What can you make a small football goal. How to make a football goal for a summer residence

Water pipes can be used in a variety of ways. In today's review, such "non-standard" methods were collected. Each of them deserves special attention, and therefore - a pleasant viewing.

1. Skittles

Home bowling is a great entertainment that will appeal to both children and adults. In order not to spend money on an expensive set for the game, make it yourself. To do this, you will need a small heavy ball and skittles made of plastic pipes.

2. Ribbon organizer

The remains of plastic pipes of small diameter can be successfully used to create a convenient organizer for storing adhesive tape, ribbons, chains and bracelets.

3. Wreath

Decorate the door or wall of your house with an original wreath made from small pieces of polypropylene pipes. As an additional decor, you can use artificial or fresh flowers, Christmas balls, beads and ribbons.

4. Canopy

A light canopy on a frame made of metal water pipes will be a wonderful decoration for an industrial-style bedroom.

5. Dryer

From thin plastic pipes and metal chains or thick ropes, you can make a practical and ergonomic clothes dryer.

6. Tool holders

Individual tool cabinets made from medium diameter polypropylene pipes are the perfect solution for the garage.

7. Garden furniture

Comfortable and surprisingly stylish set of garden furniture made from ordinary plastic pipes.

8. Floor lamp

A fantastic floor lamp made from a water pipe is a stylish accessory in an industrial style.

9. Vase

The remains of plastic pipes left after the repair can be turned into original vases for small bunches of flowers. And to make the vases look more original and noble, paint them golden with an aerosol can.

10. Furniture set

Fantastic armchair and coffee table that can be made from ordinary polypropylene pipes.

11. Flower pot

An original flower pot made from a thick plumbing pipe with holes drilled in it and painted white.

12. Wine rack

A wine rack made from remnants of medium-diameter plastic pipes is a great idea for storing wine at home.

13. Laundry basket

An original, roomy and very practical laundry basket, which can be made from thin plastic pipes and durable fabric.

14. House

Please the kids by making a cozy house for them out of plastic pipes and unnecessary matter.

15. Garage

Homemade football goal.
So that children do not get bored in the country, you need to carefully consider their leisure time. For example, to build small football goals from plastic pipes and mesh and teach the kids to play football.

In this article we will talk about how to make a children's town in the country. The topic is relevant, since many suburban areas are used by compatriots not for agriculture, but for recreation.

General information

During vacations and weekends, families go out of town to relax. That is why it is so important to plan and build a children's playground in a timely manner.

The standard set of entertainment facilities for children includes structures such as hanging swings, a slide, climbing structures and football goals. Consider the features of the manufacture of the listed structures, but first we will decide on the choice of production materials.

Selection of available materials

It's easier than ever to buy children's plastic slides for summer cottages. But, if you are not looking for easy ways and want to show your potential, it's time to decide on the choice of a suitable production material.

The main structural elements of buildings with their own hands can be made from the following types of materials - metal and wood.

  • Metal is a great solution for assembling load-bearing structures. Metal structures are durable, strong, and subject to timely processing, resistant to corrosion.

However, along with the advantages, there are some disadvantages, such as the complexity of machining and the need for special equipment (welding machine, angle grinder "Bulgarian", etc.). Again, the price of rolled metal is not as affordable as before, and therefore you will have to fork out for the purchase of a corner and pipes.

  • Wood is a ubiquitous building material available.. There are various configurations of building materials on the market, and therefore you can always choose blanks of the required size.

In the photo - lumber

Despite the fact that wood today can hardly be called cheap, this material is easy to machine using a simple tool. In addition, to connect several workpieces into a single structure, a welding machine is not needed - a bolted connection or the use of other equally common hardware is enough.

So what conclusion can be drawn from the above? The conclusion is simple: if there is a welding machine or an angle grinder (angle grinder), metal can be used as a production material. If there is no such equipment, but there is a hacksaw, a drill, a screwdriver and a set of chisels, it is better to work with wood.

Important: Some structures that are not subjected to excessive mechanical stress can be made from PVC pipes. Such structures can be small goals for playing football.

Wood preparation

Taking into account the fact that some compatriots independently build country houses from block containers, everyone can cope with the assembly of swings and slides. Moreover, the task is simplified by the fact that we will use lumber as the main material.

But, unfortunately, wood without preliminary preparation is subject to dampness, decay, drying out and gradual destruction. How to maintain the strength of wooden parts that will be used outdoors?

There are several effective solutions, including:

  • Coating the surface of parts with used engine oil - working off. This solution is effective, but risky.

In the photo - application of mining boards to the surface

Working out in most cases has a characteristic smell. Therefore, we buy purified mining, which is light and practically does not smell.

Waste oil is applied to the finished wooden products in several layers with an interval for drying each of them.

After complete drying, the parts are painted with various paintwork materials.

  • Antiseptics are special formulations with a liquid consistency. Antiseptic solutions are applied to the surface of finished wooden products in several layers. After complete drying, the part can be painted with any paints and varnishes.

If mining prevents the penetration of moisture into the pores of the material, then the antiseptic prevents the vital activity of the fungus and other microorganisms.

  • Primers and impregnations are a wide range of solutions that, when applied to the surface of lumber, penetrate micropores to one or another depth. Having penetrated into the pores, the impregnation crystallizes, due to which moisture cannot penetrate deep into the wood and contribute to its destruction.

Important: Optimal protection of lumber is guaranteed by the simultaneous use of impregnations and antiseptics.

Assembling the slide

To build a children's slide for a summer residence, we prepare the following materials:

  • 4 beams with a length of 3 meters and a cross section of 10 * 10 cm (for load-bearing supports);
  • 2 boards 6 meters long with a section of 2.5 * 10 cm (for descent guides);
  • 2 boards 2.5 meters long with a section of 2.5 * 10 cm (for a climbing ladder);
  • 4 boards 1.2 meters long with a section of 2.5 * 10 cm (for tying the upper platform;
  • 10 boards 1.2 long with a section of 2.5 * 10 cm (for the upper platform);
  • Boards for railings and steps with a thickness of at least 2 cm;
  • Sheet steel 6.2 m * 1.2 m 2 mm thick.

A wooden children's slide to the country is assembled as follows:

  • On the prepared 4 supports, we measure 1 meter from the top point and make a strapping from the boards for the platform. In the upper part of the bars, as shown in the diagram, we connect the upper trim, which will simultaneously serve as a railing.
  • To the strapping under the platform we attach the guides for the descent.
  • We bend the sheet steel on four sides to make the sides.
  • We drill through holes in the sides, into which we screw self-tapping screws, with which the metal strip will be attached to the guides.
  • On the other side of the strapping, we also fasten two boards that will hold the steps.
  • In the gap between these guides, as shown in the diagram, we fasten the steps. We choose the size of the riser in accordance with the height of the child and the size of his foot.
  • At the final stage of assembly, we fix the boards of the upper platform and the railing.

Important: Despite the fact that the structure is designed for children, it must be stable. Make sure the structure is stable before painting so that you can rebuild or reinforce the structure if necessary.

Building a sandbox

It is not difficult to assemble children's sandboxes for giving with your own hands. We will be guided in this matter by this scheme.

We will need:

  • 4 boards 1575 mm long and 300 mm wide;
  • 4 boards 1500 mm long and 300 mm wide;
  • 8 bars 300 mm long with a section of 50 * 50 mm.

Assembly is performed as follows:

  • Along the perimeter of the sides we dig a trench 150 mm deep and 50 mm wide.
  • We collect boards 1500 mm long in a box.
  • We fasten the bars in the corners and in the center of the box.
  • We put the box in a trench and, applying light blows with a rubber mallet, adjust its position so that it stands exactly relative to the horizon.
  • We fill the gaps between the soil and the box with the selected soil and compact it.
  • We cut the boards 1575 mm long at the edges at an angle of 45 degrees, as shown in the diagram, and fasten them so that they form a frame.
  • Sand can be poured into the structure after painting and complete drying of the sides.

Important: When working with wood, you will probably need electricity to power the power tool. If the house is not supplied with power, buying or renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help out.

PVC football goal assembly

Now let's try to assemble children's football goals for the country. If the sports gates have certain dimensions that must be observed, then in our case it is possible to assemble a smaller structure.

So, we assemble children's football goals for the dacha in accordance with the following instructions and with the proposed scheme:

  • We prepare sewer plastic pipes with a cross section of 50 mm. You will need two 600 mm pipes, two 400 mm pipes and two 300 mm pipes. In addition, we prepare 6 connecting corner fittings.
  • We cut the pipes into blanks of the required size, but with a margin of 2 cm on each side. This stock will go into the fittings.
    When cutting pipes, we take into account that on the one hand, both on the fitting and on the pipe there is a socket. We cut all pipes from the end opposite to the socket.
  • Pipes are fastened by means of sealing rubber rings, which are inserted into special grooves of the socket. Parts enter the socket with rubber bands with difficulty, and therefore we lubricate the pipes with soapy water.
  • To fix the grid in the pipes, we drill through holes of small diameter.

Important: The pipes have an unsightly gray color, but they can be painted with ordinary PF115 enamel in a more cheerful color.
To do this, the smooth PVC surface should be matted with fine-grained sandpaper.


So, now that you know how to equip a children's corner in the country with your own hands, it's time to start collecting material and start implementing the above projects.

Buying a ready-made model of children's gates is not available to everyone. For individual craftsmen, it becomes a matter of honor - to make children's goals for football fun with their own hands. The choice of material for a home-made design depends on the skills of the master, the availability of improvised materials and the possession of individual tools. There are several frame options.

wood application

The tree allows you to build the simplest children's model from a bar. To do this, you need to connect two vertical sidewalls to a horizontal crossbar using self-tapping screws. In conclusion, a grid is fixed on the frame, followed by fixing it with pegs to the ground. The assembly process is simple and does not take much time under the only condition - the presence of a screwdriver, grinder or jigsaw. The lack of the required tools is not an obstacle to the implementation of the plan, but it is associated with certain difficulties:

  • Installation of football goals will take more time.
  • The quality of sanding will deteriorate. And for a child's design, this is an undesirable moment.
  • Advice ! After careful processing, all wooden elements of the future children's gates are coated with an antiseptic agent that prevents the processes of decay, damage by fungus, mold or insects.

    metal profile

    For metal football goals, pipes are suitable as a frame. Connect the children's structure in two ways. In the first case, the football goal will be monolithic, the parts are fixed by welding. The second option is a collapsible structure, the elements of which are connected by self-tapping screws.


    For the production of children's football equipment with your own hands, you can use plastic pipes of a suitable size. You can connect them in two ways:

    • in the first case, you will need a special soldering iron;
    • when choosing the second option, segments of plastic pipes of a larger diameter are used, which are put on top of the main elements of the children's gate.

    Process of creation

    To create a children's gate, elements of building materials already available are often used. Therefore, the size of the football structure depends on their number.

    Preparatory stage

    The sequence of actions depends on whether you will sculpt a football goal from a new material, or use the leftovers. In the first case, before proceeding with the purchase of building materials, it is necessary to make a sketch of the future football structure or use the proposed drawings on our page.

    The second step is the calculation of the need for materials and components. Then you should pay a visit to the outlet. When using the existing remnants, they initially revise them and, on the basis of the data obtained, develop an appropriate drawing of a children's structure for football.

    Important ! Regardless of the material chosen, children's football goals should not contain parts that can provoke a child's injury. All elements are carefully processed and tested for strength.


    Consider how to make children's football goals from PVC pipes with your own hands:

    Children's gate is ready for operation!

    Mesh making options

    Sometimes the creators of football goals for their little descendants do not want to spend money on the purchase of a finished net. For them, we offer ways to create your own protective screen:

  • Mesh based clothesline. The required number of holes are drilled around the perimeter of the frame. Their diameter is 1.2 cm. Further, two ropes are pulled through the holes in the vertical and horizontal directions. After high-quality tension, they are fixed at the intersection points. The optimal cell size is 20 cm, the weight of the rope net should not exceed 10 kg.
  • With certain skills, the net is woven from a bobbin of nylon threads, after which it is fixed on the children's gate.
  • A do-it-yourself football construction will be a real gift for your own child and neighboring children.

    If there are no football goals in your yard or at your dacha yet, you can make them yourself. To do this, you will need not so much time, some cash investments, as well as the ability to handle tools. In work, you can use a wooden beam, plastic pipes or a metal profile. You can make a football goal net with your own hands or buy it ready-made in a store. With black and white paint, you will give the equipment a finished look and protect it from the weather.

    Do-it-yourself football goal made of wood

    Those who own carpentry tools can make football goals out of wood with their own hands. To increase the strength of the structure, you can make the frame thicker than what is provided in equipment manufactured to standards.

    To make really strong wooden football goals with your own hands, pay special attention to the selection of raw materials. The material must withstand significant loads, ball impacts, high humidity and temperature changes. Use hardwoods that are resistant to deformation in your work. A bar glued from several layers of wood is much more reliable than a regular one.

    Paint the finished frame and cover with a protective varnish. After the structure dries, secure the mesh with hooks or rope. In order for a do-it-yourself wooden football goal for children or adults to serve you for many years, all the joints of the parts must be reinforced. To do this, you can screw metal corners or bars connecting two parts each.

    Do-it-yourself football goals for children made of plastic

    You can make football goals with your own hands from plastic, polypropylene and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes. They can be purchased at the plumbing department of any hardware store. In large hypermarkets, you can immediately order the required number of parts of the right size for the manufacture of a football goal frame. If you make beams yourself, you will need a hacksaw or special scissors.

    For pipes, you will need plastic 90-degree corners and T-joints. The fastening of parts is carried out in the same way as when installing plumbing pipes. You have probably already seen similar football goals made by yourself in the photos posted by craftsmen on the Internet. Prefabricated pipe structures are easy to assemble and unpretentious in operation. These handmade soccer goals are perfect for kids. If necessary, they can be easily moved or moved.

    How to make a children's football goal with your own hands

    To make a gate, you need to prepare the details. Their number and size will depend on the area of ​​the field that you want to equip. For a sufficiently large space, gates with a length of 3 to 5 meters are suitable. Their height should be 2 m, and the depth - 1 m at the bottom and 88 cm at the top. The width of the goal post can be 8 cm. In order for the goal to be clearly visible from the opposite end of the field, it must be painted black and white in 20 cm increments.

    How to make your own futsal goal

    Making mini football goals with your own hands is even easier. Their design is identical to the equipment intended for playing on a large field, but they are smaller in size and you will also need fewer materials. The dimensions of the futsal goal that you make with your own hands can be as follows: width - 1.83 cm, height - 1.22 cm, depth - 88 cm. If you want to equip a playground for young children, then the dimensions can be as follows: width - 91.5 cm, height - 61 cm, depth - 48 cm. At the gate of a small size, only one crossbar can be made at the top. This design is easier to manufacture. You can purchase a DIY football goal net from a fishing supply store.

    If the idea of ​​making a football goal on your own seemed difficult to implement, you can purchase ready-made gaming equipment in the catalog of the Sport Corner online store. Here you will find models of various sizes, designed for installation outdoors or indoors. Football equipment can be designed for mass use in yards, schools and other institutions. You can install the gate in your summer cottage. We ship our goods throughout Russia. All offered products have a long warranty period and will serve you for many years.

    Outdoor sports

    Going in for sports in the fresh air is doubly pleasant and useful. Today, almost everyone has such an opportunity. Many city yards are equipped with special complexes consisting of a wide variety of gymnastic equipment. You can purchase and install sports equipment for outdoor sports on your own. In our online store there is a wide range of complexes designed for organizing active leisure and training on the site near the house or in the country.

    DIY hockey goal

    If you and your children love to play hockey, you can easily make a goal with your own hands and install it on the yard ice rink. Having at your disposal your own sports equipment, you will spend as much free time with a stick and a puck as you like. Classes in the fresh frosty air contribute to hardening and comprehensive physical development. You can play not only in a team or in pairs, but also alone. How to make a hockey goal with your own hands, we will tell further.

    Children are our happiness, this is joy, this is grace. It's no secret that our hobbies and passions start from our childhood. Whether it's drawing, or football, or basketball, or a completely new hobby for many modern kids. But in the summer, when little fidgets are so drawn to the street, they can rarely be carried away by sedentary work. Football is what you need, even for girls. And if such football goals appear on your playground, then be sure that your kid will be fascinated by this game for a long time.

    Do not be intimidated by the list of required devices, if you follow strictly according to the instructions, then everything will come out as in the photo of the author.

    PVC pipes and their connecting pipes, i.e. corners and tees
    Metal shears
    Soldering iron, you can use glue for PVC pipes, but a soldering iron is more reliable
    plastic clamp

    Pipes you can buy in a hardware store market or market. Already here you can and simply should save, because. temperature pressure in the future they will not. Well, it won’t work with scissors or a soldering iron either, if you know at least one man of mature age. If he has a garage, or even better - he lives in a private house, then 99% that he will have both.

    All pipes, tees and angles in the photo are marked, and any experienced seller will sell them to you. Cut pipes to the same size. Take any size or standard as in stores.

    We connect the pipes into two rods

    Then two corners

    We assemble the structure so that in the future a long pipe enters the tee located on straight rods. It is necessary to choose the right angle of inclination and only after that cook with a soldering iron.

    We connect the tees of two straight rods with two pipes

    We stretch the mesh, securing it with a clamp.

    The gate is ready. Put them on the playground and the kids will be delighted. And you, in turn, can be in the role of a commentator: "The second number is catching up with the first. The goalkeeper is ready to attack. The first passes to the third number. Shot on goal! GOAL!!"