Celebrity year of birth August 11, 1966. August: the influence of the sign Leo

The zodiac sign of people born on August 11 is Leo. The sun on this day is usually at 19° Leo. Behavior type: fixed. Astrological element: fire. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope of those born on August 11

Character according to the horoscope

They are distinguished by a strong desire to get to the bottom of everything and reveal the truth of life, whatever it may be. They very carefully explore the world around them, as well as the "dark" side of life, do not hesitate to ask questions on such topics that many come to a standstill.

They feel that it is their direct duty to shed light on what has been so carefully hidden; stripping the mask of pretense from those who pretend to be something other than who they really are.

In this field, they are ruthless executioners: a documentary approach to life, as well as a constant search for something hidden, no matter how unpleasant the disclosure of these facts may be to others, become a mania for them, a matter of life.

They are good psychologists, they are hard to deceive.

love according to the horoscope

It is difficult for them to find their other half, as they are very distrustful and suspicious. They are convinced that the appearance of another person in their life will not lead to anything good.

Thick-skinned and do not give in to feelings, they are not afraid of any love hurricanes.

Career by horoscope

Those born on August 11 make prudent and prudent investors if their goal is money. They provoke the appearance of any kind of discussions, discussions and other social clashes.

Sometimes it seems that around them there is only violence, discord, quarrels and constant struggle. More mature, on the contrary, manage to direct all available energy into creative projects in such a way that the events that arise in this case do not affect their personal life in any way.

August 11th Tarot Card: Magician

Name of the figure: Magician, Mage, Craftsman.

Image of the figure: a young magician (or magician) in front of his table, on which there are tools.

Symbol: one who, thanks to his personal qualities, achieves a goal.

Meanings: will, intuition, eloquence, fruitfulness, indecision, careerism, illusions.

Analogies: astrology: the sun in the sign of a lion; health: eye diseases, pain in the heart area; Professions: craftsman, lawyer, businessman.

Planet of those born on August 11

Moon (1 + 1 = 2): the influence of the Moon makes those born under this sign very emotional and receptive natures. The moon is a symbol of sensitivity, quirkiness, variability, intuition, sensuality, memory, introversion, impressionability. The planet corresponds to childhood.

Birthday number August 11

Number 1: a symbol of the higher self, activity, desire, authority, but sometimes also self-centeredness and superiority. A symbol of success and fame.

Number 11: greatly enhances the qualities of the number 1, symbolizes great energy and temperament.


Ulcer, stress, hypertension.


Researcher, manager, sociologist.


Honesty, fortitude, charisma.


Suspicion, chaotic, viciousness.

The zodiac sign of those born on August 11 is Leo. These are determined, inventive individuals. They have a rich imagination and have a huge energy potential. They realize their talents to the maximum and find a worthy application for their skills. They know how to turn their plans into reality. Thanks to hard work, diligence and resourcefulness, they reach sky-high heights. Confidently overcome obstacles and blows of fate.

Such people are always in the thick of things. They actively participate in processes or lead them.

The birthday people of this day subtly understand human nature and intuitively predict events. Therefore, it is difficult to deceive them.

In communication, these women and men do not tolerate flattery and benefits. They do not make unpleasant acquaintances and avoid relationships with such people. Do not impose your opinion on others. They do not try to re-educate others for themselves. Maintain constant contact with like-minded individuals. They like to spend time in the company of friends and cannot stand monotony and boredom. Prone to conflicts, like to argue and contradict. With age, they become wiser and refuse the rebellious side of character.

Characteristics of women born on August 11

These ladies have a great sense of humor and are always positive.

Such women are elegant and charming. They have a bright appearance. They love compliments and courtship. Not against flattery, while easily distinguishing it from sincere words. Praising their virtues raises their self-esteem and mood. In relationships, they are gentle, reliable. They are distinguished by patience and wisdom. They demand admiration and respect from a partner.

Characteristics of men born on August 11

These are determined, purposeful and confident individuals. They do everything for show and need approval. Prefers to hide emotional vulnerability. They do not trust everyone indiscriminately, they only let people close to them spiritually.

Such men are passionate, extravagant and domineering. Women like them. Their mysterious nature fascinates the ladies. They have many hobbies and romances, which often lead to frustration and unnecessary worries.

love horoscope

In love relationships, those born on this day are responsive, devoted and sincere. They are drawn to smart and strong personalities. They know how to make grand gestures. Few of them are alone. People are drawn to them.

Such women and men make good family men. They value home comfort and make any concessions for it. Lovers are taken seriously. They respect their chosen one and openly express their feelings. To create a family, they choose a person similar to themselves. He must be witty, open and honest. They love children and become caring parents. They often marry at an early age. However, such an alliance does not always bring them family happiness. In their youth, they rarely manage to recognize true love.


Born on August 11, Leos have a high chance of a happy union with Libra, Aries, Sagittarius. It is difficult for them to find mutual understanding with Pisces, Cancers, Taurus.

The most suitable partner for those born on August 11

For love and marriage, people born on such days are best suited:

January: 8, 14, 26
February: 6, 10, 17, 28
March: 1, 3, 15, 25, 30
April: 2, 5, 17, 22, 30
May: 9, 21, 22
June: 7, 8, 23, 24, 26
July: 1, 2, 13
August: 3, 20, 21
September: 2, 4, 6, 18, 24, 27
October: 7, 11, 16, 19, 25
November: 3, 20, 25
December: 12, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24

business horoscope

Birthdays of this day have many innate talents. They are endowed with perseverance, perseverance and responsibility. They are able to implement large projects and actively promote their ideas. Constantly improve and do not refuse new information and experience. They are purposeful and rational, so they quickly make a career in any professional field.

Thanks to their originality and indefatigable imagination, such women and men find their use in creativity. The ability to lead crowds of people is fruitfully used in social activities. Achieve recognition in the field of science and technology.

Health Horoscope

Born on August 11, Leos, like the rest of the representatives of this zodiac sign, are prone to psychological illness. Unstable emotional state, mood swings and aggressive behavior provoke frustration and depression. The horoscope advises them to avoid potentially dangerous situations and be calmer about everything that happens. It is recommended to be careful with tasting exotic dishes and extreme sports. They have a high risk of poisoning or injury in an accident.

Be less impulsive

Control yourself and your emotions. Don't get angry for no reason. Moderate your ardor and be calm.

take care of yourself

You are endowed with great energy. Don't waste it. Do not overstrain and respond in time to the signals of your body.

Go in for sports

Direct your aggression in a constructive direction. Sports will help you be more restrained and more compliant.

On August 11, innovators are born, endowed with incredible perseverance. Such qualities, combined with great willpower, allow them to implement large projects. Under the auspices of the Moon, such people create, develop intuition, and generate ideas. Practicality they also do not hold.

Those born on August 11 are able to make effective decisions. Moreover, they spend very little time on the analysis of the available information. Those born on August 11 may encounter problems if they act as they "should" and do not listen to their own intuition.

People born on August 11 are distinguished by sensuality, generosity, openness in communication. They love to be in company, do not tolerate boredom, rarely indulge in melancholy. Most people born on August 11 have excellent manners. From relatives, such people require little: recognition of their own exclusivity.

What is the sign of the zodiac on August 11

August 11, Leos are born. Each of them goes through life in their own way. The representatives of the sign are united by purposefulness, the desire to improve and improve the world around them. Every Leo loves compliments and flattery. Moreover, representatives of the sign distinguish the latter from sincere words without unnecessary difficulties. But flattery lifts their spirits.

Born on August 11, Leos are naturally talented. They are also proud, selfish, self-confident. Representatives of the sign have a sense of humor, a positive attitude. They are independent, very patient.

Diseases born on August 11

The danger for Leo is excessive activity and its antipode. Representatives of the sign often have to fight with their own aggressiveness. The best assistant in this is by no means a psychoanalyst. Aggression in a constructive direction will allow you to direct the sport. Passive individuals may experience depression. Here you can not do without medical care and support of loved ones.

Beware of Leos born on August 11, accidents are recommended. The risk of injury increases significantly with age. Its peak falls on 35 - 45 years.

Jobs and careers born on August 11

Leo is purposeful, rational, quickly makes a career. Representatives of the sign choose different areas of activity. Some find themselves in creativity, others in social activities. Science and technology are a few of the areas that are not close to those born on August 11th. But there are exceptions to the rule, and not infrequently.

To achieve harmony, Leo, born on August 11, needs to be patient, overcome irritability, irascibility. Doing what you love will help in this, whether it's work or a hobby.


Born 11 august: meaning of birthday

Luck and luck will invariably accompany everyone who was born on August 11: the zodiac sign helps them achieve everything they want.

They are invariably confident in their victory, success is their natural state. They are smart, able to think outside the box, determined and persistent, and can generate creative ideas.

If you were born on August 11, your zodiac sign is Leo, you know that you are capable of much, and this knowledge helps you reach sky-high peaks. At the same time, everything that you have, you really deserved with your diligence, diligence and resourcefulness. Your self-sufficiency, your desire to comprehend everything and form your own opinion about everything admires.

The most important thing that they need to understand is that they are not only generously endowed with all kinds of life blessings and talents, but also in connection with this, the demand from them is much stricter. They need to realize all their talents to the maximum, find them an exceptionally worthy use.. Such persons are in dire need of approving reviews regarding any of their activities.

It is equally important for them to hear criticism addressed to them, it helps to be sure that they are doing everything right and inspires them to even greater feats, contributes to an adequate assessment of their own actions and protects them from destructive narcissism.

Based on the foregoing, Lions who were born on August 11 may be tempted to turn confrontations and conflicts into an incentive for their development and improvement. Enlisting the support of a never-sleeping inner voice, they will be able to choose the right tactics of behavior in each specific situation.

They will always be at the center of socially important events, and often their initiators themselves, understanding human nature, will be able to provoke the reaction of others necessary to achieve their goals. They need to be able to use their energy for peaceful purposes, otherwise their actions will be destructive, primarily for themselves. Over the years, the understanding of this truth comes to each of them.

Do you think the influence of the zodiac sign is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

August 11th: Leo Influence

Frantic seekers of absolute truth makes zodiac sign of people born on august 11. Such persons will always and in everything strive to get to the bottom of the essence, to reveal all the secrets of life and even personal secrets. They are deeply convinced that their mission is to bring others to clean water.

In search of the truth, such persons will stop at nothing, believing that the end justifies any means. The problem is that rarely when they can boast of the qualities necessary for success in this business. Perhaps they need to develop insight in themselves, train intuition, study the principles of psychological science more carefully.

Only by improving and struggling with weaknesses, those born on August 11 will have the right to seriously engage in the eradication of social shortcomings. Otherwise, their good intentions can turn into misanthropic moods.

They rarely trust someone completely, avoid opening up in their feelings, suppressing lively emotions so that they do not interfere with their cold calculation.

They are endowed with the ability to guess the true attitude of others towards them, this explains the fact that no one can make them dance to their own tune, such intentions are guessed at lightning speed and immediately severely suppressed.

Family happiness will not be found the first time, having managed to build a harmonious union only in adulthood. But they will be extremely successful in business, money will always be with them, because they, like no one else, know how to expediently dispose of them.

August 11 marks the birthday of Oscar Kuchera - a showman who managed to achieve huge popularity in the field of entertainment TV, prove himself as a DJ on the radio, and also gain fame as a sought-after theater and film actor.

His career started at the Silver Rain radio station, followed by work on Muz-TV, which made Oscar truly recognizable and opened the doors to the world of television. In the role of an actor, he tried himself back in 1985, and success came with a role in the TV series Streets of Broken Lights.