How to learn to laugh at yourself. Laughter prolongs life: quotes and aphorisms about laughter, humor and a smile A man who jokes at himself

Do you know how to laugh at yourself? And be ironic about your own life? Or always-always-serious-serious? In general, laughter, humor, irony are sometimes just necessary things in our life, and it is very important to be able to laugh, and, first of all, to be able to laugh not from someone, something (there is a witty joke, a funny comedy), but to laugh at oneself ... If there were more laughter and irony (especially self-irony) in the world, there would be less wars, hatred, fanaticism (in particular, religious), and so on.

It seems that laughing at yourself is so simple and easy, but ironically, simple and seemingly obvious things are the most difficult to understand, it is truly not easy to be simple. It is also quite difficult, at least for many people, to laugh at oneself, because people, as a rule, take their lives very seriously and it is important. A sense of self-importance (or pride, that is) is what prevents us from laughing at ourselves and makes us extremely serious and at the same time stupid. I wonder how God still hasn't died of laughter watching us - people. Watching the nonsense that we penetrate, as if these are global problems of the world order.

History knows many examples when, in fact, through empty and small things, people were even ready to kill each other. And all this: numerous religious wars, all kinds of feuds, disputes, misunderstandings and grievances, first of all, occur due to the inability of people to laugh at themselves, and in particular at their views, beliefs (which many consider "the only true" and "the only correct "). People take very seriously their views and beliefs (especially in relation to religion and politics) and themselves in this world (and some even believe that it is the center of the whole world). As a result, they get offended, angry.

And also, sometimes our life is full of various problems and simply dramatic situations, it is not better to laugh instead of being upset when fate touches us with its not very attractive side. No, to laugh not at the problems without which our life is inevitable (although it is possible with them too), but to laugh at yourself and your stupidity. Indeed, what are any of our petty problems in the eyes of the universe? Grain of sand.

After all, we do not know how to laugh at ourselves through our pride and the thought that we are smart and know something in this life. And only a real sage (such as the famous Socrates) happily laughs at himself and his "stupidity", because he knows perfectly well that he knows nothing! And all serious and arrogant "turkeys" do not even know this.

Few things soothe me like laughing at my own failures. Science also began to see value in self-irony. Self-deprecating humor not only lifts your spirits but also improves your overall health.

Psychologist Arnie Kann, who studies humor, notes that everything depends on the context. Depending on how we use jokes, they can have positive or negative consequences. So, it is better not to resort to self-irony in order to hide your anger.

Understanding how useful laughter is can improve your life. If you are looking for reasons to take yourself less seriously, they are in front of you.

1. It will be easier for you to establish positive relationships with people.

Laughter releases oxytocin, and this hormone increases confidence and helps a person open up.

Besides, sincerity is always attractive. Revealing your flaws through humor, you win over the person, and he begins to feel comfortable.

And finally, the third argument - no one likes whiners. People are drawn to those who exude positivity.

2. You can rethink your problems

When faced with fear or stress, allow yourself to see the funny side, which is there in every situation. Laughter will release your emotions, soothe and help you look at what is happening from a different angle.

Of course, you should not laugh in the face of all threats, otherwise your life will turn into a continuous hysteria. But most of the troubles you face are not as serious as you imagine them to be.

3. Humor will help develop creative thinking

It's not only about self-irony, but about laughter in general. There is a lot of research that confirms that positive emotions allow us to solve problems more creatively and effectively.

4. It is a great tool for dealing with possible stress.

Exposing something positive before you experience a stressful situation reduces its bad influence. With self-irony, you control this "something positive."

If you are afraid of a difficult meeting or interview, discuss it with a loved one in a humorous manner. This will help reduce the pathos of the upcoming event and relax.

Humor is a powerful tool for overcoming any stress in life. The ability not only to understand other people's jokes, but also to use self-irony will help you always master the situation.

5. You will start to feel better about yourself.

Self-irony should be a gentle way for you to admit your own shortcomings. By making fun of yourself, you make it clear that all people are imperfect.

When you can be kind to your shortcomings, you will become more tolerant of others too.

Jokes at yourself can be angry, harsh, whatever, they will still help you more.

Austrian scientists consider craving for black humor a sign of high intelligence. They asked over 150 people of all backgrounds to rate 12 dark comics with jokes about death and injury. Their research has shown that lovers of black humor are not aggressive, intelligent and emotionally stable. The results are published in the journal Cognitive Processing.

You can only feel the positive effect of self-irony if it is sincere. Respect the boundaries: do not slip into self-depreciation and do not turn yourself into a laughing stock. Your goal is not to cause pity, but to laugh heartily.

At all times, films and stories about heroes who gracefully overcome many obstacles and find a way out of the most hopeless situations have been wildly popular. One of the important qualities of each of them is the ability not to lose enthusiasm and laugh at themselves in any circumstances. And it is this character trait that often turns out to be the very key to a happy ending for what is happening to them. We, of course, not all save the world every day or decide how to get out of a desert island. But it is easier to learn, to treat your life and yourself with humor would be useful to many, because the ability to find something comic in a situation is a rare skill, possessing which you can safely look troubles in the face and suffer much less from these troubles. Let's try to figure out how to master the art of laughing at ourselves.

Allow yourself to be wrong

In an awkward position, it is often difficult to just relax and be yourself. Since childhood, we have been stormed from all sides by images of how to behave, what to do, what impression to make, and so on. Some women literally go crazy trying to achieve universal recognition, ideal weight, sophistication of manners, and cannot forgive themselves for the slightest deviation from the planned course. And here sometimes the inner tension reaches such strength that one, probably meaningless in reality, but seemingly disapproving glance, becomes the cause of real depression itself.

But let's not talk about the sad, because you can always change something. Think about what is so important to you and worries you that it paralyzes all your natural manifestations. Find your inner bully, who knows for sure - life is unpredictable and this is wonderful, and any mistake or deviation from the ideal picture can be the beginning of something new and wonderful. So leave yourself free to make mistakes and free up some room for creativity and room for a step forward.

Accept yourself

Very often, successful and beautiful women are at the reception of a psychologist, who, in an endless race for achievements - from housekeeping to designing complex mechanisms - forget about one person for whom they are doing all this. And this person is themselves. By some ridiculous accident, growing up, they forgot how beautiful they are in every little thing, including those flaws that can be found in themselves. But shortcomings are just part of the whole, and they have many useful functions: they provide opportunities for development and change, they constitute our unique essence, they can become our highlight. The only question is, from which side to look at yourself and all your external and internal content.

Try to create a portrait of your personality, remember what always bothered you or did not like it very much, and just accept everything that you find, love with all your heart. Train yourself to gradually reduce the degree of significance of everything that happens, reminding yourself that it is more difficult and more interesting to find a reason to rejoice than to be sad and doubtful. Add a little spontaneity and self-indulgence to your everyday life, doing at least ten minutes something valuable and pleasant only for yourself.

Add creativity

Being creative is a recipe for almost all occasions. Try, for example, putting on different looks while doing your usual chores. For example, wash the dishes with a Viennese waltz, fantasizing about yourself as a beautiful princess. Challenge yourself and find fifteen new ways to make a tea bag in a week or make your daily meetings a little more fun in your imagination. All these and other simple steps gradually help you learn to relate to life easier and more fun, and the buttons of humor and creativity begin to turn on by themselves, supporting you in the most unpleasant situations.

Remember your childhood

A little restless girl lives in each of us. When this baby was still a baby according to passport data, she knew how to live easily and really have fun. She had no problem imagining a castle in place of a coffee table, showing her feelings. And she certainly wasn't afraid to be funny and awkward. We, sometimes overly serious adults, sometimes really lack childlike spontaneity and the ability to use our imagination to good use. Of course, an adult aunt looks a little ridiculous, who behaves like a four-year-old child and expresses her thoughts accordingly. Contact with the inner child is rather a second wind for those skills that were with us initially - spontaneity, creativity, lightness and joy.

The fear of appearing ridiculous, worrying about any occasion is a reflection of our relationship with ourselves. Complexes, problems with self-esteem are the main reasons that it becomes extremely difficult to laugh at yourself or find advantages in a difficult situation. Take your time, try to gradually recognize and accept yourself, start to cultivate self-irony for a start in your own thoughts. Having made a mistake, do not rush to scold yourself, but look at the situation as a comic film with a ridiculous plot. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, and no matter how you will learn to laugh at yourself and be more happy, this skill will not hurt at all in our difficult times. Start small, for example, with a smile, a commendable word and foolish antics at your reflection in the mirror in the morning - and after what time new colors will appear in your life, and freelance situations will not seem so scary and terrible.

A good laugh is sunlight in the house. William Thackeray

The hut where they laugh is richer than the palace where they are bored. Chinese proverb

Happiness comes to a house where people laugh. Japanese proverb

It so happens that the power of laughter and love overcomes the power of fear every time. John Goodman

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. For me, laughter is as holy as prayer. Osho.

Laughter is absolutely essential for maintaining harmony, and sometimes it can be the only way out for us. Kosyun Takami.

As long as we laugh, we are all right. Saul Bellow

Be double filled with kindness, and so as not to offend someone, when you laugh loudly,

Be able to see through the wall with your heart. Evgeny Evtushenko.

Laugh with others, not others. Elbert Green Hubbard

There is no laughter more pure and pure than that of people who are familiar with the deepest grief. Erich Maria Remarque.

It's much easier to make people cry than to laugh Vivien Leigh

When you say goodbye to your audience, leave them laughing. George Cowan

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. Victor Borge

People cannot resist those who make them laugh. William Somerset Maugham.

Laughter together - how much charm and trick there is! Do not overestimate his power. Love and friendship, desire and despair - nothing can do without it. Françoise Sagan.

She laughed joyfully and loudly, as children usually laugh, as if the whole world is oozing with joy from them. Then the world teaches them to laugh more quietly, more calmly - everyone except those who are very lucky. Laurel Hamilton.

God, how ridiculous is the fear of appearing ridiculous! Frederic Beigbeder.

For fear of being found funny, we often lead funny lives. Nina Rubshtein.

Someone who never laughs at himself misses out on many great laughing opportunities. Sarah Duncan

Know how to laugh at yourself In the roar and silence, Without orchestras, scenery-

Alone with myself.

If laughed with himself, No one is afraid of laughter. Vadim Shefner

To laugh at yourself is to deprive others of this opportunity. Aleksey Ivanov.

It is impossible to laugh at a person who laughs at himself. Dmitry Emets.

In real life, the tragic and the comical are so intertwined that when you are especially unhappy, funny things happen that make you laugh against your will. Georgette Heyer.

People expect me to cry, but I always laugh when something goes wrong. Christina Aguilera

Well, tell me, is it possible to live without laughter? You have to laugh to survive. Jonathan Coe

Fear and courage, tears and laughter - like twins, were always inseparable. Ed McBain.

There is a laugh for every tear. Kurdish proverb

When things get really bad, all that remains is to laugh. Jim Carrey, comedian and actor

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; laughing at her is to destroy him. Confucius

What is my sin? That I don’t learn to cry in church, laughing in reality and in my sleep?

And in laughter, therefore, I am happy! Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

How much more deserving of laughter is that which causes us to shed tears every now and then! Lucius Annay Seneca

The person can laugh or cry. Whenever you cry, you could laugh, the choice is yours. Andy Warhole.

It is better to laugh before you are happy than to die without laughing. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Eh, people! Take a wider look at life: Am I joking on earth in vain?

To cry less often in this world ... Eduard Arkadievich Asadov

Those who have suffered a lot laugh the most in life. Evgeny Petrosyan

Laughter is a doctor for a sad soul. Sonya Shatalova

Laughter activates many beneficial elements in our body. Laughter also brings the body back into balance. Robin Sharma

How good and useful it is to laugh a little! It makes us healthier, keeps us human and does not allow us to sour. Mark Twain.

A good laugh, a good sense of humor is an indicator of a person's spiritual health. The ability to laugh at all kinds of egoistic manifestations in oneself is a necessary element of development throughout the entire spiritual path of a person. Michael Laitman

Laughter reduces aggression. Victor Canning.

Laughter is the most powerful weapon in overcoming anger. Grigory Nazianzin

Only laughter can harmlessly destroy evil. Alexander Petrovich Dovzhenko

He who laughs is not angry, because to laugh is to forgive. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Only an internally free person can laugh at himself and let others laugh at himself. Lyudmila Ulitskaya.

Better hit me, but let me laugh. Moliere

I never thought that you can laugh like that, looking at yourself in the mirror. Heinrich Heine

When the monkey burst out laughing when he saw himself in the mirror, a man was born. S. Jerzy Lec

The most lost is the day that passed without laughter. Nicolas de Chamfort

Laughter is a new life. There is no death as long as laughter sounds. Maria Semenova.

Taking time to work is the price of success. Taking time to think is a source of strength. Taking time to play is the secret of youth. Taking time to read is the basis of knowledge. Making time for religion is the path of godliness. Making time for friendship is a source of strength. it is a source of joy. Take time for love is the sacred gift of life. Take time for dream - only in this way the soul reaches the stars.

Make time for laughter - it can help you cope with the difficulties of life; Make time for beauty - it is everywhere.

Taking time to be healthy is life's only treasure. Taking time to plan is the secret to finding time for all the previous 11 activities. It's the secret to happiness.

Paul Chappius Bragg

Let the flame of love of life be kindled from a spark of sparkling humor!

Laughter - statuses, quotes, poems, sayings, aphorisms, proverbs.

Seriously about humor. Psychology of laughter and jokes.

Laughter: statuses, quotes, poems, sayings, aphorisms, proverbs.

Test of humorous phrases. TYuV questionnaire (V.S.Babin (Boldyreva), A.G. Shmelev). Methodology for diagnosing the motivational sphere of the personality.

Know how to laugh at yourself, Depriving the joy of enemies

If you don't know how to laugh at yourself, you will never have the right to laugh at others.

Tiger Woods (7)

Blessed are those who know how to laugh at themselves, for the source of their delight will not dry out until the end of their days.

Jewish Proverbs and Sayings (50+)

In a year, we will openly laugh at the problems that today prevent us from falling asleep.

Victory over oneself is the first and best of all victories.

Plato (100+)

Be able to subordinate passion to reason! No matter how hard it is ...

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (100+)

Expectation of joy is also joy.

Gothold Ephraim Lessing (50+)

Never exaggerate the stupidity of enemies and the loyalty of friends.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky (100+)

It is better to cry at a psychologist than to laugh at a psychiatrist.

You are not really strong until you learn to see the funny side in everything. Know: you have to laugh at what torments you, otherwise you will not keep your balance, otherwise the world will drive you crazy.

Ken Kesey (8)

A fool strives for power over someone else's body, wallet and mind, a sage - only for power over someone else's heart, for the heart will bring with it the mind, the body and the wallet.

I'm going to look for (Max Fry) (1)

Aphorisms and quotes about laughter

It’s amazing how the priests-fore-storytellers, looking at each other, can still refrain from laughing.

Nothing brings people together like a good, harmless laugh. And bringing people closer together is the main task of art.

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter - by the serious.

A person is no longer afraid of anything as much as laughter. Fearing laughter, a person will refrain from what no force would keep him from.

Laugh at yourself - do not be afraid, self-criticism is as necessary as it is necessary to wash.

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil, to laugh at it is to destroy it.

Laughter also matures.

If you want to examine a person and know his soul, then delve not into how he is silent, or how he speaks, or how he cries, or how he worries about the noblest ideas, but look at him better when he laughs. A person laughs well - that means a good person.

I think, therefore, I laugh.

A good laugh is a sure sign of spiritual health.

I take the funny seriously when I present it in a funny way.

Is it wrong to laugh? And can't you laugh with total seriousness? Laughter preserves our reason better than annoyance and grief.

You can laugh at anything, but not whenever you want. We joke about the deathbed, but not the deathbed. Life is always serious, but it is impossible to live always seriously.

If, in our opinion, something was lacking in the treat, or if we did not like something in the house, do not scoff at that on the side.

Horror is incompatible with laughter.

Of all animals, only man can laugh.

Before I had time to open your book, I burst into laughter. Someday I will certainly open it.

Laughter is a disinfectant.

It is a bad sign when they cease to understand irony, allegory, or a joke.

If I ever get smarter, no one will ever see me laughing.

To be afraid of something funny is not to love the truth.

It is better to write laughing than with tears, for laughter is a special sign of a person.

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning.

Laughter is the physiognomy of the mind.

Learning the laws of life means experiencing a range of humiliations - just like learning how to ice skate. The only way out is to laugh at yourself along with the onlookers.

Laughter is invulnerable because it laughs at itself.

There is also only one step from funny to great.

You can blame people, but not revile or scoff at them, for gossip that confuses many is still bad if it digs a hole for at least one person.

There is no power more destructive than the ability to present people in a funny way.

There is nothing more mysterious than laughing in a foreign language.

When you laugh at people, you are not angry with them. Humor teaches tolerance, and a humorist - when with a smile, and when with a sigh - will sooner shrug than condemn.

I am not averse to laughing at the people I meet, believing that they too, if they want, can laugh at me.

The ridicule of clever people is the natural privilege of fools.

The one who laughs and laughs at the same time is doubly funny.

Learning to use the weapon of laughter is one of the subtlest and most difficult things in the formation of moral views, convictions, and tastes.

The Frenchman is cheerful, the Russian is mocking, the Frenchman laughs because he laughs, the Russian laughs because he laughs.

Delirium, which happens with laughter, is less dangerous, but serious delirium is more dangerous.

Who prevents, laughing, telling the truth?

Man differs from all other creatures in the ability to laugh.

Where there is no bile and laughter, there is no hope of renewal. Where there are no sarcasms, there is no true love for humanity.

The executioners rarely laugh, and their laughter is not the same as everyone else's.

The one who laughs at evil, in any of its manifestations, does not have a very healthy moral sense.

The child laughs with the happiest laugh.

It's hard to believe, meanwhile women take lessons even in laughter and here they also try to be pretty! You should open your mouth when laughing in moderation: two dimples and a lower lip should be visible on the cheeks - slightly open the bottom of the upper teeth. Laughter should be, so to speak, light and something feminine for the ear! There are women who disfigure their mouths with immoderate laughter. Others, laughing, shake, one might think that they are crying. Still others have a sort of hoarse, disgusting laugh. When they laugh, you think it's the disgusting roar of a donkey at the millstone.

Laugh to tears - advice to optimists and pessimists.

Laughter is the only test of the serious, and the seriousness of the funny. A suspicious object that does not tolerate ridicule, and a deceitful joke that does not stand the test of seriousness.

All fools can't wait to make fun of someone.

Whoever laughs forgives everything.

Laughter is the most sophisticated way to show your opponent's teeth.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

People laugh with their faces with laughing ones, and cry with crying ones.

What could be more ridiculous than the sight of a hearse rolling through the streets?

Putting in a funny light what is not subject to ridicule is in a sense like turning good into evil.

The jester is allowed everything. When he cries, they don't believe him, and even his blood is considered cranberry juice.

We mock and laugh at a person, not because he is funny, but because we need to have fun, to laugh.

Laughter is solely or almost exclusively caused by designating or indicating something obscene without obscenity.

We recognize a fool by our frequent laughter.

Nothing reveals a lack of a sense of humor like laughter.

Laughter corrects morals.

You can't hate a person you can laugh at.

Resounding laughter has exposed civilization at all times. Cinema and radio are no longer required to impersonate art.

According to our philosophers, a person differs from other living beings in the ability to laugh.

Let's laugh without waiting for the moment when we feel happy, otherwise we risk dying without ever laughing.

A person who laughs is more ridiculous than his victim. For a sacrifice, not only sacrifices are needed, but also those who make the sacrifice.

If I hadn't had a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago.

Under the cry of the heir, a cheerful laugh is often hidden.

With whom you can laugh together, you can work together.

A person cannot be incorrigibly bad if he laughed heartily at least once.

Sometimes you close your eyes to truth, goodness and beauty, because they give little food to the sense of the funny.

Laughter is the essence of man.

Half of the people laugh at the other half, and both are equally stupid.

Laughter is the gaiety of the mind, a smile is the gaiety of the heart.

When we laugh at the absurdity of children, our laughter only covers up the shame experienced at the sight of the state to which we reduce life when it comes out of nothing.

Laughter teaches: by wisely avoiding the elements of death, we are trying only to preserve life, while entering the area from which wisdom tells us to flee, we live life.

Before you laugh at people, you must learn to love them with all your heart.

Keeping laughing is easier than ending laughing.

Laughing for no reason is a sign of great mood.

A smile is always good, because it reveals a person's simple inner world.

Frequent and loud laughter is a sign of stupidity and bad education.

Of the animals, only a hyena is capable of making sounds that closely resemble our laughter.

What has become funny cannot be dangerous.

Laughing at smart people is the privilege of fools, they are in the world the same as jesters at court: no one takes an example from them.

The laughter is silenced when the echo is not responding.

The mocker is always a superficial creature.

It is better to give cause for laughter than for ridicule.

It seems that the Pavlovian conditioned reflex really exists. Every time a taped laugh is heard on TV, the viewer involuntarily yawns.

Mockery, that is, moral indignation, must be combined with the constancy of a lofty feeling.

I believe that the power of laughter and tears can be an antidote to hatred and fear.

You can't really love a person with whom you never laugh.

Laughter - aphorisms, sayings, quotes

Those who scoff at others are afraid of being mocked at themselves.

Alphonse Allais

People who never laugh are undoubtedly the least serious people.


Serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter - by seriousness.

Vissarion Belinsky

Laughter is often a great mediator in discerning truth from falsehood.

Pierre Bouast

The laughter of the clever is seen, not heard.

Nikolay Gogol

Why are you laughing? You are laughing at yourself!

Victor Hugo

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from a human face.

Fedor Dostoevsky

With laughter, another person completely betrays himself, and you suddenly recognize all his ins and outs.

Emile Zola

Laughter is the force that the greats of this world are forced to submit.

Leonid Zorin

The foolish laugh, the smart laugh, the wise smile.

Mark Quintilian

Not far from laughter to ridicule.

Jean de La Bruyere

We will laugh without waiting for the moment when we feel happy, otherwise we risk dying without ever laughing.

Francois VI de La Rochefoucauld

It is better to laugh without being happy than to die without laughing.

Gothold Lessing

Laughter rather than sadness makes us reasonable.

Marcus Aurelius

It's ridiculous: one cannot avoid one's own depravity, although it is possible, but one cannot avoid another's depravity, which is in no way possible.

Oscar Wilde

Laughter is a good start for a friendship, and it’s a good thing to end it with laughter.

A good laugh is sunlight in the house. William Thackeray

The hut where they laugh is richer than the palace where they are bored. Chinese proverb

Happiness comes to a house where people laugh. Japanese proverb

It so happens that the power of laughter and love overcomes the power of fear every time. John Goodman

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. For me, laughter is as holy as prayer. Osho.

Laughter is absolutely essential for maintaining harmony, and sometimes it can be the only way out for us. Kosyun Takami.

As long as we laugh, we are all right. Saul Bellow

Double fill with kindness
And, so as not to offend someone,
When you laugh out loud
Be able to see through the wall with your heart. Evgeny Evtushenko.

Laugh with others, not others. Elbert Green Hubbard

There is no laughter more pure and pure than that of people who are familiar with the deepest grief. Erich Maria Remarque.

It's much easier to make people cry than to laugh Vivien Leigh

When you say goodbye to your audience, leave them laughing. George Cowan

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. Victor Borge

People cannot resist those who make them laugh. William Somerset Maugham.

Laughter together - how much charm and trick there is! Do not overestimate his power. Love and friendship, desire and despair - nothing can do without it. Françoise Sagan.

She laughed joyfully and loudly, as children usually laugh, as if the whole world is oozing with joy from them. Then the world teaches them to laugh more quietly, more calmly - everyone except those who are very lucky. Laurel Hamilton.

God, how ridiculous is the fear of appearing ridiculous! Frederic Beigbeder.

For fear of being found funny, we often lead funny lives. Nina Rubshtein.

Someone who never laughs at himself misses out on many great laughing opportunities. Sarah Duncan

Know how to laugh at yourself
In the rumble and silence
Without orchestras, decorations-
Alone with myself.

If you laugh with yourself,
Then no one is afraid of laughter. Vadim Shefner

To laugh at yourself is to deprive others of this opportunity. Aleksey Ivanov.

It is impossible to laugh at a person who laughs at himself. Dmitry Emets.

In real life, the tragic and the comical are so intertwined that when you are especially unhappy, funny things happen that make you laugh against your will. Georgette Heyer.

People expect me to cry, but I always laugh when something goes wrong. Christina Aguilera

Well, tell me, is it possible to live without laughter? You have to laugh to survive. Jonathan Coe

Fear and courage, tears and laughter - like twins, were always inseparable. Ed McBain.

There is a laugh for every tear. Kurdish proverb

When things get really bad, all that remains is to laugh. Jim Carrey, comedian and actor

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; laughing at her is to destroy him. Confucius

What is my sin? That I don’t learn to cry in church,
Laughing in reality and in a dream?
Trust me: I am healed with laughter for pain,
And in laughter, therefore, I am happy! Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

How much more deserving of laughter is that which causes us to shed tears every now and then! Lucius Annay Seneca

The person can laugh or cry. Whenever you cry, you could laugh, the choice is yours. Andy Warhole.

Eh, people! Take a wider look at life:
Am I joking on earth for nothing?
After all, I laugh in the face of all adversity,
To cry less often in this world ... Eduard Arkadievich Asadov

Those who have suffered a lot laugh the most in life. Evgeny Petrosyan

Laughter is a doctor for a sad soul. Sonya Shatalova

Laughter activates many beneficial elements in our body. Laughter also brings the body back into balance. Robin Sharma

How good and useful it is to laugh a little! It makes us healthier, keeps us human and does not allow us to sour. Mark Twain.

A good laugh, a good sense of humor is an indicator of a person's spiritual health. The ability to laugh at all kinds of egoistic manifestations in oneself is a necessary element of development throughout the entire spiritual path of a person. Michael Laitman

Laughter reduces aggression. Victor Canning.

Laughter is the most powerful weapon in overcoming anger. Grigory Nazianzin

Only laughter can harmlessly destroy evil. Alexander Petrovich Dovzhenko

He who laughs is not angry, because to laugh is to forgive. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Only an internally free person can laugh at himself and let others laugh at himself. Lyudmila Ulitskaya.

Better hit me, but let me laugh. Moliere

I never thought that you can laugh like that, looking at yourself in the mirror. Heinrich Heine

When the monkey burst out laughing when he saw himself in the mirror, a man was born. S. Jerzy Lec

The most lost is the day that passed without laughter. Nicolas de Chamfort

Laughter is a new life. There is no death as long as laughter sounds. Maria Semenova.

Taking time to work is the price of success.
Taking time to think is a source of strength.
Taking time to play is the secret to being youthful.
Take time to read - this is the foundation of knowledge.
Take time for religion is the path of godliness.
Make time to be friends is a source of joy.
Take time to love is the sacred gift of life.
Take time to dream - only in this way will the soul reach the stars.
Take time to laugh - it will help you cope with the difficulties of life.
Take time for beauty - it is everywhere.
Take time for health - this is life's only treasure.
Taking time to plan is the secret to finding time for all of the previous 11 things.
This is the secret of happiness.
Paul Chappius Bragg

Let the flame of love of life be kindled from a spark of sparkling humor!

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