Tibetan practice of moving into another's body. Signs of a demon (essence) being settled

It is not impossible or unusual for a great Yogi to transmigrate into another body, provided he finds a suitable replacement. Having moved to another body, the yogi can continue to live in it consciously with the preservation of all the experience that he received during his life in the previous body. This process is known only to adepts, it is inaccessible to an ordinary person.

The forcible displacement of another from his own body is an act of black magic and is contrary to the moral principles of yogis and siddhas, the main of which is ahimsa - non-violence, love and compassion for all beings.

A common exercise in transference training is to contemplate an object. You need to concentrate entirely on it, so that you not only see nothing but him, but also think about nothing else. Gradually, the sense of one's own personality is lost, and the contemplator begins to identify himself with the object being contemplated. This should not be stopped by any means. Having turned into a contemplated object, that is, already experiencing special sensations that may be the result of its shape, size and other properties, one must already contemplate oneself from the outside, as an object of the external world. Thus, a student who has chosen a tree as an object of contemplation forgets his human nature and feels as if his body is a rigid, unbending tree trunk with branches, feels the vibration of the branches, their movement, the vital force hidden in the knees, the circulation of its juices, etc. Then, already as a tree that has become a subject, he must contemplate the human being sitting in front of him, who has become an object, examine it and study it in all its details. After that, having transferred his consciousness to a sitting person, he again begins to consider a tree, then as a tree he will again contemplate a person. The alternating movement from subject to object and vice versa is repeated as many times as required.

Due to the weakening of the enslavement of the chitta (consciousness) and the comprehension of its mode of action, it becomes possible to transfer consciousness to another body.
The yogi cognizes his consciousness (chitta). Now the subject (purusha, soul) no longer identifies itself with the false "I" concept. This is "the weakening of the enslavement of the chitta." The soul, moving away from the mind, no longer identifying itself with it, having studied the "mode of activity of consciousness", can control other minds. The psyche becomes something separated from the "I", an obedient instrument. "I" can move this tool into the body of another being, even dead, left by the previous owner.
To acquire the ability to do this, a person must first weaken the causes of attachment to his own body (desires, aspirations, habits), and then understand how the mind uses the body (makes it talk, walk, etc.).
Along with the transference of consciousness, the sense organs follow, “just as the bees fly after the queen bee and sit down when she sits down, so the sense organs follow the consciousness when it enters another body” (Vyasa).

Despite the possession of knowledge about achieving immortality, among the Siddhas, its realization was always considered accessible only to the greatest saints who have reached the highest degrees of realization, or to yogis with a happy fate who managed to make alchemical potions that make the body immortal. Both have always been extremely rare, very difficult to achieve, and carefully hidden from strangers.
There was not even a question of making it mass-produced and accessible not only to all people, but even to yoga adepts of average ability. More real and achievable was considered an ancient magical technique - "entering the body of another." In the sacred texts of yoga, it is called "parakaya-praveshana", and in Tibetan - "trong-jug".

From superhuman sources, a divine secret science was revealed to a select circle of the most holy Indian and Tibetan gurus, called by the Tibetans "trong-jug", which means "transfer and quickening". Through this yogic magic, the principles of consciousness of two human beings can be interchanged, or, in other words, the consciousness that animates or animates one human body can be transferred to another human body and thereby animate it.

There is a story that circulates in various versions among the gurus and helps to understand the potential for abuse of the trong jug technique. Yogi initiates and gurus often recite it to explain their refusal to divulge occult teachings indiscriminately.

This is a story about a prince and the son of the first minister of Tibet. Both of them were close friends and perfect adepts in the art of trong-jug. One day, while walking in the forest, they accidentally found a bird's nest with several chicks. The chicks had just hatched from their eggs, and a mother bird, killed by a hawk, lay nearby. Imbued with compassion for the chicks, the prince decided to help them by using arcane magic. He said to his companion, the minister's son, "Please watch over my body while I revive the body of the mother bird and make it fly to the little chicks to feed them." While guarding the lifeless body of the prince, the minister's son fell into temptation and, leaving his own body, entered the body of the prince. The reason for this act was discovered later: it turned out that he had long been secretly in love with the prince's wife.
The prince had no choice but to occupy the body of his false friend. Only a few years later, the prince managed to convince the son of the minister to return the body to him and exchange the bodies back. This explains the strict rules to keep such teachings secret and to pass them on only to carefully tested students.

Sri Shankaracharya

This ability was possessed by an outstanding holy yogi, one of the founders of the Advaita tradition, Shri Shankaracharya, who lived at the end of the 8th century AD.
The legend says that Shankara challenged a learned brahmin named Madana Mishra to a philosophical debate and defeated him, but when the brahmin's wife intervened and began to ask him questions on the erotic treatise Kama Sutra, Shankara, being a monk, was forced to admit defeat and asked for a month's delay to continue the dispute.
Then he separated his subtle body from the physical and went to one of the regions of India, to the place of cremation, where the body of the just deceased local king named Amaruka lay, and revived him to the great joy of the king's ministers and wives. The "resurrected" king showed a great interest in the study of erotic art, which he had not observed before, and besides, he surprised his ministers with new qualities of righteousness and piety, the manners of a yogi, a gentle disposition and a refined intellect.
The chief of the ministers guessed that the king did not come to life, but the consciousness of some great yogi entered his body. Wishing that the yogi would always remain king, the king's minister ordered the soldiers to search in all the nearby forests and caves for the motionless body of an unconscious yogi, in order to set it on fire, thus making it impossible to return back.
When such a body was found and it was about to be set on fire, Shankara's disciples managed to find him, warning him of this. Immediately leaving the body of the king, Shankara returned to his body at the very last moment, when they were ready to cremate him, and the fire was already lit. In doing so, he slightly burned his hand. The story ends with the continuation of the dispute between Shankara and the learned woman on the Kama Shastra and his complete victory.

The great adept of Tibetan Buddhism, Marpa, nicknamed the Translator (1012-1099), mastered the technique of transferring consciousness to perfection. The texts of this tradition describe how Marpa openly demonstrated consciousness transfer seven times in Tibet and once in India.
His son Dharma Dode, who had to leave his body due to an accident, escaped rebirth by being transferred by Marpa into the body of a dove. In the body of a dove, he went to India. There he found a just-dead thirteen-year-old boy from the Brahmin class and entered him, reviving his body right during the funeral rite. Brahmin attendants saw a dove fly up to the boy's body, bow its head, and then die. Immediately after that, the boy came to life in front of the shocked ministers and went home. The young man was given the new name Tiphupa, which means dove.

Borge Baba

In our time, the famous yoga teacher Swami Rama, founder of the Himalayan International Institute for the Scientific and Philosophical Study of Yoga in the USA, in his book “Life among the Himalayan Yogis” describes the case of the outstanding yogi Borhe Baba, who lived in India.
“When I was sixteen years old, I met an old adept named Borhe Baba who lived in the Naga hills. He was on his way to Assam and decided to see my teacher, who was then living with me in the cave of Gupta Kashi, five or six miles from the city. This adept was a very thin man. He had gray hair and a beard, white clothes. His demeanor was very unusual. It looked like a perfectly straight, unbending bamboo cane. The adept was a frequent guest of my teacher, whom he visited for the purpose of receiving instructions on higher spiritual practices. More than once the topic of his conversations with my teacher was the change of body. I was young then and didn't know much about this special practice called parakaya pravesana. No one has yet spoken to me openly about this yogic process...
…When the time for our departure from the cave approached, I asked him why he wanted to take on another body?
“Now I am over ninety,” he replied, “and my body has become unsuitable for a long stay in samadhi. Besides, now is a convenient opportunity. Tomorrow the body will appear in good condition. The young man will die from a snake bite and his body will be lowered into the water thirteen miles from here.
His answer completely baffled me.
... When I finally ended up in Assam and met with the British chief at his headquarters, he told me: “Borhe Baba did it. Now he has a new body." I still couldn't figure out what had happened. The next morning I left for my home in the Himalayas. When I arrived, my teacher informed me that Borge Baba was here last night and asked about me. A few days later, a young sadhu came to our cave. He spoke to me as if we had known each other for a long time. After describing in detail our entire trip to Assam, he expressed his regret that I could not be present when he changed his body. I experienced strange feelings talking to a person who seemed so familiar to me and at the same time had a new body. I found that his new physical instrument had no effect on his abilities and character. This is the same old Borge Baba with all his intelligence, knowledge, memories, talents and manners. I was convinced of this by observing for a minute how he behaved and spoke. When walking, he held himself just as unnaturally upright as before. Subsequently, my teacher gave him a new name, while saying that the name accompanies the body, but not the soul. Now his name is Ananda Baba and he still travels in the Himalayas."

It happens that in the presence of an entity, a person begins to hear voices (for example: I will help you, you need to do this, don't be afraid, I'm your friend, etc.). Voices can dictate what to do, call by name. Destructive entities can pretend to be an Angel and say that they have come to help or pass on information.

Another sign is the inappropriate behavior of the victim. The person does not hear any voices, but suddenly becomes different. Changes in gaze, behavior, speech, gait. Starts acting out of character. Do things that are not normal for him. A person can behave aggressively, scandal over trifles. There is an unusual desire to subdue everyone or destroy something. All this is done so that a person experiences a lot of negative emotions and commits destructive acts, thereby providing food for the essence.

It happens that a person’s consciousness is so strongly enslaved and clouded that he is horrified after he has done something, and cannot understand how he went to such a thing, and how it happened. And the reason is the same demon sitting inside. Also, signs of the presence of an entity or an attempt to inhabit it can be spontaneous exits to the astral plane during sleep and a meeting with this entity.

Some patients report that during such contact, the entity begins to speak to the person in a low voice, sometimes a very low female voice, almost indistinguishable from the average male. Such meetings occur when a person radiates low-frequency vibrations, when the spiritual integrity of a person is violated, a gap appears that the entity wants to use to penetrate a person.

A huge number of people do not even suspect that they are possessed by an entity. A person may just think that everything is fine with him, he just became a little irritable. He thinks maybe the moon or the weather influences, finds any reason from outside, and not in himself. A clear sign of the presence of essence is the unwillingness of a person to go to church and the impossibility of staying in it. The church has high-frequency vibrations that are dangerous for the essence, therefore, under any pretext, by any means, a person with the essence will bypass the church. The negative reaction to prayers is noticeable immediately. The essence is connected, often to the nervous system, chakras, organs and other places of energy concentration. Due to this connection, a person’s abilities are aggravated or new ones appear, and during expulsion, the entire body and the entire nervous system react to the process of exile, ranging from convulsions to screams and hysterical laughter.

For example, when a succubus or incubus moves in, the victim has erotic dreams with his partner, during which
a person can even get an orgasm in a dream. The entity assumes the form of a man or woman and has sexual contact in a dream with a person. Often takes the form of loved ones. It sucks energy from the sex chakra (svadhisthana) and from the genitourinary system. The consequences of such contacts are a disease of the genitourinary system, infertility, leg diseases, gynecological problems.

The settlement of the essence in a person, the probability of the appearance of which in one's life, due to the existing human sinfulness and spiritual weakness, should not be ruled out by anyone, today is our topic of conversation. This is especially true for those who often visit the lower astral world, which we discussed earlier in the article "".

For preventive purposes, today we will analyze this issue in a more detailed form. Let's consider the signs of the essence being settled in a person, by which it will be possible to determine its presence in yourself or someone close to you, which will allow you to understand the direction of subsequent actions and take timely appropriate measures to eliminate them, with a full identification of a number of reasons that had an attracting effect certain energy beings.

Separately, I would like to note that this topic is more than serious. Perhaps someone is superficial and frivolous about it, showing carelessness to their own safety when using various rituals taken from the Internet, trying on themselves and their surroundings various tips from unverified sources, forgetting that not only the life of the physical body is at stake , but also souls, for each of which a serious struggle is being waged.

Do not make it easier for the dark forces to do their work! People, with their ignorance, disbelief, thoughts and deeds, make up most of it, and entities come already ready, completing the process of destruction one by one. Fertile ground for settlement, created by man himself, a holiday for lower energy creatures.

There was and will be a confrontation, and who will win in this private struggle depends on each of us individually!

Continuing the topic, we offer you the opinion of a parapsychologist on the following question:

What are the signs of the presence of essence in a person? How to identify whether there is an energy essence in me and my loved ones?

It is necessary to raise your vibrations, leave the low-frequency level of your stay, learning and developing under the guidance of a strong and experienced Master, which will make you uncomfortable for the settlers, displacing them, and therefore protecting you from intrusions.

If you do not solve this situation, everything is destroyed, including your destiny. Because if there is a settlement, then your fate is pushed aside, since the restless soul or entity that has come needs to solve its own problems, and not yours at all. They definitely don’t care about your soul, and usually in such cases the saddest thing that happens is the soul dies, after which the physical body automatically dies.

Situations are more difficult, sometimes easier, but the algorithm of actions for any of them is the same: to realize, accept and decide. The only way!

This penetration is spontaneous. (on its own) and willful(at the tip of the enemy, doing you disgusting).

Spontaneous - how is it? And so

Here's a set of warnings:
1. in moments of severe mental and physical exhaustion,

2. at the moments of "switching off" consciousness (fainting, shock, drinking-overdose to "switching off"),

3. when staying in potentially dangerous geopathic places (cemeteries, places of mass death of people,

4. black "places of power, anomalous zones),

5. when "games" in all sorts of "esotericism" - wrong meditation,

6. wrong astral travel,

7. calling spirits,

8. Wrong approach to occult practices (including practices of gaining energy and "expansions" of consciousness of any kind),

9. I will especially dwell on the pernicious habit of the Soviet people to arrange drunkenness in cemeteries on memorial days - with vodka (well, it’s supposed to be!), hysterical tears, quarrels, burping in the bushes and “catching up” at home.

It is on such days and under such circumstances that one can drag a whole bunch of settlements from the cemetery, even the most dangerous type - the settlement of the dead.
This is how it can happen.

Now in parts

1. When exhausted, our protective barrier will not be able to contain the "viral attack" of those astral entities that are driven by only one motive - "eat!". You are food, a source of energy, which you need to reach, reach, suck on or penetrate inside - to energy centers. So most often, astral vampire entities - "larvae" penetrate the "protective barrier", which, like mosquitoes, drink energy and fall off themselves. And when you restore your strength, your energy will simply "squeeze" them out of your energy field.

Visions in states of fainting, hallucinations and visions while "high" or intoxicated - this is what traveling to the astral world is all about. The visions of alcoholics and drug addicts are not only "glitches" - many see and contact with astral entities that come to them in the form of "glitches".

3. When staying in places of a geopathogenic nature. In these places the concentration of astral energy is higher than in other places. And most often this energy is black. What else can it be, for example, in a place of mass death of people, or in a place of occult events and sacrifices of the "black" cult. And there both spirits, and demons, and astral dead dwell. And if you are energetically weak, then you can get out of there not only with impressions, but also with a load in the form of accommodation.

4. Esoteric games. Many have already paid the price for violating the rule “Do not go into the water without knowing the ford” on the esoteric front. The main problem here is the word "wrong". Wrong methods of gaining energy (where you can “suck up” both good energy and bad energy like a vacuum cleaner, not being able to distinguish between them). Wrong methods of meditation and expansion of consciousness, the practice of "channeling", contacts with "higher worlds and entities", when your consciousness can "throw" God knows where, and to whom you will open your consciousness - also only God knows.

Incorrect work with the world of spirits (mediumism, summoning spirits, communication with the world of the dead, "shamanism" from books) - you get into their world voluntarily, into their territory, and only stumble, make a mistake, then you can not only earn a settlement, but and obsession in its purest form.

I am a supporter of cremation after death, so that "dead" zones in the form of a cemetery do not breed on the earth, which are vampire zones and breeding grounds for a potential threat to the living. There is a kind of negativity called "binding to the dead." This also applies to subdivisions. And it can be both arbitrary and deliberate.

Spontaneous. You have met many such cases - “to whom did you leave me, how will I live without you, take me with you, I will also lie in the coffin!”. Yes, this is a case of stress after the death of a loved one. And that's okay. But some really climb into the coffin, and life stops for them, and the memory of the deceased stops in the cult of the deceased, and they ask the deceased to take them with him, or come to them. The dead should be released, not kept with you. And sometimes they “interrogate” that this dead man is dead in body, but his spirit is not released. And such an astral "zombie" clings to the fact that it is so strongly drawn to itself, and draws energy from the living. As the people say, "I took it to myself." Yes, up to and including death.

And there is also the opposite. When not the living cling to the dead, but the dead to the living. People who were reptiles in life remain reptiles after death. Witches, vampires, misanthropes leave behind such a clot of anger energy that does not disappear even after death. He was a vampire during his life, he will cling to the living (for food) even after death, if the doors are not “closed tightly” behind him, sing him, clean the house, and pray, pray, pray for him. It is these people who most often remain in the world of the living in the form of phantom ghosts. These are examples of spontaneous settlements.

Now - about intentional settlements

As the village witches say, “to plant the demon.” In many types of "black" conspiracies, both Satan and spirits - demons, demons, devils - are turned for help. According to the principle "You to me, I to you". Give something, sacrifice it to the demons, and they will do the work for it - “twist, harm, destroy, quarrel”, and so on.

And these spirits-demons, by order, go to the ordered victim, and according to the "contract-agreement" they penetrate into the astral body of a person, "live" in it, destroy it. When cleaning, I had many cases when a person spoke in a different voice from another person, and saw images of the one who harmed him or what “sits” in him. And it "twisted" people during the purges - when the entities came out.

So look, remember, observe based on the above - could something get into you in order to find the answer to the question - where do my strengths go, why sometimes “the devil pulls my tongue”, which I sometimes “not myself ”, where do such unusual actions come from.

Possession is the complete and all-encompassing subordination of a person's mind to something that acts to cause harm - to a person or others. Another name is insanity. Symptoms of possession include:

♦ inadequate and previously unusual behavior,
♦ seizures - riot, hysteria, tearfulness, panic, fear,
♦ speech from another person (often in other voices, with other intonations and stylistic features),
♦ aggression (desire and intention to harm others) or auto-aggression (desire and intention to harm oneself, up to suicide),
♦ convulsions, convulsions, epileptic seizures without "epi-syndrome",
♦ loss of control over the body,
♦ aggressive or panicky attitude towards church, prayer, religious symbols,
♦ mental disorders - hallucinations, delusions, split personality, psychosis, altered and trance states of consciousness,
♦ “voices” giving commands and directing behavior,
♦ decrease or increase in pain sensitivity, phantom pain,
♦ abrupt, unpredictable and inexplicable violations of physiological parameters - strength level, weight, body temperature, pressure, heart rate, sweating, etc.

What exactly is "obsession"?
This is the penetration into the human energy body of an entity that surpasses the level of human energy in terms of its energy level, and thus, being stronger, suppresses the mind, consciousness, will of a person, making him a controlled "puppet".
What entity? It can also be independent, thinking astral entities, which are called "demons" and "demons". It could be the spirit of a living person - a witch, a sorcerer, a psychic - who volunteered to harm the victim.

And how do they, these different "entities", get control over a person, making him obsessed? Everything is simple. As Lenin said, “First you need to seize the telephone, telegraph, post office, railway stations” ... that is, put all the most important centers of “self-government” under your control. The principle of diffusion. The penetration of someone else's energy into the "native" energy of a person, its subsequent merger, then - the concentration of someone else's energy.

And then - whoever is stronger, he won. Exceeding the internal potential of a person energetically, the essence "suppresses" the energy centers of a person - his chakras, penetrates into the subtle bodies of a person, and resubordinates these centers to himself, like a hacker - communication nodes in electronic networks. Obtaining the rights of the administrator of consciousness.

And thus, having gained control over consciousness, and having received the right to declare its “I”, the entity begins to give commands (or rather, energy impulses) to subtle bodies, to energy centers (chakras). And from there - to the nerve centers and consciousness. And the consciousness and “I” of a person are connected “hands and feet”. The person is locked inside. And he is “pulled” by the arms, legs, brains and tongue. Man became an "avatar" for the entity that became his master.

And the victim's psyche receives a "viral attack", because of which it can "turn off" or even simply "burn out", and lose its protection and cushioning functions. And the behavior of the possessed is almost always very, very similar to the behavior of a psycho. And what is characteristic - unconsciously for the person himself. He often does not remember how he behaved, what he said and did. Or - it will be for him "behind the veil of fog."

In order to recognize a person who has been astral attacked and an entity has been lodged, one should pay attention to the presence of the following symptoms:

1 Absurd internal dialogue, unreasonable distraction.

The very first thing an astral attack begins with is the appearance in the head of stormy dialogues, disputes on completely extraneous topics, absolutely not related to the process in which a person is currently involved. For example, some situation from the past may come to mind, in which a person comes to absurd reasoning, begins to justify, condemn, refute them - in this way, the victim is forced out of attention. And in this case, we can already say that a person is under the influence.

2 Illness, the causes of which are not clear, depression and inactivity.

Psychological influence is carried out at the level of consciousness. If a person does not track such an attack in time and does not provide appropriate counteraction (see the article "Psychic attack 4"), then in the future this influence will increase, and he will feel unwell. In this case, the characteristic features will be:

increased drowsiness (constant desire to sleep),
feeling of lack of strength
loss of normal appetite (a person does not want to eat what they usually eat),
over time, a loss of the taste of life is possible, depressive states may begin, in which a person completely forgets about his goals and finds reasons to justify his inaction.

3 Uncharacteristic behavior for a person (in extreme cases - life according to someone else's scenario), an uncontrollable feeling of fear, panic.

If at the second stage the victim does not oppose the attack, then at the next stage, the entity may be resettled. If this happens, she will take control of part of the consciousness or completely capture it (the latter happens much less often). And then the person acts according to someone else's scenario.

How does the process of possession by the essence take place?

When the human field is already sufficiently depleted by constant astral attacks, it is not difficult to plant an entity in it. At the same time, the essence itself can represent a certain elemental spirit, which was created in advance, and had a program in a certain way to influence the consciousness of a person.

Most often, an astral attack is carried out through instilling fear in a person who turned out to be a serious competitor in this or that business, or, somehow, “crossed the road” to someone else. In this case, the victim begins to experience states close in their etiology to panic attacks, she develops an uncontrollable feeling - one of the most significant signs of being possessed by the entity. As a rule, a long stay of this essence in a person's field leads to a change in the energy currents in his body, as a result of which chronic diseases appear and become aggravated. Such a complication occurs only if the sharing was done intentionally.

Who is subject to astral attack and who is not?

There are no people from which bullets fly off, and if there is an enemy who owns such technology, then, of course, his victim cannot avoid this type of attack. It will affect someone immediately, and someone - the next day.

There are cases when a person, being not subject to any astral attack, still finds himself in such a situation. Not only the magician is able to hook the essence. A person, with his disrespectful behavior, can anger the spirits and, thus, bring trouble on himself. There are such situations, for example, with fire, when a person puts out a fire in a pioneering way (according to some stupid tradition), defecates on it, or when he simply spits into the flame. This is a specific insult to fire spirits, and they tend to be very quick in their actions. The spirit attacks the offender, invades his energy field, influencing his state, his psyche. A person subjected to such an attack first becomes aggressive, becomes hyperactive, and then suffers from self-repression. In general, psychological disorders can manifest themselves in different ways. The same thing happens, for example, in holy places or on revered graves, where a person manages to commit some kind of obscene act.

When a person harms nature, he also harms the spirits living in the area affected by him. Their response is to protect their home. For example, European and North American herbalists have such a belief that it is forbidden to collect herbs without proper rituals (meaning - collecting herbs in large quantities). Otherwise, the herbalist runs the risk of getting sick: the spirits of the area, the spirits of the plant will take revenge on him for such a negligent attitude.

Depending on which entity is attached to a person, certain symptoms may occur in him. (Here it is worth noting that this area has not been thoroughly studied.) For example, under the influence of spirits of a necrotic nature, the overall level of energy decreases, and due to a strong decrease in immunity, these spirits are able to cause various serious diseases.

How to distinguish a simple disease from the one that occurs as a result of the presence of the essence?

This can be done directly from the symptoms that were given above. When a person has a tendency to conduct a stormy internal dispute on various issues that has nothing to do with current affairs, into which he unconsciously falls and also leaves it - then we can say that he really has a populated essence. Such an internal dispute can revolve around a quarrel, or a possible conflict, or some kind of tension - wherever there is a bright surge of emotions, due to which the settled entities are fixed. In addition, if the human consciousness is not clouded by external influences, then one can be convinced of this simply by asking oneself: “Is there someone in me?” In this question, the answer "no" is regarded as "yes". If the answer does not come, then, accordingly, there is no one superfluous in the mind.

What to do if you notice a subversion in yourself?

It is very difficult to remove such an effect on your own. If this is an entity that was placed in a person by someone, this is one thing, but if it is an entity that itself takes revenge on a person, this is quite another. There is a third option, when the entity falls by chance. This can happen due to a strong emotional outburst, for example, if a person has a fight with someone near a fire. With his strong emotions, he can unconsciously draw a small fiery spirit into his field. The spirit thus falls into a trap from which it is unable to get out on its own. Then he has to settle in a new place, and this, in turn, affects the condition of the person to whom he got.

Each settlement option has its own way of solving the problem.

3 In case of accidental hit, in which the spirit does not have any malicious intent, you can, in the usual form of communication, invite him to leave for that environment where he will be comfortable and well. Most likely, this will require contact with a certain space of his nature.

2 As for the spirits that take revenge, here it is necessary to carry out rituals to appease them, to incline them to yourside so that they give up their revenge. If they accept the gifts brought(e.g. homemade bread or milk, alcohol), it will be possible to agree with them that they stop taking revenge and leave the body of the victim.

1 If a deliberately sent spirit is attached to a person, it is extracted in different ways. There are various technologies, including shamanic ones, when they look for the so-called “trace of the spirit” in the body of the victim, through which this spirit is connected to a certain object. This item is then destroyed. For example, as an object in which a spirit can be placed, they use an ordinary piece of dough or some kind of wooden object that can then be burned.
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