Old maps and globes. The oldest globe in the world

What is the famous ancient globe of Behaim, who and when, and where created it, and also who came up with the idea to create a round Earth? Around 1492, Martin Beheim presented the world with the first globe, which was a metal circle with a diameter of 507 millimeters. Behaim's globe is famous for being the first model of the Earth, it has a fairly accurate map of Europe, Asia and Africa. West Africa and America are not on the globe, because at that time they simply were not discovered. Many contemporaries mistakenly believe that Martin Beheim became famous for being the first to suggest that the Earth is spherical. But in fact, this assumption was made by Pythagoras in the 6th century BC.

What is Bayham's globe famous for:

  • This is the first surviving globe;
  • It is a globe with an equator and meridians;
  • The globe has information about ancient life and astronomy;
  • The main continents are present;
  • For 525 years, the globe rotates, and is perfectly preserved.

At present, Beheim's globe is located in Nuremberg, in the German national museum. The product is perfectly preserved, on the Internet you can find maps from this globe, which clearly show at what stage humanity was in the 15th century. Also on the globe there are a large number of inscriptions, this is a real text plan with links to historical discoveries, for example, to Marco Polo. The mention of this traveler, by the way, may indicate that the date of manufacture of the globe is greatly underestimated. Scholars are inclined to believe that Behaim's globe was actually made in the 17th century, or even in a later period. On the other hand, the inscriptions could have been made later.

The proportionality of Behaim's globe map is not true. However, there is an equator and meridians on the globe, the shape of the European continent more or less corresponds to the real one. For that time it was a big breakthrough, no wonder the Germans are very proud of their celebrity.

The exhibit itself evokes a very reverent feeling, especially if you imagine how many hands famous people touched this Earth Apple. In addition, the darkened globe looks like a real work of art, and the manufacturing method is highly respected.

Of course, it is possible that before Behaim's globe there were other similar models of the Earth in the form of a ball, but it is this particular copy that has survived to this day. Many modern museums have copies of this globe. Also, anyone can buy a copy of Behaim's globe for their home, or a reduced miniature as a souvenir.

Some parapsychologists also tend to be of the opinion that this globe has some kind of magical power. Moreover, it partially depicts the signs of the Zodiac.

A large treasure trove of ancient artifacts was discovered by an expedition led by Elias Sotomayor in 1984. In the Ecuadorian mountain range of La Mana, in a tunnel at a depth of more than ninety meters, 300 items were found, including the oldest globe of the Earth

It is currently impossible to determine the exact age of the finds. However, it is already known that they do not belong to any of the known cultures of this region. The symbols and signs carved on the stone clearly belong to Sanskrit, but not to its later version, but rather to its earlier one. A number of scholars have identified this language as proto-Sanskrit.

Before the discovery of Sotomayor, Sanskrit was never associated with the American continent, rather, it was attributed to the cultures of Europe, Asia and northern Africa. For example, it is believed that ancient Egyptian writing is based on it. Now scientists, drawing various scientific parallels, are trying to "connect" these centers of culture and find out the origin of the mysterious treasure.
The distance from La Mana to Giza is 0.3 of the circumference of the earth. The very word La Mana is not typical for the places where the array is located, it does not carry any semantic load in local languages ​​and dialects. But in Sanskrit, "mana" means the mind, in the meaning of the mind. Scientists suggest that the name of the area went to the peoples living in it now from their predecessors, who may have come to America from Asia.

Unusual for Central America and the finds themselves. Despite the similarities between the American and Egyptian pyramids, they have a number of significant technical differences. The stone pyramid discovered by Sotomayor's expedition most of all resembles in its shape the huge pyramids in Giza.

But her mysteries don't end there. Thirteen rows of masonry are carved on the pyramid. In its upper part there is an image of an open eye, or, in the mystical tradition, the “all-seeing eye”. Thus, the pyramid found in La Mana is an exact image of the Masonic sign, known to most of mankind thanks to the US one dollar bill.

Another striking find of the expedition of Sotomayor is the image of a king cobra made with great skill from stone. And it's not even the high level of art of ancient artisans. Everything is much more mysterious, because the king cobra is not found in America. Its habitat is the tropical rainforests of India. However, the quality of its image leaves no doubt that the artist personally saw this snake. Thus, either the object with the image of a snake applied to it, or its author, must have moved from Asia to America across the ocean to ancient times when, it is believed, no means existed for this. Mysteries multiply.

Perhaps Sotomayor's third stunning find will be able to suggest the answer. In the tunnel of La Mana, one of the oldest globes on Earth, also made of stone, was discovered. On a far from ideal ball, for the manufacture of which, perhaps, the master simply spared no effort, but a rounded boulder, images of continents familiar from school times are applied.

But even to a non-specialist, the differences are immediately evident. If the outlines of Italy, Greece, the Persian Gulf, the Dead Sea and India differ little from modern ones, then the planet looks completely different from the coast of Southeast Asia towards America. Huge masses of land are depicted where now only the boundless sea splashes.
The Caribbean islands and the Florida peninsula are absent altogether. Just below the equator in the Pacific Ocean is a giant island, roughly equal in size to modern Madagascar. Modern Japan is part of a gigantic continent that extends to the shores of America and extends far to the south.

Perhaps this is the legendary continent of Mu, whose existence in ancient times was assumed by the Japanese scientist M. Kimura. Subsequently, as he claimed, this continent sank to the bottom of the ocean, like Atlantis described by Plato. However, a number of scientists suggest that it was Mu that Plato described under the name Atlantis. The presence of this continent turns the journey from Asia to America in ancient times from an impossible event into a completely feasible and, perhaps, routine one. The genetic links between the Indians of America and Asians have long been proven, and the presence in antiquity of the mainland connecting these parts of the world is quite capable of explaining their origin. It remains to be added that the La Mana find appears to be the oldest map of the world, and its age is at least 12,000 years old.

No less interesting are other findings of Sotomayor. In particular, a "service" of thirteen bowls was discovered. Twelve of them have a perfectly equal volume, and the thirteenth is much larger. If you fill 12 small bowls with liquid to the brim, and then drain them into a large one, then it will be filled exactly to the brim. All bowls are made of jade. The purity of their processing suggests that the ancients had a stone processing technology similar to a modern lathe.

Almost all Sotomayor's finds glow in the ultraviolet. And then on some of them multi-colored images of stars appear, or rather, the constellation Orion, the star Aldebaran and the twin stars Castor and Pollux. Why exactly this region of the sky attracted the attention of the ancient masters, one can only guess.

A number of finds depict converging circles, clearly associated with the Sanskrit concept of the mandala. It is interesting that this idea entered the Indian ideas about the structure of the world almost unchanged. “Everything an Indian does is in a circle, because that is the Power of the World. Everything happens in circles, and everything tries to be round ... Everything that the Power of the World does is done in a circle, ”the famous Indian leader Black Elk said in 1863.

(in normal light and in ultraviolet)

So far, Sotomayor's findings raise more questions than they answer. But they once again confirm the thesis that our information about the history of the Earth and mankind is still very far from perfect.

What does a “round” Earth look like without seas and oceans…

A recently discovered ostrich eggshell globe dating from the early 16th century may be the oldest globe depicting the New World. The globe is covered with inscriptions in Latin. North America looks like two small islands on it. The origin of the globe is still unknown.

The globe has long belonged to dealers in old things. In 2012, Belgian collector Stéphane Missinne acquired the item at a map exhibition in London.

Until now, the Hunt-Lenox globe was considered the oldest globe on which North America was depicted. It was made of copper sometime between 1504 and 1506. Both globes have similar inscriptions and contours. Stefan Missinn says it's not a coincidence, although he acknowledges that the two globes are slightly different. According to the collector, the globe made from ostrich eggs is unique in itself, even if its age is not taken into account.

The creator of the globe is still unknown, but scientists suspect that this model of the world, in all likelihood, is somehow connected with the workshop of Leonardo da Vinci. The reason for such assumptions was the presence of some similarities between the vessel painted on the globe and the illustrations of the artist, who was well acquainted with Leonardo.

Image from the bottom of the globe, in place of Antarctica

Good day, dear users! Before moving on to the main topic of the post, I want to introduce you to the creation of Martinus de Bohemia (1459-1507)

It's a globe...Asia!

Well, of course, this is a joke :-)) So, in the distant and cloudless Soviet childhood, we joked, as schoolchildren, something like a joke .. - "Give me a pen for the third grade, and a globe of the Kazakh SSR .." - I don’t remember the list of requested items - it was a long time ago ..

A joke is a joke, but such was the vision of the world in those days. There is basically no North and South America on the globe, but there is a lot of ocean and Asia with Africa, a lot of all sorts of different islands and freedom in general! And many many more interesting details, which I propose to consider together, at this good time of the day. So, get acquainted -


And of course let's get acquainted with myself creator, please love and respect - Martinus de Bohemia! (1452-1507)

Martin Behaim or Boeheim (German: Martin Behaim, lat. Martinus de Bohemia, port. Martinho da Boémia; October 6, 1459 - July 29, 1507) was a German scientist, merchant and navigator who had been in the Portuguese service for a long time. Creator of the oldest surviving globe to this day. (wiki)

And my reading of the name (author) Martinus de Bohemia..Beheim is already a Jewish sound ..Probably the Jews want to be the first here too, to ascribe primacy in "globe construction" to their excessively beloved God's chosen people)) It's a joke, but it would be nice to get acquainted with the biography of a respected author ..


Born in the Franconian free city of Nuremberg in a wealthy merchant family that originated from Bohemia and settled in the city at the beginning of the XIV century. His father traded with Venice and was elected to the city senate. Martin took part in his father's affairs from a young age; after his death in 1474, he worked with his uncle Leonhard and Jorius van Dorpp, a textile merchant from Mechelen, and visited the fair in Frankfurt. In 1478 he moved to Antwerp, where he worked in a dyeing workshop; where he learned arithmetic. There is evidence that Bohemia studied with Johann Müller, the greatest astronomer and mathematician of that time.

Life in Portugal

In 1484, Bohemia first appeared in Lisbon, with trading purposes (at that time, Portugal's ties with Flanders and the Hansa were expanding); a year later he was knighted by King João II. In 1488 he married the daughter of his friend Joss van Hurter, a Fleming in the Portuguese service who was governor of Pico and Faial (from the Azores), and settled in the Azores. Marriage allowed Martin to approach the court, and, possibly, get a position as court astronomer and cartographer.

The Spanish chronicler Antonio de Herrera, in his work “The General History of India”, claims that Columbus met with Bohemia and discussed the project of sailing to India in a westerly direction. According to the historian, Columbus "found confirmation of his opinion from Martin from Bohemia, his friend, the Portuguese, a native of the island of Faial and a knowledgeable cosmographer." Bohemia was also close to the "circle of mathematicians" - a society of court scientists who dealt primarily with physics, astronomy and navigation.

Information has been preserved that Bohemia participated in the voyage of Diogo Cana to the shores of Africa (1484). The expedition lasted 19 months; during this time, the Portuguese discovered previously unknown regions of the Gambia and Guinea, established contacts with the Wolof people, reached the mouth of the Congo River and returned with a cargo of spices (pepper and cinnamon).

Monument to Martinus de Bohemia in Nuremberg

Return to Nuremberg. Globe making.
"Earth Apple"

In 1490 Bohemia returned to native city on commercial matters, as well as for receiving the inheritance left by the mother. Georg Holtzschuer, a member of the city council who traveled to Egypt and the Holy Land and was interested in geographical discoveries, persuaded him to stay in the city and create a globe that would reflect the latest discoveries of the Portuguese.

By 1492 the globe was ready; it reflected the geographical knowledge of Europeans on the eve of the discovery of America. The size of the globe, nicknamed the "Earth Apple", is 507 mm in diameter; there are no indications of latitude and longitude according to the modern method, but there is an equator, meridians, tropics and images of the signs of the zodiac. The same geographic errors occur on the globe as on maps. Also presented short descriptions various countries and images of their inhabitants.

The final

In July 1493, Martínez de Bohemia went back to Portugal. Information about his life after the creation of the "Earth Apple" is extremely scarce. It is known that he was engaged in trade on the island of Faial until 1506, and then moved to Lisbon, where he died on July 29, 1507 in great poverty, the reasons for which are unknown. This is always the case with geniuses (except Newton and Einstein, their genius was generously paid) with those who are at the forefront, paving the way in the darkness of ignorance..


you can add sharpness if the image is blurry - in the settings menu (there is such a gear wheel at the bottom right) you can add definition by selecting a higher resolution (360 / 480 / 720) in the "quality" menu

Of particular interest to me was the rather detailed image of Daaria, and her pairing with Asiya (which in itself is very original, in comparison with the works of other cartographers), which is drawn with interesting details.


As you can see, the conjugation of Daaria with the mainland forms a kind of huge sea, the size of three or four modern Caspians .. "Das gefrore mer septentrional"- this is the inscription accompanying this reservoir. The fact that this is the sea can be seen from the narrow strait connecting with the central sea of ​​Daaria (on the map above)

You can guess it's here

NUMBER 1 it is written on the globe as "Groenland" - indeed, the green country (on the globe) we will denote Greenland, the left-hand junction of Daaria with the mainland. NUMBER 2 we will denote the junction of the mainland to the "mysterious" sea.
NUMBER 3- the area of ​​​​the right-hand junction of Daaria with the mainland
Well scarlet heart will denote the "mysterious" sea itself. A feature is noticed by a white arrow (more on this later)

It is clear that there is no point in focusing on some proportions here, you can navigate by the objects themselves, events on the map, the globe .. If we compare (we compare the objects themselves, their presence) this globe with other maps, then there will be little in common. On other maps, Daaria is clearly isolated, in the form we are used to (we have already gotten used to) there is no connection with the mainland ..

Pay attention - the white arrow on the modern map (above) indicates a characteristic bend that is exactly repeated on the old map (below) next to the heart .. Similarly, the mountain range on the old map practically repeats the underwater (now) ridge on the modern map.

Okay, where you say , Daaria? Where it should, in theory, begin - on the contrary - a deepening, a failure! Nothing even comes close!

Map of 1592. Mundo Prioris Hemisphaerii Sgrooten-Christian

It feels like Daaria fell through the ground ... When? Judging by the fact that it was still put on maps - not so long ago .. Most likely during the "green" GREENland and still "alive" Antarctica - its maps, with the exact outlines of the coastline, also exist (Piri Reis map) Apparently, even that and the other was redrawn from more ancient maps .. But how ancient - that is the question ..

And don't be confused by the relief of the seabed at the site of the former Daaria - why must there be something left from the once former mainland? We do not know the very nature of the changes that have occurred - why should it have been just the sinking of the land, and nothing else? How much do we know about this at all?

And then - look at the contour of the mountain range - such a feeling that Daaria was simply ... torn down, to hell with it! Or maybe in fact, sunken


Look - these are traces of mining .. Moreover, old, crumbling, swollen from time to time .. The white arrow shows a place that is very similar to the activity of the mind ..

See (with a white arrow) how neatly it is drawn, and from both sides .. (look below) There are no such wonders of nature .. Definitely traces of intelligent activity .. Hence the clarity that arises - it becomes clear WHERE THE DAARIA REMAINS GO..

And here is (below) the possibly untouched parts of the sunken Daaria (what is marked with a red arrow in the main image)

Does the very possibility of someone's similar actions on such a scale sound wild to you?


Here is a snapshot of Antarctica, this is a real quarry, with traces of intelligent activity.

"The mountains". Antarctica. Selected by a semicircle rock (giant bucket wheel excavator) in Antarctica, which was only discovered in 1820!

Greenland. Watkins Mountains. See what a clear working radius - the same everywhere - was "gnawed out", as if it were really a mega - rotary excavator

Grand Canyon Quarry, USA. A cut of a stone with a circular saw, in the background there are terraces, traces of mining ..

In fact, this good (evidence) is half the Internet and a couple more servers .. You can read more about the traces of such activity by the owners of a celestial body here - http://wakeuphuman.livejournal... there are more than enough facts to convince any sincere skeptic , except of course the workers from the FOSI (the formation of public opinion on the Internet) servants of the "pseudo-science commission."


I answer - then .. Well, my friends, why are you digging something in your country house, digging? Well, here they are for the same .. It is necessary, and they are digging .. Big in small - small in big .. Big creature - big problems, small creature - small problems .. Do you still want proverbs? You are digging in the country - they tear down mountains .. Such a scale of a creature .. Try to explain to the gorilla why you are digging - how soon will she understand this?

So here it is .. Who knows why they need it - why they need it, they are not idiots, in fact, if they turn such colossus .. I can chop up a bunch of versions of WHY for you here, but they were previously announced on the network by associates , and I myself put forward my versions - they are all unproven, at the level of assumptions and conjectures, although plausible ..


Many, of course, will immediately understand "what it is about", and nevertheless, let's slowly proceed to the evidence base. what were they to leave. you ask? To dig and everything - who needs it, at the bottom of the sea? But let's not rush to conclusions.

At first glance, it seems that there is chaos and chaos, everything is random - no logic and sense .. Everything is so ... until we look at .. a map of the ocean currents of the Arctic Ocean .. Do you smell prey? Already starting to understand, the meaning is already appearing?

Now let's put one image on top of another.


It turned out a multi-level decoupling of ocean currents .. For this, the recesses were dug and fenced with ridges - a warm current goes on top, a cold one dives under it without mixing- to heighten the effect of decoupling, for unhindered circulation, these channels were dug, fenced with guide ridges ..


This is a climatic and geophysical structure, a mega DCS of a celestial body, on which we live for now .. - "For you, Okhlomons, we are trying!" - suddenly it seemed to me, from somewhere, like from another world - you wanted to cross yourself, sorry, I'm not a believer .. - "Why Okhlomonov?" - here I frowned - "Because you are OHLOS, okhlomones - the people controlled by DEMOS, the ruling class .. Democracy, in short .." It is clear, although it is not relevant ..

And if on business - pay attention to the heat exchanger itself (indicated by circles of rotation of water flows) and deep channels - pipelines that supply cold water to it separately from warm water (it goes higher) directly to the heat exchange zone itself.

User comment jabberwacky 05.11.2016/ 16:03

The causes of cooling and warming in the solar system are controlled by the Sun. Of which I am unshakably sure. I give data on the width of annual tree rings directly related to solar activity. Notice the long low of the last 2,000 years. The period is not long. I do not want to involve him in this theory. It's just like an example of data on the Sun.

The second thing that interested me was the depth of the depression.

For more efficient operation of the heat pump, the depth difference plays a big role. It's like in a factory pipe - the higher it is, the more efficiently the transfer of warm gases from the level of its base works. Only here it's the other way around. In the coldest place, as if on purpose, there was an epic pit with three sections, as if intended for the operation of a planetary "air conditioner". The Antarctic refrigerator is not so technologically advanced. It's just long. It more closely matches the title of natural.

Third - sections for water circulation. Everything looks tech. It remains to find a long solar minimum, to which the almighty "nekts" could carry out such construction(but this is very interesting. auth.)


If you think that this place is the only one in the world, then you are mistaken.

And now look here - and here everything is clearly circulating, according to the guides ..

See how the side, the guide limiter, is displayed. How it worked with a bulldozer.


I think it was something like this .. Since Daaria still went under water (as a result of the disaster) and the climate changed, the "responsible persons", after the analysis, made the appropriate decisions and began practical actions to optimize the currently available climatic conditions in the region, and consequently on the whole object in general (one clings to another)..

The remains of Daaria were "dug up" because in this place it was necessary to build a decoupling of ocean currents, for their unhindered circulation and "non-mixing" of warm and cold, to restore the temperature balance. And nothing personal .. Perhaps some additional goals were pursued in parallel, but more on that I don’t have anyone who didn’t tell me anything..


Well, what is left of the glorious Daaria? Apparently this piece remains

Most likely the inner tip, the edge of this part, marked with a scarlet heart

Well, since such a booze has gone, eh ...

Maybe you think it is so perfectly round, as they show us in the pictures?

Geoid is an apioid. Polar asymmetry of the Earth.

A visual representation of the "irregularity" of the shape of the Earth gives a picture "Geoid - apioid. Polar asymmetry of the Earth", which shows sections along the equator and two parallels, along 45 degrees north and south latitudes, and along three meridians passing through the maximum deviations of the geoid. When considering the figure, it should be borne in mind that it is not drawn to scale. The deviations of the geoid from the ellipsoid are greatly exaggerated compared to the dimensions of the ellipsoid. The largest deviations visible in the figure in the area of ​​the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) are only 105 meters.

It turns out that above the northern polar zone, the geoid rises above the ellipsoid by 20-30 meters, and above the southern one, on the contrary, lies below the ellipsoid by about the same amount. By analogy with the geoid, the term "apioid" appeared, which means pear-shaped.

The same drawing, but with the image of the Arctic and Antarctica.

And if it’s even more intelligible, and “closer to the body”, then like this:

Who and how manages all this economy - we do not know .. What modern scientists know about tectonic activity, geotransformation is just a theory based on dubious calculations and conjectures, postulates. Nobody knows thoroughly about the structure of the celestial body itself, only assumptions for complacency and giving a solid appearance to the taxpayers (they say, it’s not in vain that you feed us ..) But let’s get back to Daaria ..

What will be said about the fate of Daaria "Santii Veda Perun"?

"The first Great Flood occurred as a result of the destruction of the small moon Leli by tectonic weapons. This event happened in 109807 BC ...

In those days, three moons revolved around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and the Moon. Lelya is a small moon with a period of revolution of 7 days, Fatta is an average moon with a period of revolution of 13 days and Month is a large moon with a period of 29.5 days.

According to the legends, koshchei (representatives of the “hell world”, including ten thousand planets) concentrated on Lele to invade Midgard. It was they who sought to create the Koshcheevo kingdom, which is spoken of in Russian fairy tales ...

To prevent the capture of the planet, the son of God Perun Tarkh, who arrived from the Golden Dazhdbog-Sun system from Ingard-Earth (from the constellation Beta Leo, speaking in modern terms), launched a preventive strike on Lele. Since it had 50 salty seas, masses of water hit our planet(aut!!! ) and fragments of the destroyed celestial body.

“... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Grays, perished with the Moon in half an hour ... But Midgard paid for freedom with Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood ... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from Heaven with a rainbow, for the Moon split into parts and the army of Svarozhichs in Midgard went down…”.

The area of ​​fall of huge fragments coincided with the North Pole. The axis of the planet shifted, and Daaria hid under the waters of the great flood. The high-mountainous parts of Daaria remained on the surface, for example, modern Greenland, Franz Josef Land.

However, not all the descendants of the Clans of the Great Race and the Clans of Heaven died along with Daaria. People were warned by the Great Priest Spas about the forthcoming death of Daaria as a result of the Great Flood and began to move to the Eurasian continent in advance. 15 settlements from Daaria were organized.

For 15 years people moved along the Stone Isthmus between the East and West Seas to the south. These are now known names Stone, Stone Belt, Riphean or Ural mountains 109 808 BC e. their complete migration took place.

Isn't it about this stone isthmus (I marked with a red arrow, below) what leads to the Ural Mountains, do modern Internet sorcerers interpret? But the stated times and dates .. (hundreds of thousands of years)? It doesn't fit, not even close.


To tell the truth, I didn’t really like these legends - there are too many contradictions and inconsistencies .. Especially these hundreds of thousands of years, just like official scientists .. Or for example - prediction of the falling debris of the moon specifically to Daaria for 15 years when Tarkh struck at Lele .. How could it be calculated 15 years before the event itself that Tarkh would have to be called in to appease the "Koshcheevs" (1) that he would decide to strike at Lele (2) that she would collapse in this way ( 3) and that a piece of Lelya will fall (4) exactly on Daaria (5)? This is what happens in the cartoon about Phileas Fog, "Around the World in 80 Days" 1972. (good old cartoon)

It reminds me of the ROC lives of the "saints" where everything is smooth like on paper (and on the ground there are ravines) like these snotty-pink-blue pictures (on the left). Of course, everything is beautiful and cute, but this does not happen in real life. It is impossible to know the future in such minute details., especially when working with long periods .. It can be seen in general terms - maximum, to identify trends .. Because there is always the will and choice of a living being, which are essentially unpredictable, especially in dynamics ..

The choice of everyone constantly makes changes to the existing reality, and diverges in circles through the water of time - they must be taken into account! .. But miracles do not happen - all miracles are due to a measure of understanding, level of development .. So, even for a resident of the USSR, a modern MP3 player would be a miracle, the size of a lighter and a capacity of 10 GB .. Not to mention the classic savage "from the Mumba Yumba tribe"

It turns out the SAME FAITH, but no longer in Christ

Ignorance, misunderstanding of the mechanics itself, the essence of the process - this is what reverence for a miracle of this or that action, event, by incompetent eyewitnesses ..

Well, and further in the same vein - 50 salty seas (what accuracy, exactly, exactly!) Which fell from the Moon Lely to Earth (snipers hit a celestial body) .. This radically changes the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arrangement of outer space.

Again, BLIND FAITH is required ..

In general, okay - the main point is, but the point is that Daaria seemed to have been recently (why would she be drawn on maps) and 100 thousand-year-old maps would obviously not have been preserved - it’s ridiculous to think about this .. Information of this kind can get a medium, maybe draw such a map - but why put it on a globe intended for practical use? You could draw the ancient continent Gondwana, look and rejoice ..


It turns out that not so terribly long ago she lived - Daaria was and died. And all this canoe with 100 thousand years of antiquity is a banal Internet project for commercial sites working in the field alternative history, and Slavic-Aryan legends suddenly appeared from somewhere, with the aim of material enrichment (placement of advertising) due to clicks of naive and gullible people, thirsting for the truth about real history land and its people (more visits - more expensive advertising space)

What could be more immoral than such Judaism?

But in general, there is no smoke without fire - probably something similar happened (just like the Bible was "pulled" from more ancient sources), but how it was displayed on the globe of our Martin of Bohemia is a question .. It is known that he himself traveled , but not so likely to be in those parts, all the more to study in depth the contours of the coastline .. Perhaps he used some old maps that were still at that time (there were also maps of Antarctica, stored from time immemorial, with which Piri Reis worked)


In 1513, Admiral of the Turkish fleet Piri Reis completed work on a large map of the world for his geographical atlas Bahriye. He himself did not travel much, but when compiling a map, he used about 20 cartographic sources. Of these, eight maps belonged to the time of Ptolemy, some belonged to Alexander the Great, and one, as Piri Reis writes in his book The Seven Seas, "was recently compiled by an infidel named Colombo."

And then the admiral says: “An infidel named Colombo, a Genoese, discovered these lands. A book fell into the hands of the named Colombo, in which he read that on the edge of the Western Sea, far in the West, there are shores and islands. All sorts of metals were found there and gems. The aforementioned Colombo studied this book for a long time ... Colombo also learned about the passion of the natives for glass jewelry from this book and took them with him to exchange them for gold.


But let's get back to our globe and to our Daaria .. The fine detail is especially captivating - such nuances! Here, for sure, a lot is also redrawn from some more ancient sources. I think that these maps exist - they are stored in some kind of special stores (you can guess where it could be)

You can see the designation of forests almost at the very pole - which indicates a warm climate in those latitudes back in the 15th century! The author did not necessarily pick mushrooms in those forests, but the very idea that existed at that time gave him reason to be sure of that. Just like you and I are sure that there can be no forests there in any way, despite the fact that have not been to those parts.

And the most important thing - ON THE GLOBE THERE ARE NO BOTH AMERICAS, BUT THERE IS DAARIA- this is a very interesting fact that makes you think ABOUT SUCH PRIORITY IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE CARTOGRAPH ..


Then, after the changes that had taken place, the geographers had to rediscover the world. Reapply the updated contours of the coastline, fix the parts of the land that appeared or disappeared.

At the same time, they "discovered" America, which was previously called India (read more -), and at the beginning of the 18th century, Kamchatka, which separated from the mainland, was "discovered" ..


The topic itself is very interesting. and there are many different versions on the network, but the most famous and most fake, perhaps this one .. I even wrote a post - a refutation, where I proved and showed in detail and substantively. that this cannot be (using elementary bindings to currently existing objects)

Here it is shown how the author's version draws the strait between Asia and America at the mouth of the Lena (read a more extended refutation of this fake - http://gilliotinus.livejournal...)

But first I tried to reach out to the author, explained everything in detail in the most delicate way, attached images, in that spirit .. But he himself could not see the obvious inconsistency .. He said something like - " knowledgeable person confirmed" the correctness of this version (that is, it is clear that he himself is far from the topic)

I didn’t see or didn’t want to “refute” - clicks, likes, attendance, etc. And moreover, I received some kind of Internet threats from some (apparently) colleague in fake-working, who bravely threatened to do me this and that and then if I once again go to their VK group, prudently banning me .. What can I do, commerce from the alternative blooms and smells.


If you follow the link on YouTube, you will be prompted to watch the commercial first, for which the author naturally receives a “kickback”, and below, in the annotation to the video, you will notice the addresses of electronic wallets .. And you have not yet got acquainted with the material itself ..

In a nutshell, I will describe the situation - a young man uses falsified (already then) historical documents as sources of information, quotes Karamzin (the first falsifier), a Russophobe and a Freemason (and so on) apparently without understanding what he is doing.

And most importantly - he asks for money for it.

As I understand it, if you are sincerely passionate about the topic, you love this business, your whole soul (or part of it) is given to this, then demanding material rewards is exactly as if you began to demand money from your loved one for a relationship with him ..

I know that Stepanenko, known to everyone, for example (blogger "chispa1707" LJ - http://chispa1707.livejournal....) is far from comparable with Ikhnatenko in terms of understanding, knowledge, and mentality in general - he works somewhere at a low-paid job, and he doesn’t ask for any remuneration for his work, nor does he ask for “help for the channel” .. Despite the fact that he participated in the programs, there is a video with his participation (in my opinion, “Property of the Planet” released videos with him) I gave the first example that came across. .

Or, for example, Kungurov, for example, didn’t put ads in his videos for several years, he started only recently, but even here you can understand - Kungurov and Ikhnatenko - you can’t put this next to a pot, it’s like a grandfather and grandson. Yes, and he is a family man, an adult , you can understand .. Because Kungurov's contribution to the common cause of the alternative is invaluable .. Although I personally do not welcome such things - everything put on a business stream eventually turns into business. This is the law of the material world - it absorbs everything that depends on it .


A similar phenomenon could be seen in the previously released on YouTube phenomenon "Cellular Earth" one to one .. The same ranting, " opening remarks"occupying up to 70% of the time of the video .. And the author's theory is a well-directed text written by professionals (half an hour beautiful words nothing) and pronounced by a trained person with a trained voice .. And again - the same "beggar" with wallets in the annotation, and the same territory of origin - Great Dill ..

Pay attention to the signature to the addresses of e-wallets, in the annotation to the video .. (above) I will quote, for those who have poor eyesight:

In what "high calm", however, the authors of the project packed their "beggar" !!

In general, a mental sabotage of the alternative, in the sense that such characters discredit the honest name of sincerely convinced seekers in the eyes of the public. I even admit that these projects were created intentionally, and they are promoted on the Internet - they have an increasing number of views, that is, someone is investing into this, because it needs a competent policy and financial injections for advertising, which is also not cheap ..

Himself I, this post, I do not claim to be the ultimate truth - this only author's version, food for thought, new information in cathedral piggy bank seekers runet.


What else is interesting? There are interesting animals on the map - most importantly, they are also in Daaria itself, on the very part, a piece of which remained not "hidden" ..

Let's zoom in - a hunter with a bow on (in my opinion) a polar bear

There are also in our area, look, a little higher are bears, as I understand it, and below are either one-humped camels, or who knows what animals (in the center there is an inscription - Tartaria)

Africa is interestingly represented - in the center of the present Sahara there is a huge lake, there are rivers and greenery everywhere - this is the 15th century. people in civilian clothes .. And what do we usually imagine when we hear the word Ethiopia? That's it..

There are also picturesque mermaids and ... mermaid)) and this is in ... Africa, in the lower part .. Apparently - river creatures - far from the sea ..

There is nothing remarkable on the European territory of Asia - even the greenery of the forests is not marked .. There is no Jerusalem, there are no pyramids of Egypt (although in theory this should have been marked)

Yes, you yourself can "twist" the globe in 3D by following the link - http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/121...

PS and "on the road" I will add, (infa from the medium) - Daaria, in a subtle way, is in the same place, some Ases live there, who control the situation at the facility (that's all the info) .. Perhaps Admiral Richard Bird once came to visit them, who had a very interesting communication with the "advanced".

"Diary of Admiral Richard Byrd.. Flight to another dimension.. Meeting with highly developed earthlings.."

Not so long ago, a globe was found that dates back to the 15th century. Interestingly, this globe was carved on the most durable ostrich shell. As experts say at the moment, this may be the oldest globe, which is only in the world. Moreover, it depicts the New World.

The names that are written on this globe are in Latin and as shown picture, in the place where North America is now located, there were several small islands. At the moment, where this globe came from is not known, but what we do know for sure is that it went through many hands before reaching scientists.

Before this was discovered artifact, the most ancient was considered copper Hunt-Lenox globe. Approximate year of creation between 1504 and 1506. What is interesting is that both globes are almost the same, even the outlines are identical. In order to estimate the age of the shell, the owner of the globe turned to specialists. It was they who said that the value cards cannot be simply assessed. But still, there are those who doubt the authenticity and say that the egg can be many years old, but the map was drawn much later.

Of course, so far all experts are arguing and cannot find a common answer. In order to prove this or that fact, evidence is needed, but, as we understand it, there is none. Although scientists are skeptical, they must recognize the fact that they have not yet seen such a globe, or rather, such an ancient one. Moreover, such finds are very rare.

We, as lovers of everything old, ancient and historical, will wait and hope that scientists, in the end, will be able to solve the riddle of the most ancient, to date globe. This is an important discovery that should not pass us by.