Chopin as a creative personality presentation. Presentation Frederic Chopin presentation for the lesson on the topic

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FRYDERIK CHOPIN Fr and Derik Francois Chopin - Polish composer and virtuoso pianist, teacher. Author of numerous works for piano. The largest representative of Polish musical art. He interpreted many genres in a new way: he revived the prelude on a romantic basis, created a piano ballad, made dances more poetic - mazurka, polonaise, waltz.

Biography of Chopin Chopin, Fryderyk (1810-1849), Poland Chopin was born on March 1, 1810 near Warsaw. First he studied at the Musical Lyceum, and then at the Main School of Music. Chopin's talent for performing and composing manifested itself very early. At the age of 7, Chopin's first composition (polonaise in G minor for pianoforte) was published, and at the age of 8, Fryderyk was already playing on stage as a pianist. From the age of 13, Chopin traveled a lot with performances in Poland, he also visited Berlin and Vienna.

Interesting facts from the life of Chopin This boy is crazy! Little Chopin, sitting down at the pianoforte, invariably put out the candles and played in total darkness. He became very fond of some chords that his childish fingers could not yet play. In order to stretch his fingers, the boy came up with a special device that caused quite a lot of pain. Despite this, the young pianist wore it all the time, without taking it off even at night. Sometimes little Chopin would get up at night and play a few chords on the piano. The servant was absolutely convinced that the poor boy had gone mad. At the age of ten, Chopin composed a march dedicated to Grand Duke Konstantin, which was published, however, without the name of the author, and was even performed several times by a military orchestra.

who composed the dog waltz George Sand had a dog she loved to play with. Once, while fussing with a dog, George Sand said: - If I had talent, I would certainly compose some work in honor of this dog. The desire of the beloved is the law. And Chopin composed a wonderful waltz (opus No. 64), which Chopin's friends and students, knowing to whom the waltz is dedicated, called it: "Waltz of the little dog."

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Frederi to Francois Chope n Born March 1, 1810, the village of Zhelyazova-Wola, near Warsaw - October 17, 1849, Paris) - Polish composer and virtuoso pianist, teacher.

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Author of numerous works for piano. The largest representative of Polish musical art. He interpreted many genres in a new way: he revived the prelude on a romantic basis, created a piano ballad, poeticized and dramatized dances - mazurka, polonaise, waltz; turned the scherzo into an independent work.

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Youth After graduating from college and completing seven years of studies with Zhivny, Chopin began his theoretical studies with the composer Josef Elsner. The patronage of Prince Anton Radziwill and the princes Chetvertinsky introduced Chopin into high society, who was impressed by the charming appearance and refined manners of Chopin.

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Artistic activity Since 1829 Chopin's artistic activity began. He performs in Vienna, Krakow, performing his works. Chopin gave his first concert in Paris at the age of 22. The success was complete. Chopin rarely performed in concerts, but in the salons of the Polish colony and the French aristocracy, Chopin's fame grew extremely rapidly.

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Creativity Never - neither before nor after Chopin - in his homeland, Poland, a musical genius of such a level was born. His work is almost entirely pianistic. Although Chopin's rare gift as a composer might have made him a remarkable symphonist, his delicate, reserved nature was content with the limits of the chamber genre - except, of course, for his two wonderful piano concertos.

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Memory Chopin is one of the main composers in the repertoire of many pianists. Recordings of his works appear in the catalogs of major record companies. Since 1927, the International Chopin Piano Competition has been held in Warsaw. Among the winners of the competition is the famous Polish pianist H. Sztompka, who was an admirer of creativity. A crater on Mercury was named in honor of Chopin.

Fryderyk Franciszek CHOPIN

Author of numerous works for piano. The largest representative of Polish musical art. Gained worldwide fame thanks to the "Funeral March". Famous Polish composer and virtuoso pianist.

Born March 1, 1809 in the village of Zhelyazova-Wola, near Warsaw. Already in childhood, Chopin showed extraordinary musical abilities. He was surrounded by special attention and care. Like Mozart, he impressed those around him with his musical "obsession", inexhaustible imagination in improvisations. His susceptibility and musical impressionability manifested themselves violently and unusually. He could cry while listening to music, jump up at night to pick up a memorable melody or chord on the piano.

Since 1829, Chopin's artistic activity began. He performs in Vienna, Krakow, performing his works. Returning to Warsaw, he leaves it forever in 1830. This separation from his homeland was the cause of his constant hidden grief - longing for his homeland.

Chopin gave his first concert in Paris at the age of 22. The success was complete. Chopin rarely performed in concerts, but in the salons of the Polish colony and the French aristocracy, Chopin's fame grew extremely rapidly.

In 1837, Chopin felt the first attack of lung disease. The connection with George Sand coincides with this time.

A ten-year cohabitation with George Sand, full of moral trials, greatly undermined Chopin's health, and a break with her in 1847 deprived him of the opportunity to rest in Nohant. Wanting to leave Paris in order to change the situation and expand his circle of acquaintances, Chopin went to London in April 1848 to give concerts and teach.

This turned out to be his last trip. Success, a nervous, stressful life, a damp British climate, and most importantly, a chronic lung disease that periodically worsened - all this finally undermined his strength.

About Chopin deeply mourned the whole music world. Thousands of fans of his work gathered at his funeral. According to the wish of the deceased, at his funeral, the most famous artists of that time performed Mozart's Requiem, a composer whom Chopin put above all others.

In the Père Lachaise cemetery, Chopin's ashes rest between the graves of Cherubini and Bellini. Chopin's heart was, according to his will, sent to Warsaw, where it was walled up in a column of the Church of the Holy Cross.

In polonaises, ballads, Chopin talks about his country, Poland, about the beauty of its landscapes and the tragic past. Etudes can be attributed to the best works of Chopin: in them, an amazing poetic world is revealed to the listener. The most intimate, "autobiographical" genre in Chopin's work is his waltzes.

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Biography Frederic Chopin (03/01/1810 - 10/17/1849) was a Polish composer and pianist. Chopin's musical talent manifested itself very early. Already at the age of 6, he began to play the piano, compose music and systematically study with the Czech V. Zhivny, a serious musician-teacher. Chopin's first public performance took place in 1818 in Warsaw. By this time he was already the author of several piano pieces - polonaises and marches. In 1823 Chopin entered the Warsaw Lyceum. In the early 1820s, he began studying composition with J. Elsner. In July 1826 Chopin graduated from the Warsaw Lyceum. In the autumn of the same year, he entered the Warsaw High School of Music, where he studied for almost three years. Under the guidance of Elsner, an excellent musician and teacher, who immediately recognized the brilliant talent of his student, Chopin made great strides.

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Biography In 1829, the young musician went to Vienna for a short time. His concerts were a huge success. Chopin, his friends and relatives understand the need for a long concert journey. Chopin could not make up his mind to take this step for a long time. He was tormented by severe forebodings. It seemed to him that he was leaving his homeland forever. Finally, in the autumn of 1830, Chopin left Warsaw. Friends gave him a farewell goblet filled with Polish soil. His teacher Elsner said a touching farewell to him. On the outskirts of Warsaw, where Chopin was passing, he, together with his students, performed a choral work written by him especially for this occasion. Chopin was twenty years old. Happy youthful time, full of searches, hopes, successes, is over. Premonitions did not deceive Chopin. He left his home forever.

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Biography Chopin quickly "conquered" Paris. He immediately struck the listeners with his peculiar and unusual performance. At that time, Paris was flooded with musicians from various countries. The most popular were virtuoso pianists: Kalkbrenner, Hertz, Giller. Their game was distinguished by technical perfection, brilliance that stunned the audience. That is why Chopin's very first concert performance sounded like such a sharp contrast. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, his performance was surprisingly spiritual and poetic. The famous Hungarian musician Franz Liszt, who also began his brilliant career as a pianist and composer, has survived about Chopin's first concert: “We recall his first performance in the Pleyel Hall, when the applause that increased with a vengeance, it seemed, could not sufficiently express our enthusiasm in the face of talent, which, along with happy innovations in the field of its art, opened a new phase in the development of poetic feeling. Chopin conquered Paris, as Mozart and Beethoven once conquered Vienna. Like Liszt, he was recognized as the best pianist in the world.

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Chopin During his studies, Chopin wrote many piano works, among which stand out variations on a theme by Mozart, rondo, rondo for two pianos, 1st sonata, Krakowiak, nocturne in E minor, etc. Even then, Polish folk music had a strong influence on Chopin, as well as Polish literature and poetry (Mickiewicz, Slovak, Witwicki, etc.). After graduating from the Higher School, Chopin made a trip to Vienna in 1829, where he performed his works. In 1830, his first solo concert took place in Warsaw, followed by a number of other performances. There are a number of conjectures and versions, according to which the First ballad in g-moll op. 23 (1831-1835) is associated with the plot of "Konrad Wallenrod" by Mickiewicz, Second F-dur - a-moll op. 38 (1836-1839) - with his own "Svitezyanka", or "Svitezem", Third As-dur op. 47 (1840-1841) - either with Mickiewicz's Svitezyanka, or with Heine's Lorelei. Already this confusion speaks of how free the music of Chopin's ballads is from certain literary and plot associations. When creating his piano ballads (4 in total), Chopin followed a different path. He refracted in them the most important features of ballad expressiveness - and its agitated character, and its inherent elements of the epic narrative, and the interweaving of fantastic and real images, and the multiplicity of contrasting episodes, and the dramatic climax-denouement at the end, etc.

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Works But nowhere did his ballad style manifest itself with greater monumentality and brightness than in the f-moll "Fantasy" . In terms of saturation with alternating contrasting episodes, in terms of the brightest expressiveness of themes, reaching almost programmatic certainty, "Fantasy" significantly surpasses Chopin's ballads. The traditions of the concert that have been preserved in it give it a special originality. Almost every theme is associated with a directly expressed "ballad" image. And the first extended "march" part of the "prologue", based on the type of thematicism that Chopin, being the bearer of chivalrous and noble images, is associated with the historical fate of Poland, and the improvisational introduction of the "narrator", and the bright lyrical theme of a romantic dream, and the choral episode, personifying the unearthly beginning, and the triumphal courageous theme of the "hero", and the theme of enlightened peace at the end - these and other themes of "Fantasy" endowed with such a vivid, almost programmatic expressiveness that some researchers telis (albeit completely unfounded) were even ready to assume that the fantasy was conceived as an overture to a musical drama.

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Frederic Francois Chopin

Born March 1, 1810, the village of Zhelyazova-Wola, near Warsaw - October 17, 1849, Paris) - Polish composer and virtuoso pianist, teacher.

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Author of numerous works for piano. The largest representative of Polish musical art. He interpreted many genres in a new way: he revived the prelude on a romantic basis, created a piano ballad, poeticized and dramatized dances - mazurka, polonaise, waltz; turned the scherzo into an independent work.

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After graduating from college and completing seven years of studies with Zhivny, Chopin began his theoretical studies with the composer Josef Elsner. The patronage of Prince Anton Radziwill and the princes Chetvertinsky introduced Chopin into high society, which was impressed by Chopin's charming appearance and refined manners.

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Artistic activity

Since 1829, Chopin's artistic activity began. He performs in Vienna, Krakow, performing his works. Chopin gave his first concert in Paris at the age of 22. The success was complete. Chopin rarely performed in concerts, but in the salons of the Polish colony and the French aristocracy, Chopin's fame grew extremely rapidly.

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Never - neither before nor after Chopin - in his homeland, Poland, was a musical genius of such a level born. His work is almost entirely pianistic. Although Chopin's rare gift as a composer might have made him a remarkable symphonist, his delicate, reserved nature was content with the limits of the chamber genre - except, of course, for his two wonderful piano concertos.

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Chopin is one of the main composers in the repertoire of many pianists. Recordings of his works appear in the catalogs of major record companies. Since 1927, the International Chopin Piano Competition has been held in Warsaw. Among the winners of the competition is the famous Polish pianist H. Sztompka, who was an admirer of creativity. A crater on Mercury was named in honor of Chopin.

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