Synopsis of the musical lesson in the senior group “Musical colors of spring. "Music of Spring"

Software content:

· Develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste through listening to music

· To develop children's spoken language, fine motor skills of hands, logical thinking and attention.

· Teach children to feel the mood expressed in music, in a poetic word.

· Consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature with the onset of spring.

· Continue to acquaint children with literary and classical works about spring (poems, riddles).

· Teach children the elements of theatrical activity (staging).

· To bring up in children responsiveness, love and respect for their native nature.

· Create conditions for the communicative interaction of children in the game and joint creative activities

Course of the lesson:

M.R.- Guys, I just saw how a magpie flew up to the window, knocked

out the window and crackled so joyfully and loudly. I wonder what she

wanted to report?Oh, look, what's that there ?!

Children discover a strange envelope. The teacher reads the letter.

Get ready for an unusual hike rather.

Forest secrets await you, the path calls into the distance.

Do you guys want to go to the forest? Not for mushrooms, not for flowers, but for forest wonders!


M.R.Into the forest along a fairy path

We will get straight.

The song "It is fun to walk together" is played. Children to music

perform musical and rhythmic exercises.

M.R.- Here we are in the forest! The easel has illustrations about spring.

M.R.- Hello forest, deep forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

Who is lurking in your wilderness?

What kind of beast? What bird?

Open everything, do not hide,

You see, we are ours!

What forest did we come to?

Children. - Spring, beautiful, mysterious, fabulous, wonderful,

dense, magical.

M.R. - What season is shown in the pictures?

Children.- Spring!

M.R.- Why did you decide so?

Children prove that the paintings depict spring, they call

spring signs. Sound recording of the "bird's voice" sounds.

M.R. - Hear how the birds sing in the spring forest? Which bird opens spring?

Children. Rook.

M.R. That's right, rook.

reb. All the migratory birds are blacker

Cleans arable land from worms,

All day long on arable land

And the bird is called the rook.

What other spring singers do you know? Show them on your easel. Guess the riddle:

reb. On the pole is a palace

There is a singer in the yard

And his name is ... .. (Starling)

What is the name of the starling house? Who builds the birdhouse - people

or birds? Come on, and we will build cozy starling houses.

Children lay out birdhouses made of counting sticks on the table.

M.R. - Well done boys! And now we are going out to the sunny meadow, where we will have a little rest.

M.R. and children.All the people are smiling

Spring, spring, spring!

(They go in a circle.)

She is everywhere, she is everywhere

Red, red, red!

(Raise their arms above their head and clap their hands rhythmically.)

Through the meadow, forest and clearing

Going, going, going!

(They walk rhythmically in place.)

Get warm in the sun

Calling, calling, calling!

(They wave both hands towards themselves.)

And fervently in the forest stream

Ringing, ringing, ringing!

(They snap their fingers rhythmically.)

By the pebbles in the wide river

Murmurs, murmurs, murmurs!

(They rub their palms.)

Carries smells everywhere

Flowers, flowers, flowers!

(They make a "bud" out of fingers.)

And all living things hears at once

(They put their hand to their ear.)

Spring bells!

(Clap their hands.)

M.R. Is it good in our sunny meadow? And since it is sunny, how does the snow melt on it?

Children. Quickly!

M.R. So thawed patches appear on the ground, and on the thawed patches of what spring guest do you see? (snowdrop)

reb.In the forest, where birches crowded in a crowd

Snowdrop flower blue glanced.

Little by little at first

He put out a green leg.

Then he stretched out with all his might

And quietly asked:

I see the weather is warm and clear

Tell me, is it true that this is spring?

Children listen to "Snowdrop" P. Tchaikovsky.

M.R. Children, as the play "Snowdrop" of their cycle "Seasons" is called. Who wrote this piece?

Children. P.I. Tchaikovsky.

M.R. As we already know, there are 12 plays in this cycle - as many as months in a year. There is a poem before each piece, but the pieces themselves are not sung, they are written for the piano. This is instrumental music.

M.R. What time of year do you think snowdrops grow?

Children. In the spring.

M.R. Correctly. How beautiful nature is at this time! How much joy it brings to people, how much hope. In the spring, birds return from distant countries, the sun shines tenderly, nature wakes up.

M.R. And how does the music tell us about nature, what is it like? Listen to a fragment of the play "Snowdrop" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (listening to a fragment). After listening: what kind of music is it in terms of character, mood?

Children. Gentle, agitated.

M.R. Yes, this play is quivering, spring-like excited. Although there are no words in this music, it very expressively tells us about spring, about April's tender snowdrop.

reb. Come out, people! Become a round dance!

See off the winter! Call out the spring!

Children perform Vesnyanka

M.R.How good it is in the forest in spring!

Come with me again.

Oh, I see the mitten.

Who lost her friends?

Who should we give it to?

Look, the mouse ran

Didn't she lose?

Let's sit quietly

We'll see from behind a bush.

Mouse runs up to the mitten, she runs around the mitten on one side, on the other - sniffs at it.

Mouse (throws up his hands)

Oh, what a mitten!

I will not say that she is small!

Soft, large and completely empty.

I will live in a mitten, sing songs and not grieve.

The mouse went into a mitten and sat down on a chair. A frog gallops to the music.

He sees the mitten and examines it from all sides.

Frog.Qua qua qua qua qua qua!

Kwak, the apartment is good!

Soft, big,

It is a pity that it is not empty.

Mouse, mouse, will you let me into the house?

It's more fun to live together.

He runs into a mitten and sits down next to the Mouse. The Hare enters the hall, holding a balalaika.

Hare (plays with his back to the mitten)

Trill and shit, trill and shit,

Eh, I would play all day.

Turns to the mitten.

What a miracle - a mitten!

Who said she was small?

Soft, big,

I need one!

Looks into a mitten.

Let me into the house as soon as possible

What should I stand at the door?

The Frog and the Mouse wave to him happily. The hare comes in, sits down next to him. The Fox is walking

looks in the mirror, there is fur on the shoulders.

Fox.How good is my red fur

From him success in the forest.

I really like the red color.

Mouse, Frog and Hare (in unison, stand up to their full height)

Oh, what a beauty you are!

Come to us in a mitten,

We are ready to make room.

The fox comes in, sits down next to him. The Wolf is walking, coughing, his throat is tied with a scarf.

Wolf.Ill - I have a cough and bronchitis,

I even lost my appetite! Apchhi!

What a miracle - a mitten!

Who said she was small?

Let me into the house as soon as possible

Outline of a thematic music lesson in the middle group of the kindergarten "On a spring meadow"

Bunturi Tatyana Nikolaevna, musical director of MADOU kindergarten №14, Yekaterinburg.

Material Description: This material is addressed to music directors, kindergarten teachers, as well as teachers of additional education. It includes a detailed outline of a thematic music lesson, which can be implemented in groups of children of middle preschool age. The content of the synopsis reveals the theme of spring nature in different types of children's musical activities: listening to music, singing, musical rhythmic elements, finger play with singing, musical play with movement, and others. At the same time, in a musical lesson, "traveling" with a musical director in the spring forest, children develop a respectful attitude towards the living world, develop a feeling of love for such a native and close nature to them using the example of the simplest conceptual formulas.
Goal: development of musicality of children.
Tasks: introduction to the art of music,
education of aesthetic taste,
development of musical abilities,
development of communication and motor skills,
replenishment of vocabulary on the topic of the lesson,
education of respect for the natural world.

The course of the lesson.

1. Login: Children enter the hall to the music of the march (“March” by E. Tilicheyeva or another of the music director's choice), march in a circle, when the music ends, they stop, turn their faces in a circle.
2. Musical greeting: the teacher sings the phrase "Hello, guys", the children singing answer "Hello".
3. Game "Let's get to know": the teacher invites children to play a ball game. Children throw the ball to each other in random order, everyone who has the ball in their hands sings their name and throws further. You can complicate the task and invite children to sing the name not only in the usual form, but also in a diminutive form ("Sing affectionately: Anya, A-no-chka").
4. Educator:And now that we have all met and made friends, I invite everyone for a walk in the spring forest (there is a slide with a picture of a forest path on the demo screen). But we will not go just like that, but with a song!
Performed round dance "We will go to the woods" sl. and muses. M. Kartushina / movements are performed according to the text /.
1. We will go to the woods
And we will find the flower.
And we will find the flower.
2. We will find a flower
And we will weave a wreath.
And we will weave a wreath.
3. We are with our wreath
Let's start dancing.
Let's start dancing.
5. Educator: So we found ourselves in a forest clearing (on the demo screen there is an image of a clearing with the first spring flowers). Let's sit down on the rug and listen to how the forest sounds on this bright spring morning.
Sounds music by A. Vivaldi "Spring" (Part 1 "March"). After listening to a musical fragment, the teacher discusses with the children the mood created by the music, the musical colors with which the composer created this music (harmony, tonality, timbre, dynamics, etc.).
6. Educator: Guys, in this clearing we see so many first tender spring flowers! Many of them have not yet opened their buds. And I also have a flower (folds his palms into a "bud")! And you? Well, show me!
Finger play with singing "Our delicate flowers".
Our delicate flowers
Dissolve the petals. / palms open slowly /
The breeze breathes a little, / we easily blow on the handles "like a breeze",
The petals are swaying. fingers move, "sway like petals" /
Our delicate flowers / palms slowly close into a bud /
The petals are buried.
Shake the head, / smoothly shake the "bud" /
They fall asleep quietly. / put our palms under the head, "fall asleep" /

When we repeat the game, we complicate it. In the middle of the game, add a snippet:
All the flowers reached out to the sun, high, high, and grew!
/ stretched their hands up, stood on their toes /
And now we will collect all our flowers in one big bouquet! / children gather in the middle of the circle /

7. Educator
shows the children a beautiful toy butterfly: Oh, look who flew to our flower meadow, this is a beautiful butterfly! She flutters between the petals and collects sweet pollen. And we will now play the game!
Moving musical game "Butterflies" (E. Zheleznova)
From flower to flower
Butterflies are flying.
Where the juice is sweetest
They want to know.
It's good to walk with a butterfly net,
Catching butterflies.
Don't rush to fly away
Let me catch you!
/ Children hold butterflies on a wire in their hands, move with a light run around the music hall scatteringly. The teacher catches butterflies with a butterfly net. /
8. Educator: All our butterflies flew in all directions! And it's time for us to say goodbye. I look forward to seeing you next time!
Musical farewell:the teacher sings the phrase "Goodbye, guys", the children singing "Goodbye", marching to the music from the hall.

MDOU "Golden Cockerel" s. Butyrka

Abstract of an open complex lesson

according to the program I. Kaplunova "Ladushki"

Sections of the programfor which the lesson is held:


Age group: uneven - from 4-6 years old.

Theme: « Music of SPRING».

Didactic goal:complex development of cognitive processes and musical abilities; create conditions for children to discover new knowledge.

Lesson type: integrated.

Occupation: research.



Develop interest in musical instruments;

Develop the ability to imaginative and free improvisation, timbre hearing, imagination;

Develop the ability to create noise compositions;

Help children feel the joy of creativity.


To draw the attention of children to the special beauty of the sound of spring nature; expand ideas about spring and its signs;

improve vocal, playing and dance skills;


Foster independence, activity;

To cultivate a respect for wildlife.

Methods: problematic, verbal, visual, partial search, research.

Forms of organization:group, collective.

Form of conducting: travel game.

Communication form: dialogical.

Means of education:

2 white bedspreads;

Flowers 2 colors: yellow and blue;

Starch bags for each child;

2 metallophones;

empty vessels;

Starch snowballs;

wooden, metal, glass sticks;

4 wooden spoons;

Recording the sound of spring nature.

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the hall with a teacher to the music, stop in the center of the hall in a circle.


M.r.: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

M.R.: It's so nice to say greetings to each other. Do you know that you can greet with poetry? Let's try to say hello just like that now. But we will greet not only each other, but also with the "golden sun" (crosses his hands, fingers apart), with "blue sky" (hands up)with a "free breeze" (shakes raised up hands), with a small oak tree " (connects the wrists, spreading the hands to the sides), with "morning" (soft gesture of the right hand to the right), with day" (the same gesture with the left hand to the left), and imagine we can even say hello to a chicken on the street (depicts with two hands wings). So, if you are ready, then I will start, and you will definitely help me.


I say hello everywhere - at home and on the street,

Even "hello" I say to the neighbor's ... chicken.

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, the sky is blue!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello little oak tree!

Hello Morning! Hello Day!

We are not too lazy to say hello!

(Children sit on high chairs).

M.R .: Guys, tell me where you can hear music (in cartoons, in movies, on the street, in songs, dances, etc.)? Correctly. Do you think music lives in nature? (Children's answers). Lives, you just need to listen. Now I'm going to give you a riddle. Children, tell me, when does it happen?

Blue, blue skies and streams

A flock of sparrows are splashing in the blue puddles.

On the snowdrifts brittle ice - lace.

The first thawed spots, the first grass.

Children: In the spring.

M.R .: Guys, I invite you to get acquainted with the music of spring. From the warmth of spring, all nature came to life. And where the snow melted, the first thawed patches appeared, similar to a multi-colored mosaic. And the music of spring is hidden in every thaw.

Children come up to the blue thaw.

M.R .: Music lives on a blue thaw.

Who will recognize her and quickly name her?(Sound effect sounds« Drops ". Children guess.)

Dance "Dance with umbrellas"to the music of S. Sosnin "Solar drops" performed by girls.

M.R .: Now we will approach the blue thaw,

And what kind of music will we call there (Sound effect sounds"The murmur of the brook") .

M.R .: A tree stands on a green thaw.

And a telegram for the guys hangs on it. A telegram was sent to us about the coming of spring. Guess who? (Sound effect sounds"Woodpecker".)

A game "Take the house"

Children come up to the white patch.M.R. pays attentionchildren that there is snow here, and offers to play the fairy tale "Teremok-Chill" with the help of tools.

Look, guys, and here is a hut, all covered with snow. Spring has not yet reached here. And what kind of snowdrifts near the hut. Let's see what's under the snow? (Children go to 2 tables, take off the covers. Each table has the same set of tools: a metallophone, an empty plastic bottle, snowballs with starch, a drum, wooden spoons, etc.) And in this house, the guys live: Snowman- Sharovik, Blizzard-Buranovna and Old Man Ice, Sun Red. Guys, I suggest you go to the instruments, play, knock, and guess what voice each of the inhabitants of this house is talking in (the children explore the instruments, the teacher unobtrusively helps). Well, whose voices did you hear? (If the children have not guessed about sound extraction, the teacher helps).

M.R. suggests using tools to play out a fairy tale"Teremok-chill".

There is a chill teremok in the field. It is not low, not high ... It rolls by Snowman-Ball (bags of starch). The Snowman-Ball rolled around the tower and says:

There is a chill teremok in the field. He is not low, not high ... Who, who is in the house? Who, who is in the chill?

No one answered the Snowman-Ball. He rolled into the teremok ( bags of starch). And he began to live, live. Goes by Old Iceman (impacts on glass vessels). Goes, ringing icicles. I saw the chill little house and said:

I, Snowman-Ball (bags with starch). And who are you?

And I, the Old Man-Iceman ( glass vessels).

Come live with me!

They began to live together. Flies by Vyuga-Buranovna (blowing into an empty vessel). Sweeps white snow, groans, whistles. I saw the chill little house and said:

There is a chill teremok in the field. He is not low, not high, not high ... Who, who is in the house? Who, who is in the chill?

- I,Snowman-Ball (bags of starch).

I, the Old Man-Iceman ( glockenspiel)... And who are you?

-And I -Vyuga-Buranovna (blowing into an empty vessel).

Come live with us!

The three of them began to live!

Song "Winter song"M.Kraseva

Morning came, the Red Sun looked out ( glissando on metallophone)... I saw the chill little house and said:

There is a chill teremok in the field. He is not low, not high, not high ... Who, who is in the house? Who, who is in the chill?

I, Snowman-Ball (bags of starch).

- I,Old Iceman (glockenspiel).

I, Vyuga-Buranovna (empty vessel). And who are you?

- And I am the Red Sun(glissando)!

Come live with us!

The sun peeped into the chill-chamber, shone, shone ( glissando). A bird song was heard. Well, it's gotten warm. And the teremok - cap, cap (glockenspiel).

From the roof - drip, from the roof - drip ...

The frost became very weak

And the snows settled ...

The sun lives in the mansion

The sun in the mansion floats like on a merry-go-round!

(Sound effect sounds"Spring Awakenings").

Spring and: What's that noise? What's the fun? Hello guys! So I got to you. Have you already heard about me and my sounds? What sounds, name. As a memento of your journey, I will give you gifts. If you are in a good mood from the trip, take a yellow flower, and if you were bored or not interested, take a blue one.


M.R .: I see you chose the yellow ones ... What seemed the most interesting for you? Tell me, what new have you learned today? What did you find difficult? What kind of music did we talk about today? What can you say about the sounds of spring?


Spring : I have games and fun for you, dear kids. Now we will put on warm clothes and go to our site - we will have fun and play games!

Children andSpringleave the hall.


Margarita Mikhailovna

Musical director

AU DO "Kindergarten Solnyshko

Uvat municipal district "

Goal: To acquaint children with musical and literary material on the theme "Spring".


  1. To enrich children with musical and literary experiences. To consolidate elementary musical concepts and previously learned material.
  2. Develop the ability to improvise, a sense of rhythm, the ability to play in an orchestra. Continue working on plasticity, creative imagination, the ability to navigate in space.
  3. To educate in children a sense of beauty for nature, poetry, music; the ability to respond to the beautiful and the good.

Equipment: Music center, multimedia screen, laptop, bamboo sticks, musical instruments: bells, metallophones, triangles, a basket with homemade snowdrops, pebbles, a spring puddle.

Preliminary work: Viewing and discussion of the fairy tale "Twelve Months" by S.Ya. Marshak, acquaintance with the music of E. Grig, PI Tchaikovsky, a conversation about the orchestra, viewing pictures about spring, reading spring verses.

The practical significance of the work: The opportunity to use in their work both music directors and educators as a final lesson in the third quarter of the academic year on the topic "Spring".

Characters: Vesna (music director), stepdaughter (adult), educator.

Children enter the hall to the music of PI Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop".

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Nature revived around, awakened from sleep,

She came down to us from the firmament together with the sun ...

Children: Spring!

Spring enters.

Spring: Hello guys! I am Vesna-Red, I have come to visit you, I came to see how you are waiting for me, how you welcome me. Well, let's get acquainted. I’m not just a simple Spring, but a musical one - I will ask (sings): “What is your name?”, And in response to whom I show, that name will sing his name. So let's get to know each other.


Well, here we are! And friends always greet each other when they meet. Come on and we'll say hello.


Well done! Sit down on the rug, let's talk.

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Spring breathed through the window ...

The nightingales will soon swear

And the forest will dress with foliage!

(Pleshcheev A.)

Many poets, composers, artists wrote about me, praised me in their works. After all, spring is the beginning of a new life. Composer Edvard Grieg (showing a portrait on the screen ) also loved spring and wrote a piece of music "MORNING", in which he told in the language of music how nature awakens. Now we will listen to a fragment from this work and present pictures of spring.


(talking about the nature of music, interviewing children - what did they present)

But you told everything correctly and painted beautiful pictures of the awakening of nature. I think that when the composer E. Grieg wrote this music, this is what he represented ...

VIEWING FRAGMENT FROM THE CARTOON "TWELVE MONTHS" accompanied by music "Morning" by E. Grieg

Guys, look - the music helped us watch how timidly the snow melts, turning into stormy streams of water, how nature slowly blossomed: the grass turned green, the first leaves, the first flowers appeared. And now we already feel the aroma of spring bloom! Did you find out a fragment from which fairy tale we looked?

Children: "Twelve months".

Spring: Who wrote it?

Children: S. Ya. Marshak.

Spring: We will meet with the heroes of this tale today.

Guys, who are the first messengers of spring?

Who comes to us from the south,

Does the nest twist and sing?

Children: Birds.

Spring: Of course they are! As soon as the sun warms up, they are already chirping happily, transmitting telegrams to all ends about my arrival. Let us and you and I try to transmit our spring telegram, consisting of short and long sounds. Let us send a message to the birds to the warm lands that they would return as soon as possible - after all, I have already come! Let's go to the tables, take sticks - "Morse code", I will compose, you send.


Guys, do you know who heard us? Lark! This is such a small bird. She hears a telegram about my arrival before anyone else and informs everyone. Do you hear?


Nice music? It was written by the composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka. It is called The Song of the Lark. What instrument is this music playing?

Children: Piano.

Spring : Let's decorate it with the sound of other instruments: bells, triangles, metallophones. So, we are turning into musicians - performers. Remember the name of a large set of instruments?

Children: Orchestra.

Spring: Correctly! Who is the most important in the orchestra? Whom do musicians - performers obey?

He waves his hands smoothly, hears every instrument.

He is the most important in the orchestra, he is the president in the orchestra!

Children: Conductor.

Spring: May I be the conductor? Be careful! Whichever instrument I show, that one will play.


Well done! You listened carefully to the music and followed all my commands. Real musicians! I think that composer M.I. Glinka would like you. Tell me again: what is the name of the large cast of musicians - performers?

Children: Orchestra.

Spring: Who is leading the orchestra?

Children: Conductor.

Spring: Are you tired? Sit down on the rug, I'll guess a riddle for you.

It's good to walk in the woods!

Quiet ... early morning

Miracle song is ringing

On a forest thaw.

Barely audible

Who, having spread the petals

Out from under the snow?

Children: Snowdrop.

Spring : You guessed right.

Why is it called that? This is the very first flower after winter. Snowdrop brings joy. Though he is fragile, gentle, but proud and brave, tk. grows right out of the snow. A cold wind blows over him, but he is not afraid of the cold, but proudly stands on his thin leg.

In the forest, where birches crowded in a crowd,

Snowdrop's blue peephole looked.

First, I put out a little green leg,

Then I reached out with all my little powers

And quietly asked:

I see the weather is warm and clear!

Tell me, is it true that this is spring?

But everything is quiet around, there are no neighbors - he is the first here.

The hare saw him, smelled, wanted to eat.

Then she probably regretted it.

You're too thin, my friend!

And suddenly went fluffy, white,

Cold March snow.

He fell, skidded paths.

Winter again, not spring.

And from a flower on a long stem

Only the cap is visible.

And he, from the cold blue,

Bending the head weak,

Said ...

Well, I have no regrets

After all, spring began with me. (Z. Alexandrova)

A very touching poem. The snowdrop dies, but does not regret it, because he turned out to be the first flower of spring. They wrote poetry, music, paintings and even created cartoons about snowdrops. Let's remember the fairy tale about which we have already spoken today, about "Twelve Months". What is it about?

Children : In winter, the princess dreamed of spring and ordered to bring her snowdrops.

Spring: In this tale, the girl - Stepdaughter picked up a whole basket of snowdrops. And how can you tear them? And so many more? Why?

Children: There are so few snowdrops left in nature. They are listed in the Red Book.

Spring: Correctly. If you pick a flower, it will no longer give a seed, new flowers will not grow. The day may come when not a single snowdrop will remain on the ground. You guys know about this and, of course, you will take care of this flower. And what can you do if you want to give snowdrops to someone?

Children: They can be drawn or made by hand.

(A knock on the door, the Stepdaughter enters. In her hands a basket of snowdrops)

Stepdaughter: Hello guys! I came to you from the fairy tale "Twelve Months". I heard your conversation about snowdrops ... Guys, you will forgive me for picking up a whole basket of them. I don’t go to kindergarten and haven’t heard anything about the Red Book. Look, I have improved! I made so many flowers with my own hands. Can I give them to you? (distributes)

Spring: Guys, put snowdrops on your hands, lift the arms up. How beautiful! Or maybe someone wants to turn into a composer and come up with a melody for the following verses:

A forest snowdrop has grown,

He will congratulate us on the spring!

What wonderful songs turned out! I just want to dance. So let's dance.

DANCE "MAGIC FLOWER" Burenina A. (S / b "Rhythmic Mosaic")

Stepdaughter: I really liked it!

Spring: Well, that's all, our meeting has come to an end. It's time for me to go into the forest, get to work: the snow has not melted everywhere yet, the flowers have bloomed, the birds are singing. Did you like me? Did you like my spring music and spring poetry? Today we were both listeners, composers and performers. And what composers' music helped us?

Children: E. Grieg, M.I. Glinka and P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Spring: In the spring, our soul awakens along with nature. We dream of love, happiness, we make wishes ... But I am Spring - a sorceress, and I can fulfill your wish only. I will give you magic stones. To each pebble you whisper your desire, dream and leaving the hall, throw it into a spring puddle. Your dream will definitely come true! (distributes)

Stepdaughter: Can I have a pebble too? I want to make a wish for Spring and Summer to be warm! All loved ones - healthy and happy!

(Spring and Stepdaughter say goodbye and leave. Stepdaughter throws a pebble into a puddle).

Children to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop" come out of the hall, throwing stones.

I offer you a summary of the thematic music lesson "Sounds of Spring" for children of the older group (5-6 years old). This material will be of interest to music directors in order to work on the development of metro-rhythmic and timbre hearing in children.

Goal.To form in children timbre hearing and metro-rhythmic skills using play situations and didactic games. Develop coherent speech and creative thinking creating a creative atmosphere.

Material. Children's musical instruments: claves, triangle, tambourine, box; didactic flashcards "Beetles"; pictures of birds, children and caterpillars; two caterpillars - soft toys; a pea - a green ball from a dry pool; cockerel hat.

Musical material: Hungarian folk melody "After the rain", "Two caterpillars are talking" music by D. Zhuchenko, chant "Sun, do not hide", "Skvorushka" music by Y. Slonov, "Goroshina" music by V. Karaseva

The course of the lesson.

Calm music sounds.

Children enter the hall in a chain and form a circle.

The musical director in an ascending progressive movement within a fifth sings the phrase: "Hello, guys!"

Musical director... Guys, what direction of the melody did you hear? (children's answers).

Now let's all sing this greeting song together and show the direction of the melody with our hand (Children performing with a movement of the hand).

Musical director... Spring has come again -

How many sounds did it bring ...

And there are really many sounds. Let's listen, maybe we will hear them.

Everyone is listening.

Musical director... What have you heard? (children's answers).

The soundtrack "Sounds of the rain" sounds.

Musical director. What sounds have you heard now? (Answers). Well done, you heard the sounds of rain. What time of the year can you hear them? (Answers). The rain has passed, but after it there were ... (children's answer).

Puddles, puddles, puddles - full of water.

Puddles, puddles, puddles - traces of rain.

Now I propose to stand in all directions and everyone will imagine a puddle. Show drops of rain in the palm of your hand, and splashes of water on a puddle.

Hungarian folk melody "After the rain".

Option 1.

1 h. Children tap their fingers on the palm of the hand.

2 hours Rhythmically knock with one foot on a puddle on a strong beat.

Musical director. I complicate the task.

Option 2.

1 h. Children walk on their toes around imaginary puddles.

2 hours. Having stopped, they perform rhythmic jumps in one place (in the middle of a puddle) to a strong beat.

Musical director... Be careful, you will hear different sounds now.

The soundtrack "Sounds of insects" sounds.

Musical director... Do you hear? Spring filled with new sounds. Who is waking up? (children's answers). I propose to help my friend spider wake up.

Finger gymnastics song "Spider"

Pow-spider made a web.

Suddenly a rain dripped - washed away the cobweb.

So the sun came out

It began to bake.

Pow spider is working again.

The musical director picks up a plane ladybug from the didactic game.

Musical director. In the clearing, by the hemp

I found a beetle in the grass.

The beetle is so pretty

The back is all dotted.

So this is a bug from a rhythmic family. I invite you to come closer and see how our rhythmic bugs were built today.

Children sit on chairs closer to the easel on which a rhythmic pattern of large and small ladybirds is laid out.

Game "Beetles"


a) pronounce in syllables "TA"

b) slam;

c) play on instruments (harpsichord, tambourine, box, triangle)

Musical director... As we already understood, there are many sounds in spring and they are diverse. What sounds did the composer hear in the spring and depicted in his musical play?

Children listen to the play "Two Caterpillars Talk" music by D. Zhuchenko

The music director offers three pictures of marching children, birds sitting on a branch, an apple with two caterpillars.

Musical director... Please look at the pictures and tell me which one suits the music. Why do you think so? What is the character of this music? What are the voices of the caterpillars? (Children's answers)

The music director brings in two pom-pom caterpillars.

Musical director.Listen to the fairy tale. Once upon a time there were two girlfriends a caterpillar (what shall we call the first one?) And a caterpillar (?). In the evening they loved to climb on a branch and chat about this and that ... What do you think the caterpillars were talking about?

(Children come up with their own versions of caterpillar conversations).

Musical director. Do you guys think that the caterpillars have become cool? What can be done to keep the caterpillars warm? (Answers). I propose to ask the sun not to hide behind spring clouds.

The call "Sunny, do not hide"

Draw the children's attention to the forward movement of the melody.

Sing on the syllable "la".

Musical director.Guys, I remind you that today we are listening to the sounds of spring. And to find out what other sounds of spring there are, listen to the melody of a familiar song and remember who it is about.

Musical director performs the melody of the song "Skvorushka" music by Y. Slonov

Musical director... That's right guys, in the spring migratory birds return and sing their funny songs. Let's remember the song about the little bird.

The soloists will sing the chorus and the chorus will sing the chorus.

1) repeat the chorus in chorus, paying attention to the correct articulation of vowel sounds in words;

2) choose soloists;

3) perform while lining up on stage.

Musical director... Today we listened to the sounds of spring and what did we hear? (Answers of children: raindrops, splashing puddles, buzzing beetle, conversation of two caterpillars, birdsong, etc.). Everything is correct. I want to tell you that with these sounds, nature wakes up from a dream

The musical director draws the attention of children to the unexpectedly (with the help of a teacher) rolling out "pea" (green ball from a dry pool) into the center of the hall.

Musical director... What is it? (Answers-assumptions). Well, yes, in the spring it is necessary to sow peas and, probably, this pea invites us to play. And who is the most ingenious in our country today and will say what game the pea offers to play?

Children choose the child for the role of cockerel in the musical game "Pea" Music by V. Karaseva

Musical director... It's time to finish our lesson. And I would like to end our spring meeting with wonderful poems by the great Russian poet - Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev.