Where to meet good girls: proven places. Where to meet a girl for a serious relationship

Many guys are interested in the question: how to get acquainted with a girl if it seems that the relationship will not continue? In fact, you can get acquainted almost everywhere: at school, in a cafe, on the street, in a shopping center, only the approach and self-confidence are important. Let's talk about this in more detail.

If an acquaintance begins with a compliment, it has every chance of turning into a lasting friendship.
Oscar Wilde. Ideal husband

Meeting girls - what's important?

The first thing worth mentioning is that you need to try to please the girl before you dare to speak to her.

Meeting a girl for a serious relationship - where is it possible?

Most couples who have long-term relationships admit that they met:
  • At work or school;
  • In the circle of mutual acquaintances;
  • In hobby clubs;
  • At corporate parties, weddings, friends' birthdays;
  • In a store or transport;
  • At parties, discos and nightclubs;
  • On the street.
As you can see, everything is pretty common. One of the best options where you can meet is study, work, various courses and interest clubs. Everything is simple here - you know what the girl is interested in, you have common topics for conversation, so communication has every chance to go through easily and naturally.

Take a look around - perhaps there are girls in your language courses, at school or in a photography group, just like in your dreams. Develop, work on yourself, don't just think about where you can meet a girl, because your hobbies only contribute to a serious relationship - it's much easier to communicate with a like-minded person!

Acquaintance at holidays and in clubs

Another option is student parties, holidays, corporate parties at work. How to meet girls in such an atmosphere? It's very simple: you can observe a girl in the process of communicating with her, perhaps learn something about her among friends. In an atmosphere of universal fun, acquaintances that develop into a serious relationship are easily and quickly turned up.

Nightclubs are too noisy for dating, but the atmosphere is so relaxed that you can easily offer a cocktail or dance to a girl you like. Talking for a long time and learning about each other is unlikely to succeed, but getting to know a woman, taking contacts and agreeing to meet the next day is quite real.

Acquaintance in transport

Surprisingly, the acquaintance with the girls, which had a continuation, could be tied up during joint trips. Of course, long journeys are more conducive to conversation and frankness, as in the same train.

How to meet girls on a shuttle bus

There are also advantages here: regular trips will allow you to notice some features of the girl who travels with you to work every day. For example, yesterday you saw what book she was reading, last week she discussed the schedule of language courses with a friend, and you also know that she loves apples! Here, the initial information for dating is ready!

At first, it can be casual conversations on general topics, it is hardly worth dazzling with information from the category “I will meet a woman for the consciousness of the family,” but friendly relations in the future can lead to something more.

Video: How you can meet a girl in a car

Acquaintance in a shopping center or supermarket

There is a good option: ask the girl you like for advice on choosing a product. Moreover, it is easy to determine from the contents of the bags from the stores that she prefers a sporty style of clothing, loves indoor plants and reads design magazines.

The supermarket trolley can tell a lot - that the girl is an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, or that she loves to cook, or that she has a sweet tooth - and the topic of conversation is ready! Now it's easy to get to know a woman!

It’s worth mentioning that you don’t need to unceremoniously look at the contents of a girl’s bags or cart — this can be annoying.

How to meet a girl on the street?

The answer is simple - you need to look good. Do you like well-groomed girls who know their worth? Well, they also like neat, self-conscious guys. Neat appearance, appropriate clothing (and it does not have to be expensive) - and you have every chance to meet a girl or woman (see below) and like her even before your initiative.

Meeting on the street

Here it is important to attract attention and so endear the girl to herself that she will immediately be ready to continue acquaintance! This may be some kind of non-trivial situation, but in a familiar area. You can help a girl with a broken car, a heavy bag, or vice versa, ask for help by learning how to get to a certain place. The main thing is to establish contact, after which it will be easier to continue the relationship with the girl.

How to meet a girl on the Internet

How to meet a beautiful girl on the street is more or less clear, but what about online communication?

If you spend most of your time at home, then you can safely use the Internet for dating. The best option is to communicate on thematic forums or sites.

You always have a common topic of conversation, similar beliefs and ideas about a number of things - this is an excellent basis for a possible relationship. Do not be afraid to expand your social circle, even if you fail to strike up a relationship, then you can find a great friend.

How to meet a girl on the Internet on dating sites

Many guys and girls are really aiming to find the other half, but some are just trying to kill time or have fun in this way, there are also scammers (extortionists, gigolos, etc.).

Considering dating sites is definitely worth considering, especially if it's a site with an impeccable reputation and reliable clientele. Meet a girl, a woman for serious relationship it is possible and recommended on such authoritative sites as Mamba, LovePlanet, eDarling, etc. The bonus of these dating sites is that the girl is already aimed at acquaintance and relationships, which greatly simplifies the task of searching and further communication.

In the dating site profile it is worth mentioning: "I will meet a girl to create a family." Remember that here too you need to attract attention to yourself, stand out, carefully study the girl's profile, and not just write the duty: "Hello, how are you?" Chat with a girl from the countryside - many of them are very humble, kind and aimed at a serious relationship.

How to find a girl on VKontakte

Social networks today have become a whole world where it is also possible to find your soul mate. The undoubted advantages of social networks - you can see the profile of a potential girl, her hobbies, places where she likes to spend her free time.

For a successful acquaintance, pay attention to your own VK page - even just a good avatar will significantly increase the chances of meeting a girl on the Internet. Make sure that the page contains adequate content, it is better to avoid grammatical and spelling errors in posts and statuses, it is also better to upload high-quality and unambiguous photos.

You can often find a potential girlfriend to build further relationships - if you have common acquaintances, then the trust in you as an interlocutor will be higher. You can also find a girl in an interest group, in the comments to the posts, conversations are often struck, after which you can successfully go to private messages.

The main problem is the transition from online conversations to real communication. If a few years ago this was a real problem, many were shy and worried, today so many couples have found each other on the Internet that all doubts about such a relationship have long disappeared.

How to meet a girl on the phone

A more typical situation - you have already seen a girl, you liked her and you have her phone number.

The network has special dating sites that provide for communication with the partner you like by phone. Pros - the girl knows where you got her number from, you know that she is currently free and is in search.

Some advise to start communication with SMS messages at the phone number indicated in the questionnaire. Such communication will not embarrass the girl, moreover, the answer can always be considered and postponed.

Video: How NOT to meet girls

First, be light on refusals, perhaps the unwillingness to communicate does not apply to you personally, maybe she is in a bad mood, in trouble at work or school, she may feel bad and not be inclined to meet new people.

But all the same your attention will be pleasant to her. There is no need to dwell on one thing: “I want to meet a girl”, be yourself, try to just communicate (which will be a natural acquaintance without unnecessary pressure).

If you're shy, try just practicing your communication. The scheme is simple: you turn to any girl with a question, get an answer, thank you and leave. If you are very shy, at first you can just ask your classmates what audience the lesson is in; then ask for advice on which institution is better for preparing pasta or where it is better to relax in the evening; and then you can safely ask your opinion on a particular issue, debate, argue. Girls don't bite and are easy on shy guys because they find them cute.

You can start trying to start communicating with modest people too, for example, with a girl from the countryside. Such people often feel “out of place” in a noisy city: and then communication with girls will become habitual and will no longer cause feelings of awkwardness and fear.

There is a sure-fire way - to give flowers to the girl you like. It is extremely difficult for any girl to refuse such a gift, and it will be easy to continue dating.

Offer help more often - again, it is important to carry heavy bags, to help get out of transport. This is an elementary politeness that will only find a positive response in the heart of any girl. Even if you don't get to know each other, you will still increase your "rating" and look better in women's eyes.

How to meet a girl with a girl

If a girl wants to meet another girl, then the task becomes easier on the one hand, and a little more difficult on the other.

It's easier because you have many common "female" topics for conversation, you often intersect in the same places (shopping centers, fitness clubs or beauty salons), and more difficult because not every acquaintance between women turns into a relationship. But by far the best option is to at least just strike up a friendship with interesting girls, expand your social circle, so common interests are a must.

Meeting women

If you are interested in women who have long left student desks and cannot be met at student parties, but are still single, the approach is practically no different.

Older women value men’s care, respect and reliability. Dating with women is not a mystery: if you ask her for advice in a supermarket, help carry heavy bags, help with a car - this will be the best way to establish an acquaintance.

Women invariably appreciate humor, the non-triviality of dating, but it is important to be honest with them - after all, they are unlikely to agree to a small affair, and a serious relationship is quite possible.

You can safely get acquainted at holidays, corporate parties, birthdays of mutual friends - usually if a woman wants to continue acquaintance, she will inform about it herself.

Honesty, straightforwardness and unambiguousness of your intentions will help to translate friendship into a serious relationship if the girl is also interested in them (you must definitely find out in advance so as not to get into an awkward situation).

Dating for serious relationships with girls is not a superpower, but daily work on oneself. Develop, become an interesting person, expand your social circle, do not be afraid to try new things, watch your appearance - and you are guaranteed to start noticing interested looks on yourself!

It would seem that the rapidly changing means of communication are more conducive to communication. However, in fact, people are more likely to feel lonely. You can hear more and more often from young people that there is no one to meet, that everything is wrong and everything is wrong, and in general it is better to while away the evening, sitting at your favorite computer game.

If you spend all your free time on the Internet, why are you surprised? In fact, there are not so few places where you can meet a girl. The problem is different: a young guy, quite normal and even handsome, is just embarrassed to get acquainted. Does it look like you? Surely, because guys who know how to meet girls don't read this article, but are already dating their girlfriend. Now you will find out where you can catch a "goldfish", that is, just meet a cute girl, so make a cup of coffee or tea, read and go fishing.

Why do you need this acquaintance

First of all, decide why you need this acquaintance at all. Now acquaintance with a girl does not automatically imply - in the future, a wedding, or at least sex (which is a pity, right?), So your acquaintance may simply remain an acquaintance, it may develop into something more, or it may become destiny. But don't think ahead. Excessive romantic mood can turn into painful disappointment, discourage the hunt to look for places where you can meet girls, and you will again hide in your cozy virtual world, from which you can get practical use only when you make a purchase in some online store.

Therefore, even if deep down in your heart you hope to meet the girl of your dreams, go to get acquainted, slightly cooling your ardor. To begin with, just learn how to get to know each other and make a few acquaintances, in the long term - good friends (sometimes guys need them no less than male friends), and not lovers, etc. For advice on how to lure a girl into bed, contact a pickup truck, just remember that you can end up in an unpleasant situation.

Here you can definitely meet a girl

Acquaintance in the company

This means not only acquaintance at a birthday party or a party, although this is just the most accessible and natural way of dating. At one crowded party that unites people by interests, work or place of study, you can meet a dozen girls in the evening.

A very useful option is to get acquainted not alone, but with a friend or a small male company - with a similar female couple or company. The pair option is preferable, because girls often go for walks or to cafes with friends. If a girl is with a friend, it is very difficult to get acquainted alone - the girls will start giggling and the flirting may end in nothing. Therefore, "two by two" is a great option for meeting girls in a park, restaurant or at a disco, so long as both do not like the same girl.

A cafe

Acquaintance in your favorite cafe is always successful, since the atmosphere is familiar, which means that unnecessary stress is removed. But first, you need to "start" this favorite cafe. If you are a couch potato, start preparing for acquaintances with going out. Go around a few cafes, feel "your" atmosphere (even a student can find money for a cup of coffee a day). By the way, about the students: pretty students "are found" in inexpensive cafes like fast foods. The downside is that they often go there in company. But perhaps you are lucky and you will notice the same as you, a single girl who would not mind getting to know each other.

Sport halls

If you love sports, then surely go somewhere to train. If you don’t like it, then it’s in vain, because the sports section is a great place to not only build a beautiful body, but also meet charming athletic girls. The plus is that you will immediately have a topic for conversation - at least about the kind of sports that you are doing together.

Dance class

For some reason, men are very embarrassed to go to dances, but this is a chance not only to learn how to move beautifully, thereby adding a few points to their charisma at a dance evening, but also to find a nice partner. After all, there is usually a shortage of men for pair dancing in dance classes, so go to learn ballroom dancing, or, even better, take salsa lessons - a passionate and sensual dance that builds a trusting bridge of understanding between partners.

Night clubs and discos

It is not necessary to learn to dance for six months before going to meet girls in a nightclub or to a dance party. Moreover, if you have at least some sense of rhythm. After all, you don't have to dance there at all, but just sit on the couch with a drink and watch what is happening. And if you see a girl who, like you, is sitting nearby in splendid isolation, treat her to a cocktail (according to the rules of good form - the same one she is already drinking), and you will get acquainted. A very cute way to meet is to sit down at the bar and order a drink for the girl sitting there.

Non-standard places to meet


You will say that there is nothing unusual about dating in transport? Have you tried to have time to charm a girl in a packed carriage on a trip between two stations? Here you have to be a virtuoso, so such acquaintances are within the power of people with charisma, or with a good sense of humor and imaginative ability to start a conversation. So we can say that the metro is a place where you can learn to meet a girl in quite extreme ways.


In the days of the Internet, the library, as a place of acquaintance, remained somewhere on the periphery. However, if you are looking for an intelligent person, you have a good chance of finding her in a library or bookstore, especially if you are a bookworm. True, in such a place it will not be possible to talk normally, but you can easily invite a girl to chat at the nearest cafe.


Today attending all kinds of seminars, trainings for personal growth, master classes, etc. has become a very fashionable pastime. By the way, if you are a shy person, at such seminars you will meet your “colleagues” because of shyness, which means that if you meet girls there, they will surely be people who are close in spirit and outlook.


If you know how to skate, then why haven't you gone to the rink to get acquainted? There you can meet many pretty girls, some of whom can skate phenomenally, but others will only learn, and here you will offer your services - for example, a strong man's shoulder instead of the rink side. The shoulder is much more preferable, especially since the girl will immediately have positive associations for you. So the ice rink is almost a win-win place to meet.

Other popular places to meet

In addition to the well-known places where you can meet girls, there are some that you can rarely visit, but if you do, do not waste your time. These include:

  • beaches;
  • festivals;
  • concert venues;
  • sporting events.

The Internet: Why Not?

If you are a very shy person and spend your time mostly at the computer, then the Internet is also a good place to meet a girl. You can use a dating site, but it is better to use social networks, which have photographs and detailed information about the person. Only if you have already decided on an acquaintance, and correspondence ensued, try to transfer the relationship from virtual to real as soon as possible. Otherwise, you run the risk of forever remaining sweet, but, alas, a virtual friend.

If you want your acquaintance to bring the joy of communication, it is best to look for a girl among mutual acquaintances, or by interests. After all, first of all, there should be common topics for conversation, and even better - common interests. By the way, those young people who consider this an obstacle to intimate relationships are mistaken. When spiritual closeness precedes physical, the pleasure of such communication turns out to be incomparably deeper and more sensual.

You can get to know a girl under any circumstances, but in some places it is easier to do it. Most often now they meet on social networks. Dating in public places has more advantages, does not require special financial costs and allows you to meet a girl based on common interests. Do not forget about the places that are not at all suitable for this.

Good places to meet women

Below are the most unusual places where it is easiest to meet a good girl.

Online dating through social networks

They often meet through social networks, since they are one of the main common channels for communication. Here you can meet a real person and immediately find out about him all the information of interest.

You shouldn't just write to the first girl you like: having received a message from a stranger in the format: “Hello!”, She will simply ignore it. First you need to study the page and find what really hooked you (except for photos of yourself). It could be music, a movie, an interesting post on the wall, or even mutual friends. You should start a conversation based on the mention of this fact.

For example, having noticed on Instagram a photo of a book that you yourself have recently read or want to do in the future, you can ask what the girl thinks about her, whether she has read other books by this author or from this series. Such correspondence, if the young lady willingly makes contact, can then be translated into private messages of another social network, and there it is already possible to turn on all her charisma and achieve a personal meeting.

At the same time, your personal page must be filled, have real photos and at least a couple of posts on the wall. "Fake" pages scare away, and if a girl is really interested in you, she will be interested to look at your interests and make sure that you are a real person.

A step-by-step guide on how to. From this article you will learn how to prepare your page, how to choose a girl, what to write when meeting.

After meeting, you need to maintain her interest in communication. For this you need to follow.

Free book

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting things about where and how to meet beautiful girls, what to talk to them about, how to invite them on dates so as not to be rejected? Then we strongly advise you to read new free book by Yegor Sheremetyev... To download the book and leave your e-mail. A letter will be sent to the mail with a link to a pdf file.

Various group classes, circles, master classes, trainings

Dancing. In the dance school, there are more girls among the clients than men, so you can confidently enroll in any courses you like. In order not to waste money, you can be like free open lessons and try to get acquainted there.

In addition, dance classes help keep fit, train posture and develop self-confidence - all this attracts girls.

Young ladies over 25 love pair classical dances, so if there is no partner, they often look for a pair in dance school groups or on forums. You can try your luck there and sign up together with a pretty partner, for example, for tango courses.

Psychological trainings. Mostly girls go to this kind of trainings, as well as to dances.

You should come in advance and sit down with a person you like or even two friends. You can talk about the topic of the training, ask how close this topic is, what the girl can tell about the speaker.

If the lesson is long, then in the middle there is usually a break, during which you can also get acquainted. But at the beginning it is preferable to do this: often at psychological trainings they give paired tasks, so if you make an acquaintance at the very beginning, then later it can come in handy.

Foreign language courses. Here is a whole scope for creativity: attending language courses reveals a man as a person who is open to the world and new knowledge, and women like it.

Learning a language allows you to make new acquaintances, learn a lot about different countries and diversify your resume.

More and more men appear in language courses to learn a language for a specific purpose, and women as a hobby. In such a situation, girls are open to new acquaintances and will be glad to receive attention from the opposite sex.

In addition, when learning the language in the classes themselves, many topics are raised, so even before meeting you can find out a little information about the girl you like.

If you want to learn how to meet and communicate with girls, be sure to read:. In this article, one of our regular contributors talked about their experiences of seducing women.

Various group activities are great for overcoming shyness when dealing with women. If this is your problem, then you will find a lot of useful information in.

After you find a suitable girl you need to invite her to the first date. It is very important to choose the right place. - here.

Shops, supermarkets

In girls, nature has a desire to help others, so this can be safely used in stores.

If we are talking about a clothing store, then you can get advice on whether a particular item suits you or not. In a grocery supermarket, you can clarify the quality of a particular product, ask if it is difficult to prepare what you want to buy. Girls rarely refuse help.

Just don't ask for help in choosing women's clothing or baby food: you may not be understood so well and the acquaintance will not continue.

Acquaintance in such places does not require additional financial investments, but there is a high risk of not continuing communication outside the store.

Libraries, bookstores

Since there are consultants almost everywhere, you should immediately stop questions regarding where to find this or that book. If there is a girl at the shelf with a volume that you have already read, you can come up and give advice on whether to buy this book or not.

It is also good to get acquainted in the thematic departments, choosing a girl with a similar literary taste. The main plus of such an acquaintance is that you can find a young lady by interests.

Mass events, holidays, sports matches

At public events, everyone is in a good mood, people come to rest and are happy to communicate with random strangers.

In such a situation, you can easily strike up a conversation with the neighbors in the chair, come up to a common table and invite a pretty girl to participate in the competition with you. People willingly go to socialize, and the acquaintance after the event can be transferred to a quieter place.


The beach is another great place to visit. The resort atmosphere is conducive to easy acquaintances and easy communication. We have . You will learn how to approach her, what to say, how to behave.

Museums, art galleries, exhibitions, theaters

If you are into history or art, museums and exhibitions are also good places to meet. The principle is the same as at concerts or in bookstores.

One of the advantages of this place is that, as a rule, adults, wealthy women over 30 years old come here. Therefore, if you want a stable, mature and serious relationship, then such places are ideal in order to strike up an acquaintance.

If you are versed in painting or some kind of art, you can interest a woman with a story about a particular exhibit.

In large cities, there are also unusual museums: for example, with old slot machines, where you can also play Soviet games. An acquaintance at an exhibition or in a theater can immediately turn into a first date.

Night clubs

There are many girls in nightclubs who are not against dating for one evening.

You can get acquainted at the bar by simply saying hello. You can also join the girl on the dance floor. Such acquaintances almost never develop into a long-term relationship, and you still have to spend money on 1-2 cocktails for each girl.

Of all the dating sites, this one can be the most expensive.

On the street

In order to meet a beautiful girl, it is not necessary to choose any special place. Sometimes it is enough just to leave the house and look around.

It is best to get acquainted on the central streets of the city, squares, parks and squares, i.e. where people come just for a walk and get some fresh air.

There is an opinion that girls have a negative attitude towards dating on the street. In fact, this is not the case. Most girls are absolutely adequate about the guys who approach them in public. If you are positive and confident, she will probably chat with you for a few minutes, agree to a date and give her phone number.

Public transport

You can also start new relationships right in public transport... All it takes is a little self-confidence, persistence, and a couple of good first phrases. We talked about all the tricks in the article:.

Dating websites

The easiest option, which does not require any unnecessary gestures at all. It is enough to fill out the form correctly and upload some beautiful photos.

However, there are some specifics here. Often there are girls sitting there who cannot meet in ordinary life. Often this is due either to an unattractive appearance, or to weirdness in character and behavior. This method of acquaintance requires a lot of time and a lot of patience: it will take a long time to search.

A serious disadvantage is the fact that many sites require financial investments: to get access to the full information in the profiles of girls and to have an unlimited message limit, you have to pay.

Where and how not to get acquainted and why

There are also not the best places to meet.

Waitresses in bars and restaurants, shop assistants

Girls who work in the service sector constantly attract male attention. They develop a kind of "immunity" to clients.

More often than not, shop assistants and waitresses fall into two categories:

  1. Those who it is forbidden to start a relationship with clients according to the rules of work in the institution. Leaders often don't want problems at work, especially when it comes to bars and restaurants. Drunken youths can cause problems if other visitors show their girls heightened courtesies;
  2. Those who themselves set themselves such a rule. Due to the large number of male clients, girls just get tired of attention to their person and stop all attempts to get to know each other.

If you want to meet such a girl, it is best to "look after" her immediately after the end of the shift on the way home.


No normal woman will introduce a drunken young man. It is better to approach a girl sober and in a positive mood, and not staggering with fumes.

So, to meet a girl, they turn to social networks or go to places where you can find a girlfriend of your interests. Financial expenses are often not required, unless you go to a nightclub. And saleswomen in stores should be bypassed, do not embarrass the girls by trying to meet in public transport and not waste time on dating sites.

The usual social circle of a guy in Moscow - institute, office, friends, neighbors, acquaintances - does not always give a meeting with the girl of his dreams. Then all the instincts and reflexes of acquaintance - from hunting to self-expression and reproduction - are sadly silent.

But in such a huge human anthill like Moscow, on every square millimeter, billions of new encounters take place every day. A hard percentage of this number is inevitably made up of random encounters between guys and bright attractive girls. And acquaintance with them is not at all as unattainable as it seems.

A little theory, a little practice, and you can not only see off the girls with greedy eyes, but also easily make acquaintances with them, writing down another phone number with the air of a triumphant.

Habitats for dating

You will be extremely surprised, but sometimes the most unexpected point can serve as a place and reason for meeting a girl in Moscow - from a gas station or traffic jam to a veterinary clinic and a building materials store.

Girls, like all ordinary people, have their own everyday, everyday problems. To step into, sometimes it's enough common theme and normal human involvement.

As an option:

  • “When I hang in traffic, I listen to such and such a radio, such and such an audiobook or group”;
  • “What is your cat sick with? We cured ours last year with such and such a doctor ”;
  • “We also experienced this disasterlike renovation. "

The dating method works on girls flawlessly if you are sincere, natural and witty.

But it also has some catch. Among the girls, there are often irrepressible chatterboxes. And if you unwittingly touch your favorite topic with your beautiful counterpart, it is possible that at some point you will have to flee from her.

Location rating - everyone has their own

For true pickup pros, the geography of acquaintance does not matter at all. But novice renters should make a list of venues in Moscow where the easiest way to get acquainted with girls.

Well, let's say this:

Mini dating - dating speed dating

10-12 acquaintances with girls in a few hours - even extra-pros in this genre do not show such a speed of "picking". And you, as a gambling beginner, may be lucky. If you go to a bar where they organize popular speed dating parties in Moscow.

But at the same time it is worth knowing that on "quick dates":

  • chicks, at the sight of which men experience involuntary salivation, usually do not appear;
  • on the other hand, guys don't need to reinvent the wheel trying to get girls' attention - they just pass in front of their eyes in a row;
  • therefore, when you meet, you have to think quickly, appreciating not only the "interface", but also the main "programs" and "viruses" in the head of every girl;
  • in a matter of minutes of conversation, you need to present yourself in the best way to the girl and really interest her;
  • a stale T-shirt, unwashed sneakers and dirt under the nails will only repel a friend.

Meet and "CLUB" are in the smoke

Nightclubs in Moscow are created for meeting girls in an informal setting. It is more than possible to meet a bright beautiful fifa here. Driven by the same hunting instinct as you, they flock here in search of a handsome unmarried oligarch or, at worst, a programmer. But in the morning, when the CLUBS of smoke dissipate, the headache, the headache and the desire to record the phone usually go somewhere. As a rule, together with a girl.

Testing Ground - Cafe and Bar

Not so driving, but much more effective in terms of the prospect of acquaintance and long-term relationships, the experience is possible in Moscow in any bar or cozy cafe. Of course, if you “drive up” a girl awkwardly, you can run into a refusal. But in the exquisite workmanship of a pickup truck, details, nuances and interjections are important. You don't need to be a psychologist to correctly assess the situation on the ground.

A girl may be bored alone for a reason, say:

  • expectations of your boyfriend;
  • customer expectations (yes, in that sense);
  • the need to work in a comfortable environment at the computer;
  • the need to just kill time, stay warm, eat deliciously, etc .;

Your task is to work as Holmes and Watson at the same time, i.e. to perform miracles of deduction, correctly "diagnose" and act according to the protocol.

  1. If a girl is frankly bored, she is usually glad to have a nice young man who is ready to brighten up her loneliness. In this case, it is enough to ask with a completely neutral air, whether it is busy near her. During the meeting, simple questions will help to move from the status of a random silent oncoming to the status of an interlocutor - whether the girl often comes here, what dishes she will advise, what kind of music she likes, etc.;
  2. It is very easy to identify a girl in anticipation of a date by how often and nervously she glances at her watch, cell phone, and the front door. If you are an extreme, then you can take a chance and roll up to her. But then there is every chance to find out what she thinks about men in general and about you in particular, and in addition - to get "lyuly" from her boyfriend, who arrived on time;
  3. Girls are strange creatures. When they have worries or a bad mood, they are not interested in quietly suffering somewhere in a dark corner. A cafe or bar, of course, is the very place to sit with a stone look and defiantly think about your own, like not seeing anyone around. If the whole performance is designed for you, it can be easily read by the barely perceptible glances and gestures of the “sufferer”. A glass of whiskey or a martini will quickly comfort the girl and serve as a good start for dating;
  4. If a girl is stuck with a smartphone in the "net" or is working hard at the computer, it is better not to distract her. Although everything related to "hardware" and the Internet can be an excellent excuse to get acquainted. After all, true professionals always have something to talk about.

Museums, theaters - in search of intellectuals

With museums, concerts and theaters in Moscow, everything is extremely simple. If you are interested in girls visiting such places, then you are at least in the subject. This means that you can easily express your opinion to the girl you like about the performance or the next exhibition. As well as sneaking into the aesthetic crowd in which she found herself.

If, by chance, there is only one girl at a creative party, then you will have all the cards and flags in your hands. At such events alone, a girl usually feels uncomfortable. Therefore, she will be glad to the one who relieves her of discomfort with the usual question: "How do you like the exhibition (play, concert, cinema, literary evening - insert the right thing)?"

But before you go on the offensive, make sure her man isn't wandering around the corner. Holmes and Watson will help you to distinguish the temporarily remaining one and really lonely girl. The first one behaves confidently and calmly. The second is somewhat squeezed, even if it tries to portray immediacy and lightness.

Good places to meet girls are popular courses spawning in countless numbers in Moscow. They are visited by ambitious young ladies and, at least, solvent ones. If you are not afraid of meeting smart girls, long-term communication with them during the training period can be a good basis for further deep relationships.

Records - not only in sports

Points on the map of Moscow, associated with sports and outdoor recreation, can give an excellent excuse to get acquainted with a reckless extreme sportsman or just a girl with a good athletic figure. And for you, in turn, such a meeting will allow you to demonstrate biceps and triceps, if any. A stadium, a gym, a swimming pool, a skating rink, jumping, a bike club for such occasions is just that.

A natural reason for meeting a girl in the park is a chance meeting of two avid dog lovers walking their favorite pets. In such cases, however, it is not always clear who is more interested in whom - bipeds or tetrapods? But your piggy bank of a novice pick-up artist in any case will be replenished with an interesting acquaintance with a girl.

Find your destiny on the road

Moscow's metro, airports and train stations do not seem to be the best places to meet. Here people are usually tense and focused so as not to be late, not to forget anything, not to lose, etc. But, for true professionals, there are no impossible tasks.

Acquaintance on the Moscow metro is akin to a pick-up on the street, but on an even tighter time frame. Because girls do not just walk the subway for their own pleasure, but usually they are in a hurry somewhere. But it is here that every day you can see whole galleries of female images, among which there are often unique specimens.

There is simply no time for deduction on the subway, so you have to act intuitively. A magazine, player, or a large bag in the girl's hands can help start dating.

With these words, for example:

  • What are you reading?
  • What are you listening?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • Can I help you carry your luggage?

There is usually much more time for acquaintance at the automobile, railway and air stations of Moscow. Therefore, it makes sense to offer the girl who is waiting for the flight to help with things or have a cup of coffee at the nearest bar.

Shop-goal against the women's team

Large shopping centers in Moscow are a separate song in the dating sphere. In this sacred place for every self-respecting girl, they can hang out for days. You can offer the girl help in choosing a purchase, your reliable man's shoulder for delivering packages home, or a light snack in a cafe. If you manage to be charming and at the same time not too intrusive, the next test and telephone are guaranteed.

Chatting and meeting on the Internet

On the Internet, where many are trying to hide their true personal history behind a beautiful picture -. The Internet makes it possible to carefully analyze various photos, posts, open correspondence of a girl. If the page of the girl, except for the avatar of Angelina Jolie in her youth, contains nothing, there is nothing to start acquaintance with.

Your account should be full of bright moments of relaxation, meeting friends, hobbies, professional success, etc.

If in your posts you are convincing enough, original and unconventional, the girls themselves will begin to actively get to know you.

Top pickup - dating on the street

This is truly aerobatics - forgetting about decency, just in the middle of Moscow, brazenly invade the girl's personal space, disrupting her plans and making an acquaintance.

In order not to "get on the tinsel", you must have an inner sense of proportion - what is permissible and what is not. A smile and sincere admiration for her beauty will help to extinguish the anxiety natural for a girl in such a situation and to cause first confidence.

It is important to remember that the girl's main erotic zone is her ears. Brainstorm this "portal" and receive the entire trophy as a reward.

With the help of such phrases:

To pull the girl you like out of the crowd and get to know her successfully, sometimes you have to make extraordinary gestures. Any rubbish - gum, a flower plucked from a flower bed or a leaf from a tree, a balloon, a fountain pen, an earpiece, a napkin - can serve as a sign of attention and a good hold. If the girl's reaction is adequate and the verbal ping-pong is lively, acquaintance is inevitable.

Entering the unsteady ice of communication with unfamiliar girls, remember that:

  1. In any communication there are non-verbal signs that you need to be able to read correctly;
  2. Be prepared for the fact that during the acquaintance, not only you will be "scanning" the girl, but she will also be you. So try to be sincere and friendly;
  3. Male attention is important to each passion, but it is not always necessary to show it linearly, in the forehead;
  4. Thinking outside the box, creativity and the ability to predict a girl's desire are always rewarded - by acquaintance, relationships, sex, marriage. Emphasize the necessary, delete the unnecessary.

Before you know where to get to know a girl better, you need to learn how to inspire trust, interest, seduce, and later create conditions for a serious relationship. Novice seducers strive for the state of "acceleration" in order to relieve fears when meeting. But it is not recommended to "accelerate" regularly, as you create the habit of getting to know each other in a certain state, and this limits.

How to be the right person for dating

Remove fears and beliefs blocking effective behavior strategies. Understand that the people around them are fixated on themselves, they are not interested in a guy's attempts to get to know a girl. It is beneficial to cultivate positive beliefs throughout the week, month, and life, not on Fridays and Saturdays.

To meet a girl successfully, follow a number of rules:

  • you look good, this applies to clothes, face, hairstyles;
  • effective acquaintance - without the moral support of friends, remember that rams walk in herds, goats - in pairs, and eagles fly alone;
  • communicate with a girl in a good mood;
  • the task at acquaintance is to joke more;
  • if you are afraid, then lay out the stock of jokes and courage in a short time, reduce the time of acquaintance.

Where to meet the right girl

Now let's move directly to the question: where to meet a girl for a serious relationship, and consider the characteristic features of each place. It is possible to find a girlfriend anywhere, but you do not want to find it corny, but to get acquainted, even better - for a long-term relationship. We exclude clubs where people spend time who do not tire themselves with the meaning of life or career growth. Where friends found a wife - at work, at the institute, but not at the club.

There is a sea of \u200b\u200bchance to meet a pretty girl every day, you can go out “in the field” once or twice a week, but take advantage of the opportunities throughout the day, every day. These gifts of fate should not be missed, the chance to meet a beautiful girl is higher in an everyday atmosphere. And perhaps she is with you.

List of places to meet and features

  1. Websites and the Internet. The worst place, strange personalities live there, high competition, but let's highlight other possibilities - online interest groups. Fewer participants are registered here, there are more chances. You can choose groups where the presence of beautiful, young girls is expected. There are two tips for this method: quickly switch to communication outside the group, communicate better via Skype.
  2. Street, shopping centers, metro. Scary places for dating (although no, there are scary ones), where there is a high selection of girls, do not be afraid to approach on the street. The main rule in crowded places is an unusual or intriguing start (hello, we are conducting a poll).
  3. Queue at the store, clinic. These places are even more terrible than the previous ones, where people around went about their business, here people look out of boredom, listen, watch the acquaintance of a man and a woman, use socially acceptable dialogues to get to know each other. Start discussing the doctor you are going to (if not the gynecologist), but quickly move on to personal topics.
  4. Minibus, bus, subway train. Spend a lot of time in transport every day, there you regularly lose an hour or two a day, do something useful for life - come up to meet a girl.
  5. Through friends. Encourage friends, girlfriends on the list, let them search for a suitable candidate. This is an effective way to meet a good girl for the purpose of a long-term relationship, learn about the lady in advance. Set up a suitable situation for acquaintance with a collective brainstorming session, let them call with an offer to “pick up the disc” when a friend comes to visit friends.
  6. Corporate parties, birthdays and holidays. Where the chance to meet new people or get closer to an already familiar colleague grows several times. There are two factors that many overlook. First, it is difficult to grab the attention of the target, move on to personal topics and offer to continue communication as soon as the chance presents itself. The second is alcohol, limit your consumption and leave the party early to avoid unpleasant situations.
  7. Work. A place where there are many chances to get to know a colleague better, but be careful - a damaged relationship leads to dismissal, and building a long-term relationship is hampered by the work environment. It is safer to meet with a girl from a nearby office, find an excuse, for example, you need to send a letter, and the network collapsed in the office.
  8. Institute or dormitory. There are many young people here beautiful girlsunassuming in choosing a partner. If the institute is finished long ago, it is difficult to get into the hostel, but the institute building itself remains free for passage. The main thing is that attempts to get to know the student remain unnoticed by the administration, watchmen and guards.
  9. Trainings, dances, courses. An ideal place to find a partner for a serious relationship, the very attendance of a woman's courses implies that she strives for career, personal growth. Also the pole that the situation for acquaintance during the event is created by itself.

The list of places where it is better to get to know a girl continues further, but it is not a wide choice that is important here, but the ability to boldly take the chance. What's the point in choosing the best places to meet if you are afraid to meet a girl.