Presentation on the topic of patriotism. Presentation for the class hour on the topic "patriotism"

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  • To form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as decency, honor, loyalty to duty.
  • Expand the meaning of the word "patriot".
  • Fostering a conscious love for the Motherland, respect for the historical past of its history.

Form of carrying out: hour of communication.

Equipment: computer for musical design and for
demonstration presentation.

Decor: St. George ribbons, flowers, portraits of A. Nevsky and A. Suvorov.

Classroom plan:

  1. opening speech.
  2. Information block.
  3. Frontal conversation on the topic: “What does it mean to be a patriot? modern Russia
  4. Conclusions.
  5. Final word.


1. Introductory remarks

- Guys, in the name of what feats were performed, incredible hardships and hardships endured, why did our distant ancestors and recent predecessors sacrifice their fortune, love, life itself? In the name of the interests of the Fatherland. Where do you, today's schoolchildren, already graduates, see your patriotic service to the Motherland? Are you ready today for any donation and deeds in the name of the interests of the Motherland?
- Today we met with you in order to hold a discussion on the topic: “On patriotism. About the Motherland ... ". The purpose of our meeting is for you guys to realize that you are proud and worthy people. So that an even dormant feeling of love for your homeland awakens in you. Homeland is like a mother. She is sometimes sick, can become ugly. But then we love her more and pity her. And we are not looking for another.
- And I want you to have pride for your country, for yourself. Only a proud, worthy person can become a patriot of his country.
"The strength of patriotism is always proportional to the amount of personal labor invested in it: vagabonds and parasites have always been alien to the feeling of homeland." L.M. Leonov
- Let's turn to the history of the Russian State. In wartime, Russia gave birth to heroes that the whole world knows. Namely A. Nevsky. A. V. Suvorov. Since ancient times, our country was subjected to attacks and military incursions, but was never enslaved. Any nation wants to live independently of anyone, honoring their traditions and raising their children in them. But could you and I live now in a free country if our ancestors had not won back their Motherland, Russia by their very lives and freedom? Let's get acquainted with the true patriots of the Fatherland.

2. Information block

- Take a look at the first portrait: A. Ya. Nevsky - who of us does not know this name?
- What do you know about A. Nevsky?

Accompanied by a presentation.

- Patriotism manifests itself in love, heroism, heroism, and sometimes in humility, if necessary for the good of the Motherland. Let's define the word - patriot. Definition on the slide.
- Let's look at the second portrait of A.V., Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle. (33)
“To teach the unfaithful army that we can sharpen burned-out iron,” said A.V. Suvorov. “Start everything with the blessing of God and before you gasp, be faithful to the Emperor and the Fatherland.”
- It means that both patriotism and faith were fused together in the Russian people.
- How do you think, how are the concepts of "patriotism" and "Motherland" related?
- Pay attention to the third photo (music "Sacred War" sounds).
- Guys, in May 1945, millions of people around the world with great jubilation received the exciting news of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. Already in 4 months, all world mankind will celebrate the great holiday - 65 years since the Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Here I would like to remind you that our fellow countrymen, being your peers, showed heroism, courage, paid their debt to the Motherland, and they really were patriots and will always remain in our memory.
- Let's remember the Walk of Fame, located in the park of our city. Let's call the heroes-fellow countrymen
- Is patriotism always manifested during military operations or global conflicts?

3. Frontal conversation on the topic: “What does it mean to be a patriot? modern Russia? "

Patriotic education ... Will such concepts as patriotism, patriot, sense of duty, Motherland, fatherland, citizen become meaningful to you?
Let's think about what our life will be like if such concepts dear to the heart of a true patriot and citizen of our Motherland disappear from the Russian language, from our consciousness. Thinking about the Motherland is the most important moment in the formation of a citizen, in the knowledge and search for one's place in life.
- What does it mean to be a patriot of modern Russia? A true patriot respects a patriot of another country. Look at the screen, maybe you will see someone you know (slideshow). On the threshold of adulthood, you will go to serve the Motherland and fully understand what the feeling of the Motherland is. Laying wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, bearing the guard of honor at the eternal flame, this is the education of patriotism in children.

4. Conclusions:

  1. A true patriot does not stick out himself as a patriot, he does not walk under the banner with a song, but is able to do important and necessary things when no one is asked for it, when no one sees it, and no one is rewarded for it.
  2. "The strength of patriotism is always proportional to the amount of personal labor invested in it: vagabonds and parasites have always been alien to the feeling of homeland."
    L.M. Leonov
  3. "Only empty people do not experience the wonderful and sublime feeling of their homeland." I.P. Pavlov

5. Final words of the teacher

- Our meeting has come to an end. I want to believe that you understood me, that I managed to breathe in you at least a spark of that warm feeling called patriotism - love for your homeland? This feeling is dormant in a person for a long time, it wakes up when you are far from the country. Goodbye, all the best to you.

Pedagogical Council website

Slide 2

Get acquainted with the main documents regulating the activities of teachers in the patriotic education of students; Summarize the experience of the school in the patriotic education of students; Formulate the main problems in the activities of teachers in the patriotic education of students; Outline the main steps to solve problems in accordance with the Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens Russian Federation for 2006-2010 "

Slide 3

Normative legal acts regulating the activities of teachers in the patriotic education of students

The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010" Recommendations for the organization of patriotic education of students Plan of basic activities for interaction between the Council of Veterans and the Department of Education for the 2007-2008 academic year. Comprehensive work plan of the MOU "Secondary School No. 4" on the patriotic education of students for the 2007-2008 academic year

Slide 4

Patriotism is love for the Motherland, devotion to one's Fatherland, striving to serve its interests and readiness, up to self-sacrifice, to defend it.

Slide 5

At the personal level, patriotism acts as the most important, stable characteristic of a person, expressed in his worldview, moral ideals, and norms of behavior. At the macrolevel, non-patriotism is a significant part of public consciousness, manifested in collective moods, feelings, assessments, in relation to one's people, their way of life, history, culture, state, system of fundamental values.

Slide 6

Patriotism is manifested in the actions and activities of a person. Arising out of love for their small homeland, patriotic feelings, having gone through a number of stages on the way to maturity, rise to national patriotic self-awareness, to a conscious love for their homeland. Patriotism is always concrete, aimed at real objects. The active side of patriotism is decisive, it is she who is able to transform sensual principles into concrete deeds and actions for the Fatherland and the state.

Slide 7

Patriotism is the moral basis for the viability of the state and acts as an important internal mobilizing resource for the development of society, an active civic position of the individual, and his readiness for selfless service to his Fatherland. Patriotism as a social phenomenon is the cementing basis for the existence and development of any nation and statehood.

Slide 8

Patriotism is a consciously and voluntarily accepted position of citizens, in which the priority of the public, the state acts not as a restriction, but as an incentive for individual freedom and a condition for the all-round development of civil society. This understanding of patriotism is basic, and the Concept acts in this regard as a direction for the formation and implementation of this type of social behavior of citizens.

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Underestimation of patriotism as the most important component of public consciousness leads to a weakening of the socio-economic, spiritual and cultural foundations of the development of society and the state. This determines the priority of patriotic education in the general education system of Russian citizens.

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State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010"

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In accordance with the strategic goals of the state to ensure stable and sustainable social development, strengthening the country's defense capability, the Program determines the content and main ways of developing the system of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation and is aimed at further shaping the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens as the most important value, one of the foundations of the spiritual and moral unity of society. ...

Slide 12

Purpose and objectives of the Program

The main goal of the Program is to improve the system of patriotic education, which ensures the development of Russia as a free, democratic state, the formation of high patriotic consciousness among the citizens of the Russian Federation, loyalty to the Fatherland, and readiness to fulfill constitutional obligations.

Slide 13


continue to create a system of patriotic education; continue to improve the regulatory and organizational and methodological base of patriotic education; more widely to involve scientific institutions, public organizations, labor collectives, and individual citizens in participation in patriotic education; to improve the quality of patriotic education in educational institutions, to turn them into centers of patriotic education of the younger generation; to carry out scientifically grounded organizational and propaganda activities with the aim of further developing patriotism as the core spiritual component of Russia.

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Main directions of the Program implementation

The complex of program measures provides for the coverage of all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation with patriotic education. However, the priority direction of the Program is the patriotic education of the younger generation - children and youth. At the same time, the main emphasis is placed on work in educational institutions as integrating centers for joint educational activities of schools, families and public organizations (associations).

Slide 15

1. Improving the process of patriotic education

continuation and expansion of work on patriotic education at all levels of government institutions; determination of priority areas of work on patriotic education at the present stage; enrichment of the content of patriotic education; development of forms and methods of patriotic education based on new information technologies; strengthening of the patriotic orientation in the courses of social and humanitarian disciplines; development of training courses on the history of the Fatherland, Russian science and technology in relation to each specialty;

Slide 16

fostering pride in the Russian state, its accomplishments; perpetuating the memory of the soldiers who died defending the Fatherland; fostering readiness for worthy and selfless service to society and the state, for fulfilling obligations to protect the Fatherland; ensuring the interaction of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the work on patriotic education; examination of humanitarian and educational programs in order to identify the features of the formation of patriotic feelings in children, youth and other categories of citizens of the Russian Federation; improving the system of training specialists in the field of patriotic education.

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2. Development of scientific, technical and methodological foundations of patriotic education. 3. Coordination of the activities of public organizations (associations) in the interests of patriotic education. 4. Information support in the field of patriotic education. 5. The use of state symbols of Russia in patriotic education (including the organization of the study in educational institutions of state symbols of Russia, the procedure for the official use of the state flag, coat of arms and anthem of the Russian Federation)

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Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Program is carried out on the basis of generalized assessment indicators (indicators), including the purposefulness of the educational process, its systemic, substantive and organizational nature, the scientific validity of methods and the use of modern technologies of educational influence, the breadth of coverage of educational objects.

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The effectiveness of the implementation of the Program is measured by the degree of readiness and desire of the citizens of the Russian Federation to fulfill their civic and patriotic duty in all the variety of forms of its manifestation, their ability and desire to combine public and personal interests, the real contribution they make to the prosperity of the Fatherland. reforming the executive authorities, the military organization of the state, the education system, law enforcement agencies should help strengthen the state and ensure the security of its citizens.

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The end result of the implementation of the Program should be a positive dynamics of the growth of patriotism and internationalism in the country, providing on its basis favorable conditions for spiritual and cultural upsurge in society, strengthening the economic stability of the state, increasing the international prestige of Russia.

Slide 21

The system of work of school teachers on patriotic education of students

  • Slide 22

    Patriotic education of students through the work of the library

  • Slide 23

    Patriotic education of students through lesson activities

  • Slide 24

    Patriotic education of students through museum pedagogy

  • Slide 25

    Patriotic education of students through the activities of the Democratic Republic of "Iceland"

    Acquisition of practical skills of life in civil society in the course of organizing political, legal and other types of socially significant activities; Increasing the legal literacy of students; Formation and consolidation of the skills of real political activity; Fostering respect for the history of one's people, country, tolerance for dissent, the opinion of another person, the need for mutual understanding and help to those who need it.

    Slide 26

    Patriotic education of students through participation in activities of various levels

    School, district and city events dedicated to the 380th anniversary of the city of Krasnoyarsk, the 70th anniversary of the Central District, the 160th anniversary of V.I. Surikov, veteran landing, military-sports game "Patriot", military-sports game "Guard of the Year", month of military-patriotic and sports and recreation work, honoring war and labor veterans and other events

    Slide 28

    Patriotic education of students through the system of classroom hours

    Study of the state symbols of Russia; Courage lessons (meetings with WWII veterans); Conversations dedicated to the celebration of memorable dates, days of military glory; Classroom hours dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Mother's Day, etc.; Class hours dedicated to the 380th anniversary of Krasnoyarsk, the 160th anniversary of V.I. Surikov, to the 70th anniversary of the Central District

    Slide 29

    Patriotic education of students through the system of additional education

    Slide 30

    Results of the survey of students and teachers

  • Slide 31

    The word "Motherland" makes you feel

  • Slide 32

    What is defining for you in the concept of "Motherland":

  • Slide 33

    Being a patriot means:

  • Slide 34

    What diminishes the feeling of patriotism the most?

  • Slide 35

    What has the greatest impact on the patriotic education of students?

    Slide 41

    Are you ready to fulfill your duty to defend the Motherland in the ranks of the armed forces?

    Slide 42

    What is, in your opinion, the effectiveness of patriotic education

  • Slide 43

    Can you call yourself a patriot of your country?

  • Slide 44


    the overwhelming majority of the surveyed contingent of schoolchildren has a fairly mature idea of ​​such basic concepts, sacred for a person and a citizen, as homeland, patriotism, which are necessary for the full-fledged formation of a personality; for the majority of respondents, school is not the leading factor in patriotic education; there is no system of work on patriotic education at school, the majority of respondents are not satisfied with the state of patriotic education; there are no new approaches and forms of influence on the patriotic worldview of the younger generation; patriotic education is formal in nature, its methods probably do not meet the requirements of the time and do not evoke an active response from students.

    Slide 45

    Problem groups:

    Subject teachers; Class teachers; Additional education teachers, librarian, head of the school history museum

    Slide 46

    Assignment to groups:

    Analyze your own activities in patriotic education and propose forms and methods of activating patriotic education at school as a class teacher, subject teacher, teacher of additional education, librarian, head of the school museum.

    Slide 47

    Introduce modern educational technologies into the work on patriotic education: information, design, personality-oriented, - make wider use of traditional forms and methods (2008, responsible OA Gracheva, class teachers, subject teachers, preschool teachers); To intensify work with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, commemorating memorable dates, days of military glory (2008, O. Gracheva);

    Slide 48

    Carry out a collective visit to exhibitions, city museums, study the history, culture and heroic past of the native land within the framework of the Museum general education program "Basics of local history" (2008, Gracheva O.A., class teachers); Create a museum of the history of the school (by the end of the current school year, otv. Gracheva O.A.); Equip the OBZh office, repair the obstacle course (by the end of the current academic year, responsible V. Sholokhov)

    View all slides

    Slide 1

    Slide 2

    The patriot is the one who follows true values... These are honesty, honor, nobility, fidelity to traditions, love for the motherland and the desire to work for its prosperity. ON THE. Nazarbayev

    Slide 3

    Every person has a homeland. As you know, the concept of "Motherland" has several meanings: it is a great country with a great history, this is the place on earth where a person was born and raised. The homeland was given to man by fate, bequeathed by his ancestors. Our homeland is the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    Slide 4

    What is patriotism? The concept of patriotism is different for everyone. First of all, it is love for one's country, a special emotional experience of one's belonging to it, a sense of pride in it. This is a state of mind, a sense of duty and responsibility to the native land, where you were born, grew up, where you spent your childhood.

    Slide 5

    Patriotism is synonymous with respect. Treats his country, language, flag, people with respect. And, most likely, this is a guarantee of our further well-being. A country with patriots is a prosperous country.

    Slide 6

    President N.A. Nazarbayev views the idea of ​​patriotism as the main element of the strategic development of Kazakhstan in the long term. And this, of course, because we are talking about national security, sovereignty and integrity of countries. The strategic development of the country to a certain, maybe even to a decisive extent, depends on how we will instill in Kazakhstanis a sense of patriotism, love for the Fatherland, the Motherland. And each of us should understand the importance of this issue.

    Slide 7

    Patriotism is an important spiritual value of the Kazakh people. Patriotism is immeasurable love for one's people, pride in their successes, worries about failures. Kazakhstani patriotism is, first of all, the feeling not of a single person, but the feelings of representatives of all nations and nationalities living in our land.

    Slide 8

    To be a patriot, you need to know the history of your country, be proud of your ancestors, and strive to be worthy of them. Patriotism always finds its expression in a sense of duty to the Motherland. A true patriot loves his fatherland not because it gives him any benefits and privileges before other peoples, but because this is his homeland.

    Slide 9

    In my opinion, loving your country means working hard, participating in all events, feeling like a native in this country and doing everything possible to make it even better.

    Slide 10

    Patriotism is a very intimate feeling that is deep in the soul. Patriotism is judged not by words, but by the deeds of each person. A patriot is not the one who calls himself that, but the one who will be honored as such by others, but above all - by his compatriots.

    Slide 11

    Thus, a real patriot can be considered a person who constantly strengthens his physical and moral health, well-mannered, educated and enlightened, honoring his ancestors, constantly improving his life, lifestyle and culture of behavior, working for the benefit of his Fatherland.

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    Slide captions:

    Quiz "Patriot" Completed. mathematics teacher Ryabova E. AND THE MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “SECONDARY SCHOOL №3 named after A.S. PUSHKIN "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

    Rules: You must select a category. In the selected category, select a question (by clicking on the question number with the left mouse button). Carefully read the question, choose the correct answer, click on the button next to the selected answer.

    A flag is a piece of cloth of a certain size and color attached to the pole. Multi-colored matter. The official emblem of the state.

    Choose the flag of our state

    The flag consists of three stripes of the same width and a certain color. What does red symbolize? Honesty S smallness B

    When the anthem is played, usually ...

    The Hymn is the Solemn Song The Solemn Poem The Grand Opening

    The national anthem is sung Every morning On special occasions Before bedtime

    The Coat of Arms is the Official Emblem of the Solemn Song Drawing

    The coat of arms of Russia is a dark red shield, which depicts ... .. Golden Cockerel Goldfish Golden two-headed eagle

    The shape of the coat of arms resembles…. T arlku Shield Saber

    CORRECT ANSWER Back to questions

    The answer is wrong. Be more attentive! Back to questions


    Goals: contributing to the formation of views and beliefs corresponding to a patriotic personality.

    Equipment: media projector, screen, PC.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Organizing time
    2. "Who is a patriot?"
    3. "What is patriotism"? Types of patriotism.
    4. Quiz "Patriot"

    During the classes:

    1. Organizing time

    The teacher welcomes the students, sets them up for the lesson.

    2. "Who is a patriot?"

    You guys in your life, you may have already encountered this

    concept as a patriot. Try to formulate who this patriot is. (Students share their options)

    Each of you expressed your opinion, now let's compare your definitions and definitions taken from various sources (Slide 2-3, Presentation 1):

    Patriot - a patriotic person, one who loves his fatherland, is devoted to his people, is ready for sacrifices and exploits in the name of the interests of his Motherland, he is ready to give his life for his Motherland. (Free Encyclopedia - Wikipedia)

    Patriot , patriot, lover of the fatherland, zealous for its good, otniznogo, patriot or fatherland. Patriotism m. Love for the motherland. (Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary)

    Patriot , patriot, · husband. (· Greek patriotes - countryman). A man devoted to his people, loving his fatherland, ready for sacrifices and performing feats in the name of the interests of his homeland. (Ushakov's Dictionary)

    Patriot - the one who loves his fatherland is devoted to his

    to the people, ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of their homeland. (Efremova's Dictionary)

    1. "What is patriotism"?

    Now try to formulate the concept of "patriotism" yourself. Then we will compare your definitions and definitions taken from dictionaries. (Students state their options and then compare with concepts from dictionaries (Slide 3, Presentation 1)).

    Patriotism m. love for the motherland. ( Dahl's Dictionary)

    Patriotism (Greek πατριώτης - compatriot, πατρίς - fatherland) - a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland and the willingness to subordinate its private interests to its interests. Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one's homeland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and self-identification with other members of the people, the willingness to subordinate one's interests to the interests of the country, the desire to defend the interests of the homeland and one's people.

    Patriotism is different. Patriotism can manifest itself in the following forms (Slide 5, Presentation 1):

    polis patriotism- existed in ancient city-states (policies);

    imperial patriotism- maintained feelings of loyalty to the empire and its government;

    ethnic patriotism (nationalism)- based on feelings of love for their people;

    state patriotism- feelings of love for the state lie at the base.

    1. How is patriotism manifested?

    Patriotism manifests itself (Slide 6, Presentation 1):

    In love for your Fatherland;

    In pride in their people;

    In love for the culture of their people;

    In love for his small homeland, where he was born and spent the first years of his life;

    In the desire for the prosperity of their homeland;

    In activities for the benefit of the Motherland;

    In readiness to protect and defend their country;

    In respect to the veterans-defenders of the Motherland, the heroic deeds of their ancestors. It is impossible to teach patriotism, as they teach mathematics and physics. The feeling of the Motherland is not memorizing the list of rules and regulations, this feeling penetrates us with mother's milk, it is the air we breathe, the sun we see, the house in which we live. The feeling of the Motherland permeates our entire life.

    Think about what qualities a person must have in order to benefit their home country. (students' answers)

    At the end of our class hour, we will play. I bring you a quiz about patriotism. (Presentation 2)

    Plan 1. Patriotism: the concept and history of the origin of patriotism. 2. Types of patriotism. 3. Patriotism in modern youth. The factors that determine it. 4. Patriotic education. Development of patriotism among youth. 5. Development of patriotism in Dagestan youth.

    1. Patriotism is love for the fatherland arising from the consciousness of the solidarity of interests of the citizens of a given state or members of a given nation. Feelings of affection for the Motherland and native people, imbued with an enlightened understanding of the mental and moral needs of the people, are the basis of cultural social life

    The history of the origin of the concept Historical source patriotism - for centuries and millennia the fixed existence of separate states, forming attachment to their native land, language, traditions. In the conditions of the formation of nations and the formation of national states, patriotism becomes an integral part of public consciousness, reflecting national moments in its development. Ascribing patriotic feelings to other persons, and patriotic coloring to some events, the evaluating person thereby most often gives a positive characteristic. The idea of ​​patriotism is associated with a reverent attitude towards the Motherland, but the idea of ​​the essence of patriotism in different people different. For this reason, some people consider themselves patriots, while others do not consider themselves so.

    2. The main types of patriotism 1. State (sovereign) patriotism puts above all the idea of ​​serving the state, the priority of state interests over the personal, private interests of a citizen. For the development of state patriotism, it is necessary to know the history of one's state, to foster an appropriate sense of justice, which requires mutual respect for the rights of the citizen and the state. 2. National patriotism - based on the history and culture of a particular people. Love for your land, for your people, respect for culture through knowledge of history and familiarity with the heritage of the people is a condition for the formation of a conscious national identity, contributes to the development of a sense of pride in their people, the desire to preserve and increase its values. 3. Local patriotism - manifests itself in love for their native places, for what is commonly called the “small homeland”. The formation of these feelings is impossible without an awareness of the depth of natural, social and spiritual ties. It is with the concept of "small homeland" that the formation of national Russian, state patriotism begins. And this process, starting in the family, acquires an organized and purposeful character at school, being called the system and process of patriotic education. No state exists without patriots, cultural achievements of nations are not preserved.

    3. Patriotism in modern youth. Modern youth are the present and future of the country. Young people are the bearers of perspectives in their original state. Modern life and the future of our country depend on how clearly the views of young people will be formed not only regarding their future, but also the future of their country.

    The foundation of today's youth is patriotism. Patriotism in a person is laid from childhood, from upbringing. The family acts as an effective agent for the formation of spiritual and patriotic values ​​in the younger generation.

    An important factor in the formation of patriotism is the attitude towards the history, culture and traditions of the country. Judging by the results obtained, the majority (64%) of the respondents consider Russian traditions and language to be the basis of culture and education. 25% noted their respect for traditions and language, but at the same time agree that they do not play any role in their life. And 10% considered them "no worse and no better than in other countries." Thus, the majority of student youth sees the basis of Russian culture in Russian traditions and language, while people who are indifferent or absolutely do not accept Russian culture are a minority among the respondents. At the same time, Russian history and culture arouses unequivocal interest among 50% of the respondents, another 40% are inclined to think that they are interested in it, and only 10% have no interest in Russian history and culture.

    4. Patriotic education - the formation of spiritual, moral, civic and ideological qualities of the individual, which are manifested in love for the Motherland, for your home, in the desire and ability to preserve and enhance the traditions, values ​​of your people, your national culture, your land. The general goal of patriotic education is to instill in the younger generation love for the Motherland, pride in their Motherland, the willingness to contribute to its prosperity and protect it if necessary. Patriotism manifests itself in childhood, develops and enriches in the social, especially the spiritual and moral sphere of life. The highest level of development of a sense of patriotism is inextricably linked with active social activity, actions and deeds carried out for the good of the Fatherland and on the basis of the democratic principles of the development of civil society. Patriotic education is carried out in the process of involving students in active creative work for the good of the Motherland, imparting respectful attitude to the history of the Fatherland, to its cultural heritage, to the customs and traditions of the people - love for the small Motherland, for their native places; education of readiness to defend the Motherland; studying the customs and culture of different ethnic groups. The upbringing of a patriot is one of the cornerstone tasks of a modern educational institution.

    Solving the problem of patriotic education of young people, it is necessary to focus their efforts on the formation of their value attitude to the phenomena of social life of the past and present. A feature of modern patriotic education is the increase in the importance of regional and local components of patriotism. He proposes the following ways of effective patriotic education: “using the updated content of humanitarian education, primarily history; creation of a model of an educational institution based on the principles of the Russian national school; implementation of tourist and local history programs, activation of search work; further development of multidisciplinary museums and exhibitions, organization and expansion of all types of local history activities, including the preparation of copyright programs, the participation of teachers and students in local history conferences, heroic patriotic actions, in collecting material on the history of their native land. " What does youth need to develop patriotism? In order to form patriotism among the younger generation, it is necessary to develop in them a conscious attitude towards the Fatherland, its past, present and future, to develop patriotic qualities and national identity, to develop and deepen their knowledge about the history and culture of their native land, about the exploits of grandfathers and great-grandfathers. in the defense of the Motherland. Modern youth must have such qualities as high culture, morality, citizenship, be a patriot of their country, love and respect their native land.

    What does youth need to develop patriotism? In order to form patriotism among the younger generation, it is necessary to develop in them a conscious attitude towards the Fatherland, its past, present and future, to develop patriotic qualities and national identity, to develop and deepen their knowledge about the history and culture of their native land, about the exploits of grandfathers and great-grandfathers. in the defense of the Motherland. Modern youth must have such qualities as high culture, morality, citizenship, be a patriot of their country, love and respect their native land.

    5. The development of patriotism among the youth of Dagestan is promoted, first of all, by the family. In the family, those patriotic values ​​are laid that are needed for modern Dagestan and Russian youth.

    The development of patriotism among the youth of Dagestan is also facilitated by the organization of work on the patriotic education of youth. According to the research conducted, the main components of the formation of patriotism in the youth environment are: the formation of love for the Motherland, mother and native land among young people (74, 4%), military-patriotic education of youth on the example of grandfathers and fathers (52, 1%), the formation of respect for people (51%), preservation of memory and respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War (45, 8%), formation of a sense of citizenship among young people (37, 4), education of the young generation of the correct attitude to their heroic history (36, 0%) , the formation of high patriotic consciousness in children and youth, loyalty to the Fatherland, readiness to fulfill constitutional obligations (31, 2%).

    Patriotism, in my opinion, is love and respect for the Motherland, pride in your country, readiness, if necessary, to defend your Motherland and contribute to its prosperity.