Julia Mikhalkova biography personal life husband. Julia Mikhalkova "Ural dumplings": personal life

Yulia Mikhalkova is the only young girl in the "Ural dumplings" who managed to win the hearts of many viewers with her brilliant play in the genre of a comedy actress. The real surname of the girl is Matyukhina, and when they began to ask many questions about her double surname, the girl admitted that Mikhalkova is just a pseudonym, more in tune with the stage.

Now Julia is on the rise of her career, she is trying her hand at various areas of show business: in addition to her main activity in a comedy show, Mikhalkova managed to play several roles in films, record a couple of clips with a famous group, and also actively participates in her political life. country. She supports the current President of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Height, weight, age. How old is Julia Mikhalkova

All girls on Earth dream of being beautiful and slender, so they often think about what height, weight, age. How old is Julia Mikhalkova. The young actress is 34 years old, according to her zodiac sign she is cancer. Julia's weight is 52 kg, and her height is 158 centimeters. The TV presenter in her interviews admits that she does not visit the gym in principle, but she has such a beautiful body structure from birth and that she was very lucky in this regard.

Yulia Mikhalkova Ural dumplings playing on stage, gives all the best, the actress considers the best reward the full hall of viewers who come to their show for a good mood.

Julia Mikhalkova photos in her youth and now are equally interesting and positive, because the girl always sincerely shares her feelings, both in life and in pictures.

Biography of Yulia Mikhalkova

Biography of Yulia Mikhalkova begins in 1983. July 12 in the Ural town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in the Sverdlovsk region of the city of Yekaterinburg. Matyukhina did not have a father, her mother raised the girl alone. However, little Julia did not experience a lack of male attention. A lot of attention was paid to the girl by her beloved grandfather, uncle and brother.

Since childhood, Yulia was firmly convinced that she would become famous throughout the country, she loved to use cosmetics from her mother's purse and arrange miniature performances at home in the kitchen, with a bottle of water in her hands instead of a microphone.

After graduating from regular school, she manages to get on local television, as an anchor of news about new music.

Later, having received a certificate, the young girl leaves for Yekaterinburg and enters the Pedagogical University to become a teacher. Out of boredom, Julia begins to perform in the KVN team, she is "drawn in". Initially, only girls play in the team, then the "Ural dumplings" turned out from this team and Julia remains the only representative of the weaker sex in the comedy show.

The girl felt that she sometimes lacked acting skills, so she thought about it and decided to enter another university in the same city at the faculty of "theater and film actress", having successfully completed it.

In 2009, the Uralskiye Pelmeni show was released on the STS channel; in a fairly short time, the comedy show managed to fall in love with a huge number of people - for its open, funny and always understandable humor.

Four years later, the team won the Breakthrough of the Year 2013 competition

Yulia Mikhalkova also tries herself as a singer, having shot a video with Alexei Zavyalov - "Julia is a beauty", and a little later the clip "My heart for you".

It was not for nothing that the young star got the profession of an actress - her filmography has already replenished with seven films: for example, in the series "Real Boys" she played the secondary role of Oborin's mistress, and in the film "In Love and Unarmed" - the charming bride of Vladimir Avdeev.

Julia is a rather versatile person, she has her own business. So, in order to always feel like an independent girl - she opens her center of correct and beautiful pronunciation, called "Speech". Julia Evgenievna likes to conduct classes on her own, because it is not in vain that she is a teacher by education. She takes great pleasure in the realization that she can not only cheer people up, but also teach them something useful.

Personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova

The personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova at one time was closely connected with politics. For a long time she was in a relationship with the famous politician of Yekaterinburg - Igor Danilov. The case was even close to the wedding, but in 2014 the couple broke up.

Yulia Evgenievna took the honorable third place at the preliminary voting of the United Russia party. But under pressure from some politicians who recalled her candid photos for a men's magazine and after a request from the Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg, she refused to continue her career in politics, but not from public work. Yulia was a host at a festival dedicated to Orthodox Lenten cuisine.

Mikhalkova hosts the Tasty Cases program on television in the city of Sverdlovsk. Often, in preparation for the next shoot, she has to master some kind of farming skill. Now the TV presenter can calmly milk both a cow and a goat, and the animals behave quite adequately, without trying to butt the celebrity.

Now Julia has a new object of adoration, whose name has not been disclosed, but the fact that she is ready to start a family with him, give birth to many children and, of course, have a family friend - a large and kind dog, preferably a husky, is not hidden.

Family of Yulia Mikhalkova

In this segment of life, the family of Yulia Mikhalkova is herself and her favorite activities. Many men looked after the Russian beauty, but it is reliably known about one of her romances with the politician Igor Danilov. They met for a long time, they were often seen together.

Julia herself said that they have a romantic relationship, the chosen one loves and respects her as a person, as a public person. However, when Igor "matured" for family life and offered his beloved to legitimize their relationship, the girl realized that she could not give him a definite answer. After some time, the couple made a mutual decision to leave.

Children of Yulia Mikhalkova

Every second girl wants her to have a family, children. While the children of Yulia Mikhalkova are only in her plans. For a long time, after parting with Igor Danilov, nothing was heard about her new novels. But in 2006, the TV presenter herself told the general public that she had finally found a person with whom she was ready to connect her life forever. The actress does not disclose the name of the groom, but the fact that she is ready to give birth to a child from him, and ideally - four - was announced publicly.

Despite the fact that she was the only child in the family, Julia presents her family life just like that.

Yulia Mikhalkova's husband

The husband of Yulia Mikhalkova is a man whom the TV presenter still hides from prying eyes. The actress keeps all the details of her personal life a secret - this further fueling the interest of fans. The only thing that became known to the journalists was the fact that the fateful meeting took place at one of the performances of the "Ural Dumplings", but a colleague at work or just a fan is a secret behind seven seals.

Fans are not even sure whether the marriage is formalized or not, although they really hope that the TV presenter will not do this to her fans, and the young couple will announce this event.

Yulia Mikhalkova is pregnant from the Ural dumplings

Public people are "in sight", their personal and professional aspects of life are of interest to many people. Sometimes, when a celebrity does not want to share certain aspects of his life with the general public - people, not without the help of the paparazzi, who sometimes publish rumors and gossip - think up or even just come up with sensations.

So it happened with our heroine: Yulia Mikhalkova is pregnant from the Ural dumplings - this news appeared on the Internet. As time went on, the "pregnant" actress somehow did not think to get better, the stomach for some reason did not increase. And when the time came, it seemed like he was going on maternity leave - it became clear to everyone - Julia was not pregnant. As the actress herself said, this is a simple matter, the main thing is to be confident in your life partner and wait a little.

Photos of Yulia Mikhalkova before and after plastic surgery on the Internet and on the covers of magazines do not even exist - they simply do not exist. Leading in her years looks stunning. She has a naturally slender figure, a beautifully set voice, huge eyes, Julia dresses well and, most importantly, her face is always decorated with a radiant smile. Therefore, if the presenter agrees to plastic surgery, then in twenty-five, thirty years.

Mikhalkova herself is now of the opinion that beauty at any age should be natural, without any surgical interventions. Well, let's wait and see how it goes on.

Instagram and Wikipedia Julia Mikhalkova

In addition to Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Mikhalkova, she also has an official page on VKontakte. Anyone who wants to know more truthful information about the life of an actress - you are here.

Here you can find out about the meeting between the actress and Andrei Rozhkov, who is the confidant of the President of Russia, with the Ural volunteers. The fact that in the near future their duet will sound in public transport, in the city of Yekaterinburg, talking about the EXPO exhibition. And those who just want to admire the TV presenter - they need to go to Julia's instagram. There is a huge number of photographs posted where Mikhalkova was shot in various guises: at social events, in long dresses; in a tracksuit, with a gun in his hands; dancing incendiary dance, in a short dress and many other various pictures.

Many fans of the Uralskiye Pelmeni TV show are interested in personal life and other facts from the biography of Yulia Mikhalkova, one of the project participants.

The birthplace of the future celebrity was a small town near Yekaterinburg, known as Verkhnyaya Pyshma. Julia was born in 1983. Her family was incomplete, the girl grew up without a father. His brother, grandfather and uncle acted as his replacement.

Julia has been very artistic and feminine since childhood. She loved to do makeup with her mother's makeup and presented herself in front of the mirror as a pop star, giving performances with an impromptu microphone. From an early age, she also announced her intention to be an artist. At school, she picked up catchy and attention-grabbing outfits, which caused bewilderment of the teachers.

In the 10th grade, Yulia got her first job - she was hired as a music news presenter on local television. After leaving school, she chooses the specialty of a philologist and enters the pedagogical university.

The turning point for Yulia was her participation in the KVN team called “Ural dumplings”. From this period, she made a firm decision to link her fate with the stage, as a result of which she changed the university to theatrical. An interesting fact is that the girl decided for herself that she had enough strength to master her studies at two institutes at once. Therefore, she did not give up her first education and brought it to the end.


Julia Mikhalkova managed to prove herself talented in many creative fields, among which the following can be identified.

  • Participation in the "Ural dumplings"... The team begins to perform not only on the stage of the university, but also on television, on the STS channel. The team is gaining immense popularity among the audience; it was awarded the "Breakthrough of the Year 2013" award. Along with other participants, the undoubted merit in this achievement belongs to Yulia Mikhalkova.
  • Filming in cinema... Yulia Mikhalkova proved herself to be a successful actress. Her film debut took place in 2008 when she landed a minor role in the film Silver. After that, she starred in the films "In Love and Unarmed", "Real Boys" and several other projects. The audience noted not only the spectacular appearance of the actress, but also her bright talented manner of performing roles.

Shot from the series "Real Boys"

  • Release of clips... Julia is known both as a solo performer and as a singer performing a duet with such stars as Alexey Zavyalov and rapper Sten. For many fans, the fact that Mikhalkova has a wonderful voice was a pleasant surprise.
  • Fashion model... At a certain period of her life, Mikhalkova starred for a popular men's edition in a very candid photo shoot. Later, the girl reconsidered her attitude to such activities and, to another offer, replied that she was ready to act exclusively in clothes.

Personal life

Many fans of Yulia Mikhalkova from Uralskiye Dumplings are very interested in the details of her personal life. At the very beginning of her career, she was in a romantic relationship with a politician from Yekaterinburg Igor Danilov.

She spoke extremely positively about him, according to her, the man served her as support in all her endeavors. However, in 2014, the couple announced their separation. As Julia admitted in an interview, it was of decisive importance for her that Igor made her a marriage proposal, but she was not ready to accept him.

According to Yulia Mikhalkova, she does not see Igor in the role of her husband. At the same time, she compared herself with a red Ferrari, and Danilov - with a BMW X6, which cannot keep up with her. She also announced that she represents the ideal man as Bugatti, which will have the opportunity to overtake her.

Subsequently, Mikhalkova changed her approach to interviews in the media and prefers not to advertise the details of her personal life. The name of her chosen one remains a secret with seven seals.

In 2016, the girl announced that she had a new lover. His name remains a secret for the media, but at the same time, Yulia Mikhalkova from Uralskiye Dumplings reported that, perhaps, her personal status would change and she would have a husband. At the same time, she announced her intention to give birth to many children, three, and maybe even four, to buy a cozy home and have a husky dog.

Julia Mikhalkova now

Judging by the numerous photos of the celebrity, she took place as a successful woman who was able to prove herself in many fields of activity. So, she went into business, opening a center for oratory and stage speech, which brings her a good income. Interestingly, Julia teaches there personally.

The celebrity also tried herself in politics. In 2016, she expressed serious intentions to become a member of the State Duma. In this regard, the star decided to radically change her image, she oversaw the construction of playgrounds, monitored the state of the adjacent territories, and began to attend church.

The results of the United Russia primaries were impressive: Mikhalkova took an honorable place in the leading three. However, the decisive importance was played by the debate, in which Julia was reproached for participating in a candid photo session for a men's magazine. Mikhalkova denied this fact, which gave rise to numerous jokes in her direction. To withdraw her candidacy, the authorities held a series of negotiations, as a result of which Julia signed a refusal to participate in the elections.

After that, the girl showed her characteristic sense of humor. She released a parody known as the "Primaries of the Ural Dumplings", which clearly shows criticism of the deputies.

In 2017, Mikhalkova gave rise to rumors of pregnancy by posting a photo with a rounded tummy. However, these guesses were not further confirmed.

Currently, the girl continues to actively participate in politics, she is in the PutinTeam movement. In addition, she was noted as the organizer of a charity event for the pupils of the orphanage. She provided an opportunity for the girls to get closer to the world of fashion, as part of the action they demonstrated the outfits they had sewn, and Mikhalkova herself taught them the defile. Some stars of Russian show business visited the project.

The biography and personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova arouse keen interest among her fans, as they are filled with bright and eventful events. The girl managed to show herself talentedly in many directions, both in creativity and in politics.

Julia Evgenievna Mikhalkova (real name Matyukhin). Born on July 12, 1983 in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region. Russian actress and TV presenter.

Yulia Matyukhina, better known as Yulia Mikhalkova (as an option - Mikhalkova-Matyukhina) was born on July 12, 1983 in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region.

Mikhalkova is her creative pseudonym. Since the double surname of the girl haunted many and there were many different rumors about this, the artist dotted the i's in one of her interviews: "In fact, my maiden name is Matyukhina, and Mikhalkova is a creative pseudonym."

She grew up without a father, her mother was helped in education by her grandfather, uncle and brother.

Yulia studied at school number 2 in her hometown. From childhood I was sure that she would become an artist.

As a 10th grade student, she began working on a local television presenter of youth news.

After leaving school, she entered the philological faculty of the Ural State Pedagogical University in Yekaterinburg, specializing in "teacher of Russian language and literature."

From the first year, Julia became a member of the KVN university team, where she participated in the Premier League. After two years of study at the Pedagogical University, she entered the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute with a degree in drama theater, film and television actress, from which she graduated in 2008.

In 2005 she became the presenter of the program of programs on the Fourth Channel of the Yekaterinburg television, later she began to conduct a weather forecast in Novosti.

Since 2009 - comedy show actress "Ural dumplings"... About how she ended up in the team, Yulia told: “The fact is that every six months the Uralskiye Pelmeni organized big concerts in Yekaterinburg. If they needed a girl for a number, they turned to local teams for help. My stage colleagues and I were happy to help the actors. And so it all started. After some time, I became a full member of the team. "

On October 23, 2013 at the awards ceremony "Breakthrough of the Year 2013" according to the magazine "MODA topical" as part of the project "Ural dumplings" she received an award in the nomination "Best Comedy Show".

Has experience in cinema. She made her debut in 2008 in the TV series "Silver". In 2010, she played a bride in the comedy "In Love and Unarmed". In the popular sitcom Real Boys she played the role of Viola, Oborin's former lover. She also starred in a small role in the TV series "Construction".

Yulia Mikhalkova in the series "Real Boys"

She starred in music videos. In 2012 she took part in the recording of the song and starred in the video for the project of the member of the group "Semantic Hallucinations" Nikolai Rotov - Rotoff "Star of Gelendzhik". In March 2012, together with Alexei Zavyalov, she recorded a song and starred in the video "Yulia-krasotulya". And on July 18, 2013, Julia and Alexey Zavyalov recorded the song "My heart for you."

In the fall of 2013, Julia recorded the single "If not" together with rap artist Stan.

In 2013, she starred for the men's magazine Maxim. At the same time, in an interview with the publication, Yulia then stated that she wanted to be the Minister of Culture.

Later, the photo shoot of Yulia Mikhalkova for Maxim magazine led to a scandal - when in 2016 she put forward her candidacy for the preliminary vote of United Russia to participate in the elections to the State Duma.

Yulia Mikhalkova is a popular actress who became famous after participating in the TV show "Ural dumplings". Previously, she participated in KVN, starred for popular men's magazines and released several music videos. Also, the girl is the owner of the center for stage speech and oratory.

Childhood and youth

Julia was born in the small provincial town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma (near Yekaterinburg) in the summer of 1983. The girl grew up without a father, who was replaced by her loving grandfather, uncle and brother.

From an early age, little Julia simply adored “smearing” with cosmetics from her mother's handbag. Having put on makeup, the baby posed in front of the mirror and made mini-performances with an impromptu microphone. Relatives regularly heard from their beloved Yulenka that she would certainly become a famous artist and would tour cities, constantly changing concert outfits. Even at school, the future TV personality dressed provocatively: angora sweaters, fur vests, shoes, - the teachers just shrugged.

Back in the 10th grade of the school, the girl got a job on a local television presenter of music news. After leaving school, the girl entered the philological faculty of the Yekaterinburg Pedagogical University, choosing the specialty of a teacher of Russian language and literature.

As a first year student, Yulia Mikhalkova joined the Yekaterinburg KVN team “Uralskie dumplings”, began her career with performances in the Premier League. Apparently, after that, the girl saw other talents in herself, so she changed her university to the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute (EGTI), which she successfully graduated in 2008 with a diploma in theater and cinema actress.

In 2009, she began performing with Uralskiye Dumplings in the humorous TV show of the same name on the STS channel. Thanks to joint work with popular actors and comedians: Sergei Svetlakov, Dmitry Brekotkin, Andrey Rozhkov and other talented guys, Julia gained tremendous experience in the field of humor and gained thousands of fans across the country.

In 2013, the team of the Uralskiye Pelmeni team received an award for the best comedy show at the Breakthrough of the Year 2013 competition. Participation in the TV show became the meaning of her life for Julia.

Actor career

After graduating from the theater institute in 2008, the girl makes her debut on the blue screens in the TV series "Silver" by Yuri Volkogon. Although she got an insignificant role, the newly-made actress still got her first experience in filming a movie.

In 2010, the girl appeared before the audience in the role of the beautiful bride in the comedy "In Love and Unarmed".

Julia also starred in the popular sitcom Real Boys, where she played the role of Viola, Oborin's former lover.

Model and singer

Mikhalkova actively proves to fans that she is not only “Julia from the Ural dumplings”. In 2012, she opened to the viewer as a singer, together with Alexei Zavyalov, releasing the video "Yulia-Krasotulya". A year later, her single "My heart for you" was released. Also in her "discography" is a joint composition with rapper Sten - "If not."

Alexander Zavyalov and Yulia Mikhalkova - "Yulia-krasotulya"

In 2013, Julia Mikhalkova tried herself in the role of a nude model and starred in a candid photo shoot for a popular publication for men. The pictures turned out to be very erotic: as many readers of the magazine noted, they did not expect such candid photos from Yulia from Uralskiye Dumplings.

Personal life of Julia Mikhalkova

At the dawn of her career, Julia Mikhalkova met with the famous Yekaterinburg politician Igor Danilov. According to her, the young man supported his beloved in everything, was extremely gentle and attentive, but when the time came to make a choice - to accept or reject the offer of his hand and heart - Julia realized that she could not find a definite answer to this question.

In 2014, the couple put all the points in their relationship. “I am like Ferrari, just as fast. And he is like a BMW X6: a good car, but it cannot keep up with Ferrari. I need a Bugatti man who can overtake me, ”said Julia.

However, in 2016, Julia said that she found true love. The name of her lover is kept secret; the actress said only that she met her beloved at the performance of "Ural dumplings". In an interview, she said that she wants to start a family with him, buy a cozy house, have a husky dog \u200b\u200band three, or better four children.

Julia Mikhalkova today

It is known that Yulia is successfully engaged in a business that brings the girl additional income. She opened her own center for oratory and stage speech "Speech", where she teaches classes on her own.

In 2016, Mikhalkova ran for the United Russia primaries in the region and, according to the results of the voting, took third place. However, in the end, she was forced to withdraw her candidacy under pressure from the public: she was reminded of a candid photo session, as well as her previous statements, many of which were included in the list of "the most absurd quotes of United Russia".

Julia Mikhalkova goes to the deputies

After that, Julia took part in the parody sketch “Primaries of the Ural Dumplings”, in which the criticism of the deputies of the Sverdlovsk region was clearly traced.

Primaries "Ural dumplings"

Russian television actress Yulia Mikhalkova was born on July 12, 1983. This event took place in the Sverdlovsk region, in a small town called Verkhnyaya Pyshma.

Biography of Julia Mikhalkova: the beginning of a starry journey

While still a high school student, she tries herself in the acting field. Youth news on one of the local TV channels is hosted by Yulia Mikhalkova. After leaving school, the biography is developing rapidly. The girl enters the State University of Pedagogy, choosing the profession of a writer and teacher of the Russian language.

The career and biography of Yulia Mikhalkova does not stop there, in 2005 she gets a job on television, where she works as a presenter on Channel 4. After some time, she was transferred to conduct a weather forecast on the Novosti television program.

After the second year of the girl's studies at the university and participation in some performances as part of the Uralskiye Pelmeni team, the biography of Yulia Mikhalkova turns into acting. Since 2008, she has been working in the drama theater, acting in films, conducting programs on television, having graduated by this time from the Theater Institute of the city of Yekaterinburg.

Acting career in the biography of Julia Mikhalkova

At the very beginning of her acting career, Julia gets a small role in the historical film series "Silver", directed by Yuri Volkogon. After that, Julia Mikhalkova was appointed to the role of Viola in the series "Real Boys", the creator of which is the well-known Zhanna Kadnikova. The biography of the aspiring actress is further connected with the director Anario Mamedov, who invites her to play the bride in the comedy "In Love and Armed". This happens in the same 2008.

The next year, Yulia switched to the STS channel in the Uralskie dumplings program. Only men participate in the show, so the only girl is immediately noticed, the actress gains widespread fame and fame.

After 4 years, Mikhalkov published the magazine "Maxim", for which she starred in nude style. By the way, many colleagues in the acting workshop were extremely surprised and the girl's act was not approved.

Julia Mikhalkova: biography and marital status

According to official data, Julia is not married, but she has a common-law husband, whom she is madly in love with. The common-law husband's name is Igor Danilov, in the Sverdlovsk region he is a deputy in the regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly, at the same time he holds a leading position in the committee for housing and communal services.

Danilov is a fairly wealthy person and does not spare money for gifts that Julia Mikhalkova receives with pleasure. Biography with her husband has connected the actress for more than 3 years, but the couple has not yet had children.

Most recently, Igor presented Yulia with an unforgettable gift: he proposed to her and presented a ring with a huge diamond. Mikhalkova immediately agreed, but the couple has not yet announced the exact date of the wedding.

Couple relationship

In the show "Ural dumplings", Yulia Mikhalkova is the only girl, but this does not cause jealousy in the groom, he is confident in purely friendly relations within the team.

Biography of Yulia Mikhalkova connected the actress with a calm and balanced life partner. Future spouses often have to part because of the tour, but this does not affect the relationship in any way and does not interfere with work. And colleagues from the Uralskiye Pelmeni team consider the groom of their comrade-in-arms to be a decent and honest person. In general, Julia Mikhalkova and her husband are a harmonious couple in all respects.

The career of the actress will not end even after the legal marriage. This is exactly what Julia Mikhalkova decided. Biography, marital status - all this interests her fans. Diligence and diligence are bearing fruit: the Uralskiye Pelmeni team was included in the Forbes rating. The income of each participant is estimated at millions.

Despite being busy and having high career achievements, Julia has time to do housework. After a long parting, the girl treats her groom to cutlets made with her own hands.

In addition to playing in the "Ural dumplings", Yulia Mikhalkova runs her own business. The girl has her own center of beautiful speech called "Speech", thanks to which everyone can learn to speak confidently and correctly.