The heroes of the play "Poverty is not vice" A. Ostrovsky: a brief characteristic, analysis of characters


GORDES KARPY TORS, Rich merchant.

Pelageya Egorovna, his wife.

Love Gordeevna, their daughter.

Love Carts of the ends, his brother, who traded.

African Savich Korshunov, manufacturer.

Mitya, Tuchar Torotov.

Yasha Huslin, nephew Torotov.

Grisha Plumber, young knocker, son of a rich father.

Anna Ivanovna, a young widow.

Masha, Lisa) Girlfriend love is Gordeevna.

Friend, boy, far relative Torotov.

Arina, Nyanka Lyubov Gordeevna.

Guests, guests, servants, outer and others.

The action takes place in the county city, in the house of the merchant Torotov, during the density.

First action

Small quarry room; On the back wall door, left in the corner bed, right cabinet; On the left wall window, beside the window table, the table has a chair; Remove the right wall of the desk and a wooden stool; beside a guitar bed; On the table and desk books and paper.

Phenomenon first

Mitya walks back and forth on the room; The neighbor sits on a stool and reads the "Bow of the Korolev".

Egorushka (is reading). "The sovereign of my father, a glorious and brave king, Kirhibit Verzovich, now I don't have any courage, because when I was in my infinity, then the king Guidon walked for me."

Mitya . What, the neighbor, our homes?

Egorushka (pinches the place where he reads, so as not to be mistaken). Nobody here; Ride away. One city of Karpa's house. (Is reading.) "That was said to the dressing of his Kirhibit Verzovich ..." (Pins a finger.) Only such an angry thing that trouble! I'm left - everything swears. (Is reading.) "Then beautiful Militris Kirtubaevna, calling for a servant of Lychadda ..."

Mitya . Who is he angry with?

Egorushka(Clears again). On the uncle, on the beloved Carpsy. On the second day, the holiday of uncle loved Karpuch dined with us, for the dinner, it dinner, and began to throw out different knees, and it's ridiculous. I hurt after all, I did not suffer, I rolled with a laughter, and I look at me and that's it. Uncle Gondi, then Carri took it for his insult yes for ignorance, heaven on him, and he was driven. Uncle, I loved Karpić took yes to the retaliation he and Corresponding to him, went with the beggars and became from the cathedral. Uncle Tori Gordea Karpach says: Oramil, says to the whole city. Yes now and is angry at all without disaster, who will be touched by hand. (Is reading.) "With the intention to approached our hail."

Mitya (Looking out the window). It seems that our arrived ... So there is! Pelageya Egorovna, Love Gordeevna, and guests with them.

Egorushka (hides a fairy tale in his pocket). Run up. (Goes out.)

Second phenomenon

Mitya (one). Eka Tosca, Lord! .. On the street is a holiday, in the house in the house there is a holiday, and you sit in the four walls! .. All I am someone else's native, nor acquaintances! .. And then ... oh, so well! Sit is better for business, perhaps melancholy will pass. (Sits to the desk and thinks, then he sees.)

Beauty can not be described! ..

Black eyebrows, with a word of eyes.

Yes, with words. And how yesterday in Sable Salopa, covered with a handkerchief, goes from dinner, so it ... Ah! .. I think so, and not having such beauty! (Thinks, then sings.)

And where is this beauty born ...

How will work on the mind goes here! I wish I thought about her! .. The soul was all overwhelmed by the soot. Oh, you, Mount-Gorelyiaza! .. (Closes his face with his hands and silently sits.)

Includes Pelageya Egorovna, dressed in winter, and stops in the doorway.

Phenomenon third

Mitya and Pelagey Egorovna.

Pelagia Egorovna . Mitya, Mitenka!

Mitya . What you want?

Pelagia Egorovna . Go so hard to us, dove. Play with girls, Song Popet.

Mitya . Preparate grateful. The first duty of considered.

Pelagia Egorovna . What do you sit in the office alone in the office! Not great fun! Will you go, or what? I will not be at home.

Mitya . Good-s, I will come true.

Pelagia Egorovna . He will leave again ... Yes, will leave there, to this, to his own ... How is it? ..

Mitya . To Afrikana Savich-s?

Pelagia Egorovna . Yes Yes! That is imposed, forgive the Lord!

Mitya (feeding chair). Sit down, Pelagia Egorovna.

Pelagia Egorovna . Oh, once. Well, yes, till a little. (Sits down.) So you like you ... such an attack! The right! .. It became friends so that n □ -pot. Yes! That's what it is! What for? What sticks? Tell you for mercy! The man is he is a violent and drunk, African Savich ... Yes!

Mitya . Maybe what is the case of the Proud Carri with African Savich.

Pelagia Egorovna . What are things! There are no business. After all, he is, African Savich, with the agriculus they drink everything. There he has agricultural in the factory dealer - and drink ... yes! And our non-trace with them. Yes, will they speak with him! Proud of something one is worth it! I says here you are not with anyone to drive, everything, says, bastard, everyone, you see, men, and live in men; And you see you, Moscow, more everything in Moscow ... and rich. And what did it happen to him? Yes, because suddenly, courtesy, suddenly! All the same I had the reason. Well, we lived, of course, not luxurious, but after all, so God gave any; But last year I went to departure, and he took over someone. He took over, heaven, I really told me ... all these things took over. Now all of him our Russian is not cute; One gets one thing - I want to live in the present, fashion to engage. Yes, yes! .. put on, says, cape! .. After all, what will invent something! .. Below, or who, I'm in old age, say, different charms to do! Ugh! Well, here you are with him! Yes! I didn't drink before ... right ... Never, and now with this with African drink! Schward, it must be (showing head) And clouded. (Silence.) I think so that this enemy confuses him! Once there is no reason to have! .. Well, still young people: it's a young one and dress up, and all this is flattering; And then, after all, at sixty, nice, at sixty! Right! Trendy is your yes now, I tell him, every day changes, and the Russian is our custom of the time of the century lives! Old people were not stupid to us. Yes, if you deal with him, when it is, a darling, a cool character.

Mitya . What should I say! Strict man-s.

Pelagia Egorovna . Lyubochka is now in real pore, it is necessary to attach it to it, and he is one of the way: there is no smoothness ... no yes no! .. They are there! .. And he doesn't have everything ... And what is it the parent!

Mitya . Maybe the Gordea Carpships want to give love to Gordeev in Moscow.

Pelagia Egorovna . Who knows him that he has in his mind. I look at the beast, neither the word will not say, for sure I am not a mother ... Yes, right ... I do not dare to tell him; Does anyone speak with a stranger about your grief, pay, you will take a soul, just and everything. (Rises.) Come in, Mitenka.

Mitya . I will come.

Huslin enters.

Fourth phenomenon

The same husslin.

Pelagia Egorovna . So still well done! Come, Yashenka UPO to us upside down with the girls of the songs to sing, you are the master, yes guitar capture.

Huslin . Good-s, this is not in labor, and still, you can say, pleasure-with.

Pelagia Egorovna . Well, forgive. Go to suck half an hour.

Husslin and Mitya . Farewell-s.

Pelageya Egorovna leaves; Mitya sits down to the table having haughtily; Huslin sits on the bed and takes the guitar.

Phenomenon fifth

Mitya and Yasha Huslin.

Huslin . What people were on the ride! .. And yours were. What were you not?

Mitya . Yes, that Yasha, I trampled me to the Tosca.

Huslin . What kind of longing? What do you touch something?

Mitya . How not to touch something? Suddenly such thoughts come up in the head: what am I for a person in the world? Now I have a parent in old age and poverty, it must contain, and what? The salary is small, from Proud Carpits all the insult, yes, yes, and all the poverty stops, I'm definitely to blame ... And the salary does not add. I would search for another place, but where you can find it without dating something. Yes, admit to say, I will not go to another place to another.

Huslin . Why don't you go? Here I have a lot to live well - people are rich and kind.

Mitya . No, Yasha, not a hand! I will be all tolerated from the pride of Karpsia, I will be afraid, and I will not go. So my pland!

Huslin . Why so?

Mitya (rises). So, there is a cause of that. There is, Yasha, I still have a grief, but no one knows that grief. I did not affect anyone about my grief.

Huslin . Tell me.

Mitya (waving hand). What for!

Huslin . Yes, tell me for the importance!

Mitya . Speak do not say, because you will not help!

Huslin . How much should you know?

Mitya (Suitable for Huslin). No one will help me. Washed my head! I loved me to hurt the love of Gordeevna.

Huslin . What are you, Mitya?! Why is it?

Mitya . Yes, that's how - in no way, and already did.

Huslin . Better, Mitya, throw out of my head. There will never be this case, and not r □ live.

Mitya . I know all this, I can not figure out my heart. "Love a friend can not be forgotten! .." (Speak with strong gestures.) "I loved the mala to the girl, the way in the way, the tribe forest! .. Evil people are not vended, they are knitting, stopped!"

Huslin . Yes, and then you get tired. Here is Anna Ivanovna and Rove: It is empty, I have nothing, - and then the uncle does not make marry. And you have nothing to think. And then you will take it in the head, then it will be more gravity.

Mitya (declares).

What is in the light of the missile? -

Preifers are love!

(Walks around the room.) Yasha, read Koltsov? (Stops.)

Huslin . Read, what?

Mitya . How he described all these feelings!

Huslin . Exactly described.

Mitya . That's exactly what exactly. (Walks around the room.) Yasha!

Huslin . What?

Mitya . I wrote a song myself.

Huslin . You?

Mitya . Yes.

Mitya . Okay. On, here. (Gives him paper.) And I apologize a little - there is a case: an unequal Gordea Karpa will ask. (Sits down and writes.)

Huslin takes the guitar and begins to pick up a voice; Ploughness is included with harmony.

Phenomenon of sixth

The same poles.

Valueev . Hello, brothers! (Steps on harmony and crumbles.)

Huslin . Eco Fool! What did you bought harmony?

Valueev . I know what to play. Like this… (Playing.)

Huslin . Well, important music ... nothing to say! Throw, tell you.

Valueev . Well, I don't bother out! .. If I want, I'll throw it ... Here is the importance! Do we have no money? (Hits herself on his pocket.) Ring We walk - so walk! (Throws harmony.)

One mountain is high,

And the other is low;

One Mila is far away

And the other is close.

Mitya (hit Mitu on the shoulder), And Mitya! What are you sitting?

Mitya . There is a case. (Continues to do.)

Valueev . Mitya, and Mitya, and I walk, brother ... The right word, walk. Wow, go! .. (Sings: "One mountain is high" and so on.) Mitya, and Mitya! I will walk the whole holiday, and there is a case ... the right word! Well, do we have no money? Here they are! .. And I'm not drunk ... No, so I walk ... fun ...

Mitya . Well, walk on health.

Valueev . And after the holiday I get married! .. The right word, marry! I will take rich.

Huslin (Mita). Well, here are listening, so it will be okay?


Huslin (sings).

There is no evil, postgraduate

Evil orphan fraction

Evil burning lutogo

Heavy capture.

Everyone in the world of holidays,

You do not have fun! ..

Whether a buoy leaps

Without wine hangover!

Youth does not please

Beauty does not techite;

Not a snob-girl -

Mount Kudri scraps.

At all this time, the poles stands as inserted and listens with feeling; At the end of singing, everyone is silent.

Valueev . Well, hurt well! It is a pity that ... so for the heart and enough. (Sighs.) Eh, Yasha! Play cheerful, fully rope something pull - now the holiday. (Sings.)

Wow! How hussars do not love!

This is not suitable!

Play, Yasha.

Huslin is playing.

Mitya . Fully fooling around. Let's better sell in a handful of yes half a song with SPOOL.

Valueev . Okay! (Sit down.)

Huslin (Sinks; Mitya and Ploughness tighten).

Hortal you are young,

You are my friend ...

Gordea carp is included; Everyone get up and stop singing.

Seventh phenomenon

The same and mountains of Karpach.

GORDES KARPYCH . What is planted! Gorlanyat, exactly a man! (Mith.) And you go there! It seems not in such a house you live, not in men. What kind of salvo! So that I did not have it forward! (It looks like a table and examines paper.) What papers scattered! ..

Mitya . This I checked accounts.

GORDES KARPYCH (takes the book Koltsov and notebook with verses). And this is what nonsense?

Mitya . I am from boredom, on holidays, s, poem of Mr. Koltsov rewritten.

GORDES KARPYCH . What tenderness with our poverty!

Mitya . Actually, to educate your own, to have a concept.

GORDES KARPYCH . Education! Do you know what kind of education? .. And there is also talking there! You would be a new sewer who sewed! After all, we go to the top, guests are ... Stamp! Where do you need money?

Mitya . Mama send, because she in old age, she nowhere to take.

GORDES KARPYCH . Mother send! You would be ourselves □ Zil before; The mother is not God knows what you need, not in luxury is brought up, the tea herself blended.

Mitya . I put better, I will endure, yes Mama, in extremes, does not need anything.

GORDES KARPYCH . Why is ugly! I can't be able to observe and sit in my cone over my decency; If the goal is a circle, so there is nothing to dream about yourself! Poems writes; It wants to form yourself, and himself as a factory go! Is that this education is that stupid songs sing? That's stupid! (Through the teeth and put on Mitu.) Fool! (Sorry.) You do not dare to appear in this sternum. You hear, I tell you! (To Spluliaev.) And you too! Father, tea, money shovel enlarges, and you are driving you in a solarium.

Valueev . Well what! He is new ... the cloth is French, I discharged from Moscow, after acquaintance ... Twenty ruble Arshin. Well, it's not, I have a sort of stuck, like Franz Fedorych, a pharmacist ... Kiguza; So his won and tease everything: countries coat! So well, you have a good way to mix!

GORDES KARPYCH . Many you know! Why, with you to recover something! You yourself are stupid, and my father does not hurt your smart ... A whole age with a fearful belly walks; Fools are unemployed living, fools and die.

Valueev . Okay.

GORDES KARPYCH (strictly). What?

Valueev . Okay, they say.

GORDES KARPYCH . Unbend, and say something can be safe! To speak with you - only words spend; I don't care that the wall peas and you, fools. (Goes out.)

Eighth phenomenon

The same, without Torotkov.

Valueev . Look-osse what kind of terrible! You are, you desoped! So you were frightened ... how, keep your pocket!

Mitya (Huslin). Here it is my life is why! That's what I live sweetly in the world!

Valueev . Yes, from the story of living - Zappa, the right to heat! And you throw, do not think. (Severe.)

One mountain is high,

And the other is low;

One Mila is far away

And the other is close.

Enter: Love Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna, Masha and Lisa.

Ninth phenomenon

The same, love Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna, Masha and Lisa.

Anna Ivanovna . The world of honest company!

Valueev . Milicia I ask for our Shalash.

Mitya . Our respect-s! Milicia ask! .. What fate? ..

Anna Ivanovna . And no, simply - took and came. GORDES KARPYU went away, and Pelageya Egorovna lay down to relax, so now our will ... Goulai - I do not want! ..

Mitya . Please submore.

Sit down; Mitya sits against Lyubov Gordeevna; Plumber walks.

Anna Ivanovna . It was tired of silently sit, roots to click, - Let's go, say, girls, to guys, and girls and any.

Love Gordeevna . What do you invent something! We did not imagine here, it was you invented.

Anna Ivanovna . How wrong! Yes, you are the first ... a famous business, who needs what, he thinks: guys about girls, and girls about guys.

Valueev . Ha, ha, ha! .. This is you, Anna Ivanovna, I speak accuracy.

Love Gordeevna . Never!

Masha (Lisa). Ah, shame what!

Lisa . This, Anna Ivanovna, you speak completely opposite.

Anna Ivanovna . Oh, you, modesty! I would say the word, but it's not good with the guys ... I myself was in girls, I know everything.

Love Gordeevna . Girl girl on a girl.

Masha . Ah, shame what!

Lisa . What you say is even for us very strange and, you can say confusely.

Valueev . Ha, Ha, Ha! ..

Anna Ivanovna . What about the conversation at the top? Want to say! .. Well, to say, or what? What, recalled!

Valueev . Ha, Ha, Ha! ..

Anna Ivanovna . You caught my mouth! Not about you, I suppose!

Valueev . Hosh and not about me, however, maybe there is someone who thinks about us. We know, we know! (Enters.)

How hussars do not love!

This is not suitable!

Anna Ivanovna (Suitable for Huslin). What are you, Bandist, when you marry me?

Huslin (Playing the guitar). But when the permission will be resolved from Proud Carri. Where we hurry something, not a drill. (Nods her head.) Look here, Anna Ivanovna, I need to tell you one thing.

She comes to him and sits downside; He whispers her ear, showing Gordeevna and Mitu on love.

Anna Ivanovna . What are you saying! .. Surely!

Huslin . This is true.

Anna Ivanovna . Well, so good, silent! (Say a whisper.)

Love Gordeevna . You, Mitya, come to us in the evening?

Mitya . I will come.

Valueev . And I will come. I painfully dance far. (Becomes an entertainment.) Girls love me anyone.

Masha . Shame on you! What do you say that!

Valueev . What is the importance! I say - love me ... yes ... for my simplicity.

Lisa . This is not told to girls. And they should have been waiting for themselves to love you.

Valueev . Yes, wait from you, how! (Dancing.)

How hussars do not love!

Love Gordeevna (looking at Mitu). Maybe someone loves someone, but will not say: it is necessary to guess himself.

Lisa . What a girl in the world can say it!

Masha . Of course.

Anna Ivanovna (Suitable for them and looks at the love of Gordeevna, then Mitu also seals).

And as it can be seen,

Kohl who loves whom -

Against cute sits down

Heat sighs.

Mitya . Which expense is it necessary to take it?

Anna Ivanovna . We know on whose.

Valueev . Stand, girls, I will sleep a song.

Anna Ivanovna . SPIA, SPIAY!

Valueev (sings outstanding).

Flying a bear on the jet ...

Anna Ivanovna . And you do not know this worse?

Lisa . You can even take it into a mockery.

Valueev . And if this is not good, I will sing another to you; I'm cheerful. (Sings.)

Ah, Bay in the board,

Remember Moscow!

Moscow wants to marry -

Kolomna take.

And Tula laughs,

Yes, in the dowry does not want!

And the buckwheat four,

Soroky cereals

Here is a milvan with us,

And barley three Altyna.

(Referring to girls.)

Would take it and Oats -

Painfully expensive!

See, the weather is what!

Masha . This does not apply to us.

Lisa . We do not trade flour.

Anna Ivanovna . Yes, you stick! You guess the riddle. What is: Round - yes not a girl; With the tail - yes not mouse?

Valueev . This thing is wisdom!

Anna Ivanovna . That's wisdom! .. here you think! Well, girls, let's go.

Girls get up and are going to go.

Guys, let's go.

Husslin and pioneering gather.

Mitya . And I will come after. I will remove something here.

Anna Ivanovna (while going).

Girls Eve

Red evening,

The girls were brewing the girls.

Went to the girls

Went to the red

I went to the girls yes uninvited guest.

Anna Ivanovna misses everyone, excluding the love of Gordeevna, puts out and does not allow it.

The tenth phenomenon

Mitya and love Gordeevna.

Love Gordeevna (at the door). Stop, do not fool.

Behind the door of the girl laughter.

Do not let! .. Oh, what! (Departs from the door). Balovnitsa, right! ..

Mitya (feeding chair). Sit down, the love of Gordeevna, chat a minute. I am very happy to see you at home.

Love Gordeevna (Sitting). What to rejoice here, I do not understand.

Mitya . Yes, how-with! .. I am very pleased - with seeing your part of your attention, over my merit for you. That's the other time I have happy-with ...

Love Gordeevna . Well! I came, I sat down and left, this is not important. I, perhaps, go now.

Mitya . Oh, no, do not go, s! .. Why-s! .. (Takes out paper from pocket.) Let me pretend to you my work ... I can, from the soul.

Love Gordeevna . What is it?

Mitya . Actually, poems wrote for you.

Love Gordeevna (trying to hide joy). Still maybe some kind of stupidity ... do not read.

Mitya . That I can not judge, because I myself wrote it and seemingly not learning.

Love Gordeevna . Read.

Mitya . Now-s. (Sit down beside the table and takes the paper; Love Gordeevna moves to him very close.)

Do not flower in the field faded, not there, -

Vyshglis, dry good well done kids.

He loved his red maiden on the mountain,

On the misfortune itself, yes to a big one.

Difficult your heart the guy is ruined,

What a nervy girl guy loves:

In the dark night the sun is not escaped,

What a guy of the Red Device is not life.

Love Gordeevna(Sits a few time thinking) . Give it to me. (Takes paper and hides, then rises.) I'll write you myself.

Mitya . Are you-s?!

Love Gordeevna . Only verses I do not know how, and so, just.

Mitya . For great happiness mail for yourself is your such favor-s. (Gives paper and feather.) Remote-s.

Love Gordeevna . It is a pity that I write badly. (Writes.)

Mitya wants to look.

Only you do not look, otherwise I will scroll and inspire.

Mitya . I will not look-with. But you let me on your condesception correspond to the same, how much can, and write poems for you the secondary-s.

Love Gordeevna (Putting a pen). Write, perhaps ... Only your fingers have fallen, I knew, it would be better not writing.

Mitya . Sick-with.

Love Gordeevna . Here, take it. Only you do not dare to read with me, and read after when I leave. (Folds the piece of paper and gives him; he hides in his pocket.)

Mitya . Will be at your request, s.

Love Gordeevna (rises). Come to us upstairs?

Mitya . I will come ... this is a minute-s.

Love Gordeevna . Goodbye.

Mitya . Before a nice date, s.

Love Gordeevna goes to the door; From the door it is loved by Karpyych.

"Poverty is not a vice" is the play of Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolayevich, the playwright of Russian literature. This play is written in a comedy style. The story describes the situation of love of the clerk of a rich merchant to his daughter, who is against their connection and prevents in love to be together.

This story is the heritage of Russian literature. She teaches understanding, responsiveness, lacks life principles and views. But not many people have the opportunity to read a comedy completely due to excessive employment, because the story is quite voluminous.

If a person does not have such an opportunity, but I want to read a similar play, it can read the story of the Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice". A summary of the chapters, where the main events and the work of the work are compressed and briefly described. After reading in the summary of the play, a person simultaneously saves time and culturally will encine.

Note! Before reading the work, it is worth familiar with the main employees of the comedy. Knowing the temper and the nature of the main characters, the play will be perceived better and rich.

Table: The main actors of the comedy.

Hero Characteristic
GORDES KARPYCH Okotov Rich merchant. His many people do not like egoism, arrogance and pride.

After the death of his father, he was inherited a considerable state, which could only multiply, unlike his brother, who was missed all the money in the capital.

In different actions of the city appears in various amplua.

In the first action, he acts as an evil owner requiring obedience and good return in the work plan.

It is distinguished by irritability and unusual malice towards his daughter and wife.

Garda tends to leave a small village, settle in Moscow and become a respected and influential person.

Korshunov African Savich African is an influential manufacturer living in Moscow.

It is characterized as a strong, volitional, purposeful person, ready to step over to achieve the goal through a lot.

The main passion of African is women. He is loving, so often is surrounded by young ladies.

Love Carps Tormers Brother of a selfish and self-free rich merchant, who wanted to give the only daughter to marry a rich but old manufacturer.

Love in the story characterized as a positive character. He is fundamentally different from his brother.

His priorities include spirituality, high moral qualities and values.

After the pretty of all paternal money, we love to earn a living for a living, than heavily angry brother.

Love Gordeevna Torotov Daughter proud. It is described as a girl with a broad soul capable and wanting to help others.

In the plot, she falls in love with the poor, but very nice guy Mitu, working at his father.

Mitya Customer Torotov. The poor young man is forced to live in a small room and get a penny for his work at Torcov.

He falls in love with Gordeevna love and secretly wants to marry her.

Pelageya Egorovna Tortsova Selfish merchant wife. The woman holy honors Russian traditions and customs, condemns the intentions of the spouse to break through into the highest society.

Having learned about the secret love of the clerk and daughter, Pelageya supports her daughter, but it is not solved to go to her husband.

First action

Events occur in the county town on the shields (ancient Russian holiday).

Chronology of events:

  1. The main hero of the comedy of Gordea Krapych was very angry after the next drunk trunk of his brother, considering it for insulting.
  2. The second act begins with the arrival of his daughter, spouses and guests. Mitya, who was all this time in the room, goes into the office and eager to work, but he does not work. He loved and his thoughts takes the beautiful love of Gordeevna.
  3. Pelageya invites Mitu at the table and complains of a selfish and self-free spouse, who after the trip to the capital wanted to live in a new way, to join the Higher Society of Intelligents.

    She notes that the spouse is going to give them the only daughter to marry a Muscovite, because in their village there is no equal party of love.

  4. After talking about Pelagia and Mitya, Yasha is included in the room - the blood nephew of the merchant. He has a conversation with the militia about his love for the merchant daughter.
  5. During the conversation, there is a funny and immediate ragulaev with a harmonica, which begins to call everyone singing and have fun.
  6. After that, the room is broken by an evil city of Karpić and requires Mitya's tailoring of a new imprisoner, motivating the fact that in his house it is not customary to walk like poor.
  7. After the exit is proud of the room, to Mity comes his beloved with his friends:

    Anna Ivanovna.

    With the help of a tricky trick, Anna Loves remain alone. The guy reads love verses, confesses to love.

    After the heard, the confused daughter of the merchant writes the guy the answer, where he confesses in the opposite love feelings for him. After that, she leaves.

  8. Brother's brother comes into the room and hints at revenge for his unworthy attitude towards Mita.

Important! Love wanted to take revenge not only for the insult made by Mita, but also for the insult and humiliation from the native brother towards himself.

Second action

Chronology of events:

  • Anna and love are located in the living room. Mitya includes them and clarifies whether he wrote his beloved about his feelings. Specifying this, they mutually decide to go ask for a blessing from her father to their marriage.
  • At this time, the living room is filled with an abundance of guests, which are having fun, dancing and sing. But suddenly the owner of the house and the fun ceases appears.
  • Upon learning of the intentions of Mitya, he drives the guy and all guests from home.
  • Gordey intends to marry his daughter for the rich manufacturer Afrikana Korshunov. He comes to the girl, gives her sorcers with diamonds and hints at wealth and welfare in marriage with him.
  • Having learned about the intention of African to marry her, the girl snaps out her hand, but his father declares that the decision about the wedding is already accepted and this is not discussed. He says that soon love will move to the capital and marry African.
  • Having learned about the decision of the Father, the girl in despair. She cries, begs the father of this not to do, not to marry her for an unloved man, but Gordes are adamant.

Action third

The third action takes place the next day.

Note! Pelagia is already aware of the intention of the spouse to marry daughter. She does not feel joys from this news, but the husband cannot oppose the decision.

Event Deployed Description
The room includes Pelagia She is superficially trying to persuade the proud, not to make this act, do not give love to marry.
The room includes Mitya He came with the goal to say goodbye to the owner and his wife. Reports his decision to go home to the patient's mother. He once again tries to explain the proud of the mutual feelings of love for him.
The room includes love Seeing the inflexibility of the father of love, Mitya offers the beloved to escape with him, but it refuses because of the fear of the wrath of the Father. The guy leaves.
Korshunov arrival The arrival of African is accompanied by flat stories and stories about rich, carefree life with him.
Coming proud After the next confession of African enters the city. He in every possible way is kindly with the rich, shows a cultural and educational level.
Appearance of Friushki The arrival of the neighbor is accompanied by the news that she loves to say goodbye to the guests, recovering them home.

There is a quarrel between the brothers in which the manufacturer is climbing. Brother insults rich. The Afrikant is outraged by the attitude and indicates the disrespect of proud.

Quarus Torotov and African Torotov did not like that he was allowed to reproach the future son-in-law.

Between them begins the conflict and the merchant breaks the engagement of his daughter with the manufacturer.

Help Mitya and Love Having learned about the termination of the engagement, the Mitya comes to the house to the ends and again asks his daughter's hands.

Gordes first disagrees, but then he replaces anger to mercy and permits to be in love together.

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\u003e Characteristics of heroes poverty is not vice

Characteristics of the hero of the city of the ends

GORDES KARPYCH TECOVERS - Hero of Comedy A. N. Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice", a rich merchant, the father of love is Gordeevna, Brother Lyubama Carpsy. The name of this character speaks for itself. GORDES KARPYCH - a proud man and arrogant. After the death of his father, he chose himself a profitable establishment, and his brother was loved by money and bills. I loved KarPych quickly wondered part of the inheritance in Moscow, and the rest entrusted the Factory to Korshunov, who subsequently deceived him. GORDES KARPYUCH, on the contrary, did not lose the inheritance, and inexpressible and sometimes sich.

Throughout the work, different emotional bursts of Torotov are traced. In the first and second action, he acts as an evil and angry owner. All of it is annoyed, including households and guests. He often screams to his clerk Mitu. Paying me a meager salary, demands that he bought himself a caftan for more expensive and did not go to visit them in cheap things. The behavior of his brother and altogether considers it offensive, while loved forced to earn their bread junning. He considers his wife to be uneducated ignoramus and does not hide it.

Having been in Moscow, Gordea Karpach decided that he was only in the capital and in the highest circles. Now nothing Russian doesn't like him, but give only foreign. That is why he drives friendship with Saviech African manufacturer, who often drinks with his English director. However, he does not even suspect how Chither this manufacturer and what exactly he ruined his brother. He is even ready to give his only daughter for this rich old man. Fortunately, in the third action, Karpyych belongs to Korshun and the wedding is canceled. In this part of the work, the reader sees the pride of Karpsia from the other side. This is a person who can recognize his mistakes and reassure. He thanks his brother for revealed his eyes to him, and bless her daughter for marriage with that man who is Mil.

The famous play "Poverty is not a vice" was written by a wonderful writer Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky in 1953. And even a year later, this work came out of printing a separate book. It is known that the Ostrovsky comedy was successful, so in 1854. It was put on the scenes of the Moscow Small and Alexandrian theaters. The author himself did not expect such success. Consider briefly features of this comedy.

In contact with

History of creating a play

Alexander Ostrovsky conceived writing his new work in mid-July 1853, but he was able to fulfill the conceived only at the end of August. The author was conceived the plot in which only two acts should have been. But during the writing, Alexander Nikolaevich changed not only the structure of his own, but also the name. When her writing was completed, then when reading was unexpected and tremendous successwho stolen even the island itself.

Important!The initial name of the writings of Ostrovsky - "Gordy God oppresses".

Meaning of the name

The name of the play allows you to see that, despite the fact that in the world in which the main characters live, there is no justice, still love can exist. The world of Russian worker is beautiful, his holidays and rites are beautiful. But at the same time, the Russian people are starving and lives their lives in poverty, from which they can not get out. Employees are completely dependent on their owner, which is rude and nonsense. First place not spiritual values, but wealthAnd this is the main vice of humanity.

The problems affected by Ostrovsky

Ostrovsky's writer raises many problems in the play "Poverty is not a vice", but the main thing is still the confrontation of the personality and environment.

If a person is poor, then often many values \u200b\u200bof this world pass by him. He finds himself unhappy in love, and difficulties arise constantly on his way.

But money can not bring happiness. You can not love for money or be friends, as it will all go to hatred.

But here's a relationship to a person often add up because it is rich. Unfortunately, spiritual and moral qualities retreat to the background.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe play "Poverty is not vice"

Alexander Nikolaevich in the play perfectly describes how money affects a person how quickly he begins to obey them, setting in the first place, and forget that he surrounds around, even relatives and loved ones. But Ostrovsky shows that, having a huge power over people, they are still powerless. And this idea is proved in history with the love of Gorda, who was able to defend her love, although she, and Mity had to go through the trials.

Feature plot

A feature of the plot as a whole is the disclosure of the main, main, problem through the conflict of the play. According to the writer, the older generation is trying to completely submit adult children. They do not think about the happiness of the younger generation, but only try to increase their richesin. Love in the system of their values \u200b\u200bdoes not mean anything.

Important! Ostrovsky shows not only the conflict between generations, but also the self-smugness of people who have money.

Comedy is built as follows:

  1. The tie, in which the young and poor clarifier Mitya admits any in his feelings.
  2. The culmination in which the father of Lyuba wishes to give her daughter for a rich manufacturer.
  3. An isolation in which the reader constantly hears a monologue is loved, and lovers receive parent blessings.

Characteristics of acting persons

Piece poverty is not a vice island

The characters have a little bit, but they are all necessary in order to not only understand the content, but the writer tries to rid stupidity and ignorance of society, headed by money.


  • Oktsov Gordea Karpach, a rich merchant.
  • Pelageya Egorovna, the wife of Torotov.
  • Lyuba, their daughter.
  • Love the ends, brother of a rich merchant.
  • Korshunov African Savvich, manufacturer.
  • Mitya, Clay.

Many expressions of the heroes of Ostrovsky are firmly entered into our speech and became covered. And this happened because the character language of the works of Ostrovsky is expressive, flexible, barter and juicy. All chosen word or expression is chosen.

Love Gordeevna: Description and Quick Feature

Ostrovsky has created several female images in his literary essay "Poverty is not a vice", the appealing of people who have prospect. One of them is Lyuba, which grew up in a merchant family, but suddenly suddenly fell in love with Mitu. The guy is poor and serves as a clerk at her father.

Note! The girl herself knows perfectly well that the Mitya does not suit her in the groom, since he is not equal and in wealth, and on the situation in society.

Yes, and the Father, the ends of Gondi, has long picked up his groom. Accident solves the fate of Luba And gives her the opportunity to be happy with whom she loves. All Father's Plans are crumbling, and the marriage with an unloved fiance did not take place.

The first action takes place in the House of Torcov, where Mitya reads a book, and the latest news tells him. I tried the cradle and work, but only all his thoughts were about beloved.

But here Pelagey Egorovna came, who complains of her husband. According to her, after a trip to Moscow, he stopped loving Russian and began to drink a lot. And he even conceived his daughter married to Moscow give

And Mitya told his story Yasha. He is forced to work in the Torotov's house, as his favorite lives here. But he is the only son of the poor mother, whom he gives all his sorrows. And he might get more if he moved to Valulyaev, but he could not leave Lyubash.

But soon the cheerful poles appear, with which young people start singing. Suddenly, right in the middle of the song, the number appears in the room. He begins to shout on Mitu, and then leaves again. After his departure to the room includes girls, among whom the love of Gordeevna.

Soon, Mitya and Lyuba Torotov remain alone in the room. The clerk reads the poems that composed for her. After listening to the history of life Lyubim Torotov, Mitya reads a note from Luba, where girl confesses to him in love.

The second action carries the reader to the living room of Torcov, where it is already dark. Lyuba is recognized by Anna Ivanovna in what Mitu loves. Soon the clarifier appears, which is decided to admit to his love. Young people decide to tell tomorrow about this enemy and ask for his blessing.

When the Mitya is removed, girls who are having fun, sing songs and guess. Appear and orange. At this time, Mitya kisses any, but praised unhappy, as he was going to marry a girl himself, because he had money. But here again the ends appear unexpectedly. He came home with Korshunov, in front of which he was constantly labeled. Having tried guests, he apologizes for his uneducated wife. Korshunov gives the daughter of Torcov's earrings with diamonds.

The ends reports to the family that is going to move to Moscow from the county town. After all, he already found the son-in-law, with whom he had already conspited about the wedding. Mother and Lyuba against such a decision of the fatherThey cry and ask not to destroy the young girl. But ends even wanting to hear anything.

The third action begins in the rooms where the daughter's wedding is being prepared. Mitya decided to leave for the mother and came to say goodbye, but himself barely holds away tears.

A young man, hearing that Pelagey Egorovna against marriage with a bad man, opens the mystery about what they are in love. Soon the girl appears. There is an hour of farewell when they both cry.

In desperation, Mitya offers to secretly bless them, and then they go to his mother together, where they can quietly hang. But no one can go against the father's will, because it is sin. The young man, having accepted such a decision of the girl, goes sad.

Korshunov is trying to explain Lyubash, what happiness is waiting for her rich husband. But here it appears love Karpić, who not only accelerates guests, but still requires returning and old debt. There is a scandal, and in the rustling of anger of Gordea Karpach, considering herself offended, gives consent to the marriage of Mitya and Luba.

Piece "Poverty is not a vice" - summary

Poverty is not a vice island - analysis, content, plot


Ostrovsky finishes his work in the triumph of good and punishment of vice. It was the wedding of the main characters that proves the name that poverty cannot be a vice, and the main vice is the involvement of human souls and thirst for wealth.