Literature needs talented. Education in a word

How to become a good reader

Book Exhibition-Council Teenagers

"Literaturesosameneedtalented readers,

asandtalentedwriters. "

SamuelYakovlevich Marshak

The book is one of the greatest wonders of the world, the amazing invention of the humanity.

It turns out that reading should also be learn, Tog-yes it is - and joy, and benefit.

  1. Do travel in story book .

It is impossible become good reader without knowledge stories books . Lookout her .

This is an ancient country and at the same time Molo-giving. Young readers will be able to learn about the history role of books from antiquity to the present day, about its meaning in the formation of human spiritual cult, get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe great books of antiquity and famous scribes, to be in different countries and epochs playing an important role in Fate book. And be sure to "meet" with the libraries of the past and the modern temples of wisdom.


1. E. L. Nemirovsky. Traveling to the sources of Russian typography: book for students. - M.: Education, 1991. - 224 C.: Il.

2. A. G. Glukhov. ... only letters sound: the fate of the ancient libraries. - M.: Book, 1981.- 208 p., Il.

3. Golubva O. D. in the world of book treasures. - L. Lenzdat, 1988. -272 p.

4. E. sturgeon. Tale about Drukar Ivan and his books: for younger school age. - M.: Kid, 1983. - 95 p.: Il.

5. I. Pavlov. About your book. - L.: Children's literature, 1991. - 113 s.: Il. - (know and mind)

6. Electronic presentation "Your Just Book Garden". / Library MOU SOSH No. 3, Shumerla, 2010.

2. LEYURE culture reading . Culture reading this is

  • skillaloneworkfrombookkee;
  • knowledgereceptionsrationalreading;
  • berezhnoyeattitudetobook;
  • skillfocusontom,whatchi-taki;
  • the ability to quickly find the desired books in the library, etc.
  • The ability at the same time: to understand, imagine, worry read.


Bookteacheslechitsoulbrings up tasteformsviews ...Reading talentthis isnotjustnaturalgift,andre-collectstubbornlabor.

  • How to learn how to enjoy the skill of the writer, his thoughts depth, and not just "GLA-Tat" books, perform a boring task?
  • What truthful book differs from false shiva, talented - from gray?
  • Where to start work on the abstract?
  • What are the rapid readings?
  • How to make a quote, make a list of references, plan, abstract?

These and many other questions of teenagers will be able to find answers in those proposed from Denmark, using important experts.

The talent of the reader is one of those rare talents, which everyone can develop himself. And then the person will learn how to apply knowledge, in better of books, in life. In short, the taant of the reader will gain.


1. I. Ya. Linkova. You and your book: book for reading. - M., Enlightenment, 1981. - 142 p.

2. I am friends with the book // Children's Encyclopedia, 2009, No. 3, 72 p.

3. Information and you. // Children's Encyclopedia, 2007, No. 3, 56 p.

4. Baby tutor / library MOU SOSH No. 3.

5. Secrets of successful work with printed publications: Library lesson for high school students. Electronic presentation. Library MOU SOSH number 3.

6. "Method of output. Library lesson Electronic presentation. Library MOU SOSH number 3.

7. Traveling on the children's Internet library lesson Electronic presentation. Library MOU SOSH number 3.

3. Girlfriend from encyclopedias , reference books , dictionaries .

Navigate in thread infor-Mety helps reference literature . it encyclopedia , dictionaries , directories .

Treat to nIM .

The proposed unique editions will be faithful satellites in an exciting journey through the planet of knowledge. Laconic text, IL-lustrations will easily assist serious and useful information about the person and the universe, about disappeared civilizations and unusual phenomena of nature, animals and plants and many other things. And, of course, schoolboy will be useful for several years of study.

Interestpresenteditionofseries"Alloball ","Strokestime-meni"Encyclopediaforchildren ","Whothere is someone in the world, ""one hundredfamous ","one hundredgreat "," all about everything "," I will know the world "," Encyclopedia for children ",

Encyclopedia»What is who,", "big Russian encyclopedia", "Big Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius" (withD), "Big Soviet Encyclopedia (withD)other.

Useful information and reliable scientific facts can have a teenager to expand their horizons.

  1. Website RGDB on the Internet called "Bibliogid" ( and
  2. Library Maxim Moshkov,
  3. Internet library Alexei Komarova,
  4. Site International Reading Association (
  5. Electronic libraries "Imwerden" and "Bestseller" - this is an incomplete list of electronic libraries to which there is free access.

4. Chitai books , checked time is .

Choosing books for reading , special preference give up top , who enjoyed popularity w. mOST generations readers .

Here are the best books for children who have handed over the test of time: their moms and dads, grandparents read them ... These publications are truly "Golden Circle" of Reading: A. Pushkin "Poems", J. Bern "Fifteen-year-old Captain ", A. Green" Scarlet Sails ", M. Reed" Rider without a head ", N. Gogol" Evenings on the farm near Dikanka ", Miracle," V. Shakespeare "Twelfth Night", L. Tolstoy "Youth", g . Treopolsky "Be-Lay Bim Black Ear" and many others.


  1. One hundred beloved books: Gold list for children's reading // Children's Encyclopedia, 2008, No. 9, 88 p.
  2. Anthology of world children's literature. / Multi-volume ed. - M., Avanta, 2003.
  3. Books on the recommendation lists of the project "Successful reading"
    1. "Test List" M.N. Polyakhina [Email Protected]

Art be a reader - the art is infinite, this skill is mastered all his life. Useful books of books offered at the exhibition will help you become GoodReader.

How many books are read - it does not matter, but it matters a very long time daily, annoying reading, the thing is unpleasant - with the lamp burned down - the window. And while the circle from the lamp on the round table is turned off only at the later dawn, everything is in order on a round and light earth, inhabited by the planet.

Boris. Slutsky

The exhibition prepared a librarian Loskutova A. V.

About talented reader

Let's talk about the reader. It is rarely said about him. Meanwhile, the reader is an indispensable face. Without him, not only our books, but also all the works of Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin - just a dumb and dead pile of paper.

Separate readers may otherwise be mistaken to judge books, but for the reader in the large, collective meaning of this word - and moreover, for a more or less long period of time, it always remains the last word in the assessment of the literary work.

True, the assessment of the book, approved for a well-known period, is very often changing. Some booth, located near, can challenge the tower, standing away. But sooner or later we are aware of this impact of vision and begin to represent literary values \u200b\u200bin a more proper scale.

Time goes, one generation is replaced by another, and each of them in his own way appreciates the literary inheritance reached him. And if the prose or poet retain their value and weight over the centuries, it is not explained by the fact that they once enrolled in the ranks of geniuses and classics or are immortalized by the monuments in their honor, but by the fact that new generations recognize them in valuable and necessary for life.

And there are cases when the book, peacefully lying on our shelf, gradually and imperceptibly loses its charm. She seemed to be destroyed, merging with others, her like.

Solves the fate of the book of a living person, reader.

This is not necessary to forget when we are talking about language, about the poet's dictionary.

Remember how Lermontov brought to the heart of the Russian reader, the poems of Heine, translating German words with such Russians:

And sleeping, swinging and snowy bulk
Dressed as risa, she.

Tyutchev's translation of the same poem of Heine, very close to the original, did not cause us, however, such a deep response and therefore did not enter Russian poetry on a par with original verses.

Words and combinations of words are connected in our consciousness with many many of the most complex associations and are able to raise a whole world of memories, feelings, images, ideas from the bottom of our soul.

And the point here is not only in a subtle and solid knowledge of the language, which is the lingules.

In search of the most expressive, sole, indispensable word, the poet or prose writes not to one memory as a doctor who remembers the Latin names of drugs.

Words are located in our consciousness not as in the dictionaries, not apart, not alphabetically and not in grammatical categories. They are closely related to the diverse feelings and sensations. It will not come to the memory of an angry, sharp, taggy word, while we really do not get out. We will not find hot, gentle, gentle words until you penetrate the genuine tenderness. That is why Mayakovsky speaks of the mining of the precious word "from the artesian human dephesis."

This does not mean that some unusual, sophisticated words are needed to the expression of the feelings.

Find the simplest and at the same time the most difficult word is sometimes more difficult.

Recall the Description of the Winter Even in the Chekhovsky story "Flip".

"He recently walked the first snow, and everything in nature was under the rule of this young snow. In the air smelled of snow, under the legs gently crunched snow, earth, roofs, trees, benches on the boulevards - everything was soft, white, young, and from this house They looked out otherwise than yesterday, the lanterns were buried brighter, the air was transparent, the crews were knocked out, and in the soul, together with the fresh, light frosty air was asked to feel like white, young, fluffy snow ... "

This is what ordinary, all and every famous words gives us a feeling of the first snow of Chekhov. Where is the verbal "artesian depths", which was mentioned above?

In lyric concentration, in a strict and strict selection of the finest details, in that rhythm, which transfers us into the situation of the winter evening city.

In essence, the most simple words possess the greatest force if the reader perceives them with the fresh immediance, which is characteristic of poets and children.

Czechs Polinchui contrasted all the pretty definitions of the sea.

And in the National Epos "Kalevala" the hare, who brings the news of the death of Aino, speaks her native that the girl

The sea fell into the wet.

"The Great Sea", "Wet Sea" - so any child could put it, which perceives the world for the first time - large, strongly and simple.

An adult man can find more complex epithets for the characteristics of the sea. But the one is the one who manages to combine mature experience with so fresh and immediate vision of the world.

In the folk epic, in ancient Greek poetry, in Latin prose, in inscriptions on ancient monuments, simple verbs are full of movement and strength:

Came, saw, won.

And what power and weight in the line of the Lermontov poem "two giants" - in the verb "fell", put in the end of the verse, as if over a steep cliff:

Behind the bold - and fell!

The poet, as it were, returns the words initial freshness, energy, the most comprehensiveness - the advantages that they did not possess, resting in inaction on the pages of dictionaries.

In the verb "laughter" sounds the loud laughter - "ho-ho-tatt".

We have long been accustomed to this laughing word and, pronouncing the patter, commemorate it, we close the unstressed vowels.

And as clearly and strongly sounded every syllable in Pushkin verses:

Everything goes, he walks around,
Pushes loudly with himself -
And suddenly, hitting his hand,
Caught ...

It seems that for the first time this word is provided with a space required for its full sound. The poetic size makes us clear and clearly utter all the vowels. Inevitable pause after the previous verse creates that silence, after which the thunder rolled the prisoner in the word laughter - "Zahlotal".

Our hurry, sometimes careless spoken speech, which we use in everyday life for utilitarian purposes, often discoloring and "decension" words, turning them into service terms, in some conditional code.

The writer enjoys the same generally accepted words (although his dictionary should be much wider and richer to a spoken lexicon), but, a master of his business, he knows how to put the word in a number of others so that it played all his paints, it sounded unexpectedly, Vesko and Novo.

And it succeeds in him only if he himself belongs to words not indifferent and unusual, if he not only understands their meaning, but he imagines all that they are invested in them by the "pagano." - the people.

Without afraid to violate the rules of stylistics, Chekhov in their description of the first snow more than once repeats the word "snow", which in itself - without epithets - can tell a lot to the reader. The poet believes in virtue of this simple word, as an adult or child who is inexperienced in verbal art believes in him, for whom words are as tangible and weights as the most objects. But, of course, not in the word "snow" the power and charm of Chekhovsky lines. They have the smell of young snow, and a soft crunch of it under their feet, and shouted with snow crews, and whiteness of snow, and the transparency of winter air, from which the lanterns are brighter than the usual.

Together with the Czech, the reader not only sees this first "young" snow, but also hears his embroidation, and inhales the fresh winter air, smelling with snow, and it seems, even feeling in his palm of the cold snowflakes.

All five of our senses respond to those simple and at the same time magical words that are so carefully used in this passage of Chekhov.

His winter evening landscape wakes up the readers as much thin, cute heart of sensations, that they themselves begin to recall something - such what Czechs did not name.

The reader stops being only a reader. He becomes a member of everything that survived and listed the poet.

And, on the contrary, he remains indifferent if the author has done all the work for him and so flashed his idea, the topic, images that he did not leave him the place for the work of imagination. The reader must also want to work. He, too, an artist - otherwise we could not talk to him in the language of images and paints.

Literature also need talented readers, like talented writers. It is on them, on these talented, sensitive, who possess the creative imagination of readers, and the author expects, when it strains all his mental strength in search of a faithful image, the right turn of the action, a faithful word.

But not every book makes the reader, even the most talented, work - think, feel, guess, imagine.

For some reason, we are captivated in life, seem to us especially poetic remote sounds - a distant Creek of the Rooster, the distant Lai dogs, according to which we learn that somewhere ahead of the village, a distant human speech on the road or a sniffer of a song that is coming to us from afar. We are interested in seeing unknown people in the forest by the fire, the flame of which snatches their separate features from the semitis. Passing down the street, we sometimes can't resist the temptation to look into the illuminated window, followed by some kind of my own, we are an unknown life.

We are interested in everything that wakes our poetic imagination, able to recreate a whole picture for a few details.

We reread the infinite number of times "Taman", written so little, simply and strictly, as poets only write in prose. But something in this story always remains mysterious, disgraced, notaded.

I mean not some sulfur challenging or purely subtle hints, which are often used by pretentious writers who wish to give a certain twilight the mysterious meaningfulness of the fact that with bright light it would seem primitive and even flat.

No, we are talking about the complexity and depth of the image, thoughts, feelings at which it is not so easy to get to the bottom.

What seemed to be wisdom in the portrait Katyusha Maslova, written by the hand of Lion Tolstoy? But we endlessly reread the pages dedicated to her to understand, see what exactly in this image of a young girl with such happy, slightly diagonal, "black, like a wet currant", eyes, and then female artantics with a pale subchanging face struck so And excited us for life. We only guess and therefore try to read between the rows of the Tolstsky novel, what happens in her soul after a difficult and painful fracture, as and when it was woken in her first, so cruelly melted love, whether she will accept the redeeming victim of Nehludov or find some kind of Another way, more difficult and high. All these questions do not cease to worry us to the last pages of the book. Yes, and after we read it to the end, a lot of work remains for our imagination and thoughts.

And because the author causes us throughout the novel to feel so much, think and imagine, we do not miss any words in the text, we greedily catch every movement of actors, trying to predict the turns of their destinies.

According to complex, internally logical, but at the same time, the fate of the heroes in the titles of the Chekhov "Duel", the story of the Unknown Man, "three years" are developable for the laws.

And try to guess in advance how and where M. Gorky will behave in the "Hermit" or in the "Story about Unrequited Love".

Yes, and in our contemporary art you can find a lot of mistakes, poems, kinocartin, which enable the reader and the viewer to be full participants in the reality that the artist creates.

Complicated and configuring the path of Grigoria Melekhov. It is difficult to predetermine - despite their entire patterns - the turns of the fate of the heroes "walking around the flour." Throughout the poetic story, Nikita Morgunok is looking for a "country to the lantern" to the latter, and the reader wanders with him on "Thousands of Tracks and Roads", sharing the poem's poems and anxiety.

However, still in our fiction and poetry and poetry did not translate "route" cars, which are carrying the reader not only to a predetermined goal, but also on a predetermined highway, who does not allow anything new, unexpected and unforeseen.

There is nothing to do with his fantasy to the reader and its fantasy.

And the author himself in the process of such Scripture is unlikely to find or discover something valuable and significant for himself for life, for art. In essence, these light roads pass by their lives and past the art.

The reader receives only that capital that is invested by the author. If, during operation, neither real thoughts nor genuine senses, nor the reserve of living and accurate observations - the reader's imagination will not work. It will remain indifferent, and if it will stir for one day, tomorrow will forget his short-term passion.

When the curtain rises in the theater or reveals the book, the viewer or reader sincerely is located to believe the author and the actor. After all, for that, he came to the theater or revealed the book to believe. And not his wines, if he loses his confidence in the spectrum or book, and other times, the fault of the performance and books, to theater and literature.

The viewer is ready to visit the skepticism, it may lose confidence in the glued beards and painted forests, if in a few minutes of the performance it is not engaged in internally, does not follow the development of the plot, for resolving a life problem, if he is not excited and is not interested. Watching the relationship of the actors, the viewer forgets that they are composed, fictional. He cries over the tragic fate of the heroes who loved him, he rejoices the victory of good and justice. But false, banality or inexpressiveness of what is happening on the stage, immediately make him alert, turn the actors in miserable comedians, expose the whole cheap stagnation of the stage atmosphere.

Task Source: Decision 5750. EGE 2017. Russian. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 15. Arrange the punctuation marks. Specify two proposals in which you need to put one comma. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) Literature is needed as talented writers and talented readers.

2) At the lesson, the test or oral exam, strive to build your answer in the form of a connected statement.

3) in the first snow in the aspen and birch groves come across a hare and squirrel traces.

4) because of the circumstances after the Revolution, the Kubrin was in emigration and almost twenty years the writer was passionately sought to return to Russia.

5) Forest and field and flowering meadow filled with the sun.


In this task, you need to put commas in a complex proposal or with homogeneous cheakhi proposals.

1. We define the number of grammatical foundations in these proposals: a simple proposal or complex.

1) Literature is needed as talented writers and talented readers. Simple.

2) At the lesson, the test or oral exam, strive to build your answer in the form of a connected statement. Simple.

3) in the first snow in the aspen and birch groves come across a hare and squirrel traces. Simple.

4) because of the circumstances after the Revolution, the Kubrin was in emigration and almost twenty years the writer was passionately sought to return to Russia. Complex.

5) Forest and field and flowering meadow filled with the sun. Simple.

2. Determine the formulation of commas in complex proposals. Rule: comma on the border of parts of a complex proposal is set in case simple sentences do not have a general secondary member.

4) due to the circumstances after the revolution, Kubrin was in emigration (,) and almost twenty years writer passionate sought Return to Russia. Complex, no common secondary member, comma needed. One comma.

3. Determine the formulation of commas in simple proposals. Rule: One comma is placed in front of the second homogeneous member in the absence of unions, in front of a single opposing union or before the second part of the complex union (both ... and etc.).

1) Literature is needed as talented writers (,) and talented readers. - homogeneous to be connected by a complex union "both ... and ..." (both writers and readers). One comma.

2) At the lesson, the test or oral exam, strive to build your answer in the form of a connected statement. Uniform circumstances are connected by the Union "or" (in the lesson and the examination). The comma is not needed.

3) in the first snow in the aspen and birch groves come across a hare and squirrel traces. Uniform definitions related to the word "groves" are connected by the "and" (aspen and birch and birch "union), uniform definitions related to the word" traces "are connected by the Union" and "(silent and belch). Between themselves pairs are heterogeneous. The comma is not needed.

A talented reader is not the one who reads a lot. And not even the one who prefers scientific literature popular. A talented reader is a person who can appreciate art prose and poetry.

Formation of literary preferences

In the famous Poem Gogol there is a character that manifests an extraordinary love of books. But the author notes that he loves not because he appreciates literary writings, but from love to fold beaks to words, and words in suggestions. The fascination of this hero the author described not without sarcasm. In real life, if there are similar identities, it is very rare.

A talented reader is a person who enjoys acquaintance with a book, but the content does not forget her immediately after reading. Literature is a source of spiritual, moral and intellectual enrichment. You need to be able to read. And the one who mastered this art, to get involved in artwork without anything will not be. And therefore, a talented reader is a fan of prose and poetry, which has formed its own literary preferences.

The phrase, whose value reveals this article, can be used in relation to a person who studied not one essay of the Russian or foreign writer. But, unlike the hero of Gogol, learned to analyze the read.

Love for books

The character about which was talked above, - Parsushka, Schichikov Schichkova Laja. In relation to this, the phrase "talented reader" is not applicable. Synonym for this concept is a thoughtful personality. Parsley does not make it difficult to understand the content of books. He with the same zeal is taken for reading the bookpoint, prayer room and the French novel. But who is a talented reader? Synonym for this concept - a person who knows the literature. He who does not read without parsing, and knows how to choose from a diverse bookst world that he is really interesting and necessary.

Books required to read

The school curriculum does not work in vain, the works of Russian and foreign classics. To form a literary taste, you should read not one book. Only after studying a certain number of essays, the ability to evaluate the quality of one or another work.

How to learn to read?

Literary taste can be compared with musical hearing. One reader enjoys exclusively from reading high-quality literature. Another interests only the exciting plot. The talentless reader is not able to appreciate the artistic means that the author uses. He is unavailable the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. It can be compared with a man who "has come to the ear". With those who do not distinguish harmony from disharmony. But unlike the musical hearing, the literary taste is not congenital. It can be purchased.

So, what is the meaning of the phrase "talented reader"? Who is this? A person who read the novels of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, the stories of the Bunin and the story of Pushkin? School minimum involves learning the books of the Great Classics. For successful exam, the disciples read works that are included in the list of mandatory literature. Zetam is analyzed, writings write on them. However, after graduation, not everyone is fond of reading. Consequently, not for every person who has studied the school minimum is applicable to the concept of "talented reader."

Offer for a suggestion, page behind the page ... And in the imagination of the reader a whole world of artistic images is born. He is immersed in him, living the life of heroes and competing them. This state is familiar to a person whom you can give such a title as a "talented reader." The value of this concept is more complicated than it may seem at first glance. Talented can be called a reader who has a rich imagination, has no one dozen read books for his back, knows how to distinguish the classics from the "hevival". The ability to understand and analyze the great comes with experience. Consider the ability of a thoughtful reader on the example of the well-known novel.

Example: "Master and Margarita"

Roman won the love of millions of readers. What is the uniqueness of this work? Why is it of interest in people of different ages and level of education? In adolescence, the reader gets acquainted with the creation of Bulgakov, and his scene's mystics fascinates. With the acquisition of life experience, he is able to appreciate the sparkling Bulgakovsky humor. But only a truly talented reader is available to a deep philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bthis work.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is based on the biblical plot. Estimate the wisdom of the words of Yeshua can only the identity of the deep, thinking. Hero Bulgakova speaks about cowardice as the most terrible vice. He hints at the unreliability of Matthew's records. The use of gospel motives allows the author to express its moral position, the original views on the history of Christianity. To know the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel can not reader for whom this book has become one of the first. To analyze the work, you should read many critical articles, biographical works about the writer. Consequently, reading books - does not mean to understand their content. To understand the term "talented reader", one more example from the literature should be given.

"Crime and Punishment"

The book of Dostoevsky is called a sample of criminal novel. This work, indeed, has all the signs of a detective genre. But the word "punishment" here has no legal shade. Rather Christian. Raskolnikov violates one of the commandments. It acts according to the antichelological theory. And this barely does not lead it to moral death. Saves him faith.

Understand the depth of the novel of Dostoevsky in adolescence is difficult. A talented reader can be called, perhaps, the person who, after graduation, returns again to the works of classical literature, among which one of the most important is "crime and punishment" in order to look at the experiences of heroes from the height of life and reading experience.

Critic or reader?

Is there any difference between these concepts? Critic - more than a talented reader. The use in the speech of such a concept is quite common. Critic is called a specialist who analyzes artwork and makes it professionally. The reader is the one that enjoys acquaintance with the artistic world of the writer. Evaluation of professional critics is more objective. Their articles are published in textbooks in literature. The names of the best of them are in the history of literature. But it is worth remembering that neither prose nor poetry can exist without a grateful reader. The writer creates his books not for famous critics. The audience is talented readers.

What is the error of the first reading?

However, these errors concern not only the first, but often subsequent readings.

To figure out better with this, let's think about what is the role of an artistic work, It does not matter - the book is or a picture, or sculpture.

A good example is given by S.I. Cook - analogy with music.

The composer created a great musical work.

But in music you need two artists - a composer and musician. If a musician virtuoso - he will be able to transfer all the subtleties of the work, if this work will fulfill the musician weak, then we will hear only some brandy.

Also when reading - required artist reader capable of deeply penetrate in the essence of the artwork. Otherwise, it will resemble a brandy on one string, sometimes on three chords, but it will not reach mulishes (musical jewelry).

« Literature also need talented readers, like talented writers » . S.Ya. Marshak.

Surface reading only leads to the disappointment of the reader. The usual plot, what many and other books, nothing special. Indeed, the number of plots is limited and if you follow only behind the storyline, then all works on one person.

« Little Prince, - I did not like - there is nothing new"," The other reader says.

Like Pushkin:
"There is boredom, there is a deception Ile Bred,
In that conscience, there is no meaning .... " (Eugene Onegin).

Sometimes the reader comes up to the book, only as a source of information - learn about the former events, about different sides of life. " From this book I learned about the life of doctors"- this option of reading.

So narrowly considering the artwork is not worth it. It is easier to find information in the directory or a short note on the Internet and not to waste time reading a thick book only to find out - and what happened then.

But the artistic work the goal is not only - to sound beautifully or informed. Impact on the identity of the reader - This is the main task of a artistic work.

And this impact carries not only aesthetic pleasure. It gives an emotional experience that a person does not always have to acquire, even living all his life. Experience going beyond personal experience. Experience enriching personality. Experience that helps better understand yourself and others.

Jean Onor Fragonar. " Reading girl"(1776 g).

But to get this experience you need to learn abstract thinking.

At the first stage of perception - " stage delight", Should the second one -" stage of True Delight " (in Belinsky) or about t live contemplation to abstract thinking.

Abstraction (from lat. Abstractio - distraction) - distraction from some sides of the phenomenon or object in order to allocate other essential, natural signs.

The reader, abstracting from the storyline, reflects on the reasons lying in the behavior of certain characters, sees the manifestations of human passions, the internal conflict of heroes, their choice.

Finally Third stage - The influence of the artwork on the identity of the reader. A person is changing under the influence of read and reflections read.

In order for these conditional stages to be implemented, the reader must be capable - figuratively recreate events and be able to empathize with the heroes.

And if it is figuratively to recreate - the reader in most cases is capable of this, then further depends on the development of other abilities of the reader, namely:

- understand the metaphoricity of statements, depends on the language baggage.
- understand the behavior of people, depends on the experience of communication, from the knowledge of psychology.
- understand the ideological content of the work, depends on the level of personality development, the ability to think abstractly, the presence of special knowledge.

But this is often not enough - more important and general intellectual abilities that allow analyze and evaluate the work.

I will stop at one moment. A good book forms and artistic taste. Those. The ability to perceive and evaluate truly artistic values \u200b\u200bthat brings art. Hence the further selection of books for reading.

These are theoretical installations necessary for the process of understanding the artistic work.

What other errors of the first reading can be called?

When reading the business literature, the first reading - view to make a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe book.

For fiction, the first reading cannot be viewed, quickly run the page to find out what the story consists. This is not a goal of reading.

Reading artwork " ... requires, at least the first time, - passive reading. Only after this follows reading with a study " This is written by S.I. Cook in the book "How to read books."

Analysis, criticism at the first reading - affects the quality of perception of the work. We are experiencing the best feature work only when we read it passively . Only then can be translated into your imagination, survive what the author survived.

Hence the rule - First reading "passive" (without analysis). Although if there is an assessment, discussion in breaks between reading - there is nothing wrong with that, the main thing is that they do not cause them consciously.

With the first reading, the second rule - turn on the imagination to full. Use the visual and auditory and tactile and olfactory imagination. Then events and people will literally revive.

"Piece of art, - Related Belinsky, - rarely striking the reader's soul with a strong impression from the first time: more often it requires that it gradually peered and thought; It opens no suddenly, so the more you reread it, the further deepen into his organization, you care new, unnoticed first features, open new - beauty and the more they enjoy them ". (Levidov A.M. "Author - image - reader.")

Your first reading experience

So, you have the experience of the first reading the work of A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit".

What rules were "violated"?

From my experience I can say that if you do something, tolerant errors, the process is much faster than trying to do perfectly - the first time. There is no limit to perfection - therefore you should not be afraid to make mistakes. It would be nice to know in advance - where they are, but it is not always possible.

Have you read how the retelling managed?

You can compare your own retelling with the retelling of other people. Internet This allows you to do. To do this, type in the search engine - retelling grief from mind video.
You can listen to the option such

After listening to several retellings, you will notice that this is the retelling of only the plot. But it is worth asking a question - what is this work And many are silent - well, I just told. But still - what is the work?

In general, this is a story about what happened in the same Moscow house for one day.

But at the same time, the story contained the whole life of the noble society of that time.

This was due to the whole gallery of portraits, which, together, and constitute the appearance of society with the entire morality inherent in her, which was built on reptiles before strong and humiliation of weak.

But Griboedov tried to solve the problem of creating a positive hero - in the face of Chatsky. Showed the struggle of the new one with the old.

This is how to talk about what the play is one of the possible options. Perhaps someone will see only a story about the love aspirations of the main character ending in failure.

It takes a deeper study.

The next step for a deeper understanding of the work is to listen, and even better to see the play on the play.

And preferably in the traditional setting, for example, the Small Theater (1977), directed by M. Tsareva.

In the role of Chatsky - V. Solomin, Famusov - M. Tsarev. Link

It is possible to perform other actors, but I like this setting more.

Look, 175 minutes and you will have a brighter picture of that time, many replicas of characters will become more understandable. In general, we connect visual and audible perception.

Who has the opportunity to visit the theater is a more desirable option. Although modern interpretations leave to desire the best, in my opinion.

So what we did:
1. Read comedy.
2. Repeated.
3. Compare their retelling with others.
4. Understood for the purposes of the artistic work.
5. Noted their "errors".
6. I looked at the formulation of the comedy.

We can say that the first impression of the famous comedy is "grief from the mind". The quality of this perception we can also appreciate.

Our next task is a deep study of the work.

And let's start with the analytical stage than we will do the next time.

Sincerely, Medvedev Nikolay.