Bible stories. (Grade 5) Bible stories Old Testament lesson 5 grade

Lesson topic: Bible stories

The purpose of the lesson: 1. To introduce students to biblical stories, to show the special contribution of the ancient Jews to world culture - the creation of the first monotheistic religion.

    to teach to analyze the texts of documents and highlight the logical parts in the read text;

    formation of skills in working with a contour map;

    develop speech, expanding vocabulary with new terms, reading the text aloud.

Lesson equipment:

1) map “Anterior Asia in antiquity”;

2) outline map “Anterior Asia in antiquity”, colored pencils;

3) the Bible and other biblical texts;

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Mark absent.

II.Updating the basic knowledge of students on the topic "Phoenician sailors".

1. Checking homework using the QUIZ-QUIZ-TRADE structure. The question is written on half of the card and the answer is on the other half.

In the last lesson, we studied the topic "Phoenician navigators". Now let's prepare the answer to the question "What discoveries were made by the Phoenicians?" But for this you need to remember the answers to the questions that I have prepared for you. The questions are written on the cards, now I will distribute them to you. And you have to stand up raise your hand and find the closest pair. 1 student asks 2nd student (asks a question), 2nd student answers. Then 1 student helps and praises. Later, you switch roles. The next step is that you change cards and thank each other. You must change partners 4.5 times. (Attachment 1)

III. Exploring a new topic

The topic of the lesson, plan, new words are written on the board:

Bible stories


    Old Testament

    Myths and legends of ancient Jews

New words: Old Testament, myth, traditions, commandments, testament.

In the steppe and hilly regions between Egypt, Babylonia and the Phoenician coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Jewish tribes have long grazed their flocks. Their elders carefully kept in memory the traditions about their past, which later entered the Bible. The very word "bible" in ancient Greek means "book".

1. Commented reading (item 16 point 1)

2. Explanation of new concepts

Old Testament the first part of the Bible.

Myth- an ancient folk tale about heroes, battles, natural phenomena or an unreliable story, fiction.

Tradition- passed from mouth to mouth.

Commandments-rules by which people must live

Covenant- an agreement between God and people

3. Work with ancient Jewish myths.

On the table you have leaflets called HEY AR GUIDE.

In the "TO" column, put "+" if you agree with the statement, or "-" if you do not agree with the statement. To make a decision, take into account your personal experience, knowledge and beliefs. (Annex 2)

On the table, everyone has myths called "The myth of the creation of the world" (Appendix 3)

Now we opened the textbooks on page 79, you have a document called “The Myth of the First People” there. Reading and talking questions. (Annex 4)

2 document "The Myth of the Deluge". Textbook p.80. Conversation on questions (Appendix 5)

Again we take a piece of HEY AR GUIDE. In the "AFTER" column, put "+" if you agree with the statement or "-" if you do not agree with the statement.

1. Compare the columns "BEFORE" and "AFTER". Have your beliefs changed? Why?

2. Which of these statements is the most important to you? Why?

sign and collect

IV. Consolidation of what was learned in the lesson

What can be said about the life of the ancient Jews according to their myths and legends - what did they do, where did they live, what did they value?

V. Summary of the lesson

2. Prepare detailed answers to the questions:

What myths are included in the ancient part of the Old Testament Bible?

What commandments did God give Moses?

Attachment 1.

Where was Phoenicia ? (On the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea was the ancient state of Phoenicia).

What is the relief on the territory of this state? (The relief of this state was mountains and hills).

What major cities were located on the territory of this state? (There were no large rivers, as in Egypt and Mesopotamia. The three major port cities of Tire, Byblos and Sidon met trade caravans from different parts of the world.)

What was the main occupation of the Phoenicians? The Phoenicians were excellent sailors. They circled Africa, visited Greece, Spain, Italy, the islands of Crete, Cyprus, Sicily)

What did the craftsmen know how to make? artisans made colored glass, purple paint, made high-speed ships)

What is the advantage of the Phoenician alphabet? ( the Phoenicians invented the alphabet, from which the Greek alphabet would then appear, and later all the alphabets of the world)

An ancient country located between the sea (Phoenicia)

What punishment according to the laws of Hammurabi was due to a slave for insulting a free man (cut off ear)

Writing in the Ancient Mesopotamia (cuneiform)

Babylonian king under whom the first laws were written (Hammurabi)

Where was the first alphabet invented? (Phoenicia)

What does the term "colony" mean? »? ( Phoenician settlement in other countries)

Who was the first to sail around Africa (Phoenicians)

What did the merchants take out from Phenicia? (scaffolding)

What was the name of the country where Byblos, Sidon, Tire were located? (Phoenicia)

Appendix 2





In the beginning God created heaven and earth

Heaven - "powers of heaven"

God separated the light from the darkness

On the fourth day the sun, moon and star were created

God created the Garden of Eden

God created the first people

People work hard to survive

God punished people by causing a flood

Noah was a God-fearing and kind man

1. Compare the columns "BEFORE" and "AFTER". Have your beliefs changed? Why?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Which of these statements is the most important to you? Why?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Appendix 3

Creation myth

Days of creation of the world and living beings. For a very, very long time there was nothing, there was not even the Earth itself, but there was complete darkness, cold emptiness - and only the almighty God. God began by creating heaven and earth. But they did not yet have a definite form, and, as the Bible says, only the Spirit of God hovered over the water. Then God separated the light from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night.

On the second day, God created a firmament, which divided the water so that part of the water was above it, and part - below it. This firmament he called the sky[a more accurate meaning of the Hebrew word translated as "firmament of the sky" - "gaseous layer"]. .

On the third day, God gathered the water that was under the sky into one place, and dry land appeared. He called it the earth, and the waters - the seas. God liked what he created, and according to his desire, grass and trees grew on the earth. And God saw that it was good.

On the fourth day, God created the luminaries to give light to the earth and separate the day from the night. By the luminaries one could count days, months, years. The large luminary shone during the day, the smaller one gave light at night, and the stars helped him.

On the fifth day, God dealt with the living beings. First, fish, aquatic animals and birds were created. God liked them all, and he wished that there were as many of them as possible.

God creates a helper for himself. On the sixth day, God created creatures that were supposed to live on land: cattle, snakes, and wild animals. But He had many other things to do, and He created for Himself a helper - man. Outwardly, he had to resemble God himself. And just as God rules over the whole world, so man had to rule over the whole earth and all living beings. God created a man from the dust of the earth and breathed life into him, and after a while he created a woman (how exactly, we will learn later). And God blessed them, saying: “Fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that walks and crawls on the earth.”

God looked at the heaven and earth he created, and he liked everything he created. On the seventh day God rested from his labors. And He decided that from now on every seventh day will be a holiday.

Questions session.

Who created the world?

What else did God create?

What two luminaries did God invent?

How many days a week did God create all this?

What day was the day off?

Appendix 4

"The myth of the first people"

(text on p. 79 of Vigasin's textbook)

Questions session.

What were the names of the first people God created?

Why did God expel Adam and Eve from Paradise?

Appendix 5

"The Myth of the Flood"

(text on p. 80 of Vigasin's textbook)

Conversation on questions

What did people do to survive?

Why did God punish people?

How did God punish people?

For what qualities did God take pity on Noah and help him build the ark?

The holy book of the two religions of the world - Christianity and Judaism - is the Bible. It was compiled by various people, prophets, priests and even rulers over the centuries, and perhaps millennia. If we open and scroll through its pages, we will find there many texts that have completely different topics and meanings. Among them are prophecies, teachings, historical reports, as well as biblical myths. It is the latter that people read, as practice shows, most willingly. They are easy to understand, easily composed and have a vivid storyline. Well, let's touch these myths and try to comprehend their sacred meaning.

It is known that the Bible is Holy Scripture, which is conditionally divided into two parts: the Old and New Testaments. The first tells how God created our land, how he led the sacred people, the ancient Jews, to prosperity and well-being. The pages of this part of the book contain the oldest biblical myths in the world, which were mainly compiled by the Semitic peoples. As for the New Testament, it was categorically rejected by the Jews. For them, the only Word of God is still only the Old Testament, which they call the Tanakh. And the New Testament already tells us about how Jesus Christ, that is, the Messiah, lived, what works he left behind and what he managed to teach his neighbors. It was on the basis of all these events that, so to speak, more modern biblical myths were compiled. A summary of each will be described below to give you an idea of ​​what this book can teach.

Brief description of sacred legends

The conditional division of the Holy Letter into two parts is accompanied not only by the division of faith into Christianity and Judaism. Reading this book, you can clearly see the differences in style as you move from the first part to the second. It can be said with full confidence that the biblical myths and legends that are located on the pages of the Tanakh are the most instructive and vital stories. In addition, in this part of Scripture there are many such legends. But the most important thing is that, alas, not every person is able to comprehend their truth. The New Testament contains biblical myths that are much easier to understand. They tell about the holidays already familiar to us, about friendship, mutual assistance, about peace and relations between people. These stories will be extremely useful for children of any age.

When there was nothing

As you guessed, the first biblical myth is about the creation of the world. Its meaning is known to everyone, even a baby, therefore, in order to streamline everything, we simply list the days that became decisive for future life on Earth:

Adam and Eve. forbidden apple

The biblical myth of the creation of the world continues with a description of the life of the first people on the planet - Adam and Eve. By creating them, the Lord gave them everything they could ever dream of. They lived in the Garden of Eden, did not need anything and knew how to talk with animals. It was possible to use the fruits of all trees, except for one - the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, or the Tree of Life. One day, the insidious Serpent persuaded Eve to eat fruit from a forbidden branch. She violated the ban and persuaded Adam to do so. Because of disobedience, God expelled people from paradise and cursed the Serpent. In addition, he condemned the woman to childbirth in agony, and the man to constant difficulties in obtaining food. The serpent was doomed to constant crawling on its stomach.

Cain's Seal

The first children of Adam and Eve were two sons, Cain and Abel. The first was a farmer, and the second was a cattle breeder. One day they decided to sacrifice their gifts to God. Cain burned the fruits of his plants on the altar. Abel sacrificed a lamb. The Lord did not even pay attention to the actions of the first brother, but the tribute in the form of an animal interested him. Out of envy, Cain killed his brother, which God soon found out about. For this, the elder brother was sentenced to be killed by the first comer. In addition, the Creator placed a seal on him. What exactly she was, no one knows.

Another God's Punishment

One of the most interesting and exciting is the biblical flood myth. After humanity spent a certain number of centuries on the planet, it managed to fall into all grave sins. People stole, cheated, killed. For this, God decided to open all the heavenly and earthly windows and release water from them in order to wipe out everything that is alive on the land. Only Noah and his family, who did not commit sins, the Almighty ordered to build an ark. On board this man, in addition to his sons and wife, also took "a pair of each creature." These were animals, insects, birds, reptiles. After everyone climbed into the ark, God tightly closed its door and opened all the heavenly windows. Water completely covered the earth, and even the highest mountains remained under its thickness. From time to time Noah sent the dove out to find at least one piece of land, but the bird always returned to the ark. One day the dove flew away and did not return, which gave people the opportunity to understand that the land began to show through. The whole family of Noah reached her, after which his sons left a great offspring: the son Japheth became the ancestor of the northern peoples, Ham - African, and Shem - Semitic.

"You won't hear each other anymore..."

The biblical myth of the Tower of Babel can also be considered a very important historical source. It all starts with the fact that after the descendants of Noah settled on land, they all spoke the same language. Gradually, people descended from the mountains to the plains and formed settlements. One of the most fertile lands at that time was the sandy valley that stretched between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, known to us as Mesopotamia. As biblical myths and legends say, it was on these lands that the first people on Earth settled (by the way, historians are also inclined to this). They built houses, cities, city-states and adjacent villages were formed. But one day people wanted to reach the heavens (we remind you that in the Bible the sky is defined as something solid), and they decided to build an incredible tower. All the workers of this region gathered at the construction site, and they managed to erect a very tall building, which had a stepped structure. God saw all this and, suspecting people of yet another stupidity, divided them. Each began to speak his own separate language, and the builders could no longer work together. The city in which they lived was called Babylon, which means "mixing."

Teaching Children the Word of God

If you want to open the world of sacred knowledge to your baby, then it is recommended to start reading to him the biblical myths that are contained in the New Testament. They are easier to understand, and also do not have such a global and large-scale semantic load as the old Semitic ones. The stories that are on the pages of the New Testament teach us humanity, friendship, love, call us to understand our neighbor and help him. Therefore, below will be briefly described biblical myths for children, which can be read to them simply as fairy tales. Gradually, the child will absorb the necessary information, and in the future it will become important for his worldview.

Temptations of Jesus in the Wilderness

After the rite of baptism, the Messiah was thrown by the Holy Spirit into the desert so that he could overcome the devil's temptations. After staying there for forty days, Jesus felt hungry. Then the Devil appeared and said to him: "If you are the Son of God, turn the stones into bread." To which the answer followed: “Man will not be fed with all kinds of bread, but with the Word of God.” After that, Satan took Jesus to the roof of the temple and said: “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down and the angels will catch you.” The Messiah replied: "Do not tempt God." In the end, Satan raised him over all the cities, gardens and fields and said that if only Jesus worshiped him, then he would receive all this in his possession. In response, he heard that for a person there is only one God, and only he will worship him.

Wealth of a madman

One of Jesus' most important sermons was this: "Do not seek material wealth in this world, for your life does not depend on it." This statement was followed by a parable. Its essence was that one rich man had a good harvest in the field. But now he had nowhere to collect his fruits. He built more and more houses to store his wealth there, and thought of nothing else. Once the Lord appeared to him and said: “After you die, where will you put all your belongings? Who will they belong to now? From this it follows that it is necessary to be enriched not at all with money and gifts, but with the Word of God. And everything else will follow by itself.


We have presented you only the most famous and accessible biblical myths. The summary of each of them is an opportunity to quickly understand God's plan, to discover something new and truly wise. Unfortunately, they do not reveal the fullness of the meaning that is in Holy Scripture. Reading the Bible itself is much more productive, but it takes time.

Bible stories. Grade 5 Lesson objectives: - to introduce students to the history of the creation of the Bible and the main biblical stories; - to learn to analyze the texts of documents and highlight the logical parts in the read text; - develop speech, expand vocabulary; - develop visual-figurative thinking; - introduce the biblical commandments and find out if they are being fulfilled today; Type of lesson: communication of new knowledge. Form of the lesson: lesson - a journey with elements of a role-playing game. Lesson progress 1. Teacher: Hello, my dear children! What will you not see in the world if you look around you! See what's around us? Children's answer. Teacher: But there was a time when there were no people, no animals, no trees, no stones, no sky, no earth. There was only one Merciful God. He wanted the world to come into existence. The children are given the text “On the Creation of the World” and find out on what day, what was created by hanging pictures on the board. Teacher: On the seventh day, God did not create anything and bequeathed to people the seventh day of the week to devote to God: go to church and pray at home, read holy books, visit the sick. I have a Bible book for children in my hands, guys, let's try to formulate the topic of our lesson. 2. Goal setting: output on the topic of the lesson: Children's suggestions. Teacher: I will allow myself to correct it and we will call our lesson “Bible Tales” Guys, let's think about what we will talk about in the lesson. Children's suggestions lead to the purpose of the lesson. 3. Formation of new knowledge Teacher: The word “Bible” in ancient Greek means “books”. The Bible consists of two parts - the first most ancient part is called the Old Testament, the second part is the New Testament. Tell me, guys, what gods did the Egyptians worship? Answer of the students Teacher: Once the Jews, just like the Egyptians, worshiped many gods. But over time, they came to monotheism, began to worship one god - Yahweh. They believed that Yahweh created the whole world and gave people the commandments - the rules by which they must live. The Old Testament begins with myths about the creation of the world, about the first people and the great flood. Together with the children, we analyze the myth of the first people in the text Teacher: The history of a whole people in the Old Testament is presented as legends about one large family. The ancestors of the Jews were considered Abraham, his son Isaac and grandson Jacob. The second name of Jacob - Israel - and gave the name to the entire Jewish people: the Israelites. From the sons of Jacob came 12 branches of the Jewish tribe. Jacob loved Joseph the most. Joseph became a participant in exciting events. But he will tell us about it himself. The student is offered the following text: The brothers envied Joseph and conspired to destroy me. They sold me into slavery to a merchant who was going with a caravan to Egypt, and they told my father that I had been torn to pieces by wild animals. In Egypt I became the slave of a nobleman. I was smart and lucky, and soon found myself at the court of the pharaoh himself. Here I was able to explain the mysterious dreams of the pharaoh and predict the onset of crop failure and famine. I gave advice to Pharaoh - to store grain and save the land of Egypt from disaster. After that, I became an influential nobleman. Meanwhile, famine raged in neighboring countries. Joseph's brothers heard that the Egyptian Pharaoh was giving grain to the starving, and they came to ask him for help. They did not recognize me in Egyptian clothes. And I decided to give them a test and pretended to want to execute the youngest of

brothers. The brothers stood up together for the boy. I saw this and forgave them the old offense. Together with all the countless relatives, we settled in Egypt and lived there for almost 400 years. Questions about Joseph: 1. Why did the brothers hate Joseph? Do you think their anger was justified? 2. How did Joseph go from a slave to the ruler of Egypt? What personal qualities helped him in this? 3. Do you think Joseph was right in forgiving his brothers? Teacher: But under Pharaoh Ramses II, Jews began to be oppressed, forcing them to work on the construction of grandiose structures. The work was very hard. And then the pharaoh completely ordered the killing of all Jewish male babies. Moses tells the story of his birth and the exodus of the Jews from Moses of Egypt. The student is given the following text. Moses' mother put the newborn in a basket and hid it in the thicket on the banks of the Nile. The Egyptian princess saw the baby while bathing and took pity on him. This was facilitated by the sister of Moses Miriam. When Mariam saw that the daughter of the pharaoh drew attention to the baby in the basket, she boldly approached the princess. The girl asked the princess if she would like to find a nanny for the baby. Having received consent, Mariam brought her mother, and she became the tutor of her own son. As an adult, Moses one day saw the overseer beating a Jew. Moses killed the offender and was forced to flee. Moses was tending sheep in the wilderness. Suddenly, the bush in front of him blazed with unburnable fire. A loud voice came from the burning bush. It was God himself speaking to Moses: “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob. I saw the suffering of my people in Egypt and heard the cry of the poor Jews and I command you to bring them out of Egypt! In fear and trembling, Moses covered his face with his hands, afraid to see God. “What shall I say to the children of Israel when I come to them, how shall I name the God of their fathers?” Moses asked. And God said to Moses: “I am Jehovah (God Yahweh). So say to the children of Israel: "Jehovah has sent me to you." This is how God first appeared. Moses appealed to the pharaoh with a request to release his fellow tribesmen. But the pharaoh only increased the oppression of the Jews. Then the Jews decided to flee from Egypt. The great exodus has begun. Teacher: The Jews reached the Red Sea, but then the chariots of the Pharaoh's warriors almost overtook them. The Jews rushed into the sea, and its waters, as the Bible says, parted before them. The fugitives walked along the bottom of the sea. Pharaoh's warriors rushed after them. But the waves of the sea closed over them and swallowed up their pursuers. Jews ended up in the Sinai Peninsula. They could quickly get to their homeland. However, Moses led them through the desert for 40 years so that they would forget their captivity and slavery, so that their souls would become free. The Bible says that God saved the Jews from famine by sending them manna from heaven. The Jews camped at Mount Sinai. Moses ascended the mountain, which was smoking and trembling in thunder. On Mount Sinai, Moses received from God stone slabs - tablets. The 10 commandments of God were inscribed on the tablets. Here are the commandments. (The teacher analyzes each of the 10 commandments from the textbook with students) Page 77 of the textbook of the History of the Ancient World, edited by A.A. Vigasina. 4. Consolidation and testing of knowledge Test work: 1. The word “Bible” means A. dictionary B. books C. textbook 2. The first part of the “Bible” A. Old Testament B. New Testament C. Old Testament 3. Commandments are: A. Rules by which people must live.

B. Code of laws C. Oral narration of events. 4.Jacob's second name A.Israel B.Adam C.Moses 5.Jews worshiped A.Many gods B.Two gods C.One god Mutual check 5. Summing up. Reflection At the end of the lesson - cinquain. 1. Bible. 2. Sacred, amazing. 3. Teaches, explains, instructs. 4. Read the Bible. 5. The smartest book! Homework: p. 16, draw a picture of your choice: A. About the creation of the world. B. On the creation of man.

Lesson summary

Name of the teacher: Kochkina Tatyana Yurievna

Place of work: Tutaev, secondary school No. 2 named after V.A. Novikov

Position: teacher of history and social studies

Subject: history

Class: 5

UMC: History of the ancient world: a textbook for grade 5 educational institutions / A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Svenitskaya. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

Equipment: History of the ancient world: a textbook for grade 5 educational institutions / A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Svenitskaya. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012., Map "Ancient East", multimedia projector, Bible, K. Chukovsky "The Tower of Babel and other biblical legends", M., "New time", 1990.

presentation for the lesson.

Lesson topic: Bible stories

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson Objectives: Educational:

deepen and expand students' understanding of the Bible as a historical source;

find out the reasons for the emergence of monotheism;

introduce children to biblical stories;

consolidate knowledge on the topic: "Phoenician navigators."


develop the ability to conduct a comparative analysis of the development and achievements of the peoples of Western Asia and Egypt;

to develop the ability to clearly articulate their thoughts in oral and written form, to intensify mental activity;

improve the skills of working with a historical map, source, chronology;


cultivate a culture of speech and behavior.

Planned results:


Personal: fostering a sense of self- and mutual respect; development of cooperation when working in pairs; fostering interest in history, cultural and historical values, the formation of interethnic tolerance.

Metasubject : development of oral and written speech; formation of skills to work in a group, compare, generalize facts and concepts; development of students' independence, attentiveness, expansion of vocabulary, the ability to set educational goals and objectives, develop the skills of educational cooperation with peers and the teacher.

Subject: development of skills to work with a textbook, the formation of the ability to determine the place of historical events in time, to explain the meaning of basic chronological concepts, terms (millennium, century, BC, AD);

use a historical map as a source of information about the settlement of human communities in the Ancient World, the location of ancient civilizations and states, and places of major events; search for information in fragments of historical texts, material monuments of the Ancient World; describe the conditions of existence, the main occupations, the way of life of people in antiquity, the monuments of ancient culture; talk about the events of ancient history;

Teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, problematic, heuristic

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students: collective, individual, work in pairs.

Means of education: projector, presentation, textbook, workbooks, regular notebooks.

Basic concepts studied in the lesson: nomads, Jews, monotheism, Judaism, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, commandments, covenant, tablets.

Lesson provision:

multimedia complex:

interactive whiteboard Elite Panaboard TU - 880 with multi-touch function,


computer with EasiTeach Next Generation installed

Note: The table lists all the stages of the lesson, regardless of whether digital equipment is used or not.

During the classes

Stage of the lesson, duration (min.)
+ screenshot



IO tools and functions

Stage 1 Organizing time

(3 min.)

Checks readiness for the lesson. The teacher shows the children the Bible and asks questions: Do you know what this book is? How many of you held it in your hands or read it?

Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with this wonderful book.

Welcome teachers.

They answer the questions asked.

2. Stage Checking homework (8 min.)

Gives the task to the students: show Phoenicia on the map;

Complete task No. 59 on page 45 in workbooks.

Evaluates student work.

Perform the task received, carry out self-assessment in pairs.

3. Stage Motivation.

Creating a Problem Situation (5 min.)

Identification with students of a problematic issue on the topic of the lesson. What will we study in the lesson? The teacher summarizes and proposes a problem statement:

What is the significance of the Bible in acquiring knowledge of history, and what is its role today in human life, what does it teach us?

They try to formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson together with the teacher

4. Stage Learning new material (10 min.)

Through a leading dialogue, encourages students to independently read new material in the text of the textbook (paragraph 1, paragraph No. 16), to search for the meaning of new concepts; asks questions about the drawing on page 78 of the textbook.

They read the textbook on their own, use these presentations, answer the teacher's questions, independently formulate new concepts, check their wording, write down the topic of the lesson and the meaning of new terms in a notebook.

Consider the drawings in the textbook on pages 78 - 79.

one . The page provides information about the topic of the lesson

2. The page provides information about the geographical location of the Hebrew tribes

3. Page presents information about the history of the Jewish tribes

4.Page presents information about the Bible

5. Page presents information about the Old Testament

5. Stage Dynamic pause (2 min.)

Physical education minute

Perform movements under the guidance of a teacher

6.Insert video page

6. Stage Research stage (12 min.)

Organizes work on preliminary training assignments based on the book by K. Chukovsky "The Tower of Babel and other biblical traditions":

The tale of the creation of the world, the tale of Adam and Eve, the tale of the great flood.

Independently perform the tasks proposed on the slides, make notes in a notebook, carry out self-examination on tasks.

7.Page presents information about the myth of the creation of the world

8. Page "Click" on the hidden texts - and open questions to the myth of the Creation of the world

9-11. Pages present information "The myth of the first people"


Page "Click" on hidden texts - and questions about the myth of the first people are opened

13. Page Represents a task. One student works at the blackboard. The answers are at the bottom of the page and have a "clone lock" applied to them. Answers are dragged to empty spaces.

14-16.Pages present information "The myth of the Flood"

7. Stage Independent work in pairs

The teacher asks the students to work in pairs. Based on the textbook and presentation data, draw up a diagram of the "Tree of the Ancestors of the Jews." After drawing up the scheme, a brainstorming quiz is held:
1. Who was the senior ancestor of the Jews?

2. Who was Jacob to Abraham?

3. Whose son was Joseph?

4. What did the brothers do with Joseph?

5. Where did Jacob's children settle?

6. How was Moses able to save his people?

Independently complete the task in notebooks. Provide mutual assistance and check assignments with another pair, exchanging notebooks.

Students read the commandments in the textbook on page 81 and express their opinion.

Write down the concepts of "covenant", "tablets".

17-24 Pages provide information "On the Ancestors of the Jews"

8. Stage Reflective stage. Lesson summary (3 min.)

Summing up the lesson, ask questions:

What did you learn in the lesson?

Which task was the most difficult and which was the easiest? Why? What else would you like to know about the topic of the lesson? Gives grades for the lesson, taking into account the self-assessment of students.

Answer the teacher's questions, draw conclusions about the results achieved and their compliance with the set goals

9. Stage Briefing homework (2 min.)

Announces homework: paragraph 16, answer questions 1,4; solve the crossword puzzle in the workbook (task 68 on page 51), if you wish, read the biblical traditions “Cain and Abel” and “The Tower of Babel” based on the book by K. Chukovsky “The Tower of Babel and other biblical traditions”.

Record homework in a diary, ask questions about homework.

Presentation for a history lesson on the Federal State Educational Standards LLC in the 5th grade on the topic “Biblical Tales” (according to the textbook “History of the Ancient World Grade 5” A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya.)

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of students' ability to work with the text of the textbook, map, sources on the history of the life of the Jewish people and the spiritual values ​​of mankind.



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Biblical legends FILSHINA NATALIA IVANOVNA teacher of history and social studies, MBOU "Secondary School No. 14", Donskoy, Tula Region

DEFINING THE PROBLEM How important is the Bible in the acquisition of historical knowledge and its significance in human life?

Where is the Hebrew kingdom located? How did the ancient Jews live? Who was at the head of the Jewish tribes? What is the Bible? Faith of the ancient Jews. What does the Bible say? What did God give the people? SOLVING THE PROBLEM

In the II millennium BC. e. along with other peoples, ancient Jewish tribes also lived here.

Initially, they were nomads, driving cattle from one pasture to another, and did not have permanent settlements.

Inhabitants of Palestine.

The elders were at the head of the Jewish tribes. They kept in memory the traditions of the past of their people. These traditions are included in the Bible.

"Bible" in ancient Greek means "books" The first, most ancient part of the Bible is called the Old Testament - the holy book of the Jews

Over time, the ancient Jews came to monotheism, began to worship one God - Yahweh.

The Old Testament begins with myths about the creation of the world, about the first people and the great flood.

The history of a whole people in the Old Testament is presented as a tradition about one large family.

Jacob had several sons, but his father loved Joseph the most. The brothers envied Joseph and conspired to destroy him.

Moses leads the Jews out of Egypt. The pharaoh's daughter found the child and raised him. “I am the God Yahweh. I command you to bring my people out of Egypt."

God parted the sea, and the Israelites walked on a dry bottom. When the Egyptian chariots rushed after them, the waters closed again.

God on Mount Sinai gave Moses stone tablets - tablets, where the ten commandments were written.

Why did people accept them as the rules of their lives? Lord your God, may you have no other gods but me. Do not make yourself an idol. Do not take the name of God in vain. Work six days, and devote the seventh to your Lord. Honor your father and your mother. Dont kill. Don't commit adultery. Don't steal. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. Do not covet anything that your neighbor has. Which of the commandments, in your opinion, have not lost their significance for our days?

The people of Israel made a COVENANT (contract) with God. Subject to the observance of the COMMANDMENTS, he promised to bring them to Palestine.

Expand the meaning of the concepts Myth - an ancient folk tale about heroes, gods, natural phenomena; Tradition - passing from mouth to mouth a story about the past, a legend; Commandments are the rules by which people should live; A covenant is an agreement between God and people.

HOMEWORK Read and work through § 16. Answer the questions orally. Sort out the tasks. T / U assignment to draw up a project - a guidebook " Excursion to the Hebrew Kingdom", using Internet resources.

IT IS POSSIBLE TO COMPOSE AND SYNCWINE Noun 2 Adjectives 3 verbs Sentence about ... Conclusion 15.html http://the-genesis.narod .ru/art_old_testament_2.html http:// SOURCES