Surname Plato Mikhailovich. Women's images in the comedy "Mount from the mind

Bright representatives of the ladies among the actors of the comedy are Khlestov and Natalia Dmitrievna Gorich, and among the insignificant - Tatyana Yurevna. They convincingly confirm the values \u200b\u200bof the words of Famusov. Hersestova is an important, influential, intelligent Moscow lady. She says briefly, categorically. The speech of her cutting and unceremonna, the comments of the Hest: "Lygunshka he, a gambler, a thief," she characterizes, for example, Zagoretsky; "After all, a pollywater father," she says Sofye. Khlestava brilliantly owns his native language. Its language is colorful and bright, there are no foreign words and expressions in it, but many rusisms and folk words and expressions: the hour is broken, there are no strength, there are no power, even throw; Avos, tea, hiss, really. In the speeches of the whiste, the voice of the powerful striker, a prominent person in the Famow Society, hears.

The image of the whip, respected and inflammatory old women, is complemented by an individual "famous" Tatiana Yuryevna, who has "the ranks and all of her friends and all their relatives", and therefore it has a great influence in the service world. Molchanin, who has been building a career, is increasingly caring for such influential ladies as Heldov and speaks about Tatiana Yuryevna as a representative of the highest power.

Natalia Dmitrievna Gorich. - Young woman recently married. Her power does not yet apply to the official world, but in his family she completely subordinated to her husband, making it the "boy husband, her husband, from the marrying packages", having deprived him of any activity and independence of his health.

Natalia Dmitrievna - Plato's wife Mikhailovich Gorich in Comedy Griboyedov "Mount from Wit"; A vivid example of the incarnation of female power. Chatsky knew Plato Mikhailovich long before the meeting on the Ball of Famine. They served together in the shelf and were good buddies. Therefore, the changes that occurred in the character of a friend after marriage could not hide from his insightful eyes.

Natalia Dmitrievna completely subjugated her husband, turned to him as a child, that is also called him, causing him. She killed his life excitement in him with his excessive concern about the health of Plato Mikhailovich, he saw that Chatsky had seen in his eyes before. Now he became an absolutely haired man and a boring interlocutor. Natalia Dmitrievna is young. It belongs to the noble class. Outwardly, it is attractive, good, although a little complete.

Like many young barynis, she adores balls and dick evenings. It is impossible to say the same about her spouse, but he tries to please her in all, so patiently travels to her all secular events. From the conversation with the princes of Toguhovsky, it becomes clear that Natalia Dmitrievna loves to discuss dear outfits. She does not give her husband and open the mouth, in every way trainsing as a dog. Judging by her false unrest on the health of Plato Mikhailovich, it can be said that this heroine is full of showing sentimentality.

"Woe from the mind" - the work of truly ingenious, which forever made its author a great classic of Russian literature. This satirical play literally immediately scattered on the winged phrases, quotes and expressions already when it was not yet so famous to the general public. Griboedov very truthfully portrayed the life of the Moscow nobility and accurately described the characters of the characters inherent in the people of the century. And most importantly, I gave so much wisdom and magnificent satire that now for almost two centuries we learn to know the world of ancestors on all this.

"Woe from the mind." Comedy A.S. Griboedov

The main characters of the work of "Woe from Wit" show that in the secular society of the beginning of the 19th century, a split was formed between the young, advanced, with progressive views of the generation presented in the image of Chatsky, and the focused conservatives of the old generation into the form of Famousov. "Woe from the mind" is a comedy, where these two main characters are shown very bright and colorful, and everyone in its truth is principled and adamant. However, there are also the secondary heroes of the comedy, which also contribute to the plot of their paints. They can be divided into three types: "Famuses", those who claim "Famusov" and "Famow-losers".

Zagoretsky, "grief from the mind." Characteristic of this hero

Among the guests of guests in the House of Famusov in the third action, Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky appears in the third action - "Clearance of a secular man", which represents the type of "Famusov - losers". He does not have the ranks and titles, all he is considered a "selected fraudster and Pluto", "Lygunichka, gambler and thief."

Revealing the topic "Zagoretsky," Mount from the mind. " Characteristic, "It can be said that in the society of Famusov, he determined the role of universal home and servant for himself, which is always looking for an opportunity to please his behavior and flattery and, even better, unexpected gifts, therefore, it always causes greater sympathy and approval from the whole environment . For example, the guest of the whip is two "Arapchenkov" took out at the fair or, most likely, they took them to the card and Sofye took out a ticket to the theater, when no one could do this.

Nellegal hero

The character of the cityish is also constantly unflattercing about Zagoretsky, however, he believes that at least all it scolds, but with hunting everywhere they take. This hero is really in all decent houses of the capital. The image of Zagoretsky is a collective image of a noble society, which has become gradually rotating and look extremely immoral. This character is always relevant to rest something, rather than recall the truth. He is really so used to lie, that no one pays no attention to his lies.

Zagoretsky, like a reheetle, in the comedy "grief from the mind" is given a special place. Though critics and refer to them, but they are not his defenders. However, it was from their silent consent that the fate of other people can be solved.

Role in society

Returning to the topic "Zagoretsky," Mount from the mind. " Characteristic, "I will even express the opinion that Zagoretsky is a person, by the nature of" close to political cheese. " And it is not at all by chance. This thought is pushing the quotes of Zagoretsky, who say that if he would receive the position of censor, then first of all "Laezh" would be on Basni, where eternal ridicule over lions and eagles reign: "Although animals, but still kings."

Zagoretsky rapidly and with "heat" talks, he loves everything to exaggerate and any rumor can be inflated to incredible sizes. And on a sharp statement about his person, he does not react viciously, but simply drives them to an ordinary joke.

Gorich once again talks about it: "Original, obese, and without the slightest malice."

Griboedov takes him the role of a person who spreads false rumors about Chazkom. Zagoretsky did not really understand, about whom we are talking, but in his head various versions of madness were already born. Heldow was expressed about Chazkom, that, they say, he drank a lot of "bottles predicted", Zagoretsky adds that he drank "the bembods of forty."


Zagoretsky is one of the extratentive characters and the innovative reception of Griboedov's playwright. Such heroes even wider reveal the picture of the "century past" and outlines its values \u200b\u200band ideals. The role of insignificant heroes is that they help to better understand and reveal the behavior of the main characters and the entire Forms society. It is the figure of Zagoretsky shows the immoral behavior of the noble society. By the way, we will learn from Korich that Zagoretsky is a jammer. Yes, and Chatsky immediately receives a yellow warning, which is better not to speak frankly.

At the conclusion of the topic "Zagoretsky," grief from the mind. " Characteristic »It is important to note that the status of the nobleman in Russia has been defended by this fact itself, and if he followed the traditions and polls, he had a good prospects to make a successful career and due to this to get rich. The main thing is that not to be so losers and ashy crazy as Zagoretsky, who knows everything and follows the covenants of his father to "please people all without withdrawing."

Platon Gorich - another character "grief from the mind" A.S. Griboedov.
Also not at the time of the narrative, but in less attention. A year before the events described in the play in the house of Famusov. During the last meeting of Kryach with Chatsky, which is the last on the ball and mentions. Those. If the action of the play is November 1823, then the picture is depicted in November 1822.
What can we say about it with the words of the characters play? It turns out a little, but also something that theatrical leaders do not take into account at all.

In the action of the play, he appears in front of us with a pathetic podkin, in all the hearing young wife and only sighing in response.
But it was not always so! Just a year ago, Chatsky saw him by a Lichim officer, hardened, clever and despised danger!
People in the play are generally not template at all than and wonderful; Unless with one exception - silent.
A bicycle? Before us is a bright and ambiguous character, only for the sake of desire to fit into the Moscow society tolerance of family life. For half a year it is tolerant, or a little more. But ... how is this patience ends ??
Plato Mikhailovich Mustas and morally, and physically. Even the name Griboedov selected saying: in Greek "Plateau" - shoulder, "Plato" - a shoulderless, broadly conducted (Mayakovsky will not quote).
Rorse Rough Skalozuba even though that rude is deliberately. According to the behavior of the bicycles, sharply and uncompromisingly, the Chatsky himself. So, Zagoretsky Platon Mikhailovich, at a meeting, sends away from almost the last words and gives him an extremely unflattering characteristic. The gossip about Chatsky does not accept, throwing the crowd in the face: "Who is the first smoothed?". So reheetals eventually agreed with the "public opinion", and Gorich remained with his "doubt."
Sleepless, he just before his wife-Muscovite, being a husband of which in Moscow he remains his own. But with this character, it is not enough for a long time. Oh, not enough !!
Platon Gorich is somewhat older than Alexander Chatsky, although this circumstance does not prevent them from being open friendships. Rink retired, which does not surprise anyone, apparently, by service, unlike the same Chatsky. Platon Mikhailovich is considered a candidate for the commandants of Moscow (!), And this circumstance will also be a prerequisite to see in him not a boy, but her husband.
Most likely, he is not 23-25 \u200b\u200byears old, but slightly for 30, i.e. He, in essence, the peer of Sergey Scalozub.
But who are such horch? What kind of family?
We can argue that Griboedov could not but hear this name during military service in the Caucasus.
Because Korichi is a branch of the Princely Family of Ossetian-Digortsev, from a long time who lived in the Balkaria, but from half a century to those who moved to Dagestan, to Kizlyar. Where they were baptized in Orthodoxy, and being "by the Gorish Princes", received themselves and new surname.
About them and
What troops served as a guy from Kizlyar with Alano-Slavic-Balkarian roots? In Cossack, the most likely. Chatsky mentions their overall "noisy camp" five years ago, i.e. year in 1818 And it may well go not about the regimental camp, but about a divisional, or even a community, where nothing bothered by the Cossacks with the Ulans.
Colonel Rockozub began service in 1809, it means that Gorich devoted himself to the army at about the same time. And that the Cossack from Kizlyar does not participate in the Persian (1804-1813) or Turkish (1806-1812) wars, it is unlikely. Therefore, in St. George Ribbon, he has a reward of 1810, a cross for taking the fortress of Basdzhik (now the regional Dobrich Center in Bulgaria).

On the left under the polel-pantiler Latunka - the Klogan Cross, the Prussian award of the time of Napoleonic campaigns for the battle of Kulm 1813.

In the picture Platon Mikhailovich in the form of an Ober officer of the Ataman Cossack Regiment. Shape blue with blue release and lamps. Shooting, Kushak, sewing on cuffs and a span - white.
Porokhovnitsa from Elk's horns - in the Polish tradition.

At the bottom of the generic sign - the open palm - was drawn with a penalue on the name of the coat of arms of the Gorichi-Fugid.

On the head of Burk - Balkarian daily dad. With the beginning of the Caucasian war, elements of the Soviet fashion appeared in the Russian army slowly, but right. And the first guides were just local or half-breed. Secondly, November-month, cool after all. Thirdly, a meeting with Chatsky took place, most likely, just in the Caucasus. As we know from the play, Alexander Andreevich recently predicted waters, and Plato Mikhailovich could be either commaed, or located in the regiment. Fourth, it is necessary to somehow emphasize the veracity, which is no coincidence of Chatsky. Burke on the head of the risk is the thing is quite relevant, although it looks like it is more in the Cossack of the Civilian times. But, nevertheless, - Burk!
Caucasian checker, one of the first in the Russian army. On the spoil, blade up. Sheaths are not up to cross, but to the apple. Black handle from violent tree (campachevoy, in Spanish "bloody"). When handling outdoors, bright red wood becomes purple, and then black. Smell like a violet.))
The old friend of the rich is welcomed by a bottle of weathered Chateau Lafit Rothschild. This is, dear:

The original is taken by W.

Continuing to look at the site, I often think about, and who, actually there is positive heroes, and who is negative? And I can not clearly answer this question. It would seem that the most negative heroes, later, commit very good actions, and the heroes seemingly positive - quite the opposite.

Books Gorichi - the secondary characters of the comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Dmitrievna and Platon Mikhailovich Korichi - a young married couple, the first, with whom the Chatsky is found to the ball at Famusov. Podkinnik Platon Mikhailovich is a longtime familiar Chatsky, a former military. Chatsky sees a change that happened with Plato Mikhailovich after marriage and fades over the change, although sincerely sympathizes familiar.

A source: comedy "grief from mind"

View: Characters comedy "grief from the mind"

Griboedov depicts horinos, smiling ironically. Plato Mikhailovich, "Friend old" - a peculiar twin of Chatsky. Only the former Platon Mikhailovich Chatsky "knew in the regiment", and the current "Moscow resident and married." Kryych can be called the temporary twin of Chatsky: his story is one of the variants of the development of the destiny of Chatsky, from which he refused. When Sophia repels Chatsky from himself, she saves him from the fate of Korich.

Chatsky uses a rare appeal to the rijack - "Brother" is an indicator not only a friendly-etiquette, but even spiritual intimacy that bind these people in the past. Similarly, like a dairy brother. However, the current rink playing from boredom on the flute is the same motive that played five years ago, is typologically closer to the image of a silence, which plays three years on the flute.

Gorich is exactly the one who will turn into a silence when he marries: it will become a servant, a boy, a boy, to forget "for others." The rich is timid and shy, while Chatsky is a gusty and open. Gyrich is smart enough to realize what is in the position of her husband-Spitz, which "Your Spitz is an adorable spitz" and "Your husband is an adorable husband." Chatsky is sad at times when Korilch knew as a vigorous, living person. Natalia Dmitrievna Gorich does not give her husband even mouth open, leaving him as a manual dog. And Platon Mikhailovich with bitterness says Chatskomu "Now, brother, I'm not that." Talking surname reveals its value in full force.


Brother, marry, then you will remember me!

From boredom you will whistle the same thing.

Platon Mikhailich My to take the hill is inclined to different,

Which is not now, - in essays and reviews,

To Maneja ... sometimes bored in the morning.

Platon Mikhailich my health is very weak.

Now, brother, I'm not that ...

Eh, brother! The glorious life was once.

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Probably negative heroes like because they are the first beautiful, they all have a sad story, in the third they should be smart, in the fourth it should be unfortunate and lonely. But I think that, the negative heroes they are mysterious, bold, but it is a pity that sometimes these heroes often die at the end of the film or at the end of Anime ... But not that heroes are aware of their guilt and begin to fight for the side of good.

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