Antoine de Saint-Exupery: biography, photos and interesting facts. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, a brief biography than amazing biography Saint Exupery

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery is a famous French writer, poet and professional pilot, essist. Read the biography of Antoine Exupery.

The writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in the city of Lyon, in France, in the noble family (graph). Lost his father was very early - at the age of four. That is why all the upbringing fell on the shoulders of the mother. In Le Mana, Exupery graduated from the school of Jesuits, and then continued his studies in a Catholic board in Switzerland. In 1917, Antoine entered the school of graceful arts, in Paris, at the Faculty of Architecture.

In 1921 he was called up to the army, and he was sent to the courses of pilots - this year became swivel in the biography of Antoine Exupery. Literally a year later, Exupery received a pilot certificate and decided to go to live in Paris - there he began to create. But, unfortunately, at first Antooman did not achieve major success in writing activities, and he had to earn a day in a different way - he sold cars, traded in the book shop. And only in 1925, Aeropostal suggested Exupery to become a full-time pilot to deliver postal transfer to Africa. In 1927, two years later, he received the appointment of the head of the Cap-jubi airport on the very edge of the Sahara, and it was at that moment Antoine would eventually felt and tested that later it was reflected in the literary biography of Antoine Exupery.

In 1929, Exupery became the head of the airline's department, where he worked, in Buenos Aires, and in 1931 he returned to Europe, where he again flew on the postal lines was also a tester pilcher, and from the mid-1930s. He also acted as a journalist, in particular, in 1935 visited the correspondent in Moscow and described this visit in five interesting essays. Also as a correspondent, he went to war in Spain. At the beginning of World War II, St. Exupery made several combat departures and was presented to the "Military Cross" award (FR. Croix de Guerre). In June 1941, he moved to the sister into the zone neocked by the fascists, and later moved to the United States. He lived in New York, where among other things he wrote his most famous book "Little Prince" (1942, publ. 1943). In 1943, he returned to France's Air Force and participated in the campaign in North Africa.

On July 31, 1944, he set off from the Borgo airfield on the island of Corsica to the intelligence flight - and did not return. For a long time in the biography of Antoine Exupery about his death, nothing is known. And only in 1998 in the sea near Marseille, one fisherman discovered a bracelet. It had several inscriptions: "Antoine", "Consuelo" (so called the pilot's wife) and "C / O Reynal & Hitchcock, 386, 4th Ave. NYC USA. It was the address of the publisher in which St. Exupery books were published. In May 2000, Luke Varlel diving showed that the 70-meter depth discovered the fragments of the aircraft, possibly belonging to Saint Exupii. The remains of the aircraft were scattered on a strip of a kilometer long and a width of 400 meters. Almost immediately the French government banned any search in this area. Permission was obtained only in the fall of 2003. Experts raised fragments of the aircraft. One of them turned out to be part of the pilot cabin, the serial number of the aircraft was preserved: 2734-L. According to American military archives, scientists compared all aircraft rooms that have disappeared during this period. Thus, it turned out that the onboard serial number 2734-L corresponds to the aircraft that the US Air Force was set at number 42-68223, that is, the Laymiding Lajid P-38 aircraft, the F-4 modification (Far Photo exploration aircraft), which was ruled by Exupery.

In the magazines of the German Air Force, there are no records of those or other aircraft in the terrain on July 31, 1944, and there are no obvious traces of the shelling on the fragments of the aircraft. This caused many guesses and hypotheses about the crash of the Exupery aircraft, including the version of technical problems and even a pilot suicide. In 2008, the press wrote that the German veteran of Luftwaffe, 88-year-old Horst Rippert, said that it was he who hit Antoine Saint-Exupery plane. According to him, Horst did not know who was behind the helm of the opponent's aircraft: "I didn't see the pilot, only later I learned that it was Saint Exupery." These data were obtained on the same days from the Radioerekhovat of the negotiations of French airfields, which carried out German troops.

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Antoine de Saint-Exupery connected in the life and work of the professional pilot flight with the flight of the writer's fantasy, reflecting the artistic narration about the most ordinary romantics of the sky in his books. Humanist and philosopher, he argued that "Fly and write is the same".

Saint-Exupery was a personality talented and versatile. Sleeping of impoverished graphic race, Antoine Exupery was born at the very beginning of the last century - 29. 06. 1900 in French Lyon. From 8 to 14 years old he studied at Jesuit College, and continued his education in the Catholic Guest House of Switzerland, where he received a diploma of the architecture of the Academy of Fine Sciences.

At the age of 21, St. Exupery called on the army, sending to Strasbourg, to the location of the Fighter Aviation Regiment. There began his fleece career: at first Antoine worked with a mechanic in the repair shop, later passed the exam on a civil pilot. The pilot began in October 1922 in the air gun under Paris. But after a couple of months, Exupery got into the first aircraft crash, literally interrupting his flight for several years. During this period, the career of an exupier-writer begins.

Since 1925, Saint Exupery's flight activity continues. It flies on the postal aircraft in North Africa, after 2 years becomes the head of the airport. At this time, the first story "Letchik" is also published. In 1930, for active activity related to the aeronautics, the highest award of France is the Order of the Honorary Legion. The next year, his story "Night Flight" was awarded the Femina Prize.

In the period 1935 - 39 g. The writer actively works in journalism, which describes the events of civil war confrontation in Spain, and by visiting the Soviet Union - the Stalinist policy of the USSR. In 1939, Exupery was awarded a premium on literature from the French Academy for the Planet of People, receives the US book award for the collection "Wind, Sand and Stars", awarded the war cross of the French Republic.

World War II - a new and main stage in the life of Exupery. From the occupied France emigrates to the United States, goes to the front with a military pillar. In 1943, serves in North Africa, where he creates the philosophical parable "Little Prince" - a creative apogee writer. After going to the intelligence flight on the last day of July 44th, the plane of Exupery was crashed and disappeared without a trace. The latter, unfinished work of the writer, was the collection "Citadel". Experts made it from many passages created by Exupery.

Creativity A. Exupery Biographically, all its works are in different degrees associated with pilots, airplanes, heaven. But main topic Any narration - philosophy, human problems, personality, life and death. Exupery tried to comprehend, understand and transfer the vision of the problem of the "man in the life path" to readers.

Many call the "Little Prince" fairy tale. Indeed, in the allegorical form, the main human laws are filed: "We are responsible for those who have tamed" (i.e., compassion, support, sympathy, help), people - "Lords themselves" (i.e., must urge How he does what result will bring such an act). Thoughts of man find an expression in his actions.

And since the same people do not exist, the thoughts of them, and the actions will differ; Various values \u200b\u200bare different. The king from the "Little Prince" has the opportunity to manage the whole world, but this world is comparable to a small asteroid, where the king lives. "Business man" always considers the stars and makes a nickned transaction, and drunking the meaning of life is a drink. This picture is well known to millions of readers. But Exupery wants to show the audience not the personal values \u200b\u200bof everyone, but the main values \u200b\u200bin the life of each of us. Which we often do not notice.

The philosophy of life and actions, as the result of its manifestation, and describes Exupery in his works, trying to find for themselves, including, the answer to the question "How to live correctly?" And "what to do?", which arise from each of the people. But not everyone is known where and how to look for an answer to such questions.

So, in the "Citadel" he says that the goal is not to teach the ship to build a ship, but "wake in people the desire for the sea." Then, no doubt, the ships people will build themselves. Creativity Antoine de Saint-Exupery is just teaches, and shows the "truth of life" and a place in it in it.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery is an outstanding French writer of the first half of the twentieth century. Being a leaving from the aristocratic family, he managed to break the rich mother with a bohemian way, became a professional pilot and always followed his philosophical convictions.

Saint-Exe said: "A person must come true ... The action saves from death ... fear, from all weaknesses and diseases." And he came true. He came true as a pilot - a professional professional, as a writer, who presented the world, the immortal works of art, as a person - a carrier of high moral qualities.

For his life, Exupery was placed by Polimyr: he carries mail to Port Etienne, Dakar, Algeria, works in the branches of French airlines of South America and exotic sugar, visits Spain and the USSR as a political correspondent. Multiple flights are planes. All the controversial and experienced Saint-ex is laid out on paper. Thus, his subtle philosophical prose was created - the novels "Southern Postal", "Night Flight", "Planet of People", "Citadel", the stories "pilot" and "Military pilot", numerous essays, articles, reasoning and, of course, not -Bestings deep and sad fairy tale "Little Prince".

Childhood (1900-1917)

"I am not very sure that I lived after my childhood passed"

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born on June 22, 1900 in Lyon in the aristocratic family. His mother - Maria de Pholomb - was a representative of an old Provencal kind, father - Count Jean de Saint-Exupery - from an even more ancient Limuzen family, whose members were knights of St. Grail.

Antoan's father's caressing did not know - the parent died when young Expery was only four years old. Mother with five juvenile children (Maria Madeleine, Simonova, Antoine, Francois and Gabriel) remains with a sonorous name, but without means for existence. The family immediately take under their patronage of wealthy grandmas, the owners of La Mole castles and Saint-Maurice de Remance. In the picturesque surroundings of the second, the happy childhood of Tonyo (homemade nickname Antoine) is held.

He with warmth remembers the fabulous "top room", where children lived. Everyone had her own corner, furnished in accordance with the tastes of a small owner. From the youngest age, Tonyo has two passions - invention and writing. So, in College Antoine demonstrates good results on French literature (his school essay is still preserved about the life of the cylinder and poem).

Young Exupery was inclined to reflections, could think, long ago, looking somewhere into the sky. For this peculiarity, he was given a comic nickname "Lunatic", but called the eye - Tonyo was a boy not a timid and could stand up with his fists. This explains that on behavior of Exupery has always been the lowest score.

At 12, Antoine makes its first flight. Behind the steering wheel, the famous pilot - Gabriel Varbolevski. Young Exupery in the cockpit of the pilot. This event is mistakenly considered decisive in the choice of further career, allegedly from the first flight Antooman "fell ill sky." In fact, in 12 years of presentation of the future, young Exupery had more than blurry. To the flight, he reacted indifferently - wrote a poem and forgotten safely.

When Tonio marks 17 years old, his younger brother Francois, with whom they were inseparable. The tragic event has become a heavy shock for a teenager. He first faces the severity of life, from which his all these years diligently fell. So ends light childhood. Tonyo turns into Antoine.

Choosing a career. First steps in literature (1919-1929)

"We are only able to grow up, and merciful God leaves you for a mercy of fate"

After graduating from College, Antoine Exupery faces the first serious choice. He painfully trying to outline his way in life. Enters the Naval School, but fails for exams. Visits the Academy of Arts (architectural department), but having resurrected aimless bohemian life, throws training. Finally, in 1921, Antoine is recorded in the aviation regiment of Strasbourg. He again acts at random, not suspecting that this adventure will become a loved business of life.

1927 year. Behind the shoulders of 27-year-old Antoine St. Exupery successfully weathered exams, the title of civilian pilot, dozens of flights, a serious collapse, acquaintance with exotic Casablanca and Dakar.

Exupery always felt literary inclinations, but did not take for the feather due to lack of experience. "Before you write," said Saint-ex, "you need to live." Seven-year-old flight experience gives him a moral right to present his first literary work to the world - Roman "Southern Postal", or "Mail-South".

In 1929, the independent Publishing House of Gaston Gallimar (Gallimar) publishes the "southern postal". To the surprise of the author himself, critics met his work very warmly, noting a new circle of problems affected by the novice writer, dynamic style, the tank of the story, the musical rhythm of the author's syllable.

Having received the position of technical director, the certified pilot of Exupery goes beyond the ocean to South America.

Consuelo. Other publications. Expery Correspondent (1930-1939)

"Love is not to look at each other. Love - It means to look in the same direction "

The result of the American period in the life of Exupery became the novel of the Night Flight and acquaintance with the future wife of Consurello Sunxin Sandoval. Expressive Argentica subsequently became the prototype of roses from the "Little Prince". Life with her was very difficult, sometimes unbearable, but without Consulo Exupery did not see his existence. "Never seen - Ironized Saint-Ex, - so that such a small creature produces so much noise."

Returning to France, Exupery dresses "Night Flight" to print. This time Antoine was pleased with the work done. The second novel is not a sample of a penny of an immature writer, but a carefully thoughtful artwork. Now about the writer Exupery spoke. Fame came to him.

Award and screening book

For the novel "Night Flight" Exupery was awarded the prestigious literary premium "Femina". In 1933, the United States issued the same shielding of the book. The project directed Clarence Brown.

Saint-EXC continues to fly: it delivers mail from Marseille to Algeria, serves private domestic flights, earns on its first Simun aircraft and is hardly broken down on it, wreking in the Libyan desert.

All this time, Exupery does not stop writing, showing itself as a talented publicist. In 1935, on the task of the Pari-Suar newspaper, the French correspondent visits the USSR. The result of the trip was a series of curious articles about the mysterious power, which was behind the Iron Curtain. Europe traditionally wrote about the country of advice in a negative key, but Exupery diligently avoids such categoricalness and is trying to figure out how this unusual world lives. Next year, the writer will try again in the field of a political correspondent, going to Spain's Civil War.

In 1938-39, Saint Excele flies to America, it works on the third novel "Planet of People", which became one of the most biographical works of the writer. All the heroes of the novel are real faces, and the central character is Ezpery himself.

"Little Prince" (1940-1943)

"Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes "

The world is covered by war. Fascists occupy Paris, more and more countries are drawn into a bloody war. At this time, on the wreckage of mankind, a kind is created, to pain the tales of the allegory "Little Prince". She was published in 1943 in the United States, so first the main characters of the work turned to readers in English and only then in the original language (French). The classic Russian translation is made by the Nora Gal. The Soviet reader became acquainted with the "Little Prince" in 1959 on the pages of the magazine "Moscow".

Today it is one of the most read works in the world (the book has been translated into 180 languages), which is not weakened. Many quotes from the story became aphorisms, and the visual image of a prince created by the author himself, mythologized and turned into the most recognizable character of world culture.

Last year (1944)

"And when you comfort, you will be glad that I knew me sometime ..."

Friends and acquaintances strongly discouraged Exupery from participation in the war. At this point, his literary talent no longer causes any doubts. Everyone is confident - Saint Exca will bring a country much more benefit, staying in the rear. It is likely that the writer-Exupery would take such a position, but the pilot-Exupii, a citizen-Exupii, a man-Exupery can not sit back. He with great difficulty knocks himself a place in the Air Force of France. In exceptional order, Exupery is allowed to fly five times. But he truth and inconsishes the new tasks.

On July 31, the ninth flight of the Military intelligence officer of Antoine Exupery took place. Passing early in the morning from the Corsican Borgo airfield, the pilot did not return anymore. He was recognized as missing.

There are many versions of the death of the Saint-EXA: engine failure, shelling enemy aircraft, even a classic suicide for writers. To date, none of the versions are not finally justified. After half a century, on the Marseille coast, the local fisherman Jean-Claude Bianco found a bracelet. It was engraved by the names of St. Exupery and his roses - Consuello Sunxin.



Childhood, adolescence, youth

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in the French city of Lyon, originated from the old provincial nobleman, and was the third of the five children of Viscount Jean de Saint-Exupery and his wife Marie de Folomb. At the age of four, he lost his father. Mother was engaged in the upbringing of Little Antoine.

Here he writes his first work - "Southern Postal".

Sorry Saint-Exupery becomes the owner of his own aircraft S.630 "Simun" and on December 29, 1935, it takes an attempt to put a record at Paris - Saigon flight, but tolerates an accident in the Libyan desert, again barely avoiding death. On the first of January, he and the mechanic narrow, having chosen from thirst, were saved by Bedouins.

Saint-Exupery took some combat flights on the block "Bloche 174", performing aerial contact tasks, and was represented by the "Military Cross" award (FR. Croix de Guerre.). In June 1941, after the defeat of France, he moved to the sister into an unequard part of the country, and later went to the United States. He lived in New York, where among other things he wrote his most famous book "Little Prince" (1942, publ. 1943). In 1943, he joined the Air Force "Fighting France" and with great difficulty achieved his enrollment in the combat part. He had to master the piloting of the new speed aircraft "Lighting" P-38.

Saint Exupery in the cabin "Lighting"

"I have a fun craft for my years. Next for me by age younger for six years. But, of course, the current my life is a breakfast at six in the morning, a dining room, a tent or a white lime room, flights at an altitude of ten thousand meters in the forbidden for a person of the world - I prefer an unbearable Algerian idleness ... ... I chose a job for maximum wear and because you need Always squeeze yourself to the end, I will not go to the opponent. I would like only that this vile war is over before I am Ista, like a candle in the oxygen jet. I have something to do after it " (From the letter Jean Pewdeye July 9-10, 1944).

According to the press publications from March 2008, the German veteran of Luftwaffe 88-year-old Horst Rippert, the Squadron Pilot "Yagdgroup 200," said that it was he who was shot down by the Messerschmitt Me-109 fighter, Antoine de Saint-Exupery plane. According to his statements, he did not know who was behind the steering wheel of the opponent's aircraft:

It was Saint-Exupii pilot that the pilot was known for the pilot, the Germans became known in the same days from the radio charts of the negotiations of French airfields, which carried out German troops. The lack of corresponding records in Luftwaffe magazines is due to the fact that in addition to Horast Rippert, there were no other witnesses of air combat, and this aircraft was not officially counted as shot down.


Main works

  • Courrier Sud. Editions Gallimard, 1929. English: Southern Mail. South postal. (Option: "Mail - south"). Novel. Translations into Russian: M. Baranovich (1960), Isaeva T. (1963), Kuzmin D. (2000)
  • Vol de Nuit. Roman. Gallimard, 1931. Préface d'André Gide. English: Night Flight. Night flight. Novel. Awards: December 1931, Femin Prize. Translations into Russian: Vaxcher M. (1962)
  • TERRE DES HOMMES. Roman. Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1938. English: WIND, SAND, AND STARS ("Wind, Sand and Stars"). Planet people. (Option: Land of people.) Roman. Awards: 1939 Greater Prize of the French Academy (05/25/1939). 1940 Nation Book Award USA. Translations into Russian: Vellus G. "Land of People" (1957), Nora Gal "Planet of People" (1963)
  • Pilote de Guerre. Récit. Editions Gallimard, 1942. English: Flight to Arras. Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1942. Military pilot. Tale. Translations into Russian: Tetherovnikova A. (1963)
  • Lettre à un otage. Essai. Editions Gallimard, 1943. English: Letter To a Hostage. Letter to the hostage. Essay. Translations into Russian: Baranovich M. (1960), Grachev R. (1963), Nora Gal (1972)
  • Little Prince (Fr. Le Petit Prince, eng. THE LITTLE PRINCE) (1943). Translation of Nora Gal (1958)
  • Citadelle. Editions Gallimard, 1948. English: The Wisdom of the Sands. Citadel. Translations into Russian: Kozhevnikova M. (1996)

Post-war edition

  • Lettres de Jeunesse. Editions Gallimard, 1953. Préface de Renée de Saussine. Letters of youth.
  • Carnets. Editions Gallimard, 1953. Notebooks.
  • Lettres à sa mère. Editions Gallimard, 1954. PROLOGUE DE MADAME DE SAINT-EXUPERY. Letters to the mother.
  • Un Sens à la vie. Editions 1956. Textes Inédits Recueillis et Présentés Par Claude Reynal. Give life meaning. Unnecessary texts collected by Claude Reynalem.
  • Ecrits de Guerre. Préface de Raymond Aron. Editions Gallimard, 1982. Military notes. 1939-1944
  • Memories of some books. Essay. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E. V.

Small works

  • Who are you, soldiers? Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • A pilot (the first story was published on April 1, 1926 in the magazine "Silver Ship").
  • Moral necessity. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • We must give the meaning of human life. Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • Appeal to the Americans. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • Pangermanism and its propaganda. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • Pilot and elements. Translation into Russian: Grachev R.
  • Message to the American. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • Message to young Americans. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E. V.
  • Preface to the book of Ann Morrow-Lindberg "The wind rises." Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • Preface to the "Document" magazine number dedicated to the pilot tests. Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • Crime and Punishment. Article. Translations into Russian: Kuzmin D.
  • Among the night, the votes of enemies echoes from the trenches. Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • Themes "Citadel". Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E. V.
  • France first. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E. V.
  • The Tale of Tsar Saltan.


  • Saint-Exupery Antoine de. South postal. Night flight. Planet people. Military pilot. Letter to the hostage. Little Prince. Pilot and elements / entry Art. M. Galla. Art. Klodt. - M.: Art. lit., 1983. - 447 p. Circulation 300,000 copies.

Literary premiums

  • - Femina premium - for the novel "Night flight";
  • - Grand Prix du Roman of the French Academy - "Planet of People";
  • 1939 - US National Book Prize - "Wind, Sand and Stars" ("Planet of People").

Military awards

In 1939 he was awarded the war cross of the French Republic.

Titles in honor

  • Left-handed.
  • For the entire career of the Saint Exupery pilot, 15 accidents suffered.
  • During a business trip to the USSR, he flew on board the Ant-20 "Maxim Gorky" aircraft.
  • Saint-Exupery perfectly owned the art of the card focus.
  • He became the author of several inventions in the field of aviation, which was received by patents.
  • In the Dilogy of Sky Seekers, Sergei Lukyanenko appears the character of Antoine Lyon, combining the profession of a pilot with literary experiments.
  • In the story of Vladislav Krapivina "The pilot for special instructions" slipks the connection of this work with the fairy tale of the "Little Prince" and its author.
  • Failed an accident on the aircraft Codron S.630 Simon (register number 7042, on-board - F-Anry) for flight

Antoine de Saint-Exupery (FR. Antoine de Saint-Exupry) (June 29, 1900, Lyon, France - July 31, 1944) - French writer and professional pilot.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in the French city of Lyon, in the family of provincial nobleman (graph). At the age of four, he lost his father. Mother was engaged in the upbringing of Little Antoine. Exupery graduated from the Jesuit School in Montreux, studied at the Catholic Guesthouse in Switzerland, and in 1917 he entered the Paris School of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Architecture.

In his fate, he became turning in his fate - then he was called up to the army and hit the courses of pilots. A year later, Exupery received a pilot certificate and moved to Paris, where he turned to writing works. However, on this field, he initially did not gain the laurels and was forced to take for any job: he traded cars, he was a seller in the bookstore.

Only in 1925, Exupery found his vocation - became the pilot of the Aeropostal company, which delivered mail on the northern coast of Africa. Two years later, he was appointed by the head of the airport in Cap-jubi, on the very edge of the Sahara, and the inner calm was finally gained, which are his late books.

In 1929, Exupery headed the separation of his airline in Buenos Aires; In 1931, returned to Europe, again flew on the postal lines, was also a tester pilot, and from the mid-1930s. He also acted as a journalist, in particular, in 1935 he visited as a correspondent in Moscow and described this visit in five misstatening essays. The correspondent went to war in Spain. Fought with the Nazis of St. Exupery from the first days of World War II, and on July 31, 1944 he went from the airfield on the island of Sardinia to the intelligence flight - and did not return.

For a long time about his death was nothing known. And only in 1998 in the sea near Marseille, one fisherman discovered a bracelet. It had several inscriptions: "Antoine", "Consuelo" (so called the pilot's wife) and "C / O Reynal & Hitchcock, 386, 4th Ave. NYC USA. It was the address of the publisher in which St. Exupery books were published. In May 2000, Luke Varlel said that at 70-meter depth he found a wreckage of an aircraft, possibly belonging to St. Exupery. The remains of the aircraft were scattered on a strip of a kilometer long and a width of 400 meters. Almost immediately the French government banned any search in this area. Permission was obtained only in the fall of 2003. Experts raised fragments of the aircraft. One of them turned out to be part of the pilot cabin, the serial number of the aircraft was preserved: 2734-L. According to American military archives, scientists compared all aircraft rooms that have disappeared during this period. Thus, it turned out that the onboard serial number 2734-L corresponds to the aircraft that the US Air Force was set at number 42-68223, that is, the Laymiding Lajid P-38 aircraft, the F-4 modification (Far Photo exploration aircraft), which was ruled by Exupery. The magazines of the German Air Force do not contain records of aircraft shot down in this area on July 31, 1944, and the fragments themselves do not have obvious traces of shelling. This gave rise to many versions of the crash, including the versions about the technical malfunction and the pilot suicide. Literary awards: 1930 - Femina - for the novel "Night Flight"; 1939 - Gran-du Roman French Academy - "Wind, Sand and Stars"; 1939 - US National Book Prize - "Wind, Sand and Stars". Military awards. In 1939 he was awarded the military cross of the French Republic. Titles in honor. AROPORT LYON-SAINT-EXUPRY in Lyon; Asteroid 2578 Saint-Exupry, opened by astronomer Tatyana Smirnova (open on November 2, 1975 under the number "B612");

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in the family of graph in Lyon - the French town on June 29, 1900. When the boy was four years old - his father is dying, and his mother is engaged in the upbringing of the son. He ends with school, guesthouse, and in 1917 goes to study on the architect.

In 1921 he is called up in the army, and for his health, they are sent to pilots. For the year of service, he becomes a pilot and after moving to Paris, where he begins to engage in creativity. In 1925, Antoine is arranged by the pilot in the Post Company "Aeropostal". Two years later, the young pilot is appointed to the post of head of the airport in Sahara, Africa.

In 1929, he was transferred to Buenos Aires, where he heads the new branch of the airline; In 1931, he returns back to Europe where again proceeds to the carriage of mail by the aircraft. In parallel, the transportations of Antoine engaged in journalism in 1930, and, in 1935, it is sent to Moscow for its work, a trip where it describes in five interesting essays. Also Exupery goes to war journalist to Spain. Takes part in World War II from the first days, and in 1944, from Sardinia island makes his secret flight on the plane with the purpose of intelligence and is not refundable.

After about forty years, the pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery was considered to be missing, and in the sea, not far from Marseille, in 1998 they find his bracelet, which recognize the engraving of his data: the name of the wife and address of the publisher, where Antoine printed his books. In May 2000, the plane fragments are found at great depths, on the assumption it was supposed to be a board, where in 1941 Antoine did his intelligence departure. The place of the crash immediately closes the government, and only in 2003, fragments of the aircraft are raised.

After checking the records in the magazines of the German Air Force at the time of July 31, 1944, the military came to the opinion that the side of the R-38 Lighting was crashing for a technical malfunction or by the pilot error, since the remains of the body were without explicit damage from anti-aircraft guns, and in Magazines at that time nothing was specified.

For his years of his life, the author was awarded many literary premiums for his novels: in 1930, the Femina Award, in 1939, the Gran-du Roman Prime and many others. Also was awarded in 1939 by the military cross of the French Republic.