Secrets of the personal life of Irina Allegrova. Secrets of the personal life of the “hijacker” Irina Allegrova, which she prefers not to remember How old is Irina Allegrova in a year

One of the brightest Russian pop stars has always had a lot of fans, and she was married four times, but not a single husband of Irina Allegrova became the man of her whole life for her.

The personal life of the "Empress"

Several times Irina Allegrova tried to build her female happiness and for the first time tried on a marriage crown very early - at nineteen. Then she was already an aspiring singer, managed to go on tour with the Rashid Behbudov Song Theater, began working in the Yerevan Orchestra under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan, performed in various musical groups, with whom she visited many cities of the Soviet Union.

In the photo - Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta

Then the first great love came to her, unfortunately, unrequited, and Irina, in order to take revenge on the guy who did not kindle the same hot feeling for her, decided to marry another. It turned out to be basketball player Georgy Tairov, madly in love with Allegrova.

He was one of the most enviable suitors in Baku, for whom many sighed beautiful girls, but he gave his heart to the bright and spectacular Irina Allegrova.

Her parents did everything to make the wedding luxurious, but this did not become a guarantee of a long and happy life for a young family. Irina and her husband settled with his parents, who immediately fell in love with her, but the relationship between her and George did not work out. Despite this, Irina decided to give birth to a child in the hope that he would help them strengthen their young family.

However, pregnancy only complicated everything - Irina Allegrova's husband increasingly began to notice that his wife was moving away from him and tried to come home later so that there were fewer quarrels with Irina. After some time, Allegrova decided that it would be better for her to wait for the birth of a child in her parents' house, and after the appearance of her daughter, she filed for divorce altogether.

So that her little daughter Lala did not need anything, Irina went to Moscow and began to sing in the capital's restaurants. Two years after the divorce, Irina met Vladimir Bleher, artistic director of the Young Voices ensemble, who invited her to his team.

The romance between them was very beautiful, and Vladimir made an offer in a romantic setting - while taking a boat trip along the Moscow River. The wedding was modest - the solemn event was celebrated surrounded by only the closest friends and relatives. However, this attempt to start a family turned out to be unsuccessful for the singer - at that time she was too passionate about her career and could not surround her husband with the care that he expected. Soon Allegrova was disappointed in her new chosen one, and she also stopped liking the work in his team.

During that period, Irina met Vladimir Dubovitsky, who could not help but charm the singer. Especially for her, he created the Lights of Moscow group, and then the Electroclub, thanks to which Allegrova gained popularity. However, soon after the wedding, the singer found out that she was not the only one in Dubovitsky's personal life - he could easily have an affair with some girl on the side. When Irina threw a scandal at Vladimir, he begged her forgiveness, but Allegrova was adamant and filed for divorce.

Former husband of Allegrova Igor Kapusta

The fourth husband of Irina Allegrova was the dancer Igor Kapusta, who joined her team from Alla Pugacheva. At the time of meeting, he was thirty-five, and she was forty. For Irina, it was love at first sight, but Cabbage at that time lived with another girl and tried to ignore Allegrova.

In the photo - Igor Kapusta

However, Irina was not used to backing down in the face of difficulties and did everything to get Igor. They began an affair, and then Allegrova invited him to get married. However, this marriage, which lasted seven years and turned out to be the longest in the singer's biography, collapsed.

Over the years, the couple never had children, which Irina Allegrova's ex-husband later spoke about with regret. Cabbage left Irina himself, and she asked him to return several times, but to no avail.

Then he remarried, divorced, and in 2012 was put on trial for possession of a large dose of drugs and he was sentenced to six years in prison. After serving five years in a strict regime colony, Igor Kapusta was released, but he developed a serious lung disease, from which he is still being treated.

Irina Alexandrovna Allegrova (real name - Inessa Klimchuk) - singer, People's Artist of Russia. Birthday: January 20, 1952 Nationality: Armenian (by father).

The life and work of this bright personality has been of interest to both the general public and professionals in the music world for many years. Let us turn to the biography of Irina Allegrova.

Childhood and youth

The girl grew up in Rostov-on-Don in the family of an actor, an Armenian by origin Alexander Allegrova (in his youth he officially changed his last name) and his wife Serafima Sosnovskaya. Until the age of 9, the girl lived in hometown attended school there. However, circumstances developed in such a way that in 1961 the family changed their place of residence and moved to Baku. Here, Irina's parents began to work at the Operetta Theater.

Some time later, Ira was sent to music school at the Baku Conservatory. From the very beginning, she knew how to present herself correctly. Thanks to self-confidence at the entrance exam, the girl played Bach's work remarkably. Surprisingly, at first Irina really did everything with ease: singing (although she never purposefully studied vocals) and piano lessons. Many said that she was destined to become famous by fate.

The girl's activity led to the fact that in parallel she became interested in ballet, drawing, and even created her own clothing models. As a child, Irina took part in the Transcaucasian Jazz Festival and took her well-deserved second place. After the girl discovered her talent, she began to seriously think about her future career as an artist.

Irina dreamed of entering the conservatory after graduation. However, fate decreed that it was at that moment that all her plans were disrupted by illness, and the girl was unable to attend the entrance examinations. At the same time, Irina Allegrova was offered to dub Indian films at the film festival. Six months passed, and the artist began to perform together with the Song Theater, which was directed by Rashid Behbudov, and after a year, Allegrova began to collaborate with the Yerevan Orchestra.


Until 1975, Irina worked in various musical groups and led an active concert and touring life with them. Later, she tried to enter the Moscow GITIS, but her attempts were unsuccessful. But the girl was not going to give up. Perhaps, thanks to such perseverance, she was taken into the orchestra of Leonid Utyosov.

Allegrova was a member creative team"Inspiration", and after some time - the group "Young Voices", which included the winner of the song contest "Sochi-78". Since 1979, Irina has performed with VIA Fakel, and then began to give solo concerts. It lasted for about 3 years. At this time, she met Igor Krutoy, who was then the pianist of one of the musical groups.

Great influence on creative way the singer was provided by Vladimir Dubovitsky. It was he who brought Irina to the famous musician Oscar Feltsman, who highly appreciated the girl’s creative abilities and wrote her debut song “Voice of a Child” for her, thanks to which her career began to flourish.

After the singer's performance in the program "Song of the Year", Feltsman invited her to become a soloist of the musical group "Moscow Lights". Under the direction of Oscar Borisovich, her first disc was released. Soon the director of the team changed. They became David Tukhmanov, who founded the rock group "Electroclub" with soloists Irina Allegrova and Igor Talkov.

Singles became very popular:

  • "Old Mirror"
  • "Clean Ponds".
  • "Three Letters".

The singer continues to look for herself and in 1990 leaves the band. By that time, the audience had already fallen in love with Irina Allegrova. Receiving the title "Best Singer of the Year" in the early 90s gave rise to a new, solo stage in Irina's musical life.

Her hits “Photography”, “Do not fly away, love!”, “There was no sadness” come out. Each of the songs fascinated the audience not only with the content of the text, but also with the manner of performance. After some time, Khizri Baitaziyev becomes the director of the singer. 1992 is notable for the fact that the disc “My Wanderer” is released, and two years later the first audio disc “My Betrothed”.

Personal life

The first husband of the singer Irina Allegrova was Georgy Tairov. The artist did not live with him for long, about a year, her daughter Lala remained from this marriage. The next marriage also failed - the second husband of Irina Allegrova, Vladimir Bleher, wrote the song "Flood", which became quite popular.

During her work in the Moscow Lights team, Irina Allegrova met wonderful person Vladimir Dubovitsky. They began a relationship, and for some time the singer was very happy with her lover. However, this relationship was destined to fall apart in 1990.

After some time, news appeared about the romance of the artist and dancer Igor Kapusta. They had serious relationship, but after 6 years this union breaks up. Irina leaves her own apartment and moves to a house outside the city.

After the death of her father, devastated by grief, Irina decides to end her singing career. However, after a while, Allegrova returns to the viewer with a video clip “I will win you back” to verses as a sign of grief for her father.

In 1995, the second disc "The Hijacker" was released. In 1997, Irina travels all over the country with the triumphal program "Empress", her concerts are a huge success with the public. Then Lala gave her a grandson named Alexander, named after his grandfather.

In 1996-1999, the singer collaborated with the People's Artist of Russia Igor Krutoy. Their first joint project "I'll part the clouds with my hands" was a sensation. The artist has changed dramatically, reincarnated as an elegant lady. In the course of her collaboration with Krutoy, the tracks "Unfinished Romance", "Table for Two" were released. In 2012, Irina Allegrova announced the termination of active concert activity.


Wikipedia contains the entire discography of the singer, these are:

1. Solo tracks (1994 - "The Hijacker", 1996 - "I will part the clouds with my hands", 2001 - "All over again", 2005 - "Happy birthday!").

2. Songs that weren't released.

3. Collections best songs(2002 - "The best", 2004 - "Mood for Love").

4. Discs released as part of various musical groups. In addition, on the site you can learn about the awards and get acquainted with the filmography of the singer. Author: Elena Plygunova

The title of People's Artist was given to Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova very hard. Her path to fame was long and thorny, but in the end she achieved what she wanted, despite all the difficulties. Now Allegrova is a famous actress, pop singer. "Crazy Empress" - that's how you can characterize this amazing woman. In the personal life of Irina Alexandrovna, too, not everything is going smoothly, but she does not lose heart and goes forward, as before, with her head held high.

Allegrova's relatives are mostly artistic. The singer's parents are very creative personalities. Alexander Allegrov was the Honored Artist of Russia and Azerbaijan SSR, in the world of art this person has established himself as a talented actor and director. Being of Armenian origin, Alexander Grigorievich in his youth had the surname Sarkisov, but along with the fame of the actor, the idea came to him to change it to the surname Allegrov.

Irina's mother was no less talented and famous. The career of Serafima Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya developed in the best possible way. She had an operatic voice, sang beautifully and played on stage. It is clear that their daughter inherited acting and vocal talent.

Continuing to list eminent ancestors, one cannot help but recall Grigory Minaevich Sarkisov, his paternal grandfather. He was at one time famous musician in Baku, and even managed to work as an accountant. His wife Maria Ivanovna was the mother of a heroine, she gave birth to seven children. She had nothing to do with music, her job was to educate the heirs. Grandfather and grandmother on my mother's side were simpler people. Mikhail Yakovlevich Kalinin was famous throughout Tashkent for his talent as a shoemaker. His wife Anna Yakovlevna worked at a hairdresser's.

Childhood of Irina Allegrova

The "Empress" was born in Rostov-on-Don in 1952 on January 20. In the same city, Ira went to school until the age of nine. Then the whole Allegrov family moved to Azerbaijan. In Baku, the father and mother of the future star conquered the stage of the local musical comedy theater, their daughter tried to keep up with them, trying to become the same famous artist. Moreover, they always had a large number of eminent guests in their house, such as Magomayev, Khachaturian, Shmyga and many others.

The first thing the girl did upon arrival in Baku was to enter the music school at the conservatory. Ira was so talented that she was immediately enrolled in the 3rd grade. At the entrance exam, she impressed the commission with a perfect performance of one of Bach's pieces.

In addition to music, Allegrova was seriously engaged in ballet, participated in various festivals and competitions, taking first place. In a word, the life of a schoolgirl was in full swing!

The choice that determined the future of life

Naturally, after the graduation ball, the girl went to enter the local conservatory. All her close people were sure that Irina would easily pass the entrance exams and start her studies. Unfortunately, the plans were broken by illness, due to which Allegrova could not come to the exam. Despite the obstacles, she did not deviate from her choice, but for now she got a job in the voice acting of films.

The hard way to fame Irina Allegrova

The vocal abilities of the young singer were appreciated by Rashid Behbudov. Being the head of the song theater, he enrolled Ira in his team. Then her first tour and work in the Yerevan Orchestra awaited her. Tours have become an integral part of Irina's life.

Although Allegrova was already in music world, but the thought of studying did not go out of her head. She really wanted to enter the Moscow GITIS, but she did not succeed. Nevertheless, fate had mercy on her and “introduced” her to Igor Krutoy. Then the talented composer was a pianist at the Fakel VIA, Irina worked there.

Producer Vladimir Dubovitsky helped Allegrova to take a significant step towards fame. It was he who persuaded the famous Feltsman to write a wonderful musical creation, The Song of a Child, especially for his protégé. This allowed the young singer to perform on the "Song of the Year-85".


Then Irina had to take another step up to popularity. She is taken to the Electroclub group, which is led by David Tukhmanov and which was already considered a well-known ensemble. In addition to Allegrova, the soloist of the Electroclub was Igor Talkov.

After a short time, the singer, having left the band, began to perform solo. His place was given to Viktor Saltykov. This change brought the group a resounding success. "Electroclub" collects full halls and stadiums at its concerts. With the beginning of the nineties, Allegrova makes the difficult decision to leave the group and pursue a solo career. As it turned out later, the decision was correct.

Long-awaited popularity

In this difficult time for the singer, she was lucky to enter into cooperation with Igor Nikolaev. The composer writes the song "Wanderer" for Irina, which instantly becomes a hit. So that the fire of the long-awaited popularity does not subside, a whole series of hit works follows, which are still a success. This glorious list includes the following songs: “Womanizer”, “Transit”, “Photography”, etc.

Further, her longtime friend Igor Krutoy joins Allegrova's career. His songs elevate the singer to the top of Olympus. It is worth noting the following mega hits: "The Hijacker", "Empress", "Unfinished Romance", "My Wanderer", etc. In addition to concerts, tours, Irina is filmed in clips, which makes her even more popular. What Allegrova has been striving for all her life has finally come. She was at the top of the musical Olympus!

The swing of life - up and down!

It's time to keep secret about the personal life of the famous singer. A beautiful, talented, successful woman has repeatedly tried to arrange her family nest and become a beloved wife. Let's try to break it down now:

  • Allegrova lived with her first husband for only a year, but during this time she managed to give birth to his daughter Lala. Georgy Tairov was handsome man, a basketball player, but the singer believes that marriage to him is a mistake. She married to spite another man. Now George is no longer alive.
  • The second time the pop star went down the aisle with the head of the "Merry Fellows". Vladimir Bleher was her husband for 6 years, then the marriage broke up. Vladimir was convicted for currency transactions, in the seventies it was considered a serious crime.
  • From 1985 to 1990 Allegrova lives with Vladimir Dubovitsky. He significantly contributed to the promotion of the artist to fame. Together, the couple looked great, but in 1990 the singer files for divorce and leaves her husband.
  • For the fourth time, having decided to live with a man under the same roof, Irina flatly refuses to go down the aisle with her chosen one. With Igor Kapusta, she was only in a civil marriage. The relationship lasted from 1994 to 1999. The guy was very handsome, worked as a dancer in Allegrova's group and knew how to look after her beautifully. After the break with Irina, fate did not favor him. In 2012, he was caught selling drugs.

The singer did not want to experiment more with family happiness. According to her, life in terms of love threw her up and down, like on a swing.

Daughter and grandson - the meaning of life!

Allegrova never considered herself lonely. She has a wonderful daughter and beloved grandson Sasha. Lala works as a director of pop and mass spectacles, her husband Artem Artemyev is a co-owner of the Artemyev Wrestling School. He himself is an excellent athlete - a judoka and a sambo wrestler. Irina was lucky with her son-in-law, as well as with her daughter and grandson. The career has also been good. What else is needed for happiness?

At sixty-three, she is charming and cheerful. She is admired by novice pop stars, her opinion is respected by the luminaries of the scene. The "Empress" of the Russian stage Allegrova, whose biography makes you believe in the predestination of fate, is full of incredible stories. Let's get to know her in more detail.

Allegrova Irina's parents

Little Ira was born on January 20, 1952 in the city of Rostov-on-Don in the family of Alexander Sarkisov-Allegrov and his beautiful wife Serafima. Irina's father was an operetta actor, and subsequently successfully mastered the director's craft. In his youth, Alexander was obsessed with the circus, which was rather strange for his patriarchal family. Irina's grandfather was a respected accountant and wished the same fate for his offspring.

Due to constant disagreements with his father, Alexander repeatedly ran away from home. In his school years, Sashenka still had to return to his father's house, but after graduating from school, he immediately entered the touring troupe of the local theater. In the same place, by the way, he received the pseudonym "Allegro", for his indefatigable and lively disposition. The career of a young actor developed rapidly. In 1943, he starred in the film "Submarine T-9". Since 1946, he worked as an operetta artist at the Rostov Theater.

The mother of the future star is Serafima Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya, originally from Tashkent, an opera singer, an operetta artist. She met Allegrov in Moscow while auditioning at the Operetta Theater.

Childhood and youth of a talented girl

Irina spent her childhood years in the city of Rostov-on-Don. She studied at school, attended a music school in piano. When Irina was nine years old, her parents moved to Baku. Here they lived in a fashionable area of ​​the city overlooking the sea. Parents worked at the Operetta Theater. Irina continued her studies at the Baku Music School.

The House of Actors is constantly visited by eminent guests - Muslim Magomayev, Aram Khachaturian, Mstislav Rostropovich and many others. Irina's father begins to direct, puts on performances in the theater, which are a breathtaking success with the audience.

Meanwhile, Ira successfully graduates from a music school, attends a ballet club, and is fond of modeling clothes. Allegrova's mother continues her brilliant career in the theater.

At the same time, her daughter showed remarkable vocal abilities, she takes part in the Transcaucasian Jazz Festival, which was held in Baku, and takes an honorable second place. The girl dreams of becoming a singer, but illness interferes with her plans.

She does not enter the conservatory. Her beautiful timbre of voice is noticed by the organizers of the Indian Film Festival. Ira is invited to voice films at this event. Six months later, Allegrova, whose biography is oversaturated with events, goes on tour with the Song Theater under the direction of Rashid Behbudov. And next year, Irina begins to work in the Yerevan Orchestra.

Unhappy love and first marriage

For the first time, Irina marries an eighteen-year-old girl. Moreover, according to the singer herself, being a temperamental and quick-tempered girl, she decided to marry in retaliation for her first boyfriend, who did not burn with a reciprocal feeling for her. The girl meets basketball player Georgy Tairov, the couple decides to enter into a legal marriage.

The singer's parents arrange a magnificent celebration for the newlyweds, but, unfortunately, this fact does not provide long-awaited happiness. Irina finds out that she is pregnant, but decides to bear the child in her parents' house. In 1972, the girl gives birth to her first and only daughter, Lala.

Irina prefers not to meet with the father of the child, the couple files for a divorce. Six months after the birth of the baby, the singer decides that it's time to move on and conquer Moscow.

Go ahead, conquer the capital!

Despite the fact that Allegrova's husbands did not bring her the long-awaited female happiness, she considers herself a darling of fate. After all, fate gave her a beautiful daughter and loving parents. If not for the selfless support of the latter, it would be difficult for Irina to fulfill her dream.

Allegrova's mother in her prime creative career leaves the Operetta Theater to raise a little granddaughter. Ira leaves for Moscow, where she faces serious trials - lack of money, the search for work and housing not only did not break the singer, but also seriously tempered her character.

The path to the Olympus of the national stage is difficult and thorny. For some time, the young artist worked in Moscow clubs and cabarets. In one of the capital's restaurants, she met her second husband.

Irina Allegrova and Vladimir Bleher

The next betrothed of the singer noticed her during one of her performances in a Moscow restaurant. Volodya Bleher was artistic director Ensemble "Young Voices" He invited a pretty and very talented girl to his team. Ira accepted the invitation without hesitation.

And the new leader surrounded the soloist with attention and care, which the young artist lacked so much. Vladimir beautifully courted, was a romantic. He made an offer to Irina during a boat trip. This time the celebration was modest, it was attended by the closest relatives, it happened in 1978.

This marriage lasted five years. In 1984, Bleher was presented with an article accusing him of currency fraud. Recognition of this fact could put an end to Irina's career, she left her husband and broke his heart.

Only when Allegrova turned 61 did she decide to improve relations with ex-husband. Irina Allegrova's concert, dedicated to her birthday, she began by going on stage with Bleher. The diva introduced him to the public as a talented composer who wrote the song “Flood” for her, she kept silent about the fact that this was her second husband, “the hijacker of the Russian stage”.

This is how Allegrova is always unpredictable, whose biography contains many more non-standard actions. Only sometimes does she lift the veil of secrecy that shrouds the personal life of a star. Allegrova's husbands, according to the singer herself, were goodies, only none of them overcame the six-year barrier of living together.

The creative rise of the southern beauty

In 1979, Young Voices had already broken up. Irina was a soloist of the Fakel ensemble, headed by Bleher, she actively toured the country. But the constant race for a "grateful" audience exhausted the singer. She even considered leaving the stage.

But in 1984, her future husband Vladimir Dubovitsky joined the group, she also works with Igor Krutoy.

Irina continued her rise to the national musical Olympus. Dubovitsky organizes the VIA "Moscow Lights", Oscar Feltsman becomes the head of the team. And Irina Alexandrovna becomes his soloist.

In 1985 about the talented and extraordinary singer Irina Allegrova was recognized by the whole Union, she became the winner of Song-85. Her star lit up, the next day she woke up a mega-popular singer.

Third marriage

Not long upset about another divorce, Irina becomes the wife of bass player Vladimir Dubovitsky. At the same time, she transports her family from Baku to the capital, buys an apartment for them. She herself settles with her husband several floors below. Concerts, tours, competitions - life is seething.

In 1986, David Tukhmanov creates the Electroclub group, its soloists are Igor Talkov, Irina Allegrova, Viktor Saltykov. With this ensemble, Irina records her first disc. In 1986, the Electroclub-2 group became the leader in the polls of listeners. But Allegrova, whose biography is full of sharp turns of fate, understands that the narrow rock orientation of the band is putting pressure on her.

She wants to perform diverse compositions. She is given such an opportunity: her neighbor and longtime acquaintance Igor Nikolaev presents her with two songs - “My gentle and gentle beast” and “Toy”. They immediately become hits, but the producer of the Electroclub is against such a repertoire of his soloist. For some time, the rock band, like her new husband, inspired Irina, but already in 1990 she set off on a solo voyage, leaving behind not only rock, but also Vladimir.

finest hour

For many stars of domestic show business, the 90s were a turning point - a crisis, lack of concerts, lack of money. But these troubles this time did not affect the newly-made solo singer Irina Allegrova.

In 1990, Irina became the most touring star, for which she received popular love and popularity. Many fans were perplexed: how old is Allegrova? She is constantly in one pore - beautiful, toned, fresh. And at that time she was already 48 years old.

That's when it came finest hour artistes. Many publications wrote that in the 90s Irina managed to push the Diva herself on the starry Olympus. This is not surprising: almost every song of hers became the finalist of the "Song of the Year", the clips were at the top of the charts, albums and records disappeared from store windows instantly.

Such compositions as "Transit", "Unfinished Romance", "The Catcher in the Rye", "The Hijacker", "The Empress" and many others will forever go down in the history of our country's pop song.

In 1998, Irina Allegrova's concert takes place in the USA. And already in 2000, the singer was awarded the Claudia Shulzhenko Prize - "for the development of a national song." In 2002, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, and in 2010 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Igor Kapusta and Irina Allegrova

At the moment, the singer is not married, but her last hobby was a dancer from her team, Igor Kapusta. In 1992, as soon as the star began solo career, she secretly married Igor, who was several years younger than her. To live, the lovers moved to the country house of the star. Everything, it would seem, was going well, but, unable to withstand the six-year barrier, this union, like the rest, sank into oblivion. A few years later, the ex-husband of the singer was arrested for illegal possession of drugs.

Although, according to Kapusta himself, their marriage with Ira was destroyed by her daughter Lala, who completely controls her mother and does not give her personal space.

Allegrova family and plans for the future

In 1994, Irina's father, Alexander Allegrov, dies. The singer takes time out in creative activities.

In 1995, the singer's daughter Lala gives birth to a boy, who is named Alexander, in honor of his grandfather.

In 1998, Irina was again a bachelor. In 2012, the singer's mother, Serafima Sosnovskaya, dies.

In the same year, in an interview, the singer announced the cessation of extensive touring activities. Rumors spread in the press that the "Empress" was leaving the stage. Fans immediately frantically began to find out how old Allegrova is, perhaps the end of her career is timed to coincide with the star's sixtieth birthday? But Irina Alexandrovna refuted these speculations.

She, as before, performs, shoots video clips, gives interviews. Only now the singer wants to spend more time with her family.

After a divorce from him, the singer made a promise not to mess with men anymore.

The ex-husband of Allegrova, Igor Kapusta, died. Irina called him "the most beloved husband", but it was Igor who brought her the most suffering. How many legal husbands did the singer have, with whom does she live now and to whom does she give her love?

Igor Kapusta's heart stopped in one of the hospitals in St. Petersburg. He was 57 - still quite young by today's standards.

As Igor's relatives said, he went to the clinic for a scheduled examination. However, he caught an infection, which turned into a severe form of pneumonia ...

V last years Igor Kapusta tried to improve relations with his ex-wife. But Irina Allegrova was against any contact with her "most beloved husband." She, having gone through four marriages, is now generally disappointed in his very institution ...


Her first trip to the registry office happened quite early, at the age of 18. Although later Irina admitted that she did not feel great love for her husband, basketball player Georgy Tairov. Rather, it was a “marriage out of spite”: the girl was then platonically in love with her vocal teacher, the great Muslim Magomayev. But realizing that the master does not pay attention to her, she decided to take revenge on him in this way. And this despite the fact that half of the female population of Baku went crazy for George. But he only saw Irina, brought her baskets of flowers, and generally looked after her beautifully and romantically.

The wedding was loud. Irina's parents - Serafima Mikhailovna and Alexander Georgievich - threw a feast for the whole world in Baku (the family moved there when Irina was nine years old). In this marriage, Irina's only daughter, Lala, was born. But even the appearance of the baby could not reconcile her with her husband - this, in general, a stranger and distant person to her.

After another quarrel, Irina packed up and moved to her parents' house. And later, she decided to make more serious changes in her life. Leaving her daughter in the care of her parents, she went to conquer Moscow. She never saw her first husband again, and her daughter Lala never met her own father afterwards ...


In the Mother See, Irina soon met her second husband. Vladimir Bleher worked as the artistic director of the Young Voices ensemble and was one of the first to appreciate the talent of the future star.

But then the Soviet authorities intervened in the matter: they say that shortly after the wedding, Vladimir was under arrest for currency fraud. In those days, this was fraught not only for Bleher himself, but also for all his closest relatives - including his wife.

Allegrova's career, which had just begun to take off, was in jeopardy. You could either fight for your loved one, or step aside. Irina then preferred the second option, because of which her husband was very worried. Only 30 years later he was able to forgive Allegrova. And not so long ago, Irina even sang Bleher's song, which he wrote for her when they were still spouses ...

After a divorce from Bleher, Irina met a man who managed to make her a real star. Vladimir Dubovitsky was the head of the Electroclub fashion group. There were several soloists in the team - Igor Talkov, Viktor Saltykov, Raisa Said-Shah. But it was Allegrova who, at the suggestion of Dubovitsky, became the prima in the team.

Irina's career went uphill, but family life was difficult. Rumor has it that Dubovitsky, a great connoisseur female beauty, was not always steadfast when meeting with representatives of the opposite sex. Because of this, quarrels often occurred between the spouses.

During one of which, Vladimir, having collected his things, moved to live with ... another singer - Tatyana Ovsienko. Moreover, the rival later admitted that she more than once had thoughts of “giving” Dubovitsky back to the Allegrova family. Since when visiting Ira and Lala, whom he raised as his own daughter, Vladimir often “hung out” with them for an indefinite time, and when he returned, he seemed not to be himself ...

But the divorce still took place. As they say, it was to Dubovitsky that Allegrova later dedicated her piercing hits “My Wanderer” and “Photo 9x12”. However, he did not live with Ovsienko either. After some time, there were rumors that the producer had an illegitimate daughter from Miss Russia Yulia Akhonkova. Ovsienko filed for divorce, Dubovitsky married the mother of his child and emigrated to America with a new family.


After a painful divorce, Irina Allegrova met Igor Kapusta. More precisely, he was there all the time - he danced in her team, where he came from Pugachev's "Recital".

And he came not alone, but together with a dancer named Tatyana, with whom he lived for several years.

As Igor later recalled, together with his companion, he felt quite comfortable until he realized that the employer - the "Empress" Irina Allegrova herself - clearly had no working interest in him.

“I confess that I suffered from her excessive attention, pretended not to notice anything,” he later confessed in an interview.

They say that Allegrova called Igor's girlfriend to her and invited her to step aside. And I found a dancer a good place- in the team of Philip Kirkorov ...

Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta lived together for eight years. Many called their relationship a misalliance - the new companion was younger both in age (by nine years) and in status. But then Irina literally flew on the wings of love.

Officially, Irina and Igor did not register their relationship, but they decided on the sacrament of the wedding. In order not to attract the attention of the public, they arrived at the church under false names. Then the wedding footage was used in the video clip "Wedding Flowers" - in fact, then everything became known.

As Kapusta later said, their marriage was destroyed ... by Allegrova's beloved daughter.

“She is an extremely complex person and burst into our lives when she wanted to. It was impossible to be alone in the big house, she turned my mother against me. At that time, Lala was 28 years old, and this child had never worked anywhere. Although she had already been married and had a son.

According to Igor, the daughter was led by ordinary female envy. Although everyone in musical circles knows that in fact Allegrova's husband was a great lover of the female, and at some point Irina was simply tired of enduring his trips to the left.


Irina Allegrova did not endure parting with her young husband. Igor himself said that his "ex", left alone, almost drank himself.

“I was uneasy when I found out that after my departure, Irinka took up the bottle,” he frankly told reporters. - They say that for two years she did not part with a glass, locked herself in her house. I will not hide the fact that she often drank in front of me. In this state, she became angry, I tried to restrain her.

The reality was such that Allegrova, even without Kapusta, continued to remain the same Empress. True, lonely: the singer promised not to mess with men anymore. And for many years she has been living alone in her luxurious country mansion, and gives all her unspent love to her loved ones - her daughter Lala and grandson Alexander. Irina considers her position very comfortable.

I got married all four times, because it seemed to me that it was supposed to be that a woman without a man next to her was not perceived correctly. But you have no idea how good I feel right now! I realized that every age has its own charms. I wake up with joy in the morning, I have a very calm mind. This is a different stage of life. Absolutely!

But Igor Kapusta, after parting with Allegrova, could not find himself. He was engaged in business, even married. However, in 2012, he was caught on drugs - a bag with two kilograms of prohibited substances was found in his car.

The ex-husband of the singer was convicted and spent five years in a strict regime colony. It was his stay in places not so remote that crippled his health. After being released, Igor wanted to start a new business, get married again. But these plans never came to fruition...

Photo by V. Tarakanov.