the attention of the kid, he should like it.

Onomatopoeic words are lined up in a chain, and at the end of the tale, a whole song is formed from them. The author “conducts” this onomatopoeic chorus also visually: each subsequent sound combination is written larger and thicker - a kind of hint to the parent how to intonate and change the voice while reading.

And if an adult squeaks and croaks expressively, then the baby will certainly join him after reading it. That is, he will participate in the "reading" of the fairy tale. Since you need to squeak and croak in certain places, in between you need to listen and "catch" the right moment. And these are the first steps in understanding the text.

Marina Aromshtam

» Teremok (second option)

There is a teremok-teremok in the field,

As a mouse runs across the field,
She stopped at the door and squeaked:

Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a short one?
Who lives in the house?

There is no one in the mansion - no one answers the mouse. The mouse climbed into the teremok; began to live, live - sing songs:

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
It is not low, not high, not high.
Like a frog runs across the field,

Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!
Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!

Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a short one?
Who lives in the house?

I'm a mouse! And who are you?
- I'm a frog-frog!
- Come live with me!

The frog jumped into the teremok. They began to live and live with a mouse - singing songs:

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
It is not low, not high, not high.
Like a bunny runs across a field,

Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!
Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!

Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a short one?
Who lives in the house?

I'm a mouse!
- I'm a frog frog! And who are you?
- And I am a hare - on the mountain, a dodger!
- Come live with us!
- Okay, I'll come.

The hare jumped into the teremok. They began to live and live together - singing songs:

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
- Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!

There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
It is not low, not high, not high.
Already like a chanterelle runs across the field,
She stopped at the door and shouted:

Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf!
Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf!

Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a short one?
Who lives in the house?

I'm a mouse!
- I'm a frog-frog!
- I am a hare - on the mountain, a dodger! And who are you?
- And I'm a little fox sister!
- Come live with us!
- Be back soon.

The fox climbed into the teremok. Now the four began to live, to live - to sing songs:

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
- Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!
- Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!

There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
It is not low, not high, not high.
Like a gray wolf runs across a field,
He stopped at the door and shouted:

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
Ooh! Whoo! Ooh! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a short one?
Who lives in the house?

I'm a mouse!
- I'm a frog-frog!
- I am a hare - a dodger on the mountain!
- I am a little fox sister! And who are you?
- And I am a wolf - because of the bushes, a snatch!
- Come live with us!

The wolf climbed into the tower. We all began to live and live together - singing songs:

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
- Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!
- Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!
- Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf!
- Whoa! Ooh! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Ooh!

There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
It is not low, not high, not high.
How a bear walks across the field
He stopped at the door and roared:

Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!
Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!

Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a short one?
Who lives in the house?

I'm a mouse!
- I'm a frog-frog!
- I am a hare - a dodger on the mountain!
- I am a little fox sister!
- I am a wolf - because of the bushes, a snatch! And who are you?
- And I am a blooded-up bear - you crush all of you!

As the Bear fell on the teremok, so the teremok crumbled. And all the animals scattered. The bear began to catch them, but did not catch anyone.
Where is he, such a clubfoot!