Lethargy apathy. The colors of life have faded or a state of complete apathy

Every day we experience many emotions, they help us live, react to circumstances, but sometimes such a state as apathy can arise. People around you suddenly notice a change in human behavior, a loss of interest in life and what is happening around. This symptom necessarily requires attention, and in some cases, treatment.

What is apathy

From the Greek the word "apathy" stands for "dispassion", "insensitivity". This is a mental state characterized by passivity, indifference to what is happening around the person. Interests disappear, a person ceases to receive joy from things that previously gave pleasure.

Characterized by emotional passivity, the absence of vivid feelings, both negative and negative. Simultaneously with the weakening of emotions, a decrease in general activity can be observed.

Apathy often does not manifest itself, but is a symptom of the disease or accompanies it.

Symptoms of apathy

Apathy can be defined as a decrease in the will to act. It often accompanies diseases such as schizophrenia. It can also be observed with organic brain lesions. The main symptoms of apathy are:

During apathy, as a rule, there is no irritability, on the contrary, a person becomes indifferent and indifferent. Psychological and sometimes physical weakness is observed. A person becomes lack of initiative, laziness appears, speech becomes expressionless.

Outwardly, a person becomes completely indifferent, inactive, taciturn. Memory problems, slow thinking, and lethargy with regard to emotional responses to people and situations may occur. A person loses the ability to show love, sympathy, at the same time, irritability and aggression disappear.

Apathy can be both vivid, when others notice a changed emotional state and activity, and latent, when a person seems to be working, communicating, and then ends his life with suicide unexpectedly for others.

A depressed mood periodically occurs in any person, however, if these signs persist, indifference and mental retardation prevail, this is a reason to immediately take action.

Causes of apathy

In order to identify apathy, it will be useful to know about the reasons that lead to its occurrence. They can be divided into several components.

  1. Hereditary factors, for example, a predisposition to mental illness, diseases of the brain and cardiovascular system.
  2. Stress. Difficult life situations, conflicts at home and at work, experiencing situations involving danger to your life or loved ones.
  3. Somatic. The discovery of a life-threatening disease in a person can cause apathy and indifference to further fate.
  4. Taking medications, including hormonal medications, insomnia medications and improperly selected antidepressants.
  5. Lack of vitamins, unhealthy diet, insufficient level of physical activity.
  6. Experiencing an age crisis.

How to treat apathy

After the possible reasons that led to the problem have been clarified, they begin to search for methods on how to cope with apathy. First of all, a person should have a desire to defeat her. Unfortunately, due to a decrease in incentive and willpower, not everyone is able to do this on their own. In this case, close people should provide great support and help stimulate any activity.

If you are in a state of apathy, then try to go back a little and remember the reasons that led to this. Look at the situation from the other side, "replay" it. Come to the idea that all this is in the past.

If the reason for apathy is Art if there is a somatic disease, then you need to use maximum efforts to improve your own health.

It is important to understand that a negative state drags on and gradually becomes more difficult to get out of it. It is necessary to stimulate activity by any means. Fight any mood of despair, laziness, indifference. Learn to find beauty in the world around you.

It is dangerous to withdraw into oneself, stay at home and limit contact. On the contrary, it is necessary to increase social activity. It's great if there is an opportunity to go to nature with a friendly company.

If problems at work have led to apathy, then it might be worth considering changing your occupation. Many people successfully got rid of crises, radically changing their lives and professions. It is important to find new target and develop to achieve it.

Physical activity should also be increased. This will lead to an improvement in metabolism, improvement in brain function, strengthening of muscles and blood vessels.


In this case, a doctor should prescribe medications. There are various stimulants: lemongrass tincture, ginseng, eleutherococcus, etc., however, it is worth using them in consultation with your doctor.

You can use various herbal teas, if there are no contraindications. Freshly ground coffee has a stimulating effect.

Prevention of apathy

Prevention is important, especially if you know you are periodically experiencing a state of apathy that may develop into or be part of it.

Correct alternation of work and rest

Fatigue at work, rare days off, disorganization lead to exhaustion of the body. It is very important to find time for rest, and it should be the opposite of the main activity. If at work you are constantly on the move, you are very tired physically, then rest should be associated with relaxation: a trip to nature in a quiet place, meditation, watching good films, spending time alone.

If your work is connected with a sedentary lifestyle, you have to solve intellectual problems, then the rest should be active: hiking, playing in nature, running, cycling, fitness.

Correct organization of the day

The inability to draw up a daily routine leads to the fact that we perform a lot of useless tasks, and there is little time left for the important ones. As a result, you have to hurry, worry, be nervous. As a result, the psyche is overstrained, a breakdown occurs, and then the person falls into a state of apathy, when everything that happens already ceases to make sense.

Make a list of things that must be done. Find out what you are doing during the day. Unhelpful activity significantly increases the level of fatigue, so your schedule needs to be structured.

Sport helps to keep the body in good shape. Light exercise has a beneficial effect on the heart, circulatory system, brain activity, and increases the level of joy hormones. After physical exertion, we feel a little fatigue, but it is positive.

For the prevention of apathetic and depressive state, swimming in the pool, hiking in nature, rollerblading, sports games on the beach in a team are useful. Find like-minded people, so any activity will seem more fun, and competitions will give an additional incentive.

Make yourself nice

Positive emotions need to be stimulated. If you notice an approaching state of indifference, start pampering yourself. Make yourself a small gift, buy a thing you've dreamed of for a long time, go on a visit or arrange a vacation. For a woman, going to the salon will be useful, a man can go to a football match or do extreme entertainment.

Small joys allow us to maintain positive emotions at the proper level. If there is a lot of negativity and conflict around you, then learn to deal with them. In fact, many things don't matter.

Live for yourself

We often think about what other people think about us. But these people live their own lives and, moreover, they often do not pay attention to us at all. Are the neighbors gossiping? Just stop reacting to it - you don't have to prove anything to anyone, and your positive mood is much more important.

Apathy can occur in people who are subject to manipulation by loved ones or colleagues. In this case, you will have to stop being a victim and finally become a leader, directing your life in the direction that is beneficial to you. Lead your life and what happens in it, and then you will experience more pleasure and positive emotions.

We learned that apathy is a state of powerlessness and indifference to the world around us. It is important to start treatment as early as possible if the first signs appear. But timely prevention is no less important. Keep yourself in good shape, do not let it break into the inner world, and then your mental health will remain at the best level.

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In the modern world, apathy is, first of all, indifference to the surrounding world, when you do not want to do anything, there is no desire to communicate with others and the person turns out to be, as it were, closed on himself. Often this condition develops into depression if the patient is not treated in time. Apathy for life is actually dangerous, so if you notice this condition in your friends or in yourself, you need to urgently take action. Interestingly, the word comes from the Greek apatheia, meaning dispassionateness. The ancient Greeks meant by him wise people who are able to renounce any suffering and joys, and therefore, have an objective point of view on any event.

Today, this word has acquired a completely different meaning, since it is characterized by a deep detachment from everything that happens in the surrounding world, emotional passivity and lack of liveliness. This condition can occur for various reasons and is the result of various diseases, including due to.

Causes of apathy

Very often, complete apathy occurs in cases when a person takes on a large load that he is unable to cope with. Also, this psychological condition can develop after serious physical illness. In general, the causes of apathy can be divided into separate groups.

  1. After poisoning, infections and operations, the patient often feels powerless, the body is exhausted, weakness and constant apathy appear. In this case, it is a natural process and the patient needs rest. If he adheres to the prescribed diet and more time to rest, this condition will quickly pass.
  2. There is a concept of "emotional burnout". When a person due to his work duty is forced to communicate a lot and emotionally with other people, while not receiving satisfaction or feedback from his actions, there is a risk of apathy.
  3. Great fatigue. If you do not take up your health in time, then overwork can develop into a full-fledged depression. Therefore, it is important to take care of your condition and rest on time. Prolonged overwork first manifests itself in the form of apathy, and then takes on a deeper character in the form of depression.
  4. Organic brain damage. Interestingly, apathy and fatigue can appear several years later after traumatic brain injuries, diseases in which brain tissue is involved, and after previous infections.
  5. Stress. If you endure stressful situations at work or at home for several years, this eventually leads to chronic stress. After a while, apathy appears, a state of indifference to the outside world develops.
  6. Schizophrenia. The fact is that the feeling of apathy is a symptom of apathic-abulic syndrome and manifests itself in the form of drowsiness and weakness. That is why it is necessary to be wary of apathy in general.
  7. Physical,.
  8. Weak immunity.
  9. Lack of nutrients, vitamins and other trace elements in the body.
  10. Disorders in the endocrine system.

These were the main reasons for the apathy. The disease does not last strictly according to the schedule and, like other diseases, has a wave character. This means that the patient feels lighter at different intervals and, on the contrary, experiences the full severity of this condition. So, in the spring and autumn, apathy is most often manifested. These seasons also have a negative impact on people who are prone to depression.

Risk group

  1. People who are retiring. Apathy can manifest itself in the early years after retirement. The fact is that a person lacks social communication, it is difficult for him to reorient his life and do new things. Often, many continue to work during retirement.
  2. Women of any age. It is known that the "hormones of joy" in the fair sex are an order of magnitude less than in men. Therefore, there is a risk of developing apathy during pregnancy.
  3. People who actively manifest themselves in the social and public sphere. Due to the duty of work, some people are forced to communicate a lot and often, take on a lot of responsibility. Sometimes the personality fails, which leads to fatigue. Apathy for work is one of the fundamental factors in the development of the disease, especially if you are not doing what you do not like.
  4. People prone to psychological illnesses.
  5. Teenagers.
  6. Workaholics.
  7. People with a weakness for alcohol.
  8. Individuals who consider themselves unlucky.
  9. Overly wealthy people.

Apathy most often develops in people who have certain character traits:

  • Hypochondria, melancholy, suspiciousness;
  • Maximalism and perfectionism;
  • The tendency to emotionally overestimate situations;
  • Emotional excitability, impressionability;
  • Frequent mood swings, which may be bipolar disorder
  • Perception of small mistakes as something important, leading to tragedy;
  • Too low self-esteem;
  • Autistic lifestyle.


As has been said many times, the symptoms of apathy are, first of all, complete indifference to life. However, this is not the only symptom describing this condition. Signs of apathy:

  • A sharp decline in activity in the household and social sphere. If a person was previously active, led an interesting lifestyle, but suddenly refuses to attend events or simply does not observe hygiene standards at home, he constantly sleeps. This is a reason to think about the state. Especially since those around you see it clearly;
  • A sharp decline in mood. In this case, it is necessary to compare how a person felt throughout his life and, by the average, to reveal how much his mood decreased. If this is a significant difference, you need to seek the help of specialists;
  • The social circle is sharply reduced. When apathy manifests itself, a person suddenly begins to avoid communicating with his friends and just acquaintances. As a result, the patient completely isolates himself from the outside world. If you notice that this is happening, take urgent action;
  • Absent-mindedness. This symptom appears due to indifference to the outside world. A person does not fulfill promised deeds, even if they are very important or necessary for him;
  • Refusal from what you love. As you know, a hobby delivers positive emotions, but a person suffering from apathy leaves it. This is a serious reason to think about what is happening to the individual;
  • Poor concentration. Due to severe overwork, it is difficult for a person to concentrate on anything;
  • Fear of loneliness, abandonment. If before that we talked about a situation where a person narrows his social circle, then it happens the other way around. Friends disperse, colleagues change their interests and the person feels abandoned, there is a risk of apathy or a state of loneliness;
  • Great weakness. Sometimes this is expressed in the fact that it is difficult for a person to get out of bed;
  • Dizziness. Is the result of prolonged physical inactivity or;
  • Slow response;
  • Memory impairment. The most acute symptom that can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if you notice this pathology.

If these symptoms are observed for two weeks or more, you need to contact a specialist. The fact is that the patient can deny these manifestations, but you have to convince him otherwise. It is very important that there are people next to the person who are able to take care of him during this difficult period. Apathy and depression are different from each other. So, depression is a complete breakdown, both moral and physical. Apathy is a condition when there is no desire to communicate with other people, to do some things, a decrease in habitual activity.

Apathy during pregnancy

This is a special condition in which all women are exposed to great stress. During this period, there is a reassessment of some life principles, the body is exposed to emotional overload. As a result, due to a lack of vitamins and against the background of endocrine restructuring, apathy towards life in pregnant women may occur. It is important that the people around them follow all the changes and, if necessary, help to avoid the consequences, since it is difficult for a pregnant woman to adequately assess her condition.

According to observations, most often the "disease" develops in active and emotional women. Because of reflections on how dangerous the world around is and how the child's fate will develop, the body is under stress, which negatively affects not only the pregnant woman, but also uterine development. In this regard, a mild depressive condition requires treatment and you should not rely on the fact that it will go away just like that. As soon as you notice the corresponding symptoms, show more attention to the expectant mother and protect her from stress.


There are three ways to cure apathy and what measure to take depends on the depth of the state.

Light form

If a person has recently been very ill, was preparing for a large project at work, passed the session and suffered other physiological, psychological, emotional stress, he just needs to rest. There is no need to insist and take the person to the hospital, provide him with conditions in which he can relax and recover. With a mild stage of apathy, which has not yet lasted for several weeks, give the person a good sleep, arrange a varied and healthy diet, and entertain the tired patient. Having shown the proper level of attention and care, in a few days a person will return to normal and feel good. In this case, you can also do without medication, and vitamins will not be superfluous.

After a few days of rest, begin to gradually involve the patient in social life. For example, remind him of a hobby, go to the forest, take a walk in the park, by the lake or pond. Try to surround him with harmony and nature, as this has a positive effect on the psyche. It is recommended to go hiking, skiing, snowboarding, cycling, possibly jogging. You should not give heavy loads, it should be light exercises for the sake of pleasure. Massage, sauna, steam bath and other relaxing procedures have a wonderful effect. The mood is also enhanced by delicious tea, coffee and chocolate.

The only thing is that everything should be done gradually, without burdening the patient. Gradually, vitality will return and in a week the person will be completely healthy.

Difficult stage

If the patient's condition does not improve or treatment has not been carried out at all for several weeks, the apathy can be prolonged for a long time. In this case, you will need the help of a psychologist who knows the techniques of psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy and hypnosis. The bottom line is that a person has not just lost interest in life. Somewhere in the depths of consciousness there is an unresolved problem that interferes with a full life. Perhaps the patient could not find an answer to an exciting question and was disappointed. When the psychologist manages to find out what caused the apathy and offer the patient various methods of solving the problem, thanks to various techniques, the person will take the path of recovery. As already mentioned, apathy differs from depression in a milder form. Accordingly, it is much easier to get a person out of this psychological disease.

Drug treatment

When there is lingering lethargy, doctors may prescribe certain medications. On rare occasions, nootropics are used to prevent the development of depression or bipolar disorder. If psychological abnormalities appear, the therapist prescribes sedatives and antipsychotics. But this is already the most extreme stage of the disease, where immediate help is required.

The bottom line is that apathy is best treated early on. Do not forget to rest often, especially after strong psychological and physical stress. If the body does not recover in time, you run the risk of developing apathy, nervous exhaustion and other pathologies.

Complete apathy - the emotional disorder of a person, accompanied by indifference to everything around and alienation from what is happening in the world, is a disease of modern humanity. The age of modern technology brought unprecedented discoveries that made the existence of people more comfortable, interesting and amazing. However, along with the great advances in science and technology, people have become more susceptible to psychological trauma. Mental disorders: apathy in relationships, social apathy, persistent or seasonal depression, stress at work and at home are a kind of human tribute to technical progress.
An apathetic person is immediately visible to others. His complete indifference, unwillingness to do anything, detachment from real events is striking from the first moment of communication. Very often from such people we hear "I have depression ...", but this is not entirely true.

Apathy or depression - what's the difference?

Apathy and depression are diseases of a person's psychological disorder. However, there is a fine line between the two. Depression is an emotional disorder associated with depressed mood, impaired positive thinking and a pessimistic outlook for the future in general. Apathy is a disease associated with a complete detachment from the surrounding world of a person. Here depression is one of the symptoms of severe emotional personality disorder. Apathy is a disease that must be monitored by specialists. Treatment of apathy includes not only medical intervention, involving the use of psychostimulants, but also global work on oneself.

Signs of apathy

Apathy, as mentioned earlier, is a disease defined by indifference to the environment. We can say this is a complete absence of emotional manifestations of the individual. Abulia - decline psychological activity this is the main symptom of the disease. Inactivity, lack of initiative and taciturnity are also direct signs of an apathetic state. Patients have memory lapses, significant failures in thinking and speech inhibition.
Apathetic depression can manifest itself in two ways. In the first case, it can be seen immediately, the person shows indifference to everything that happens around. The second case has a latent form. Here a person leads a usual way of life, but suddenly ends his life by suicide, endogenous destruction occurs.
The state of sadness, loss of activity and low mood is known to many of us firsthand, but if you are constantly plagued by these difficulties, you should see a doctor.

Who may be at risk of apathy

Complete apathy can overtake everyone. It doesn't matter how good or bad a person has realized in life, what age or financial condition he is. But there is a certain circle of people who are more prone to this psychological disease than others.

The risk group includes:

  • Women, because the hormone of joy is produced in the body to a lesser extent than in the stronger sex. Women are more emotional and tend to associate the negative environment of the world with their inner state. Apathetic depression is observed very often in pregnant women, the main cause of the onset of the disease in this case is hormonal failure;
  • People exercising their professional activity in the social sphere. Social apathy can arise from excessive contacts with different categories of people, solving their problems and taking on other people's obligations;
  • Elderly people. Very often, apathy occurs in people who have just retired;
  • Adolescents in adolescence;
  • Those who learned a terrible diagnosis for themselves - cancer, AIDS, etc .;
  • Alcoholics or people prone to alcoholism;
  • People for whom work is above all so-called workaholics;
  • Those who have not realized in life have poor living conditions, losers, or people with complete financial independence. Rich people who have no problems in life are also prone to apathy due to boredom;
  • People with a weak, yet easily excitable nervous system;
  • People prone to the development of psychological diseases.

The main causes of apathy

Understanding what apathetic depression or social apathy is, one can assume the main causes of this disorder. The symptoms of illness can be classified into two categories: physical factors and psychological causes.

The leading physical bases for the manifestation of apathetic syndrome:

  • Prolonged course of a serious illness;
  • Severe addiction in any form of its manifestation, be it alcoholism or drug addiction;
  • Malfunction of the human thyroid gland;
  • Severe fatigue, stress.

Psychological reasons:

  • Mental illness, including schizophrenia;
  • Severe emotional stress;
  • Nervous strain;
  • "Professional wear".

An apathetic person assumes that the illness manifested itself on its own. But such a conclusion with apathy is simply not appropriate. It is very important to understand the causes of the disorder, to analyze your actions. Perhaps the reasons do not lie on the surface, but lie in the depths of the human subconscious. Self-examination and referral to a psychiatrist can help you cope with a severe emotional breakdown.

Apathy is not a sentence - treatment methods

Complete apathy is not perceived by doctors as a serious illness that requires medication. But it is worthwhile to understand that the degree of apathy can manifest itself in one way or another. Apathy can be cured by pulling yourself together. However, in some rare acute cases, prescribing drugs is necessary.

With drug treatment, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Antidepressants (have a wide range of contraindications);
  • Stimulants of an excitatory nature;
  • Tranquilizers, then only against the background of apathy accompanied by a feeling of panic and fear;
  • Antipsychotics, nootropics.

As a treatment, a course of psychotherapy can be carried out in medical centers. Within the framework of the course, the main techniques can be art therapy, sculpting or music therapy. If bouts of apathy are associated with a serious illness, then treatment is carried out against the background of correction of the state of human health as a whole.
It is possible to correct the apathetic state on its own if the person is determined to "put the illness on the shoulder blades" and the people around him are able to provide beneficial assistance. It is necessary to understand what fact, action or event served as the starting point in the development of the disease. It is necessary to exclude pathological self-pity that brings to the point of absurdity. Excessive optimism can also lead to psychological distress. And only after the reasons complete apathy you should be open to pull yourself together and be sure to carry out a series of actions that will set you in the right mood and bring you back to life:

  • Relaxation. Take a vacation and devote time only to yourself. If you feel like lying in bed, do it. Get some sleep!
  • Schedule. Create a clear plan for the day. At the same time, giving due attention to rest. The plan will help you to complete all tasks for the day as efficiently as possible, which will increase your self-esteem and cheer up;
  • Physical exercise one of the best solutions to combat apathy. Exercising in the gym, whipping walks, cycling will greatly distract you from depressing thoughts. It is very important not to overexert yourself;
  • Delicious and healthy food. The nutritious diet must be harmoniously balanced. If necessary, you can pass special tests to identify a particular vitamin or mineral in your body. If you are deficient in nutrients, be sure to include them in your diet;
  • Entertainment. Visiting theaters, museums or exhibitions can help generate feelings of interest and joy;
  • Surrounding. During the period of struggle with apathy, you should be surrounded by positive, confident people;
  • Relaxation. Perhaps overstraining has created a negative environment for stress. Take aromatherapy courses, make it a rule to have a tea ceremony before bedtime, etc.;
  • Eliminate alcohol completely, since you can provoke an exacerbation of the disease;
  • Fill your life with light and bright colors, is more related to the seasonal blues. In case of apathy, surround yourself with beautiful new things, get rid of the burden of old and unnecessary things.

The first steps in overcoming complete apathy for life will seem simply overwhelming, and it will take a willful effort from a person suffering from a psychological ailment. Let these be small steps to success, over time you will become a confident person, a feeling of satisfaction and joy will appear. Overcoming apathy, the world will shine before you with new colors!

Apathy is a psychophysical state of extreme unwillingness and inability to induce oneself to action. Apathy is a kind of expression of protest, extreme indignation healthy person under certain circumstances. This condition manifests itself as the outcome of many pathologies or their consequences. Hopelessness over time leads to apathy.

Apathy is not always a reflection of the mental state of an individual, sometimes it can characterize a social position manifested in complete indifference to the world that once rejoiced. Apathy can also be a manifestation of the lack of an inner core. Such women, for example, are too dependent on the family circle, while apathetic and lack of initiative in everything. Apathy in men is an even more dangerous scourge of society, since it protects them from successful socio-family self-realization.

What is apathy?

Who has not experienced apathy firsthand? Such people probably do not exist in the created world order. Many individuals fall under this nasty feeling due to many factors. Everyone knows how critical and painful it is to feel this. Unfortunately, it is not customary to feel sorry for oneself, and most often such an individual will not receive proper support and understanding.

Apathy is of Greek origin as a term. "A" stands for negative particle and "pathos" is effect. Thus, apathy is the absence and inability to experience any emotions, a kind of dispassion. But, as you know, dispassion is good only in certain acute situations, but not in life.

Apathy is a characteristic of a mental state that indicates a complex absence of emotional manifestations. In this case, the individual is able to show some kind of detachment from the environment. Very often, apathy is synonymous with indifference. But this is rather passivity, which affects all areas of life.

Apathy is not only a separate type of pathology, but also a philosophical unit. And philosophically, apathy is not as bad as it is medically. It is the functional counterpart to serenity, an immunity to affect. The origin of this interpretation comes from ancient ethics.

Apathy is a somewhat different state from the entire emotional list, it combines both pathology and an affective state. Apathy and laziness, when combined, can resemble boredom and it is very important to distinguish this due to the different need for help. Apathy and weakness are also capable of uniting and many then confuse them with despair, but these are still different manifestations. With apathy, vitality is most lacking. And not in terms of physical activity, although she also suffers, but in terms of affects, that is, manifestations, expressions of passion. Therefore, sometimes apathy becomes an interchangeable term for phlegm and even laziness.

Initially, in a religious and philosophical sense, apathy was synonymous with apathea and meant a complete detachment from worldly problems. At the same time, the individual who achieved this, in fact, became a sage, able to protect himself from the carnal. For the Stoics, this was the ideal of a sage, capable of evaluating his own life, having ideals and virtues. For many men, a woman's apathy is associated with frigidity, which is why women with apathetic tendencies are more difficult to adapt in society, they do not meet the widespread ideal of a talker.

Causes of apathy

Since apathy has many different facets, not always perceived as a full-fledged pathology, then it has many reasons. It is not formed as a one-time manifestation, it is already an ingrained syndrome caused by a long-acting factor. The problems caused by the state of apathy cannot be easily resolved; they grow into the life of the individual.

Prolonged stress, the so-called "on the edge" state, can provoke apathy. This tension should not be caused by something out of the ordinary, it can be an elementary overload. Lack of rest, even with a seemingly habitual non-exhausting rhythm, can also exhaust a person to apathy. That is why, according to all the canons of hygiene, everyone should have a vacation. This is necessary to prevent burnout and apathy. Apathy and laziness are most often combined with overwork. Apathy and weakness are more common after illness.

Changes in your daily routine are also unsafe in terms of apathy. The loss of relatives especially affects the development of this state. The death of loved ones is a big trauma and practically no one gets off with only apathy; individuals who have experienced losses form a different life position. Even illness of relatives can throw you into an apathetic state, especially a serious one. Joyful events can also trigger apathy, especially and. Even for a very cheerful woman, this is still a test. Apathy and weakness are often formed after childbirth, which is why it is important to prepare your body and family. Cheating and family troubles pretty much affect the formation of apathy, even the cheater is able to undergo it because of a sense of guilt. Pensions and the associated slowdown in the pace of life can also become a serious provocateur of this condition. Apathy and laziness are prevalent conditions among many pensioners.

Apathy, as a short-term condition, can form with. Apathy and weakness are generally characteristic of women with hormonal surges. Taking some groups of drugs can also lead to a similar outcome. Persistent apathy is often a symptom of a chronic illness. Dependent behavior, like the pathology of addiction, often spills over into apathy, this is due to self-loathing and the inability to lead a normal life.

Excessive severity towards oneself coming out of family education is also a provocateur of this disorder. Constant apathy arises with low self-esteem, and a strict, overly prim upbringing prevents the individual from understanding and accepting his desires, this leads to personality problems and apathy. Sometimes the environment can be oppressive in terms of apathy, especially if these are persons with excessive demands on others, as well as oppression of those higher up the career ladder.

Residual apathy is already a pathology that forms in endogenous diseases. Residual apathy is typical for, as a manifestation of a decrease in energy potential. Such apathy indicates an increase in the defect.

Symptoms of apathy

Apathy is a very noticeable pathology due to the very condition of the individual. He may not complain about anything, but everyone will notice his sluggish apathy. This will immediately catch the eye both to the family and at work, since the person will be much less functional.

The main symptoms of apathy: emotionlessness and indifference. This usually greatly offends the family and it seems to them that it is connected with them. But this is just a manifestation of pathology that is worth trying to remove. Abulia often keeps up with apathy, this is a decrease in the volitional qualities of an individual, leading to a fall in mental activity. Apathy affects all mental and physical spheres, a person becomes inactive, he prefers to "hang" in one place. Also very characteristic is reticence and an absolute unwillingness to maintain a conversation and even banal to be in society.

There are minor mental abnormalities due to apathy. There is a certain mnestic decrease, disappearing without a trace when apathy is excluded. Thought disruptions may be observed, associated more with difficulty concentrating. Everything that happens does not touch the apathetic individual at all - he remains indifferent. This does not apply only to major stressors and disasters, in which the individual is able to get out of apathy, saving his life.

Apathetic individuals who have apathy as a background for are capable of suicide. Persistent apathy associated with mental pathologies usually ends with inadequate relief.

Mentally, it is difficult for such a person to express and sometimes differentiate emotional manifestations. Constant apathy affects the individual in such a way that he leaves the impression of aloof and lifeless. Usually there is a rethinking of life values, and in the direction of their depreciation. An apathetic individual does not make plans for the future, he is indifferent to this. Apathetic people do not make acquaintances and are indifferent to keeping friends, gatherings and gatherings are too painful for them. Over time, apathy leads to despair, a person without help very quickly sinks into an apathetic quagmire.

The following basic factors can be identified that can be found in an individual suffering from apathy:

- The transferred experience, which was not able to be experienced on the average, is more sunk.

- Unwillingness to stay in the circle of friends and relatives, desire for fencing, reluctance to go out into the world.

- Presence of opposite states, from tension to fatigue.

- Gloomy thoughts and unwillingness to self-care, developing into slovenliness.

- A sense of formal reaction and lack of faith in anything.

- with excessive unreasonable longing. Everything around is slowly dreary and gray, the need to communicate is replaced by a feeling of fear.

- Expressed anhedonia, dissatisfaction, as well as fatigue that does not disappear from anything.

Apathy and depression

Apathy in depression takes on completely new outlines. This is not to say that it is apathy that is the trigger and only then appears. Often this is formed as an adjacent pathology. But not all types of depression appear apathy, sometimes it is absent. Sometimes in depression, apathy manifests itself as "anesthesia of the rose", which means a painful loss of emotions and feelings. Sometimes apathy is a consequence of a depressive state and a person plunges into such a negative state.

The most characteristic signs of such a contiguous apathetic-depressive state are persistent pathological depression of mood. At the same time, the motor sphere always suffers, the person becomes very inactive, her working capacity immediately changes. The individual is slow and not productive. The ideational sphere is very slow, which manifests itself in the linguistic aspect - speech becomes slow and quiet. A person becomes very indifferent to many things, apathetic and withdrawn.

It is precisely this indifference that is required to say that a depressed individual has apathy. Because if you take classical or anxious depression, then the patient's condition manifests itself in the opposite way. Apathy and depression are sometimes equated with fatigue, but fatigue has physiological causes and disappears after rest or vacation. But depression will not go away on its own, the response to the surrounding atmosphere has already changed, which requires treatment.

Apathetic depression can be combined with a somatized form. Then there will be more complaints from different bodies. The most basic and common forms of complaints are: algia, gastralgia, complaints of sexual problems, myalgia, some breathing complaints, migraine-like pains. Such an individual will try to find help from a therapist, but traditional treatment will be ineffective, antidepressant therapy will rather help here.

Depression combined with apathy can occur for a variety of reasons. It can be reactive, that is, provoked by external situations, various kinds of stressors and psychotraumas, but it can also be triggered by endogenous processes, which is not connected or depends little on external factors, but is provoked by malfunctions in the neurohumoral regulation of the brain. At the same time, the exchange of neurotransmitters in the brain tissues, in particular serotonin, is disrupted, which leads to a chronic feeling of unhappiness.

It has some differences with apathy, it is more persistent in terms of time, and also has a clear seasonality - depression worsens in the spring-autumn period. When collecting anamnesis, you can find that there are no special traumas and, moreover, the initiation of pathology is sudden. And even if a psychotrauma is found, it does not become a trigger, as in reactive depression. By the evening, such an individual becomes easier in terms of mood and activity. In fact, the root cause is important for the correct selection of treatment, but regardless of the cause, depression with apathy is a very debilitating condition that is difficult for the patient to overcome without outside support.

Apathy and drowsiness

Sleepiness is a state of unjustified desire to constantly sleep and overwork. This is not to say that drowsiness is a pathological manifestation. If, for example, you do not get enough sleep, or even get an excess of sleep, then it is quite possible to get sleepiness. Sleepiness is very important during the daytime with insomnia and even with changes in the weather. Still, sleepiness and apathy are a more serious combination that can cause a lot of trouble. If apathy is added to sleepiness, then this is a very alarming bell. This is provoked not only by psychotrauma, but also by the lack of vitamins in the body and the lack of useful nutrients. Sometimes drowsiness is triggered by an improper daily routine and even a poor-quality drinking regimen.

When apathy appears, drowsiness worsens, because a person with drowsiness may be worried about it, which does not happen with apathy joining. Thus, with apathy, drowsiness worsens, and the person becomes disabled and withdrawn.

Sometimes chronic illness and overweight can cause sleepiness along with apathy. In general, a lack of physical activity often provokes states of the apathy type. And this is a vicious circle with an unfavorable outcome, the fewer motor processes occur, the less the body requires. But it soon turns into serious complaints.

Sometimes the symptoms of drowsiness and apathy can hide such serious conditions as endocrinopathies and tumors. But then, in addition to these complaints, complaints about the state of health are also added. Sometimes drowsiness and lethargy are the outcome of a syndrome complex that follows exhaustion. Also, drowsiness is typical with a heavy day regimen, with a general lack of sleep hours for the body. Sometimes you just need to sleep for half an hour in the afternoon to prevent all these negative symptoms. For such pathologies, it is very important to intervene in time.

Lethargy is often associated with drowsiness and apathy. Especially often, its development is formed against the background of stressors. The most negative effect in terms of such consequences is nervous exhaustion. At the same time, lack of will, lack of initiative, memory is disturbed very clearly and noticeably. This is not an organic state, therefore, when the state of the body improves, all these complaints disappear.

Lethargy combined with drowsiness and apathy is a very topical complaint with. It is very important not to overlook the more serious symptoms hidden under drowsiness and apathy, so after short attempts at self-help it is worth seeing a doctor.

How to deal with apathy?

With apathy, it makes sense to try to help yourself on your own, but only if this pathology is limited by the symptoms of this disorder. If the pathology is adjacent, that is, in addition to apathy, it also has a mental illness or apathy itself is a consequence of a mental illness, then you should not try to self-medicate. This is especially important when apathy occurs as a result of long-term chronic diseases or endocrinopathies, in such cases it makes sense to consult a specialist.

In case of apathy of residual origin, that is, with the presence of a serious endogenous disease such as schizophrenia, treatment should be taken by a psychiatrist. Typically, antipsychotics with some stimulating effect are used for this, and in general atypical antipsychotics are suitable. They lower the degree of an individual's defect: Tiaprid, Teralen, Sonapax, Frenolone, Eperazin, Triftazin, Haloperidol, Trisedil. Also, activation and labor rehabilitation play a role, stimulating the patient to be active.

Depression with an apathetic component is treated with an antidepressant group, and support from relatives also helps to improve the condition. Used: Fluoxetine, Fevarin, Prozac, Fluvoxamine, Lerivon, Miaser, Miaserin, Clomipramine, Dosulepine, Protiaden, Amitriptyline, Fenelzin, Melipramil, Trittico, Trazodon, Maprotiline, Anafranil.

When somatics are combined with apathy, it is important to choose the right therapeutic relief. If these are endocrinopathies, for example, hypothyroidism, then thyroid hormones are used, they generally have a stimulating effect. If the body is weak, stimulants and sedatives can be prescribed to relieve internal stress: Eleutherococcus, Mint, Lemongrass, Linden, Melisa, Echinacea, Chamomile.

Of the psychological advice for overcoming apathy while excluding all the more compelling reasons, there are both quite banal and extravagant. Sports activity is undoubtedly beneficial for apathy. You can choose any group, even active games, even running, even fitness. The main thing is that it is fun, but you should not take on heavy loads out of habit. You should be willing to do this. Also, it is better to take rest in nature and exclude alcoholic psychostimulation. With apathy, alcohol can be very addictive. It is very important not to "sour" at home, to try to communicate, but only with nice people who are able to understand and support. It can be a close relative, and unfamiliar person in skype, the main thing is comfort. If there really are no compelling reasons for apathy, then undoubtedly the most important role in getting out of it is played by the individual himself, he should have an undeniable desire to return to life.

Psychotherapy for such conditions is very relevant. Different options may be suitable here: cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, transactional analysis, hetero-autosuggestion. Sometimes a banal respite is beneficial to give time for consciousness to regroup.