Lion and dog. Summary of the lesson on literary reading on the topic: Leo Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog"

Grade 3. Literary reading

Topic. Features of the plot were L.N. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog"

Lesson objectives. Determine the moral meaning of the text. Stimulate interest in Leo Tolstoy's stories.

Planned results


learn to express a personal attitude to what was heard (read), to argue their position with the involvement of the text of the work; understand the position of which hero of the work the author supports, confirm with words from the text


cognitive: compare the motives of the heroes of actions from one literary work, reveal the peculiarities of their behavior depending on the motive;

regulatory:formulate the educational task of the lesson, accept it, keep it throughout the lesson, periodically checking their educational actions with the assigned task;

communicative:are guided by the developed criteria when assessing the actions of literary heroes and their own behavior


use forms of self-assessment and mutual assessment in the lesson

During the classes

stages of org.

Act. teachers

Act. learning

1. Org moment

May this morning bring us the joy of communication, fill our hearts with noble feelings.

Try to tune in to interesting work, listen carefully, and answer questions loudly and clearly.

Shows readiness for the lesson.

2. Checking d / z

1. Expressive reading of the fable by I.A.Krylov "Siskin and the dove"

2. Test "catch phrases"

Self-test (using creative notebooks)

3. Communication of the topic and setting the goals of the lesson

1. Read the chalkboard entry.

"Only a sensitive heart will reveal secrets."

How do you understand these words?

2. If you decipher correctly, you will find out which of the great people said what you just read.

64 65 35

23 34 54 33 64 15 65 35 34 62

12 33 64 63 12 33 44

What do you know about this writer?

Let's look into his eyes. They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. What are they?

Only a person with a sensitive heart can empathize, rejoice, be sad, grieve

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Pre-trained student message

Kind, attentive, wise

4. Warm up

Now read a poem to yourself

Poor dog - abandoned
Old dog - where is her home?
An evil master, harmful,
Kicked out the door!
Before her, poor,
There are no longer any roads.

Guys, what do you think, in what tone will we read the poem? Why?

Now let's read it out loud, observing the chosen intonation.

Recently, stray dogs have been roaming the streets of cities and villages.

A stray dog \u200b\u200bis an abandoned friend. A friend who was betrayed and driven to bitterness and despair. Children, how many of you have dogs? How do you take care of them?

Did you know that a dog has lived next to a man for six millennia? This is the first animal he has tamed. Remember! We are responsible for those we have tamed.

3. Title of the story.

What can the title tell us?

Read the word under the heading. What does it mean?

What does the word "true" mean?

See if two completely different animals (in temperament and habitat) can find a common language? We will learn about this in the course of work on this work.

Read a poem to themselves

Reading a poem in chorus

Sad, sad.


Children's stories.

Read the title.

They talk about the content of the work.

it bsilt - what was; story about the actual incident.

5. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Primary perception of the text.

I invite you to listen to a story that happened a long time ago in the distant city of London, the capital of England.

LN Tolstoy has never been to England, he has never been to London. Perhaps this story was told to the writer by one of the sailors who visited the port of London. And, having heard her, Lev Nikolaevich did not remain indifferent to her, but wrote a story about it "The Lion and the Dog".

2. Targeting.

After reading, answer the question: what (and not about whom) is this story?

Did you like the story?

3. Vocabulary work.

Guys, we will work on difficult words and together we will reveal the meaning of these words.

Menagerie - a place where animals are kept in cages for display. It is now called a zoo.

Barin - a rich man who has a servant.

Bristle - raise the hair on the back, preparing to defend or attack.

Fought bumped, pounded, made sharp movements.

Tossed about restlessly moved from side to side.

Has died - died.

Bolts - large door latches.

4. Determination of the moral meaning of the work.

You have listened very carefully to this story. Answer the question: what is this story about?

Tell me, how did you feel listening to this story?

Name the main characters were.

Where does the action take place?

What episode did you find the most intense?

- Did you feel sorry for someone?

Did you feel sorry for someone?

Listen carefully.

Listening to the recorded story

Share their impressions.

Determined jointly

with the teacher the interpretation of words.

About the love and affection of animals for each other.

Sadness, sadness, anxiety.

Lion and dog.

In the menagerie.

Very sorry for the lion and the dog. The lion not only became attached to the dog, but fell in love with her. He is kind - he shared the meat with her, although at first he met her with surprise.

6. Physical minutes

All the guys stood up together (Straighten up)

And they walked on the spot. (Walking in place.)

Stretched on tiptoes

And then they bowed back.

We sat down like springs (Sit down.)

All the guys stood up together (Straighten up)

And they walked on the spot. (Walking in place.)

Stretched on tiptoes (Stand on your toes, stretch.)

And then they bowed back. (Bend back, hands behind your head.)

We sat down like springs (Sit down.)

All the guys stood up together (Straighten up)

And they walked on the spot. (Walking in place.)

Stretched on tiptoes (Stand on your toes, stretch.)

And then they bowed back. (Bend back, hands behind your head.)

We sat down like springs (Sit down.)

All the guys stood up together (Straighten up)

And they walked on the spot. (Walking in place.)

Stretched on tiptoes (Stand on your toes, stretch.)

And then they bowed back. (Bend back, hands behind your head.)

We sat down like springs (Sit down.)

All the guys stood up together.

And they walked on the spot.

Stretched on tiptoes

And then bowed back

We sat down like springs

And they sat down quietly at once

Perform movements

7. Continuing work on the topic.

1. Analysis of the work

In his work, L.N. Tolstoy did not describe in detail either the appearance of the dog and the lion, or their experiences. But he talked a lot about the behavior of these animals.

How did the dog get into the lion's cage?

Do you think the dog was scared to be in a cage with a lion?

Confirm with words from the text.

What phrases does the writer use to show the fear of the dog?
Why did the lion not tear the dog to pieces, but became interested in it? What surprised him? Find and read this passage.

If a lion and a dog could talk, what kind of dialogue could take place between them at the first meeting?

Checking. (there are lion and dog masks on the children's heads)

How did the lion feel about the dog? Find and read this point in the text.

2. Work to illustrate the textbook.

Consider the illustration. What moment does it refer to?
What do animals look like?
What would you sign under this illustration?

How did the lion behave after the death of the dog? Confirm with words from the text.

Has the owner tried to change the situation? How? Find this moment in the text and read it.

Why did he kill the other dog?

Why did the lion die?
Why do you think the writer told us about this story?

Leo Tolstoy felt and understood the pain of animals. I would like you to learn this too.

3. The conclusion is formulated in pairs.

What is the end of this story?

Who do you feel sorry for now? Why?

Tell me, can completely different animals in size, lifestyle, character have deep and strong feelings for each other?

What does this story teach?

They complete tasks, answer questions.

She set her tail between her legs, pressed herself into a corner, lay on her back, raised her legs, stood on her hind legs

He went up to her, sniffed, looked with curiosity, touched her with his paw ... He felt sorry for her, he liked her.

Pair work

Since then, the dog lived in the same cage with the lion, the lion did not touch it, ate food, slept with it, and sometimes played with it. When the animals became friends, and the lion did not want to give the dog to anyone.

The lion looks at everyone proudly. No wonder they say that he is the king of beasts. And the dog is glad that it is in the cage of the lion. She alone felt bad, she was often offended. Now she is not afraid of anything, the lion will protect her.

Friendship of animals. We have a lot of fun together.

He suddenly jumped up, bristled, began to lash himself with his tail on the sides, rushed to the wall of the cage and began to gnaw at the bolts and the floor. All day he fought, tossed about in the cage and roared, then lay down beside the dead dog and fell silent.

Gave a new dog

The pain of loss did not cool down, he remained faithful to his girlfriend.

He did not want to be alone, as he had lost a friend.

So that we are kinder to animals and take care of them.

Make construct sentences.

End - .... (sad, funny, sad, funny, funny).

This is ... (tragedy or comedy).

I am most sorry for ... because ...

Absolutely different animals in size, lifestyle, character ... (can, cannot) experience deep and strong feelings.

This story proves to us that animals, like people, ... heart, they ... (understand, feel what is happening, experience, can be attentive and caring to each other).

Very often they turn out to be ... (wiser, more sensitive, kinder and more loyal than us).

What assignment would you suggest for homework?

1) Come up with your own ending of the story so that it is joyful.

2) Complete the task in the Creative Notebook on p. 47

9. Lesson summary

Now touch each one to your heart. Can you hear it?

You have hearts on your desks, write what feelings have arisen in your hearts and choose the image of the lion that you remember most.

Children, listen to the word “sympathized”. What is the writer addressing?

Wonderful! Reading stories, we rejoice and grieve, have fun and sadness, experience a feeling of fear and a feeling of delight, love and hate, fight, win, get disappointed, suffer, celebrate with the heroes, then we cry from grief, then we laugh to tears.

The story is beautiful. Thanks to Leo Tolstoy for his kind stories, they provide new knowledge, acquaint with other people's life experience, teach goodness and justice.

Draw conclusions and generalizations.

So that we feel sorry for the animals ... Empathize with them.

To our feelings.

10. Reflection

Who is happy with their work in the lesson? How did the class work? Finish the phrases.

Today in the lesson:

I found out…

I learned…

I like it…

You brought me a lot of joy, because you worked well. I am proud of you!

Introspect learning activities

The lion is a carnivorous feline with short yellowish hair and a long mane in males. Body length reaches 2 m 40 cm, weight over 230 kg.

Leo has excellent eyesight and hearing, is very careful. His voice is unusually strong. Fear and intense confusion take possession of wild and domestic animals when they hear this mighty growl. In the zoo, they live to be 50 years old.

The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy belonged to the highest nobility, being the heir to his father's earl title. Born in 1828, in the ancestral estate of his family, Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province, he was the fourth of five children.

After the death of his parents, the upbringing of the boy was entrusted to a relative from Moscow. Having received a home education, in 1844 L.N. Tolstoy continues his studies at Kazan University. The study of oriental languages \u200b\u200bdid not arouse interest in the future writer. The search for his place in life led the 23-year-old Tolstoy to the Caucasus, and the officer's service began with hostilities. At this time, the first writer's experiments of Lev Nikolaevich appeared in print. There are published stories with facts from the childhood life of the writer himself "Childhood", "Boyhood", "Youth". Impressions from the life of an officer were expressed in the works "Cossacks" (1852-63), "Logging" (1855), "Raid" (1853).

After his resignation, Tolstoy set off on a long journey through Europe. Returning home, he devoted himself entirely to public education. He helped in the opening of 20 rural schools in the Tula province, taught at a school in Yasnaya Polyana himself, compiled alphabets and educational books for children.


Class: 3

  • Objectives:
  • provide conditions for:
  • children discovering the truth: can we empathize based on the perception of works of literature and music;
  • mastering the techniques of artistic analysis of the story by children (identifying keywords to understand the essence of the work).

Secrets will be revealed to a sensitive heart


  • portrait of Leo Tolstoy, on the desks envelopes with circles of black, dark blue, pink, yellow, red, tape recording of E. Grieg's play "The Death of Oze".

During the classes

I. Organization of artistic perception of the work

Each person experiences different feelings during life: joy, sadness, sadness.

Reflecting on this, I often imagine a star falling from the sky, how the rain knocks, how the bright sun shines, how cranes fly away in autumn.

The person felt joy and sadness and told other people about it.

Sit comfortably. Tune your hearts and try to feel the person you have never seen, never heard of, but who sent you a sound letter.

Music by E. Grieg “Death to Oze” is played.

(Answers of children.)

Edvard Grieg showed the death scene of an elderly woman who was abandoned by her own son. She dies alone from hunger and cold.

- Show what color is sadness? (Black.)

- You are very empathetic. This helped me understand how you felt this piece.

- When is it harder for you: when you scream and cry, or when a lump rolls up to your throat and you want to cry, but you can't cry or can't?

The teacher hangs a portrait of L.N. Tolstoy.

We already know a lot about this writer. Let's look into his eyes. They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. What are they? (kind, attentive, wise)

- How does he relate to people?

Our assistant will be the epigraph “Secrets will be revealed to a sensitive heart”. Read it to yourself.

- What do these words help to understand?

(Only a person with a sensitive heart can empathize, rejoice, be sad, grieve)

II. Reading artwork

Listen to the story "The Lion and the Dog."

The teacher reads the story.

- Listen to yourself. How did you feel listening to this story?

- What feeling did this story evoke? (Sadness, sadness, anxiety.)

- What episode did you find the most intense?

- What words helped define this?

- Let's re-read the story and highlight the important words with a pencil.

III. Organization of artistic analysis of the text

1) Reading the first part (beginning)

- What feelings did this person's act evoke?

- Underline the words that characterize this person?

The children's answers are heard.

Underline words that reveal the dog's behavior.

- What does she feel at this moment? (Alarming, she is small, defenseless.)

On the board is the word "alarm".

2) Reading the second part

- What animal is it? (Predator, king of beasts.)

- How does the lion behave? Read it.

- What is this feeling? (Care.)

On the blackboard is the word “care”.

3) Reading the third part

- What feelings does the dog have? (In the evening ... and folded her head.)

- How can you say in one word when someone relies on a friend? (The trust.)

On the board is the word “trust”.

- Find words that show that the feelings of the lion and the dog have developed into friendship.

4) Reading the fourth part

- What feelings does a lion experience after the death of a dog? (Yearning.)

On the board is the word "longing".

- What the lion cannot understand?

Read to the end. Highlight words that show how the lion behaves when the dog is dead.

Even animals have deep, strong feelings, but they manifest themselves in different ways. The lion is a predator. He rips apart another dog in a rage.

Read the last two sentences.

- What did you feel while reading these lines? (The lion was a devoted friend, so, shocked by the death of the dog, he survived it for several days.)

- Could a person with a cold heart write this story? (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy has a sensitive heart.)

Let's turn to the epigraph again. How do you understand its meaning? (A sensitive heart - responsive, noble, quivering. Cold heart - icy, sleeping.)

Now touch each one to your heart. Can you hear him? Can you always notice the pain, joy, sadness of other people?

I am glad that there are guys with sensitive hearts in our class!

IV. Organization of artistic performance

Read this story to each other with feeling, highlighting the key words in your voice to think again about the work you read.

- What episode made the strongest impression on you, read it.

- What will the text lose if you remove from it the description of friendship between a lion and a dog?

Output: everything is important in the work.

V. Organization of artistic creation

I often think: writers write works with a sad ending, directors make sad films, artists create sad pictures, and composers make sad music. What for? (The more this work stir up feelings, the more someone else's pain touches, the better the work, since it makes us suffer for the sake of happiness in life.)

Sadness doesn't last forever. Time heals. There is both sadness and joy in life.

Vi. Lesson summary

What color is joy? Show.

- How would you like the story to end?

- Who managed to understand something new about themselves?

Thank you for being very empathetic and able to understand the deep meaning of this story.


Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - the author of a large number of stories, novellas, novels - wrote works for children. Many of his stories, simple and true, were included in the "ABC" - a book written specifically for the education of peasant children.

"The Lion and the Dog" is an unusually touching and sad story about the friendship of two animals. Angry and cruel people threw a little helpless dog in a cage for a lion to eat. However, the lion, always wild, strong, cruel, did not touch her. With the dog he was caring and attentive: "The lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her, and sometimes played with her." A year later, the dog died. The grief of the lion, which “fought, tossed about in the cage and roared, then lay down beside the dead dog and fell silent” is striking.

The lion's affection for the dog turned out to be so strong that he tore another dog apart, and a few days later he died. Tolstoy is very brief in telling this story. He does not describe the feelings of the characters, their impressions and attitude to what is happening. But this story can not leave anyone indifferent. It's like we feel the suffering of a lonely lion. The veracity of the author, who does not embellish anything and does not soften the events, only enhances the impression. This is a story about dedication and loyalty. After reading it, you feel sadness, sadness and admiration.


"Moral conflict in the work of Leo Tolstoy" The Lion and the Dog "

Lesson type: Opening.

Topic: The character of the hero, his portrait, deed. Moral conflict.

Leo Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog"

Planned results (AML) in this lesson:

Personal UUD:

The student will have:

emotional responsiveness to life events, the ability to empathize with a person, “our smaller brothers”;

the ability to be aware of moral concepts and moral norms, such as support, understanding, mutual assistance, mercy, honesty, hard work, friendship, conscience;

the ability to express their emotional attitude to the content of the read (oral statement about the characters and the problems discussed).

The student will have the opportunity to form:

the ability to be aware of their family identity, inclusion in the world of class, school;

the ability to perceive oneself as a personal unit with the need to “comprehend life” and one's place in it;

ideas about the depth and diversity of the inner world of a person;

responsibility for their work, concepts of friendship, loyalty, collectivism;

motivations for self-expression in reading, drawing and play activities;

striving for success in educational activities.

Regulatory UUD:

The student will learn:

change positions of the listener, reader, viewer, depending on learning task;

navigate the adopted system of educational signs;

accept the algorithm for performing the educational task;

perform educational activities in oral, written speech, in the internal plan and evaluate them.

work in accordance with the algorithm and control the stages of your work;

participate in the discussion of the assignment plan, correct its implementation, exercise self-control, evaluate the results of their work, work independently with teaching aids.

Cognitive UUD:

find in the text the answer to a given question;

navigate the content of the textbook;

Summarize and classify educational material; formulate simple conclusions.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Understand the information contained in the expressive means of the work;

To select words-definitions for the characteristics of heroes;

Be aware of the role of the title of the work;

Perform an initial analysis of the fictional text.

Communicative UUD:

The student will learn:

fulfill the need for communication with peers;

show interest in communication and group work;

participate in expressive reading;

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Understand the contextual speech of adults;

Emotionally perceive the content of the interlocutor's statements;

Express value judgments, reason, prove your position;

Respect the opinion of the interlocutors;

Correct the actions of comrades, understand the information contained in the expressive means of the work.

Subject results:

Conscious perception of the content of the text, assessment of its character;

Orientation in the moral content of what was read, awareness of the essence of the behavior of the characters;

Participation in the discussion (dialogue, polylogue) of the listened and read work;

Mastering the skills of conscious, correct, expressive reading;

Expansion of ideas about the works of Leo Tolstoy.

Possible activities of students:

Answer questions about the content of the literary text;

Describe the features of the listened work, describe the heroes;

Determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, understand the variety of artistic means of expressing the author's attitude to the depicted;

Compare your answers with those of classmates, participate in a dialogue.


Textbook "Literary reading", grade 2, V.Yu.Sviridov.

Lesson presentation

Application cards 1.2.

Plan - lesson outline.

Org. moment. We begin a literary reading lesson. What do you guys think we need these lessons for? Today we will again explore the mysteries of literature and develop our senses.

Knowledge update.I suggest to play the game "The third is extra" SLIDES 2-4

SLIDE 2 - an extra word "true", because the action actually takes place

SLIDE 3 - extra surname - L. Tolstoy, because Yesenin and Pivovarova - poets

SLIDE 4 - an extra work "The Lion and the Dog", tk. we haven't met him yet. This work was also written by L. Tolstoy. Show his portrait.


Formulation of the topic of the lesson. Now, from the "extra" words, make up the topic of the lesson. SLIDE 6

Repetition of what has been learned. What do you know about Leo Tolstoy?

Problematic situation. - Can you tell by the title - about whom this story is?

What contradiction is observed already in the title of the story?

(The lion is a large predatory animal, and the dog is small.)

And what is this story about?

(You cannot answer, for this you need to read the story, analyze the actions and behavior of the heroes, find out their character.)

SLIDE 7The epigraph of the lesson will be the following words - "Secrets will be revealed to a sensitive heart." How do you understand them? What does “sensitive heart” mean?

In childhood, L. Tolstoy was called "Leva - Roar". Why? He, listening to the pitiful stories about animal people, cried because he accepted their pain and grief as his own, suffered with them. What is this feeling called? COMPASSION

Initial acquaintance with the text. AUDIO listening to the story.

What feelings do you have?

What episodes have awakened these feelings in you?

Analysis of the work.

READING ALOUD stories by children "in a chain".

How did the dog get into the cage?

What did she experience? Find in the text

Why didn't the lion eat it?

When did the dog realize that the lion would not touch her? What is the name of this feeling on the part of a lion? CARE SLIDE 8 - animation 1

The dog stopped being afraid of the lion and believed him? Prove

What is the name of this feeling on the part of the dog? THE TRUST SLIDE 8

- animation 2

Can we say that care and trust have grown into the FRIENDSHIP of animals? SLIDE 8 Animation 3-5


How did the lion feel after the dog died? How did he behave?

Why did the lion rip another dog apart? SLIDE 8 - animation 6


Why did the lion die?

Solving a problem situation.


Reproduction of previously acquired knowledge. Plot modeling - work in groups.

Now I will give you sentences from the text, cut into 2 parts. You need to connect them and arrange them in order of action. APPENDIX 1 Checking - SLIDE 9

Check of knowledge. Now let's check your knowledge of L. Tolstoy and your attentiveness when getting to know a new work. Let's conduct a test game "Yes or no?"

If there are 10 correct answers - mark "5",

8 or 9 correct answers - mark "4",

4-7 correct answers - mark "3".

L. Tolstoy was a poet? NO

Was his estate called Yasnaya Polyana? YES

L. Tolstoy opened schools in the city? NO

Is it true that L. Tolstoy created "ABC"? YES

- "The Lion and the Dog" - is it a reality? YES

Wild animals were shown in Moscow? NO

Did the dog run into the lion's cage by itself? NO

Have the lion and the dog lived in a cage for a year? YES

The lion died on the 6th day after the death of the dog? YES

Did the lion die of illness? NO

Reflection. Lesson summary. -Why do they create sad works? (to develop a sense of compassion, kindness).


13. Additional material -Many songs and poems have been composed about the loyalty of animals. Read the poem by Igor Khavronichev and "On the fidelity of animals", ( APPENDIX 2) prepare for expressive reading.

- what does it mean to read expressively?

Hear and analyze 2-3 students

14. - D.Z. - by choice - retelling the story or verse by heart.

15. NOTES based on the test results.




Wild animals showed in London

and for watching they took money or dogs and cats to feed wild animals.

They let him watch

and they took the little dog and threw it into the lion's cage to be eaten.

In the evening, when the lion went to bed,

the dog lay down beside him and put its head on his paw.

In a year

the dog got sick and died.

The owner wanted to take away the dead dog

but the lion did not allow anyone to approach her.

On the sixth

day the lion died.

"On the loyalty of animals"

In the animal kingdom, everything is not the same as in people,
Of all laws, only the code of honor is known,
If together - to the end, and only together,
They will not betray, they will not braid crazy ideas.

Although we are stronger and there is not much flattery in this,
And our mind is always richer than theirs,
But in the coldest cold for two,
They will find warmth in their mighty wool!

Sometimes you want to squeeze harder to yourself,
Such a loyal and devoted friend!
Animals do not betray each other!
We must respect them for their loyalty!


The theme of compassion in the work of Leo Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog"

M. N. Perestenko, primary school teacher,

belgorod, MOU - Lyceum No. 32

The time in which we live is the time of an abundance of information, heterogeneous in content and most often not provided for the spiritual development of a person. Modern children's programs, games, serials are hardly capable of leading our children to the understanding of reading by famous writers. Great opportunities for spiritual and moral education are inherent in the content literary works, studied in the lessons of literary reading. Literary works are of particular importance in the spiritual and moral education of the student primary school, in the development of his moral qualities, civic consciousness, communication skills, emotional - value attitude to the world around him.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The bell rang for our lesson. Good morning kids! Good morning, guests! I am pleased to see you. May this morning bring us the joy of communication, fill our hearts with noble feelings. Join hands and show your good mood, wish each other success in the lesson.

2. Communication of lesson objectives.

Today I want to call you "young readers". Why do you think? Children's answers. Today we will continue to learn to be attentive readers.

3. Speech gymnastics

Patter "Puppies" Two puppies nibble cheek to cheek on a brush in the corner.

4. Acquaintance with a new work.

Today I have chosen the epigraph for our rock, "Secrets will be revealed to a sensitive heart" (on the board)

Read it to yourself. - What do these words help to understand?

The autobiography of the writer (says one student)

The story that Tolstoy tells about happened a long time ago in the city of London, far from the coast of Russia. Perhaps a sailor who had been there told him about this story. Who knows? But the fact is that "Little Tolstoy was very sensitive - when he listened to sad stories, he cried, and for this he was called" Leva-reva. "

Do you agree. That Tolstoy was a "roar" in childhood. Answers.

What made him cry, upset? Answers.

Well done! All these qualities can be summed up in one word - compassion. (On the desk)

This trait is called - compassion ... Let's turn to Sergei Ivanovich's dictionary and find out a more precise definition of the word compassion.

Vocabulary work Compassion is the ability to feel other people's suffering caused by someone's misfortune, grief.

5 reading a work of art

The story "The Lion and the Dog". Well-read children read.

- Listen to yourself. - What feeling did this story evoke? (Sadness, sadness, anxiety.) - What episode did you find the most intense? Find and confirm with words from the text, so that it is clear how the dog felt.

Dividing the story into three parts.

What semantic parts can the text be divided into? Answers?

1. Man and dog. 2. Dog in a cage. 3. Friendship of a lion and a dog. 4. Separation of friends.

6. Organization of artistic analysis of the text

1) Reading the first part (beginning)

- What feelings did this person's act evoke?

How did the dog behave, being in the cage near the lion?

- Read, then she feels at this moment? (Alarming, she is small, defenseless.)

On the board is the word "alarm".

2) Reading the second part

- How does a lion behave when he sees a small creature in his cage?

On the board is the word "care".

Physical education

3) Reading the third part

- Has the dog's anxiety gone? Read (In the evening ... and folded her head.)

- How can you say in one word when someone relies on a friend? (The trust.)

On the blackboard is the word "trust".

-What happened in the relationship between animals, when on the one hand we see care. And on the other hand, trust? (The sign "friendship" is posted on the board).

- Find words that show that the feelings of the lion and the dog have developed into friendship.

4) Reading the fourth part

What happened in part 4? Why did the animals part, what separated them? (Death of the dog)

- What feelings does the lion experience after the death of the dog? (Yearning.)

On the blackboard is the word "longing".

- Did the lion immediately accept the death of the dog?

- What was the behavior of the lion when he realized that the dog had died? Answers. Read the words with which the author conveys this melancholy? (Jumped up, bristled….) -Even animals experience deep, strong feelings, but they manifest themselves in different ways. The lion is a predator. He rips apart another dog in a rage.

- Could a person with a cold heart write this story? (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy has a sensitive heart.)

Let's turn to the epigraph again. "Secrets will be revealed to a sensitive heart."

How do you understand its meaning? (A sensitive heart - responsive, noble, quivering. It can always understand the state of mind of a person)

Now touch each one to your heart. Can you hear him? Can you always notice the pain, joy, sadness of other people?

I am pleased that there are guys with sensitive hearts in our class!

Cover modeling.

Choose the right model. What do these covers have in common? (topic). Name the pieces that fit these covers.

(genre - story (rectangle), theme - about animals (brown))

5. Work in pairs

If a lion and a dog could talk, what kind of dialogue could take place between them at the first meeting? Play out the dialogue.


Come up with your ending to make it joyful.

9. Lesson summary

What does it teach?

Thank you for being very empathetic and able to understand the deep meaning of this story!

10. Reflection

At the end, Entin Yu's song "On the Way of Good" sounds.


1. Textbook of literary reading MI Omorokov. Part 1. Leo Tolstoy's story "The Lion and the Dog"

2. Conversations with the teacher. Fourth grade four-year elementary school
Ed. Zhurova. - M. Venta - Graff, 2002.

3.P. Blonsky The psychology of a younger student. - M .. Voronezh. 1997-178 p.

4.Korotkova L.D. Spiritual and moral education by means of works of art. M., 2007