Frederick Chopin - biography, photo, personal life of the composer. Brief Biography Freedery Chopin Message about Life and Creativity Chopin

Frederick Chopin was born on February 22, 1810 in the village of Zheryzov-will not far from Warsaw (Poland). The beautiful musical taste of the future composer instilled his mother, who played the piano and sang. Unusual musical abilities, as well as the most important thing - the love of the game on the piano, manifested themselves from Frederick even in early childhood.

From seven years with the boy began to engage in the famous pianist Woacechie Live. By twelve years, Frederick reached the level of the best Pianists of Poland. Since 1823, Chopin studied in Warsaw Lyceum.

Creative activity

After graduating from the school, Chopin began studying the theory of music in the class of composer of Jusef Elsner. Thanks to the patronage of the princes of the Fourthist and Anton Radziwill, Frederick managed to get to the Higher Society.

Since 1829, Frederick Chopin, whose biography already indicated that he would become a great musician, began to actively speak with his works in Vienna. In 1830, the composer leaves Warsaw forever. In 1831, it settles in Paris, where instantly becomes famous, acquires many fans. After some time, the musician himself begins to teach.

In the circle of communication Chopin included many young musicians and the largest European composers - F. Giller, Truck, Statis, Frankom, Bellini, Berlioz, Schuman, Messelssohn, Artist E. Delacroix, Writers V. Hugo, Gaine and others.

Disease. Last years

The first attack of the disease of the lungs happened at the Composer Chopin in 1837 (according to the biographers of the musician, it was tuberculosis). Since then, he has suffered as asthmatic attacks. At that time, Chopin lived with the writer Georges Sand. From 1838 to 1839, lovers stayed on Mallorca Island. Their relationship was not easy, which also adversely affected the state of the health of the composer. In 1847, they broke up.

In 1848, Chopin settled in London, where he continued to give concerts and conduct teaching activities. On November 16, 1848, the last concert of the Great Composer took place in London. Every day he felt worse and soon returned to Paris.

October 5 (17) October 1849 brief Biography of Chopin broke. Buried the Great Composer on the Cemetery of Per Lashez in Paris.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • Since childhood, Chopin, to tune in to the desired way, played the piano in complete darkness. This habit is preserved for his life.
  • Already in 1818, in one of the Warsaw newspapers there was a note about Chopin, as a brilliant child who performed the most complicated compositions and created dancing and variations.
  • According to the last Will of Chopin, his heart was transported to Warsaw and was summed up into one of the columns in the Cabinet of the Holy Cross.
  • The work of Chopin had a huge impact on the development of harmonic style and the form of European music. The developments of the Great Composer used when creating their works list,

Frederic Chopin - a brilliant musician who has a rare melodic gift, a virtuoso pianist whose works are distinguished by deep lyricism, intelligent, thin and sensitive sensation of national songs, dance motives. This man managed to interpret in a new way and transfer many musical genres, make more romantic and at the same time dramatic various musical genres (prelude, waltz, Mazurka, polonaise, ballad, etc.). This is a composer who is considered to be a national heritage, and in honor of which many museums are open, monuments are created, music institutions are named.
On March 1, 1810, in the Polish village of Zheryovz-will, located near Warsaw, a future musical genius was born - Frederick Francisheska Chopin. The interests and ability to music parents of the boy noticed at an early age and held it in every possible way. Being a small five-year-old child, Chopin has already performed in concerts. And at the age of 7, he was given to learn music from the Polish Pianist Wojca of the Vibrant. And already after only five years of study, Frederick turned into a real masterly pianist, it is no longer inferior to adult experienced musicians. And in 1817. The future composer composes his first musical work (polonais).
Starting from 1819. Chopin musitizes as a pianist in various aristocratic salons of Warsaw. In 1822 He finishes his training at V. Living and enters his studies to the well-known Warsaw musician Yuzfu Elsnera, who takes the lessons of the composition. In 1823 Frederick comes to study in the Lyceum of Warsaw. At the same time, the smaller composer travels and visits various opera theaters in Prague, Warsaw, Berlin. He managed to win the location and the patronage of the Polish Prince A. Radziwill at the time of Polish Prince A. Radziville and become in the Polish Higher Society.
1826 It was marked for F. Chopin by entering the Music General School located in Warsaw. During study in this conservatory, the talented young man composes a series of plays, among which are variations for piano with the orchestra (Opera Mozart "Don Juan"), the first Sonata, etc. After graduating from 1829. Training, the young man performs in concerts as a pianist in Krakow, Warsaw, is also expanding his works. These speeches enjoyed tremendous success and brought young toedeworthy and among listeners, and in musical circles.

In 1830 The musician goes to the tour of the tour in Berlin, Vienna. And these speeches were also crowned with unprecedented success. But in the same year, the homeland of the pianist, in Poland there is an uprising ending with defeat. Chopin was a supporter of Polish independence, and this unpleasant news was very upset the musician. He refused to return to Poland and remained to live in France, where he was recognized as the best pianist of modernity. A young man meets the Parisian aristocrats, musical and artistic elite of France. He travels a lot. In 1835-36. I made a trip to Germany, 1837. - to England. These years become a period of flourishing of his creative activity.
But Chopin is known to us not only as a brilliant pianist and composer, he manifested himself also enough talented teacher. He taught future pianists on its author's methodology, which helped them fully disclose talent and in the future to become real virtuosos. At the same time, in 1837. He meets the French writer Georges Sand, young and enough emancipated special. Their relationship was not easy and ten years later, in 1847. The couple broke up. Parting was not best reflected on the health of Chopin, whose still from 1837. The first seizures of asthma were observed.
In 1848 The composer finally settled in London, where he continued to teach. From a concert activity, he refused due to grazing health, the last speech of the pianist occurred in November 1848. And in October 1849 The Great Composer dies from the tuberculosis of the lungs.

A brief biography of Frederic (Frederick) Chopin. Full name and surname Friderik Francois Chopin (French version of Frédéric François Chopin, Polish. Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin, Friederik Francishek Chopin)
Freedearch Chopin is a brilliant Polish composer and a pianist virtuoso, a teacher. The largest representative of Polish musical art, became the founder of the Polish national composer school.

Frederic Chopin (1810-1849) Famous Polish composer, pianist, teacher. The author of numerous works for piano.

A future musician was born in 1810 in the family of the Polish teacher Nicolas Chopin and the trees of Justin Kshizhanovskaya, the nobility by origin. In a small village called Zhelyazov-Will near Warsaw. His musical talent was manifested in early childhood. Frederic Chopin grew surrounded by music. His father played a violin and flute, mother sang and played perfectly perfectly on the piano. It was the mother who put love to Little Chopin to music. The first speech of a small pianist took place in Warsaw in 1817, "the author of this" Polionisa "is a student who has not yet turned 8 years old." About a brilliant child performing the most difficult piano plays and variations, wrote in one of the Warsaw newspapers.
In the period from 1817 to 1846, 16 polonesov was created by Chopin. In Polonza, Ballades Chopin talks about their country, Poland, about the beauties of her landscapes and the tragic past.
The first Music Teacher for Chopin was the famous pianist Woacechie Live, he received his further education in the Higher Music School of Worshvay, where he began to study the musical theory, a figured bass and a composition with Joseph Elsner. In 1827, he finishes training and performs with concerts.
In 1828, the composer protrudes with concerts in Berlin, and then in Vienna brought him a big success. From 1829, Chopin is known not only as a genius pianist, but also as a composer. They are written: 2 piano concerts (1829 and 1830), three sonatas, as well as Sonata Si-Bemol-Minor with a famous mourning march (1828-1844). Tueter ballads (1835-1842), 21 Nocturne ( 1827-1846), 27 etudes (1829-1839), 25 Preludes (1831-1839). Chopin belongs to 19 songs (1829-1847), Sonata for Cello and Piano (1846) The first waltzes he wrote the age of 16-17 years.
In 1830, the composer left Warsaw forever, which briefly live in Vienna, he moved to Paris, according to the minutes of the center of secular life, where instantly becomes famous and acquires many fans. At this time, Chopin makes it acquainted with many outstanding musicians and composers such as: Franz Leaf and Robert Schuman, Hector Berlioz, Mendelssohn, Vincenzo Bellini writers V. Hugo, Gaine, an artist Eugene Delakrua and many other famous people of their era. But throughout his life, he covered longing in his homeland.

In 1837, Shopin felt the first attack of the disease of the lungs, but staying at Mallorca (Mallorca Spain) in 1838-1839 together with the bride, the writer Georges Sand had a beneficial effect on the health of the composer. His connection with the writer lasted about 10 years. Their relationship was not easy and in 1847 they broke up. A gap with Georges Sand seriously undermined his health.
In 1848, Shopin went to London, where he continued to give concerts and conduct teaching activities, on November 16, 1848, a concert of the great composer was held in London, which turned out to be the last in his life.

Chopin died on October 17, 1849 in Paris, where he was buried. According to the testament of the composer, his heart was transported to Poland, it rests in the Warsaw Church of the Holy Cross.

The deep music of this ingenious composer lives not only in the hearts of his nation, but also the whole musical world. Freedearch Chopin is one of the greatest musical geniuses.

Biography Frederick Chopin, summary and most important, for children and adults.

Frederick Francois Chopin - the Great Composer-Romantic, founder of the Polish pianistic school. In all her life, he did not create a single work for the symphony orchestra, but its compositions for piano are unsurpassed peak of world pianistic art.

A future musician was born in 1810 in the family of the Polish teacher and Gutener Nicolas Chopin and the tech of Justin Ksizhinovskaya, the nobility by origin. In the town of Zheryovzov, that under Warsaw, the surname of Chopin was considered a respected intelligent family.

Parents raised their children in love for music, poetry. The mother was a good pianist and singer, she spoke perfectly in French. In addition to the little Frederick in the family, three more daughters were brought up, but only the boy showed truly great abilities to the piano.

The only preserved photo of Frederick Chopin

Having a big mental sensitivity, the little Frederick could sit for hours from the tool, picking up or learning the works like. Already in early childhood, he hit the surrounding his musical abilities and love for music. The boy began to speak with the concerts in almost 5 years, and at the age of 7 years already entered the class for the famous Polish pianist of that time to Wojcuchi lively. After five years, Frederick turned into a real pianist-virtuoso, which, according to technical and musical skills, was not inferior to adults.

In parallel with the classes on the game on the piano, Frederick Chopin began to take the lessons of the composition from the Musician of Joseph Elsner known in Warsaw. In addition to the education, the young man travels through Europe, visiting the Opera Prague Theaters, Dresden, Berlin.

Thanks to the Prince of Prince Anton Radziwille, a young musician became a senior society. Visited the talented young man and in Russia. His game was marked by Emperor Alexander I. As a award, the young performer was given a diamond ring.


Having gained impressions and first composer experience, in 19 years old Chopin begins his piano career. Concerts that the musician spends in Native Warsaw and Krakow, bring him great popularity. But the first European tour, which Frederick undertook a year later, turned out for the musician by parting from homeland.

While in Germany with speeches, Chopin learns about the suppression of the Polish uprising in Warsaw, one of whose supporters he was. After such news, the young musician was forced to stay abroad in Paris. In memory of this event, the composer wrote the first Opus etudes, whose pearl was the famous revolutionary etude.

In France, Frederick Chopin basically performed in the houses of his patrons and high-ranking friends. At this time, he composes his first piano concerts, which successfully performed on the scenes of Vienna and Paris.

An interesting fact of the biography of Chopin is his meeting in Leipzig with a German composer-romantic Robert Shuman. After listening to the performance of the young Polish pianist and the composer, the German exclaimed: "Gentlemen, remove the hats, this is a genius." In addition to the Shuman, his Hungarian Ferenic Ferrenc Ferrenic Fans Fans Fang. He admired the work of the Polish musician and even wrote a large research work on the life and work of his idol.

Flowering creativity

The thirties of the XIX century become the heyday of the composer's creativity. Under the impression of the poetry of the Polish writer Adam Mitskevich, Frederic Chopin creates four ballads dedicated to their native Poland and experiences about her fate.

The melodism of these works is filled with elements of Polish folklore songs, dances and recitative remarks. These are peculiar lyric tragic paintings from the life of the People's People, refracted through the prism of the author's experiences. In addition to the ballads at this time, 4 scherzo, waltza, mazurki, polona and nocturons appear at this time.

If the waltz in the works of Chopin becomes the most autobiographical genre, closely connected with the events of his personal life, then Mazuriki and polonesa can rightfully be called a piggy bank of national images. Mazurks are presented in the work of Chopin not only by famous lyrical works, but also aristocratic or, on the contrary, folk dances.

The composer, in accordance with the concept of romanticism, which appeals primarily to the national identity of the people, uses the sound and intonation characteristic of Polish folk music and intonation to create its musical compositions. This is the famous Bourdon, imitating the sounds of folklore tools, this is the sharp syncope, which is skillfully combined with the inherent Polish music dashed rhythm.

A new one opens Frederick Chopin and a genre of nocturne. If the name of the Nocturne first corresponded to the translation of the "Night Song", then in the work of the Polish composer, this genre turns into a lyrical dramatic sketch. And if the first opuses of its nocturns sound like a lyrical description of nature, the last works are increasingly deepening in the sphere of tragic experiences.

One of the tops of the mature wizard is considered its cycle, consisting of 24 preludes. He was written in the fracture for Frederick years of the first love and breaking relationship with the beloved. The choice of the genre affected the captivation of Chopin at this time creativity I. S. Baha.

Studying the immortal cycle of Prelude and Fugue of the German Master, the young Polish composer conceived to write a similar essay. But romance has such works received personal coloring of the sound. Prelude Chopin is primarily small, but deep sketches of the internal experiences of a person. They are written in the manner of the musical diary popular in those years.


The fame of Chopin is due not only to its composer and concert activities. A talented Polish musician manifested itself as a brilliant teacher. Frederick Chopin is the creator of a unique pianoset technique, which helped many pianists to gain real professionalism.

Adolf Gutman was a disciple chopin

In addition to talented disciples, Chopin has studied a lot of guns from aristocratic circles. But truly of all the wards of the composer became famous for Adolf Gutman, who later became a pianist and a music editor.

Portraits of Chopin

Among the friends of Chopin, it was possible to meet not only musicians and composers. He was interested in the work of writers, romantics artists, fashionable at that time of novice photographers. Thanks to the versatile ties of Chopin, many portraits written by different masters remained, the most famous of which is the work of Ezhen Delacroix.

Portrait of chopin. Artist Eugene Delakroua

Written in an unusual romantic manner, a portrait of a composer is stored now at the Museum of the Louvre. At the moment, photos of the Polish musician are also known. Historians have at least three Dougurotype, on which Frederick Chopin is captured by research.

Personal life

Frederick Chopin's personal life was tragic. Despite its sensitivity and tenderness, the composer really did not experience feelings of full-fledged happiness from family life. Frederick's first chosen was his compatriot, young Maria Vodzinskaya.

After the engagement of young people, the bride's parents put forward a wedding demand no earlier than in a year. During this time, they hoped to learn the composer better and make sure of its financial consistency. But Frederick did not justify their hopes, and the engagement was terminated.

The moment of parting with his beloved musician worried very sharply. This affected the music written by him that year. In particular, at this time, the famous second sonata appears from under his pen, the slow part of which was called "mour march".

After a year later, he was fascinated by the emancipated special, which the whole Paris knew. Baroness called Aurora Dudevan. She was a fan of the emerging feminism. Aurora, not embarrassed, wore a male costume, she was not married, but he fond of free relationships. Possessing the sophisticated mind, the young lady was engaged in writing and led the novels under the pseudonym Georges Sand.

The history of the love of 27-year-old Chopin and 33-year-old Aurora developed rapidly, but the couple did not advertise his relationship for a long time. Nor on one of his portraits Frederick Chopin is not captured with his women. The only picture on which the composer was depicted and George Sand was depicted, after his death was discovered on the broken half.

A lot of time, lovers spent in private ownership of Aurora Dudevan in Mallorca, where Chopin had a disease, which later led to sustainable death. Wet island climate, intense relationships with beloved and their frequent quarrels provoked tuberculosis from the musician.

Many familiar observed for an unusual pair noted that the volitional countess had a special influence on the weak-speaking Frederick. Nevertheless, it did not prevent him from creating his immortal piano works.


Health Chopin, which worsened every year, was finally undermined by a gap from his beloved George Sand in 1847. After that, the event broken morally and physically, the pianist begins its last tour of the UK, in which he went along with his student Jane Stirling. Returning to Paris, he again gave concerts, but soon there was no one and no longer got up.

Close people who were near the composer all the last days were his favorite younger sister Ludwick and French friends. Frederick Chopin died in mid-October 1849. The reason for his death has become complicated pulmonary tuberculosis.

Monument on the grave of Frederic Chopin

According to the testament of the composer, his heart was taken out of the chest and taken to their homeland, and the body was buried in the grave in the French cemetery. The cup with the heart of the composer and today is closed in one of the Catholic churches of the Polish capital.

The Poles are so loved chopin and are proud of them that they rightly consider his creativity by the national heritage. In honor of the composer, many museums are open, in every city there are monuments to the Grand Musician. Frederick's posthumous mask and the cast from his hands can be seen in the chopin museum in the Znilavaya Will.

Facade of the Warsaw Airport named after Frederic Chopin

In memory of the composer, many music educational institutions are named, including the Warsaw Conservatory. Chopin's name since 2001 wears the Polish airport, which is located on the territory of Warsaw. Interestingly, one of the terminals is called "etudes" in memory of the immortal creation of the composer.

The name of the Polish genius is so popular among the connoisseurs of music and ordinary listeners, that some modern musical groups use it and create lyrical compositions, stylistically resembling the works of Chopin, and attributed to them on authorship. So in free access you can find musical plays called "Autumn Waltz", "Waltz Rain", "Garden of Eden", the real authors of which are the SECRET Garden group and composers Paul de Senneville and Oliver Tusken.


  • Concerts for piano with orchestra - (1829-1830)
  • Mazurki - (1830-1849)
  • Polona - (1829-1846)
  • Nocturins - (1829-1846)
  • Waltza - (1831-1847)
  • Sonata - (1828-1844)
  • Preludes - (1836-1841)
  • Etudes - (1828-1839)
  • Scherzo - (1831-1842)
  • Ballades - (1831-1842)

The history of the life of the Great Polish composer Frederick Chopin touches to the depths of the soul. This extraordinarily gifted, charming romantic with exquisite manners and a sensitive heart for all heaven all his heaven was in real for him and did not experience a sense of real happiness. He was always a favorite of the public and the object of adoration of numerous fans, which then and then fell asleep with his expensive gifts. However, in a personal life, this inspired Lirik was deeply unhappy - his heart ruined pain, longing in his homeland, flour from terrible illness and unhappy love ...

Brief biography Frederick Chopin And a lot of interesting facts about the composer read on our page.

Short biography of Chopin

Frederick Francishek Chopin was born near Warsaw in the emigrant family from France Nikolai Chopin and the Poles of Justina Kzizhinovskaya. It is still hot discussions about the date of his birth - some historians believe that the future composer was born on March 1, 1810, others are convinced that he saw this world for several days earlier - February 22. The mother of the future composer became for him the first musical teacher who had the taste of beautiful taste. According to the memories of contemporaries, she came from the trodovy family, got a wonderful education, knew the French language, had a wonderful voice, he knew how to sing.

Since childhood, Chopin was told as a small miracle. And many compared it at all Mozart , After all, he possessed perfect musical hearing, the masterfully improvised and finely felt the tool. Frederick has always been emotional, he could praise, listening to a focused melody, taking soul. In a rustling of musical inspiration, he threw a bed among the night from bed and ran to the instrument to play a fragment disgraced him. At the age of seven years, a small composer composed his first work - a small polona of Sol-Minor. The news about it even fell into the release of the Warsaw newspaper, where the music was assessed as a professional work of a talented master, and the boy was called the genius.

At the same time, Chopin was given to learn to the outstanding Czech Pianist Wojucchi lively. The boy began to take pictures with all seriousness, although they combined them with studying in the school. His successes were so great that when he reached the age of 12, the living refused to teach Frederick on, saying that nothing could give him anything else. Glory about Frederic Chopin as a wonderful performer has already gone along Warsaw, it is not surprising that the boy had influential patrons who opened the door to the Higher Society. There he immediately becomes his: the contemporaries described it as a young man of exceptionally pleasant outfacies, with an excellent sense of humor and sharp in the language, which from the first words when acquaintance can arrange the interlocutor. At that time, Frederick travels a lot in Europe, visits the concerts of famous musicians, which contributes to the definition of his personal musical style.
Such a rich life does not interfere with the receipt of education and according to the biography of Chopin in 1823, he becomes a pupil of the Warsaw lyceum, and in 1826 a student of the Higher School of Music.

Goodbye, homeland ...

From the biography of Chopin, we learn that since 1829 the period of its active tour begins. Ferenz planned a little linger in Kalishe, then go to Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, and finally drove around the cities of Italy and France. In 1830, he leaves his native Poland forever, and he was not destined to return to his homeland. It remains nothing to him how to keep love for his country throughout his life, and to cope with her hisgacing heart.

Chopin learned about the sparing out in Warsaw of the uprising, being in Austria, and immediately decided to go home. But in the letter, Frederick's father insisted that he remains abroad, and he had to obey. The news of the fall of the Polish capital became a great blow to him. Under the impression of this terrible event, he created his best tragic creations - the "revolutionary etude", the prelude D-Moll, and the final preludes of Op.28.

Chopin decides to temporarily settle in Paris, where and gives his first piano concert. Success comes to him immediately, he becomes a pet favor. In the wave of the popularity of popularity, he acquires many fans, enjoyed women's attention, and makes friendships with famous composers - F. Mendelson , Berlism, F. Sheet and V. Bellini. Friendship with many of them he retained for life.

Frederick Chopin early revealed love for teaching. Unlike many of his colleagues, he gave itself all this craft, his students were many later famous musicians.

History of Great and Tragic Love

They were not destined to become her husband and wife, and she did not happen to give him the heirs. It seemed that fate laughed, encountered them together: a pale patient Frederick, a beautiful young man of 26 years old with impeccable manners and burning gaze, and a divorced rude man-like woman, which was impossible to imagine without a cigarette, clamped in teeth. Nevertheless, the novel, who lasted almost ten years old, presented both not only pain and disappointment, but also love, a lot of sincere feelings and creative forces. He wrote his ingenious music, she is books, they inspired each other every day, probably, therefore, their novels continue to speak to this day.

At that moment, when George Sand and Frederick Chopin first met, she was a divorced independent woman with two children, and he was engaged to Maria Vodzinskaya. Perhaps the cause of passion that broke out in the heart of the woman was the fact that at the time of dating Chopin was sick and weak, and she fell to all his lovers experienced feelings similar to the maternity. One way or another, Sand drew attention to the unfortunate young man, and his engagement soon broke out, since Mary's parents considered him unworthyed by their Chad.

For the first time meeting an extravagant, dressed in a rough male outfit George Sand, Chopin did not pay any attention to her, only after a few days noticed Casual: "What kind of disgusting woman is this Sand? Yes, and Woman is she at all? ". Nevertheless, it was in her arms, Frederick found a consolation, painfully surviving a break of relations with the bride. Sand knew the faithful and shortest path to the heart of a man, she quickly conquered him with his big expressive eyes and controversial in kind.

Chopin settled in a nearby house next to his beloved. They thoroughly protected their relationships from prying eyes, it happened that, having met at the reception in common acquaintances, they kept detached and did not give out their feelings. Later, lovers removed cozy accommodation in one of Paris's bedroom areas, but, taking guests, made the view that Chopin is only a guest in their shared house. In 1838, the Sand with two children and Frederick went to Mallorca to relax from the city bustle and correct the health of the composer. Periodically, they returned to Nooman, where the behavior of the writer was located. There, the Sand had to take on all their homework, because Frederick because of his constant diseases in everyday life was practically useless. Children Georges Sand were very unhappy with the fact that they have to live under the same roof with Chopin. The son of Moritz painfully jealously was a mother to a man, and Salnge built a goat and even tried to seduce Frederick to destroy the relationship of the mother. The unhealthy atmosphere in the house fell into the mood of Chopin. Tired of endless blacks, painful jealousy Moritz to Mother and Intrigue Sange, not calming in the house, he told Sand, which intends to visit his native territories, and she did not blame him the obstacles. Frederick forever leaves Noan and leaves for Paris.

For a while, Georges Sand and Frederick Chopin continued to maintain communication with the help of letters. However, regularly stuck in Paris to Slander, he listened to her stories about new love connections and the intrigues of her mother, for the most part fictional. As a result, the girl achieved his own: Chopin hated the former beloved and broke the correspondence. The last time they collided in 1848, a year before the death of the composer. Sand, seeing Chopin, wanted to talk to him, but he turned away and came out.

Forget these failed relationship Chopin decides in London. It is there that he gives his last concert. The British climate finally broke the composer, in recent months he could not compose and execute music, and tuberculosis and incredit depression brought him to the grave at the age of only 39 years. October 17, Frederick Chopin died.

After the death of Chopin Sand, it was cooled. Until the death of 15 years she lived with one man - Alexander Manso, devoting himself to home, family and beloved work.

Interesting Facts

  • The two early works of Chopin reached this day. It is half the B-DUR and "Military March", which were written to them at the age of 7. Marsh often performed on military parades in Warsaw.
  • Since 1927, in the capital Poland, every 5 years is a competition of pianists named after Chopin.
  • Chopin suffered all her life from the fact that his palm widths lacked to take complex chords. While still a boy, he invented a special device for stretching his fingers and wore it without removing even in a dream, although he caused unbearable pain.
  • The habit of playing in the dark composer has retained throughout life. That is how he argued, he comes to inspiration. When the composer performed his music on the dick evenings, he always asked to muffle the light in the room.
  • The name of Chopin is called several facilities - airport and university in Warsaw, Irkutsk Music College, as well as crater on Mercury.
  • The composer did not like to spread about his personal life. Friends never heard a word about his heart matters from him, but he himself always dismissed their love intrigues with them.
  • Externally, Chopin was very attractive: he was a blonde, blue-eyed, distinguished by a subtitle physique, and all his life was successful among the ladies, but for ten years she loved the one that, at the first meeting, did not even consider a look like a woman.
  • After acquaintance with the composer, Georges Sand sent him a note consisting of one phrase: "Looking in front of you. J. S. ". Chopin has invested this note in his personal album and kept until the end of his life.
  • The only picture on which the composer and the sand is depicted together, after his death was discovered broken into two parts.
  • Only a small part of the episristolar heritage of the composer reached us. Beloved composer K. Gladkovskaya and J. Sand chose to destroy almost all the letters that Chopin sent them. Letters of Frederick to their relatives, and together with them and his favorite piano, in the dust turned the fire in the apartment of his sister I. Barcinskaya.

  • In the legacy of Chopin there is "Waltz a small dog", which is listed under No. 1 Op.64. Many mistakenly believe that this play is the most famous simple "dog waltz", which heard almost every resident of the planet. In fact, these are two absolutely different writings, and the authorship of the latter has not been reliably established.
  • Due to health problems in the last years of his life, the composer practically did not compose. The most famous work of that time can be called "Mazurka" F-Moll, which Chopin did not have the opportunity to fulfill on his own.
  • Frederick Chopin did not have native children.
  • All his life, Chopin loved his homeland - Poland, according to his own words, wherever he was, his heart was always at home. These words were reflected in his testament. He asked his sister Louis after his death to convey the heart to his homeland, and it happened. The heart of the composer was imagined into the wall of the Church of the Holy Cross in the Polish capital, and the body was buried in Paris. During the funeral in the grave, the hassle of the land of the native country was raised, which Chopin kept preventingly and drove with him in endless traffic.
  • During his life, Chopin admired Mozart, considered him a genius, and his music is incredible. In accordance with the testament, at the funeral of Chopin, which was several thousand sincerely sad death of the composer man, was performed by the famous "Requiem" Mozart .
  • In Warsaw, you can find 15 "Chopin" shops, which are installed in places, somehow associated with the life of the composer. By clicking on a special button, you can listen to a 30-second excerpt of the most well-known pieces of the composer.

  • Recently, comics were released in Berlin, who tell about the life of Chopin as if he lived in our days. According to the plot, the composer comes with a concert to prison, he is accompanied by a britched gangster guy. In Poland, these comics found offensive and demanded to prohibit their spread, but the author himself explained that he did not want to touch the presence of feelings, but only decided to acquaint young people with the work of the composer in an affordable form.
  • Ferrenz Leaf Characterized by the art of Chopin in one Polish word - ZAL. Translated into Russian, it means "tender pity."
  • Speech, which marked the beginning of the fame of the musician abroad, took place at the age of 15. His game at a charity concert, the public remembered at all because he played brilliantly on the piano. He attracted attention to the fact that the masterfully improvised on the Elastopantaleon - a musical instrument, which is a combination of organ and piano.
  • The game of Chopin not only was enthusiastic, but also criticized. For example, the Viennese public did not like his execution, because he, in her opinion, played too quiet. Frederick, telling about it in the letters of his friends, wrote that the listeners in Vienna were simply accustomed to the "knockdown of local pianists."
  • Biographers still break their heads that actually happened between Chopin and the Countess Dolphin Potock, with which he met during his stay in Dresden. He dedicated her part of her writings, and a few days before his death, he preferred to hear her singing. The composer often wrote her letters, however, no one seen them. It is also believed that most of these unknown documents still keep the heirs of Dolphins.

  • In Poland since 1995, there is a music award of the Frederick Academy Academy, which is a peculiar analogue of American "Grammy".
  • In 1983, many European charts headed the song "I like Chopin" Italian singer Gazebo. The basis of this musical composition is a piano theme that has no relation to the Polish composer.
  • In 2007, the Japanese developers produced the computer game "Eternal Sonata". The main hero of the game is Chopin, who in 3 hours before his death falls into a fabulous country, where he will have to find a medicine from his illness. The game will sound the music of Chopin performed by the Russian pianist Stanislav Bunin.

List and Chopin - Friends or rivals?

Researchers of the lives of the two geniuses of the XIX century and found a single answer to this question. Some are convinced that Chopin and a leaf in secretly competed with each other. This is explained by the fact that the pianists often performed in a duet, thereby trying to avoid comparison. On large-scale concerts, the virtuosos went on stage together, and sometimes they were connected to their ensemble other famous performers - it was, for example, in 1833, when Sheet , Chopin and the hertz brothers played an ensemble for two pianos in eight hands. Historians suggest that the leaf did not give rest to the elegant opponent's game, from which he was very far, and that is why with the advent of the Pole in Paris, he chose to go into the shadow. The contemporary of composers, Pianist F. Giller, later explained the act of Ferens - according to him, during this period he diligently did to master everything that Shopen's Paris.

However, most biographers tends to ensure that these two greatest musicians were close friends. They often met, discussed the last world events and played their writings. In 1836, Chopin took part in the leaf concert. That evening, they performed the works of each other - Ferenz played Frederick etudes, and after they performed his "brilliant waltz" together.

Whatever their creative union actually, he has not last long. Why it happened is definitely unknown. As a possible reason for the cooling of the relationship between two geniuses, musicologists call the influence of women who were near them. So, it is known that the passionate fan of the sheet, the writer Marie D AGU, was the worst enemy Georges Sand. It is believed that these two pen sharks set up pianists against each other, and largely contributed to the strengthening of their friendship. According to another version, virtuosos dispelled Life - with age, they began to change the views and characters that inevitably removed them.

Other Amploa Great Composer

According to the testimony of contemporaries, Chopin had not only outstanding musical abilities. So, many argue that he had a stunning acting talent, and if he had dedicated himself to the theater, he would be able to enter his name in his story. Frederick possessed the ability to amazefully imitate gestures, gait, voice and even the intonation of different people. He regularly played in domestic performances, and felt very free on stage. It often happened that he left his comrades on stage, when they forgot the text - Frederick began to improvise, thereby saving the performance from the failure. Famous Polish Dramatic Artist Pisetsky and Erve comedian in one voice was able to refer a great future in the theater career.

In addition, Frederick possessed a large gift of the draftsman. In addition to ordinary pictures, Chopin painted the most interesting caricatures, which throughout his life remembered his friends on the lyceum. Fine art musical genius was engaged in hated lessons in mathematics. The most famous work of the composer is the caricature on the Rector of Lyceum S. Linde.

It is also known that Chopin loved to dance very much, and always did it in the company of friends. According to the memories of contemporaries, he was especially famously dying Mazur, Workers and "Cossack". But it often happened so that the invited pianist did not like the dancing, and then His place was held by Chopin himself.

Films about Chopin and his work

Biography of Chopin inspired many filmmakers to create artistic and documentaries about him. In many of them, the leading theme is the connection of the composer with Georges Sand. The most significant in cinema are:

  • The biographical drama "Song for Memory", filmed by the director Charles Vidin in 1945. It tells about the life of the famous composer and his novel with a scandalous writer. The dominant idea in the film is Patriotism Chopin. The picture was nominated for Oscar in six categories.
  • Romantic drama "Youth Chopin" (1951), created on the basis of the story of Bakhner and Jerzy Brochkevich. The focus of the director Alexander Ford was five years old from the life of the composer - from 1825 to 1830. The authors of the paintings depict the musician to the Yarym revolutionary and put forward his patriotic feelings on the fore.
  • 36-hour feature film "Blue Notes" (the second name "farewell message") directed by Andrei Zhulavsky, who saw the light in 1991. It tells about the personal life of the composer, his feelings for the Sand and relationship with loved ones.
  • Romantic musical comedy "Improvisation". This work of the theater director James Lapane came to the screens in 1991. It covers the events that occur in the Country House of the Duchess D "Antan during a solemn reception. This evening Georges Sand is found not only with Chopin, but also by many famous people of that time - a sheet, Delacroix, de Mussse and others.

  • Drama "Chopin's mystery, or a strange story of Dolphins Pototsk" (1999) directed by Tony Palmer, tells about the last years of Frederica's life and his feelings for Polish counteer Pototsk.
  • Artistic Film Jershi Antchak "Chopin. The desire of love "(2002) talks about the life of the composer, starting since 1830. In the center of the plot is a complex relationship between the composer with the Sand and its two children.
  • In the documentary film "In the footsteps of Chopin" (2008), the audience is given the opportunity to go on a trip to those historical places where the great maestro once had ever. His music in the film is performed by famous pianists of modernity Janus Oleinichak and Yves Henri.

Despite the fact that life and creativity is investigated, what is called, along and across, for many his personality and today remains a mystery. And the chief paradox is as follows - this poetic composer was a bright representative of the romantic era, however, as a pianist he absolutely did not fit into it. Unlike the performers of their time, he did not like a large concert halls, nor to theatrical porridge, nor to the crowds of fans. He was more attracted by the confidence, intimate setting in which he could tell in his game on the piano about the most intimate. About the phenomenon of this musician and his game spoke a lot to a lot - he considered his art inexplicable and elusive, comprehend which only chosen.

Film about Chopin