Master and Margarita read heroes. Images of the main characters of the novel Master and Margarita

The character has a very bright appearance. He has fire-red hair. A. Little growth, chunky. From his mouth, he sticks out ugly fangs, and on the eye - Belmo. This hero is mainly fulfilling the instructions related to physical strength: pulls off the Poplavsky stairs, beats Varenuhu. The same hero speaks Margarita, invites her to visit to the "foreigner" and gives her cream. Under the light of the moon, we see that A.No actually "the demon of anhydrous desert, a demon-killer."

Hippo is one of the girlfriend Voland, which appears in the image of a huge black cat. In the Bible, hippo is given as an example of incomprehensibility of Divine Creation; At the same time, Hippo is one of the traditional names of the demon, the minion of Satan. B. In the Roman Bulgakov comical combines the tendency to philosophizing and "intelligent" habits with bungling and aggressiveness. For the first time, he arises in the scene of the chase of Ivan the homeless wave, and leaves from chase on the tram; Then, before a frightened steppa, Lyarkheyev drinks vodka, biting her pickled mushroom; Together with Azazello beats and abducts Varenuhu. Before session of black magic B. strikes those present, pouring and drinking a glass of water from a decanter; During a session on the orders of the cow-Wa / Fagot, hens the head of the entertainer of George Bengalsky, then departs it to the place; At the end of the session, in the midst of the scandal began, B. orders the Orchestra conductor to "Cut the March". After visiting B. Cabinet, the chairman of the spectacular commission, instead of the chairman himself, only a rustic costume ... Poplavsky, who appeared in the apartment of the late Berlioz, B. reports that he gave a telegram to Kiev, and also checks from that documents. B. Stealing Berlioz's head from the morgue. With the appearance of Margarita in the bedroom of Voland B. plays with a chess owner, and, losing, trying to resort to soulmatic, and also starts to demagogic reasoning. B. gives a signal to the beginning of the ball, and during the reception of guests the left legs of Margarita. He is trying to argue with Margarita as to whether Frida is responsible for Fritetby, who seduced her owner of the cafe. During the Bala B. bathes in the pool with cognac. For dinner after Bala B. treats Margarita with alcohol and drinks himself; At the same time, there are no disadvantages, "competing" with Azazello in the accuracy of the shooting, kills Od and Hella wounds. Annoyed Azazelo declares the cat, that it would be good to drown. " B. Dictates Gella Help for Nikolai Ivanovich and, together with others, there is a master and margarita to the car. Later in Apartment No. 50 meets with a primus in the paws who came from the check player, leads a violent shootout with them, pretending to be killed and "reviving", with the help of primus the apartment is located and hiding. Together with Koroviev, he attends the shop of Torgsin and the Griboedov restaurant, and both visits also end with fires arranged by B. in the scene at the Sparrow Mountains B. gives a whistle like the wind. During the last flight, he takes the true appearance of the "slender young man, demonapaga, a better jester, which ever existed in the world." B. Activity is the reason that after the disappearance of Woland, with a switch across the country, they begin to catch and destroy black cats.

In this hero of Bulgakov created a very peculiar image of Satan. This is not an absolute evil. B. came to Moscow to judge. And it is important to note that no innocent person suffered from him. At the very beginning of the novel, when V. appears on the patriarching ponds, in his hands a cane with a poodle head on the handle. Black poodle - Satan sign.
The appearance of V. is very noteworthy. He has different eyes: "Right with gold spark on the bottom, drilling anyone to the bottom of the soul, and the left is empty and black, it seems like a narrow needle ear ...". Person V. Somewhat beveled to the side, "the right corner of the mouth is drawn down the book," his skin is very dark.
V. Wise, his philosophy is extremely interesting. It can be said that he does not create evil, he creates justice, but its devilish ways. But he also makes good actions. For example, it is V. who helps Margarita again find the master in gratitude for being a queen on his ball. He also frees these heroes from the burden of life in this reality and rewards them. These people do not deserve light, so Yeshua can not pick them up to themselves. And the peace can give and Satan. B. says that darkness and light are inseparable. One cannot exist without the other. These concepts are interrelated. Bulgakov handed over the image of a very wise and charming devil. He should not be afraid of the one who has completely cleaned conscience.

Gella is a member of Sweet Woland, a Vampire woman: "I recommend the servant to my gella. Distribution, dirty and there is no such service that she could not have render. "
The name "Gella" Bulgakov learned from the "Charger" of the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, where it was noted that on Lesbos, they called the untimely dead girls, after the death of the vampires.
Green-eyed beauty Gella is fluent in air, thereby gaining similarity and with a witch. The characteristic features of the behavior of vampires - click the teeth and the combination of Bulgakov, may have borrowed from the story of A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul". There is a vampire girl in a kiss draws his lover in a vampire - from here, obviously, the cat's fatal kiss Gella.
Gella, the only one of the Woland Sweet, is missing in the last flight stage. Most likely, Bulgakov deliberately removed it as the youngest member of the sweet, performing only auxiliary functions and in the theater Varieta, and in a bad apartment, and on the great ball at Satan. Vampires are traditionally the lowest discharge of unclean power. In addition, Gelle is not someone to turn into the last flight - when the night "exposed all the deceptions," she could only become a dead girl again.

This is a creative pseudonym Ivan Ponyrav. I.B. - A character who throughout the novel undergoes evolution. At the beginning of the work we see it a member of the massolist, a young poet, writing a poem on the given themes. In the first chapter b and Berlioz are found on the patriarchal ponds with Woland. In the future, Berlioz dies under the wheels of the tram. B through all the vinitis of a mysterious foreigner and begins chasing the wave and his retinue. In the future, it would be handed over to a psychiatric hospital. So B is punished for giving out for the true creativity thirst for glory and cattle. In the hospital B meets the masters. He tells him his story. B promises no longer writing poems, realizing how harm is pseudo-making. After revising in the hospital, all its moral ideals, B becomes a completely different person. In the future, he will become a big historian scientist.

This is the main hero of the novel written by the master. Under this hero, the biblical Jesus Christ is meant. Yeshua was also devoted to Juda and crucify. But Bulgakov in his work emphasizes the essential difference between his character and Christ. Yeshua is not enveloped by a halo of mysticism. He looks an absolutely ordinary person who can experience fear of physical violence. Yeshua - a wandering philosopher who believes that every person is kind, and will not be in the light in a short time any power except God. Of course, it has a lot of power. He cures a pilaw from headaches. In and focused on the strength of the world, but Bulgakov emphasizes that everything really was not at all as in the Bible. He himself says I. He notes that one day he looked into the parchment of his student Levi Matvey and was horrified. There was not at all what he really spoke. So Bulgakov notes that it is not necessary to unconditionally believe the Bible, as people wrote it. And he died in innocent, did not settle, without betraying his beliefs. For this he was worthy of light.

As in the Bible, I betrayed Yeshua. He passed his authorities for money. And - a handsome young man ready for money for everything. After renting Yeshua to the authorities, Pilate orders the head of the secret service to kill I. in the end and killed. He suffered responsibility for his act.

He is a fagot. Assistant Voland. It has a bright repulsive appearance. "On a small head, the Jockey Cartuzik, the Checkered Krugy Air Jacket ... A citizen is tall in a sage, but in the shoulders of narrow, it is incredible, and physiognomy, I ask to see, mumble." K. Cracked voice, it can often observe a cracked pensne or monocle. This character constantly fulfills the role of the jester. But during the flight under the lunar light, this hero has changed beyond recognition. We see that in fact it is "... a dark purple knight with the gloomy and never smiling face." It becomes known to us that this knight once had a bad joke, and he had to joke more and longer than he expected.

The most loyal student of Yeshua. This is a former submissance collector who renounced everything and went beyond the stray philosopher. LM Everywhere followed Yeshua and records his speech. But Ga-Nochri himself argues that L.M. He writes at all what he says. Allegedly, from now on, that confusion went, which is reflected in the Bible. When Yeshua leads to the execution, L.M. Wants to kill him, thereby having to save from torment. But he does not have time to do this, so L.M. Only shoots the body of Yeshua from the cross and bury him. Pilate offers L.M. Working for a writer, but he refuses, arguing the fact that the procurator, after what he did with Yeshua, will be afraid of him, will not be able to watch L.M. in gas. After the death of L.M. It becomes Messenger Yeshua.

The main heroine of the novel, the beloved masters. For love is ready for anything. She plays a very important role in the novel. With the help of M Bulgakov showed us the perfect image of the genius.
Before the meeting with Master M was married, her husband did not love and was completely unhappy. Representing the master, I realized that I found my destiny. She became his "secret wife." It was M who called the hero of the master by reading his novel. The heroes were happy together until the master published an excerpt from his novel. Purchased critical articles, ridicuing the author, and a strong persecution that began on the masters in literary circles, poisoned them. M swore, that poison offenders of his beloved, especially the criticism of the Latowsky. For a short time, M leaves the master of one, he burns the novel and runs up into a psychiatric hospital. For a long time, M Coriuse himself for leaving her beloved one in the most difficult moment for him. She cries and suffer greatly until Asazello meets. He hints M, which knows where the master is. For this information, it agrees to be a queen on a great ball at Satan. M becomes a witch. Sell \u200b\u200byour soul, she gets a master. At the end of the novel, she, as well as her beloved, deserves peace. Many believe that the writer Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakov served the prototype of this image.

This is a collective image that draws Bulgakov. He satirically conveys us portraits of his contemporaries. It becomes funny and bitterly from images drawn by the author. At the very beginning of the novel, we see Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, Chairman of the Massolite (Union of writers). In fact, this person has nothing to do with real creativity. B. Fully fakes. Under his leadership, the whole mass becomes the same. There are people who know how to adapt to the authorities, not what you want, but what you need. There is no place for the true Creator, so critics begin to persecute the masters. Moscow 20s - this is also a variety, which is managed by a lover of carnal entertainment Stepa Lyarkaev. He was punished by Woland, as well as his subordinate Roman and Varenuha, lie and lizoblyud. Punished for bribery and chairman of the Bosoy Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoya. In general, Moscow 20s are distinguished by a lot of unpleasant qualities. It is a thirst for money, the desire of light profit, the satisfaction of their carnal needs for the detriment of spiritual, lies, subdivision before the bosses. Woland and his retinue were not for nothing that was in this city and at this time. Immediately they punish severe, not very dead morally give a chance to correct.

This is really a historical person. In the Bible, this particular person condemned Christ for crucifixion. The work is the main character of the novel written by the master. Through the image, the author reveals the problem of conscience in the novel, the problem of the cowardice and the need for every person, regardless of the post and title, be responsible for their mistakes. Talking at the interrogation with Yeshua, P understands that he is innocent. He even pulls to this man, he would like to discuss a lot with him. And he makes weak attempts to save Yeshua, offering that to lie. But Yeshua feels what is innocent, and is not going to say a lie. Then P is trying to save Yeshua in a conversation with the High Priest Caifa. P says that in honor of the Easter holiday, one of the prisoners should be saved, and he wishes to release Yeshua Ga-Nozri. CaIFA against. Stopping, afraid to lose his place, P sentences Yeshua to the death penalty. Thus, P sentences himself to eternal suffering. Only many centuries later, the master frees his hero from the torment and gives him freedom. Finally, the dream P is performed: he rises with his faithful Bang's dog up the lunar beam. Next to him is a stray philosopher Yeshua, and they have an interesting endless conversation ahead.

Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" Mystical history of love, causing genuine interest in the fate of the main characters. The image and characteristic of Margarita in the novel "Master and Margarita" plays a significant role in the work. For the name Margarita, the topic of real love, freedom, loyalty is connected.

The full name of the main heroine of Roman - Margarita Nikolaevna. Surname is unknown.


Bulgakov appeared to Margarita in detail. He tried to attract attention not to the external beauty of a woman, but to the inner state of the soul. By emphasizing votes, movements, manners, laugh, can assume that she is a beautiful woman.

"She was beautiful and smart ..."

One eye Margarita slightly mowed, which gave her a devilish highlight.

"Kosy on one eye witch ..."

Easy curling on a short haircut. Snow-white smile. Perfect manicure with sharp on the ends of the nails. The eyebrows, like a string, vychpanas professionally and quite suit her face.

Dressed in Margarita stylish, not defiant. Elegant and well-groomed. She attracted attention undoubtedly, but not appearance, and sadness and hopeless longing in the eyes.


Young girl, aged 19, Margarita jumped married to a wealthy man. Ten years in marriage. Childless

"The childless thirty-year-old Margarita."

With her husband, a woman was lucky. He is ready to carry his beloved on his hands, perform all the whims, to predict desires. Young, beautiful, kind and honest. About such a husband dreams any. Even keeping the household he shifted on the shoulders hired a housekeeper. Stability, wealth, but despite this margarita is unhappy and alone. "

She was happy? Not one minute! .. "

Character. Personality Margarita

Margarita is smart, formed. Woland (Satan) immediately appreciated its intelligence.

She is determined. Her acts have repeatedly indicated that. Inner alarm, intuition, Margarita unmistakably defined what kind of man in front of her. Unclear, merciful. She always helped someone who needed help. Does not throw words to the wind. Proud and independent. From bad habits, you can allocate smoking. She smoked often, and could not overcome this fellow habit.

Meeting with a master

Their meeting was random. She walked down the street with a bouquet of yellow flowers thoughtful and lonely. He, obeying some secret sign, went next. She spoke first. As the master said, it was love at first sight.

"Love jumped between us, how from under the earth pops up the killer ... and struck us at once both ..."

Margarita was first truly happy. She loved, and it was so new to her. For the sake of him, the woman was ready for everything. To tolerate adversity, share joys and sorrows, to endure the deprivation that fell into their share.

She sold the soul for his beloved. She was able to forgive when he disappeared. It remained correct to the last. He was all for her. Life without him Margarita did not imagine.

Meeting with Woland.

For half a year she did not know anything about the master. He looked like in the water. Only Woland could help return his beloved. To do this, she had to conclude a deal with him.

She must act as Queen Bala in Satan. Margarita had to become a witch. Satan was pleased with the new queen and in return promised to fulfill any desire. She dreamed of seeing the wizard to return to her place. Basement, novel, he and she.

Eternal happiness

They stayed together forever. Not in this world, in another, having deserved the eternal peace for love and loyalty to each other.

Roman Mikhail Bulgakov is a truly amazing and ingenious work of his time. For many years it did not go into the world due to its acute sociality. Many characters "Master and Margarita" are written off from real people, prominent figures of the Soviet Union and the close circle of the writer himself, because of which he was constantly on the verge of arrest. Most of the heroes of Bulgakov entered him hated by him.

History of the creation of the novel

The exact date of work on the novel is unknown. In some drafts of Bulgakov, 1928 was indicated, in others - 1929. It is absolutely known that in March 1930 the writer has burned the first edition of the work. This happened due to the ban of the play "Kabala Svyatosh".

Now the existing title of the novel appeared only in 1937, before that, Bulgakov called his work "Fantastic Romance" (second edition) and "Prince Darkness" (third edition).

The novel was fully written at the beginning of the summer of 1938, but Mikhail Bulgakov entered him editing to death. In total, work on the main work in life was carried out more than ten years.

Unfortunately, the writer never managed to see his work published. The first publication of the novel took place in 1966 in one of the literary magazines. The work was securely trimmed, but thanks to the wife of Bulgakov, the creation of the "master and margarita" still became world famous. The Roman-testament of the Great Writer gained immortality.

Master characters "Masters and Margarita"

The writer himself after the destruction of the first edition of the book pointed out that he was burned about the devil. Woland, in fact, is the main driving force of the work. He is no doubt an important character.

Along with Satan, the main heroes of the novel is a master and margarita, despite the fact that they appear far from the very beginning of the book. The master appears only in the 12th chapter, Margarita and then next - in the nineteenth.

There are many hypotheses in the philological world regarding who is a leading character. Based on the name of the work and positioning in the Book of the Voland's image, we allocate only three major figures.


For the first time, the reader meets Woland at the very beginning of the book. And immediately his image creates an ambiguous impression. The features of his character, which can be derived, based on its actions, are completely coincided with external features. By itself, he is a dual figure, hence the eyes of different colors, and eyebrows of different heights. Cynical and cunning, it is at the same time generous and noble.

It is not surprising that Berlioz and Ivan, the first to see Professor Voland, were confused and confused in their contradictory feelings. Stories that this strange citizen tells do not find rational explanations for the listeners.

But wave arrived in Moscow at all in order to keep a story. He has a completely definite goal that the devilish retinue helps him. They arrange a real chaos in the capital. The theater "Variety" became a place for sessions of black magic. The ladies were promised new dresses, as a result, they ran from there in one underwear. Indecent wealth falling from the ceiling, then turned into priceless pieces.

The purpose of arrival at sinful land was punished for non-compliance with the biblical commandments. In general, this is probably the first image of the devil in the literature, striving for the balancing of good and evil, light and darkness.

Other characters Messir talked about what came to Moscow to explore the recently found manuscripts, to carry out a session of black magic and ball.

It is on the Ball of Woland opens his true face. Before the reader appears Satan himself. When picking up your girlfriend, he hides in the afterlime world the next day.

The origin of Voland is not clear immediately. The poet Homeless wonders, not a foreigner if his new acquaintance, since everything in Professor gives an ingeness: the image, manner of talking, its actions.

Mikhail Bulgakov borrowed the name of the main character from the poem "Faust" Goethe. Woland, or Fland - one of the names of the devil. Many researchers agree that the leader of the peoples itself was the prototype of Satan, in which Tiraran and Dobryak began to get along the same way as in Voland.

The retinue of the prince of Darkness calls him not otherwise, as "Messir" and "Mr.", so the name of Woland reader will not immediately.


Master - a graduate historian who has always dreamed of writing writing activities. After winning the lottery, he had such an opportunity. He became the creator of the novel about Pontius Pilat and Yeshua, in his own way of meaningful evangelical events, but it reached almost to madness after his work was criticized in fluff and dust.

The name of the hero is not mentioned in the book Bulgakov. The nickname "Master" gave him Margarita, his beloved. However, he was embarrassing from such an appeal. He always avoided situations when it was necessary to call himself. He declares the poet that he has no name and surname at all.

The external features of the character are absent. Obviously, it is attractive, but longing in the eyes erases all the external gloss. He is about forty years old, he is a dark-haired and always smoothly shake, even in the hospital.

The reader will also be understood by the fact that the master is written off from Bulgakov himself, and the relationship with Margarita is very similar to his life with the third wife of Elena Sergeyevna. The master, as well as Mikhail Bulgakov, burns his novel, and Margarita, like Elena Shilovskaya, saves his remnants.

The age of two creators and their relationship with literary critics also coincides, because Bulgakov himself more than once subjected to ridiculous and persecutions for their works.

In the novel, it is precisely not described how the master gets into a psychiatric hospital. Some literary critics believe that it is the launch of the last editorial office of the novel, others insist that the writer thus refreshed to the repression of the 30s, when a person could disappear irretrievably.


Margarita Nikolaevna - Master's girlfriend, separated with his beloved. She happily agrees to the proposal of Voland to become a queen on the ball, as he promised to fulfill her desire. Margarita passionately dreamed to reunite with the master, which eventually happened thanks to Satan.

The reader does not know until the middle of the novel, the master hides his beloved.

Margarita is a collective image, which has absorbed a lot from Gretchen and Writer's wife Elena Shilovskaya. In particular, the described meeting of the Master and Margarita is an exact copy of Bulgakov's dating with his wife.

Some researchers see in Margarita the features of French Korolev (Margarita de Valua and Margo Navarre), and in the text itself there is a reference to their similarity (phrase of Koroviev about the kinship of the heroine with the French royal yard).

Margarita is depicted in the novel by a beautiful, but bored wife of a secured person who acquires the meaning of life after meeting with the master.

N. A. Bulgakov made his main heroine symbol of love and sacrifice, muse and support of the writer, ready to give his life for the sake of his beloved.

Demonic characters

Woland and his retinue often do not themselves are the driving force of all the riots taking place in Moscow. Sometimes they are simply observers. Head Satan in the city is only five. Everyone has their own mission, their task.

Koroviev-Fagot performs the role of conductor and interprener, he is equivalent to his lord's right hand. Its name consists of two parts. Koroviev - a derivative of the name of the hero of the story "Stepanchino village and its inhabitants." Bulgakovsky Koroviev has a dozen feature of Korovkina, invented by Dostoevsky. Second part of the name - by the name of the musical instrument. Here the writer was guided by the external data of the hero, as, as well as Bulgot, the Bulgakov demon, Hud, is high and may rise three times to fulfill the instruction of Mr.

Koroviev-Fagot seems to be the characteristics of the book by the translator, then the regent, then a skillful fraudster. The true name of his subject, the demon and the trait, it opens far away. But the attentive reader will pay attention to how the hero appears in the narration. He literally arises from the red-hot Moscow air (according to legends, the terrible heat is a harbinger of the arrival of evil forces).

Hippopot cat is a hero who can try on any appearance. This character, symbolizing the breakdown and gluttony, is at the same time a favorite entertainment of Voland, his jerk.

Bulgakov this character was introduced exclusively for satirical and humorous notch, woven into the complex philosophical and moral meaning of the novel. This is also told by all the actions that Hippo Cat (shootout with detectives, a chess party with a messier, a shooting competition with Azazello).

Gella is a character that can perform any order. A vampire woman is an indispensable servant of Voland. In the novel, it is depicted with a green-eyed girl with long red hair, which fluently moves through the air. This gives it a special similarity with a witch. Presenting your servant Margarita, Woland indicates its ramistiness, helpfulness and understanding.

It is assumed that many vampire features of Gella, Bulgakov spied in the story of "Ghoul" A. Tolstoy. From there, smoking and clicking with teeth, a devilish kiss, because of which Varenuha stopped throwing out the shadow and became a vampire. Gella is a character who is the only one of the whole Sweets of Voland did not participate in the last flight scene.

Azazelo acts as a link, recruiter for black affairs Messira. A completely unattractive character, low growth, with reddish, protruding in different directions, disrupted fanging hair. The image of lacquered shoes, a bowler on the head and a striped costume Azazello. And Margarita, who first saw him, calls the hero of robbing herring.

Abaddon exists somewhere in the background and differs from the rest of his spray attitude to both the world of evil and the world of good.

Biblical characters

The biblical part of the novel "Master and Margarita" was written by Bulgakov on the basis of the Gospel of Matthew, however, he uses Aramaic names, which considers historically accurate (Yeshua instead of Jesus).

Biblical history is divided into the writer's novel into three parts. The first tells Woland on the second dream of the poet homeless, the third reads Margarita. In biblical chapters there are many references to the Soviet system of power and management.

Characters "Masters and Margarita" - Afranny (Head of the Secret Police of Pilate), Judas (a resident of Yerschlaima, who betrayed Yeshua), Joseph Caifa (a priest who sent Yeshua to execution), Levi Matvey (Student Ishua, who took him from the cross), and Yeshua, as well as several more heroes.

Pontius Pilate

The Jews Procurator is designed to define the fate of Yeshua Ga-Nochri, doomed to the execution. Hard and domineering man, he is being resolved for interrogation of the accused. During this dialogue, the pondi of Pilate was completely fascinated by Yeshua, but despite the miracles shown by him (Ga-Nozri cured the migraine of the procurator), the death penalty was confirmed.

Because of his sympathy for Yeshua, Pilate is solved on revenge. He orders to kill the man who substituted Ga-Nozri under Sanhedrin's blow.

Pontius Pilate and Yeshua penetrated each other in the inexplicable feelings, because of which the first suffered the rest of his life. He understood that he had signed his own sentence to the present miracle. Therefore, his whole physical and unconscious life was imprisoned, which he himself created for himself. During the last flight of Satan, Woland asked her opponent to give Pilate the freedom that he did.

Yeshua Ga-Nochri

Biblical history in the novel is different from the Gospel in many aspects that Bulgakov did not take into account. Yeshua is depicted by an ordinary person who has the gift of Empath, whom the crowds of fanatics and followers are pursued. Actually because of their incorrect interpretation of the sermons of Yeshua, the latter and turned out to be on the verge of death. Yeshua tells the Pontium of Pilate about one particularly intrusive persecutor, which I overpowering his words. His name Levi Matvey. Master and Margarita eventually received the long-awaited peace thanks to him.

Most literary criticism characterize Yeshua as Voland Antipode. However, there is another, more advanced version. Jesus is not a prototype of Yeshua. The Hero of Bulgakov is the embodiment of the hyseridism, the mask, which was put on the spirit with different kinds. Perhaps this version was born due to the religious preferences of the writer. He was not a tary atheist, but did not adhere to church orders.

Yeshua differs from the evangelical Jesus details of birth and life, as well as the worldview. It positions himself as a philosopher, although in the novel specifically it is not specifically indicated. Yeshua argues that all Jesus in the Gospel says that good and evil exist together in the heart of the human.

Moscow characters

The characters of the "Master and Margarita" are mostly written off from real people, and in some cases they are sharp parodies on them. For example, Archibald Archibaldovich's prototype was Yakov Rosenthal, the Herzen House Restaurant Manager (in the novel appears the restaurant of Griboyedov's house).

In the novel, the reader sees a parody of the director Mkhat Nemirovich-Danchenko in the face of Bengalsky, whose fate is the personification of the Writer's hatred to the cynical political "enhanced" (he was beheaded).

Some heroes writer did not even bother to change the names. For example, in Annushka you can find out the neighbor of Bulgakov, and Dr. Kuzmin actually was his doctor.

Also, Bulgakov uses talking surnames (Lyarkheev, Boguhulsky, Bosoya), which acts as a direct characteristics of the characters. "Master and Margarita" is not the first novel writer in which he uses prototypes. For example, in the "White Guard" he sketched the image of the Nikoli turbine from his native brother.

Mikhail Bulgakov is an amazing writer who is able to take a beautiful story of love, the topic of freedom, to answer the exciting philosophical questions and subtly, literally alone hints, draw satirical scenes, whose heroes have become intolerable to him.

The cult novel Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is a trickle of a set of plot lines, at first it seems to be unrelated. As the story, everything falls into its place and the full picture of the idea that the author conceived is revealed before the attentive reader. One of the most important storylines is the relationship of the master and its main inspirational, muses, and even in something margarita.

An interesting fact: the master is largely written off the writer from himself, and magnificent Margarita has many features of the Third Wife Bulgakov - Elena Shilovskaya. In addition, the Roman has a mention that Margarita is royal blood and is associated with the Queen Margo, which in every way supported poets and writers. Love Margarita to her master animates a novel and shows the strength of true feelings, which are not terrible, neither separation, nor death itself.

Characteristic of heroine

Margarita Nikolaevna is an outstanding personality. Any other in her place would be happy, living with her husband, not knowing any trouble. However, having all this, the heroine did not turn into a capricious non-wellhead. Her heart was eager for true love, and the soul was full of unearned feelings, which were reflected in the eyes. It is just that Margarita Master is found. It was their meetings that turned her life, and the bonfire of love caught fire in the soul of a woman. Do not do at home by any affairs, in the dwelling of the master, she immediately begins to cook dinner and make order, as if she did it all his life.

Margarita sees the talent of his beloved, supports him in everything, reread all written on them and lives every line. Therefore, it was so inhist. She was in his revenge criticism of the Latunsky, who defeated the Master's novel about Pattia Pilate.

In general, Margarita is a decisive woman and fearless. Not every will agree to head the ball at Satan himself. Or throw a verified, financially prosperous husband for the sake of unrealized yet talent. In addition, it has a sense of humor, not alien to her generosity and compassion.

Margarita went against all (even against the laws of gravity, becoming a witch and getting the opportunity to fly) for the sake of love for the only man. Would wave gives it with drift abilities, and the author thereby displays Margarita beyond the simple woman: it becomes a kind of symbol of creative freedom, which is not afraid of any criticism and is able to fight with the lysoblyness of the Latvian and others.

Image in the work

(Portrait of a margarita image. Illustration of Viktor Georgievich Efimenko)

Such an amazing woman like margarita should stand out from the crowd. And Bulgakov describes her appearance, to dress the manner, not forgetting to add a highlight. A 30-year-old beautiful woman bright appearance appears in front of the reader: a dark-haired, white-affair, with a short furious hair, followed by a hairdresser, graceful hands with a manicure, eyebrows, pinched into a trendy then thread. One eye mows, but it only adds a charm and a light damper in the image of Margarita. For more than 10 years, it has been married to a wealthy man, young, beautiful, kind and adorable to his wife. However, the life of Margarita Nikolaevna was empty and unhappy, they had no children with her husband.

Margarita has a low voice, apparently because of the addiction to the Papiros. In addition to the beauty and ability to dress well, she is charming and charismatic, insightful and clever. It would seem that the Whiteman left the housekeeper in her husband's house, it turns into a real mistress near his beloved master, sews him the famous black hat, where the letter M "M" is embroidered.

(Margarita in front of the mirror. Illustration of Viktor Georgievich Efimenko)

Margarita agrees to a deal with Woland, hitting this character by the fact that he does not want anything from him instead. Not an angel by nature - she is not alien to her feeling of revenge, married treason, the rebellious spirit - this woman is nevertheless strikingly harmonious. Its image is complicated and ambiguous, and acts cannot be measured only in white or black colors.

The image of Margarita in the novel "Master and Margarita" is the embodiment of real and all-consuming love. Bulgakov shows how strong the woman is ready for everything for the sake of his beloved man, for the sake of truth and justice. Withstand heavy tests, you can achieve your happiness, the main thing is to believe in love and put it above any prejudice.

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Images of the heroes of the novel "Master and Margarita"

The age of the master is about 38 years old: "... a person is about thirty eight ..."

The name and surname of the master in the novel are not specified: "... I am a master ..." "... I have no more surname, - a strange guest answered with gloomy contempt, - I refused her, as in general from everything in Life ... "" ... The one who called himself the master worked ... "" ... Let's leave, I repeat, my last name, there is no more ... "

The master is the nickname of the hero. Why wizards name is the master? Margarita calls him a master for his writer talent: "... Why does Margarita call you a master? - asked Woland.<...> - This is a fortunate weakness. She is too high of opinion about the novel that I wrote ... "" ... She fucked glory, she caught him and here? Then began to call the master ... "

Description of the appearance of the master: "... From the balcony, carefully looked into the room shaved, dark-haired, with a sharp nose, alarmed eyes and with a hanging on the forehead of the face of the hair of a person about thirty-eight ..." "... felling black hat with embroidered on It is a yellow silk letter "M" .. "" ... a sad black hat with a yellow letter "M" .. "" ... An unshaven face was twitching with a grimace, he was crazy? "Gugly mowed on the lights of the candles ...". .. send threads in the head and eternal fold of the lips ... "" ... What is wrong with the patient, not that is not sick, but a strange, pale, who has brought a beard, in a black hat and in what? then the coat went down down Street steps ... "(a robe from the clinic)" ... He was chick for the first time, counting from that autumn night ... "


The full name of the heroine is Margarita Nikolaevna. Margarita's surname not listed in the novel: "... his beloved was called Margarito Nikolaevna ..." The age of Margarita is 30 years old: "... a childless thirty year old Margarita ..."

Margarita is a beautiful woman: "... I was struck by not so much her beauty ..." "... She was beautiful and smart ..." "... attracted her beauty and loneliness ..." "... Beautiful ... "

Description of the appearance of Margarita: "... on the black spring coat ..." "... His hand in the black glove with a fool ..." "... Shoes with black suede linings? Bows, pulled steel buckles ... "" ... the developed strand, her and its complete determination of the eye ... "" ... short curled hair ... "" ... hairdresser ... "" ... Black handbag lay next to her On the bench ... "" ... biting the meat with white teeth, Margarita ... "" ... thin with sharp nails fingers ... "" ... plucked around the edges in a thread of tweezers eyebrows ... "

Margarita is a married woman. She is married for more than 10 years: "... Since nineteen years old, she got married and got into the mansion, she did not know happiness ..."

Margarita has no children: "... a childless thirty year old Margarita ..." "One aunt was in the world. And she had no children ..."

Woland is the devil, the embodiment of the unclean strength. Voland's novel is also called the spirit of evil, the prince of darkness, etc.: "... Yesterday, on the patriarchal ponds, you met with Satan ..." "... Hold them! In our house there are unclean power! .." " ... I am to you, the Spirit of evil and the Lord of Shadows ... "" ... The Messenger of the Devil is sitting in front of me ... "(Azazelo - The Messenger of the Devil-Woland)" ... who flew the prince of darkness ... "

Voland's age - for 40 years. But these are conditional numbers. The real age of dark forces is calculated by thousands of years: "... years of forty with superfluous ..." "... a witch, with which I got close to the thousand five hundred seventy-first year ..." (wave existed in 1571, and before )

Description of the exterior of Woland: "... I didn't touch any leg, and the growth was not small and not huge, but just high. As for the teeth, on the left side he had platinum crowns, and with the right - golden .. . "" ... Woland's face was bevelled to the side, the right corner of the mouth is drawn down by the book, deeply parallel wrinkles brings were cut on the high bald forehead. The skin on the face of Voland as if forever burned the tan ... "" ... Putting Acute chin on a fist ... "

Sweet Valala

1. Koroviev - Assistant Woland. He consists in his retinue: "... answered the assistant magician ..." "... magician, regent, magician, translator or hell knows who in fact - in a word, koroviev ..." "... I, Liberate whether to see the translator with a person of a foreigner having a residence in this apartment ... "Corovyev's nickname - Fagot. The name of Koroviev is not indicated in the novel. Koroviev's appearance: "... on a small head Jockey Cartuzik, Checkered Krugy Air Jacket ... A citizen has grown in a sage, but in the shoulders of narrow, it is incredible, and physiognomy, I ask to see, mumble ..." "... ampsy He has, like chicken feathers, small eyes, ironic and semi-mans, and the troughs are checkered, tightened so much that dirty white socks are visible ... "" ... removed the jockey of his cardus ... "" ... Mustache? Pits. .. "" ... Singing an unknown, skinny and long citizen in the checkered jacket, in the jockey hat and in Pensne ... "" ... Tyachy's finger in his housing neck ... "" ... Drowing<...> noded fingers ... "" ... in cellular trouser, in a cracked pensne and ... the face is absolutely impossible! .. "Cowers of very high growth - about 2 meters.

2. Behemoth Cat - Assistant Woland. He consists in his retinue: "... I recommend you, Donna, my retinue. This brewing fool is a hippopot cat ..." Hippidness cat does everything with his partner - Koroviev: "... agreed with his inseparable companion Koroviev. .. "" ... a long citizen in a checkered costume and with him a black big cat ... "" ... it's inseparable couple, cowhives and hippopotamus ... "The appearance of a hippo:" ... cat, huge, like Borov, black, like soot or rhk, and with desperate cavalry mustes ... "" ... and cat black, fat ... "" ... Terrible sizes black cat ... "" ... Soft jumps were heard heavy cat ... "" ... extended a plump paw ... "" ... your sharp ears ... "" ... Hippopotamus, encouraging his round head through the hole in the lattice ... "Hippo - a huge cat size.

3. Azazelo is one of the helpers of Woland. It consists in a Woland: "... And meanwhile, I sent to you in the case ..." The appearance of Azazello has its own distinctive features: small growth, wide, "athletic" shoulders, red hair, bowler on the head, Belmo on the left The eye, eye curve, fang in the mouth, chromota. Description of the appearance of Azazello: "... little growth, flames? Redhead, with a fang, in starch linen, in a striped darling suit, in lacquered shoes and with a bowler on the head. The tie was bright ..." "... small but An unusually broad-sided, in the bowler on the head and with a sticking out of mouth, the loosely unprecedentedly vague physiognomy. And at the same time, it's still fire? Red ... "" ... a small, lurking, covered with black trico, with a knife stuck behind Leather belt, red, with yellow fang, with lodge on the left eye ... "" ... small, but with athletic shoulders, redhead, like fire, one eye with a lover, mouth with a fang ... "" ... With his fang, a knife and curved eye, accounted for an economist only to the shoulder ... "" ... small, redhead, with a knife behind the belt, on a long steel sword frying pieces of meat ... "" ... solid, like a buse's handrails and as cold fingers ... "" ... Azazello put his hand with claws to the stove ... "" ... Little Growth Harrant Alien with Curved Eye ... "

4. Gella is the helper of Voland and the only woman in his retinue: "... I recommend you, Donna, my retin<...> I recommend the servant to my gella ... "Gella is a beautiful girl:" ... Beauty Gella smiled, turning his eyes to Margarita ... "Hella red hair:" ... Her hair rose on end ... " Description of the appearance of GELL: "... Absolutely nagging the girl - redhead, with burning phosphoric eyes ..." "... The young eyes were shining eyes ..." "... He felt the palms of these even colder What they are cold with ice cold ... "" ... Little headed head in the window ... "" ... the addition of the girl was distinguished by impeccable, and the only defect of her appearance could be considered a crimson scar on the neck ... "" .. . The girl in the evening black toilet, a good maiden, who did not spoil her fancy scar on the neck ... "" ... nails began to scratch the lower cutlets ... "

Ivan homeless

master Margarita Woland Azazello

The real name of the hero - Ivan Nikolayevich Ponyrev. "Homeless" is a poet's pseudonym: "... Poet Ivan Nikolayevich Ponyrev, writing under the pseudonym homeless ..." Ivan Homeless - a famous poet. His photo and poems are printed on the first page of the "Literary Newspaper"

The age of Ivan Homeless - 23 years old: "... I'm twenty-three years old," Ivan spoke excitedly ... "

The appearance of Ivan the homeless: "... Pleshy, reddish, a vortioned young man in a broken on the back of a checkered cap - was in a cowboy, chewed white pants and in black slippers ..." "... settling his brisk green eyes on him .. . "" ... reddish, green-eyed ... "

Pontius Pilate

Pontius Pilat is the procurator of the Judea, the governor of the Roman emperor in Judea: "... the fifth prosecutor of Judea Pontius Pilate ..." "... that in the person of which Roman power says? .." "... The Roman Procurator will release a person. .. "

Pattonechny Pilate's appearance: "... In a white raincoat with a bloody approach, scaring a cavalry gait ..." "... In the White Cloak with a bloody approach, Irodova's colonnade Palace ..." "... White Cloak with Crimp Down It originated in height ... "" ... The procurator unzipped and dropped the raincoat, removed the shoe with a wide steel knife in the sheath, put it in the chair at the bed, took off the sandals .. "" ... became bare feet to nasty sandals. .. "" ... Pilate grinned one cheek, squeezing yellow teeth ... "" ... on his british face ... "" ... on the yellowish cheeks of Pilate ... "" ... Pilate poured The hood on his slightly balding head ... "" ... rushed the buckle with the gate of the raincoat, and she fell on the sand ... "" ... I noticed the procurator, and a thin, long finger with a black stone of Parsty rose up ... "" ... a fixed in the chair a man, shaved, with a dragged yellow face, a man in a white mantle with a red picking ... "

Yeshua carries a nickname Ga-Nochri: "... - there is a nickname? - ha? Noesri ..." Yeshua - Stray philosopher. U no permanent dwelling. He travels around the cities with his preaching: "... next to him was a wandering philosopher ..." "... sent to the death of a philosopher with his peaceful preaching! .." "... I do not have a permanent housing, - shy Arstanta answered, - I travel from the city to the city ... "" ... In short, in a word - tramp ... "Age Yeshua - about 27 years (Jesus Christ was 33 years old when he was executed):" ... Human years of twenty seven ... "Description of the appearance of Yeshua:" ... This man was dressed in an old and torn Blue Hiton. He was covered with a white bandage with a strap around his forehead, and his hands are tied behind. Under the left eye Big bruise, in the corner of the mouth - an abrasion with bored blood ... "" ... Head in a broken chalme ... "" ... a young man in a torn chiton and with an disfigured face ... "" ... Arrest disfigured wicking face, .. "" ... rubbing my hand and swollen brush hand ... "

Levi Matvey

Age LEVIA Matthew - about 40 years: "... who came, years old ..." Appearance of Levi Matthew: "... Sitting on the stone, this black-born, with the person fed from the sun and insomnia. He sighed , revealing your annealed in wicked, from the blue turned into dirty? Gray Tallifer ... "(* Tallifa - Cape, Cloak)" ... scratching with a dark chest ... "" ... dropped Cherefi from the head, clung to His liquid hair and began to curse himself ... "" ... He soles himself with herselfed, soaked with water Tallifa, stayed in one shirt and risen to the legs of Yeshua ... "" An unknown small and skinny man entered the balcony ... "" ... who came the man, for forty years, was black, she was cut, covered with dried mud, looked at the way? Wolf, improving. In a word, he was very unlawed and most likely looked like a city beggar ... "". ..Thly, naked, dirty neck I was waiting for him and again opal ... "" ... From the wall it was cut off, sawed in clay a gloomy man in Hiton, in homemade sandals, black yy ... "" ... with a torn-bored Leviem Matvey ... "" ... walk in the beggar clothes without refinery ... "

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