Game-dramatization "Telephone" (based on the poem by K. Chukovsky)

State budget

educational institution of the city of Moscow

"School number 2065"

structural unit "Kindergarten No. 9"

Staging based on the tale of K. I. Chukovsky "Telephone" in the middle group.

Educators of the group "Yagodka": Klyukvina Anastasia Vyacheslavovna;

Gubatenko Svetlana Nikolaevna;

Musical director: Marchenko Evgeniya Vadimovna.

Moscow 2016


Goal: Develop the creative abilities of children through theatrical play.

Tasks: To develop in children imaginative thinking, imagination, creativity.

Teach children to transform into roles, improvise.

To develop in children the creative expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, movements.

Enrich and expand the vocabulary of children;

Arouse interest in the work of K. I. Chukovsky;

Foster a sense of friendship and collectivism.

Costumes: animal masks (elephant, crocodile, rabbits, monkeys, herons, pigs, gazelles, kangaroos, rhinoceros, hippo). Postman.

Scenery: A poster, mail with mailboxes, 1 table at the postman - another for animals; Africa (palms, trees).

Music: audio recordings with the voices of animals (when each animal exits, music with its voice is turned on).

Characters and performers: Postman, elephant, crocodile, bunnies, monkeys, 2 herons, a pig, 2 gazelles, 2 kangaroos, rhinoceros, hippopotamus - children of the middle group No. 9 "Berry" (20 people)

The course of the theatrical action(script changed. Animals from Africa call the post office. And tell the postman what they need. And the Postman promises to send everything to them).

The teacher enters:

Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our holiday. Today the guys have prepared for you a performance based on the tale of K. I. Chukovsky "Telephone". We invite you to a fairy tale!

The teacher transforms into a postman.

The music of the elephant sounds, the sound of the music is the elephant.

Postman: - My phone rang (the phone rings).

Who is speaking?

Elephant: - Elephant.

Postman: - Where from?

Elephant: - From a camel.

Postman: - What do you want?

Elephant: - Chocolate.

Postman: - For whom?

Elephant: - For my son.

Postman: - How many to send?

Elephant: - Yes, that way five or six pounds:

He can't eat anymore

He's still small!

The elephant hangs up the phone and to the music - the elephant's cries goes to Africa (all the artists are waiting in the bedroom).

Music sounds. 2 Crocodiles come out to the music.

And then the crocodile called (the phone rings)

And with tears he asked:

Crocodile 1: - My dear, good,

Send me galoshes

And me, and my wife, and Totoshe.

Postman: - Wait, don't you

Last week

I sent two pairs

Excellent galoshes?

Crocodile 2: - Oh, the ones that you sent

Last week,

We ate long ago

And we wait, we can't wait

When will you send again

For our supper, a dozen

New and sweet galoshes!

Crocodiles hang up the phone and go to Africa to the music.

Hares jump out to the music (three).

After jumping around the hall, they come to the phone.

Postman: - And then the bunnies called: (the phone rings).

Hares: - Could you send gloves (everyone is talking together)?

Postman: - Of course, of course, wait for the package.

The bunnies run away to Africa to the music.

Four Monkeys run out to the music, dance, and then come to the table with the phone.

Postman: - And then the monkeys called: (the phone rings).

Monkeys: - Please send the books!

Postman: - I accepted the application, wait for the parcel.

To the music, the Monkeys flee to Africa.

The Bear comes out to the music and comes to the table with the phone.

Postman: - And then the bear called (the phone rings)

How he began, how he began to roar.

Bear: Growls into the phone ...

Postman: - Wait, bear, do not roar,

Explain what you want?

But he's only "moo" da "moo"

And why, why - I do not understand!

Please hang up!

Call. After a pause.

Bear: - Oh, save the walrus!

Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin!

The bear hangs up the phone and goes to the Forest to the music.

Herons (two) come out to the music and come to the table with the phone.

Postman: - A

Music sounds then the heron called. (phone ringing)

Herons (together): - Please send drops:

We ate too many frogs today,

And our stomachs ached!

Herons hang up the phone and go to the Swamp to the music.

The Pig comes out to the music.

Postman: - And then the pig called. (Phone ringing)

Pig: - Could you send a nightingale?

Today we are alone with a nightingale

We will sing a wonderful song.

Postman: - No no! Nightingale

Doesn't sing for pigs!

Better call a raven!

The pig hangs up the phone, goes off to the music.

Postman: - And such rubbish

All day:

Ding de laziness

Ding de laziness

Ding de laziness

Now the seal will call, then the deer.

And recently, two gazelles ...

Gazelles jump out to the music, jump across the stage, and then come to the table with the phone.

Postman: - They called and sang: (The phone rings)

Gazelle 1: - Really

In Delhi itself

Are all the carousels burned out?

Postman: - Ah, are you in mind, gazelles?

The carousel did not burn out

And the swing survived!

You b, gazelles did not make noise,

And next week

Would gallop up and sit down

On a swing carousel!

But they didn't listen to the gazelles

And they still rattled:

Gazelle 2: - Really


Are all the swings burned out?

Postman: - What a stupid gazelle!

Gazelles hang up the phone and run away to Africa to the music.

Kangaroo (two) jumps out to the music, jumps across the stage, and then comes to the table with the phone.

Postman: - And yesterday morning a kangaroo. (The phone rings.)

Kangaroo 1: - Isn't this Moidodyr's apartment?

Postman: - I got angry, but like a scream:

No! This is someone else's apartment!

Kangaroo 2: - And where is Moidodyr?

Postman: - I can't tell you ...

Call the number

One hundred twenty five.

Kangaroo hangs up the phone and to the music (the song "Sing, Vasya" (minus) G. Gladkov) rides to Africa.

Postman: - I haven't slept for three nights, I'm tired ...

Stretching, the postman lowers his head to the table.

Postman:: - I would like to fall asleep, rest ...

A Rhino runs onto the stage to the music.

Postman: - But as soon as I lay down - a call! (Phone rings) The postman looks up and picks up the phone.

Postman: - Who speaks?

Rhinoceros: - Rhinoceros.

Postman: - What is it?

Rhinoceros: - Trouble! Trouble!

Run here quickly!

Postman: - What's the matter?

Rhino: - Save!

Postman: - Whom?

Rhinoceros: - Hippo!

Our hippopotamus fell into the swamp ...

Postman: - Failed into the swamp!

Rhinoceros: - Yes! And neither, nor here!

Oh, if you don't come -

He will drown, drown in a swamp

Behemoth will die, disappear!

Postman: - Okay! I'm running! I'm running!

If I can, I will help!

The postman takes the rhino and they retire to the Africa bedroom.

All the animals go out to music, the first is the teacher. And the Behemoth completes the "train". They all went out. We stood up to the audience in a semicircle, and everyone spoke in unison.

Beasts (in chorus): - Oh! This is not an easy job:

Drag the Behemoth out of the swamp!

A cheerful dance was prepared for our guests (“One step back, two forward and a turn on the spot”). Animal artists invite guests to a pair dance. The show ended on such a cheerful note!

MOU "School No. 10" of the city of Podolsk, Moscow region

A lesson in literary reading in grade 1 "a".

Primary school teacher: Lopukhina Inga Anatolyevna.

Lesson type: combined.

Topic: K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone".

Dramatization of the poem.

Exhibition of books by K. Chukovsky

for children.

Main types of educational activities:

Self-reading. Reading poems by K.I. Chukovsky. Staging of the poem "Telephone". Book exhibition presentation

K. Chukovsky.

Planned results:


    understanding of literature as a phenomenon of national and world culture, a means of preserving and transmitting moral values \u200b\u200band traditions;

    achieving the level of reading competence necessary for continuing education, general speech development, that is, mastering reading aloud and silently, elementary methods of analyzing a literary text;

    the use of different types of reading (studying (semantic), selective, search); the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and substantiate a moral assessment of the heroes' actions;

    tell from illustrations about the events depicted on them, correlate books and drawings, books and text.

    reproduce the dialogue of the heroes of the work.


    determination of the goal of educational activity with the help of a teacher and independently, the ability to find means of its implementation.


    development of artistic and creative abilities,

    showing interest in acquiring and expanding knowledge and methods of action, assignments.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation, textbook, portrait of Chukovsky K.I., books of the writer for the exhibition, drawings of students with illustrations for the works of Chukovsky; toys for performances (elephant, hippo, deer, crocodile, etc.)

During the classes

    Organizational moment.

Good morning, guys. Let's greet each other and all of our guests today who are gathered today. To hear and see what you have learned during your first grade.

    Introduction to the topic:

The teacher reads the passage:

Do we like to wash in the morning? - "Long live fragrant soap and a fluffy towel ..." - Who will continue? From what work are these lines? Who wrote them?

Yes, right. They were written by K.I. Chukovsky

Slide 1

    Goal setting.

Slide 2

Let's, guys, think about it and say, what are we going to do in the lesson?

    Let's find out….

    About the poet and writer K.I. Chukovsky;

    Let's learn ...

    Let's continue ...

    Let's tell….

    Let's show

    Conversation about K.I. Chukovsky.

Slide 3

    To distinguish and recognize his books and works;

    Lyrics by K.I. Chukovsky;

    Drawings for his works and performances for poetry

The story of the teacher and student about K.I. Chukovsky.

Slide text: (read by the teacher.)

In 1882, on March 31, Nikolai Korneichukov was born in St. Petersburg. This is the real name of the poet. And the one by which his works are known and known to the whole world is a pseudonym. He was a journalist, author of poems and stories, critic, translator.

At first, he began to write children's poems only for his children, he had four of them. Now his poems are known all over the world and have been translated into many languages.

Student story.

I was interested in Chukovsky's work and learned how he became a children's writer. It turns out that once he was traveling on a train with his sick son and could not calm him down. The boy cried, was capricious. Then his father began to compose for him a fairy tale "Once upon a time there was a crocodile, he walked the streets ..." The son calmed down and fell asleep. And in the morning he again asked me to tell the tale. The son memorized her word for word. Kornei Ivanovich composed a new one.

How interesting, isn't it, guys? Korney Ivanovich became a children's writer, and before that he lived and worked in England and became an excellent translator. He was a literary critic and loved the Russian language. I read a lot.

How many of you guys love to read? Who writes poetry, stories? Who would like to be a writer?

And who knows Chukovsky's poems and would like to tell us?

Slide 4

Let's see and read what books Korney Ivanovich wrote for children.

We listen to the poems of Chukovsky performed by students. Let's hold a small competition of readers between those students who are already familiar with the work of Chukovsky. Who wants to read poetry? In the jury, we will select students from 1 desk. The rest will help. "Fedorino grief" (excerpt), "Cockroach" (excerpt), "Moidodyr", "Crooked song." Our guests can also participate in the competition and help the jury.

Choosing a jury, children answer:

Bochkovskaya Nika "Tsokotukha Fly"

Valya Mateichuk "Chicken"

Shaykevich Danila "Aibolit"

Artyukhov Vova "Crooked Song"

Katelevsky Mitrofan "Confusion"

Kadyn Nastya "Herringbone"

Vasya Soloviev "Moidodyr"

Slide 5


We spend physical minutes with the song "St. John's Carp"

Slide 6

    Acquaintance with a new work. Watching the cartoon "Telephone" (excerpt).

Guys, would you like to meet a real writer? I have a unique record of how Chukovsky himself reads his poetry in 1944.

6. Working with the textbook.

Reading the text about the writer by students.

How do you imagine K.I. Chukovsky?

Reading a poem by a teacher.

How did you like the poem? What incomprehensible words did you meet?

7. Vocabulary work. What does the word "pood" mean?

Slide 7

How do you understand the proverb to eat a pound of salt?

8. Dramatization of the poem "Telephone" with toys.

Children, in the poem the phone the author used a dialogue. What is it?

What heroes did we meet? (Author, elephant, rabbits, crocodile, bear, heron, pig, monkeys).

What is the mood of this poem? How do you think we can create this mood?

Yes, the mood can be betrayed with the help of intonation, if you read it correctly and expressively.

When watching the cartoon, you probably noticed this. The author himself read very expressively. We will try to do it now too; I will read for the author, and you for his heroes. Let's try to read in chorus.

My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where from?
- From a camel.
- What do you want?
- Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.
- How many to send?
- Yes that way five pounds
Or six:
He can't eat anymore
I still have it small!


9.Work with text.

Did you like it? Do you remember well? Who did the elephant call from? What did you ask for? For whom? What for? Do you think the author will comply with his request?

Do you think we can call this work a fairy tale?

Slide 8 Physical minutes "Barmaley"

To defeat Barmaley and not fall into his clutches. We need to do exercises.

Health is in order - ... children continue .. -Thank you charging!

10. Consolidation of the learned. A quiz based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

Slide 9

Well done!

I think that our guests will see and hear how you know Chukovsky's work, we will hold a small quiz. Guess which work of Chukovsky these lines are from? ("Stolen Sun".)

Slide 10

- What kind of tree grew in this poem? What's growing on it?

"Miracle tree."

Slide 11

What works are these illustrations from? ("Moidodyr", "Fly-tsokotukha")

Our guys also tried and decorated the class with their drawings based on Chukovsky's work. Let's guess which fairy tale or poem the drawings are for?

11. Lesson summary

Slide 12

Well done boys! Everyone did it!

What new have you learned?

What was interesting?

Who didn't like it? Why?

Thank you for the lesson! Until next time!

The lesson was attended by:

Director of the secondary school № 10 of Podolsk Makovetskaya OV ______________

Head teacher Ladurova N.V. _______________

Natalia Zhigunova
Staging based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky

:1. To consolidate exercises for the development of the speech apparatus in children of the speech therapy group;

2. Continue to develop skill pronounce

3. Strengthen the skill of the ability to move in a group, maintaining coordination of movements and avoiding injury;

4. To develop freedom of muscles of the body and face, to develop imagination and artistry.

5. Continue to acquaint children with the work of K. I. Chukovsky.

Start of the lesson

Vos-l: Dear guests!

We invite you to a theatrical circle lesson "Rainbow" - "ABC of the Theater".

You will see exercises:

Aimed at the development of the speech apparatus in children, the ability pronounce a combination of sounds during heavy traffic;

The ability of children to move in a group, while maintaining coordination and avoiding injury;

Ability to convey a rhythmic pattern works;

Skill pronounce a combination of sounds during heavy traffic.

We welcome imagination, freedom of muscles, good mood. The lesson uses works by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Course of the lesson:

Song phonogram "Running".

Children move in free movement to music, stop arbitrarily, the teacher conducts an exercise to restore breathing.

Children: We have conceived today

Something to show you

And believe me, it's not easy for us

To speak before you.

Vos-l: Speak everything without hesitation

Warming up helps us.

(children sit on the carpet)

1. Let's smile through our teeth,

And now they have collected the lips -

It turned out to be a patch.

2.Piglet our funny

He danced in a circle.

3. Let's work with our lips

And embrace them with our teeth.

4. Cheeks, cheeks have fun,

You are not afraid of injections.

5. Tongue is our acrobat

Jumps back and forth.

6. Work hard, guys,

Instead of tongues - a shovel.

7. We play without whims

The tongue is up and down.

8. This is a ball, this is a fish,

And as a gift to you - a smile.

PHONOGRAM "WIND"... (Children represent the wind, "Scatter" on the benches.


Our tale is not simple.

But everyone will recognize the heroes

Who slept and did not yawn,

Who Chukovsky read.



As at our gate,

The miracle tree grows

Miracle miracle miracle miracle


(The teacher stands in the center of the hall, the children are around him, raising their hands up, depicting branches. Some children have hand puppets on their hands).


Not leaves on it

Not flowers on it

And on it there are only magic dolls,

For the theater, they are.

And for a fairy tale they

So they ask for skillful hands.

There are funny kittens.

Little pigs,

And puppies and rabbits

And funny frogs.

(Children demonstrate named dolls).

Together: Here's a tree


Children with dolls move away from the miracle tree.

1. But kittens meow:

We are tired of meowing!

We want to grunt like piglets.

Everything: Oink oink oink.

2. And after them the ducklings:

“We don’t want to quack anymore,

We want to croak like pigs! "

3. The pigs meowed.

Everything: Meow meow meow.

4. The cats grunt:

Everything: Oink oink oink.

5. The frogs barked.

Everything: Woof woof woof.

Children give the dolls to the teacher; free movement around the hall on all fours, speaking words: woof, kwa, oink, meow to the music. (depict animals)

The phone rings.

1 time - children listen

2 times - go up

3 times - scatter to their places.

Vos-l: My phone rang. Who is speaking?


Vos-l: What do you want?

2. Chocolate.

Vos-l: For whom?

3. For my son.

4. And then the bunnies called.

5. Can you send gloves?

Vos-l: And then the monkeys called.

6. Please give me some books.

7. And then the pigs called.

8. Do you have typewriters?

Vos-l: Show, cute pigs, how you type on a typewriter.

Poem "Pigs" (two children read a poem, in words "Tuki-tuki", "Grunts-grunts", all children beat the rhythm with their fists on their palm.)

Like a typewriter

Two pretty pigs:



And they knock

And grunt!



9. And then the bear called,

How he began, how he began to roar (children makes a sound"Y")

Vos-l: Wait, bear, do not roar,

Explain what you want.

All children: Woe, woe, crocodile - swallowed the sun in the sky.

SHADOW THEATER: an excerpt from the tale of K.I. Chukovsky"Stolen sun".

The light turns off completely.

Children: there was silence. (sound ts-ts-ts-ts)

Children get up pronounce words with a gradual increase in sound, moving forward and beating the rhythm with your feet and clapping your hands.

Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta

Don't go outside the gate

Who got on the street

Lost and disappeared.

Moving around the hall to music, imitating walking in the dark, children gradually sink onto the carpet and freeze.

Vos-l: Hey guys, fireflies, light the lights. (light music)

Children lying down fold their palms with their wings, stand up slowly, and move, depicting the flight of fireflies, moving without touching each other. The teacher sits on the carpet, and the children gather around him, forming the figure of a turtle.

Dramatization works of K... AND. Chukovsky"Turtle"

To go far to the swamp

It is not easy to go to the swamp.

Here is a stone by the road

Let's sit down and stretch our legs.

And frogs put a bundle on the stone,

It would be nice to lie down on a stone for an hour!

Suddenly a stone jumped to his feet

And he grabbed them by the legs.

And they cried out in fear: all children chorus:

This is PAHA!

This is CHECHE

This is Dad

This is DADDY!

A PHONOGRAM from the cartoon sounds "How a lion cub and a turtle sang a song".

Under the words: "Now take me a big turtle" - children stand in pairs and pretend Turtle riding - move freely around the hall to music and run away behind the curtain.


Children jump out into the hall and stop.

EVERYTHING: Here we are

Limpopo - clap your hands

So we made it

Limpopo - clap your hands

Vos-l: And they went to laugh

Dance and indulge.

Everything: Limpopo,

Limpopo - Clap their hands.

Natalia Aidemirova
The script for the staging of the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotukha"



Equipment: tree decorations, flowers, table covered with a tablecloth,

samovar, dishes, sofas, cots, spider rope, cardboard coin, artificial flowers in floor vases, tape recorder.

The hall is decorated: on the carpet, near the audience there is a clearing of large flowers. who dress on hand (for dance).

Characters: 4th grade students / fly, two cockroaches, three insects, two fleas, a bee, two butterflies, a spider, a grasshopper, a mosquito, the author's words are read by a magpie.

Viewers: 1st grade students, kindergarten students.

Music sounds (sounds of a meadow, birds singing, a magpie flies into a clearing, sits down, cleans its wings

Have you heard? What,

Magpie: Fly,Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded Belly!

The fly went across the field,

Fly found the money.

Has gone Fly to the bazaar

And I bought a samovar

Music is playing "Flight of the Bumblebee", crashes Fly, flutters from flower to flower, finds a coin

Fly: Oh, money!

And I'll go to the market!

I'll buy myself a samovar!

To the music "Flight of the Bumblebee" flies to the table, takes out a samovar, puts it on the table, serves table:

"Come cockroaches,

I'll treat you to tea! "

To the music "Madagascar" cockroaches appear, perform rhythmic movements to music, see a Fly, approach

Cockroaches: We are red cockroaches!

Heard that we were invited

They hurried to visit you,

All glasses drank / drink tea /

Three insects: Hello, Fly Tsokotukha

(in chorus) We, Bugs

We drink tea-

Three cups

With milk

And a pretzel:

Today Fly Tsokotukha

Birthday girl! /Drink tea/

Two fleas: Hello, Fly, we are fleas,

/ in chorus / They brought you boots, / they serve boots /

And the boots are not simple -

They have gold clasps. /Drink tea/

Bee: Hello, Fly,

I am Granny Bee

You, Mukha-Tsokotukhea

Brought honey ... / serves honey, drinks tea /

Hello, Fly Tsokotukha,

Butterflies: We are Butterflies,

They brought you jam

Taste the jam

Or don't you like

Our treat? " /Drink tea)

A magpie flies into the clearing, addresses the audience

Magpie: Suddenly some old man

Our Fly to the corner

Povolok, -

He wants to kill the poor

Destroy Tsokotukha!

The music is playing Spiderman... A spider creeps through the hall, a rope in his hands

/ the spider drags the fly into the corner /

Fly: “Dear guests, help!

/ breaks out of the clutches of a spider / Spider - hack the villain!

And I fed you

And I gave you drink,

Don't leave me

In my last hour!

Magpie: But worm beetles

/ all insects are hiding / Frightened,

In the corners, along the cracks

Ran away:

Cockroaches: Let's crawl under those

Boogie: Let's hide

Under the benches

Bugs: Let's run under that bed -

We do not want to fight!


And no one even from the place

Will not move:

Lost, perish

/ Birthday girl!

Look at the grasshopper there,

Well, just like a little man

Dap, Dap, Dap, Dap

For the bush,

Under the bridge

And silence! / the grasshopper is hiding /

Magpie: And the villain is not joking,

He twists his arms and legs with ropes,

Sharp teeth sinks into the heart

And she drinks her blood.

The fly screams,

Tears over

And the villain is silent

He grins.

The music is playing "In the cave of the mountain king"

Magpie: Suddenly flies from somewhere

Little Komarik,

And it burns in his hand

Small flashlight

The music is playing "Tin soldier"

A mosquito with a saber flies out

Performs a saber dance

Komarik: “Where is the killer? Where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws! "

Fights with a spider (to the music, wounds, the spider runs away in horror with scenes

Takes the ropes off the Fly, sits on one knee, takes the fly by the hand

Komarik: “I hacked the villain,

Bugs: "I hacked it!"

Komarik: "I set you free"

Bugs: "Freed!"

/ all the insects come out /

Komarik: And now, damsel soul,

I want to marry you! " /

Bugs: "Glory, glory to Komar -

To the winner! "

All in chorus: People are having fun -

Fly is getting married

For the dashing, daring,

Young Mosquito!

The music is playing "Takata" and all the insects (put flowers on their hands)they perform a modern dance, at the end of the dance a mosquito holds a fly around them on its knee, all insects from flowers make up a heart shape.

Magpie: People are having fun,

Fly is getting married

For the dashing, daring,

A young mosquito!

Chukovsky K... AND. Fly Tsokotukha... - M., 1978 .-- 16 p.

The tale of K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone"

    Operatorcall -center;

    Elephant - cafe administrator;

    Crocodile - car mechanic;

    Hares - painters;

    Monkeys are librarians;

    Bear - sick at the dentist's appointment (sitting in a chair, mouth open, with a phone in his hands);

    Dentist (role without words);

    The pig is a singer;


    Rescuers (pulling the ropes tied to the screen, "rescuing" the Behemoth).

My phone rang.
- Who's talking?

- Where from?

Cafe "Ot Camel".
- What do you want?
- Chocolate, marmalade, lemonade.
- For whom?

For the guests of my cafe.
- How many to send?
- Yes, that way five or six pounds:
There are guests in our cafe

And sometimes they are very hungry!

And then Crocodile called and asked with tears:
- My dear, good, send me the wheels

For BMW, Lada and Porsche.

Wait, won't you last week
I sent two pairs of great wheels?

Ah, the ones you sent last week

Long ago "bald".

We are waiting, we can't wait

When will you send again to our service

A dozen new and strong wheels!

And then the rabbits called:

Could you send gloves?

And also rollers and paint.

We need to finish painting.

And then the monkeys called:

Please send your books!

And then the bear called

How he began, how he began to roar.
- Wait, bear, do not roar,
Explain what you want?
But he's only "moo" da "moo"
And why, why - I don't understand!
- Hang up, please!

And then the pig called:

Could a nightingale be sent?

Today we are alone with a nightingale

we will sing a wonderful song!

And such rubbish all day:




Now the seal will call, then the deer.

I haven't slept for three nights

I would fall asleep


But only I lay down -

- Who's talking?

- What?

Trouble! Trouble! Run here quickly!
- What's the matter?

- Whom?

Hippo! Our hippopotamus fell into the swamp.
- Fell into the swamp ?!
- Yes! And neither there nor here!

Oh if you don't come

He will drown, drown in a swamp

Behemoth will die, disappear !!!
- Okay! I'm running! I'm running! If I can, I will help!

Oh, this is not an easy job -
Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!


Shanina Maria Anatolyevna

    Place of work (full name of the educational institution, city, region), position

MBOU SOSH № 36, p. Kuzino, primary school teacher

Extracurricular activities

    Material name

Tale "Telephone" (K.I. Chukovsky)

    Type of resource (development of a training session, didactic material, simulator, guidelines, article, etc.)


Introduce the professions of junior schoolchildren

    Environment, editor in which the product is executed


    How it is implemented in the lesson (time and place, form of use)

This scenario can be used for extracurricular activities and classroom hours, when getting to know the professions.

This tale was used during the theatrical season in primary school on the theme "In the world of the profession".

    List of sources used.