The Tolstoy's ideal family is war and peace. Essays

Lesson objectives:

  • to show that Tolstoy's ideal is a patriarchal family with its holy care of the elders for the younger and the younger for the elders, with the ability of everyone in the family to give more than take; with relationships built on "good and truth";
  • to reveal wider and deeper the epithet of the family in Tolstoy;
  • develop the ability to analyze episodes;
  • the ability to create a creative, friendly atmosphere in the lesson.

Equipment:the book "Leo Tolstoy in portraits, illustrations, documents", Handbook for teachers. Moscow "Education", 1956.

Family - a group of relatives living together; unity, unification of people united by common interests. (S. Ozhegov "Dictionary of the Russian language")

Lesson plan

1. Reflection of family thoughts in the novel.

2. "The eyes of a man are a window into his soul" (L. Tolstoy)

3. Why is it impossible to be different in the Rostovs' house?

4. House of the Bolkonskys.

5. There is no moral core in the parents - there will not be in the children either.

6. Family "circles".

7. Epilogue.

Students received an advance assignment:

Group 1 - analyze the portrait characteristics of Natasha, Vera, Andrey, Marya, Helen;

Group 2 - analyze scenes showing the Rostov family life;

Group 3 - analyze scenes showing the Bolkonsky family life;

Group 4 - the Kuragin family life;

Group 5 - family "circles" in the novel;

Group 6 - "Epilogue".

Teacher's introduction

Almost every writer has a family theme in one way or another. It receives special development in the second half of the 19th century. Despite the fact that in the novel the leading role is given to the thoughts of the people, family thought also has its own dynamics of development, therefore "War and Peace" is not only a historical, but also a family novel. It is characterized by orderliness and chronicity of the narrative. The stories of families presented in the novel each have their own core and inner world. Comparing them, we can understand what norm of life L. Tolstoy preached.

Family for Tolstoy is the basis for the formation of the human soul. The atmosphere of the house, the family nest, according to the writer, determines the warehouse of psychology, views and even the fate of the heroes.

In War and Peace, the family fulfills its true, high purpose. Tolstoy's house is a special world in which traditions are preserved, communication between generations is carried out; it is a refuge for man and the basis of everything that exists.

In the system of all the main images of the novel, L. Tolstoy singles out several families, on the example of which the author's attitude to the ideal of the hearth is clearly expressed - these are the Bolkonskys, Rostovs and Kuragins.

Group 1 performance

The eyes of Tolstoy's favorite heroes shine and shine, because (according to popular belief) the eyes are the mirror of a person's soul: “The eyes look and speak to you” The author conveys the life of the heroes' souls through radiance, radiance, and sparkle of eyes.

NATASHA- "smile of joy and reassurance", then "happy", then "appeared because of ready-made tears", then "pensive", then "soothing", "enthusiastic", then "solemn", then "more than affectionate". "And a face with attentive eyes with difficulty, with effort, as a rusted door opens, - smiled ..." (comparison). She looks with "questioningly surprised eyes", "wide open, frightened", "red and trembling", she looks at Anatole "frightenedly questioningly".

Natasha's smile reveals a rich world of various feelings. In the eyes is the wealth of the spiritual world.

NIKOLENKA -"When everyone got up for dinner, Nikolenka Bolkonsky went up to Pierre, pale, with shining, radiant eyes ..."

PRINCESS MARIA - "radiant eyes and heavy tread", which in moments of spiritual revival made the ugly face of Marya beautiful. "... the eyes of the princess, large, deep and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves), were so good that very often, despite the ugliness of the whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty";

Marya "always looked pretty when she cried" in moments of deep excitement.

“Her face, from the time Rostov entered, suddenly transformed ... All her inner work, dissatisfied with herself, her suffering, striving for good, obedience, love, self-sacrifice - all this now shone in those radiant eyes ... In every line of her gentle face ".

By definition, the radiant Tolstoy paints the inner world of his heroes, emphasizing precisely the “higher spiritual life” of the Bolkonskys. The word radiant appears in the text in combination with the nouns eyes, glance, light (eye), glitter (eye).

ANDREW - “... looked with kind eyes. But in his look, friendly, affectionate, the consciousness of his superiority was still expressed. (meeting with Pierre).

HELEN “They shouted bravo with a calm and proud smile of Helene in delight, - there, under the shadow of that Helene, there it was all clear and simple; but now alone, with herself, it was incomprehensible, ”thought Natasha (metaphor“ under the shadow of that Helene ”).

Spiritlessness, emptiness, according to Tolstoy, extinguish the glitter of the eyes, make the face a lifeless mask: the soulless beauty Helen - “a beautiful statue” with a frozen smile - shines and shines to everyone except the eyes: “shining with the whiteness of her shoulders, gloss of hair and diamonds,” smile ”(in every portrait description of Helene there is an ironic shade). Helen has a constant, ordinary, monotonously beautiful or smug smile. We don't see Helen's eyes. Apparently, they are beautiful, like her shoulders, lips. Tolstoy does not paint her eyes, because they do not glow with thought and feeling.

VERA- a cold face, calm, which "a smile makes unpleasant."

It is important for N. Tolstoy to emphasize the nature of the smile or the originality of the facial expression of this or that character, most often the author focuses on the expression of the eyes, the nature of the look.

One of the dominant means in creating portrait characteristics is the use of light adjectives as artistic definitions.

Group 2 performance. ROSTOVS (vol. 1, part 1, chap. 7-17; vol. 2, chap. 1-3; part 1, chap. 13-15; vol. 2, part 1, chap. 1-3; ch. 3, ch. 14-17; ch. 5, ch. 6-18; v. 3, ch. 3, ch. 12-17; ch. 30-32; v. 4, ch. 1, ch. 6-8; ch. 14-16; ch. 2, ch. 7-9; ch. 4, ch. 1-3)

Rostova - the eldest "the countess was a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about 45 years old, apparently exhausted by children, ... The slowness of her movements and speech, which stemmed from the weakness of her strength, gave her a significant look that inspired respect."

Children of the Rostovs.

Openness of the soul, hospitality (name day, holiday in honor of the guest Denisov, lunch at the English club in honor of Prince Bagration).

The Rostovs' ability to attract people to themselves, to understand someone else's soul, the ability to empathize, sympathize (Petya Rostov and the French drummer; Natasha and Sonya, Natasha will "revive" Andrei's heart; Natasha the patriot, without hesitation, gives all carts for the wounded; caring for the wounded Bolkonsky Nikolai Rostov will protect Princess Marya in her father's estate from a riot of men.)

Conclusion: The Rostov family is closest to Tolstoy. People around are attracted by the atmosphere of love and goodwill that prevails here. Truly Russian hospitality. Unselfishness is characteristic of all family members. The author conveys sincerity, naturalness, liveliness of these people through their movements. The images are unusually plastic, full of life charm.

The Rostovs are not capable of lying, secrecy abhorrent to their honest natures: Nikolai will inform his father about the loss to Dolokhov in 43 thousand. Natasha will tell Sonya about the upcoming escape with Anatole; will write a letter to Princess Marya about a break with Andrey.

Group 3 performance. BOLKONSKY (vol. 1, part 1, chap. 22-25; part 3 chap. 11-19; vol. 2, chap. 7-9; vol. 2, part 2, chap. 10-14; vol. 3 , ch. 3, ch. 1-3; ch. 3, ch. 20-24; v. 3, ch. 2, ch. 13-14; ch. 36-37)

Tolstoy treats the Bolkonsky family with warmth and sympathy.

PRINCE NIKOLAY ANDREEVICH. Bald Hills has its own special order, a special rhythm of life. The prince evokes unchanging respect from all people, despite the fact that he has not been in the public service for a long time. His active mind is constantly busy with something. He raised wonderful children.

PRINCESS MARIA.The compassionate heart of the princess is experiencing someone else's pain more than her own. “I saw a heartbreaking scene. It was a batch of recruits recruited from us and sent to the army. You had to see the state in which the mothers, wives and children of those who left were in, and hear the sobbing of those and others. You would think that humanity has forgotten the laws of its divine savior, who taught us love and the encouragement of grievances, and that it considers its main merit to be in the art of killing each other.

An analysis of the chapters of the invasion of Prince Vasily with his son into the pure world of Princess Marya.

It is possible that thanks to the strict, sometimes harsh rules that the old prince established in his house, this pure, bright soul was able to form, as close to God as it is possible for a person.

PRINCE ANDREW. "Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky's son, out of grace, will not serve anyone."

How and why does Prince Andrei's attitude to family life change?

“Never, 0 never marry, my friend ... what would I not give now so as not to be married,” says Pierre. Dream of fame, of your Toulon. But his thoughts take a different direction when he, wounded, is carried away from the field of Austerlitz. A revolution takes place in Andrey's soul. Ambitious dreams give way to a desire for a simple and quiet family life. But he remembered the "little princess" and realized that in his disdainful attitude towards her he was often unfair. Life takes revenge on him for his Bolkonian pride. And when the kinder and softened Prince returns to his native nest, his wife dies of childbirth.

4 group - KURAGINS (v. 1, ch. 1, ch. 18-21; ch. 2, ch. 9-12; ch. 3, ch. 1-5; v. 2, ch. 1, 6-7; v. . 3, h. 2, ch. 36-37; h. 3, ch. 5)

Leo Tolstoy never once calls the Kuragin family. Everything here is subject to self-interest, material gain. All-consuming aspiration leaves its mark on the character, behavior, appearance of Prince Vasily, Helen, Anatole, Hippolytus.

BASIL- a secular person, a careerist, and an egoist (the desire to become the heir of a dying rich nobleman-Count Bezukhov; a profitable party for Helene - Pierre; dream: to marry Anatole's son to Princess Marya;). Prince Vasily's contempt for his sons: the "calm fool" Ippolit and the "restless fool" Anatol.

ANATOL (played a performance of ardent love for Natasha Rostova). Anatole tolerates the shame of matchmaking easily. He, who accidentally met on the day of matchmaking to Mary, holds Buriens in his arms. “Anatol bowed to Princess Marya with a cheerful smile, as if inviting her not to laugh at this strange incident, and shrugged his shoulders, walked through the door ...” Once he would cry like a woman, having lost a leg.

Hippolytus- mental limitation, which makes his actions ridiculous.

HELEN- "I am not a fool to give birth" In this "breed" there is no cult of the child, no reverent attitude towards him.

Conclusion. Their purpose in life is to be the center of light all the time. They are alien to Tolstoy's ethics. Barren flowers. Unloved heroes are shown in isolation from everything. According to S. Bocharov, the Kuragin family is deprived of that "generic poetry", which is characteristic of the Rostov and Bolkonsky families, where relationships are based on love. They are united only by kinship, they do not even perceive themselves as close people (the relationship of Anatole and Helen, the old princess's jealousy for her daughter and the recognition of Prince Vasily that he is deprived of "parental love" and children are "a burden of his existence").

This family of intriguers disappears in the fire of 1812, like the unsuccessful world adventure of the great emperor, and all Helen's intrigues disappear - entangled in them, she dies.

Group 5 performance. FAMILY CIRCLES"(Vol. 1, part 2, chap. 13-21; part 3, chap. 14-19; vol. 3, part 2, chap. 24-29; chap. 30-32; vol. 3, ch. 3, ch. 3-4)

Home as a calm, safe haven is opposed to war, family happiness is opposed to senseless mutual destruction.

The concept of HOME is expanding. When Nikolai Rostov returned from vacation, the regiment seemed to be a house, as sweet as his parents' house. The essence of the home, of the family manifested itself with particular force on the Borodino field.

BATTERY OF RAEVSKY "... here on the battery ... one felt the same and common to everyone, like a family revival." "These soldiers immediately mentally accepted Pierre into their family ..." (Chapter Analysis)

Conclusion: this is where the defenders of Borodin drew their strength, these are the sources of courage, firmness, steadfastness. The national, religious, family beginnings miraculously combined at the decisive hour in the Russian army (Pierre “is all absorbed in contemplation of this, more and more flaring fire, which flared up in the same way ... in his soul) and gave such a fusion of feelings and such actions, before which any conqueror is powerless. With his wise senile mind, Kutuzov understood this like no other.

TUSHIN- an awkward, not at all military-looking artilleryman, with "big, kind and intelligent eyes." Captain Tushin's battery performed its duty heroically, without even thinking about retreating. During the battle, the captain did not think about the danger, "his face became more and more animated" Despite his non-military appearance and "weak, thin, indecisive voice", the soldiers loved him and respected him, and "everyone, like CHILDREN in a difficult situation, looked on his commander. ”Tushin did not think about the fact that he could be killed, he worried only when His soldiers were killed and wounded.

KUTUZOV FOR BABY - grandfather (as she calls the commander in a relative way). Episode "Council in Fili".

BAGRATION- "a son worried about the fate of the Motherland."

NAPOLEON- analysis of chapters 26-29, part 2, volume 3. The writer emphasizes coldness, complacency, deliberate profundity in the expression on Napoleon's face.

One of his features, posturing, stands out especially sharply. He behaves like an actor on stage. Before the portrait of his son, he "pretended to be pensive tenderness", his gesture is "gracefully majestic." Napoleon is sure: everything he does and says "is history"

RUSSIAN ARMY... There is a point of view that Platon Karataev, according to Tolstoy, is a generalized image of the Russian people (Episodes associated with Pierre in captivity). He teaches Pierre with his paternal, paternal attitude as a son of gentleness, forgiveness, patience; Karataev fulfilled his mission - "remained forever in Pierre's soul."

« EPILOGUE" - this is the apotheosis of family happiness and harmony. Nothing here foreshadows severe dramatic conflicts. Everything is simple and reliable in the young families of the Rostovs and Bezukhovs: an established way of life, deep affection of spouses to each other, love for children, understanding, participation,

The family of Nikolai Rostov.

The family of Pierre Bezukhov.

CONCLUSION: L.N. Tolstoy in the novel shows his ideal of a woman and family. This ideal is given in the images of Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskaya and the images of their families. Favorite heroes of Tolstoy want to live honestly. In family relationships, the heroes keep such moral values \u200b\u200bas simplicity, naturalness, noble self-esteem, admiration for motherhood, love and respect. It is these moral values \u200b\u200bthat save Russia in a moment of national danger. The family and the woman-keeper of the family hearth have always been the moral foundations of society.

One of the main thoughts in L. Tolstoy's novel War and Peace is family thought. The whole novel is built on the description of the fate of people, entire families, family nests. We see the same people in the home atmosphere, in the light, in military operations, and we can trace how the heroes of the novel change internally and externally. In addition, analyzing the novel, one can distinguish certain features characteristic of a particular family. In the work of L. Tolstoy, we get to know many families, but the author describes the Rostovs, Bolkonsky and Kuragin better and in more detail than all of them. Love, friendship and mutual understanding reign in the Rostov family. The Rostovs care about each other and want the people around them to be happy. They are characterized by thrift, kindness, sincerity and breadth of nature.

Natasha Rostova is a bright representative of the Rostov "breed". She is emotional, sensitive, intuitively guesses people. Sometimes she is selfish (as in the case of Nikolai's defeat), but more often she is capable of self-sacrifice (recall the episode with the removal of the wounded from Moscow). Natasha lives in an atmosphere of love and happiness, she is an addicted person. External ugliness enhances her spiritual beauty and lively character. One of the striking features of the heroine is the need for love (she needs to be constantly loved). Natasha is overflowing with a thirst for life, and this is the secret of her charm. Natasha cannot explain and prove, because she understands people not with her mind, but with her heart. But her heart tells her always right, with the exception of the wrong behavior with Anatoly Kuragin. Countess Rostova is proud of the friendship and trust of her children, pampers them, worries about their fate. Nikolai Rostov is very similar to his sister, which is why they understand each other so well. Nikolai is very young, open to people and the whole world. He wants to be useful, to please everyone, and, importantly, Nikolai wants to seem like an adult, rude man, like Denisov. It is Denisov who embodies the ideal of a man to which the younger Rostov aspires.

Nikolai comes on vacation to Moscow. On this arrival home, Nikolai wants to assert himself, to prove to everyone and to himself that he is already an adult and he has his own male affairs: dinner at the English club, Dolokhov's duel with Pierre, cards, running. And the old Count Rostov cares about his son: he re-mortgages the estates so that Nikolenka could get himself a trotter and "the most fashionable leggings, special, which no one else had in Moscow, and the most fashionable boots, with the sharpest socks and small silver spurs. ... "Then the old count needs a lot of effort to keep his son's participation in the duel unnoticed. And suddenly Nikolenka loses money, and the money is not small. But Nikolai never realizes his guilt, and he is guilty of his inability to think. He did not have enough instinct to determine that Dolokhov is an evil person, and Rostov cannot realize this with his mind. After losing forty-three thousand and returning home, Nikolai becomes a boy, although he wants to hide what is in his soul. And in his heart he considers himself "a scoundrel, a scoundrel who could not atone for his crime his whole life. He would like to kiss his father's hands, ask for forgiveness on his knees ..." Nikolai is an honest man, he not only painfully survived his defeat, but and found a way out: to limit myself in everything and return the debt to my parents. Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov is good-natured, generous and dull. He is known in Moscow not only as a good family man, but also as a person who knows how to arrange a ball, dinner better than others, and, if necessary, invest his own money for this. The most striking example of Rostov generosity is the preparation of a dinner in honor of Bagration. "Indeed, papa, I think Prince Bagration, when he was preparing for the Shengraben battle, was less bothering than you are now ..." N. Rostov said to his father on the eve of dinner, and he was right. Ilya Andreevich put a lot of effort into making the dinner in honor of Bagration a success. What did he not order: "Put scallops, scallops in the cake ... big sterlets ... Oh, my fathers! .. But who will bring me flowers? .. Ride you, Mitenka, to the Moscow region ... so that I have two hundred there were pots here by Friday ... We need more songwriters. "

The features of the "Rostov breed" are manifested in the actions of the count and when he leaves Moscow: he allows giving carts for the wounded, thereby causing heavy damage to his condition. Rostovs personify a family way of life, in which class traditions are alive. An atmosphere of love, mutual understanding and kindness reigns in their family. The complete opposite of the Rostov family is the Bolkonsky family. We first meet Liza and Andrei Bolkonskikh at an evening with Anna Pavlovna Scherer, and immediately notice a certain coldness between husband and wife. Liza Bolkonskaya does not understand her husband, nor his aspirations, nor his character. After Bolkonsky's departure, he lives in Bald Hills, experiencing constant fear and antipathy for his father-in-law and making friends not with his sister-in-law, but with the empty and frivolous Ms. Bu

Rienne. Lisa dies in childbirth; the expression on her face before and after her death seems to indicate that she did not harm anyone and cannot understand why she is suffering. Her death leaves Prince Andrei with a feeling of irreparable misfortune and sincere pity for the old prince. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky is an educated, restrained, practical, intelligent, strong-willed person, his sister notes in him some kind of "pride of thought." Old Prince Bolkonsky lives in the village. He cannot stand stupidity and idleness, he lives according to a clear schedule, which he himself established. Being harsh and demanding with everyone, he harasses his daughter with nagging, but deep down he loves her very much. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is proud, smart and restrained, just like his son. The main thing for the Bolkonskys is the honor of the family.

Marya Bolkonskaya is very religious, she receives pilgrims in secret from her father, but in all other respects she clearly fulfills his will. She is an intelligent, educated woman, just like her brother and father, but, unlike them, meek and God-fearing. Bolkonsky are smart, educated, love each other, but the relationship in their family is rather dry, they do not like to flaunt their feelings. In their family, no noisy festivities and celebrations are arranged, they do not have that fun that is in the Rostovs; The Bolkonskys live not by feelings, but by reason. Also in the novel "War and Peace" a lot of attention is paid to the Kuragin family. Prince Vasily takes care of his children, wants to richly arrange their life and therefore considers himself an exemplary father. His son Anatole is arrogant, stupid, depraved, self-confident, but eloquent. He wants to marry the ugly princess Marya for the sake of money, tries to seduce Natasha Rostova. Ippolit Kuragin is stupid and does not even try to hide his stupidity: in his appearance, the features of the moral degeneration of the entire Kuragin family are clearly visible. Helene is a secular beauty, she is stupid, but her beauty redeems a lot. In society, they do not notice her stupidity, it seems to everyone that Helen always behaves in the world very dignified and has a reputation as an intelligent and tactful woman. The Kuragin family is distinguished by stupidity and money-grubbing. They do not feel sincere feelings, not only in relation to others, but also in relation to each other. Children have no need to visit their father; and Prince Vasily himself calls his sons "fools": Ippolita - "calm", and Anatole - "restless", whom you have to help out all the time. The Kuragins have no common affairs and concerns, no need to meet and talk. Everyone is busy with themselves, their problems. All Kuragins strive to get closer to people who are richer than they are, from communication with whom you can benefit.

In the epilogue, we see how two seemingly completely different families are reunited - the Rostov family and the Bolkonsky family. Nikolai Rostov marries Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. Nikolai and Marya are an ideal couple, they harmoniously complement each other: in this family, Princess Mary's aspiration upward and that earthly, material that Nikolai represents are united. In the finale of War and Peace, Natasha and Pierre, after being baptized, are resurrected by suffering and contact with death. This happens naturally - like in the spring green needles of grass break through the dead leaves, how order is restored in a destroyed anthill, how blood rushes to the heart, how Moscow is rebuilt after the destruction. The order of life is restored, in which each of the heroes finds its place. December 5, 1820 is the last scene of the novel's epilogue. Tolstoy constructs it as a picture of family happiness in the Bald Mountains; the old Rostov family fell apart (the old count died), two new families arose, each of which had new, "fresh" children. The new Natasha Rostova, the black-eyed favorite of her father, Count Nikolai, the new Pierre Bezukhov, who is still three months old and who is being fed by his mother Natasha, appear on the last pages of Tolstoy's book. The image of organic vitality (Natasha is a strong and passionate mother) is supplemented in the finale with other images: this is Princess Marya, whose motherhood is associated with the tension of spiritual life, striving for the infinite, and this is especially the fifteen-year-old Nikolenka Bolkonsky. In his appearance, the features of his father appeared.

The novel ends with Nikolenka's sleep, in which Pierre and Prince Andrei are united and where the motives of glory, heroism, heroism and honor reappear. The son of Prince Andrew is the heir of his qualities, a symbol of eternal continuation of life. Life is entering a new round, and the new generation will again, again look for answers to its questions. At this new turn of life, PEACE and WAR will again meet - harmony and struggle, integrity, unity and contradictions that explode them. The finale of "War and Peace" is open, wide open into a moving, eternally living life. Thus, the "family nests" of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys continued life together, in harmony and happiness, and the "nest" of the Kuragin family ceased to exist ...

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    The concept of "folk thought" defines the basis of the ideological and thematic content of the work and is revealed at various thematic levels. It is inextricably linked not only with the historical topic, but also with topics related to the private life of a person ...

“War and Peace” is a Russian national epic, which reflects the national character of the Russian people at the moment when its historical fate was being decided. L.N. Tolstoy worked on the novel for almost six years: from 1863 to 1869. From the very beginning of work on the work, the attention of the writer was attracted not only by historical events, but also by the private, family life of the heroes. Tolstoy believed that the family is the cell of the world, in which the spirit of mutual understanding, naturalness and closeness to the people should reign.

The novel "War and Peace" describes the life of several noble families: the Rostovs, Bolkonsky and Kuragin.

The Rostov family is an ideal harmonious whole, where the heart prevails over the mind. Love binds all family members. It manifests itself in sensitivity, attention, cordiality. Everything with the Rostovs is sincere, comes from the heart. In this family cordiality, hospitality, hospitality reign, the traditions and customs of Russian life are preserved.

Parents raised their children, giving them all their love, They can understand, forgive and help. For example, when Nikolenka Rostov lost a huge amount of money to Dolokhov, he did not hear a word of reproach from his father and was able to pay off the card debt.

The children of this family have absorbed all the best qualities of the “Rostov breed”. Natasha is the personification of cordial sensitivity, poetry, musicality and intuition. She knows how to enjoy life and people like a child.

The life of the heart, honesty, naturalness, moral purity and decency determine their relationships in the family and behavior in the circle of people.

Unlike the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys live by reason, not by heart. This is an old aristocratic family. In addition to blood ties, members of this family are also linked by spiritual closeness.

At first glance, relations in this family are difficult, devoid of cordiality. However, internally, these people are close to each other. They are not inclined to show their feelings.

The old prince Bolkonsky embodies the best features of the serviceman (nobility devoted to the one to whom he “swore allegiance.” The concept of the honor and duty of an officer was in the first place for him. He served under Catherine II, participated in Suvorov's campaigns. The main virtues he considered intelligence and activity , and vices - laziness and idleness. The life of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is a continuous activity. He either writes memoirs about past campaigns, or manages the estate. Prince Andrey Bolkonsky greatly respects and honors his father, who was able to bring up in him a high concept of honor. " Your road is the road of honor, "he says to his son. And Prince Andrey fulfills his father's parting words during the campaign of 1806, in the Shengraben and Austerlitz battles, and during the war of 1812.

Marya Bolkonskaya loves her father and brother very much. She is ready to give all of herself for the sake of her relatives. Princess Marya completely obeys the will of her father. His word for her is law. At first glance, she seems weak and indecisive, but at the right moment she shows firmness of will and strength of mind. roman tolstoy family national

Both the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys are patriots, their feelings were especially vividly manifested during the Patriotic War of 1812. They express the people's spirit of war. Prince Nikolai Andreevich dies because his heart could not stand the shame of the retreat of the Russian troops and the surrender of Smolensk. Marya Bolkonskaya rejects the French general's offer of patronage and leaves Bogucharov. The Rostovs give their carts to the soldiers wounded in the Borodino field and pay the dearest ones - the death of Petya.

Another family is shown in the novel. This is Kuragin. The members of this family appear before us in all their insignificance, vulgarity, soullessness, greed, immorality. They use people to achieve their selfish goals. The family is devoid of spirituality. For Helen and Anatole, the main thing in life is the satisfaction of their base desires. They are completely cut off from the life of the people, they live in a brilliant, but cold light, where all feelings are perverted. During the war they lead the same salon life, talking about patriotism.

In the epilogue of the novel, two more families are shown. This is the Bezukhov family (Pierre ai Natasha), which embodied the author's ideal of a family based on mutual understanding and trust, and the Rostov family - Marya and Nikolai. Marya brought kindness and tenderness, high spirituality to the Rostov family, and Nikolai shows kindness in relation to his closest people.

Showing different families in his novel, Tolstoy wanted to say that the future belongs to such families as the Rostovs, Bezukhovs, Bolkonskys.

In the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy raised many important topics: war, honor, devotion to the motherland, love, relationships between people. The list can be continued for a long time, but I want to take a closer look at how the author reveals the theme of the family in his work. Bolkonskys, Kuragin and Rostov - the stories of three completely different families formed the basis of the novel. But the Rostovs are closest to Tolstoy's ideal.

The family is where every person's life begins. We get the first experiences, first impressions and knowledge about the structure of the world from our parents. And what matters is not even what mom and dad teach us. It is important what example they set by their actions, how much they honor, support and pass on family traditions to children, how they act in certain critical situations. And the Rostovs are a suitable standard for a close-knit Russian family.

The Rostovs are Count Ilya Andreevich, his wife and their four children - Vera, Natasha, Nikolai and Petya. Also, Sonya, the count's niece, who grew up and was brought up in the Rostovs' house from childhood, became practically a member of their family.

The head of the Rostov family, Count Ilya Ilyich Rostov, is a gentle, gullible, unselfish person. In early drafts for the novel, Tolstoy characterized his hero as a careless, inconsistent, somewhat vain, but generally good-natured person. The count is very fond of his children and wife. He deeply feels art, beauty. But this hero is extremely impractical in everyday matters. He can spend the little money he has left on a sumptuous ball. Ilya Andreevich is alien to calculation, self-interest, greed. His wife - an old countess - is distinguished by kindness, sincerity, some superstition, and an addiction to novels. She finds joy in her children.

Children have many similarities: they are frank with each other, have an idea of \u200b\u200bhonor and dignity, are able to experience deep feelings, are kind and sympathetic. Perhaps only the older Vera is different from the others. She rarely appears on the pages of the novel and unpleasantly surprises with her coldness, excessive "correctness" and insensitivity. The countess mother does not hide that she raised Vera not like other children, but in severity and limitations. Perhaps Vera was the eldest child, she knew what it was like to be an only daughter and therefore secretly jealous of parents with younger brothers and sisters. In my opinion, using the image of Vera, Tolstoy wants to emphasize that the more children there are in the family, the more good qualities they develop.

Unlike the eldest daughter, the countess approached the education of the younger from a different angle. The basis of relationships with children was based on frankness, trust, "imperceptible" education. These ideas were taken from the then fashionable philosopher J.J. Russo. Therefore, when the younger children began to grow up, laughter, fun and celebration settled in the Rostovs' house. Any event, whether it be a ball, hunting or name day, becomes a real joy for everyone who takes part in them.

The father was able to instill in his children a sense of honor. That is why, with a light heart, he lets his youngest son Petya go to war. The boy's death is tragic. The novel provides a description of this kind of maternal grief that is hard to find in other writers. The old countess turned gray and nearly lost her mind. Natasha shared her grief with her mother. It was she who helped the countess to cope with her grief, was with her at a difficult moment.

Nikolai is very much like Natasha and Petya. He became a military man, matured, gained life experience. The "negative" features of the Rostov breed began to appear more and more clearly in his character. In all difficult cases, when it is necessary to reflect, he acts without hesitation. The older Nikolai becomes, the more it becomes clear that he is a mediocre, narrow-minded person. At the end of the novel, this hero becomes a zealous owner. At the same time, Nikolai declares that he will be the defender of the old order until the end of his days. In this hero, more than in others, the continuation of the Rostov family traditions is visible. The peasants note that Nikolai is better at managing the farm than the old count, ordinary people appreciate and respect the young master. In this image, Tolstoy expressed his commitment to serfdom and the patriarchal way of life.

Undoubtedly, Natasha is the favorite heroine in the Rostov family. On the pages of the novel, we see how she turns from a girl into a woman, does not always do the right things, but sincere and coming from the very heart. Natasha lives in the full sense of the word. There is no place for selfish interests in her love, her friendship is strong and reliable. For her mother, Natasha is a close friend and a ray of light. And even more striking in this fragile girl is tremendous spiritual strength and kindness. Fate took away from Natasha's beloved brother, the future husband of Andrei Bolkonsky. But in the end she gave her the joy of motherhood. Natasha is also Tolstov's ideal, where a woman, above all a mother and wife, and her interests are limited to family and children.

The writer feels sincere love for the Rostov family. An atmosphere of love and mutual understanding reigns in this large and friendly family. There are very warm and friendly relations here. The Rostovs take the most active part in each other's joys and misfortunes. The family in Tolstoy's understanding is a moral guideline that a person should cherish.

In the novel "War and Peace", the depiction of historical events, the "dialectic of the soul" is combined with descriptions of several completely different families and their fates.

In the Bolkonsky family, everyone is a person.

Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky bore the rank of general-in-chief, that is, the same as that of Kutuzov, with whom he was very familiar. Despite the cancellation of the ban on leaving the village, which he received from the new emperor Alexander, he was not going to leave anywhere, since Bald Hills was his real empire, and he was an emperor in them, moreover, an autocratic dictator. "With the people around him, from daughter to servants, the prince was harsh and invariably demanding, and therefore, not being cruel, he aroused in himself fear and reverence, which the most cruel person could not easily achieve." But there was such a person, the architect Mikhail Ivanovich, who always dined with him and whom the prince respected, despite his simple origin. He more than once instilled in his daughter that Mikhail Ivanovich is no worse than them. "At the table, the prince most often turned to the dumb Mikhail Ivanovich." This, undoubtedly, is more than strange if we pay attention to his attitude towards his daughter and servants.

The same thing was observed later, when the prince swore that he would marry mistress Bourienne in response to Prince Andrei's request for a blessing to marry Natasha Rostova. It seemed absurd, but the prince really began to bring the Frenchwoman closer to him. Marya began to suffer even more at that time.

Timid, quiet, bringing no harm to anyone, the wife of Prince Andrey dies. “Two hours later, Prince Andrey quietly entered his father’s study. The old man already knew everything. He stood at the very door, and as soon as it opened, the old man, silently with old, stiff hands, like a vise, grabbed his son's neck and sobbed like a child. " Even he, the stern Prince Bolkonsky, managed to become very attached to the little princess. After her death, Marya was left without a good friend, which Princess Bolkonskaya managed to become for her. And then the process of separation begins with Mlle Bourienne and Julie Kuragina. Only at the very end does she find the long-awaited happiness - Nikolai Rostov.

By 1812, life in the Bolkonsky family for Princess Marya became almost unbearable, the prince became even more grumbling and picky about his daughter. Princess Marya is devout, and the prince completely denied idleness and religion. These two integral parts of that time were prohibited in the empire of Prince Bolkonsky, for him holidays were replaced by work at the machine, and faith was the comprehension of the heights of mathematics. He wanted to do the same to Princess Marya, but he did not succeed, because of which there were frequent quarrels. And in 1812, when Napoleon was on the outskirts of Smolensk, and therefore to the Bald Mountains, the prince dies and before his death asks for forgiveness from his daughter. Thus ends the history of the empire, the great Lysogorsk empire of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky.

Prince Andrey is one of the main characters of the novel. A man of honor, independent, patriot, good friend and advisor - such is he throughout the entire novel, from the first meeting with Pierre in St. Petersburg to the explosion of a nucleus at the Borodino field and his death. At the same time, Prince Andrew also goes through contradictions, like his father: his desire for glory was a mistake.

The turning point comes after Austerlitz, when he says that "he will not fight, even if the French are under the Bald Mountains." The sky of Austerlitz is the first peak on the path of Prince Andrew. The episode was written out with extraordinary skill, subtle psychologism: “... the clouds are not crawling at all, therefore the high, endless sky. How then have I not seen this high sky before? And how happy I am that I finally got to know him. Yes! Everything is empty, everything is deception, except this endless sky. Nothing, nothing but him. But even that is not even there, there is nothing but silence, reassurance. And thank God!.."

Nature changed the life of Prince Andrei, and after that he began to lead a completely different way of life: he settled in the Bogucharovo estate and took up purely economic affairs. And again the beauty of the surrounding world changed everything - Prince Andrey saw an old oak tree: “On the edge of the road there was an oak tree. Probably ten times older than the birches that make up the forest, it was ten times thicker and twice the height of each birch. It was a huge oak, in two girths, with branches that had been broken off for a long time, apparently, and with broken bark ... only he alone did not want to obey the charm of spring and did not want to see either spring or the sun. “Spring, and love, and happiness! - as if this oak spoke. “And how you don’t get tired of the same stupid and senseless deception! ..” And then, returning, Prince Andrey saw the new life of this oak and decided that it was time for him to start a new life: “The old oak, all transformed, stretched out like a tent of luscious, dark greenery, melted, slightly swaying in the rays of the evening sun ... No, life is not over at thirty-one ... "Andrei Bolkonsky is a hero seeking, changing and therefore positive in L.N. Tolstoy. He reaches his last peak on the Borodino field, and the author compares as equal values \u200b\u200bthe apotheosis of the spirit of Prince Andrei and the victory of the entire Russian people, of which Bolkonsky felt himself in the battle. literary Bolkonian Tolstoy

And the old prince, and Andrei, and Marya Bolkonsky - each of them is interesting to the author in its own way, each represents a certain type, but they are united by a special spirituality, the carriers of which in the novel are only a few heroes. And we can say that the Bolkonsky family is a separate, spiritual center of the novel War and Peace.