Arguments on the theme of fortitude oge 15.3. What is fortitude

Which can be formed with the help of perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Only thanks to the strength of the spirit a person has the opportunity to achieve his goals, to overcome the most difficult obstacles.

Divine in Man

Much has been said about the power of the spirit. Often this quality is compared with willpower, or they say that these two qualities go hand in hand. The will of a person is the ability to make decisions and strictly follow them. The strength of the spirit is directly related to the will, but it is rather a worldview concept.

The Slavic Magi of antiquity have a prayer. In it, one of the quotes is about the strength of the spirit: "My body is a sheath for the blade of my spirit." In many religious and esoteric treatises, one and the same idea can be traced: the spirit is endowed with the nature of fire, or ether - that is, that place in the universe where the gods live. Regardless of concepts, this part of a person is considered to be bestowed upon him from above.

Some psychologists believe that alcoholics and drug addicts do not know what fortitude is. That is why the most expensive treatments are powerless in front of these addictions. From this follows the well-known principle that addiction cannot be cured - it only passes from one form to another. Therefore, a person can change as a person only by strengthening his spirit. Willpower is just one of the tools on the path to personal change.

Fortitude: definitions

The phrase "fortitude" has several definitions. Firstly, it is a quality that makes a person more masculine. It consists of several components: perseverance, willpower, perseverance. People with this quality are metaphorically said to be made of iron. In this regard, we can quote about the strength of the spirit of the poet N. Tikhonov: “Nails would be made from these people - there would be no stronger nails in the world.” The poet spoke like this about sailors who are ready to accept death. However, the development of inner strength is possible for every person; this process does not necessarily take place in the conditions of military service.

There is another definition of fortitude: it is the ability of a person to endure discomfort and unpleasant conditions in order to achieve a future goal. From this point of view, strength of mind can be developed when a person is able to say to himself: “Today I will endure discomfort so that tomorrow my desired goal will be achieved.”

What gives strength of mind?

First, a strong person is more quickly able to disarm his inner critic. Indeed, on the way to any goal, obstacles cannot be avoided. And at some point there is a risk of giving up, deciding that there is not enough strength to reach the end. Only those whose spirit is strong will have a chance to overcome this negative inner voice and move further towards the goal.

Also, this quality allows you to draw the right conclusions from committed mistakes Don't get stuck in self-blame. A strong person will not waste his life energy on unnecessary remorse. Nor will he ignore his mistakes. His strategy is the responsibility for the actions taken. Therefore, the strength of the spirit allows each step to be considered as the acquisition of a new experience.

In addition, this quality allows a person to face his fears honestly. Getting out of your “comfort zone” is never easy. However, if a person is strong, he knows that he will be able to cope with stress and go forward, no matter what.


One example of fortitude is Pasha Pasynkov from the work of the same name by K. Chukovsky. At the cost of his own life, he decides to take the fire of all the enemy's anti-aircraft guns on himself. Pasynkov's plane burns and becomes uncontrollable, but still he manages to land on the Neva. So the hero managed to keep intact not only houses and several bridges, but also many human lives. All this is due to the willpower of the protagonist.

Also, an example of the firmness of the fortitude can be found in the texts of L. Ovchinnikova. They are about the children of besieged Leningrad. Many of them were left without parents, houses collapsed before their eyes, people fell from hunger. Children at the first call gathered at the Palace of Pioneers, despite hunger, cold and deprivation. There they were engaged in knitting, sewing, drawing, dancing and singing. Then they did not yet know about the power that art has. The kids came with a performance on a military cruiser. Adults who had to deal with death every day were amazed by the strength of the spirit of children.

V. P. Astafiev: an example of spiritual power

Also, an example of the strength of the human spirit can be found in the text of the journalist G.K. Sapronov, who is also a member of the Russian Book Publishers Association. The author reveals this topic on the example of the biography of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev. He was able to go through many hardships of life - orphanhood, homelessness, the war years, as well as post-war poverty and devastation. However, he managed to cope with all the troubles, to remain himself. At the same time, Astafiev worked tirelessly. Every day he sat down at his desk and finished writing the stories he created in order to feed his relatives. Despite all the hardships, he did not give up, continued to work for himself and his family. The author is sure that only a strong-willed person is able to endure all life's trials, overcome obstacles on the way and at the same time preserve his best personal qualities. One cannot but agree with this position.

The history of the pilot Maresyev

The story of the pilot Alexei Maresyev also tells about what strength of mind is. His plane crashed behind enemy lines. After that, he crawled to his own for 18 days, as his legs were damaged. After the pilot's limbs were amputated, he began to learn to walk on prostheses, and then fly the plane again. Maresyev's overcoming of all difficulties speaks of his unbending will and courage. This is a true example of resilience and fortitude that has gone down in history.

It is best to learn about what strength of mind is from quotes of great people. Here is what Lucretius said about this: “The spirit is strong with joy.” One cannot but agree with this statement. After all, it is thanks to internal psychological resources that a person can be strong. Vitality, love and a supply of energy allow you to move on, in spite of any obstacles. Joyful events of the past can be forgotten, but they continue to exist in the unconscious memory, giving strength to overcome obstacles and new achievements. When the soul becomes sad, there is no faith in one's own strength, anxiety or fatigue overcomes, it is important to remember the words of Lucretius. Reflecting on good events, a person has the opportunity to strengthen his spirit.

Strengthening inner resilience

And here is what the French writer and entomologist J. Fabre said on this occasion: “Happy, thrice happy is the person whom the hardships of life harden.” It is believed that going through life's difficulties, a person becomes stronger. After all, such a turning point is called a crisis, when previous actions turn out to be ineffective, and a person has not yet invented new ways of behavior.

A strong-willed person is one who knows how to invent these ways of coping with a difficult life situation. Anyone who does not know what strength of mind is has every chance of finding it precisely in difficult circumstances. It is the positive experience of meeting difficult situations that tempers a person. After all, this knowledge will give him confidence in the future. If earlier he managed to deal with problems, he will know that he is capable of solving these problems.

Circumstances in which a person has a chance to become stronger

Sometimes it also happens that a difficult situation in a person's life does not find a solution for a long time. In this case, the human spirit does not become stronger. One does not lose hope that things can change for the better. The other is simply adapting to the new conditions of life. In the latter case, a person does not become stronger, his spirit remains weak. After all, avoiding a difficult situation is not a way to overcome life's obstacles.

For example, a person may quit a job where he or she is having problems. And at the next workplace, a similar situation will await him. Or he cannot build a good relationship, seeks to find a new husband or wife. In this case, he will also face similar problems. Indeed, in the previous situation, he did not learn a valuable lesson, which means that life will continue to confront him with similar circumstances until he learns to strengthen his spirit and overcome the obstacles facing him.

"What are mental powers?" (option 1)

Mental strength is such human qualities as stamina, patience, endurance, perseverance, willpower - all that helps to cope with various life difficulties. People with the strength of mind are able to achieve the desired result. Mental strength can be needed by a person both in a big business and in a small one. I justify my words with concrete examples.

In the text of V. G. Rasputin, mental strength helps the boy Sanya to harvest a rich harvest of the taiga dove berry. This was not easy to do, since there were a lot of berries that year, the boy had to make his way through dense thickets of bushes all day long, repeatedly bend branches towards him, carry a can filled with sweet fruits back and forth. It was especially difficult to collect the dove during the rain, as it "choked, crumpled, leaves stuck to the hands." But Sanya not only successfully coped with this work, but also received great pleasure, which testifies to his endurance and diligence.

The pilot Meresyev, the hero of B. Polevoy's "The Tale of a Real Man", also possesses extraordinary spiritual powers. How much patience and perseverance it took for Meresyev to return to the profession of a fighter again after the amputation of both legs as a result of a combat mission! He was able to overcome the pain while performing special physical exercises and learned to walk on prostheses. Thanks to hard training, Meresyev made his dream come true.

Thus, people with spiritual powers cause sincere admiration and deep respect. (209 words)

15.3 "What are soul forces?" (option 2)

Mental forces are the internal resources of a person, thanks to which he is able to live a full life, cope with difficulties, work, create. But mental strength can run out, and to prevent this from happening, they need to be fed. There are many ways to do this: listen to your favorite music, read an interesting book, chat with nice people, or just stay alone with nature. I will prove my point with examples.

In the text of V. G. Rasputin, the boy Sanya, being in the taiga, felt an unusual surge of spiritual strength. What he saw in the morning, after a disturbing night, evoked in him a whole palette of emotions: both delight, and peace, and some kind of inhumanly strong and huge feeling, from which Sanya "was ready to jump out of himself and take off, ..., he was ready for anything." For the boy, nature became a source of spiritual strength.

And for Pyotr Grinev, the hero of the story by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter", the love for the commandant's daughter Masha Mironova became a source of spiritual strength. It was this high feeling that helped Grinev to go through many trials: to endure Shvabrin's mockery and insults, to survive on his own and save his beloved during the capture of the fortress by Pugachev, to stand worthy in court.

Thus, spiritual strength is necessary for every person. (177 words)

"What are mental powers?" (option 3)

Mental forces are the internal resources of a person, thanks to which he is able to cope with difficulties, work, create. Sometimes mental strength is necessary for a person like air, in order to simply live. Everyone has their own source of spiritual strength. For one, this is communication with nature, and for the other, the memory of native person. I will prove my point of view with concrete examples.

M. Gorky's text says that the narrator was very fond of hiking in the forest with his grandmother. The forest attracted the hero and had a magical effect on him. According to him, the forest evoked in him "a feeling of peace and comfort." Once in this life-giving corner of nature, the narrator forgot about his troubles, his soul seemed to be renewed, and his strength was restored. This means that it was nature that was the source of spiritual strength for the boy.

But for Anna Fedotovna, the heroine of B. Vasilyev's story "Exhibit No.", two valuable things in her understanding were a source of spiritual strength: the only letter from her son who died at the front during the Great Patriotic War, and a letter from his friend, written after the death of his son. Every evening the elderly woman reread these letters. The memory of her son kept her alive. But when the letters were stolen, Anna Fedotovna lost her source of life, and her spiritual strength left her forever.

Thus, spiritual strength is necessary for every person. (200 words)

"What are mental powers?" (option 4)

Mental forces are the internal resources of a person that help him live his life with dignity, doing good deeds, helping those who need help. Spiritual forces push a person to bold and noble deeds. This is easy to prove with specific examples.

The text of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak tells about the old watchman Taras, who once saved a swan from death, and then sheltered the bird at home. Taras' act testifies that we have a spiritually strong person, very kind and not indifferent to someone else's misfortune.

Spiritual power can be possessed not only by an adult, but also by a child. Let us recall the hero of the story by N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky Tema. When the boy discovered that an evil man had thrown his pet Beetle into a well, he rushed to her aid. To save the unfortunate animal, it was necessary to go down to the very bottom of the well. The thought of this terrified the child. But Tyoma coped with his fear, because he understood that he was doing a good deed. So mental strength helped the boy overcome his weaknesses and pull the Beetle out of the well.

Thus, every person needs spiritual strength. (159 words)

"What is good?" (option 5)

Good is a disinterested and sincere desire for the realization of good. Kindness, as a rule, is associated with generosity and love towards people and all living things. A person who does good cannot think only about himself, he will always take care of others. This judgment can be confirmed by the following examples.

The text by E.A. Permyak tells about a grandfather who really wanted his grandson Alyosha to grow up good and kind. Once a wise old man in Alyosha's time praised a stranger who made a bench. At the same time, the grandfather emphasized that at that moment the stranger was thinking not about himself alone, but about all people. The grandfather's words echoed in Alyosha's heart, and the boy also wanted to do something good for others, namely: to repair and paint the old gate and bench. So the grandson did a good deed.

Sometimes a good deed is tantamount to a feat. In this regard, the story of the famous swimming champion Shavarsh Karapetyan is recalled. Once he witnessed the fall of a trolley bus into Yerevan Lake. Without hesitation, the athlete rushed to the aid of drowning people. As a result, alone, risking his own life and health, he was able to pull 20 passengers out of the cold water. After this incident, the health of Shavarsh Karapetyan was seriously undermined. But did the champion think about it when he saved people?! His act can rightly be called not only a good deed, but also a feat.

Thus, goodness is incompatible with indifference and selfishness. (215 words)

"What is good?" (option 6)

Good is a disinterested and sincere desire for the realization of good. Kindness is expressed in generosity, mercy, love and care. Giving a person wise advice, revealing the truth is also good. This statement can be confirmed by the following examples.

In the text of A. Saint-Exupery, the wise Fox did a good deed for his new friend - he revealed to him two truths, saying the following words: "only the heart is vigilant" and "you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed." These truths helped the Little Prince to understand many important things and himself.

Let us also recall the good deed of one of the heroes of another work - A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". When Petrusha, a young and inexperienced nobleman, went to work, his father, wishing his son only the best, gave him advice to protect honor from a young age. In the future, his father's blessing helped Peter Grinev to adequately go through all the trials that fell to his lot. A father did a good deed for his son!

Thus, goodness is multifaceted and it can be manifested in different ways. (150 words)

"What is good?" (option 7)

Good is a disinterested and sincere desire for the realization of good. Kindness is expressed in generosity, mercy, love and care towards all living things. This statement can be confirmed by the following examples.

In the text of Y. Yakovlev main character- the boy Costa - took care of the dog, which was left without an owner, as he died at sea. The boy felt compassion for the unfortunate animal and really wanted to help. Every day he brought food to the shore for the dog, walked with it and even made a house out of an old boat. Costa's actions indicate that he has a good heart.

Many examples of how people save animals can be cited from life. Here's a good story I heard recently. In Rostov, a man saved a crow. He was on business when he saw that in the courtyard of a high-rise building, a wounded crow was hanging on a tree, pinched by branches. As the neighbors said, the bird got stuck a day ago. She tried to free herself, but only broke her wing. The rescuer climbed a tree, took out a feathered bird and took it to a veterinary hospital, where they examined the bird and provided the necessary assistance, after which the young man took the crow with him to care for her until the wing grew together, and then let her go free.

Thus, such stories warm the soul and remind that life without goodness is impossible. (204 words)

What is the power of the spirit?

The first version of the essay (according to the text of G.Ya. Baklanov “There is sleep and silence on the farm. We are walking along a low, white under the moon, fence ...”)

Concept definition

I think strength of mind is the ability to overcome any difficulties, to survive in inhuman conditions, not to give up, no matter how hard it is. This is the ability to appreciate the little that life gives and enjoy it every moment, every second of your existence.

In the text G.Ya. Baklanov describes one evening in the life of a man who has been living in war conditions for several years now. Every night he is used to sleeping to the sound of exploding shells, so the silence prevents him from falling asleep. For two years now I have not had to sleep on a bed made with washed linen. Previously, it was not appreciated, but now it is perceived as a luxury. Time has never flown so slowly as during those war years. But people retain a human face even in such difficult conditions, despite the horror of what is happening around. The soul only hardens more, becomes bigger, wiser. Now she is able to understand what people do not see, who did not know suffering and loss.

Argument from personal experience

Probably, the strength of the spirit is peculiar only to the elect. Many simply give up at the slightest difficulty, ready to fail without giving a worthy rebuff to circumstances. The spirit must be tempered from childhood, to teach a growing person to resist circumstances, while maintaining their spiritual qualities.


The strength of the spirit allows a person to overcome all difficulties in his path, while not losing his human qualities. On the contrary, problems only strengthen the spirit of those who are pure in thought and filled with love for humanity.

The second version of the essay (according to the text of L. Ovchinnikov “In the spring of 1942, two girls slowly walked along the Leningrad streets ...”)

Concept definition

Strength of mind is a feat of confronting the difficult circumstances of life. It makes it easier to endure difficulties, overcome obstacles, survive in times of famine and at the same time smile at a new day. Mentally strong people save not only themselves, but also those who are close to them. Inner strength lies in unity.

Argument from the read text

G.Ya. Baklanov tells about the feat of the Leningraders, who managed not to lose heart during the blockade. Through death from starvation and physical exhaustion, they were able to assemble a children's ensemble, rehearse with it and perform in support of their warriors. This is a real feat of teachers, educators, but, to a greater extent, children. Having known the horrors of war, having lost many loved ones, getting used to endlessly exploding shells, early grown-up children were able to act, supporting others, inspiring them by their example with hope for a better outcome of the war.

Argument from personal experience

The strength of the spirit is in unity, mutual assistance, in the desire to become one in the fight against the enemy. By supporting each other, people are capable of much. In difficult historical periods, in times of wars and epidemics, only joint actions led to a successful outcome of events.


The strength of the spirit manifests itself in extreme conditions, multiplies with the support of like-minded people. Its source is humanity, mutual assistance, mutual understanding. Only being united by a common goal, we will be able to overcome all the difficulties in our path.

The third version of the essay (on the example of the text by L.E. Ulitskaya “He told his students sparingly about the war ...”)

Concept definition

Fortitude is a quality that allows not only to survive in difficult, inhuman conditions. It is also an ability that makes it possible to perform actions in which others do not see the meaning, do not understand the need for their accomplishment or benefit.

Argument from the read text

So, in the text of L.E. Ulitskaya is presented with the fate of a former soldier who took part in the Great Patriotic War, now a simple rural teacher. After a combat wound, his arm was amputated, and he began to teach Russian language and literature. Internal doubts as to whether science is necessary for village children, who have already turned into adults, with adult problems and responsibilities, did not leave the young teacher. But he continued to do his job, and the children continued to attend his lessons, despite the fact that someone "was stolen from others childhood - youth." There were in their reality those who lost their lives.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase "fortitude"? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is the FORCE OF THE SPIRIT."

Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) argument examples confirming your reasoning: one example, give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience.

The length of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay neat, legible handwriting.


(1)Spring 1942
years, two girls slowly walked along the Leningrad streets - Nyura and Raya
Ivanovs. (2) For the first time after a long blockade winter, they set off on foot with
Petrograd side to Nevsky Prospekt, to the Palace of Pioneers. (3) They bypassed
overturned trams, hiding from explosions in doorways, making their way through the piles
debris on the sidewalks. (4) 3rd girl was buried by her mother, who died of starvation, and
were left alone in a smoky apartment with icy walls. (5) To keep warm
burned furniture, clothes, books. (6) Weakened Nyura, soloist before the war
famous ensemble, led by Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky, on a sled
the girls were taken to the orphanage - fighters of the air defense detachment.
(7) Raya Ivanova entered a vocational school. (8) At the end of the first blockade
winter they were found by the head of the studio R.A. Warsaw. (9)Like others
workers of the Palace of Pioneers, she, only recently discharged from the hospital, walked along
saved addresses to find your pets. (10) Before the war Anichkov Palace
was a fabulous children's kingdom, and now he was again preparing to meet

(11) Word of mouth
The seemingly unbelievable message was passed on the lips: “The Palace of Pioneers is waiting for us!”
(12) This news could not be found out either from newspapers or from radio messages.
(13) The Palace of Pioneers was marked on Hitler's maps as a military facility.
(14) How both the Hermitage and the Russian Museum were marked.

(15)From district to
district, from house to house was transmitted as a password: "Meet at the appointed hour ...", and
children moved along the streets of the besieged city - this is how the feat of teachers began
and pupils of the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers.

(16) Children,
of course, were deeply affected by the war. (17) They saw houses crumble from
explosions, how people fall in hungry unconsciousness. (18) Vera Borodulina lost
father, Vitya Panfilov survived the death of seven relatives ... (19) In every house there was
grief. (20) There were almost two more years of blockade ahead ...

(21) And in May 1942
years, numerous circles worked in the Palace of Pioneers: dance,
vocal, piano, needlework, drawing, artistic word.
(22) Art helped children survive, but they did not yet know about its true power.

(23) Summer 1942
years, the guys were first invited to a military cruiser. (24) They went to the truck
car, taking musical instruments and dance costumes. (25) On deck
ship, Vitya Panfilov played Tchaikovsky's melodies, Raya Ivanova danced, read
poems by Vera Borodulina. (26) On the cheeks of sailors who have looked death in the face more than once,
tears flowed. (27) 3 who valued courage, the sailors saw the strength of the spirit of the Leningrad
schoolchildren. (28) The cruiser was preparing to go into battle, from which not everyone would return, and in
these guys had spiritualized hope itself. (29) Saying goodbye to the children, the team
lined up. (30) The guys began to present gifts that they brought with them.
(31) Taking a cloth pouch from the hands of a girl, the foreman, on whose chest there were two
military orders, said: "I accept the third award of the Motherland." (32) Sailors knew the price
(According to L. Ovchinnikova)*

* L. Ovchinnikova
is a modern Russian writer.


Strength of mind is one of the main qualities that make a person strong not physically, but morally. The strength of the spirit is made up of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility, faith in the best. The strength of the spirit makes a person find a way out of a difficult situation, look to the future with optimism, and overcome life's hardships. I will prove my words with concrete examples.

Let us turn to the text of L. Ovchinnikova. The tremendous strength of spirit helped the heroines of this text during the war to survive the difficult, terrible days of the blockade. How many misfortunes befell Nyura and Rai: the death of their mother, hunger, cold! But the girls did not lose heart, they found the strength in themselves not only to live, but also, together with other guys, to engage in creativity in the Palace of Pioneers, to support the fighters going into battle with their performances. And the sailors saw the strength of the spirit of the Leningrad schoolchildren, they felt inspired hope in them.

The legendary pilot, the hero of "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy, Alexei Meresyev, also possesses extraordinary fortitude. Due to a severe wound during the Great Patriotic War, both legs were amputated. But Meresyev did not lose heart. Thanks to regular training, overcoming pain, Meresyev was not only able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The strength of the spirit of this man is truly admirable!

Thus, a person with fortitude will cope with any difficulties.(188 words)

Fortitude is an active determination to go towards the goal, overcoming any obstacles. Everyone would like to be strong, but not everyone succeeds. Examples of the strength (or weakness) of the spirit are also found in fiction and in the reality around us.

Arguments from literature

  1. (56 words) In D.I. Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth", Starodum can serve as an example of fortitude. The hero meets a young officer who seems decent. However, war was soon declared, the friend of the protagonist evaded the defense of the Motherland and succeeded in the rear. Starodum went to the battlefield, was wounded and outflanked. But this incident did not break him and did not deprive him of faith in the triumph of truth.
  2. (48 words) Erast, the hero of N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa”, turned out to be a weak person, could not match the love of the peasant woman Lisa. The young man, having seduced the girl and received his own, squanders his fortune and decides to find himself a profitable party. Erast deceived Lisa and married another, and she drowned herself, so the hero's impotence was punished with eternal torment of conscience.
  3. (54 words) Chatsky, the hero of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" is truly strong man, he had the courage to go not only against one influential person, Famusov, but also against a crowd of his supporters. Chatsky preached truth, freedom, opposed servility and lies. Everyone turned away from him, but Alexander still did not give up, is this not fortitude?
  4. (59 words) In the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin, the strength of the spirit is concentrated in Tatyana. Having fallen in love with Onegin, she was ready for anything for him. The girl was not even afraid to confess, but this was unacceptable in the 19th century. The strength of the spirit, the strength of love overcame all obstacles, except for one - the lack of reciprocal feelings. Tatyana remained unhappy, but she has a core and the truth is on her side.
  5. (47 words) Mtsyri, the protagonist of the poem of the same name by M.Yu. Lermontov, yearned for his native Caucasus and freedom all his life. The hero had a goal: to live for real, at least for a moment, outside the monastery. And Mtsyri fled, tried to return to his native places. He did not succeed, but this thirst for freedom reveals the strength of the spirit in the hero.
  6. (48 words) Pechorin, the main character of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" is a strong-willed person. For example, when Grushnitsky started an unfair duel against him, Grigory was not afraid, but calmly brought the game to the end, punishing the scoundrel with death. This act is not at all merciful, but strong, because otherwise the hero would have died himself.
  7. (52 words) The main character of the story M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wise Scribbler” is completely devoid of any spiritual strength, he was afraid of danger all his life, and therefore did not live, but only existed in a hole without friends, love, simple joys. Because of weakness, everything passed by the scribbler, although his existence was long, but completely empty. Without the power of the spirit there is no life.
  8. (36 words) In the story of A.P. Chekhov's "The Death of an Official", the executor Chervyakov sneezed on General Bryzzhalov and was so frightened of the consequences of this accident that, in the end, he died of horror. Fear has deprived the hero of common sense, this is what the weakness of the spirit leads to.
  9. (41 words) Andrey Sokolov, the main character of the story by M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man", can be called a strong personality. He went to war, because the Motherland was in danger, he went through all its horrors, then captivity and a concentration camp. Sokolov is a real hero, although he himself never understood his strength.
  10. (60 words) Vasily Terkin, the hero of the poem of the same name by A.T. Tvardovsky, fortitude is combined with humor and lightness, as if it costs nothing for a fighter to do things that few modern people will be able to repeat without fear and posturing. For example, in the chapter "Duel" it is told about the confrontation between the hero and the German: the enemy is well-fed, better prepared, but Vasily won, and this victory occurred solely on moral and volitional qualities, because of the fortitude.
  11. Examples from life, cinema and media

    1. (54 words) Plumber Dmitry, the hero of the film "The Fool" by Yu. Bykov, tried to go against the system for the sake of almost a thousand people who were simply abandoned. In the hostel building, the hero noticed a huge crack, the house is about to collapse, people will die or remain on the street. He fights for strangers against authority, fights to the end. He died, the system still won, but the strength of the character of the hero is respected.
    2. (46 words) Chuck Noland, the protagonist of R. Zemeckis' film Cast Away, found himself in an extreme situation: the plane on which the hero was traveling crashes, he finds himself on a desert island. In such a situation, if you surrender, you will die. We need to make decisions here and now. Chuck strained his inner strength, survived and was able to rethink his life.
    3. (44 words) The eccentric Captain Jack Sparrow from Gore Verbinski's Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End epitomizes unsinkability. This hero came to the next world and returned back without batting an eyelid. And all because he never gives up, and this quality makes him a strong person.
    4. (41 words) A man of great fortitude is Nick Vujicic. Nick has no arms and legs, but he was able to get a degree with two specialties, find love, travel and give lectures that help other people. Such heroes motivate to accomplish great things by their example.
    5. (46 words) Peter Dinklage, known to many for his role as Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones, has overcome many obstacles. Dinklage was born with achondroplasia (a disease leading to dwarfism), has a poor family, and had no success at the beginning of his career. Now this actor is very popular, the problems only hardened his character.
    6. (52 words) Stephen Hawking, who is the luminary of modern science, has been fighting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis since the age of 20. Now this disease is not treatable, the scientist is paralyzed, even speaks only with the help of a speech synthesizer. However, Hawking does not give up: he continues his scientific work, inspires young scientists to new achievements, even appears in the comedy series The Big Bang Theory.
    7. (67 words) A friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer. This is a young woman with a small child, and the disease was already in the last stage. The first thing she thought about was how to arrange the child in the best way. The second is how to live on. One could cry in anticipation of the end, but the woman began to help other patients, and also to live full life without postponing any meetings, travels, acquaintances. You need to have a huge inner core to repeat her feat.
    8. (47 words) A friend of mine had an operation that didn't go well. The body rejected the material that was sewn during surgery, inflammation began. She underwent several more operations, a huge number of injections, a whole year of her life passed in the hospital ward. However, this year tempered her character, taught her not to give up and be strong.
    9. (62 words) As a child, I had an incident that made me strong on pain of death. I was just learning to swim, but I accidentally got into a deep place where I didn’t reach the bottom, got scared and started to sink. It was far enough to the coast. Then I realized that if I didn’t calm down and be strong, I wouldn’t be able to save myself. And I swam as best I could, but I swam and survived.
    10. (57 words) Once, when I was still very young, my mother looked out of the apartment and saw that there was smoke in the entrance, and it was impossible to go out, especially with a child. But through the window, my mother saw a fire truck, so we went out onto the balcony, and my mother began to give signals to the firemen. They noticed us and pulled us out. Mom was not at a loss, she had to become strong for me.
    11. Fortitude is not only going into battle with a sword drawn, it is often required in Everyday life to deal with all problems and troubles. This quality must be cultivated in oneself, without it it is impossible, as the Kino group sang: “You must be strong, otherwise, why would you be?”.

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