Artist Sychkov Fedot Vasilyevich: biography, features of creativity and interesting facts. Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov: unknown paintings Description of the painting by Sychkov returning from school

The name of the original Mordovian painter who worked in the first half of the 20th century is Fedot Vasilyevich Sychkov entered the history of painting to the category of "Forgotten Names". However, at one time the images of his Russian girls were very popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. So in the 1910s, the painter's paintings had an unprecedented success in the Paris Salon, where they were eagerly bought up by art lovers who showed a sincere interest in Russian village life.

F.V. Sychkov lived a long and fruitful life, painted about six hundred paintings and over a thousand sketches. The main theme of the painter's work was village life, rural holidays, folk festivals, winter fun for young people. The huge legacy of the master has spread throughout the country and abroad. His works are kept in many museums and private collections around the world. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, colorful postcards issued by the publishing house Richard were very popular, which are today a rarity.

The future artist was born in March 1870 in a poor village family in the village of Penza province. From early childhood, he and his mother walked around the villages with a bag, because of which their fellow villagers teased beggars. For the boy, this was so humiliating that from an early age he dreamed of learning some trade in order to earn a living by his labor.

Fedot's grandmother insisted on sending her grandson to a three-year zemstvo school. There, the boy immediately showed a great talent for drawing, and his teacher tried in every possible way to develop this gift in him." alt="(!LANG:"Christoslavs". (Children of the old village). Author: Fedot Sychkov." title=""Waits". (Children of the old village).

Seeing an outstanding talent and aspiration in the young man, fellow countrymen helped Fedot with money. And he graduated from the Drawing School in St. Petersburg, however, not in six years - like everyone else, but in three years, as he managed to master the entire curriculum in a short time.

Letter from the war". А вот о дипломе не могло быть и речи, та как у художника не было документа о полном среднем образовании. !}

And so Fedot Sychkov went further along creative way without a diploma, but having an outstanding talent and a desire to develop and create." alt="(!LANG:Portrait of wife.

And in 1908, Sychkov and his wife went on a trip to Italy, France, Germany, to see firsthand the creations of world art. Abroad, he painted many serial landscapes and exhibited his work at the Paris Salon." alt=""The Girl in the Blue Scarf"

Returning to his homeland after the revolution, the artist began to decorate revolutionary holidays, paint genre paintings about life in a new country. In 1937, the artist, disillusioned with the new order and, feeling his lack of demand, tried to leave Russia.

But by chance, his work was noticed and appreciated, Fedot Vasilyevich was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Mordovian ASSR. Over the next years of his life, the artist will write a large number of colorful paintings, permeated with positive, youth, energy charge." alt="Russian woman in a red headscarf against the backdrop of a landscape. (1923)." title="Russian woman in a red headscarf against the backdrop of a landscape. (1923)." border="0" vspace="5">!}" alt="(!LANG:At the hut"." alt=""Girlfriends"." alt=""Collective Farm Bazaar"." alt=""Snowball". (1910)." alt=""Return from the hayfield"." alt=""Free time". (1910).

Author - lipatowa. This is a quote from this post.


Fedot Vasilyevich Sychkov (1870 -1958) - a famous Russian artist, was born into a poor peasant family in the village of Kochelaev, Penza province. At the age of twelve, the future artist lost his father.

The mother, left with her children without a piece of bread, was forced to walk around the yards with a knapsack, collecting “For Christ's sake”. Showing kindred concern, the grandmother sent her grandson to elementary school.

The school drawing teacher P. E. Dyumaev discovered the boy's ability to draw and wrote a letter of petition to the court painter Mikhail Zichy.

The teacher and the student waited a long time for an answer from St. Petersburg, but they waited. The response letter contained advice - to send a capable student to a St. Petersburg art school, but there was no hint of what means. Fedot realized the main thing: he himself had to earn money for the journey and education.

From childhood, Fedot Sychkov showed the ability to paint. He worked in an icon-painting workshop, painted frescoes in churches, made portraits from photographs.

"Автопортрет", 1893!}

In 1892, he left for St. Petersburg, to the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts with the support of General Arapov, who drew attention to a talented young self-taught artist.

In 1895, Sychkov graduated from the Drawing School and became a volunteer at the Higher Art School at the Academy of Arts.

After graduation, the artist returned to his homeland. In 1900, he was awarded the title of artist for the painting “News from the War.” The main theme of the artist is the life of peasants, rural holidays.

"Peasant Girl"

The canvases of Fedot Sychkov attract with cheerful colors, white-toothed smiles framed by colored scarves, the radiance of the sun and snow, the aroma of field herbs ..

He received six awards at academic exhibitions in St. Petersburg.

He was awarded a silver medal at an exhibition in San Louis (USA).

He earned an honorable mention at the International Exhibition in Rome.

And in 1908 he personally visited England, France and Germany.

These trips hardly added anything to his realistic, purely Russian painting.

But the feeling of satisfaction from the foreign voyage as a result of what has been achieved, of course, was. Upon arrival in Russia, he returned to his native Kochelaevo.

"From the mountains", 1910
"Girl in a blue headscarf", 1935

Behind almost every brilliant creator is a woman who, with her support and wisdom, supported the fire of the talent of a loved one.

Such a muse was for Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov his wife - Lidia Nikolaevna. She, like her husband, was keenly interested folk culture, including Mordovian.

Lidia Nikolaevna carefully collected items national costume, decorations. In her collection there was an incredible amount of shawls, shirts, hats, belts, beads ... Fedot Vasilyevich used all this wealth in his portraits.

He died in Saransk, being an honored worker of arts of the Mordovian ASSR

"Modeling a snowman", 1910
"Troika", 1906
"Mordovian teacher", 1937
"Girlfriends", 1916
"Alma-Ata apples", 1937
"Girl in Flowers"
"Kolkhozny Bazaar", 1936
"At the fence. Winter", 1931
"Two Girls in the Snow", 1929
"At the hut", 1915
"Tractor drivers", 1938
"Self-portrait", 1899
"Youth", 1928


"Asters", 1940
"Shrovetide Ride"
"Reaper", 1931
"Proska", 1932
"Peasant Woman"
"Portrait of the actress Alexandra Dmitrievna Pel", 1913
"Children in flowers", 1932
"Difficult transition", 1934
"Peasant Girl"
"Schoolgirl excellent student", 1934
"Portrait of Lydia Nikolaevna Sychkova, the artist's wife", 1903
"Return from haymaking", 1911
"Portrait of Ekaterina Vasilievna Sychkova, the artist's younger sister", 1893
"Venice. Workers' village", 1908
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Dancing Dormouse", 1932
"Skating on Maslenitsa", (Blonde-Coquette), etude, 1914


"In the Blooming Garden", 1913.
"Water blessing", 1916
"Return from School"
"Girl in a red scarf", sketch, 1955.

"Girl Picking Wildflowers"

"Girl in the garden", 1912
"Girl in an orange headscarf", 1931
"Female portrait" ,1897

"Portrait of a Woman", 1930

"Woman with a Child. Portrait of a Sister", 1903.
"Winter Evening", study, 1925
"Winter Road", 1940
"Strawberry", 1910.
"Ice drift", 1940
"Mordovka. Harvest Festival", study for panels, 1937

"Portrait of a Girl"

Fedot Vasilyevich Sychkov(March 13 (March 1 according to the old style) 1870, the village of Kochelaevo, Penza province (now on the territory of Mordovia), Russian Empire - August 3, 1958, Saransk, Mordovian ASSR, USSR) - famous Russian (Soviet) artist, honored art worker Mordovian ASSR (1937), Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1950), folk artist Mordovian ASSR (1955).


Born into a poor peasant family. Orphaned early.

He studied at a three-year zemstvo school in the village of Kochelaeva, showed his ability to draw from childhood, studied drawing with a school teacher P. E. Dyumaev. He worked in an icon-painting workshop, painted frescoes in churches, made portraits from photographs. From 1885 to 1887 he worked in Serdobsk, Penza province, for the icon painter D. A. Reshetnikov, a contractor.

From 1887 to 1892 he lived in Kochelaev, he independently painted, painted icons, portraits of his fellow villagers. In 1892, by order of General I. A. Arapov (1844-1913), whose estate was located near Kochelaev, he painted the painting “Laying the Arapovo Station”. Shown to the director of the Drawing School for Volunteers E. A. Sabaneev, the picture made an impression. Noting the talent of Sychkov, Sabaneev advised to bring the young man to St. Petersburg.

In 1892, Sychkov moved to St. Petersburg and entered the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts. He was supported by General I. A. Arapov. In 1895, F. Sychkov graduated from the Drawing School and became a volunteer at the Higher Art School at the Academy of Arts. After graduation, the artist returned to his homeland.

In 1900, he was awarded the title of artist for the painting "News from the War." In 1905, he was awarded the A. I. Kuindzhi Prize at the Spring Exhibition at the Academy of Arts for the painting “Flax Cutters”. Elected a member of the Committee of the Society for the Mutual Aid of Russian Artists.

In 1908 he went on a trip to Italy, France, Germany, brought back many landscapes of Rome, Venice, Menton and sea views.

In 1909-1917, Sychkov's works were repeatedly noted at Russian and international art exhibitions.

In 1918-1920, he participated in the design of revolutionary holidays in the city of Narovchat, at the Arapovo station and in his native village of Kochelaev.

The last years he lived in Saransk.


The main theme of the artist is the life of peasants, rural holidays. The most famous works of Sychkov:

  • "Portrait of Anna Ivanovna Sychkova, the artist's mother" (1898)
  • "News from the War" (1900)
  • "Portrait of a Woman" (1903)
  • "Portrait in Black" (1904)
  • Flax Millers (1905, A. I. Kuindzhi Prize at the Spring Exhibition at the Academy of Arts - 1905)
  • "Girlfriends" (1909)
  • "From the Mountains" (1910)
  • "Return from the hayfield" (1911)
  • "Shrovetide Riding" (1914)
  • "Return from the Fair" (first prize at the closed All-Russian competition of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts - 1910)
  • "Country Wedding"
  • "Water blessing"
  • "Waits"
  • "Difficult transition" (encouragement prize at the International Exhibition in Rome - 1911, prize at the Spring Exhibition at the Academy of Arts - 1913)
  • "Celebration Day" (1927)
  • "Holiday. Girlfriends. Winter "(1929)
  • "Day off on the collective farm" (1936)
  • "Collective Farm Bazaar" (1936)
  • "Mordovian teacher" (1937)
  • "Mordovian tractor drivers" (1938)
  • "Harvest Festival" (1938)
  • "Presenting an act for the eternal free use of land" (1938)
  • "Return from School" (1945)
  • "Hero's Encounter" (1952).

perpetuation of memory

  • Since 1960 in the Mordovian Republican Museum fine arts named after S. D. Erzya there is a permanent exhibition of his works (in the funds of this museum there is the largest collection of paintings and graphic works by Sychkov - about 600 works, including sketches and sketches).
  • In 1970, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding painter, an order was issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Mordovian ASSR to open a memorial museum in the artist's homeland. The house-museum of F. V. Sychkov was opened on March 11, 1970 in the village. Kochelaev after some reconstruction of the premises.
  • Mordovian Republican Art Gallery named after. F. V. Sychkova.

F. Sychkov’s painting “Prigozhaya” was in the private collection of the famous aerodynamic scientist G. N. Abramovich

Sychkov Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov Fedot Vasilievich

The artist Fedot Vasilyevich Sychkov (1887-1958) was the founder of professional painting in the Mordovian region. He connected all his life and work with his native places, with his fellow countrymen, devoting all his wealth to them. creative legacy. F. Sychkov was born in the village of Kochelaevo, Penza province (now the Republic of Mordovia) in the family of a poor peasant. In his youth, the future artist worked in the artel of icon painters. The participation in his fate of a landowner from the estate adjacent to the village of Kochelaevo, a St. Petersburg official, General Ivan Arapov, allowed Sychkov to enter the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts in St. Petersburg. Thanks to his ability and perseverance, he completed the six-year school course in 3 years, and then continued his education at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1895-1900). No one has experienced so much grief and no one has sung joy, laughter, a lively smile so brightly and sincerely as Sychkov. Maybe he deliberately avoided the dark sides of life? No, there are many sketches in the artist's archive that depict these aspects of life as well. But here, for example, is what the journal Nature and People wrote in 1878 in a July book about Mordovians: songs." Sychkov wholeheartedly accepted this "hidden engine" of the moral health of the people and spoke about it with all the strength of his outstanding talent.