Essay on the topic: Love Zheltkova in the story of a pomegranate bracelet, Kuprin. Theme of love in the story Pomegranate bracelet KUPROD Writing a love story in the work of a pomegranate bracelet

The Kubrin in his works shows us true love, where there is no gram of pegs, and that does not crave for any reward. And love in the story "Pomegranate bracelet" is described by all-consuming, it is not just a passion, but a great feeling for life.

In the story we see the real love of one poor Yolkov official to Married Vera Shein, as he is happy to love, without demanding anything in return. And as we see, he absolutely no matter what he is not needed. And as the proof of its limitless love, he gives the faith of Nikolaevna a pomegranate bracelet, the only valuable thing that went into the inheritance from Mom.

Native faiths, dissatisfied with the interference in their personal life, ask Zholkova to leave her alone and not writing letters, to which she still has no matter. But can you take away love?

The only joy and meaning in the life of Yoltykova was love for faith. He did not have any goals in life, he was nothing more interested.

As a result, he decides to commit suicide and fulfills the will of faith, leaving it. Zholkov's love will remain unrequited ...

It will understand that it was real love, the one, which many people only have to dream, passed by her. Later, looking at the dead yellower, faith will compare it with the greatest people.

The story "Pomegranate bracelet" colorfully shows us all the torment and tender feelings that are opposed to confusion in this world, where the loved is ready for all for the sake of beloved.

A person who managed to love so tremblely, there is some kind of special concept of life. And let the yolks were just an ordinary person, he turned out to be higher than all established norms and standards.

Kuprin depicts love, as the unattainable secret, and for such love there is no doubt. "Pomegranate bracelet" is very interesting and at the same time a sad work, in which Kubrin tried to teach us to appreciate anything in a timely manner ...

Thanks to his works, we find themselves in the world where disinterested and kind people appear before us. Love is a passion, it is a powerful and real feeling showing the best quality of the soul. But besides all this, love is truthfulness and sincerity in relations.

Option 2.

Love is this word causes completely diverse emotions. It can carry like a positive attitude and negative. Kubrin was a unique author who could combine several directions of love in his works. One of these stories was the "garnet bracelet".

The author always trembled to such a phenomenon as love, and in his story he exalted it, one might say, wondering that he made his work so magical. The main character is an official of yolks - he was insanely in love with one lady named Vera, however, it was possible to open up entirely at the end of his life. Vera first did not know how to respond, because she came with letters with confessions in love, and her family laughed and mocked it. Only one grandfather of faith suggested that words written in letters may not be empty, then the granddaughter misses their love that all girls dream of.

Love is shown as a bright, pure feeling, and the object of adoration of Yolkolkov official appears in front of us with a model of a female ideal. Our hero is ready to envy absolutely everything that surrounds and touches faith. He envies the trees that she could touch by passing by, people with whom she talks on the road. Therefore, when the awareness of the hopelessness of his love and life came to him, he decides to present a gift to his beloved woman, with the help of which, although not independently, he will be able to touch her. This bracelet was the most expensive subject that had our poor hero.

Love at a distance was very hard for him, but he cherished her in his heart for a long time. For farewell, before death, he wrote her last letter, in which he said that he was leaving about the destruction of God, and she blesses and wishes further happiness. But it can be understood that faith, lately aware of his chance, can no longer be able to live well and happily, perhaps it was the only real and sincere love that was waiting for her in life, and she missed her.

In this story, Kurpric love carries a tragic shade, because she remained not discontinued flower in the life of two people. At first she was unrequited for a very long time, but when she began to let the sprouts in the second heart, the first, already exhausted from waiting, stopped fighting.

The product "Pomegranate bracelet" can be perceived not only as "ODU" of love, but also as a prayer for love. Yolks in his letter used the expression "yes the name is yours", which is a reference to God's scriptures. He deified his chief that, unfortunately, it still failed to bring his life to a joyful end. But he did not suffer, he loved, and this feeling was for nothing, because not everyone was given to experience such a strong feeling at least once in his life, for which our hero remained grateful to his chosen. She gave him, though unrequited, but true love!

Writing love in the work of the junk pomegranate bracelet

For many centuries, the existence of humanity is written countless works on the theme of love. And this is not good. After all, love in the life of every person takes a huge place, giving it a special meaning. Among all these works, very little quantities can be distinguished, which are described on so much a strong sense of love as the product of the junk bracelet.

The protagonist official of yolks, as he himself describes his feeling, has happiness to experience the most real limitless love. His feeling is so strong that it can be accepted for the unhealthy, mentally sick person. The peculiarity of the feeling of Zheltikova is that this person does not want to disturb the subject of its limitless love and passion. It does not require absolutely nothing in return for superhuman love. He even does not even mind to cool down, calm his heart alone with the meeting with faith. This not only speaks about the iron power of a person's will, but also about the infinite love of this person. It is love that he does not allow him at least a moment to be the attention of the subject of love.

In the letter of yolks call his love to God's gift and expresses his gratitude to the Lord for the opportunity to experience such a feeling. Of course, the reader and other heroes of the work are well aware that Love Zheltikov did not bring him, except for bitter suffering and torment, nothing else. But only a person who survived all this and who felt such a strong sense of love in the right to judge or understand the hero. It is not able to do anything to do anything with their love. He knows about the impossibility of further coexistence with this sense of love. That is why suicide becomes the best way to him. Before this act, he will assure everyone in the letter that he lived a happy life.

In every person's life, love always takes a special place. Poets and writers chant this feeling. After all, it is it gives to feel the joy of being, an elevation of a person over circumstances and obstacles, even if love is unrequited. Not an exception to A. I. Kuprin. His story "Pomegranate bracelet" is a masterpiece of the World Literary Heritage.

Unusual tale on the usual topic

The topic of love in the product "Pomegranate bracelet" occupies the main place. The story reveals the most secret corners of the human soul, which is why she is loved by readers of various age groups. In the work, the author shows what a person is really able for the sake of real love. Each reader hopes that it will be capable of feeling the same as the protagonist of this story. The topic of love in the product "Pomegranate bracelet" is, first of all, the topic of relationships between the floors, dangerous and ambiguous for any writer. After all, it is very difficult to avoid banalism, describing what has been said about a thousand times. However, the writer manages to tighten his story even the very sophisticated reader.

The impossibility of happiness

Kuprin in his story talks about beautiful and unrequited love - it is necessary to mention, conducting an analysis of the product "Pomegranate bracelet". The topic of love in the story occupies a central place, because its main character - yolks - is experiencing unrequited feelings. He loves faith, but can not be with her, because she is completely indifferent. In addition, all the circumstances are opposed to them together. First, they occupy a different position on the social staircase. Yolks are poor, he is a representative of a completely different class. Secondly, faith is associated with marriage. She would never agree to change her spouse because he was tied to his entire soul. And these are only two reasons why yolks cannot be with faith.

Christian feelings

With such hopelessness, it is unlikely that you can believe in something. However, the main character does not lose hope. His love was absolutely phenomenal, he could only give, not requiring anything in return. The topic of love in the product "Pomegranate bracelet" is located in the center of the storyline. And the feelings that are experiencing yolks to faith are a shade of sacrifice inherent in Christianity. After all, the protagonist was not a rebel, he resigned with his position. He also did not wait for remuneration for his patience in the form of a response. His love had egoistic motives. Yolksu managed to renounce himself, putting his feelings for his beloved on his first place.

Caring for loved

At the same time, the main character turns out to be honest in relation to the faith and her spouse. He recognizes the sinfulness of his passion. Never for all the years that he loved faith, yolks did not cross the threshold of her house with a proposal and did not compromise the woman in any way. That is, he cared about her personal happiness and well-being more than herself, and this is true self-denial.

The greatness of those feelings that yolks experienced is that he was capable of letting the faith for her happiness. And he did it at the cost of his own life. He knew that he would create with him after it would squint the stateless money, but he went to this step consciously. And at the same time the protagonist did not give faith with a single reason to believe that it could be to blame for something. The official imposes on his arms because of the crime he committed.

In those days, desperately reduced sciences with life so that their obligations would not shift on close people. And therefore, Yolkova's act seemed logical and had nothing to do with faith. This fact testifies to the unusual trepacy of that feeling that yolks had to her. This is the rare treasure of the human soul. The official proved that love could be stronger than death.

A turning point

In writing on the work "Pomegranate bracelet. The topic of love "can be specified in which the story was consistent. The main heroine - faith - is the spouse of the prince. Constantly she gets letters from a secret fan. However, one day, instead of letters comes a rather expensive gift - a pomegranate bracelet. The topic of love in the work of Kupper takes its beginning here. Faith regarded such a gift as a compromising and all told the spouse and brother, who were easily found, who was his sender.

It turned out to be a modest civil servant George Yolkov. He accidentally saw faith and loved her with all his nature. At the same time, the yolks were quite pleased with the fact that love is unrequited. It is the prince, after which the official feels that he led the faith, because he compromised her expensive pomegranate bracelet. The theme of tragic love in the work sounds a leitmotif. Yolkova asked the faith of forgiveness in the letter, asked her to listen to Sonatu Beethoven and committed suicide - shot himself.

Tragedy of faith

This story interested faith, she asked for a spouse permission to visit the apartment of the dead man. In the analysis of the work of "Pomegranate bracelet", the topic of love must be considered in detail. The student should be indicated that it was on the apartment of Yolterkova, she felt all those feelings that had never experienced for all 8 years old until the yolks loved her. At home, listening to that Sonatu, she realized that yolks could make her happy.

Images of heroes

You can briefly describe the images of heroes in the analysis of the product "Pomegranate bracelet". The topic of love, chosen by Cupre, helped him to create such characters that reflect the public realities not only of their era. Their role is applicable to all mankind. The image of the yolk official is a confirmation. He is not good, he has no special advantages. Yolks - a completely modest man. He does not require anything in return.

Vera is a woman who got used to obey the rules of society. Of course, she does not refuse love, but also does not consider it a vital necessity. After all, she has a spouse who can give her everything you need, so she doesn't need feelings. But this happens only until the moment she learns about the death of Yolkova. Love in the work of Kuprin symbolizes the nobility of the human soul. This feeling can not boast neither the prince Shein nor Vera. Love was the highest manifestation of the soul of Zhestkova. Not requiring nothing, he could enjoy the magnificence of his experiences.

Morality that the reader can make

It is also necessary to say that the topic of love in the work of the "pomegranate bracelet" is chosen by caudin it is no coincidence. The reader can make this conclusion: in the world, where comfort and daily commitments come to the fore, in no case treat your beloved person as something of granted. It is necessary to appreciate it in the same way as well as we teaches the main character of the lead of yolks.

In this work, the author tells us about the love of pure, sincere, disinterested, and at the same time tragic. We face the real love of Yellowkov in relation to the faith of Sheina, who is married to Vasily Sheene. The princess itself says that the former passionate love for her husband has long passed. Yolly, many years wrote her letters for many years, collected her forgotten things and watched her secretly. He is happy only because he loves, despite the fact that this love is unfinished.

Yolks just loved without demanding nothing in return. Only it makes sense

his life, and in his infinite flame love, he gave her the most expensive-grenade bracelet. Even Vasily Lvovich recognizes his feeling, understands his suffering. Yolly lived unrequited love, but he grateful to faith for this is a wonderful feeling that he raised him. For him, the princess faith is above all and everyone, she is the most expensive, which is in his life. Even General Anosov says that people who are able to love truly capable of going for love for everything, very little, these are exceptional people. Yolks, no doubt, was such a person. He commits suicide, sending faithful letter, which speaks of happiness

and the real love given to him God. Faith Nikolaevna passed by this sublime and pure love, which "happens once every thousand years." She understood what love lost, and, listening to Sonatu Beethoven, realized that her jet was forgiven. Love is a great power. Becoming mutual, it can rule the world, but remaining unrequited, can even destroy human life.

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A. I. Kubrin wrote a beautiful and sad story about love, which would like to experience every person. The story "Pomegranate bracelet" precisely about such a sublime and disinterested sense. And now readers continue to discuss whether the main character was correctly received, refusing to his fan. Or, perhaps, the rear thing would have done her happy? To argue on this topic, you need to give the characteristic of yolk from the "pomegranate bracelet".

Description of the appearance of the fan of faith

What is a noteworthy in this gentleman and why the author decided to make him the main character? Maybe in the characteristic of YOLTKOV in the story "Pomegranate bracelet" is something unusual? For example, in many romantic stories at the main characters, a beautiful or memorable appearance. It should be immediately noted: the name does not indicate the name of the main character (perhaps his name is George). This can be explained by the attempts of the writer Show a person's insignificance in the eyes of society.

Yolks were high with growth, thin body. His face is more like a maiden: soft features, blue eyes and a stubborn chin with a smell. It is the last item that points out that despite the apparent fitness of nature, this person is actually stubborn and does not like to retreat from their solutions.

He was 30-35 years old, that is, this is an adult man and a fully formed personality. In all his movements, irritable was blocked: the fingers were inconsporated with the buttons, and he himself was pale, which indicates his strong spiritual excitement. If you rely on the external characteristic of YOLTKOV from the "pomegranate bracelet", it can be concluded that it has a soft, susceptible nature, is inclined to experiences, but at the same time does not deprive perseverance.

Furnishing in the room of the main character

For the first time, the Kuprin "brings" the reader's court during the visit of her husband and brother of the main character. Before that, his existence was known only by letters. It is possible to add a description of its housing conditions in the "pomegranate bracelet". Related room decoration emphasizes his social position. After all, the reason for the fact that he could not openly communicate with faith was social inequality.

The room was with low ceilings, the round windows barely illuminated it. From the furniture there was only a narrow bed, an old sofa and a table covered with a tablecloth. The whole atmosphere suggests that the apartment occupies a completely poor and not aspiring to the comfort. And this was not necessary for Yolkov: there was only one woman in his life, with whom he could be happy, but she was already married. Therefore, a man did not think about creating a family. That is, the characteristic of yolkkova in the "pomegranate bracelet" complements the important quality - he is monochrome.

Indicative is the fact that in the house small windows. The room is the reflection of the existence of the main character. He had little joy in his life, she is full of difficulties and the only light beam for the unfortunate faith.

Childish character

Despite the insignificance of its position, the main character had an elevated nature, otherwise he would not be able to such disinterested love. The man served as an official in some ward. The fact that he had money was reported to the reader from the letter in which yolks wrote that he could not give the faith of a gift worthy of it, due to limited means.

Yolksu was an educated and modest man, did not consider himself endowed with a subtle taste. For the hostess of the room, which he filmed, yolks became like a native son - such a courteous and kind it was his teaching.

The husband of faith saw in it a noble and honest nature, which is not capable of deception. The main character immediately recognizes to him that he will not be able to sobble faith, because this feeling is stronger than him. But he will no longer bother her, because she asked about it, and calm and happiness his beloved is most important in the world.

The story of love Yolktykova to faith

Despite the fact that this is an unrequited novel in letters, the writer was able to show an exalted feeling. Therefore, an unusual love story takes the minds of readers for several decades. As for the characteristics of YOLTKOV in the "pomegranate bracelet", then it is the willingness to be content with small, the ability to disinterested love, gives the nobility of his soul.

He first saw the faith 8 years ago and immediately realized that she was that the most, just because there is no better woman in the world.

And all this time, the thairs continued to love her, not expecting any reciprocity. He watched her, wrote letters, but not to persecute, but simply because he sincerely loved. Yolkov did not want anything for himself - the welfare of faith was most important for him. The man did not understand what he deserved such happiness is a bright feeling for her. The tragedy of faith is that it only at the very end realized that it was the same love that women dream of. She felt her yolks forgave her, because his love was disinterested and elevated. In the "pomegranate bracelet" Kupper characteristic of YOLTKOVA is not a description of one person, but a true, permanent, precious feeling.

When the reader opens the work of the Kuprin "Pomegranate bracelet", he does not even suspect that he will be lucky to read the story of love. Kubrin wrote many works about love, in its various manifestations. Like many writers before him. But the love of this type, as we see in the "pomegranate bracelet," it is very rare, this is the author himself, and the reader, and the heroes of the work, who saw the greatest manifestation of human feelings - disinterested, selfless love, which almost does not require anything in return .

Love Zheltikova goes like an ornament for the work, as it seems at the beginning. She acts as a joke on a family dinner, like entertainment, and does not carry anything serious. But, despite the fact that the author seems to not give this episode of seriousness, we feel that it is for this that they are going. All the conversations, all hints and semi-rolls, suggestions and words lead us gradually to understand the main thought of the work, which is also a question - what exactly is Zholkova. Whether it was madness or faith of Nikolaevna met the true faithful and devotional love, which seemed to be, no one else in this world.

The author gradually prepares us to see what we will see at the end of the work. The stories of General Anosov, the reasoning and thoughts of Anna Nikolaevna, jokes for dinner, the letter and the pomegranate bracelet report this to the reader. They say that somewhere there are still feelings that have a deep serious attack. Which are far from the convenience and material world that should be respected.

Despite the commissity of the situation, it is not funny to anyone. Despite the fact that no one perceived Yolkova seriously, no one sowed his feelings. He inspired respect even her husband of faith Nikolaevna, what confessed from the pure heart that he loved his wife. He inspired respect for his love, which lasted almost eight years old, and over the years I only became stronger and more and more plazy.

Yolkov carried the accidentally faithful to Nikolaevna, could no longer forget her and wanted to write her letters. But she refused him and asked no longer to disturb her and not bother himself. Her desire was a law for him, and he stopped writing, but he did not stop thinking about her for a second, about her well-being and happiness. For him, the main thing was that the faith of Nikolaevna was good and calmly, his own interests have long left Zheltkov to the background. Only occasionally he allowed himself to write a congratulatory letter to that woman he loved more than life. And once he dared to send her a gift that was the only material items that he presented her for all the years of his worship.

His tragedy was also in the fact that he was absolutely in his mind, in a sense and quite given a report in his position. He understood that his love would always remain unrequited, but he had come to accept it, but even found, it is likely to rejoice at this. For him, it was pleasure to know that Vera Nikolaevna Healthy and Happy.

The culmination of his love occurs when he cums his life suicide. He can no longer be an unknown admirer and fan, he opened his name, but he, as he himself perfectly understands, always remains more superfluous in the life of the one he loves more than life. Moreover, he will always reproach her in the fact that, perhaps, her big love passed around, and she did not even pay attention to her. He just decides to leave, and at the moment when he already becomes all the same, he meets with the faith of Nikolayev to face. It was their first and last meeting. Perhaps yolks understood that in other circumstances, she simply could not meet.