Yolka: personal life. Singer Yolka: biography of an extraordinary artist Singer Yolka personal life

The pseudonym Yolka was born by itself back in school years, when 11-year-old Lisa was so called by school friends. Now the girl almost never responds to the real passport name Elizabeth.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elka (singer)?

Fans often want to know what kind of physical data their idol has. Fans are no exception, who demand information about the approximate height, weight, age of the Christmas tree.

The tree was born in 1982, respectively, she turned 34 years old. At this age, she managed to achieve a lot, much more than her colleagues in the artistic workshop. According to the sign of the zodiac, the talented singer is Cancer, and according to the eastern horoscope - a dog.

The Christmas tree looks at its fans from a height of one meter and sixty-two centimeters. The girl weighs quite a bit for her height - 51 kilograms.

The volume of the chest is 94 centimeters, and the waist is 60. If we add to these parameters the volume of the hips of 95 centimeters, we get an almost classic formula 90-60-90.

Singer Elka real name, surname and nationality

Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv is a famous Ukrainian and Russian singer, who is known under the unusual pseudonym Elka. She has a rather interesting surname. She performs in pop and rock styles, and also tried herself as a performer of alternative music. Elka's nationality is Russian-Ukrainian.

Little Lizochka was born on July 2 in the city of Uzhgorod. Her parents were involved with musical light. His father collected jazz vinyl records, and his mother was a virtuoso master of three musical instruments. By the way, the grandparents of the future singer performed with the folk choir of Transcarpathia.

Elizabeth sang almost from the cradle. Like all talented children, she sang in the choir, and then studied vocals for a long time. The girl was very artistic, so she performed as part of the KVN team.

She constantly attended international music festivals, loved rap and soul music.

After school, she studied at a music school in the vocal class. Lisa could not finish it because of the thought that teachers consider her mediocrity. After six months of study, the girl expelled herself so that she would not be kicked out. Perhaps this was due to the extravagant appearance of the future singer, because she got tattoos and piercings, wore very bright makeup and even shaved her head on her bald head.

Later, the talented girl performed on stage as part of local musical groups, played in KVN, and also worked as a dishwasher in a cafe. There was a catastrophic lack of money for life, so Elka grabbed every opportunity to earn extra money.

In the nineties, the talented girl performed as part of the B&B group, however, only as a backing vocalist. Later, Elka's biography was replenished with an acquaintance with the SHEFF rapper, who in 2004 began to produce the future star. For the first time she performed on the Moscow stage at a concert in memory of Micah.

SHEFF offered Elka to sign a contract with him, but offered to change his stage name to a common name. The girl resolutely refused and began performing under her fictitious name.

The Christmas tree was right, because in 2005 the first solo album "City of Deception" was released, which topped the charts. The young singer was named the discovery of the year.

After that, the success was brought by the composition "Girl-student" and the solo album "Shadows", which made the singer even more popular. And already in 2007, the first video album of Yolki was released, in which clips in the style of heavy and guitar R&B were collected.

She was nominated for the MTV channel award as the best rap music performer. I tried myself in the voice acting of animated films.

2007 brought Elka "Golden Gramophone" and a new album in quiet and peaceful tones "This magnificent world". Soon great songs appeared, one of which was recorded in Ukrainian. She was associated with political events in Ukraine.

2009 presented great hits "Dreams" and "Your Words", which were not included in the fourth disc of Elka due to the fact that her contract with Vlad Valov ended.

The girl collaborated with Alena Mikhailova and Liana Meladze. In 2010 she appeared on Ukrainian television as a judge on the television show "X-Factor".

Pugacheva had a great influence on the work of the Christmas tree in recent years, after an interview with whom she began to sing the most positive songs in the style of pop. The woman changed the shocking style to a more feminine version.

In 2011, the girl became the owner of three Muz-TV awards, released several songs that instantly became hits. In the same year, she became one of the most successful figures in show business in Ukraine.

In 2014, a new album "# SKY" was released, which contains only high-quality compositions. In 2016, she again received the Golden Gramophone award and recorded a song with her idol Ilya Lagutenko, which became the soundtrack to the popular film Yolka.

She starred in the films "Gentlemen, good luck!", "Sasha Tanya", "Gift with character", "Fight", "About love".

The personal life of the Christmas tree (singer)

Like many Russian pop stars, Yolka's personal life is under an unspoken press ban. The girl only jokes that she lives with her beloved cat.

When Liza played in the KVN team "Chamber No. 6", she met with her captain Vasily Krainyai. The guy went through the moment of the girl's move to Moscow and the rupture of a seven-year relationship very hard.

The star has many male fans, and even more work and plans for the future. She admits that she simply has no time to improve her personal life, and she parted with her loved one and business partner.

Elka's ex-husband (singer) - Sergey Astakhov

Lisa met her beloved person in her youth, but did not feel any feelings for each other. The girl believed that this meeting was a banal resort romance, which would take place in a short time. A romantic relationship began six years later, when fate brought young people together again.

The couple lived only on Elizabeth's earnings, and after they officially got married in 2010, the guy with the light hand of his wife found a prestigious job. Elka's ex-husband, Sergei Astakhov, worked for a long time as an administrator for the singer.

Singer Yolka with her husband Sergey Astakhov photo

However, Sergei earned little, so the couple traveled and built a house with the girl's money. The Christmas tree was very tired of dragging financial problems on its own. Six years after the wedding, she fired her husband as administrator and filed for divorce. A strong family was destroyed by everyday problems, a lack of funds and a lack of finance for the construction of a cottage.

Many of Yolka's acquaintances openly call Sergei Astakhov a gigolo, whom the singer fully supported. Now the girl has given up her personal life and plunged into work.

However, some of Yolka's friends claim that the breakup of this relationship is temporary, since she is madly in love with her husband.

Children of the Christmas tree. Is the singer pregnant? From whom? When to give birth?

The children of the Christmas tree are not even present in the project, because she has not yet found the man from whom she would like to give birth to a baby.

The woman is madly in love with children, as can be seen from her reaction on the television show "You are super". This project involves kids and adolescents who ended up in orphanages and found themselves in difficult life circumstances. The Christmas tree proved to be not only a strict member of the jury, but also a kind, caring and understanding mother for kids. While the pregnancy of the Christmas tree is hidden from the public.

On her Instagram, Yolka does not get tired of admiring talented children who deserve to be taken into the family.

Like most Russian pop stars, Elka claims that she takes plastic surgery calmly, but she never did it. But on dubious sites on the Internet, you can find photos of the Christmas tree before and after plastic surgery, which are not confirmed by facts.

The singer emphasizes in her interviews that the fashion for plastic surgery is long gone, so she definitely will not "make" herself plump lips or huge breasts.

Experts emphasize that Yolka absolutely did Botox injections that tighten the face. And from earlier and current pictures, you can understand that she slightly enlarged her lips.

Instagram and Wikipedia Christmas trees (singer)

Elizaveta Ivantsiv, like any progressive person, has pages on social networks where she shares the latest news with her fans.

Official Instagram and Wikipedia Christmas trees are full of beautiful photos of nature and the sky. There are a lot of publications in this rather interesting singer's account, about seven hundred notes have been added. Photos from touring tours, videos of new clips, as well as personal photos of the girl and news from the lives of her friends are often posted. Recently, on Instagram, you can find posts dedicated to stray dogs and the provision of veterinary care for pets.

There you can also find reliable information about future concerts and about canceled tours for any reason. And there are also reviews from people who attended the concerts.

You can find an informative Twitter page that contains many interesting facts from the life of a celebrity.

Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv or simply Elka is a girl who blinded herself. She went from an informal girl to a gorgeous singer who is adored by many people. This incomparable woman washed dishes for a penny and did not change her dream, so now she provides for herself and invariably collects full halls.

An amazing, extravagant, successful singer Yolka reacts very sharply to questions about her personal life. “It will always be that way, trust me,” she says firmly. No matter how hard the artist tried to hide her private life, something is known about her.

Accidental acquaintance and meeting ten years later

The real name of the singer Yolki is Elizaveta Ivantsiv, and she is married. Her husband, the most ordinary guy named Sergei Astakhov. They met in 1994, when Sergei and his family were vacationing at the Karolina Bugazu resort, and Yolka was on tour there. The young people met, spent some time together - an ordinary resort romance. Much later, after Yolki moved to Moscow, he met again, and the relationship continued.

At that time (and it was in 2004), Elka just signed a contract with Vlad Valov and disappeared at the recording studio. The debut album "City of Deception" took almost all the time, and Sergei faithfully waited for his beloved in the car. As the producer himself recalls, even from the musicians and the entire group, Elka hid her romance. Once the secret union ceased to be secret, and Vlad said: "Bring him here, we will touch him."

Sergei gave the impression of an agreeable man, it was clear that the tree was a leader in these relations, and she was satisfied with it. Her future husband lived with his parents in Khotkovo near Moscow, and the artist began to live with him. The singer's personal life was not limited by the contract (to get married, have children), so the producer did not influence this situation in any way. Sometimes it seems to him (Vlad Valov) that in vain.

Love is evil

The fact is that Sergei has no profession, has not worked anywhere for a long time, and, according to the same Valov, led the life of a typical gigolo. The Christmas tree began to talk more and more often about where and how to make more money. Spitting on this, in cooperation with Gross, the number of her performances was reduced to two per month.

In order to reach a new level, it was necessary to “go into pop music”. Which is exactly what happened.

The Christmas tree was bought by the influential production tandem of Alena Mikhailova and Liana Meladze.

There was a fantastic song "Provence", there was a wider, even widespread recognition, there was money.

Liza and Sergei entered into an official marriage almost at the same time when the Christmas tree had a creative breakthrough, in 2010.

The celebration was modest, almost at home. Family life was unusual - the Christmas tree worked a lot and was the only breadwinner in the family. Sergei's father made a living by digging wells, and did not have a stable income. Astakhov's mother was sick a lot and did not work. The Christmas tree had to support the whole family.

Fellow villagers say that with the advent of the singer, the Astakhovs' life has improved significantly - she brought gas, heating to their house, helped to finish building a garage.

Interesting notes:

Was there a divorce?

She even began to build a house in Sergiev Posad, mainly her husband and father-in-law were engaged in construction. A cottage with an area of ​​500 square meters with a view of the Trinity-Sergievskaya Lavra began to be built in the same year when the young people got married.

In 2016, construction was suspended. According to neighbors, the couple stopped appearing in Sergiev Posad because of the emerging disagreements. “The star got tired of dragging everything on herself, so she kicked him out,” the neighbors gossiped.

Elka does not comment on this information. It is known that in 2016 the singer fired Astakhov from the post of her administrator. His labor activity in this field was the longest, but even a loving wife could not motivate this person for productive work. Astakhov did not cope with this profession.

On social networks, posts from that period are characterized by the fact that The Christmas tree appears in the photo in splendid isolation however the wedding ring does not take off. In the recent photo, the husband is also absent, but there are many concerts, friends and dogs. In recent years, the singer has helped a lot to shelters and just homeless animals, helping them find owners, to save them from the euthanasia procedure.

There is no official information about the singer's divorce from Sergey Astakhov. There are no children in this marriage either. Public opinion about this alliance was divided into two unequal parts. Most consider this couple a classic union of mom and gigolo, others, especially those who know Sergei personally, believe that he is a very sincere, polite, calm young man, and Yolka is quite happy with him. Someone else's family is in the dark, and who knows what exactly conquered a simple rural guy to a bright informal girl.

The singer Yolka is one of the most popular performers today, her songs are sung by young people and adults, and many fans know the good texts by heart.

When Yolka began her solo career and first appeared on the screens, and her songs began to sound on Russian radio stations, many thought that the girl, with her eccentric appearance and interesting costumes, was ineptly parodying the Soviet singer Zhanna Aguzarova. However, it quickly became clear that the girl did not claim the throne of the "goddess of shocking", but simply expresses her "I".

Height, weight, age Yolki (singer)

With her songs, Yolka stands out from the rest of the Russian stage. In her lyrics, there is no thirst for wealth, cars, stardom and even love drama, she, like a real workaholic, knows that “everything depends on us” and that is what brings us to us. She "flies in a tangerine balloon" and, perhaps, it is with her bright images and positive songs that the listener is so fond of. After the girl began to flicker on the screens more often and released her own clips, fans began to be interested not only in the new hits of their favorite, but also in the height, weight, age of the Yolka.

The singer is a very fragile girl, her height is 162 cm, and her weight is about 50 kg. As a child, the girl was very complex because of her not tall stature, but having matured, she realized that people are different, and she can be what she is, and even chose a pseudonym for herself that most suited her mood - Yolka. Photos in her youth and now of the singer indicate that the performer has hardly changed externally during her career. This is not surprising, because Yolka turned 35 in July, she still has many plans and ideas.

Biography Yolki (singer)

Yolki's biography began in 1982 in the city of Uzhgorod, which is located in Ukraine. The real name of the performer is Elizaveta Ivantsev, however, no one has called Liza even in the circle of relatives and friends for a long time.

Since childhood, the girl was very artistic and already at a young age showed herself like a real star - she loved to recite poetry, clumsily played the musical instruments of her mother, and said that she would definitely sing. Actually, such a child's desire is not surprising, because his father, Valdemar Mironovich, was very fond of jazz and collected all the records that he could buy or find through friends and acquaintances, and his mother, Marina Eduardovna, played excellently on three musical instruments, and from childhood taught her daughter to play music ...

After leaving school, Lisa entered the music school, where she studied vocal, but she never graduated. As the star herself admitted, she did not have a relationship with classmates and teachers, and youthful maximalism did not allow her to sit still.

In the mid-90s, Yolka first got into a musical group. It was the Uzhgorod group "B&B", in which Liza sang as a backing vocalist. It was as part of this small group, when the guys performed at an international festival, that Yolka's voice was heard by the founder of one of the Russian groups and the musician SHEF, who later became its producer. True, Yolka did not immediately become a famous singer.

For several more years she was a member of the B&B group, and after its breakup she got a job as a waitress. When the girl was already completely desperate to become a singer, the long-awaited bell rang, and Lisa left to conquer Moscow.

The first album "City of Deception" brought the girl popularity almost instantly. Interesting motives and the bewitching voice of the singer sounded from all radio stations, and Yolka very quickly began to work on the second album. Since 2001, the artist has managed to present different styles of music in her albums, and her lyrics have changed, like herself.

From heavy songs with tragic lyrics, Yolka got out into the world of Paris and Provence, and she even quit smoking, so cheered up from the attention and love of fans. The singer's hit "Provence" became one of the most popular tracks on the Russian stage in 2011, and received the "Golden Gramophone" award in the "Best of the Decade" nomination.

This is not the only award that Yolka has during her pop activity. The performer has already won six Golden Gramophone awards, the MUZ.TV and RU.TV awards, as well as the Russian Music Awards, Tophit Awards 2015, and several other significant prizes. In addition, today Yolka is not only a singer and musician, she is a producer, actress and TV presenter.

After the overwhelming creative success, Elizabeth began to be invited to film and television. She starred in episodes in six films, in two of which she played herself, and took part in the youth series "Sasha Tanya".

Yolki's personal life (singer)

Yolka's personal life, unlike many Russian pop stars, is not so stormy. The girl cannot boast of multiple novels, never got into intrigues at work and generally tried not to give rise to public discussions around her person.
At many events, the girl appeared alone or surrounded by her colleagues, and the photos from the vacation, which now and then appear on the network, also do not clarify the topic of the performer's admirers.

Today it is known that while still very young, the girl met a young man, Sergei Astakhov, with whom she was friends for six years. Young people did not think to take their relationship to a new level, but at some point they realized that they were so used to being together that, probably, they were a good party to each other.

In 2010, fans finally rejoiced - their favorite married her friend, and now she has a real family. True, the happiness of the young, alas, was not eternal, and in 2016 they started talking about the couple breaking up. Yolka herself did not comment on this information in any way until it became known that the young people had divorced.
Yolki family (singer)

In the development of Lisa as a performer, the Yolki family played an important role. From early childhood, the singer went to different circles, the parents tried to comprehensively develop the girl and never limited her in her choice. Already at school, Liza enjoyed playing KVN as part of the school team "Ward No. 6". This practice allowed the girl in the future not to be afraid of the stage, and always follow her star.

Parents supported Lisa at the beginning of her solo career, when the girl decided to take her favorite pseudonym. As the singer herself said, at home, her mother tenderly calls her "Herringbone". Such a name stuck to the girl at school, when at one of the holidays classmates christened Lisa "Christmas tree", meaning that she dressed up as a New Year's symbol.

Children of the Yolki (singer)

As soon as Liza Ivantsev got into the world of show business, the attention of fans immediately fell upon her, numerous questions fell on the star from journalists who wanted to know not only about her creative plans and new works, but, of course, about her personal life , and plans for the future.

For a long time, the singer managed to laugh off her secluded and closed life with ten cats and not answer directly about her personal life, but the ubiquitous tabloids still managed to learn something about the closed life of the performer. For example, the fact that Yolka would very much like to have children, but so far she does not have such an opportunity, since the girl divorced her husband last year. Why young people did not have children is a separate question, but the singer does not like to talk about this either.

While the children of Yolki are five of her albums that she has released during her career.

Former husband of Yolki (singer) - Sergey Astakhov

Yolka's ex-husband, Sergey Astakhov, is not at all a famous Russian actor, as many readers might think. The young man and Lisa met in their youth, and six years later they got married. The marriage was short-lived due to the fact that the performer pulled almost the entire family budget alone. After the wedding, the young family decided to build a house, but Yolka herself had to invest in the construction.

In order to somehow improve the financial situation of the family, Lisa applied for her husband to work as an administrator in her team. However, the constant joint pastime at work and at home played a cruel joke with the couple, and they, unable to bear it, broke up in 2016.

Photo of Yolki in Maxim magazine

The singer Yolka is a rather closed person. Therefore, despite the desire of fans to see a photo of the Christmas tree in Maxim or Playboy magazine, the artist does not give in to persuasion about photographs in men's magazines. To be honest, it would be strange if the artist, who does not even want to talk about her personal life in public, appeared naked in the pictures.

The only candid photos that the star agreed to completely hid her body with a white duvet, and for the eyes of fans, the singer opened her long legs and a tattoo on her shoulder. Such photos appeared on the Internet in March 2017 before the release of the song "Let the Music in", and before that, fans had not even seen a photo of the singer in a swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yolki (singer)

After the divorce, the artist devotes more and more time to herself: she is engaged in vocals, gives concerts, participates as an invited guest on many TV shows, and, of course, travels, which Instagram and Wikipedia Yolki can tell us about.

The singer on her page happily communicates with fans, shows off new outfits and talks about her future concerts and projects. In November, the artist became a participant in the immersive show of the performance "Faceless", this kind of art is rapidly developing in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The article was found on alabanza.ru

Popularity overtook Sergei Astakhov in the role of the spouse of the famous singer Yolki on the Russian stage. The guy was born and lives in the suburbs of the capital with his parents. He has his own house in Khotkovo near Moscow, a small farm. Father is a laborer with no stable income, mother is a housewife. The family lived modestly until Astakhov met Yolka.

Sergei does not have a secondary specialized or higher education, nor does he have a permanent job. In order to find a job for the guy, Elka made him her administrator and even regularly paid his wages for 6 years. After the specified period, reliable information appeared in the press that Astakhov was officially dismissed.

After the official break with Yolka, little is known about the fate of the village boy. Whether he found his other half and started a family in 2019 remains a mystery? The opinions of Yolki fans were divided: some are sure that this is a real gigolo, others sincerely believed in his feelings.

Christmas tree: biography of the singer, personal life, children

Elizaveta Ivantsev is the real name of the Christmas tree. She was born in Uzhgorod (Ukraine) in the summer of 1982. His father loved to listen to jazz, his mother was a music worker in the local recreation center. Since childhood, the girl adored music, sang in a folk choir and dreamed of becoming famous. She studied at a secondary school, did not receive a higher education.

Even in her school years, Elka planned to become a singer, seriously studied vocals, even entered a music school. She never succeeded in graduating from it - a conflict arose with the teacher because of her extravagant behavior and style of dress.

The girl took up backing vocals, worked in the Uzhgorod musical ensemble. In 2001, the group broke up and Lisa, desperate to become a singer, got a job as a waitress in a local cafe. In 2004, Elka called Vlad Valov and offered to conclude a contract. So Yolka ended up in Moscow and recorded her debut composition "The City of Deception". This was the first creative breakthrough. The song stayed at the top of the charts for 3 months. This was followed by an equally successful debut solo album.

At first, the girl worked in the direction of chanson, classic rock, hip-hop, reggae, jazz. In 2011, Yolka signed a contract with a new producer and performed pop music for the first time. This experiment turned out to be very successful, and the song "Provence" sounded on all radio waves and was in the lead in the charts. In addition to her musical career, Yolka tried herself as a jury, participating in the Ukrainian project "X-Factor".

Christmas tree and her husband Sergey Astakhov

The fateful meeting took place at the Carolina Bugazu resort, where the guy was vacationing with his family. The Christmas tree was on tour, and in the evening she decided to relax at the bar, where she met Sergei. Then it was a resort romance, and after returning, the young people dispersed. She plunged into work, he left for the Moscow region.

A few years later, when Elka moved to Moscow, they met again. For 6 years, young people were friends, and then they started dating and got married. The Christmas tree moved to her husband, lived with his parents in the suburbs. For the Astakhov family, she became a true gift of fate, since she earned money, supported all household members. The father did not work, the mother was often ill.

The girl installed gas and heating in the house, built a garage, and made major repairs. Later I bought a plot in Sergiev Posad and even started building my own cottage with an area of ​​500 sq. m. Since the Christmas tree spent a lot of time at work, the husband and father-in-law were engaged in the construction of the house.

A few months later, the construction was suspended, its funding was cut off. The neighbors were sure that the singer was tired of supporting her husband-gigolo and she finally decided to leave him.

Singer Elka divorced her husband

In 2018, reliable information appeared that Elizabeth divorced her husband. In the photos that the girl posted on social networks, she was splendidly alone, but did not take off her wedding ring.

Later it became known that Elka dismissed Astakhov from the post of her administrator. And so their love story ended. The singer did not report an official divorce. How the ex-husband lives today, few people are interested, but the Christmas tree has a second creative breakthrough in life.

Burito and Elka - husband and wife

The joint work of Elka and Burito is the composition "You Know". Immediately after its premiere, fans started talking about the romantic relationship between Lisa and Igor Burnyshev (lead singer of the Burito group). In fact, the guy has his own life, which he is not going to declassify. In one of the interviews, Yolka made it clear that they and Burito are united only by warm friendship and creative plans for the future.

Singer Elka: personal life 2019

Today Elizabeth is completely immersed in work. Your favorite hobby always remains in the first place, so there is a sorely lack of time for personal hobbies. In the winter of 2019, Yolka presented a new album "ЯАVЬ", which immediately hit the top three iTunes leaders. She performs at corporate parties, often appears on television, actively communicates with fans on social networks.


Elka does not comment on her personal life. For many years she managed to hide information about her own children. Once on social networks, the actress posted a photo in which she is depicted with two adult daughters - Alexandra and Valeria.

The eldest daughter, 20-year-old Alexandra, studies in the capital at the Faculty of Journalism. The youngest, Valeria, is actively involved in charity work in Minsk, has been working as a photo model for several years, and leads an active life in social networks.

Yolka herself admitted that she was worried about her career most of all in her life, so she devoted little time to her daughters since childhood. But now he actively supports their accounts on the Web, likes photos. Judging by the age of the girls, the singer gave birth to them in early youth. The alleged father is Vasily Krainyai - the captain of the KVN team "Chamber No. 6", with whom Lisa met in her student years - even before meeting with Astakhov.

Singer Yolka (real name - Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv) is a popular Russian-Ukrainian singer. She is loved for the beauty and singularity of the sound of her voice, the original manner of presenting the material, powerful expression, the diversity of music, indescribable charm and a wonderful sense of humor.

Among the creative achievements of the star are five full-fledged albums, two live albums, four compilations, a video album and a side-project "ЯАВЬ", as well as more than three dozen music awards, including "Golden Gramophone", Tophit Awards, Muz-TV, YUNA, many nominations, the title of the singer of the year and the most rotated performer.

Her greatest hits "Forever", "Provence", "Near You", "Let the Music in", "You Know" (ft. Burito), "Gray Happiness", "The World Is Opening" occupied the top lines of various charts. Critics called her "a contender for the throne of popular music" and the "first lady" of the art of music, comparing her to Adele.


The future pop singer was born on July 2, 1982 in Transcarpathia, in the city of Uzhgorod, in western Ukraine. Everyone in her family was very fond of music. Mother, Marina Eduardovna, worked as a doctor, but was fluent in playing several musical instruments. The head of the family, Valdemar Mironovich, was an employee of a security company and a jazz fan, collecting recordings of his favorite performers. Even their parents were involved in the creative field: they were part of the artistic composition of the famous professional collective "Transcarpathian National Choir" and often sang at home in the evenings.

It is not surprising that little Lisa also had good hearing and musical ability. From elementary grades, she performed in the school choir circle, as a teenager she began to study singing at the Palace of Pioneers.

At the age of 11, with the light hand of one of her wits friends, she received the nickname Yolka. According to one version - because of the ruffness, according to the other - because of the love for bright clothes and accessories.

The girl was lucky with her family. When from a cute angel she turned into a wayward teenage maximalist who needed to constantly protest, they loyally accepted all her initiatives, including piercings and extravagant hairstyles. She dyed her hair in unimaginable colors and even shaved baldly.

In 1996, the mother of the future singer had another man. She left the family, and her daughter took pity on her father and stayed with him. Soon Liza had a half-sister, Zhenya. According to neighbors, the woman rarely visited her eldest daughter - at first she was engaged in the baby, and later she worked a lot: she was on duty at the hospital, teaching.


In the eighth grade, an extraordinary and charming lover of extravagant acts was invited to the school team of the club of cheerful and resourceful "Ward No. 6". At the games, along with her wit, she conquered the fans with an extraordinary voice, expressive manner of performance, sincerity, charm and an amazing image, including unmatched hair color options (mostly red).

Singer Yolka in KVN (team Ward No. 6)

After graduating from school, the girl entered the faculty of academic singing of the Uzhgorod Music College and, according to some sources, did not enter, according to others, she studied for six months, but quit due to difficult relationships with teachers.

After that, Elizaveta gladly plunged into the unique KVN life with night parties and tours in the company of people like her, non-standard, extraordinary, witty guys who know how to make funny jokes and puns.

But KVN did not give the opportunity to earn a living, and Liza got a job in the Medellin cafe, where many visitors later came specially to drink coffee from the famous barista from Chamber No. 6. In the early 2000s, on the basis of their team, a national team of Uzhgorod and Vinnitsa was created, and on its account were television broadcasts and games in the First League. In total, Yolka participated in television humorous games for about seven years.

The beginning of the creative path

In addition to games, the tireless kaveen girl did not abandon her hobby for music. As a teenager, she became a fan of the soul and rap genres, attended music festivals, kept in touch with local bands, and eventually became a backing vocalist in the R'n'B band "B&B".

Their group successfully performed in their city and went on tour. In 2001 they went to the White-stone capital for Rap Music, the largest hip-hop festival at that time. The idea of ​​its creation belonged to the rapper and producer Vlad Valov, known as SheFF. He highly appreciated the work of Yolka and her group and organized a presentation for them, but she did not make an impression on his colleagues, so the cooperation stalled.

But in 2003 Valov wanted to create something "revolutionary" (in his own words), and he remembered the singer from Uzhgorod who interested him, called and invited him to come. By that time, the Yolki group had broken up, so the musician's proposal was very helpful. She signed a contract with and began working under the mentorship of Valov.

The first result of their creative union was the composition "The Words Are Spoken by You", which was included in the unique collection "Girls Attack", where all 16 presented tracks in style were performed exclusively by women. At that moment, the producer suggested that the ward change her pseudonym or act under her real name, but she insisted on the usual Yolka.

A year later, she covered the song "Love Bitch" at an evening in memory of its author, rapper Mikhei, which has been organized annually by his colleagues since his death in 2002. Then the vocalist recorded the composition of Valov's authorship "The City of Deception", which got into the hot rotation of the stations, instantly became a hit and brought the singer the title of "discovery of the year" according to radio Maximum.

Yolka - Bitch-love

In 2005, the first studio album of the talented Ukrainian woman "City of Deception" was presented, which consolidated her success. It included the songs "Dust", "Girl in a Peugeot", "Vanity" and other compositions of different style, but all of them were united by one thing - the gorgeous vocals of the charismatic performer. She received a lot of positive reviews for her work and was nominated for the MTV RMA for Best Rap. The author of most of the songs presented was her extraordinary producer.

In 2006, a new single "Girl-student" was released, as well as the next solo disc of the singer called "Shadows". The NewsMusic edition considered that he did not make such a splash as the first one, but in an enthusiastic review of Tektonika they emphasized that he instantly brought the favorite of millions “to the first row of Russian performers”. Valov composed most of the compositions for this album as well.

Yolka - City of deception

During the same period, she voiced the role of the central heroine - a pie delivery girl who owns karate - in the domestic adaptation of the American comedy-drama cartoon "The True Story of Red Hat". In the original version, the cartoon character speaks in the voice of Anne Hathaway.

Despite the fact that Yolka was produced by Valov, who is called the father of Russian hip-hop, Yolka is not close to the rap genre:

[About the opportunity to record a rap song] I already had one, on the show at the Big Russian Boss. We love, we know how, we practice - that's all, perhaps. This is flirting with young people. Like: “Guys, I'm still relevant. Do you want some fun? " But this is not my movie, not my culture.

In 2007, the 25-year-old rising star received her first Golden Gramophone for her 100% hit, Handsome Boy. At the same time, her only video album "Yolka DVD" was presented, and a year later - the third disc "This Magnificent World", where fresh intonations atypical for the artist were present, in particular, in the track "Do not lose heart".

Yolki's popularity grew every day. The songs included in the disc were actively rotated on radio stations, clips - on TV channels, and the melody "Man Lives" was even present as the title melody in the play "Suppress and Excite" by Alexander Kalyagin's Et cetera theater.

Yolki's interview

In 2008 she earned a nomination for Muz-TV in the category "Best Hip-Hop Project". In addition, in the same year, the performer recorded the song "Freedom" in her native Ukrainian language, and her three collections were released: "Remixes", "The Best Hits" and "Duets", which included a joint with Albert Krasnov (pseudonym Al Solo) work "Happiness".

Career heyday

In 2009, the singer continued to actively work on the release of new compositions and the creation of clips ("Dreams", "Your Words"). Fruitful and interesting cooperation with Vlad Valov with the expiration of the contract has logically ended. She began to move away from the previous format of her tracks, combining R'n'B and alternative rock in different proportions. To expand the creative framework, she was inspired by a conversation with Alla Pugacheva, held on radio Alla, where the Prima Donna personally invited her.

The fans were expecting a new round in the vocalist's creativity, an updated image and amazing achievements. She signed a contract with the production center Velvet Music and started working with Liana Meladze (sister of Valery and Konstantin Meladze) and Alena Mikhailova.

In 2010 Yolka became a judge of the Ukrainian vocal show "X-Factor", and her famous composition "Provence" appeared on radio stations, the author of which was the Ukrainian musician Yegor Solodovnikov, and the producer and one of the arrangers was the star composer Konstantin Meladze. A charming voice, charisma, a great melody ensured the track top positions in the charts, and the singer was included in the top 10 of the most successful representatives of show business in Ukraine (according to the Focus edition), three nominations for the Muz-TV award, and the RU channel award. TV in the Best Song category.

The composition was included by Time Out magazine in the list of “One hundred songs that changed our lives”, by the Afisha edition - in the list of the brightest pop hits over the past two decades, by the newspaper “Kommersant” and the online edition “Elephant” was called “unconditional and the main Russian hit of 2011 ”.

In the video, which was filmed in a Ukrainian village near Kiev (which did not stop to convey the magical atmosphere of the French province in the autumn), the star appeared in a new incomparable image - elegant in French, unusually graceful, incredibly sexy, sophisticated and still positive and self-ironic. By the way, among her favorite designers, the artist named the Ukrainian fashion designer Lydia Litkovskaya, who created concert dresses for her.

Christmas tree - Provence

The following singles recorded in collaboration with the composer Solodovnikov - "On a Big Balloon" and "Near You" became number one hits on Russian radio charts. And in November, the artist's fourth studio album, "The Points Are Set," was released on the Velvet Music label, which attracted attention with a softer sound, where different genres were harmoniously intertwined. According to many critics, the album became an event in the musical life of the country and the singer's application for “all-Union domination”.

When preparing new material, the performer first worked with a dozen new authors and arrangers, at different studios, and enthusiastically experimented with styles. In addition to the aforementioned hits, for this album, which included 13 songs, a duet was recorded with the famous artist Pavel Volya under the name "Boy". Effective clips were shot on it, as well as the songs "Chains-tapes" and "Throw".

Yolka ft Pavel Volya - Boy

Among the numerous awards Yolka received for this disc was the prestigious title "Singer of the Year", the second "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Provence", the inclusion of the track "In a Big Balloon", which topped the playlists of Tophit radio stations for eight weeks in a row, into the list of title songs of the year. In 2012, the singer was nominated for the Muz-TV award in four categories (among singers, duets, songs and albums of the year), and won the Outstanding Performer nomination.

In March, Yolka gave her first solo concert in Kiev, to which her relatives came from Uzhgorod. The singer decided to leave the judging chair at the Ukrainian "X-Factor", focusing on creativity.

At her April performance at the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex, she presented two new songs - "Higher", another hit set to music and lyrics by Yegor Solodovnikov, and "I Want", which became the main theme song of the film "Love with an Accent" and a year later won the RU.TV award in the category "Best Soundtrack".

In the summer, at the age of 56, the singer's father died. In the last years of his life, he worked as a coach in a sports club and died of a heart attack after another class.

He left laughing. He just sat down, laughed and died. It happened after training. I only cried a little, because it's very selfish, it's about self-pity. I constantly feel in touch with him.

... In the same year, Yolka received the RU.TV award for the song from the fourth album "Near You", performed in the capital's club "16 tons" and on "New Wave", released a mini-album "Quiet Concert", recorded together with a rock group "Megapolis" a number of compositions for the detective television series "Skirmish", where she appeared with a cameo. She also played herself in the comedy "Gentlemen, good luck!", The fifth episode of the sitcom "Sasha Tanya" and the comedy "This is love!"

In 2013, couturier Vyacheslav Zaitsev called the singer an icon of style, adding that he adores her marvelous voice and stunning image. Among her works of that period, listeners remembered the cheerful composition "Body ofigello", written by the author of "Provence", and a video for it, as well as a single with the song "Above" and a video clip. Together with Noize MC, she recorded the recitative "We Can't Understand", and with rapper Zhorik - "New World".

Christmas tree - Body ofigelo

In November, in the October Palace of the Ukrainian capital, the artist gave a very personal performance from a series of informal "Quiet Concerts" filled with emotions and incredible energy, held in a confidential, almost family atmosphere.

2014 turned out to be extremely productive for the artist. She presented two hits and clips for them at once: "It all depends on us", included in the soundtrack to the tape "Gift with character", and "You know" (together with the Burito group), named by Afisha magazine the most popular song of the year.

Yolka ft. Burito - You know

The singer took part in a charity concert in Moscow, and at her solo she presented four new compositions - "Kohati" (which means "Love" in Ukrainian), "Morevnutri", "Passer-by", "Draw me the sky". For the last of the mentioned songs, she received a laureate diploma at the "Song of the Year" festival. In addition, Yolka released the collection "Fake Love".

The singer's fifth album "# Heaven", which appeared in 2015 and became one of the best-selling discs of the year, was also recognized as a quality work by critics. Its unusual name is the hashtag with which Yolka posted pictures of the sky taken during her travels. The disc included the previously released popular songs "I Want", "Fly, Liza", "Everything Depends on Us", "You Know", "Draw Me the Sky".

Yolka - Fly, Lisa

In the same period, her live album "# 2" was released, containing 16 compositions of different styles. Among them is the song "Morevnutri", which received the status of "Song of the Year" and sounded in the romantic comedy "Without Borders" by Rezo Gigineishvili. The director, who also shot a magic video for this song, noted that Yolka won "boundless people's love", it "has sincerity, light and great love for her work and for the listener." Among the singer's seven awards in 2015 were the Golden Gramophone for Provence in the Best of the Decade category, the Singer of the Year title and the title of most rotated performer.

The next year brought the delightful artist another title of "Singer of the Year" and an award from "Russian Radio" - the Golden Gramophone. But this time - for the composition "To Gray Happiness", created in creative tandem with Yegor Solodovnikov. In addition, she recorded the song "Be with me by my side" (with BANEV!), "Chance" (with L "One), as well as" Forever "by Stanislav Butovsky. Lisa sang it in the summer at a concert in the Moscow Hermitage garden and in the TV show “Evening Urgant.” Later, a music video for this composition was released.

Yolka ft. L "One - Chance

In the same year, Yolka “fulfilled a cherished dream,” namely, with her longtime idol, the soloist of the Mumiy Troll group Ilya Lagutenko, she created a new version of the song “Don't part with your loved ones”, which sounded in the fifth part of the popular New Year's franchise “Yolki”. The actress was delighted with the offer to sing such touching and subtle poems by Alexander Kochetkov in a duet with "a holiday man in the film of such a director!" [I mean Timur Bekmambetov - approx. site].

In 2017, Yolka delighted fans with a new song by the composer Solodovikov "Let the Music in". Its premiere was timed to coincide with Valentine's Day and was performed in the capital at the Big Love Show festive concert. Later it sounded in the entertainment program "New Year's Eve on the First".

In September her new single "The World Is Opening" was released, which brought her another "Golden Gramophone". The performer accompanied him with the words that there are different ways to talk about happiness and love, most importantly - from a pure heart.

In the same period, the singer became a producer and judge of the international vocal competition "You are super!", Held for talented children without parental care. Contestants - pupils of boarding schools, orphanages and foster families aged 7 to 18 years old - came to the Russian capital from different parts of the post-Soviet space. The pop artist emphasized in an interview that each of the project participants had difficult stories behind their backs. She tried to fairly assess their abilities, support, give advice, find good words, and not just regret. But in the end, she herself learned from them - friendship, anti-stress, endurance.

In January 2018, the pop singer presented the song "On the knee", performed at the LiveFest festival held in Sochi at the Rosa Khutor resort. In March, her big solo concert took place at the Moscow Crocus City Hall. She performed the compositions "Wow!", "Throw." And the hits "Gray Happiness", "Chocolate", "The Bell of Heavenly Distant", numerous fans who knew the text by heart, sang with her.

In September 2010 Yolka married a simple guy from the Moscow region, Sergei Astakhov. They met in their youth, on vacation in the Odessa region, and 6 years later they accidentally crossed paths at one of the parties in Moscow, began to meet, and then live with his parents.

He did not work anywhere, his father also did not have a permanent income (there was seasonal earnings - he dug wells to order), his mother was ill a lot, and all the worries of providing for the family lay on the shoulders of the artist. According to the stories of fellow villagers, she brought gas and heating to their house, helped to finish building the garage.

Later, she made her husband her administrator, bought land near their village, in Sergiev Posad, and began to build her own housing for them - a cottage with an area of ​​500 square meters. But in 2016, the construction stopped, she fired her husband from his post and stopped posting their joint photos on social networks. There is no official information about their divorce.

In 2019, the artist published a photo with her adult daughters Valeria and Alexandra. According to some reports, Sasha participates in advertising projects and is engaged in charity work, cooperates with one of the shelters in Minsk, and Lera is a student at the Moscow Higher School of Economics. However, many fans do not believe that the Christmas tree has children, since in an interview in February of the same year, the singer said that she had no children: “I do not consider myself a childfree. I have no children for certain reasons. "

Singer Yolka in a discussion about the right to have or not have children

The artist regularly draws the attention of her subscribers to helping stray animals. She participates in the activities of the Gift of Fate Foundation, where they try to find shelter and owners for dogs and cats, organize exhibitions, charity events, and engage in educational work.

The pop star continues to experiment with looks. Her hairstyles are legendary. In 2010, she stopped eating meat and immediately lost a few extra pounds. She got acquainted with the special literature on vegetarianism, and now she is sure that man is not a predator by nature. The singer is very fond of mushroom and sour cream dishes, which are popular in her homeland (in western Ukraine), as well as potato and flour dumplings.

She considers Moscow her home, loves to walk in its parks and streets. True, she lacks a mother in Belokamennaya. She also repeatedly called Uzhgorod the most beloved, native and beautiful city on Earth. The singer never talks about politics, allegedly because she does not understand anything about it.

Singer Yolka now

In January 2019, the debut album "Yav" of the singer's new side-project called "JAV" appeared, which included 11 tracks and received mixed reviews. She decided to move away from radio hits, taking steps towards experimental non-format music.

JAVЬ - One warrior in the field

Before the release of the disc, the artist stated that she "really does not want to mark time" and that a real musical breakthrough for her will occur only when she begins to "express herself." The compositions included in the presented album reflect the sensual, personal side of the star, "open her new facets." In addition, Yolka released a joint single "In each of us" with her good old friend Artem Pivovarovs. The recording of the song was carried out by them remotely. They worked in real time, but in different cities.

In the same period, her track "On a Little Planet" appeared, as well as a music video for the song "Missing" and a stunning video for the lyric Ukrainian-language ballad "Come on, Litay", created together with the Kiev group Dilemma and filmed in an unusual location - indoors, bathed in neon light.

In May 2019, Yolka embarked on a tour of the USA and Canada, performing four big concerts in New York, Chicago, Toronto and Miami. In September, the performer made a pleasant surprise to millions of her fans by publishing a video for the song "Stay", which was filmed in Manhattan.