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And a political scientist, historian, writer. International columnist for The Washington Post, editor and author of The New Republic and The Weekly Standard online publications.


The son of a Jew, American historian D. Kagan. Brother of F. Kagan.

He was an unofficial and unpaid advisor to US presidential candidate John McCain in his 2008 presidential campaign.

Currently Senior Fellow of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Fellow of the German Marshall Fund. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations in Brussels, member of the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya.

Married to V. Nuland, has two children.


  • A Twilight Struggle: American Power and Nicaragua, 1977-1990
  • Editor of Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policy

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An excerpt characterizing Kagan, Robert

“Try to serve well and be worthy,” he added, addressing Boris sternly. - I'm glad ... Are you here on vacation? he dictated in his impassive tone.
“I am waiting for an order, Your Excellency, to go to a new destination,” Boris answered, showing neither annoyance at the prince’s harsh tone, nor a desire to enter into a conversation, but so calmly and respectfully that the prince looked at him intently.
- Do you live with your mother?
“I live with Countess Rostova,” Boris said, adding again: “Your Excellency.”
“This is the Ilya Rostov who married Nathalie Shinshina,” said Anna Mikhailovna.
“I know, I know,” said Prince Vasily in his monotonous voice. - Je n "ai jamais pu concevoir, comment Nathalieie s" est decidee a epouser cet ours mal - leche l Un personnage completement stupide et ridicule. Et joueur a ce qu "on dit. [I could never understand how Natalie decided to go out marry that filthy bear. Completely stupid and funny person. Besides a gambler, they say.]
- Mais tres brave homme, mon prince, [But a good man, prince,] - Anna Mikhailovna remarked, smiling touchingly, as if she knew that Count Rostov deserved such an opinion, but asked to pity the poor old man. - What do the doctors say? asked the princess, after a pause, and again expressing great sadness on her tear-stained face.
“There is little hope,” said the prince.
- And I so wanted to thank my uncle again for all his good deeds to me and Borya. C "est son filleuil, [This is his godson,] - she added in such a tone, as if this news should have extremely pleased Prince Vasily.
Prince Vasily thought for a moment and grimaced. Anna Mikhailovna realized that he was afraid to find in her a rival according to the will of Count Bezukhoy. She hastened to reassure him.
“If it weren’t for my true love and devotion to my uncle,” she said, pronouncing this word with particular confidence and carelessness: “I know his character, noble, direct, but after all, only the princesses are with him ... They are still young ...” She tilted her head and she added in a whisper: “Did he fulfill his last duty, prince?” How precious are these last moments! After all, it couldn't be worse; it must be cooked if it is so bad. We women, prince,” she smiled tenderly, “always know how to say these things. You need to see him. No matter how hard it was for me, but I'm used to suffering.

Kagan (surname)- This term has other meanings, see Kagan (meanings). Kagan (also Kahan) is a surname of Jewish origin, identical in origin to the surname Cohen (see the article "Coens"). Contents 1 Known speakers 2 Aliases ... Wikipedia

Robert Kagan- Robert Kagan, Warsaw (Poland), April 17, 2008 Robert Kagan (born September 26, 1958 in Athens) is an American politician and journalist. MA in Public Policy and International Relations (Harvard University). In ... ... Wikipedia

Kagan R.- Robert Kagan, Warsaw (Poland), April 17, 2008 Robert Kagan (born September 26, 1958 in Athens) is an American politician and journalist. MA in Public Policy and International Relations (Harvard University). In ... ... Wikipedia

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  • The power of habits Protectors of the heart set of 2 books, Kagan M., Ainband N., Vereshchagin A.. "The power of habits. How to become truly successful". Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Robert Kiyosaki - all these people became rich and successful because ... they followed ... Buy for 638 rubles
  • The power of habits: how to become truly successful. Defenders of the Heart (number of volumes: 2), Vereshchagin Alexander. The set includes the following books. "The Power of Habits: How to Become Truly Successful". Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Robert Kiyosaki - all these people became rich and successful because ...

Robert Kagan(Eng. Robert Kagan, born September 26, 1958, Athens) - American journalist and political scientist, historian, writer. International columnist for The Washington Post, editor and writer for The New Republic and The Weekly Standard.


The son of the American historian D. Kagan. Brother of F. Kagan.

He graduated from Yale University (1980), where he was a member of the Skull and Bones student society. Graduated from the Harvard Institute of Public Administration. John F. Kennedy (Master of Public Policy and International Relations). He received his PhD in American History from American University.

In 1997, together with W. Kristol, he founded the New American Century Project (PNAC).

He was an unofficial and unpaid advisor to US presidential candidate John McCain in his 2008 presidential campaign.

Currently Senior Fellow of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Fellow of the German Marshall Fund. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations in Brussels, member of the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya.

Married to V. Nuland, has two children.


  • A Twilight Struggle: American Power and Nicaragua, 1977-1990 / Twilight Struggle: American Power and Nicaragua, 1977-1990 (1996);
  • Editor of Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policy
  • Robert Kagan: US knows what they want, but Europe doesn't (El Pais, Spain, 2003)

February 20th, 2015

The enemy must be known by sight. In the light of public attention, only the faces of Poroshenko-Yatsenyuk-Kolomoisky are, although everyone understands that these are only native American puppets.
But who exactly are these ‘Americans’ who organized the coup and the war in Ukraine, what motives drive them and what unites them?
Don't rush to call President Obama the instigator. Don't you think his role is strange? Recall that both Republican candidates who lost in the last two presidential elections - McCain and Romney - openly declared an aggressive policy in which they assigned Russia the role of enemy number one. But the kind of 'moderate' Obama won the election - and the world breathed a sigh of relief, even giving him the Nobel Peace Prize in advance, which now looks like a mockery. First, Obama unleashed wars in Libya and Syria, which were not at all in his program, but were in the plans of the Republican Bush administration (see the revelations of General Wesley Clark). Then he organized a coup in Ukraine and an attack on Russia - again from the program of his Republican rivals. Doesn't this mean that all these wars that plunged the three countries into bloody chaos were predetermined by other people, and the person in the chair of the President of the United States is also nothing more than a puppet performing a given role?
As we will see below, regardless of who sits in the president's chair, the key figures making foreign policy decisions in the US remain the same. Before moving on to personalities, let's ask ourselves what unites these people and what gives them such power? Unites the ideology of aggressive promotion by any means of American hegemony and comprehensive dominance (Full Spectrum Dominance) - neoconservatism.
When analyzing the biographies of the key figures of the neocons, another interesting unifying detail emerges - the origin. The vast majority of these people are Jews, whose ancestors arrived in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century from the western outskirts of the Russian Empire - now Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Moldova. This fact is not amenable to superficial explanation, but it cannot be a coincidence either.
So, let's move on to personalities. Let's take a look at these faces...

Kagan family

Let's start unraveling the tangle from the figure on the surface - Victoria Nuland. The current position is Deputy Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, in other words, “looking after Eurasia” from the State Department. Nuland is known to the public for Maidan cookies, a story about $5 billion spent by the United States on a coup in Ukraine, and a command to the US ambassador to appoint Yatsenyuk as prime minister. Also, Miss “Eurasia Watcher” is known for the phrase “Fuck the EU”, and in general, with his diplomatic status, he does not climb into his pocket for a swear word.
For examplereport about Nuland's meeting with a group of deputies from that Rada after the overthrow of Yanukovych.

Even those who know English language at the high school level, were surprised by the abundance of vocabulary commonly used in American rap. Victoria Nuland allowed herself words that make her famous phrase "Fuck the EU" look like the height of royal etiquette. Even the interpreter eventually decided to tone down the emotionality of her speech, and presented the expression "fucking regime of Yanukovich" as "the criminal regime of Yaukovich."

A high-ranking functionary of the State Department from the very first minute of her speech put the deputies in their place, saying that they would not tolerate any criticism of Petro Poroshenko, that he had come for a long time and no political force would suit him with any Maidan. "The United States will firmly suppress any political games in this direction," Nuland said, brightening up the phrase for persuasiveness with another strong word.

She also explained that a similar meeting was held with the functionaries of the "Batkivshchyna", after which it became clear to everyone why Yulia Tymoshenko suddenly calmed down, forgot about the new Maidans and became silky.

“If it becomes known to me that at least one of you questions the initiatives of your president, you can put an end to your political career,” Nuland said, promising to unleash the Ukrainian and foreign press on the buzzers, and even initiate criminal cases.

Hot with a whip, Nuland pulled out a carrot and promised, in case of constructive behavior of the Regions, to influence Poroshenko and persuade him not to hold early parliamentary elections. “If you and your party group behave adequately, then we can ensure that this council remains until 2015. You will live! No - we will disperse you to hell.

“The main task now is to adopt amendments to the constitution and give additional powers to the president,” Nuland added to her demands.

According to the amendments of the Americans, the president will receive full control over the prosecutor's office. The American guest also forced the Regionals to abandon the idea of ​​federalization of the country and support for the Russian language.

“First, order must be restored by force in the southeast, all terrorists and militants must be destroyed, and only then can we talk about some kind of decentralization and the rights of the regions,” Nuland said.

And in an official speech during the same trip, Nuland said: “America condemns the violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine Russian Federation. ". Well, the text above is just an example of a nice conversation between a foreign diplomat and high statesmen of a well-very-sovereign and independent country. Koi do not dare to open their mouths, listening to the stream of indisputable directives issued in the form of square swearing. This is a democracy now, so shut up and listen to the top democrat.
Nuland herself spoke about the most significant milestones in her biography when she took the oath to her current position in September 2013.

“The most important experience for me was August 1991, when as a young diplomat in Moscow I stood in the crowd around the Russian White House... Memories of those days are a constant reminder to me that universal values ​​bind the transatlantic community and we become stronger and richer when we stand with those who fight for these values ​​throughout Europe and Eurasia.”
Having destroyed the USSR, America really acquired huge values, became richer and stronger than competition. But Nuland's Moscow memories should include not only 1991, but also 1993, when she was still working at the US Embassy in Moscow - the very one from the roof of which, during the events of October 1993, according to reliable evidencesnipers fired .
Associative row?
1993-Moscow-coup attempt-inciting conflict-Snipers-Nuland
2014-Kyiv-coup attempt-incitement of conflict-Snipers-Nuland.

About the origin of Nuland: Grandfather on the paternal side - Meyer Nudelman - of Jewish origin, arrived in America as an 18-year-old boy in 1907 from the city of Novoselytsya (now Ukraine); grandmother - in 1903 from Novogrudok (now Belarus). Her father, born Shepsl Ber Nudelman, Americanized him as an adult.

Robert Kagan - husband of Victoria Nuland. “My Kagan. He is my Mars, my Venus, my planet Earth” (Nuland in the video above 22:50)
Kagan himself somehowsaid that Americans can be considered people from Mars, and Europeans - people from Venus. Anddeciphered this statement is: “Europeans harbor the illusion that international politics can be carried out without the use of military force and power. Europe is weak, its position defined by a sense of Cold War insouciance, when Europe's security was guaranteed by the United States.Interesting: if the United States did not exert powerful pressure on them, would they go on their own to bomb Belgrade in 1999?The US rules in a Hobbesian world where everyone is fighting against everyone and international law cannot be trusted.”
Kagan openly calls for a policy, rejectingmoral principles . “Neither in this century nor in past centuries has there been perfect morality or complete justice in the international system. Great powers do not argue with clean hands. Everyone is selfish; all morally compromised. The more power a nation has, the more likely it is to act in ways that have nothing to do with morality.”
With these views, Kagan was the speechwriter and leading foreign policy adviser to both Obama's losing presidential candidates, Mitt Romney and John McCain. The Kagan, who himself has never served in the army, is the leading propagandist for American wars in
Yugoslavia , Iraq , Georgia , Libya , Syria , founder of the so-called. The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) is the most radical organization that aims to “advance American global leadership” and US hegemony. Of course, under the guise of promoting democracy.
But let's look at the perfection of democracy in America. If an American voter voted for the “hawks” Romney or McCain, then Kagan and Nuland would determine the US foreign policy. But what an elective show it was, what heated discussions, what genuine passions! The voter came to the ballot boxes and, with a sense of pride in democracy, made a choice in favor of the "dove" Obama. And now US foreign policy is determined by... Nuland and Kagan. This is true freedom - you want to choose the view on the left, you want the view on the right. How much depends on the voter!
Obama himself is also heavily influenced by Kagan. In my January 2012 address, Obama referred to an essay by Kagan "The myth of the American Decline In an interview with reporters the previous day, Obama spent 10 minutes reviewing the article, quoting it line by line and emphasizing its importance. The adviser then confirmed to reporters that Obama was deeply impressed by Kagan's article and made it a must-read for his inner circle.
What impressed Obama so much in Kagan's article? Out of 8000 words in the article, one word occurs 136(!) times. This word -power - strength.
Leon Hadar gaveanswer to Kagan's article "There is something immoral and repulsive in the fact that Kagan and other supporters of infamous wars in the Greater Middle East are once again beginning to argue that only through the full use of American military force can the foundation of stability be built."
But moral categories, as we remember, Kagan rejects.
About origin:father Kagana is Jewish, born in Lithuania, moved to the USA in the 1930s.

The Kagan family includes other prominent neocons. Frederick Kagan was the architect of US strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan. US Secretary of Defense Gateswrote : “An important milestone in my journey from skepticism to support for more troops in Afghanistan was an article by Fred Kagan who sent me a draft. I knew and respected the Kagan. He was a well-known supporter of the troop buildup in Iraq, and we talked from time to time about both wars, including one long evening conversation on the veranda of one of Saddam's palaces.”

Other prominent neocons:
Paul Wolfowitz

Wolfowitz was also one of the leaders PNAC who signed its key documents.
He served as US Deputy Secretary of Defense from 2001 to 2005. Developer of the strategy of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. As Deputy Minister of Defense, he prepared the scandalous "Guide to Defense Construction", where for the first time he spoke about the principles of American hegemony in a unipolar world. It was this document that formed the basis of the National Security Strategy ( National Security strategyoftheUnited_States) of the Bush Jr. administration in 2002.
The neo-conservative "Wolfowitz Doctrine" he formulated calls for the United States to establish the status of the "Single Superpower". This goal requires Washington to "obstruct any attempt by any hostile country to establish dominance in any region whose resources, placed under its control, would be sufficient to propel it to the level of world power." A "hostile country" is any power that has enough power and influence to limit Washington's power - such as Russia or China.
During the events in Ukraine, Wolfowitz regularly appears on the Fox channel with statements demanding the introduction and strengthening of sanctions against Russia. Before that, he also regularly made anti-Russian statements, in particular, arguing that Obama's reset was a mistake.
Origin:was born in Brooklyn, in a family of Jewish immigrants who lived before emigration on the border of Poland and Ukraine.Wolfowitz's father, Jacob, moved to the US after World War I.

Family Podhorets
Father Norman Podhoretz , patriarch and ideologist of neoconservatism, one of the founders PNAC, a prominent figure in the American Jewish Committee (AJC) . He lobbied for the recognition of Ukraine's independence. Norman Born in Brooklyn, in a family of Jewish emigrants from Galicia, Julius and Elena Volyner.
Norman's son John Podhoretz- friend of Robert Kagan, member of the "American Council on Foreign Relations" (Eng. Council on Foreign Relations).
23 a April 2014 I listened to Robert Kagan and John Podhoretz atCouncil of Foreign Relations regarding American foreign policy. Kagan and Podhoretz, two big-bodied friends, have verbally repeated John McCain/Lindsey Graham's reckless line about Obama's mistakes and argued for the need for American military superiority in every crisis we face. It was really incredible. Buteven more remarkable is what after of all the painful experiences that our country has experienced under the so-called neo-conservative doctrine personified by Robert Kagan, the latter is slowly regaining respectability. How can this be?”
Another PNAC member, Elliot Abrams, Bush Administration member of the US National Security Council, is the son-in-law of Norman Podhoretz.

Father and son Irving and William Kristol

Irving Kristol , as well as Podgorets, was born and raised in Brooklyn, in a family of Jewish immigrants from Ukraine. Irving in his youth was a member of the Trotskyist circle. He made a career as a political scientist, also a member of the American Council on Foreign Relations. Counts of the founders of neoconservatism. Was the first employer of Robert Kagan.
In 1997 his sonWilliamco-founded the New American Century Project (PNAC) with Robert Kagan, aimed at maintaining a unipolar world and US hegemony.

William - chairman PNAC , aboutfounder and editor of the political magazine " The Weekly Standard" and a regular commentator for "Fox News Channel". Foreign Policy Advisor. Consistently advocated aggression against Iraq. For example, on March 5, 2003, he stated: « I am sure we will be justified when we find WMD in Iraq and free its people ».
In the current Ukrainian crisisupholds the need for direct US military intervention. “It was a mistake not to use the threat of military action against Russia. If necessary, we will intervene in Ukraine militarily or otherwise, but preferably militarily.”

Thus, the neoconservatives are an elitist, closed group, whose members are closely connected with each other by business and family relations. They exercise their influence on politics not only through their official position, but also through personal connections, as well as through the media and non-state structures, the owners and founders of which they are.
In the American alternative media, the naming of the neocon group was established The Cabal - "Clique", or "permanent government of the United States."
Howwrites columnist Steve Siler, describing the Kagan-Nuland family: “a talented, energetic family that is part of the permanent government of the United States. It doesn’t matter who wins the presidential election, in any case, someone from this family will decide the fate of the world on behalf of the voter and for his money.”
With all the disgust of the current Kyiv viper, when you look across the ocean it becomes truly creepy. A ball of pompous snakes obsessed with the idea of ​​​​absolute domination, discarding all morality, dragging the world into nuclear armageddon.