Characteristic of Maria Mironova from "Captain's Daughter" Pushkin A. Abstract: The image of Masha Mironova in Tale A

Masha Mironova - Main Heroine Tale A. S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter". It is a shy-wai, modest, with an unpretentious appearance of Devushka: "There was a girl of the city of Osman, a circle-lolitai, ruddy, with light rusia hair, smoothly combed behind the ears, which she had and burned." Grineh took the captain's daughter with prejudice, as Schvabrin described her "breathing Du-Rochetic."

However, gradually between Peter Grinev and caratan daughter arises mutual sympathy, PE-REROSE IN LOVE. Masha is attentive to Grinevo, IS-Krenne is worried about him when he decided to fight duel with Schvabrins ("Marya Ivanovna with tenderness spoke to me for anxiety, caused by all my sorry with a screw"). The feelings of the heroes to each other were completely discovered after heavily injured, obtained grievo on duels. Masha did not move away from the wounded, causing him. The heroine is not pecked, she simply talks about her feelings ("She admitted to me without any hemanhood in a heart leaning ...").

To the chapters in which Masha Mironova appears, the author as the epigraphs picked up excerpts from Russian folk songs, proverbs: Oh, you girls, the girl is red! Do not go, the girl, young married; You ask, girl, father, mother, father, mother, tribe; Zakha, girl, mind-reason, mind-mind, pridhanov.

Budge better I will find me, forget. If you find me worse, you will remember. The use of such epigraphs, by containing its response of one or another situation, is one of the means of poetizing the image of Masher Miro-new, and also allows A. S. Pushkin to emphasize the high spiritual qualities of his heroine, her close to the people.

Masha - a poor bride: According to Vasilisa Egorovna, from the dowry from her daughter - "a frequent comb, yes broom, and Altyn of money (God forgive!), With which to go to the bath"; But it does not make a goal to ensure their material well-being by marriage by calculation. She rejected the proposal of Schvabrin about marriage, because he does not like him: "I do not like Alexey Iva-Scher. He is very contracted to me ... Alexey Ivanovich, who is intelligent, a smart, and good surname, and has a condition; But how I think that it will be necessary under the vein-tsom, with all of all with him, you can kiss ... " For no well-being! "

The daughter of the Commandant is raised in rigor, I am obedient to parents, easy to communicate. Having learned that the Father Green-Wa against the marriage of his son with her, Masha is upset, but the media is about the decision of the parents of her beloved: "I can see fate ... Your family does not want me to their family. Budy in all the will of the Lord! God knows our best that we are needed. There is nothing to do, Peter Andreich, be at least you are happy ... "In this episode, the depth of her nature is revealed, Masha, feeling responsible for his beloved, refuses to marry without parent blessing:" Without their blessing, you will have happiness. "

TestThe girls dropped out to the share, they raise durability and courage in it. Parents considered Masha Couterbecause she was afraid of a cannonic shot to the name of Vasilisa Egorov to death. But when Schvabrin under the fear of death is detained to marry him, Masha is doing everything possible for his salvation. Having left the orphan, having lost at home, the girl managed to stand out, not in the morning of his spiritual qualities. Considering itself the culprit of the arrest of Grneeva and realizing that for the sake of salvation of her honor, he would never utter her name in court, Masha is re-driving to go to Petersburg And independently constitutes an action plan to restore fair. A large role in this was played by the Machine's ability to place people, various characteristics and social status.

What is the meaning of the story in the title? Mu-MU "Captain's daughter", because the main hero of production is Petr Grine? Of course, co-being, taking place in the story, one way or another, are connected to the way Masha Mironova. But I think that A. S. Pushkin sought to show how human qualities appear in heavy tests, hidden under-hour. Honesty, morality, cleanliness - the main qualities of Masha Mironova - allowed her to defeat her bitter fate, find a house, family, happiness, save the future of a loved one, his honor.

"Captain's daughter" became, perhaps, the last major work of A.S. Pushkin. At this time, the classic is seriously interested in historical realities. Of particular interest in him causes the history of the peasant uprising under the leadership of Emelyan Pugacheva. Alexander Sergeevich for months spends in the archives, studying all the documents capable of shedding the light on these terrible events for Russia.

He wonders to create a novel about the nobleman-otzchenz, who joined Pugacheva and served as faithfully. However, this plot is not "coming out by the author. The initial idea undergoes many changes; The novel is subjected to censorship. Ultimately, the "Captain's daughter" turns into an amazing history of love, unfolding into terrible "rebellious" years.

Despite the fact that the main hero of the novel, undoubtedly, is Peter Grinyov, a young nobleman, who serves in the Belogorsk fortress, he, who occupies a huge reservoir of the artistic time in the text of the "Captain Daughter", is actually only another step to understand the image without Exaggeration, the central, most important figure of the novel - the image of Masha Mironova.

Yes, it is this girl, a weak body, a "panty", as the mother will say about her, Vasilisa Egorovna, a modest idleness will be the hero, the ideal of human morality, which in his time A.S. Pushkin made his Tatyana Larina. Many of her features will affect the image of Masha Mironova.

In order to correctly interpret the image of this heroine, first need to understand the semantic fullness, in the plan and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "captain's daughter".

Interestingly, this is the final work of the "Sun of Russian Poetry". Pushkin spent several years to create drafts, repeatedly changed the plot capable of reflecting the main thought as best as possible, they were conceived. The fact is that this novel, according to the author himself, is the testament of genius. No wonder he puts a simple, but organic epigraph: "Take care of a dream dress, and the honor of the Smalod." It is this thought that the red thread will pass through the whole story.

It is known that in the last years of the life of A.S. Pushkin became especially close to religion. He was interested in Christianity and himself was a deeply believer man. In this context, the words "Berera", "Store", "observe", are especially revealed, so often found throughout the book. They echo with the biblical plot, final in the Gospel of Matthew: Christ calls on the Apostles to continue his business and abide by his commandments. Honor is one of the most important criteria of Christian morality. And Masha Mironova becomes the true carrier of this morality.

The author of not accidental calls his heroine by the biblical name - and not simple, but the name of the Virgin Mary! It emphasizes the significance of the girl, the significance of a woman as a continuer of the human race, as well as its purity, impossibility, true nobility. Masha alien sideways, meanness and deceit: she is the very first notes the vile habits of Schvabrin; She refuses his proposal, choosing the unenviable fate of the old Virgin, because to marry an unloved person for it is equivalent to selling its own creature itself; The external well-being refuses to do it completely insignificant compared to the well-being of his own soul. That is why it refuses to get married with hotly beloved Peter Grneeve, until his parents give them his blessing.

... Pushkin does not give Masha with any externally attractive features: she has the most ordinary appearance ("Kruglithic, ruddy, with light rusia hair, smoothly combed behind the ears, which she has so burned). Captain's daughter weak health; She is dying and frightened even "rifle shot." Her share accounts for many cruel tests: parents kill her eyes, Traitor-Shvabrin forces her to marriage and threatens to otherwise give it to the rioters ... Despite all these life peripetics, Masha Mironov retains its moral purity, high spirituality. She is a carrier of ideals of Christian morality. The girl does not bow the head to the traitor; It is easier for her, retaining his honor and dignity than living among lowland and dirt.

As a true woman, the "panty" -masha goes to the capital to personally ask the grace and the Empress State Drugs. The girl feels guilty in the arrest of his beloved, Peter Greenwood. Internal torments do not allow Masha to lower hands. Despite all the adversity and difficulties, it, clean, sincere and kind, opens its history of an unknown, which will be its savior.

In this true Christian novel, against the background of terrifying historical events, Pushkin depicted primarily the spiritual nobility of a true Russian woman. He lovingly described the features of the new "cute ideal": gentle naivety, openness and honesty, valor, courage and modesty.

At the very beginning of the work, Masha Mironova seems to be a quiet, modest and silent daughter of the commandant. She grew up in the Belogorsk fortress with her father and mother, who could not give her good education, but brought it up with her obedient and decent girl. However, the Captain's daughter grew lonely and is closed, separated from the outside world and, without knowing anything, except for its rustic wilderness. It seems to her who rebel the peasants with robbers and villains, and even a rifle shot cattons for her fear.

At the first meeting, we see that Masha is an ordinary Russian girl, "a round, ruddy, with light-rusia hair, smoothly combed behind the ears," which is raised in rigor and easy to communicate.

From the words of Vasilisa Egorovna, we will learn about the obvious fate of the heroine: "The girl on the issuance, and what is the dowry? A frequent comb, yes broom, and Altyn of money ... with what to go to the bath. Well, if there is a kind person; And then sit yourself in the girls of the New Yellow Bride. " About her character: "Did Masha dare? - answered her mother. - No, Masha Course. Until now, he can not hear a shot of a shotgun: it is so fastened. And however, Ivan Kuzmich was invented by Ivan Kuzmich in my named, so she, my ballob, just did not go with fear for that light. Since then, it is also not fluffing from the damn gun. "

But, despite all this, the captain's daughter has his own look at the world, and does not agree to the proposal of Schvabrin to become his wife. Masha would not have suffered a marriage not for love, but by calculation: "Alexey Ivanovich, of course, a smart man, and a good surname, and has a condition; But as I think that it will be necessary under the crown at all with him to kiss ... anyone! for any well-being! "

A. S. Pushkin describes the captain's daughter as an incredibly shy girl who will fill up and at first can not speak with Greenwood. But such an image of Marya Ivanovna remains for a long time, soon the author expands the characteristics of his heroine, sensitive and prudent girl. Natural and solid appears in front of us, who attracts people to herself a friendly, sincerity, kindness. She is no longer afraid of communication, and cares about Peter during his illness after the fight with the Swabrine. During this period, the true feelings of the heroes are revealed. Gentle, clean car's care has a strong influence on Greenwood, and, confessing in his love, he makes her the proposal of his hand and hearts. The girl makes it clear that their feelings are mutual, however, with her chasisal attitude to marriage, she explains her fiance that he would not marry him without the consent of his parents. As you know, Parents Greeneva do not agree to marry the Son with the Captain's daughter, and Marya Ivanovna refuses to offer Peter Andreevich. At this moment, the reasonable impurity of the character of the girl is manifested: her act is committed for his beloved and does not allow sin. The beauty of her soul and the depth of feeling is reflected in her words: "If you find yourself a narrowed, if you will love another - God with you, Peter Andreich; And I have both for you ... " Here is an example of self-denial in the name of love for another person! According to the researcher A.S. Dugozhskaya, the heroine of the story was "raised in patriarchal conditions: in the old days in marriage without the consent of the parents was considered a sin." The daughter of Captain Mironova knows, "That Father Peter Greeneva is a man of steep gear," and he will not forgive his son marriage against his will. Masha does not want to hurt a beloved person, interfere with his happiness and harmony with his parents. So manifests the hardness of her character, sacrifice. We have no doubt that Masha is hard, but for the sake of her beloved, she is ready to abandon his happiness.

When the rebellion of Pugacheva begins and comes to news about the imminent attack on the Belogorsk fortress, Masha's parents decide to send it to Orenburg to protect her daughter from the war. But the poor girl does not have time to leave home, and she has to become a witness of terrible events. Before the start of the attack, A.S. Pushkin writes that Marya Ivanovna was hiding behind the back of Vasilisa Egorovna and "did not want to lag behind it." The captain's daughter was very scary and restless, but she did not want to show it, responding to the question of the Father, that "at home one is terrible", with the "effort smile" with his beloved.

After the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Emelyan Pugachev kills the parents of Marya Ivanovna, and from the deepest shocks, Masha is seriously ill. Fortunately, the girl, Pepal Akulina Pamfilovna takes her to his guardianship and hides behind the shirma from Pugacheva, pouring after the victory in their home.

After the departure of the new "sovereign" and Greenelava, we have a hardness, determination of character, the inflexibility of the will of the captain's daughter.

The villain Schvabrin, who passed on the side of the impostor, remains at the main thing, and, using his position the main thing in the Belogorsk fortress, forces Masha to marry him. The girl does not agree, for her "it would be easier to die, rather than going to the wife of such a person, what Alexey Ivanovich", so Schwabrin is tormented by a girl, not in addition to her and giving only bread and water. But, despite the ill-treatment, Masha does not lose faith in the love of Grineeva and hopes for deliverance. These days the tests in the face of danger, the captain's daughter writes his beloved letter with a request for help, as it understands that, besides him, a certain one to stand for her. Marya Ivanovna became so brave and fearless that Schvabrin could not imagine that she could throw such words: "I will never be his wife: I better decided to die and die if I could not get rid of me." When he finally comes to her salvation, it is covered by contradictory feelings - she frees the Pugachev - the killer of her parents, the Buntar, who turned her life from his legs. Instead of words of gratitude, "she closed her face with both hands and fell without feelings."

Emelyan Pugachev lets Masha and Peter, and Greenwood sends a beloved to her parents, asking Savelich to accompany her. Goodwill, modesty, the soulfulness of Masha has all those surrounding to her, so Savelich, who is happy for his pupil, giving marrying on the captain's daughter, agrees, saying such words: "Although I wondered to marry, yes, Marya Ivanovna is such a kind young thing that sin And skip out ... " Greenyow's parents are no exception to whom Masha struck with their modesty and sincerity, and they take a good girl. "They saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the case to shelter and climb a poor sirotot. Soon they were famously attached to her, because it was impossible to learn it and not to love. " Even the Batyushka love Petrushi "no longer seemed empty blazew," and Mother just wanted her son to marry "cute captain's daughter."

Brighter than everything is revealed by the character of Masha Mironova after Grievous arrest. The whole family was affected by suspicion about the treason of Peter the State, but Masha's most experienced most. She felt guilty that he could not justify, in order not to intolets his beloved, and was absolutely right. "She hid himself from all his tears and suffering and meanwhile thought of the means, as if to save him."

Having said Greeneva's parents that "all the future fate it depends on this journey that she goes to seek patronage and help from strong people as a daughter of a man who suffered for his loyalty," Masha goes to St. Petersburg. She was tuned firmly and resolutely, putting a goal in order to be able to justify Peter. Having met Catherine, but not knowing about it yet, Marya Ivanovna is openly and in detail tells his story and convinces the empress in the innocence of his beloved: "I know everything, I'll tell you everything. He was subjected to me from everything that he had comprehended him. And if he did not justify before the court, except because he did not want to confuse me. " A.S. Pushkin shows the persistence and inflexibility of the character of the heroine, her will strongly, and the soul of Chista, so Catherine believes her and frees from Grainyov's arrest. Marya Ivanovna was very touched by the act of the sovereign, she, "Poklakav, soldered to the legs of the Empress" in gratitude.

The characteristic of the Machine Mironova from the "Captain's Daughter" is important for understanding the specifics of the work: it was born in the work of the Great Russian Writer under the influence of the popularity of Walter Scott's translation novels.

The image of Maria Mironova in the story "Captain's daughter"

He caused a peculiar attitude from different critics - the character did not take a deep and even remarkable.

A close friend of Pushkin P. Vyazemsky saw in the image of a certain variation of Tatiana Larina. The frantic V. Belinsky called it insignificant and colorless.

The lack of interest and characteristics also noted Composer P. Tchaikovsky. Pleasant and empty - assessment of the poet M. Tsvetaeva.

But there were those who did not attribute the image of the main character to the weak points of the story. Perhaps the most authoritative voice here is the opinion of N. Gogol, who appreciated the Pushkin novel for unturities, truly Russian characters and the simple greatness of any noticeable people.

Characteristic and description of Machine Mironova

The prototype of Masha some researchers see the heroine of the Roman "Edinburgh Dunnament" Walter Scott. However, the similarity here is only plot.

Defining the character briefly: it is paradoxical (as history itself and in general life) a combination of commonality and simplicity with greatness and exception. Maria Ivanovna is an eighteen-year-old daughter of the Captain of the Belogorsk Fortress.

The modestness of the family position is combined in it with the mind and kindness that appreciated and loved the protagonist of the story. They had a lot to overcome to be together: the intrigues of the opponent for the love of Masha, the refusal of the fiance of the groom to bless the marriage, Pugachev uprising and military tribunal.

The usual girl was the cause of death tests for the main character and comes to the Empress itself in the hope of saving it.

Moral beauty heroine

The author constantly emphasizes the noble naturalness of the heroine, the absence of coquetry, chemistry, any pretency in feelings and speeches. In handling people, it is distinguished by sensitivity, tenderness and kindness - Wise Savelich calls her angel, saying that such a bride does not need to be attached.

Sweeting her nice femininity encourages a cautious handling of a weapon and in general, with all connected with the war: Growing the girl in the military fortress is terribly afraid of shooting sound.

Avoid conflicts and quarrels: it does not say anything bad about the screw, immensely upset because of the Duel Greenhouse and the disjitiveness of his father.

She is spiritually wise, sees people with a heart. The witty and well-educated Swabrin could not win a love victory over a stupid in his own words of the lady - because there is no true noble man for shiny manners.

Loving Mary wants happiness primarily for an expensive person - even if it means marriage with another woman. And all this without romantic pathos and contempt for everyday life: understands that for happiness, a person needs not only love, but also peace and peace in the family, some prosperity and certainty.

The appearance of Masha Mironova in the story "Captain's Daughter"

Pushkin consciously sketched her portrait very sketchy. In the face and figure fought on the feats, there is no subtlety or exotic feature, expressive originality -

the appearance is not romantic and pure Russian.

Together with the main hero, the reader first sees a young girl with a round-blood and ruddy. Light-blond hair Cuban is unaware - they do not curl into curls, completely removed from the face, opening the ears, "which she has so and that has been burning" (an expressive detail, characterizing the first far distance from the delight of the young man and the sensitivity of the girl).

Gradually, the reader, together with Peter Grine, begins to take Masha in the heart. "Honey", "kind", "Angel" - constant epithets when it comes to her.

The in love sees that the unwitting young lady dressed "just and cute", her voice seems "Angel".

Parents of Masha

Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna Mironov - a married couple from the poor nobles, attributed to the chief hero of the family.

Commandant - Loving drink officer with experience, served almost 40 years. The kindness and carelessness of the character are badly helping him in his work on a leadership position and make it a "repentant" from his own wife. He is a person of honor, infertility and straight.

Elderly "Commandantsh" is an excellent owner, kind and hospitable. Woman's brisk and "prokrash", she actually manages her husband and all the garrison. Character hardness is combined with femininity: she does not know how to keep secrets, and her husband loves and regrets.

In the face of death, the father touchingly and simply blesses her daughter, her husband and wife so say goodbye to each other, which is visible all the tenderness, the strength and depth of their love.

Quotation characteristic Machine Mironova

The speech characteristic of the character of the heroine can be expressed in two very meaningful quotations.

"If you find yourself a narrowed, if you will love another - God with you, Peter Andreich; And I have both for you ... "," she says the beloved, having learned from the letter Father Greeneva about the ban on their marriage.

Here, all: the effort to quietly accept the impossibility of one's own happiness, the dignity of humility, the desire of goodness for the beloved, sincerity of feeling without excellent words.

"Whether we will have to see, or not, God knows this; But the age will not forget you; Before the grave you will stay in my heart, "said Masha liberated from captivity, going to the parents of Greeneva.

The right soul speaks almost common - and naturally poetic. As in one of the poems of Pushkin, the hearty "you" replaces the polite "you" - this change conveys a combination in the Mary of the hearty depth and feeling of self-esteem, natural immediacy and goodness.

Capture of the Pugachev Blogorsk Fortress and the fate of the heroine

Pugachev's raid on the fortress was rapidly expected: the plan to evacuate the daughter in Orenburg in Mironov did not realize.

Both parents of Masha were killed after the capture of the Belogorsk Fortress: the father hung the rioters, and the mother died from the blow of a saber on the head, received in response to killed her husband.

Mother's friend Popali hid themselves from shocking the Syrota at himself, giving it to his niece in front of the Pugachev who had quartered in the same house. Schvabrin knew and did not give up this secret.

Appointed by the new Commandant of the fortress, he began to force her for marriage, threatening to give it to the rioters.

Salvation of the captain's daughter

In besieged by Pugachevs Orenburg, Peter receives a letter from Masha with a story about the unworthy behavior of Schvabrin. The main character asks the Military Commandant to let him go with a military detachment to Belogorsk. Having received a refusal, Grinevo leaves Orenburg, along with faithful Savelich.

On the way to Belogorsk, their Berdy Slobodi grab the rebels. The nobleman appeals to rescue the beloved to Pugachev himself. Peter Grinev found a favorite seated on the floor, in a peasant ripped dress, with disheveled hair, pale and lost weight. She boldly and just gives contempt of Swabron.

After the liberation, Masha goes to the parents of Greeneva - they subsequently accepted and fell in love with her.

The story of the love of Masha Mironova and Peter Greens

The fate of two young people's relationship is difficult to the tragic episode of the history of the whole country. Love in this work is a circumstance, the main condition for the manifestation of the best human qualities of a man and women: kindness, loyalty, honor, thoughtful attitude towards himself and others.


Roman-upbringing or biography is entitled "Captain's daughter" by no means by chance. Maria Mironova is just a woman and a man, but remains himself and does not change himself even in the face of death. She introduces the chief hero of love, feelings of admiration for the kindness, courage and dedication of people.

Masha Mironova - the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, "round, rosy, with light rusia hair." For their kind, she was a cowardly: even a rifle shot was afraid. Masha lived quite closed, lonely; Grooms in their village was not. Her mother, Vasilis Egorovna, spoke about her: "Masha; the girl is on issuing, and what is the dowry? - a frequent ridge, yes broom, and Altyn money, with what to go to the bath. Well, if you find a kind man; and then Sydi herself in the girls of the New Youth Bride. "
Having become acquainted with Grneevoy, Masha loved him. After a quarrel of Schwabrin with Green and Green, she told about the offer of Schvabrin to become his wife.

Masha's proposal, naturally, answered with refusal: "Alexey Ivanovich, of course, a smart man, and a good surname, and has a condition; but as I think that it will be necessary to kiss under the crown with him." For anything! No well-being ! " Masha, who did not dream of fabulous wealth, did not want to marry the settlement.
On a duel with a Swabrian Grineev, it was seriously injured and broke out without consciousness for several days. All these days Masha cared for him. Having come to themselves, Grinyov confesses to her in love, after which she confessed to Greenwood without any hemanhood and said that her parents would be happy with her happiness. " But Masha did not want to get married without the blessing of his parents. The blessing of Grinyov did not receive, and Masha immediately moved away from him, although she was very difficult to do it, since her feelings still remained strong.
After capturing the fortress, the parents of Masha were executed, and she hid it in her house Popia. Schvabrin, intimating the pop with Pettoch, took Masha and planted under the castle, forcing him to marry him. Fortunately, she managed to send a letter to Greenwood with a request for release: "God was pleased to deprive me suddenly the father and mother: I don't have any relatives on earth, nor patrons. I resort to you, knowing that you always wanted me good and that you all Man ready to help ... "
Grinyov did not leave her in a difficult moment and came along with Pugachev. Masha had a conversation with Pugachev, from which he learned that Shvabrin was not her husband. She said: "He's not a husband for me. I will never be his wife! I better decided to die, and I will die if I don't get rid of". After these words, Pugachev understood everything: "Come out, the Red Maiden; I give you will." Masha saw a man who was the killer of her parents, and, along with that, her delightman. And instead of words of gratitude, "she closed her face with both hands and fell without feelings."
Pugachev released Greeneva with Masha, saying at the same time: "Take your beauty; drive it wherever you want, and give you God Love yes the Council!" They went to the parents of Grneeva, but on the road Grinev left to fight in another fortress, and Masha with Savelich continued his way. Greenyowa's parents accepted Masha well: "They saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the case to shelter and climb a poor sirot. Soon they were sincerely attached to her, because it was impossible to learn it and not to love." Greenyow's love for Masha no longer seemed to be his parents "Empty Blazew", they only wanted to marry their son on the captain's daughter.
Soon Grineeva arrested. Masha was very worried, because she knew the real cause of arrest and considered himself guilty of the misfortunes of Grineeva. "She hid themselves from all their tears and suffering and meanwhile thought about the means, as if to save."
Masha gathered to go to St. Petersburg, saying Greenyow's parents that "all the future fate it depends on this journey that she goes to seek patronage and help from strong people as a daughter of a man who had victims of her loyalty." In the royal village, walking around the garden, she met and talked with one noble lady. Masha told her about Greenyowa, and the lady promised to help, talking to the Empress. Soon Masha called to the palace. In the palace, she found out in Empress the very lady with which he spoke in the garden. The Empress announced her about the liberation of Grneeva, saying: "I'm in debt to the daughter of Captain Mironov."
In the meeting of Masha with the empress truly revealed the nature of the captain's daughter - a simple Russian girl, a cowardly in kind, without any education that found in itself enough power, the hardestness of the spirit and inexperienced decisiveness to achieve his excuses of not the guilty groom .