War and World 2 Current Summary. Description of the second part of the second volume of Roman Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace

  • Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov - The central character of the novel is described as a real historical person, commander-in-chief of the Russian army. Supports good relations with Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, which affects the attitude towards his son Andrei, which in the second part of the first volume of the novel is shown as an adjutant commander-in-chief. On the eve of the Shenagraben battles, Bagration with tears in his eyes blesses. It is thanks to the talent of a military tactic, a decent relation to soldiers, as well as readiness and ability to defend their opinion, the commander won the love and respect of the Russian military.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte - Real historical personality, French emperor. A self-love person, always confident in his rightness, he believes that he can conquer the peoples of their power. It has a hardness of character, purposefulness, the ability to subjugate, harsh and accurate voice. Spoiled, loves luxury, used to the admirations that people express in his address.

  • Andrey Bolkonsky - In the second part of the first volume, it appears in front of the reader as an adjutant of the commander-in-chief of Kutuzov. He gladly fulfills orders, wishes to serve his native Fatherland, the tests are tested, if it is necessary to choose between his own security and the ability to be a useful homeland, sacrifices for the good of others.
  • Nikolai Rostov - In this part, the work is shown as an officer of the hussar regiment. Noble, honest and open in actions, he does not tolerate meanness, lies and insincerity. His attitude to war is gradually changing: the joy of the young man from the fact that he will finally experience the taste of a real attack is replaced by confusion from suddenly comprehended pain (Nikolai is contused in hand). But, having survived the test, Nikolai becomes stronger in spirit.
  • Bagration - Also is the real character of Roman-epic "War and Peace". The famous military officer who leads Shenagraben's battle and thanks to which Russian warriors won in this difficult battle. Man is manly and persistent, uncompromising and honest, he is not afraid of danger, becoming with ordinary soldiers and officers in one system.
  • Fedor Doolokhov - officer of the Semenov Regiment. On the one hand, this is a very selfish and cynical young man, with considerable ambitions, but, nevertheless, can gently love their loved ones.
  • Denisov Vasily Dmitrievich - Rothmist, squadron commander. Head and friend Nikolai Rostov, in the conversation Cartvit. Described as "Nice dear man", despite some disadvantages.
  • Tushin - Artillery captain, brave and persistent, with a kind and clever face, although, at first glance, it seems timid and modest.
  • Bilibin - Russian diplomat, long-time familiar Andrei Rostov. A lover of witty conversations, a man with a high intelligence.

Chapter first

In the second part of the first chapter of the works of Lion Tolstoy, the topic of war is gradually developing. Russian troops are standing in Austria. The headquarters of the commander-in-chief of Kutuzov is located in the fortress Brownau. The checkpoint is expected to check the commander-in-chief, soldiers are preparing, the regular commanders give instructions. With the parade form, everything is in order, which cannot be said about the shoes, which is all worn. However, this should be expected, because the warriors passed thousands of versts in these boots, and the new ones were not issued.

One soldier on the last name Doolokhov stood out of all, because he was dressed in a bluish chinel, which caused anger of a regimental commander.

Chapter Second

Finally, General Kutuzov arrived. "The regimental commander saluting the commander-in-chief, poured into him with his eyes, pulling out and selected." Behind Kutuzov was a beautiful adjutant. It was no one else like Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, who recalled the commander about the demolished dolokhov.

Kutuzov descended to the soldier. "I ask you to give me the case to change my guilt and prove my loyalty to the sovereign to the emperor and Russia" - said one, although the expression of the view was mocking and bold.

The check took place, and the commander with a retinue gathered in the city. The hussars corner of the barbell, giving up with Dolokhov, asked him a few questions. After a short conversation, they said goodbye.


Returning from a review, commander-in-chief, entering the office, ordered the adjutant Andrei Bolkonsky to bring some papers. Kutuzov and the Austrian member of the Gofcrigsrat led a dialogue. The Russian commander-in-chief argued that the Austrian troops won. This confirmed the letter from the Mac Army, in which the advantageous strategic position of the army was reported.

Kutuzov handed several letters to Andrey, of which he had to make MEMORANDUM in French.

Further, the author describes which changes occurred in Blocks. "In the expression of his face, in the movements, in the gait almost there was almost no noticeable pretending, fatigue and laziness," he was constantly engaged in a pleasant and interesting thing, smile, the look became more attractive, more interesting.

It is noteworthy that Kutuzov highlighted Andrei Bolkonsky among other adjutants, gave more serious instructions, expressed the hope that in the future he would become an officer. Andrei "was one of those rare officers in the headquarters, who believed his main interest in the general course of military affairs ..." But at the same time he was afraid of Bonopart.

Chapter Fourth

Nikolay Rostov serves a Junker in the Gusar Pavlograd Regiment. He lives under one roof with Rothmistra Vasily Denisov. Once there was an unpleasant story: Denisov disappeared the wallet with money, which before put under the pillow. The Rothmist first pounced on the poor lacquer laurel, but Rostov understood who a real thief and went to look for Varchmister veal in the restaurant who occupied officers.

The assumptions turned out to be accurate: arriving at the place, asking the veal to see the wallet and looking at him, Nikolai realized that he was right, and this thing belongs to Denisov. However, seeing the miserable state of the veal, he did not take money.

Chapter Fifth

There was a lively conversation between the squadron officers, the theme of which was the recent incident relating to the wallet's disappearance. Rostov convinced to apologize to the regimental commander, he objected to feeling completely innocent in what happened, because he said the truth about who a real thief, even if other officers. But the headquarters of the Rothmist was afraid for the reputation of the regiment, therefore continued to arguments in favor of the apologies of Rostov.

Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by the entered jersey, who said anxious news: Mac with his army surrendered to captivity. It was necessary to prepare for the offensive.

Chapters Six - Eighth

The Kutuzov army retreated to Vienna, the commander-in-chief was given an order to destroy the bridges for the army, the Prince Nesvitsky was sent to fulfill its implementation. He began shelling a crossing. At this time, Denisov appeared and demanded that he was missed with a squadron.

The war flared up stronger. The first wounded appeared, it was necessary to urgently set fire to the bridge so that it did not make the enemy. Finally, an interchange has come. "The hussars managed to light the bridge, and the French batteries shot them no longer in order to prevent, and for the fact that the guns were induced and was to shoot."

Nikolai Rostov was very worried. He looked at nature, on pine forests, filled with fog, on the majestic sky - and so wanted to be there. There are so many grief on Earth and trouble. Nikolai began to pray: "Lord God! One who is there in this sky, save, forgive and defend me! "

Ninth chapter

Kutuzov from his thirty-five thousandth army had to retreat. The task of the commander-in-chief is to connect with the troops from Russia so that the army is not destroyed. On October 28, the commander-in-chief moved to the left bank of the Danube and attacked the division of Mortie, breaking the enemy. This victory raised the spirit of troops.

Andrei Bolkonsky was sent by courier to Brynn to convey information about the victory by the Austrian yard. However, the minister listened to the news indifferently, and suggested relaxing, remaining until tomorrow. The prince felt how to lose interest in victory, and all the recent battle now seems to be distant memories.

Chapter Tenth

Andrei Bolkonsky well accepted his longtime familiar, Russian diplomat on the name Bilibin, from whom he stopped in connection with the latest events. Finally, after so many days of inconvenience, he again, as in childhood, was in a luxurious setting, which was very happy. In addition, the princess was nice to chat with a Russian man. Andrei told Bilibin about the cold reception of the minister than a very surprised diplomat, because Kutuzov, unlike others, really won a real victory over the enemy.

Before Sno, Bolkonsky reflected on the upcoming reception of the emperor.

Chapter eleventh

When Andrey Bolkonsky woke up the next day, he remembered previous events. It was necessary to go to the emperor, but before that he went to the Cabinet of Bilibin. There were already the gentlemen, young people from the highest society, diplomats, among whom was the prince of Ippolit Kuragin. Bilibin began to give advice to Bolkonsky, how to behave properly from the emperor, and recommended as much as possible to speak, as he loves the audience.

Chapter twelve

Emperor Franz accepted Bolkonsky, standing in the middle of the room. The conversation consisted of questions and answers and was short. When Andrei came out, he was surrounded by the courtiers, which were located to the young man. Everyone was happy, expressed their recognition and the desire to see him. Military Minister approached, congratulating him with the Order of Mary-Teresia 3rd degree from the emperor.

So unexpectedly accepted the news brought by him. Commander and the whole army received awards.

But suddenly, when it would seem, everything was so good, Bilibin said shocking news: "... The French switched the bridge who defends the Auersperg, and the bridge did not blow ..." Andrew realizes that the Russian army is in danger, but does not accept bilibin suggestions Him in Olmyuz to conceive yourself. On the contrary, he decides to go back ahead of time to help his.

Chapter thirteenth

Having traveled a little time, Andrei saw the Russian army moving in disarray. Bolkonsky began to look for the commander-in-chief, but he was not among the troops. Finally, it became known that Kutuzov is in the village, and the prince turned the horse there. Arriving, he tears from a horse with the intention to relax and bring thoughts in order. Suddenly, the familiar voice of Nesvitsky was heard from the window of the house, inviting to go.

Andrei learned from him that the commander-in-chief in a neighboring house and, perplexed about what was happening, hurried there.

Kutuzov, seeing Andrei, as if remained indifferent and almost did not pay attention to his dedicated adjutant. He was held completely different, disturbing thoughts.

Finally, he turned to Bolkonsky and, rejecting the objections of Prince Andrei, who wanted to stay in the squad of Bagration, with the words "I need good officers myself" ordered him to sit in a stroller. And on the road began to ask details of the visit to the emperor.

Chapter Fourteenth

Kutuzov took a very difficult decision: "retreat on the road from Krems to Olmyuz" to connect with Russian troops. The French think that this four thousand-old army is all the army of Kutuzov and Murat concludes a truce for three days, in Nadezhda later to destroy the enemy. He does not suspect that thereby gives Russian soldiers to gather with the forces, relax. But the deception reveals Napoleon and writes Murata a formidable letter with the order to immediately begin the attack on the enemy. Meanwhile, Bagration Detach is heated by the fire, cooks porridge and does not think that a big battle will be very soon.

Fifteenth chapter

Andrei Bolkonsky insisted at the request to return to the squad of Bagration. And now it is already met with a special primary difference, and allow the permit to learn how the troops are located. When traced, Blocks meets the captain of Tushina, and involuntarily penetrates sympathy to this unusual person, in which "there was something special, absolutely not military." The further fought forward Andrei Bolkonsky, closer to the enemy, the fact of the troops ... "

Chapter sixteenth

Having traveled the entire line of troops from the right to the left flank, Bolkonsky begins an overview of the location of the Russian and French troops from the hill and draws a plan to report to Bagration, as suddenly starts the shelling from the French Army: "A whistle heard in the air; Closer, closer, faster and more heard, heard and faster, and the kernel ... with an inhuman force blasting splashes, slapped in the ground near Balagan ... "

Head seventeenth

"Started! Here it is!" - I thought Bolkonsky, seeing how the French were coming. The same phrase was written on the face of every soldier and officer ... Captain Tushin, without receiving instructions from Bagration and acting how he himself thinks necessary, begins to strike the village of Schangraben, occupied by the French.

Head eighteenth

The confrontation between the Russians and the French continues. Bagration orders to send reinforcements in the form of two battalions of the 6th Hsenther Shelf. "Bullets, indifferedly squeezed, sang and whistled ..." Prince Andrei, feeling that an insurmountable force entails it, he feels happiness from what a dedication can serve.

Chief nineteenth

The regiment commander Bagration sees the need to retreat, however, as it turns out, it is risky for the lives of soldiers. In the squadron, where Nikolai Rostov served, there were talk about attack. The joy of the young man about the fact that he finally will experience that this battle is premature. In the first hours, the attack was injured in his left hand.

Nikolay was frightened, especially since he thought that he was captured now. But he miraculously managed to get to the Russian shooters.

Chapter twentieth

The regimental commander was not afraid of what could be guilty before the bosses in the oversight, because the infantry shelves, which in the forest were caught by surprise, ran out from there, "and the company, mixing with other companies, went random crowds." Therefore, he, wanting to help and by all means fix the mistake, urgently saddled the horse and rushed towards the shelf.

But upset soldiers did not want to listen to the voice of their commander, which even more aggravated the position of the regiment. Everything would end in deplorable, if not the company Timokhin, which only remained in combat order. It is thanks to these courageous soldiers managed to turn the enemy to the present flight.

Chapter Twenty First

Canonada gradually poketed, but the consequences of the recent hostilities were visible in everything. Especially suffered by the wounded, among whom was Nikolai Rostov, tearfully asked to put it on stretcher, because, contused in her hand, he could not go further. Finally, he was heard, and the young man received help, even a dressing point was even found for Rostov.

Tushin is strong, but, as it turned out, in vain, worried that he lost two guns, because Andrei Bolkonsky responded about him, "the success of the day they owe most of all this battery and the heroic resistance of Captain Tushina with his roth."

Nicholas Rostov suffered strongly: both from pain in hand, and from the awareness of loneliness and unnecessary to anyone, and from their own delusions. Most of all tormented the question: "Why he generally agreed to go to war."

The next day the French did not attack the Russian army.

  • Pierre Duchevov - In the second part of the second volume, the fate of Pierre Zuhovova changes dramatically. He breaks up with his wife and first leaves for St. Petersburg. On the way, the hero of Roman gets acquainted with the Mason, and under the influence of his convictions joins this organization. Considering itself obliged to do good, helps peasants.
  • Helene Kuragin - In this part of the work, the author shows it as a woman who is all, unlike Pierre, is sorry and whom sympathizes, hammering all the blame on her husband who participated in Duele with Doolokhov.
  • Andrey Bolkonsky - One of the main heroes of the novel. In this part, the Father worried about his child (during the illness of a little Nikolai sat at his bed and worried a lot). He moved away from military affairs and spent most of the time in the estate called Bogucharovo.
  • Marya Bolkonskaya - Daughter Nikolai Bolkonsky. The girl is virtuous, caring about the poor wanderers, who takes in their home. He took care of the nephew, a little Nicolae, whom he loved.
  • Nikolai Rostov - In this part is shown as a military officer. After vacation, returned to the regiment, who considered the "second home". He loves his colleagues, but especially going through the best friend - Vasily Denisova, who lives with him in the same house. When Comrade falls into trouble, the purpose of Nicholas becomes to help him out by anything.
  • Vasily Denisov - Rothmaster Shelf, in which Nikolai Rostov serves. Good man, but very hot-tempered. Because of their struggle for justice and reluctance, it falls into a very unpleasant situation. He faces a military court. Being wounded in the leg, goes to the hospital. Nikolay Rostov applies to each other, deciding to file a petition in the name of the sovereign.
  • Boris Drubetskaya - In the second part of the second volume, it is shown as a person for whom in prioritize the career ladder. To seek the goal by all means, it receives a place at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, becoming an adjutant of the "important person".
  • Napoleon Bonaparte - French emperor. This part shows as a valid character during the truce of the French and Russian army. The author describes him as a person, whose face played a feigned smile. Participates in awarding Soldier Lazarev Order.
  • Emperor Alexander - shown as acting according to the situation during the truce of the two armies - Russian and French. Serves Napoleon Bonaparte. Distinctive feature of the king - "... Connection of greatness and meekness ..."

Chapter first

The first chapter talks about the trip of Pierre Probrelov to St. Petersburg, where he was forced to leave because of a complex relationship with his wife. Incredible sad thoughts overwhelmed the hero of the story on the road, and there was no possibility to focus on what is happening around. He was depressed: "Everything in himself and around him seemed to him confusing, meaningless and disgusting. But in this very disgusting to the whole surrounding Pierre found a kind of annoying pleasure. "

The strange state of the soul, which does not know the answers to tormenting questions, did not give Pierre peace, and his external behavior was perplexed by the surroundings. Suddenly the man entered, "who with a sullen-tired view, without looking at Pierre, was seriously undressed with the help of a servant." He "stated his firm and strict look right in the face of Pierre, who felt himself very embarrassed.

Chapter Second

The passing spoke with Pierre and offered to help him as much as his strength. It turned out that it was a representative of Freemasonry, which offered a young man to become a member of their organization. At first, Pierre hesitated and skeptically perceived the words of the interlocutor, but then began to agree with smart arguments, especially about the clarification of why it is necessary to be sure that God exists: "Who invented him, if it is not? Why was the assumption that there is such an incomprehensible creature? Why did you and the whole world suggested the existence of such an incomprehensible being, the essence of the Almighty, Eternal and Infinite in all of its properties? " - asked Mason. He spoke, and Pierre all the soul and heart perceived the information and understood that he agreed with everything. Driving, whose name was Osip Alekseevich Basdayev, having learned that the Count of Lyuhov goes to St. Petersburg, handed over for the column of the Villar wallet with a folded four-fold sheet.

After the departure of Basdieev, Pierre thought for a long time over his words and "firmly believed in the possibility of the fraternity of people connected to support each other in the path of virtue, and this was such a world."


When Pierre arrived in Petersburg, I did not tell anyone about it, but I was delighted with the reading of the book of the Campius, as I got acquainted with the work I had confidence that you can believe in the achievement of perfection and fraternal and active love between people.

A week after his arrival, the young Polish Count Villarsky, going to the room in the evening, acting the door behind him, appealed to him: "I came to you with a proposal and instruction" to join the brotherhood of free masonry. " Pierre agreed to the question whether he believed in God, answered "yes." He was now thinking that his highest goal was to confuse evil, reigning in the world, and fulfilled all the necessary rituals concerning joining this organization.

Chapter Fourth

After the necessary rites of masons, some of which were strange, Pierre began to overcome doubts: "" Where am I? What am I doing? Do not you laugh at me? ", But it lasts only one instant. He rejoiced that he became a member of such a society. When the meeting ended, Duhov felt like that came from some long journey, where he spent tens of years.

Chapter Fifth

The next day after Pierre accepted in a lie, he sat at home. Recently, he was reported that hearing about duel with Doolokhov reached the attention of the king, and now it is advisable to leave St. Petersburg.

Moreover, the facts of treason denied the prince of Vasily as not undergoing grounds. The Pierre could not insert the words in this conversation - first, because the prince of Vasily did not give such an opportunity, and secondly, "Pierre himself was afraid to start talking not to the tone of the decisive refusal and disagreement in which he firmly decided to answer Your test. "

But suddenly, after the next phrase of Prince Vasily regarding the reconciliation of spouses, the mood of Pierre changed and, angry, he set the testing of the door.

A week later, Pierre went to his estate, leaving the masons of large amounts for charity.

Chapter Six

The sovereign descended to Duele Dolakhov and Zuhovov, and did not give a move. However, rumors about this emergency spread in society, and the reputation of Pierre suffered greatly. In what happened only him alone, saying "that he is a stupid jealous of the bloodthirsty rabies, like his father ..."

Dear readers! We offer to familiarize yourself in the novel of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace".

But Helen, on the contrary, everyone sympathized with it, belonging to her even with some more competitiveness.
When, in 1806, the second war began with Napoleon, Anna Shersher gathered in his evening evening. Present on him and Boris Drubetskaya, who had just arrived by the courier from the Prussian army. But how did he achieve this increase in service? This became possible, firstly, thanks to the concerns of his mother, Anna Mikhailovna; Secondly, the role was played by the properties of his restrained nature; Thirdly, before the increase, he was an adjutant with a very important person, which also had a positive effect on the circumstances.

Head seventh

At the evening, Anna Pavlovna Sherler talked, mainly on a political topic. Especially the guests inspired when it comes to the awards that the sovereign presented. Ippolit, who was present in this house, wanted to discharge the atmosphere by inserting a joke, but the hostess resolutely wanted to talk about what he herself thinks necessary and what he wishes to hear.

Finally, everyone gathered to leave, and Helen strongly asked Boris Drubetsky to be on Tuesday. The young man agreed, and came to the salon to Kuragin at the appointed time, but did not understand why she called him. Saying goodbye, Helen suddenly said: "Come to dine tomorrow ... in the evening," insisting on the need for this.

Chapter Eighth

War with Napoleon flared up, the news from the front came the most controversial and often false. From this time, 1806, there were changes in the life of Bolkonsky. They touched the old prince, and Andrei, and Princess Mary. Nikolay Bolkonsky, despite his old age, was determined by one of the eight commander-in-chief of the militia, and in connection with this he drove through the provinces and referred to a new position very responsibly, sometimes he was stringent to cruelty with his subordinates.

Princess Marya no longer took mathematical lessons at the father. She, if the prince was at home, he entered his office in the morning, holding a little Nicholas on his hands. A kind girl, as she could, tried to replace the mother to his nephew.

As for Andrei Bolkonsky, he spent most of the time in the estate called Bogucharovo, who allocated his father, was built there and tried to be in solitude. After Austerlitsky, the younger Bolkonsky no longer wanted to go to war.

On February 26, 1807, the old prince left around the district. Prince Andrey decided during this period to stay in the Bald Mountains. Unfortunately, the little Nikolai has been sick for the fourth day, and his father was very worried. Princess Marya, as she could, tried to calm his brother, and convinced not to give the baby medicine until he fell asleep. Exhausted boy's disease, they quarreled and argued about this. Prince Andrei in strong excitement for his son, who had a strong fever, still wanted to give him drops. Finally, Marya lost to his brother and, "and, suspected a nanny, began to give medicine. The child stuck and shouted. "

Meanwhile, Andrei began to print the letters that Kutcher brought. One thing was with joyful content, that "Benigsen under Passish-Eilau over a boothapore was supposedly a complete victory won," in the other, the instruction of the Father to jump to Kortchev and fulfilled the order. However, now that the child is sick, it was no longer so important.

Ninth chapter

The letter from Bilibin was in French. In it, he described the entire military campaign in detail, and poured discontent about what was going on in the army. However, Andrei angry this information, in addition, he did not trust the author of these lines, alien life did not worry him. Bolkonsky worried only because of Nicholas's illness. He was very frightened that the child died, because, coming to the nursery, did not see, as usual, the princes Maryi near the bed of the nephew. Then the subconsciousness began to draw creepy paintings: now he will not see the boy in bed, and fears will be confirmed. Fortunately, the experiences turned out to be false: Nichushka slept in his place, the crisis passed, he began to recover. Princess Maria from joy kissed her brother.

Chapter Tenth

Pierre Duhov went to the Kiev province, where his peasants were. He had good intentions: first, to free them from serfdom, secondly, not to reduce hard work, and women with children are not subject to work at all. In addition, it is necessary to cancel corporal punishment and build shelters, hospitals and schools in each estate. However, no matter how Pierre Transformations wanted, things in this direction were moving slowly, and partly the good endeavors interfered with the manager, paying attention to the fact that it was necessary to pay the debt to the Testocean Council, as well as offering the sale of forests of the Kostroma province.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the Lion's Tolstoy "War and Peace".

In 1807, Pierre decided to go back to St. Petersburg again, and on the way he wanted to make sure that his prescriptions about the peasants were executed.

The main guidelines, who considered all the arrogance of a young graph almost madness, deceived it, creating the appearance of the fact that transformations are performed. This is how the author describes: "Pierre did not know that where the bread-salt was made and built by Peter and Paul, there was a trading village and a fair in Petrov Day, that the village had already been built for a long-rich men of the village, those who came To him, and that nine tenths of the men of this village were in the greatest ruin. " Alas, Pierre did not know that for the mask of piety and charity was created by the hands of the priest and managing large lawlessness and oppression of the peasants. He was clearly seduced by seeing outwardly, without worrying, to penetrate deeper and remove deceivers on clean water.

Chapter eleventh

On the way back, staying in the beautiful location of the Spirit, Pierre decided to come back to his friend Andrei Bolkonsky, who had not seen two years. Well, finally, both Bogucharovo, which lay in ugly, flat terrain. "The Barsky courtyard consisted of a gum, the surrounding buildings, a stable, baths, a flaghel and a large stone house with a semicircular fronton, which was still built. A young garden was cleared around the house. " After Pierre was planted from a stroller, he entered the pure entrance hall. Andrei seemed to be the arrival of an unexpected guest, but the eyes at the same time were extinct, dead, without a living, cheerful brilliance. And throughout the conversation with Andrei, Pierre observed this detachment in her eyes and smile. But Bezuhov, in turn, wanted to show that he had changed for the better, and the one was already in St. Petersburg.

At lunch, the conversation was touched by the marriage of Piera, and Andrei admitted that he was very surprised when he heard about it. Then the conversation smoothly passed into reasoning about the meaning of life, and everyone defended his point of view.

The position of Bolkonsky about the peasants was fundamentally different from the one that Pierre adhered to. Andrei argued that he to beat the peasants and send them to Siberia - in the order of things, because they will lead the "the same as their own life" - and in the eyes of Pierre was extremely wrong in his judgments.

Chapter twelve

In the evening, Andrei and Pierre went to the bald mountains. Now they have changed roles: Bolkonsky was in a good spirit, showing the field on the road and talking about his improvements; Bezukhov, on the contrary, silently silently and seemed immersed in his thoughts.

Suddenly he began to extol the teaching of Masons, proving that this is not a sect, but the best expression the best side mankind. Prince Andrei did not interrupted and did not laugh, as usual, above his words. Did they find a response to his heart? It was incomprehensible, but Pierre's speeches came up with new thoughts. "If there is God and there is a future life, that is, the truth is virtue; And the Higher happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. We must live, you have to love, you have to believe "- said Pierre.

Chapter thirteenth

When Andrei and Pierre drove up to the main entrance of the house in the Bald Mountains, they saw some strange turmoil. It turned out that it was frightened by the wanderers who, in secret from the Father, gave the alms of Princess Marya. Andrei called them "God's people" and offered to Pierre to look at them. Bolkonsky and Bezukhov entered the room of Mary. It immediately became noticeable how mockingly Andrew belongs to these wanderers, and as his sister patronizes. Woman called Pelagia, and the young boy - Ivanushka. With some glances, the old woman was disagree with some glasses, but his arguments called a storm of protest in the soul of a naive wanderer. She calmed down only when Pierre said that he was joking. His eyes expressed sincere repentance.

Chapter Fourteenth

Wanderers stayed to doubt the tea, and Princess Marry led Pierre in the living room. The girl expressed sincere concern for the life of his brother, who had not completely recovered after injured. Finally, the crew of Prince Nicholas. He said hello to Bezhov, and then talked for a long time with him in his office.

Only now, in the Bald Mountains, Pierre estimated all the importance and strength of friendship with Andrei Bolkonsky.

Fifteenth chapter

Returning from vacation, Nikolai Rostov especially realized how closely connected with Denisov, and with all the regiment, which was for him the second home. When Rostov appeared to the regimental commander, he received an appointment in the former squadron, went to duty and foraging, entered all the small interests of the regiment, he experienced the same calmness that was tested at home, in a loving family. "Here, in the shelf, everything was clear and simple. The whole world was divided into two uneven departments: one is our Pavlograd regiment, and the other is everything else. " But, despite the enthusiastic attitude of Rostov to comrades in the service, problems in Pavlograd regiment were, and quite serious. "In the hospitals died so true that the soldiers, patients with fever and a tumor that took place from bad food, preferred to carry the service, through the strength of the feet in the front, than to go to hospitals." Due to the fact that the soldiers used to eat a harmful plant called "Mashkin Sweet root", many have opened a new disease - the tumor of the hands, legs and faces.

Officers lived in half-hearted homes, two or three people. Rostov shared her shelter with Denisov, and their friendship was even stronger after the holiday. "Denisov, apparently, tried to expose to Rostov as much as possible as possible, the coast of him and after the matter, he was particularly happily met his whole and unharmed."

Chapter sixteenth

In April, another view took place, "who did the sovereign in Bainststein," but Nikolai Rostov could not get there.

Denisov and Rostov lived in a dug dugout, which was a "ditch to one and a half Arshin width, two depths and three and a half." Once after duty, Nikolay returned home. He gave itself to know the sleepless night, and the young man, drinking tea, folding things and praying to God, to rest. Suddenly, the cry of Denisova, addressed to the Wahmister Topchänka, was heard: "I didn't give you to you, not to start them. Some kind of cogne But Rostov was so tired that at first did not pay attention to these words. Then, through the dormant, he heard Denisov orders to settle the second platoon, as they go somewhere.

Nicholas woke up only in the evening and joined the game in the pike. Suddenly the carts arrived. It turned out, the provisant arrived, and the trusted Denisov argued about this with one of the officers. In the end, he fought off transport with foods to make food to his soldiers.

Then the Rothmista went to the headquarters, wanting to settle this matter, but returned from there in a terrible state: "Denisov could not speak and teared. When Rostov asked him that he was only a hoarse and weak voice pronounced incomprehensible curses and threats. " In the end, Rothmistra said that the commissioner on provisions, whom he, going to the headquarters, saw sitting at the table, - Veal, and he almost killed him in rage. "But at noon, the adjutant shelf with a serious and sad face came to the overall dugout Denisov and Rostov." The case took a serious turn, and a naval expertise was appointed. Everything could end, at best, Denisov's demolition, but the situation saved one incident. During the reconnaissance of the enemy with two Cossack shelves, one of the bullets flew by the French arrows came to Denisov in the pulp of the top of the leg. At another time, Vasily Dmitrievich would not pay any attention to such a slight wound, but now it was a chance to go to the hospital and avoid turning into a division.

Head seventeenth

After the Friedland battle, in which the Pavlograd regiment did not participate, was announced a truce. Rostov saw a good chance in this to spend his friend. "The hospital was in a small Prussian town, two times broken by Russian and French troops and represented a pitiful, gloomy spectacle." It turned out that the title was played in this institution, but, conducive to the requests of the officer, the Feldsher with the doctor began to be looking for among the patients with Denisov. On the way, Rostov looked into the soldiers' chambers and was horrified, in what terrible conditions these people were. They "raised or raised their thin, yellow faces, and all with the same expression of hope for help, reproach and envy to someone else's health, did not look at Rostov." I was struck by Nicholas and the fact that it was not always cleaned here in time, which lay next to those who were still alive soldiers.

Head eighteenth

In the officer's chambers, the conditions were better: the patients lay on the beds. Finally, Rostov found his friend, who "closing with his head blanket, slept for bed, despite the fact that the twelfth hour of the day was." Denisov was very happy, seeing Nicholas and welcomed him: "A! G'ostov! Zdogoovo, Zdog'ovo! " His wound, despite the fact that he was shallow, did not heal, although six weeks have passed. The case in relation to Denisov remained in force, and any exhortation, including to ask the sovereign about pardon, were perceived by Vasily Dmitrievich in the bayonets. He considered himself right, because he was sure that she brings the robbers to clean water.

But at the end of the day suddenly changed his opinion and handed over Rostov a large envelope, compiled in the name of the auditor, which contained a request for pardon.

Chief nineteenth

Rostov fulfilled the request of a friend and with a letter to the sovereign went to Tilzit. Meanwhile, Boris Drubetskoy achieved the right to be part of the retinue, which was appointed to consist in Tilzite - and good luck smiled at the young man. His position was established. "Twice he performed instructions to the sovereign himself twice, so that the sovereign knew him in the face, and all the approximations were no longer just not seen, as before, considering for a new face, but they would be surprised, if it were not there."

With Boris in the room there was a Count Zhilinsky, who decided to arrange dinner for his familiar French. Here was an honorary guest, Napoleon's adjutant, as well as several officers of the French army and a young boy of the old French family name. Nikolay Rostov also wished to be present there, but to remain unrecognized on the road, took advantage of the darkness and came to Tilzit in the Stat dress.

When he appeared on the threshold of the house, where he lived Drubetsk, Boris's face for some moment expressed his annoyance, but he immediately pretended to be very happy with the guest. However, the first reaction of Boris on his arrival did not escape from Nikolai's view, and he said: "I see that I am not on time." Drubetskoy initially led a friend in the room where dinner was covered, justifying him. But Rostov came not just like that, but in the case he wanted to state Boris. Finally, at the ultimate request of Nikolai, they retired, and Rostov told, in which terrible and, it would seem, Vasily Denisov got a hopeless situation. Drubetskaya promised to do what could.

Chapter twentieth

Nikolay Rostov persistently pursued the goal to apply for Vasily Denisov, and therefore came to Tilzit. But, as it turned out, he chose not the most convenient time, because "June 27th, the first conditions of the world were signed." Everyone was busy cooking for the holiday about this.

But Nikolai did not want to retreat: he thought only about how he himself, without intermediaries, give a letter to Emperor Alexander. However, unfortunately, the sovereign was not allowed, and frightened Rostov now cursed his courage and silenced from the thought that every minute could be disgraced and even arrested for such a bold act. Suddenly there was a bass voice: "You, Batyushka, what are you doing here in Frak?" It turned out that it was a cavalry general who deserved a special mercy of the king.

Of course, Nikolai took advantage of his chance, spoke about the difficult situation in which he fell best friend And he passed a letter with a petition for the sovereign.

And then suddenly there was a case to see the emperor Alexander himself: "The sovereign in the Preobrazhensky uniform, in white leggings and high boots, with a star, which Rostov did not know, went out on the porch, holding a hat at hand and putting on a glove." The feeling of delight and love for the king with a new force covered Nicholas.

Chapter Twenty First

The French guard battalion and the Transfiguration battalion stood face to face.

Emperor Alexander and Napoleon Bonaparte met. "The cavalry eye of Rostov could not help but notice that Napoleon was bad and disadvantaged on a horse. Battalions shouted: "Hurray" and "Vive L'Empereur!" Napoleon said Something Alexander. Both emperors were peeling with horses and took each other by hand. On Napoleon's face there was an unpleasant smile. Alexander Something told him with a gentle expression. "

Seeing the sharply changed attitude of the emperor Alexander to Napoleon, watching the award of a soldier Lazarev to the Order, Nikolay Rostov began to torment terrible doubts about the meaning of this ridiculous and subsection war. "Why are the sorted hands, legs, killed people?" He thought, and the storm climbed into the soul. "Denisov punished, and Lazarev was awarded" - this thought brought the young man in a more gloomy mood. Deciding to dine and be among the officers, Nikolai drank two bottles of wine, and either under the influence of alcohol, or convincing himself, began to justify the sovereign actions. "How can you judge about the actions of the sovereign, what are we have the right to reason?! We can not understand the goals nor the sovereign actions! " - he argued. The surrounding people were very surprised by such quick-temperedness, but they lied to the young man, thinking that he behaves in a similar way Under the influence of alcohol. This ends the second part of the second volume of the novel "War and Peace".

At the beginning of 1806, Nikolai Rostov goes home on vacation. He persuades Denisov to watch him. Nicholas at home is waiting for a joyful meeting. Natasha is trying to bring away from his brother, if his attitude to Sona did not change, assures that she herself loves her, and to prove it, she splits a ruler on the heat, applies her to his hand and shows Nikolay trail. On the question of his brother about its attitude to Boris Natasha, he does not want to marry anyone. Nicholas still nourishes tender feelings to Sona. Rostov leads in Moscow "Gusar" lifestyle, acquires fashionable rates, boots with shoe spurs, goes to the English club, Kutit with Denisov, even turns the "lady on the boulevard", which is visited in the evenings.

Count Rostov is instructed to arrange lunch in honor of Bagration. The count sends behind fresh pineapples and strawberries to Bezukhov, since no one else will get them. Anna Mikhailovna, who appeared by the way, assures that littleness in Moscow and she herself will go to him. She mentions the unfortunate family life of Pierre, as if discussed in the light of Roman Helen with Doolokhov. Rostov asks Anna Mikhailovna to transfer the invitation to Pierra.

Officers come to the holiday, among them - Bagration, selected "hero. He became famous for a successful Schangbang battle, he has no acquaintances in Moscow - "Thus, in his face, an intention was given to a simple, without connections and intrigues, a Russian soldier." About Kutuzov in Moscow almost do not speak; If you mention his name, then with disapproval. Pierre also appears at dinner, with a dull look hung over the halls. At the request of his wife, he is his father's hair. "He should have been with the young; For wealth and connections, he was a member of the Society of Old, respectable guests "here is also present and share. With the arrival of Bagration, the holiday begins and guests sit down at the table. Rostov with Denisov and his new familiar Docheyov sits almost in the middle of the table opposite them is Pierre. Lyuhov grew, eats, as always, a lot. It reached him with hints about the relationship of his wife and Doolokhov, and in the morning he received an anonymous letter. Pierre does not want to believe rumors, but still avoids looking at Dolokhov. Bezukhov understands that such an act is quite in the nature of Dolokhov, whom Pierre, if necessary, always taught money and provided another help. When they drink for the health of the sovereign, the bellows sits in thought, Rostov displays it from this state. The next humatic toast is "for pretty women and their lovers," she proclaims Shard. The servant, telling Kantatat Kutuzov, puts a sheet in front of Pierre as in front of the most honorable guest! Shelahov snatches the leaf at the Bezukhov and begins to read out loud. Pierre comes into rabies, shouts: "Do not dare to take!" - Causes Dool to Duel. He refers to the challenge easily, Rostov assures that he intends to kill Pierre. The next day, the duelists and seconds are found in Sokolniki. Pierre never kept his arms before, he was shown where to press how to converge. Pierre shoots and wounds Dolokhova. He rushes to his opponent, wanting to help him, but Solokov shouts: "To the barrier!" Duckers return to its place and does not even try to close or turn sideways. Shelokhov shoots, but flimsy. The wounded disappear, he cries, says that "killed her", meaning his mother. Shelokhov asks Rostov to go ahead and prepare an old woman to see what she sees. Nikolay leaves and to his big surprise he learns that "Doolokhov, this Buyan, Brener of Solohov, lived in Moscow with the old woman and a hunchbathing sister and was the most gentle son and brother."

Recently, Pierre rarely saw his wife with an eye on the eyes, because in their house there were always many guests. After a duel, he locks himself in his office, trying to figure out his feelings, and it comes to the conclusion that all his troubles occur because he married Helen. He understands that he was afraid to admire himself before helen - depraved woman. At night, he gives an order to lay things for departure to St. Petersburg, since it cannot stay with his wife under one roof. However, in the morning, Helen comes to him. She knows everything about a duel, he is accepted to report Pierre, he tries in every way to evade the conversation, saying that they are better to part. The spouse replies that the very fact does not frighten her, but she will let go of her husband only if "if he gives her a condition." Pierre comes in rabies, grabs a marble board from the table, breaks it, shouts: "Won!" Helen runs away in horror. After a week, Lyukhov gives his wife a power of attorney on the management-00E, all the Velic-Russian estates, which is a major half of his condition, and one leaves for St. Petersburg.

The bald mountains comes to the news about the alleged death of Prince Andrei, but Kutuzov attributes that neither among those killed or among the famous prisoners there are no Bolkonsky. Princess Marya goes to inform about the happening Liza, Andrei's wife, but it is not decided to do this, judging that that, in her position, it is better to stay in ignorance. Soon the "Little Princess" begin childbirth - long and heavy. At night, the prince Andrei unexpectedly appears. It turns out that he sent a native letter, but they did not get it. Prince Andrei is in the next room, hears how shouts the newborn, enters his wife and sees that she died. The funeral occurs on the third day, and on the fifth congestion of Little Prince Nikolai Andreevich.

The efforts of the old Graph of Rostov, the participation of his son in Duele Lyukhov and Dolokhov was jammed. Instead of demolition, Nicholas is determined by an adjutant to the Moscow Governor General. Rostov gets closer with Doolokhov, he gradually recovering, frankly talking to Rostov, says that he has two or three friends, there is a "adorable mother", and on the rest of the people he draws attention to the extent, because they are needed or harmful. Especially harmful, in his opinion, women. All of them - from the Council to the cooking - sales creatures, not one worthwhile all standing, although she dreams about it. Thanks to Army dating Nikolai in the house of growth, many new people appear, including share. He likes everyone, except Natasha, because she believes that Duelokhova and Bezuhov had a rights to Pierre. Natasha seems that the share of evil and insensible. She then notes that he seemed to fall in love with Sonya, - observation, rather close to the truth. After a while, she makes the proposal of Sona, but the girl refuses him, explaining that he loves the other. Natasha talks about all Nikolay, adding that I am sure that the brother does not marry Sona. Nikolay is explained with Sonya, advises her once again to think over the proposal of Dolokhov, since he himself can not promise her.

Natasha rides at his first ball. She for the first time dressed in the "adult" dress, she likes everything around, she is in love with all. Denisov does not drive with her admiring eyes, he is delighted with her grace and skills to dance. Nikolay tells the sister to choose Denisov on Mazurka, since it is perfectly dancing. Natasha follows the advice of his brother. Guests are admiringly looking at them. The whole evening of Denisov does not depart from Natasha.

Rostov is not seen from to Loche two days, then receives a note in which he invites a friend before leaving to the army. Rostov comes, causing Dolokhov for playing cards. He involves in the game and his. Gradually, the whole game focuses on Rostov: he loses forty-three thousand, without understanding why it is necessary to do so. Nikolai causes Dolokhov to a neighboring room, says that he cannot pay all the debt at once. He notices that nothing to do: who is happy in love, this is not lucky in the maps - because Sonya is in love with Nicholas. Rostov comes to rabies and offers Dolokhov to get money tomorrow.

Natasha sings (she is learning singing, but sings not very beautifully - does not take breathing, does not stand the pause, etc.). Everyone says that the voice is still raw, but enjoy her singing, in which genuine sincerity is heard. Nikolai listens to her sister, and suddenly it seems to him that all his troubles, Dolohov duty, is nothing compared to this beautiful singing. An old graph comes, and Nikolai goes to explain with his father. At first, he takes a jojone tone, but, without seeing the ease of his father, repents and even crying. At the same time, Natasha is explained with his mother: Denisov made her an offer. Countess does not believe his ears. Natasha announces Denisov that he could not marry him, the Countess adds that the refusal is explained by the youth daughter. The next day, Denisov leaves Moscow. Nikolay escorts him, and he himself delayed for a few days - his father takes time to collect money for the repayment of the duty of the Son.

After his explanation with his wife Pierre Duhov, decides to settle in St. Petersburg. Dear he reflects on the meaning of life, about the strength that manages the world. At the inn of the courtyard, Pierre gets acquainted with one passing. He recognizes him, says that he knows about the misfortune of Nukhov and wants to help him. Driving, as it turns out, consists of a member of the "Brotherhood of Free Mason" (Masons). In response, Pierre admits that he does not believe in God. The passing objects that Pierre just does not know God - "God, of course, exists, but it is difficult to understand it." The Mason seems to be guessing those thoughts that you are worried about young Bezuhov - about the meaning of life, about the purpose of man. Pierre is fond of conversation. The Mason assures it that it is impossible to achieve something with one only. "The highest wisdom has one science - the science of everything, the science explaining the entire universe and the person occupied in it." In order to comprehend this science, according to Masons, it is necessary to engage in internal self-improvement, i.e., comprehend God. After the departure of Mason, Pierre recognizes his name - Osip Alekseevich Bazdeev. At night, Pierre can not fall asleep and everything reflects on a conversation with passing. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, the Bezukhov is taken for reading, receiving "unknown to enjoy them to believe in the ability to achieve perfection and the possibility of fraternal and active love between people." A week later, some person comes to him and reports that thanks to the petition of a high-ranking person Pierre will be taken to the brotherhood before the deadline. He agrees, argues that now believes in God. Pierre is driven somewhere, pre-blinding the eyes, dedicated to the masons with all the sacraments appreciating this rite. He gives an oath that comes into Freemasonry to resist evil, reigning in the world. Pierre leads to Masonic society, where he sees many people who knew or met before in the world. The next day, Prince Vasily arrives at Pierre and tries to persuade him to make his wife. However, Lyuhov resolutely refuses and exposes tests. A week later, leaving Masons a large amount for donations, Pierre leaves in their estates. His new "brothers" supplies his letters to Kiev and Odessa to local masons.

The story of Duele of Nuhovova with Dolokhov was jammed, none of the seconds also suffered. However, in the world, she gained a wide publicity, as a result of which Pierre accused everyone (jealous, who could not behave mascans, etc.). When Elene returns to Petersburg, she is supported favorably, and it plays the role of an unfortunate abandoned wife, which tolerately transfers the trials of fate. Helen shines in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler, Boris is "introduced" there. Helen pays attention to him. Boris seeks to make a career with all ways, makes "the necessary acquaintances". Now he does not happen from growth and shakes his children's love for Natasha. Helen appoints Boris a date. Having arrived at the appointed hour, Boris cares of Elena many other guests and does not understand why he, in fact, was invited. However, saying goodbye, Helen again invites him to himself. Soon the Truckovka becomes his man in the house of Helen.

It goes 1806, war in full swing, the theater of hostilities is approaching the borders of Russia. Prince Andrei after Austerlitz decides never to serve no longer in the army. His father is appointed by one of the eight commander-in-chief for the militia, and Andrei to get off from the actual service, takes a position to the old Bolkonsky. Prince Andrei sees in all other hand. His little son is ill, and Andrei S has to be care for the child.

Upon arrival in Kiev, Pierre receives directions from Masons, what to do in his estates. He collects managers, calls them to free the peasants from serfdom, not to force women and children on a par with men, cancel corporal punishment, and go to admonitions, organize at. Utah, schools, etc. Some listen to the reasoning of the Barin with bewilderment, most quickly understand how to turn his ideas in their favor. Despite the tremendous wealth of Pierre, his affairs are bad, the money goes unknown to where, the chief manager annually reports on fires, then about the insane. Pierre every day "is engaged in" with the main manager, but the feeling is that "classes" do not move a step with a dead point. As the largest landowner, Pierre is taken in the province very welcome, in his honor again the lunches are arranged, in the evening, and so on, thus, the little days begin to live for the same life, but only in another setting.

In the spring of 1807, Pierre goes to St. Petersburg, circling his estates on the road. The main manager "while" does not represent the possible liberation of the peasants, it is satisfied with the commemoration of NUHOVOV in the villages. Pierre does not know that in fact the village are in the greatest ruin that women ceased to send to the bargain, but instead of this they perform the hardest work at their half, that pop, who brings him the image, lays the peasants with unbearable defeats, etc. The manager convinces Pierre that peasants do not need liberation, because they are already happy. On the way, Pierre comes to his friend Blån. Prince Andrei is glad to the guest, but nevertheless, Bezuhova strikes the change that occurred in the young prince, - the deadly, a dead look, to whom, despite all the efforts, cannot give a joyful shine. Pierre tells about himself, says that he has become a completely different person. For lunch, the conversation comes to the marriage of Pierre, about the duel. Duchov declares that she was glad that she was alive alive. Prince Andrei objects to "kill the evil dog" even useful. However, according to Pierre, it is unfair - it is impossible to perform what is evil for another person. Andrei believes that you never know for sure that there is evil. He adds that he knows two real misfortunes in life: "Disease and remorse of conscience, and happiness is already the absence of these angry." "To live for yourself, avoiding only these two angry," that's all my wisdom is now, "Blocks shares with a friend. Prince Andrei tells that he used to live for glory, but now got rid of this chimera, became calmer, since he lives for one itself. "Middle is also part of me," Andrei finishes. Pierre says that it is necessary to do an active good - to build hospitals, give the shelter to old men, begging and so on. Andrei replies that he himself can build a house, smash the garden, Pierre - open hospitals, 0o, and the other - only a way of pastime. Andrei adds that, having freeing the fortress, Pierre thus wishes to bring men from an animal state and give them "moral needs", although, in his opinion, the only possible happiness is the happiness of the animal. "I envy him, and you want to do it me, but not giving him my means." "Other You say: make it easier for his work. And in my opinion, the physical work for it is the same need, the same condition of its existence, as for me and for you the work mental ... He can not plow, do not mow; Otherwise, he will go to the Kabak or painful ... Hospitals, medicines. .. His suffered a blow, he dies, and you let him blood, cured. He will walk ten years old, everyone in a burden. Much deceased and easier for him to die. " Pierre is terrible and says that it is impossible to live with such thoughts. The only thing about what Prince Andrei expresses regret human dignity, calm conscience, cleanliness, but not the people themselves, "Which is how much a piece, how much is neither Bray, everything will remain the same ..." Pierre tells Andrei about the Freemasonry, which "saved" him.

Pierre and Andrey go to the bald mountains. On the way, they come across a broken river, through which they should move on the ferry. Pierre returns to the interrupted conversation, asks Andrew, whether he believes in the future life: "On the ground, it is on this earth (Pierre pointed in the field), no truth, all lies and evil; But in the world, around the world, there is a kingdom of truth, and we are now the children of the earth, but forever - the children of the whole world. Do I don't feel in my soul that I make part of this huge, harmonious whole? Didn't I feel that I am in this huge countless number of creatures in which the deity is manifested - high powerAs you wish, - what do I make one link, one step from the lower creatures to the highest? If I see, I see this staircase, which leads from the plant to a person, why I assume that this staircase is interrupted with me, and does not continue further? I feel that I not only can not disappear, as nothing disappears in the world, but that I will always be and always. I feel that, besides me, the spirits live me and that there is really true in this world. " Andrei answers that only death convinces - when you see how a person close to you is dying when you understand all the fumes and a worthlessness of life. Pierre objects: "If there is God and the future life, that is, the truth is virtue; And the Higher happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. We must live, you need to love, you must believe that we live now only on this block of the Earth, but they lived and we will live there, in everything (he pointed to heaven). " Despite the external calm, Prince Andrei feels that Pierre's words made a big impression on him, and "Highly after Austerlitz, he saw, the eternal sky, which he saw, lying on the Austerlitsky field, and something long ago, which had fallen That is the best that was in him, suddenly joyfully and young woke up in his soul. " Upon arrival in the Bald Mountains Pierre and Andrey see "God's people" who came to the Princess Mary. Senior Bolkonsky orders to drive a wanderers, but Marya, despite everything, they take them. Andrei refers to the wanderers mockingly. One of the strangers tells about the miraculous icon, which she saw, "the Mother of God is crying, she has been poured out of her eyes." Pierre says that it is deceiving a simple people. Princess Marya is confused, the wanders are indignant, Pierre and Andrey soothe them, they say they are joking. After a while, the old prince comes, Pierre liked him. Pierre stayed from the Bolkonian two days, and on his departure, the owners spoke only good about him.

Rostov arrives in the regiment and rejoices as if he returned to his native family. He decides to return the money to parents who were forced to pay on his card duty. Previously, Rostov was sent 10 thousand a year, now he decides to take only two, and the rest return to parents to paying debt. Nikolai is even closer with Denisov. In winter, the regiment stands in stock. Provincing irregularly, hussars are dirty, feeding horses straw from the roofs of huts. Rostov meets the starving old man and his daughter with an infant child, leads them to itself and feeds until they recover. When one of the officers hints into a few other than friendly, the relationship between young polls and Rostov, Nikolai, in his inherent torture manner, refutes the conspiracy, and Denisov barely holds a friend from a duel. Later, with an eye on the eye, Rostov is recognized by Denisov that Polka him as a sister, that he is very disappointing that he was suspected of dishonesty. Soldiers still live poorly. Denisov, seeing how the lower ranks differ in the surrounding forests in search of edible roots, does not withstand and dare to correct the position in any way. After a while, he returns food with food that beats off his own infantry, and distributes products to soldiers. The next day, the regimental commander causes Denisov and sends it to the headquarters to settle the incident. The commander himself agrees to look at what happened through the fingers. Denisov goes to the headquarters, but in the evening it is not his own, he feels so bad that the drug even has to put blood to him. Denisov says that in the provincial shelf, where he assumed to lean the case, he met the Tellyan. It turns out that it was he who Moril Denisova's soldiers hunger all this time. Denisov beat calf. After a while, a request comes, prescribing Denisov to appear in the court, as the case is instituted. The staff picked up the incident so that Denisov was drunk and beat two officials. At one of the reviews of Denisov, it gets a slight injury (crazy bullet) and, taking advantage of the case, leaving to the hospital. Rostov misses the buddler and after a while it goes to visit him. In the hospital of TIF. Rostov finds Denisov and, despite the fact that he tries to look cheerful, notes the changes that happened in it: Denisov does not ask about the general course of affairs, about the shelf and even if Nikolai arrived. On the question of the progress of the trial of Denisov, it is responsible that the case is bad, reads Rostov some letter, full of sarcasm, which he intends to send to court. The surrounding, apparently, not first listening to the content of the letter, go out, and only two - Tushin remain in the chamber, who has an amputated hand, and Ulan who, in the course of reading, gives Denisov, to comply with court decisions. In the end, Denisov agrees, signs the petition about pardon in the name of the sovereign and gives the petition of Rostov.

Meanwhile, Boris makes a career. The meeting of emperors in Tilzite is approaching, and Boris asks his boss to attach it to the royal retinue. He, among the few close, turns out to be on Neman on the day of the meeting of the emperors, sees the passage of Napoleon on the shore, emperor Alexander, and so on. High-ranking dodgers and the emperor get used to the Drubetsk and even recognize in the face. The French from enemies become friends, and Boris come to visit one of Napoleon's adjutants, several French Guard officers and the "Boy with Aristocratic French Family" (Page Napoleon). On the same day, Rostov arrives in Tilsit and brings Denisov's petition. He comes to Boris. Seeing the French, Nikolai cannot overcome hostility. Boris meets a guest with annoyance, present also feel awkward, at the request of Rostov about the petition for Denisov Drubetskaya responds evasively, but still promises to assist. The next day is inconvenient for any kind of stature, since the first conditions of the Tilzite world are signed. Rostov secretly comes out of the house, so as not to see Boris, wanders through the streets. He comes to the house where the king stopped, and tries to go inside. It is not missing, but they advise you to transfer the teammate. In retinue, Rostov randomly meets the general who used to be the commander of his regiment, transmits him a letter. When the sovereign comes out, the general says to him for a long time, but the king replies: "I can't, the general, because the law is stronger than me." Nikolai is still in love with the sovereign and, together with the crowd, delighted him after him. Rostov is present at the idea, which is jointly held by Alexander and Napoleon. Nikolai notes that Napoleon "bad and unsteadily sits on a horse." On Napoleon, the Andreev ribbon was found .. In the form of a favor, Napoleon also awards one of the Russian soldiers to the Order of the Honorary Legion after view of Rostov resides in bewilderment. He is remembered by Denisov "with his changed expression, with his humility, and the whole hospital with these torn hands and legs, with this mud and diseases," then "this smug Bonaparte with his white handle, which was now the emperor who loves and respects Emperor Alexander. What are the sorted hands, legs killed? " Then the lunch is satisfied. Nikolai drinks two bottles of wine and hearses the officers assure that if the war had been launched a little more, then the Bonapart would have come to the end, since in the French troops there were no ammunition or a provinet. Flavor, Rostov shouts that they are soldiers and do not dare to judge the actions of the sovereign: if the emperor tells them to die, they must die, but if he concludes the world, they should welcome it. Nicholas soothe, and the feast continues.

1808 year. Emperor Alexander rides in Erfurt for a new meeting with Napoleon. In 1809, the proximity of the two "lords of the world", as Alexander and Napoleon called, comes to the point that when Bonaparte declares War of Austria, the Russian corps acts abroad to fight on the side of the former opponent against the former ally, the Austrian emperor.

Prince Andrei Two years lives much frequent in the village. What started and brought to the end in his estate Pierre, the young Bolkonsky exercises in his possessions. Some peasants he listed into free barking workers, for others replaced the barbecue with a lifting. Peasants and yard are taught by literacy, discharged for them an obeve-handed grandmother. In the spring of 1809, Prince Andrei rides in the Ryazan estate of his son, which consists of his care. He drives through the crossing, on which they with Pierre, a few years ago, took place so important for both conversations, sees oak from the roadside. "Probably ten times older birches, who made up the forest, he was ten times thicker and two times higher than each birch. It was a huge, in two bumps of oak, with broken, a long time, can be seen, bitches and with a broken crust, overgrown with old sores. With its tremendous clumsy, asymmetrical-blurred porous hands and fingers, he was old, angry and contemptuous freak standing between smiling birchings. Only he one did not want to obey the charm of spring and did not want to see neither spring, nor the sun. "Spring, and love, and happiness! - As if he spoke this oak. - And how not to get tired of you all the same stupid I am a senseless deception. All the same thing, all deception! There is no spring sun, nor happiness ... "Prince Andrey thinks that this oak is right," Let others, young succumb to the temptations of spring, and we know life - our life is over. "

For guardian affairs, Andrei must be seen with the county leader, Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov. Bolkonsky goes to him in the Otradnaya, where the graph lives, "As before," taking the entire province, with hunting, theaters, dinners and musicians. Prince Andrei meets Natasha. She has fun and cutting. Bolkonsky looks at her in amazement, asking himself, which she is so glad. In the evening, Prince Andrei could not sleep for a long time, after reading it approaches the window and accidentally hear the conversation from the room above. Natasha is enthusiastic at night, says that "one of the adorable night never happened," she wants to fly from happiness. With the sound of a natashino voice, full of admiration for the nature, in the soul of Prince Andrew "Suddenly such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes that contradict the whole of his life, which he, feeling unable to understand his fortune, immediately fell asleep." On the way back, Blocks sees the same oak that amazes him. "The old oak, the whole convertible, spreading the tent of the juicy, dark green, melted, slightly silent in the rays of the evening sun. Neither the root fingers or sores, nor old distrust and grief - nothing was visible. Through the tough centenary bark made his way out of the bitch juicy, young leaves, so it was impossible to believe that this old man made them. "Yes, this is the same oak," the prince of Andrei thought, and suddenly found a unfortunate spring sense of joy and updates on him. All the best minutes of his life suddenly at the same time remembered him. And the austerlitz with a high sky, and the dead crown face of his wife, and Pierre on the ferry, and a girl who excited the beauty of the night, and this night, and the moon - and all this suddenly remembered him. " Prince Andrei understands that at the thirty-one, life is not yet over, he is full of strength and should not be closed in himself and her loneliness. Returning from the visit to the estates, Andrei decides the fall to go to St. Petersburg.

In August 1809, Prince Andrei comes to St. Petersburg. "This time was an apogee of the glory of the young Speransky and the energy of the coups performed by him. Liberal dreams with whom Alexander took the throne, "he is trying to implement now with the help of adherents of the same ideas. The sovereign is not too favorably refers to the prince Andrei, which is explained by the fact that Bolkonsky has not served since 1805. Prince Andrei goes to the reception to Arakchev, before which the whole yard trembles. Bolkonsky submits a note with a proposal to introduce new military laws, since all the years spent in the village, he analyzed the actions of Rus suspect. Boris Drubetskaya becomes the frequenter of the ladies salon. Helen communicates with him with a special, gentle smile C calls his false smile. Subconsciously, Pierre does not like the attitude of his wife and Drubetsky, he is experiencing a strong antipathy to Boris, but it tries to pay for this as much attention as possible. Behind him is fixed by the reputation of the eccentric, the "husband of a brilliant wife".

On the advice of Basdieev, Pierre diligently leads a diary, writes all his actions. He is trying to engage in self-improvement, eradicate in himself laziness, curding and other vices. Soon Boris Drubetsky is taken to lie. Pierre records in the diary that he himself recommended Boris, struggling with an unworthy sense of hate to this person, although, in his opinion, entering into a lie, Drubetskaya pursues one goal - to get close to famous and influential people.

Rostov has lived in the village for two years, but, despite this, their financial situation did not recover. After moving to Petersburg, they continue to live hospitably, their dinners attend a materially public, and for people from the highest society, Rostov remains provincials. Berg makes faith proposal, and it agrees. Berg so long and with such significance tells everyone about how he was injured in Austerlitsky battle, which eventually receives two awards for one wound. In the Finnish war, he also "is different": raises the grenade fragments, which, the adjutant is killed near the commander-in-chief, and brings this fragment to the boss. He also persistently retells to all this case, while the Finnish war does not receive two awards. In addition, he takes in St. Petersburg "especially profitable" places. Watching Berg, coming first with bewilderment (he is not very noble kind), eventually approved by Rostov, since the faith is already twenty-four years old, and no one has made her suggestions, although it is considered beautiful girl And goes to the light. Before the wedding, Berg demands dowry and calms down only when he is given twenty thousand cash and bill of eighty thousand rubles. Boris, despite the fact that he made a brilliant career and stopped communicating with Rostov, still inflicts them a visit during their stay in St. Petersburg. He meets with Natasha, on which his stories about secular rounds and high-ranking friends do not make any impression. Boris understands that the marriage on the girl without a state is equivalent to the end of his career, but increasingly and more often begins to be in the house of growth, more and less and less often in the Salon of the Baudens.

Natasha talks to her mother about Boris, interested in her opinion about it young man. Countess says that in sixteen to give years (namely, now Natasha) she was already married herself, but if Natasha does not like Boris, then you should not rush. In addition, for Boris, the marriage with Natasha is also undesirable, the flood that he is poor. The countess even reproaches the daughter that she discouraged the head to Drubetsk. The next day, the Countess invites Boris to himself, and after the frank conversation with her, Boris ceases to be in the house of growth. Thirty-first December, on the eve of the new, 1810, one of the "Catherine Welject" suits the ball. Natasha goes to the first big ball with his life. She is preparing all day, dressed, helps the mother, sister. Natasha is blinded and is inxicated by what is happening.

A huge number of guests arrives at the ball. Rostov whisper inform the latest news. Among the new arrivals, they see two ugly girls, the heiress of big states, followed by the "grooms" - Anatole Kuragin and Boris Drubetskaya. Pierre appears, accompanying his "brilliant" wife, talks with Andrei Bolkonsky, who is present here. Take dancing. Natasha does not invite Natasha, and Pierre asks Prince Andrei to complete the circle with her. Seeing Natasha, Blocksky remembers the night in Otradnaya. She is happy to dance with him. After the prince of Andrei Natasha, other Cavalers, including Boris, are invited. Natasha does not notice the subtleties of secular etiquette, it is more attracted by the dance itself, it is truly happy. One of the dances she dances again with the prince Andrey. He tells the girl that he heard her passionate monologue at night in Otradnaya, Natasha seems to justify in response. Bologkoe likes her immediacy, she likes the fact that it is not yet corrupted by secular conventions. Andrei admires Natasha, and in the break between the dances even makes himself: if Natasha is now suitable for his cousin, he will be his wife. Natasha really comes to the cousin. Bolkonsky wishes himself, wonders why such nonsense come to his head. Natasha sees the unfortunate Pierre, who is offended and humiliated with the position that his wife takes in the light. Natasha is trying to pick up Luzzhava, without understanding how this wonderful person can not rejoice in such a wonderful day.

The next day, Prince Andrei recalls the ball and Natasha. One of the officials comes to him to report on the opening of the State Council. This event, which previously, prince Andrei would give much attention, now seems to him small and insignificant. He leaves for lunch to Speransky, where other "reformers" are also present. They are "having fun", letting the "smart" jokes, but their fun seems to be the Bologna revenue. "The slim sound of the voice of Speranssky unpleasantly hit him, and for some reason he insulted the feelings of Prince Andrey's thin laughter. Everything that the Speransky will do is presented to Andrei far-fetched and tight. Bolkonsky leaves early, the road recalls about all meetings of the Council, a member of which consists, in particular, Berg, on which a lot of time is spent on the discussion of the form instead of solving pressing questions. This work now seems to be Andrei empty and unnecessary, and he himself is surprised how she did not understand such obvious things before. The next day, Blocks goes to Rostov and remains to have lunch. After lunch, Natasha plays keycorder and sings. Listening to her singing, Prince Andrew feels "cleansing". "He looked at Natasha, and in his soul there was something new and happy. He was happy, and he was sad at the same time. He decisively did not cry what was to cry, but he was ready to cry. About what? About former love? About the little princess? About your disappointments? .. about your hopes for the future? .. Yes, and no. The main thing that he wanted to cry was, was suddenly a strongly strongly strong opposite of them between something endlessly great and indefinable, formerly in him, and something narrow and bodily, which he himself was, and even she was. This opposite of Tomila and pleased him during her singing. " After returning home, Prince Andrei could not fall asleep for a long time, he thinks that it is necessary to live that it is not necessary to close himself in a narrow frame, understands that Pierre was right then on the crossing.

Bergs are arranged on a new apartment and to strengthen their position in society, invite guests. Among the invited - Pierre, Rostov, Bolkonsky. At the evening, which is no different from other similar evenings, Pierre notices that between the prince Andrei and Natasha something happens. Prince Andrei says that he needs to talk with Pierre, but during the evening they do not work.

Prince Andrei increasingly begins to be in growth, everyone is perfectly understood why he walks, and be waiting. After a while, Prince Andrei informs Pierra, which intends to marry Natasha. Pierre supports a friend, says that "this girl is treasure" and that his happier will not be happier. Prince Andrei leaves, Pierre stays in despondency - "The limely the fate of Prince Andrei, the fate of Prince Andrei, the greatestly presented his own."

Andrei goes to the Father asking permission to marry. He after some thought consent gives, but requires Andrei to wait for the year: they have a difference in age, in addition, Prince Andrei Son. Prince Andrei does not appear in the growth three weeks (it was so much a trip to his father). Natasha does not want to go away, secretly cries and is not, as usual, in the evenings to the mother. Finally, Bolkonsky comes, says with the Countess, makes the proposal of Natasha. Parents give consent, in a conversation with Natasha Andrei mentions that their wedding can not take place earlier than in a year. Natasha does not understand why you need a year if they love each other. She says that she loved Prince Andrew in his first arrival in Otradnaya.

The engagement is not widely declared: Andrei insisted on this due to the fact that by tying himself, did not want to associate Natasha at the same time. On the eve of his estate from St. Petersburg, Prince Andrei brought to Rostov Bezuhova, Natasha reports that he dedicated Pierre in their secret, and asks to contact him if during his absence something will happen. During the departure, Natasha does not cry, but for a few days after that she "sat in his room, was not interested in anything and only spoke sometimes:" Why did he leave? " But two weeks after his departure, "as unexpectedly for others, he woke up from his moral illness, became the same as before, only with a change in moral physiognomy, as children with another face get up from bed after prolonged disease."

In the bald mountains, the life of the time goes to her! The old prince becomes even more cheerful and notioning, Princess Marya brings up Nikolai, Andrei's son, is still more religious. She notices the change that happened in Andrei during his last arrival, and soon Andrei himself from Switzerland reports his engagement with Natasha. Half of the time-appointed time. Princess Maria, in the meantime, hosts the Strangers, reads Scripture and so on. In the end, she also decides to go to Worse and even comes to travel clothes. But pity to the father and little Nikolet hold it from a similar step.

Rostov still lives in a regiment, he "became a swallowed small". In 1809, in letters from their relatives, he increasingly feels alarming - things come into decay. Between other news, he is informed about the engagement of Natasha and Bolkonsky, and in the last letter, the Countess clearly writes that if Nikolai does not come and does not work, then all the estate will go with the hammer. Collectants arrange Rostov solemn wires, and he goes on vacation. Upon arrival, Rostov sees still loving his Sonya, Natasha, who amazes him with his "adoleship." Natasha tells him his "novel" with Prince Andrey, and to the question, whether she loves Bologkoe, answers: "I was in love with Boris, teacher, in Denisov, but this is not at all. I'm dead, firmly. I know that it is better not for people, and so calmly, good now. Not at all, as before ... "

Rostov begins to do the economy, and his first thing is. This is the dismissal of Mitaki, the control-thief. In the eyes of the entire courtyard, Rostov Pink twisted him from the porch. The next day, the Father is trying to memorize "Mitenka", justify it. Rostov apologizes before the Father and since then ceases to interfere in economic affairs. One day, the Countess tells him that she has a bill of exchange for 2 thousand from Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, and asks how to do it. Nikolai replies that he does not love any Anna Mikhailovna, nor Boris, but once they were friendly with them, and tear bill.

In September, Rostov and their uncle, a distant relative and a neighbor, ride a hunt. Uncle is an experienced hunter, by the way, and by the way, he repeats the promotion: "Clean business - march." On the hunt, the wolves picks up, then hurt. Rostov take the proposal of uncle to sleep in his village Mikhailovka. Uncle treats them with a truly Russian scope - herbalist, emphasis, fungi, cellular honey, etc. Dyed and lively, Natasha also participates in a conversation. Uncle tells that he lives so all his life, it does not serve anywhere, because nothing understands in the service. Mitka Kutcher brings a balalaika and begins to play. When he finishes, Natasha asks to play more. Mitka performs "Barynya" with "Brooks and Interceptions". Uncle takes the guitar and also sings ("on the street Bridge"). Natasha dances. "Where, as, when I was thrown into myself from that Russian air, which she breathed, - this graphic, brought up by an emigrant French, is this spirit where she took these techniques that Pas de Chale would have been able to displace? But the Spirit and Takes were the same, inimitable, unlucky, the Russians, who were waiting for an uncle from her ... She did that same and so for sure ... that Anice Fedorovna, who immediately filed her handkerchief to her, through laughter I was silent, looking at this thin, graceful, such someone else, in silk and in a velvet, a raised countess, who knew how to understand everything that was in Anice and in the father of Anice, and in aunt, and in the mother, and in every Russian man " (Anicia Fedorovna manages the farm from uncle). Uncle still sings with Natasha folk songs, and in the morning Rostov returned home.

Rostric cases are worse. There is talking about selling rich near Moscow estates. The countess is trying to marry profitably Nicholas and takes certain steps to this - he writes his acquaintances.

Natasha jeeping without Andrei, comes gray, monotonous life. The shints are coming. Come on parched. Natasha and the rest of Rostov are dressed in costumes; Natasha is drawn by Circass. Then they go to ride, visiting familiar people tell.

Shortly after the shield, Nikolay announces his solid decision to marry Sona, as she loves her. Mother is trying to resist this, but his father feels guilty for disorders. Countess is hostile to Son, calls it an intrigue. With a solid intention, having arranged his business in the regiment, to resign, come and marry Sona, Nikolai, sad and serious, in a break with relatives, but, "as it seemed to him, passionately in love," in early January went to the regiment. The health of the Countess was shaken, the work device also demanded decisive measures, and at the end of January, the count together with Sonya and Natasha rides Moscow.

Pierre After the walling of Prince Andrei and Natasha understands that he is impossible to lead the life before, it is impossible. He stops making records in the diary, avoids the Society of Mason Brothers, begins to go to the club again, a lot of drinks, etc. He distributes money to everyone, dancing on the balls, "if there is no cavalier", with everyone equally kindly. Pierre remembers that once he "wanted to produce a republic in Russia, then be Napoleon himself, then a philosopher, then tactic, the winner of Napoleon ... And instead of all this - here is he - a rich husband of the wrong wife, chamber in resignation , loving to eat, drink and unbuttoned, slightly disperse the government, a member of the Moscow English club and a favorite member of the Moscow society. " Pierre understands the meaninglessness of its existence, but can not do anything.

At the beginning of winter, the old prince Bolkonsky, together with Prince Marya and the grandson, are also coming to Moscow. Princess Marya is illuminated by the Moscow life, she has no one to talk to, secular hobbies to her alien. In addition, the nature of the Bolkonsky-Elder became completely unbearable: old age affects. He clings to the Mademoiselle of Brying, and at the address of the princes Marya constantly hesitates, let go of the knight. However, the old military, who are talking about politics periodically come to the column. The old people condemn the new hobbies of young people, anti-armncess moods dominate in their environment. Pierre comes to Bolkonsky, they are talking to Prince Marya. Pierre reports that Boris Drubetskaya arrived in Moscow, who, apparently, he supplied his task to marry and now only does not know, "who to attack" - Princess Marry or Juli Karagin. Pierre and sarcasm says that now the "be melancholic" entered the fashion and, in favor of Moscow girls, must certainly behave in such a way that Boris Drubetskaya does. Maryarya is awaiting the arrival of Andrei and his marriage not without fear and not without jealousy.

The marriage in a rich bride in St. Petersburg did not succeed in St. Petersburg, and for the same purpose he comes to Moscow. Princess Marya, who seems to be the most attractive Julie Karagina, is coldly taken by Boris, so Boris begins to go to the house of Karagina. Around Julie goes. A lot of potential grooms, the main mood in their environment - melancholy - sad romances come across, poems are written in the album about the vanity of the whole earthly. Despite his courtship, Boris feels disgust to Julie, to her unnaturalness, he still believes of real love And it is not solved to make an offer. Julia has doubts, she decides to speed up the case and when Anatole Kuragin appears in their living room, suddenly, leaving his melancholicity, begins to be very attentive to him. The idea to stay in fools and the gift to lose all this month of "heavy melancholic service from Jules" unpleasant to Boris. The next day, he comes to Julie and, overloading disgust, admits to her love. Consent is received, and a wedding should be held soon.

Rostov-senior, who came to Moscow, along with Natasha, comes with a visit to Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. When they report their arrival, the old prince screams because of the door of the princess Marya, which will not take the guests that he does not need. Princess meets Natasha and her father, and the prejudice feeling that was already in it is confirmed: Natasha seemed to her "too elegant, frivolous and vain." Natasha is offended by such a reception, the elder Rostov is retisted, having beating about his long-standing skirmis with the Bolkonsky-Sr. somewhere in the military headquarters. Because of this, Natasha takes a careless tone, which is even more repelled by the princess to Mary. A few minutes continues the preliminary, an unnatural conversation, then the prince in the night cap and a coat, a critical view I will learn Natasha, apologizes, says that he did not know about their arrival, and removes. Princess Marya and Natasha silently look at each other, more and more feeling antipathy. Natasha is forgotten and leaving. By lunch, she cries in her room, and Sonya comforts her. In the evening, Rostov is going to opera. There they meet familiar - Boris with Juli, Dologov, who is the "center of attraction of brilliant youth of Moscow." There are legends about him that he was in the Caucasus, at some provider Prince in Persia was the minister, killed his brother Shaha and so on. According to acquaintances, now all Moscow is crazy about Dolokhov and Anatol Kuragin. Action begins on the scene. Natasha is inxicated around. After a while, he entered the late Anatole Kuragin. Seeing Natasha, he comes to Helen, which is here Yasa, and asks her who is this. In the intermission, Kuragin looks at the lie of the growth, Natasha turns so that it can be seen in the profile, according to her concepts, in the most advantageous position. After the second act, Helen asks the count to introduce her to his daughters, invites Natasha to his lies, she goes. In the next intermission, Anatole comes to the game. Helen represents Kuragin Natasha. Kuragin mentions that they are satisfied with "carousel in costumes" and Natasha must certainly participate in it. Natasha notices that he looks at her bare arms and shoulders, and understands that Anatol admires her. She was a little hard of his presence, "But, looking into his eyes, she felt with fear that there was at all the obstacles that she felt at all and other men." Natasha felt his proximity to this man, they talk about the easiest things. Anatol says vulgarity, Natasha listens to him. Only arriving home, Natasha recalls Prince Andrei and ahate from horror. She is tormented by the remorse of conscience that were not tormented when she was in the society of Helen and felt the charm of viciousness, which emanated from this woman.

Anatole Kuragin lives in Moscow, since the Father put him a condition to marry a rich bride. But since the rich bride for the most part is bad, Anatole does not come closer with anyone. In addition, he is already married for two years, since in Poland one poor landowner forced Anatol to marry his daughter. Anatol threw his wife and for the money he agreed to send the test, hesitated himself the right to hear idle. "Anatole was not a player, he was not a vain, he was absolutely anyway what thought about him. He was not ambiguous and spoil his career several times, laughing at all honors. He was also not bored and did not refuse to anyone who asked him. The only thing he loved is fun and women. " Anatol again gets closer with Dolokhov, which he needs for bait of noble young people in her gambling society. Ooh Oh, with Anatolem discusses the advantages of Natasha, Anatol declares that "loves girls", Do-Lokhov reminds that "he has already caught her girl." Anatole in response laughs and says that he does not come across twice on one and the same.

Natasha Rostov is still waiting for Andrei Bolkonsky, but at the same time can not not remember the Kuragin. Soon helen herself comes to Rostov. Despite the fact that before she had an annoyance for Natasha for the fact that she was hit by Boris in St. Petersburg, she tried to forget about it. Helen Thai reports Natasha that her brother "sighs about her." Natasha gets under the influence of Helen, it is blinded by its secular glitter. Helen invites Natasha on Masquerade, who mentioned Anatol in the theater. The familiar growth of Mary Dmitrievna, warns Natasha from acquaintance with without hohoes, but still advises to dispel. Count Ilya Andreich is lucky of his daughters to the shooter of the beans. Anatole will suggest them at the entrance and immediately linked for Natasha. "As soon as Natasha saw him, the same, as in the theater, a feeling of vain pleasure, what she likes him, and fear from the lack of moral barriers between her and embraced it." Helen hospitably meets Natasha, admires her beauty and toilet. During the Tour Waltz, Anatole tells Natasha that she is charming and that he loves her. "She did not remember almost nothing of what was this evening." Father offers her to leave, but Natasha asks to stay. She goes into the restroom to edit the dress, he leaves helen. Anatoly appears here, Elene immediately disappears somewhere. Anatol speaks again about his love, kisses Natasha. Returning home, Natasha suffers the question of whom she loves: Anatola or Prince Andrew. She does not know what she should do, because it seems to her that she loves both. The next day, the Countess makes a visit to the Bolkonsky-senior, returning home, says that he is a madman and still does not want to hear anything. The Countess suggests to go to everyone in Otradnaya and there to wait for the groom, "otherwise without a quarrel with the Father will not cost." Natasha unwittingly cries: "No!" Natasha transfer a letter from the Princess Mary, in which she apologizes for their behavior at the last meeting. One of the servants under a terrible secret brings a letter from Anatol, in which he swars in love, says that he knows that his native Natasha will not give it to him, promises to kidnap and "take to the edge of the world." This evening, Rostov is leaving for a friend, Natasha under the pretext of headaches remains at home.

Returning late in the evening, Sonya enters Natasha's room and see her inevitable, sleeping on the sofa. She notices a letter from Anatol on the table, read it and terrible. Natasha wakes up, Sonya reproaches her for inconstration, reminds that she saw Anatol only three times. Natasha answers this: "I think I love him a hundred years ... as soon as I saw him, I felt that he was my lord, and I am a slave, and that I can't not love him ... that he me Tell, then I will do. " Sonya continues to reproach her, says that, perhaps he is an ungoligible person, threatens that he herself writes an anatoly letter and tells about all Natasha Father. Natasha shouts in response: "I do not need anyone! I do not like anyone except him! " He drives Sonya, breaking down, runs away. Natasha sits down at the table and writes the answer to the princess Marya, in which he says that all misunderstandings are settled between them and that she cannot be the wife of Prince Andrew.

On the day of departure, the count of Sonya with Natasha is invited to a big dinner to Kuragin, where Natasha is again found with Anatola. Sonya notices that Natasha is negotiated with Anatola. Sonya again tries to warn Natasha, but he asks to leave her, shouts that she hates Sonya that she was her "enemy forever." However, Sonya continues to closely follow the girlfriend and after they return home, notes that she is waiting for something. On the eve of the day, in which the graph was supposed to return, Natasha sits all morning by the window, and Sonya notices that she makes some kind of sign passing by the military. Then Natasha receives a letter again, and Sonya understands that at the current evening, Natasha is obviously some kind of plan. She guesses that Natasha wants to run with Kuragin.

Anatole lives for several days from Dologov. Rostoy's abduction plan was prepared by Dolohov. On Troika Natasha should have to go to the village for 60 versts from Moscow, where the pressed pop was already prepared to marry them. After that, they must go abroad - the Anatol is ready for passports, and the rigorous and 10 thousand rubles, taken from the sister, and another 10 thousand, employed through Dolokhov. They collect things, Solohov reminds that there is still time and "while you can throw this idea." Shechov says that the case is serious, because if you find out that Anatole is married, his "under the criminal court will be submitted." Anatole does not listen. She is interested in what will happen when money ends. Anatole dishes, saying: "What to think about it now!" Shard and Anatol secretly come to the house of growth. But in the courtyard of Anatol, there is a dozen lacquer and asks "to come to the lady." Realizing that the plan failed, Shard with Anatolem is shameful.

It turned out everything as follows: Mary Dmitrievna caught a swollen son in the corridor and made everyone confess. Marya Dmitrievna goes to Natasha, scolds her with "baking" and "shameless" and locks the key. After the share and anatole run away, Marya Dmitrievna goes to admonish Natasha, at that tantrum, she does not want to listen to anything and does not understand the horror of what he wanted to do. The next day, the count arrives, sees the state of Natasha, interested in Maryia Dmitrievna, what's the matter, she is trying to hide what happened.

Pierre receives a letter from Maryia Dmitrievna with an invitation to talk about business concerning Andrei Bolkonsky and his bride. Pierre arrives, Mary Dmitrievna takes an honest word from him and under the strictest secret tells the whole story. Pierre does not believe his ears, does not understand how Natasha could "exchange Bolkonsky on the fool of Anatol". In addition, Pierre knows that Ana-Tol is married, what Mary Dmitrievna reports. That in turn speaks Natasha about it. She does not believe and requires confirmation from Pierre. Pierre confirms this, after which the rabies go to search for the city of Kuragin. Not finding him anywhere, he comes home and finds out that Anatol among other guests at his wife. The wife is frightened, seeing "this expression of rabies and the strength she knew and experienced after Duele with Doolokhov." Pierre tells his wife: "Where you are debauchery there, evil," invites Anatol to "talk" Anatol trying to talk in a contemptuous tone, but Pierre grabs him and "begins to shake out of side until the face of Anatol has taken expressions frightened. Pierre even grabs a heavy press papier from the table, going to discourage them an anatoly head, but it is uncompressed in time and put forward his demands: Anatole should immediately leave Moscow, give him the letters of Natasha and never talk to anyone that was between him and Rostova. "You can not understand, finally, in addition to your pleasure," there is happiness, the calm of other people that you are ruining the whole life from what you want to have fun. "As Pierre overcomes his anger, Anatol recipes again But, despite my bravadas, the next day goes from Moscow. Pierre rides to Rostov, reports the departure of Anatol. Natasha is sick, because at night I tried to poison arsenic that she quietly got quietly. "Swinging him a little, she was so It was frightened that he woke a son and announced what she did. "Day, Pierre in the club hears the stories about an attempt to abduct the growth and struggle to refute them. The rumors reach the old prince Bolkonsky. A few days after the departure Anatoly, Pierre receives notice from the prince Andrei about the arrival. Pierre meets with Andrei, who has already reported on the treason of the bride. Andrei stubbornly speaks with guests about politics, when they stay alone with Pierre, gives him a bundle of letters and a request Transfer this Natasha. Andrei answers the timid questions about Pierre Andrei, he can't ask her hands again and he cannot be generous, then adds that if Pierre wants to be his friend, he should never mention Rostova. The old prince Bolkonsky and Princess Marya do not hide their joy about frustrated marriage. Pierre gives Natasha letters and portrait, Natasha says that he understands that between her and prince Andrey, everything is over, asks Pierre to give the prince Andrei to forgive her for the evil that she causing him. Pierre is trying to console her, says that "I would have been not me, but the most famous and the best person in the world, and would be free, I would like a minute on your knees asking for your hands and love." Natasha cries tears of gratitude and mild. Pierre comes out of growth, goes through the boulevard and sees the comet, the one who was in 1812 and which, as they said, foreshadowed all sorts of horror and the end of the world.

Beat the French. "The superiority of the Russian army in militarily and the commander of Kutuzov was shown in 1812 that the Russian people are invincible. In the bright Pushkin assessment of the identity of the Great Commission, the grain of the image of Kutuzov in the novel of Tolstoy. In the Russian army there lived an indomitable spirit of Suvorovsky" Science to defeat ", National traditions of SUVOROVA military school were alive. Soldiers ...

In the troops there was such a spirit that he never had (Bolkonsky) did not see that the Russian warriors were "twisted the French, and that this success was our strength." Even more fully, the "thought of people" is felt in those chapters of the novel, where heroes close to the people are depicted or seeking to understand him: Tushin and Timokhin, Natasha and Princess Marya, Pierre and Prince Andrei - all those whom you can call "Russian souls". ...

Nikolay Rostov comes on vacation home; Denisov rides with him. Rostov everywhere - both at home, and familiar, that is, all of Moscow - adopted as a hero; It gets closer to Doolokhov (and becomes one of his seconds for duels with bellows). Shelokov makes sentence of Sona, but the one in love with Nicholas refuses; On a farewell feast, arranged for his friends before leaving to the army, he beats Rostov (apparently, not quite honestly) for a large amount, no matter how much the refusal for Sonin.

In the house of growth reigns atmosphere of love and fun, created primarily by Natasha. She sings perfectly, dancing (on the ball at Hogel, dance teachers, Natasha dances Mazurka with Denisov, which causes a general admiration). When Rostov after the loss returns home in the oppressed state, he hears the singing of Natasha and forgets about everything - about losing, about Dolokhov: "All this is nonsense [...] But it is a real." Nikolay is recognized as a father in losing; When you manage to collect the desired amount, he leaves for the army. Denisov, admired by Natasha, asks her hands, gets a refusal and leaves.

In the Bald Mountains in December 1805 visited Vasily with the youngest son - Anatola; The goal of Kurabina was to marry his disturbed son in a rich heiress - Princess Mary. Princess unusually excited the arrival of Anatoly; The old prince did not want this marriage - he did not like Kuragin and did not want to part with his daughter. Accidentally, Princess Marya notices Anatol, hugging her Franting Channelion, M-Lle Styri; To the joy of his father, she refuses an anatoly.

After Austerlitsky battle, the old prince receives a letter from Kutuzov, which says that Prince Andrei "fell a hero worthy of his father and her fatherland." It also says that among the killed Bolkonsky was not found; This allows you to hope that Prince Andrei is alive. Meanwhile, the Princess Lisa, the wife of Andrei, must give birth, and Andrei is returning to the very night of childbirth. Princess Lisa dies; On her dead face, Bolkonsky reads the question: "What did you do with me?" - The feeling of guilt before the late wife no longer leaves him.

Pierre Zuhovova tormented by the question of the connection of his wife with Dolokhov: Hint of acquaintances and an anonymous letter constantly initiate this issue. At dinner in the Moscow English club, arranged in honor of Bagration, between Bezukhov and Doolohov, a quarrel flashes; Pierre causes Dolokhov on a duel, on which he (he does not know how to shoot and never holding a pistol in his hands) His enemy wounds. After a heavy explanation from Hehlen Pierre leaves Moscow to St. Petersburg, leaving her a power of attorney for managing his Velic-Russian estates (which is most of his condition).

On the way to St. Petersburg, Bezukhov stops on the postal station in Torzhok, where he gets acquainted with the famous Masonry Osipo Alekseevich Basdiev, who instructs him - a disappointed, confused, who does not know how and why live further, and gives him a letter of recommendation to one of St. Petersburg Masons. Upon arrival, Pierre enters the Masonic lodge: he was delighted with the truth he who had discovered him, although his dedication ritual himself somewhat confuses him. The desire to do good to the neighbor, in particular, its peasants, Pierre goes to their estates in the Kiev province. There he is very zealously starting reforms, but without having a "practical chain", it turns out to be quite deceived by his managers.

Returning from the South Travel, Pierre visits his friend Bolkonsky in his estate Bogucharovo. Prince Andrei after the Austerlitz firmly decided not to serve anywhere (in order to get from the actual service, he accepted the post of collecting the militia under the start of his father). All of his concerns will be closed on the Son. Pierre notices "extinct, dead look" of his friend, his extension. Pierre's enthusiasm, his new looks contrast sharply with the skeptical mood of Bolkonsky; Prince Andrey believes that neither the school nor the hospitals for the peasants are needed, but to cancel serfdom It is not necessary for the peasants - they are accustomed to him - and for landowners who corrupt unlimited power over other people. When friends go to the Bald Mountains, to the Father and Sister of Prince Andrei, there is a conversation between them (on the ferry during the crossing): Pierre puts his new looks to the prince Andrei ("We live now only on this block of land, but lived and we live forever there, in everything "), and Bologkoe for the first time after Austerlitz sees" High, Eternal Sky "; "Something is the best thing that was in him, suddenly happily woke up in his soul." While Pierre was in the Bald Mountains, he enjoyed close, friendly relationships not only with Prince Andrey, but also with all his relatives and homework; For Bolkonsky, with a meeting with Pierre began (internally) a new life.

Returning from vacation to the regiment, Nikolai Rostov felt at home. Everything was clear, it is known in advance; True, it was necessary to think about how to feed people and horses, - from hunger and diseases regiment lost almost half of the people. Denisov decides to repel transport with food appointed by the infantry shelf; Arrocated to the headquarters, he meets there a calmanic (as an Ober-Provitmister), beats him and should appear for it. Taking advantage of it was easily wounded, Denisov goes to the hospital. Rostov visits Denisov in the hospital - he is striking the type of patients with soldiers lying on the straw and on the shells on the floor, the smell of the roting body; In the officer's chambers, he meets Tushina who lost his hand, and Denisov, who after some persuasion agrees to file a state request for pardon.

With this letter, Rostov departs to Tilzit, where two emperors are a date - Alexander and Napoleon. At the apartment of Boris Drubetsky, enrolled in a retinue of the Russian emperor, Nikolai sees yesterday's enemies - French officers with whom willingly communicates with Drubetsk. All this is the unexpected friendship of the adorable king with yesterday's usurper Bonaparte, and the free friendly communication of the Sweet officers with the French - everything annoys Rostov. He cannot understand why they needed battles, torn hands and legs, if the emperors are so kind with each other and award each other and the soldiers of the enemy armies with the highest orders of their countries. By chance, he managed to transfer a letter to Denisov to a familiar general, and he gives his king, but Alexander refuses: "The law is stronger than me." The terrible doubts in the soul of Rostov are ending with the fact that he convinces familiar officers, like he, dissatisfied with the world with Napoleon, and most importantly - herself is that the sovereign knows better what to do. And "our business is to chop and not think," he says, drowning his doubts.

The enterprises that Pierre started at home and could not bring any result to any result, were performed by Prince Andrey. He translated three hundred souls into free blades (i.e. freed from serf dependence); replaced the bargain in other estates; Peasant children began to learn a diploma, etc. In the spring of 1809, Bolkonsky went on affairs in Ryazan estates. On the way, he notices how everything is green and sunny; Only the huge old oak "did not want to obey the charm of spring" - the prince Andrei in the way with the appearance of this root oak, it seems that his life is coincide.

According to the guardian affairs, Bolkonsky needs to be seen with Ilyona Rostov - county leader of the nobility, and Prince Andrei goes to the Otradny, the estate of growth. At night, Prince Andrei hears the conversation of Natasha and Sony: Natasha is full of delight from the delights of the night, and in the soul of Prince Andrew "the unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes rose." When - already in July - he drove into the very grove, where he saw the old corywood oak, he transformed: "Through a hundred-torn tough barks made his way without bitch of juicy young leaves." "No, life is not over thirty-one," - decides Prince Andrei; He goes to St. Petersburg to "take an active participation in life."

In St. Petersburg, Bolkonsky brings together with the Speransky - state secretary, close to the emperor with an energetic reformer. Andrei, the Speransk Prince Andrei experienced a feeling of admiration, "similar to the one that he once experienced to Bonaparte." The prince becomes a member of the Commission for the compilation of military charter. At this time, Pierre Duhov also lives in St. Petersburg - he was disappointed in Freemasonry, reconciled (externally) with his wife Helen; In the eyes of the world, he is an eccentric and kind small, but in his soul it continues "difficult work of internal development".

Rostov also turn out to be in St. Petersburg, since the old graf, wanting to correct money, comes to the capital to seek the place of service. Berg makes the proposal of faith and marries her. Boris Drubetskaya, a close man in the Salon of the Countess Helene Bezuhova, begins to ride to Rostov, unable to resist the charm of Natasha; In a conversation with Mother Natasha confesses that he is not in love with Boris and is not going to marry him, but she likes that he drives. Countess talked to Drubetsky, and he stopped to be in growth.

On the eve of the New Year there must be a ball in the Ekaterini Velmazbi. Rostov are carefully prepared for the ball; At the very ball Natasha fear and timidity, delight and excitement. Prince Andrei invites her to dance, and "Her charms struck her head": After Bala, he seems to be insignificant to his classes in the Commission, the Soviet Speech, the activities of the Speransky. He makes Natasha's proposal, and Rostov take it, but by the condition assigned to the old prince Bolkonsky, the wedding can take place only in a year. For this year, Bolkonsky leaves abroad.

Nikolay Rostov comes on vacation to Otradnaya. He is trying to put the economic affairs in order, trying to check the bills of the clerk Mitenka, but nothing comes out of this. In mid-September, Nikolay, the old Graph, Natasha and Peter with the sovereign dogs and the retinue of hunters go to a big hunt. Soon they are joined by their far relative and a neighbor ("Uncle"). The old graph with his servants missed the wolf, for which the Lovely Danilo Orurug him, as if forgetting that the count of his barin. At that time, another wolf came to Nikolai, and Rostov's dogs took it. Later, the hunters met a neighbor's hunt - Ilagin; Dogs Ilagina, Rostov and Uncle drove the hare, but he took his Uncleshkin Maobl Rugai, which led to the admiration of the uncle. Then Rostov with Natasha and Petei go to Uncle. After dinner, Uncle began to play the guitar, and Natasha went to dance. When they returned to the apologist, Natasha admitted that he would never be so happy and calm as now.

The shields come; Natasha languishes from longing by the prince Andrei - for a short time it, like everyone else, entertains the trip to the neighbors, but the idea that "the gift disappears its best time," torments it. During the Svyag, Nikolai felt particularly sharply felt the love of Son and announced her mother and father, but this conversation was very upset by: Rostov hoped that their property circumstances would correct the marriage of Nicholas on a rich bride. Nikolai returns to the regiment, and the old Graph and Sonya and Natasha leaves to Moscow.

Old Bolkonsky also lives in Moscow; He fell markedly, became irritable, the relationship with her daughter had spoiled, which torments the old man himself, and especially the princess Marjo. When the Graph Rostov with Natasha come to Bolkonsky, they take growth unfriendly: the prince - with the calculation, and the princess of Marya - herself suffering from awkwardness. Natasha is hurting it; To console her, Mary Dmitrievna, in the house of which Rostov stopped, took her a ticket to Opera. In the Rostov Theater, Boris Drubetsky meet, now the groom Juli Karagina, Dolokhova, Elene Bezuhov and her brother Anatoly Kuragin. Natasha meets Anatolam. Helen invites the growth towards himself, where Anatole pursues Natasha, tells her about her love for her. He secretly sends her letters to her and is going to kidnap her to be secretly married (Anatole was already married, but no one knew it).

The abduction is not possible - Sonya accidentally learns about him and recognized Marya Dmitrievna; Pierre tells Natasha that Anatol is married. Andrei who arrived, Andrei lets about the refusal of Natasha (she sent a letter to the Princess Mary) and about her novel with Anatola; He returns her letters through Pierre through Pierre. When Pierre arrives at Natasha and sees her ack-like face, he becomes sorry for her and at the same time he suddenly tells her that if he had been "the best person in the world," then she would ask her arms and love. "Her In tears of "Deaming and Happiness" he leaves.

In this volume, the public life is shown, just on the eve of the Patriotic War, namely 1806-1811. In this volume, relations between heroes, all feelings and experiences are revealed. The theme of fathers and children is rising, of course, as without friendship and love, the search for the meaning of life is shown. The author very accurately depicts in the novel to what the heroes feel the soul, shows their own "war and peace".

Part 1

Chapter 1

Nikolay Rostov came to Moscow on vacation. But he was not alone with him Denisov, who was a squadron commander and he drives to Voronezh, but Rostov was able to persuade him to come back to visit them, to Moscow.

They did not have time to stop near the house of growth, like Nikolai, did not honey, jumped out of the sleigh, and headed to the hall. Her relatives and close people were waiting for him. What did Natasha cost, she jumped and squeezed from a joyful meeting. Sonya was also near, she kept him by her hand and had shone from happiness, looking into the eyes of Nikolai. Sona has already been 16 years old, she grew up a very beautiful girl. Nikolai looked at Sonya with gratitude, but he still waited for someone else. And then there were very fast steps behind the door, but I could not think that it was his mother, but it was actually she.

Mother approached Nikolay and crying pressed against his chest. Meanwhile, Denisov entered the room, but the first seconds nobody paid attention to him. And he with a smile admired such a tender meeting. But here the homework noticed him. Natasha joyfully jumped to him and kissed. Of course, all of her act embarrassed and Denisova, too, but he just smiled.

The next morning Natalia approached Nikolay and asked him to continue to turn to Sona "You". But she will still always love him, but he, in turn, can feel free. Nikolai decided that it was even very good.

When he met with Sonya in the living room, he just kissed her hand and turned her as she asked. Sonya showed that she asks for forgiveness, for not herself told him about his promise and thanks for love. He, in turn, was grateful to her for freedom and also said that he could not love her.

Denisov appears in the living room. It looks like a scale, actually as always, and a kind cavalier in communicating with the ladies, that for Rostov became a surprise.

Chapter 2.

Nikolai returned from the army was adopted by society as one of the enviable grooms, the relatives met him with warmth. He was skidded to bachelipes and entertainment, and he completely forgets about Sona. All this seems to him by the guys. At the very beginning of March the month, the Rostov family planned lunch to accept Bagration. Moreover, in Moscow, they preferred to pose about the defeat near the Austerlitz. But when everything calmed down, only then began to say that the causes of the defeat is to betray the Austrians and the failure of Kutuzov, even the arguments about the inexperience of the emperor himself. But still, the army was praised, but Bagration was considered a hero. But completely forgot about Bolkonsky.

Chapter 3.

On March 3, still, the planned dinner was held on which there were 300 people. Invited were: Denisov, Rostov, Rolohov, Duhshov with their wife, Helen, Shinshin and many noble Lords of Moscow.

Here Bagration himself entered the hall, whom everyone was waiting for. He felt very uncertain. He was familiar to walking on the field, swept through the bullets than on the patched parquet. Of course, everyone met him with joy, spent in the living room, where he was presented with a silver saucer with verses. He was extremely uncomfortable and awkward. But only read half of the poem, how the Kushan had already become served.

Chapter 4.

Pierre Ducheov was sitting at the table opposite Dolokhov. And he was oppressed by the thoughts that he was the lovers of his wife Helen. Moreover, the gossip were supported by the morning letter, in which the author, wrote, how so that a man does not see the obvious. At first, he refused to believe in it, but he saw Dologov, thought it could be true. Pierre remembers how she came home to him and stayed with his night. He even defeated him money, and Helen smiled, and expressed her joy. But Fedor cynically praised the beauty of his wife.

But suddenly Solokhov offers a toast toast at the table "For the health of beautiful ladies and their lovers." It brought Pierre from himself, and he called him a scoundrel, causing him to duel.

Denisov asks Rostov so that he does not interfere in this dispute, but as a result, he becomes Siberian Dolokhov. Pierre leaves home, and share, Denisov and Rostov spend all night in the club. Shard calm.

Chapter 5.

The next day, a duel took place at 8 am. Lyuhov was scattered and disturbed two thoughts. One was the fault of his wife, and the other that she could not be guilty.

But, nevertheless, he did not apologize, as he believed that he was still. Then they gave the team converge. Pierre never held a gun in his hands before that day. He did not even aim, but still Ranil Dologov, the second he fired the second forces, but missed.

Rostov and Denisov held him home, where they learned that she was together with her mother and sister. He was for them the most tender and caring son and brother.

Chapter 6.

At night, Pierre constantly thought about how he became such a person who went to shoot. And he found the only justification: his marriage was made under pressure, he thought he would love, but actually he was mistaken. He decided to go to St. Petersburg, because he could not be with helen under the same roof. But will leave her a letter where it will definitely write, why he wants to part with it.

In the morning, Helen went to his room and asked the only thing he wanted to prove his duel. She was annoyed by the fact that he believed these gossip and put it with a mixture of Moscow. To which he said to her, they need to part. She agreed, but with the condition that he will leave her condition. But he was furious and, grabbing a blackboard from the marble from the table, swung on her.

He began to scream very loud. Helen was frightened and ran out of the room. A week later, Pierre handed her power of attorney to all his estates, and he went to St. Petersburg himself.

Chapter 7.

Potted two months, as was announced about the defeat in the Austerlitsky battle, as well as the fact that Prince Andrei died. His father, of course, believed in the death of Andrei, but Marya still hoped for his return. But the younger princess was decided to say nothing yet, as long as she does not give birth. The prince tried to live, as before, but every day he left his strength.

Chapter 8.

From morning March 19, Lisa said that he feels bad. They decided to send for the midwife, which had already lived in the Bald Mountains for the whole week. But Lisa was against. Birth began. Nobody slept in the estate. But at night, Prince Andrei arrived from St. Petersburg with the doctor. Marya did not believe it, she simply did not think that this miracle could happen. But it was Andrei, who was evident, pale, anxiously on his face. He went to Lisa.

Chapter 9.

Lisa has already let go of suffering, and she smiled happily. She was not surprised by the appearance of Andrey. And as soon as the flour began again, the midwife asked him to go out.

He went to the next room, where he heard moans. But suddenly there was a cry and fell swoop. Then he was glad to cry a child and then, in his head, thought flashed, why did they bring it there. But feeling my friend, I realized that it was his child.

He cried and entered Lisa. She was not moving, in the same position in which he saw her a few minutes ago. She died. And in the corner, I heard a squeak and someone small was in the hands of the midwife.

Two hours passed, and Andrei went to his father, but he knew everything and just hugged his son for her neck and cried.

Three days later, she was buried, and Andrei friendly felt emptiness, as if he had been torn off, he felt his guilt, but unfortunately could not fix anything.

Chapter 10

The fact that Rostov participated in Duelokhov and Zuhovov was quickly hushed up, and Nikolai became an adjutant at the Moscow Governor General. He did not leave the village to relatives, and all the time was in Moscow. Shelahov recovered, and during this time Nikolai with him very closely.

Chapter 11.

Family Rostova collects lunch on the third day of christmas. It was attended by Nikolai, Polokhov and Denisov. They gathered immediately after baptism to go to serve. Here Nikolai will find out from the sister that Fyodor offered her hand and the heart of Sona, but received a negative answer. She explained that he loves another person. Natasha is perfectly known that never be the wedding of Nikolai and Sony. And Nikolyka himself, says that he loves Sonya with all his heart, but she must think about the proposal.

Chapter 12.

Ball will be held in Hogel. Natasha is glad and in love with others. Sonya remained proud to be able to refuse Dolohov. And Natasha invites Denisov to dance and completely immersed in the dance atmosphere. At the end, which, all admire them.

Chapter 13.

After that, she sent Nicholas a note in which he wrote that he would no longer be able to come to visit them and leaving serve to serve. He invites him to a farewell lunch.

Chapter 14.

Nikolai comes to Fedor and cares of playing cards. Shelokov proposes to play him, Nikolay agrees. He loses once over time. And Fyodor set the condition that the game will continue until Nikolai lose 43 rubles. Everything happened, Rostov lost.

Here, she begins to ask when he will give him a debt, Nikolai flared and said that he cannot pay, but will give him a bill. She said with a mockery who was not happy in the maps, he lucky in love and began to talk about Sona. But Nikolai flatly replied that Kuzina had no relation to this and tomorrow he would receive his money.

Chapter 15.

Nikolai comes home gloomy, but hearing the wonderful singing of Natasha, catches himself to think that you can steal or slaughter, but still stay happy. The Father appears here, and Nikolai informs him about his loss. Of course, he scolds himself for it, knowing the already poor position of his father and asks him for forgiveness.

But there runs Natasha and says Mother that Denisov offered her to become his wife. The countess was shocked by this and advised to refuse him. But Natasha is sorry for him and then the Countess herself, says the young man that her daughter is still quite young.

Chapter 16.

The next day, Nikolai defeats Denisov, and he himself remains to wait for money and stays in Moscow for two more weeks. Sonya is very gentle and is predicted. She seemed to indicate that the loss was a feat, and she respects him for it. And on the contrary, he felt unworthy of her. In the end, he sends all the money all money and receives a receipt, and then leaves in November to serve in the army, to Poland.

Part 2

Chapter 1

After Pierre explained to his wife and left for St. Petersburg, he had a mental crisis. He began to reflect on life and death, about that for what to live. But he was scary to die.

Chapter 2.

On the way to Petersburg, he meets an elderly person who was Mason Basmeev. He told him that he didn't believe in God, and he said to him that he simply did not know God, and this is the cause of his unfortunate life. And begins to preach the Bezukhov ideas of Freemasonry. Pierre believes his words and it seems to appear a sense of renewal, peace and he returns to life.

Chapter 3-4

Upon arrival in St. Petersburg Pierre, he begins to seriously delve into the Freemasonry, reads a lot of books. He enters the Brotherhood of Masons, where members believed that he needed to make his wife. But he cannot agree with this and make the decision to go to his estate where Helen lives.

Chapter 5.

Prince Vasily comes to Pierre. He begins to convince him that helen is not to blame for what Pierre accuses. Vasily tries to persuade to face helen or otherwise Pierre may suffer from it. He doubts the correctness of his decision. He is angry at the prince and drives him out, and a week later returns to his estates.

Chapters 6-7

Helen comes to Petersburg. Here it is well met and do not repay anything, but the contrary swear Pierre. It is planned at Madame Schever, and, of course, Boris Drubetskaya is present on it. He now served as an adjutant with a serious man. He does not remember very well about the family house of Rostov and Natasha. He is interested in Helen, he calls her to visit. Now they are close friends and often be in her house.

Chapter 8.

And the war continues everything and almost approaches the Russian borders. Prince Bolkonsky is determined by the commander-in-chief of one of the eight militias. And now he is constantly in the roadway.

Chapter 9.

Princess Marya devotes his little Nichochka all his time, he called him so Nikolai Andreevich. She replaces the mother to mom. After Andrei returned, the father gave him Bogucharovo, which is located about 40 versts from the Bald Mountains and he lives separately from him. After the battle of Austerlitz, he decided not to return to the service, but only to engage in the education of the Son. After all, he is the only thing he has left. He still feels guilty of his wife's death.

Chapter 10

After Pierre accepted the Masons in the Brotherhood, he had to go to Kiev with the leadership.

Arriving there, he convened all the managers and spoke about his intentions. He said that the peasants will be released, there will be no bodily punishment with respect to them, only Lotting. And with each estate there must be a hospital, school and shelter.

But the chief manager says that the transformation is good, but you need to do business that are in a deplorable state. But Pierre lacked values, because, starting a new thing, he thought it was not moving. But from all innovations, the manager tried to extract his benefit. He performed some instructions that had to deceive it. Pierre began to ride in his estates, and it had a great deal about him. In some estate, they asked bread and salt, in the other asked to build the church, and in the third in general, he was met by a priest who taught the children of diploma.

But Pierre even it was unknown that women had even harder now, and the church had already begun to build rich men. He also did not know that the priest was collecting big defeats that many were simply unable. Managing just deceives naive rams.

Chapter 11.

When Pierre returned from his journey, he decided to come back to his friend, Bolkonsky. He did not see him for about two months. Of course, he noticed all the changes that happened to him. He became affectionate, smiled, but his eyes had a dead. Pierre has not yet used to see him like that. They talked about the past and shared plans for the future. Pierre was glad to express his views.

Having dining, they spoke about the wedding of Pierre, but Andrei this news was very surprised. Bezukhov said he was grateful that he did not kill a man for a duel, to which Andrei answered him, which is very difficult to determine where the truth, and where is the lie, justice and carelessness.

And now he has a main goal - to avoid these angry. But Pierre did not agree with him and began to tell him about empathy, love to neighbor. But Andrei just smiled at it, and said that Pierre had a lot in common with his sister.

Then they began to talk about the peasantry. And the position of Bolkonsky was that it is not necessary to help them get rid of the animal state, because for them it is happiness, and Pierre deprives them.

Chapter 12.

In the evening, they went to the bald mountains. Andrei showed the fields and told about his improvements in the economy. And Pierre began to tell him about Freemasonry. During the conversations, they drove up to the river, which spread, and it is possible to twist it on the ferry.

Andrei looked at the surface of the water. Despite the fact that Pierre knew that Andrei was an atheist, but still began to talk about death and God. But the prince said that he now believes in the existence of the Lord. What Pierre told him that if there is God, hence, there is a future, truth, virtue, and accordingly, the Higher happiness of man.

Andrei sighed and looked at Pierre. When he came down from the ferry, then for the first time after the battle looked at the sky, and at that moment youth and joy awakened in it, as in former times.

But this feeling once disappeared, but Andrei was sure that it still lives in it. Meeting with Pierre became a point that served as the beginning of a new life.

Chapter 13.

They drove up to the house when it was felt. Andrei's father was in the city and waited for him. Andrei conducted Pierre to the sister who was with God's people. She was confused before the wards. To this, her hobby, Andrei refers to a mockery.

She, of course, was delighted by the arrival of Pierre, she knew him since childhood and her relationship to him were positive. With his radiant glance, she seemed to ask him not to laugh at these people. Pierre never met them, so very carefully listened to their stories. Somewhere for about ten o'clock came the prince, who was in a good arrangement of the Spirit.

Chapter 14.

Only after Pierre arrived in the bald mountains, he was able to understand the entire value of friendship with Andrey. All this was expressed in relations with him and his relatives. He felt comfortable in their surroundings, as if with old friends. It was very good for Marya, and even the little Nikolyka pulled his children's handles to him.

After Pierre left, all the home began to talk about it, as it happens in families after the appearance of a new person

Chapter 15.

Nikolai Rostov returns to his regiment. He decides that it will be a good friend, officer, and just a wonderful person. He slowly returns the debt to parents. The Russian army is located near Bainstein. But the soldiers are starving, because of what they start to root often. Paval coil regiment lost a lot of people. In the spring period there is a new disease. Many doctors suggest that the whole reason lies in the root of grass, which soldiers eat.

Chapter 16.

Denisov takes transport with products that were intended for the infantry regiment. This meal to feed all the soldiers, but it is still called to the headquarters in order to lean the case. He is returning enraged, because the Commissioner who is responsible for provisions is a veal. The headquarters opened the case. But he is wounded, and he falls into the hospital.

Chapter 17.

After some time, Nikolai Rostov goes to the hospital to test his comrade. Immediately on the stairs, he feels the smell of rot, he meets a doctor who warns him that it is not safe here, since it is a typhoid. Many wounded simply do not stand and die in a week.

Chapter 18.

Rostov began to be interested in Denisov, for which he was answered that he was translated into the officer chambers. But he learned another person, it was a tushin, he in the hospital made an amputation of hands.

When Nikolai came, he still slept, although it was already twelve hour. He was glad to see his friend. Despite the fact that his wound was not serious, she still did not heal. Denisov did not ask about the shelf and the stories of Nicholas did not want to listen about the service.

Denisov showed him paper from headquarters and answer to her. One of the patients said that Vasily is the time forgiveness from the sovereign, but Denisov began to protest. Tushin also thought that it was necessary to serve, of course, Nikolai thought also was sure that the captain was right. But Vasily then wrote a document to the name of the sovereign.

Chapter 19.

Nikolai returns to the regiment and brings news of Denisov to the commander.

Chapter 20.

Nikolay takes the paper and rides in the case of Denisov to Tilzit, it was here that the Emperor and Bonaparte meeting should take place. He immediately found Boris Trubetsky and asked to convey the petition on his channels. By the way, the Trubetskoy served in a retinue of the emperor. But Boris did not take a letter, although he promised to try.

In June, the first of the world's first conditions were signed. The rulers exchanged orders.

Rostov still tried to transfer the letter and even went to the house where the sovereign was stopped, but he was not allowed there. But he met a friend there, who outlined the whole situation and asked to get out for a friend. The general said that a sorry for his well done and took the letter.

Chapter 21.

The sovereign appeared on the stairs. The general who took the letter from Nicholas approached him, but Alexander replied loudly and clearly, so that everyone heard that the law was stronger than him and he could not do anything. Then he sat down at the horse and rowed, and Nikolai, as many of the crowd ran to him after. The world was signed in Tilsit, and Nikolai began to think about, why were these injured and death were needed. He had many different thoughts that he simply scolded and sometimes.

Before you leave, he went to the hotel to dine. At lunch, two officers sat down to him. Their world did not please at all. But he just ate and was silent, without commenting on their conversation. Suddenly, one officer began to look at the French and loudly arguing about the actions of the sovereign.

Part 3.

Chapter 1

Napoleon and Alexander are united in war against Austria.

Andrei spends the reform in his estates that he conceived to hold. He begins to read a lot of books, become one of the most educated people. In the spring, he goes to the Son's estate, which is located in Ryazan. He was driving anything without thinking how suddenly his attention was attracted by Oak. And then he begins to reflect on life, that it is worth not to change anything, because he must live his life, no one causing evil, pain and nothing to regret anything.

Chapter 2.

Bolkonsky goes to the estate of the guardianship. He will come to the meeting charming, with black hair and eyes. And at the sight of her it hurts, because she is happy and she has no matter to him. In the evening, before bedtime, he becomes an involuntary witness to the conversation of Natasha and Sony. They reasoned about the beauty of the night. But Andrei disturbed most of all that Natasha can say something about him, but, alas, they didn't even say about him. The girl is sent to sleep, and Andrei had thoughts and hopes that go into incision with his life.

Chapter 3.

The next day, when he decided all his business with a graph, he would recover home and rises again through Tu Pole, where he saw Oak. But only now he was transformed and sealing. Then he felt joy, and thought flashed in his head that at 31 years old life was not over. After all, it is now he knows everything that is in him.

Chapter 4-6.

Andrei comes to Petersburg and begins to lead a completely different life. He began to communicate with his friends and acquaintances again. Oh did not speak in society, they became interested in. Andrei was visiting Count Kochubey, where he saw Speransky. He is fond of his activities. In turn, Speransky calls him to visit. They talk a lot, for Bolkonsky he becomes an ideal.

Andrei put the boss in the Commission, which is engaged in writing the charter and laws for the army.

Chapter 7.

Pierre Ducheov goes to Petersburg. He began to raise again, it scares it. Pierre constantly sponsors, and take care of society, but over time he has frustrated. He goes abroad, where he opens the highest mystery of Masons and assign high title. When he returns to Petersburg, then at the meeting he tells that now it's just necessary to act. All this leads to a rupture with masons.

Chapters 8-10.

Pierre receives a letter from Helen, where she writes to him, which was very missed and wishes to meet him. Then he gets an invitation from the mother-in-law. He rushes with Helen. He asked her forgiveness, and immediately appeared a feeling of happiness and joy.

Now Helen took a very important place in the society of St. Petersburg. She has its own salon. In this situation, Pierre is a very worthy figure that should be with her. He is wondering how everyone does not notice that she is stupid. He also annoys that in their house there is a frequent guest is Boris Drubetskaya.

Chapter 11.

The growth of growth did not become better, so they decide to move to St. Petersburg. The count has a familiar Berg, he grown over the career stairs. He offers faith to become his wife and gets a positive answer.

Chapters 12-13.

Natasha turned 16 years old. Boris comes to visit Rostov. He is crazy about Natasha, because now in front of him a matured, good girl. He understands that he did not cooled to her, and the interest increased is stronger. He less often ride to helen and began to spend more time in the family of growth. But in one of the evenings Natasha talks to the mother of Boris and says that he is not sympathetic at all. The next morning, Natasha's mother is talking to a guy, and he stops to appear.

Chapters 14-17.

A New Year's Ball will take place at one of the courtiers of Catherine. Rostov are invited to this ball. For Natasha, this is her first ball, so it is experiencing. She really likes everything on the ball, her eyes sparkle. Alexander I is present on the ball, which opens the ball. Bolkonsky invites Natasha to the dance and then he feels that he came to life and grinding.

Chapter 18.

After the Bala, Blocks understand that there is something unusual in Natasha, who does not inherent in St. Petersburg girls. He completely lost interest in state work. And somehow he heard Laughter of Speransky, who was talked, he was immediately disappointed in him, because he understood that he had no soul, and he was not ideal at all.

Chapter 19.

Andrew again comes to the family of growth to visit. After the evening he was very good and calm in the soul, but he had not yet realized that he was in love with Natasha. And then he is remembered by Pierre's words about happiness, which must be believed.

Chapters 20-21

Even from Bergs. Pierre, Boris, Andrei and Natasha attended it. Pierre sees that the feelings broke out between Andrei and Natasha. But here the faith interferes, which tells Andrei that once Natasha was in love with Boris.

Chapter 22.

Andrei is constantly in growth. Natasha says Mother that she is in love with Bologkoe, and since that moment in Otradnaya. Andrei is divided with Pierre about his love for Natasha and the desire to marry.

A reception will take place at Helen, but the Pierre does not like it all. Bolkonsky share with Pierre thoughts that if anyone he said that he would love it, he did not believe it. Now for him the world shared into two parts: one piece is light, happy, with hopes, and there is Natasha, and the other side is dark and dark, because there are no Natasha.

Chapters 23-24.

Andrei asks for his father to be allowed to marry, but he says that the celebration is delayed for a year. He says Natasha, which intends to marry. She is happy, but gets upset that it has to be transferred. Andrei says their engagement mystery and if a year later she will have a desire to marry, then the wedding will take place. He comes to them daily and behaves in the role of the groom. But it happened that there was a need and Bolkonsky is forced to leave.

Chapter 25.

Father Bolkonsky has greatly weakened health. All his anger he splashes on Marjo. In winter, Andrew is returned home, but he does not talk about feelings for growth. His sister sends a letter Juli Karginina that she does not believe that Andrei decided to marry. Her position against this wedding.

Chapter 26.

Andrey sends Marya a letter in which he writes about the engagement with Natasha. And asks her to ask her father to reduce the term. She gives his father, but he is in rage. Marya wants to leave and forget about earthly issues, but it is not able to leave the father and the nephew.

Part 4.

Chapters 1-2.

Parents Nikolai Rostov ask him to come to Otradnaya, because their business became even worse. The young man begins to engage in economic affairs, but aware that he does not understand anything. Nikolai sees Natasha changed in positive sideBut he does not please him that the wedding was transferred.

Chapters 3-6.

Rostov go hunting. Nikolay descends dogs to the wolf. But still the hero became fortified Danil, he was able to defeat him with bare hands. In the process of hunting, Nikolay meets Ilagin.

Chapter 7.

Nikolai and Natasha ride a visit to the uncle in Mikhailovka. The uncle walked them a noble and disinterested eccentric, he was suggested a lot of good posts, but he constantly did not agree to them. Uncle plays the guitar, and his game inspires Natasha on songs and dances. Rostov go home, in the apologist.

Chapter 8.

Family financial affairs growth is very bad. Therefore, the Countess is trying to marry Nicholas on a secured bride. She writes a letter Juli Karginine and asks her about marrying Nicolae, what she answers positively. But Nikolai is against it and begins to show interest in Sona. Countess is not happy.

Chapters 9-11

Sky. Rostov gathered together. Natasha sadness, she thinks that every day becomes olde and older, and when Andrew returns, it will not be as before. Countess asks to sing the daughter. When she sings, the mother notes that there is something because of what she will not be happy. Rostov is elegant, in costumes make a decision, and like the neighbors in Melukovka.

Chapter 12.

The family returns to its estate. Nikolay understands that he does not want to part with Sonya. Girls are guessing. Natasha sees nothing in the mirror, but the Son seemed that she noticed Bolkonsky, and something red and blue. Natasha is worried about his groom.

Chapter 13.

Nikolay Rostov informs Mother that wishes to marry Sona. But she does not even hear about solving the Son. She begins to scold Sonya. Mother and son quarrel. But Natasha managed to avoid the scandal. We agreed that Sonya would not be oppressed, but Nikolai will not make any serious decision without the consent of the parents. He departs in the regiment, to bring things in order. Returning, he still intends, marries Sona. Natasha, her father and sonia go to Moscow

Part 5.

Chapter 1

Pierre lives an active life, communicates in the company of bachelor. He does not have the desire to compromise his wife, so it goes to Moscow, it takes very well there. He also begins to read a lot.

Chapters 2-3.

Father Bolkonsky rides from Marya to Moscow. Marya is difficult here, because she does not communicate with God's people, it is alone. Bolkonsky begins to close with the companion of Marya, cares for her. The name of the prince of the Bolkonsky elder, where he shares his opinion that the Russians would start winning the Bonaparte when they stop interfering in the affairs of Europe and the Germans. But extractor sees and says, France is an ideal.

Chapter 4.

Boris often arrives at Borconsky, and Marya does not pay attention to his courtesy. Pierre begins to ask her about Boris. Pierre asks Marya, will agree with Boris's proposal. Pierre this answer surprises. Marya is interested in His Natasha. She says that she will try to make friends with her and arrange the father to her.

Chapter 5.

Boris comes to Julie Karagina. She is waiting for his suggestions, but the young man is frightened by her bright desire to marry. Anna Mikhailovna tries to push his son to the wedding, because the girl has a good attached. Boris makes her the proposal of the hand and hearts.

Chapter 6.

Natasha and her father, as well as Sonya at arrival in Moscow, stop in Natashina. She promises to help Natasha. She congratulates her mace and says that it would be nice to visit Bolkonsky, in order to get a positive attitude of Andrei family.

Chapter 7.

Natasha and her father come to Bolkonsky, but the girl does not like how they accepted them. It seemed to her that Marya was simply a favor, and the prince and at all came to them in a bathrobe, citing that he did not know that they come. After that, the relationship between Marya and Natasha becomes even worse. Arriving to the godfather, Natasha cries.

Chapters 8-10.

Rostov go to listen to the opera. Natasha reflects about what feels for Andrei and considers it the main thing. Natasha notices Helen and she delighted her beauty.

Opera begins, but Natasha noticed in the bed of the fierce adjutant, it was anatole. He draws attention to the girl. Natasha invites Helen to his lie and introduces them to Anatola. She understands that the guy is not bad at all, even despite the many rumors, but in his society it is hard. And then she understands that now her feelings for Andrei are not clean.

Chapter 11.

Anatol arrived in Moscow in order to conclude a profitable marriage for himself, he stopped at Helen. But not everyone knows the story for a period of two years. Then he married a girl from a poor family, but soon divorced her father's money for the status of a idle person. He talks to Dolokhov about Natasha.

Chapter 12.

After Natasha visited the Bolkonsky and theater, she is greatly worried if she did not violate the promise that Andrei gave. Helen invites Natasha for the evening. Anatole asked her about it.

Chapter 13.

Natasha, her father, Sonya go to Everan evening. But Natasha is very uncomfortable there, it seems to her that she fell into some kind of insane world. Anatol invites her to dance and confesses to her in love, and then kisses her. Returning, she is immersed in meditation about love.

Chapter 14.

The godfather Natasha says that he visited Bolkonsky and advises Rostov to leave for the village and wait there Andrei. She gives a letter to Maria, where she regrets and asks not to keep offense on her father. Immediately, Kuragin sends a letter to Natalia, where it reports that it can no longer be without it and if she denies him, he will arrange her abduction. She begins to think that he loves him.

Chapter 15.

Natasha sends Mary's letter, where refuses Andrew. Then she sees with Kuragin and tells Son that he wants to escape with him. But Sonya convinces that she will spoil life and tries to prevent her escape every possible way.

Chapters 16-18.

Anatol shares with Doolo about the escape plan, which also includes wedding. But Boris dissuads him in every way, but Kuragin does not even listen to him. The abduction of growth breaks down and Boris notices it first, so it helps to hide an anatoly.

All the plans of Natasha became known, because her godfather forces Sonya to tell everything. Natasha informs her that he wrote Andrei's refusal. But the godfather decides to keep everything in secret from Natasha's father.

Chapters 19-20.

Marya Dmitrievna calls Pierre. He arrives in Moscow, but tries not to meet with Natasha, because he thinks that his feelings for her are much stronger than should be to the bride of a friend. She tells him that the abduction of Natasha was torn and ruining the engagement with Andrei. And asks to force Kuragin to leave Moscow, to which Pierre reports that he is married. Pierre find Anatol at Helen. He is just in rage and says that where they are debauchery everywhere. Pierre says that he returned all the letters of Natasha and not tell anyone about what happened. The next morning Anatol rides in St. Petersburg.

Chapter 21.

Natasha finds out that the status of Anatol and wants to poison arsenic. Pierre in every way wants to dispel all the rumors and doubts about the abduction of growth. Andrey returns and father gives him a letter. He asks Pierre to give all the letters and portrait of Natasha. Pierre tries to remind him of talking about forgiveness. But Andrei says he will never be able to forgive betrayal. In the house of the Blocks rejoices, and Pierre understands that Rostov, here was treated with charity and now only welcome the break between Natasha and Andrei.

Chapter 22.

Pierre goes to Rostov, he feels pity and love for Natasha. Talking with her, he says if he was not married, then he asked her hands. Pierre sees a comet of 1812, which foreshadows something bad. But it seems to him, on the contrary, this star corresponds to his good, softening and blooming soul.

The results of the second volume

Read summary This volume can be understood that the author introduces the events that occurred in the life of the heroes of the work, as well as with the actions of history that are important for Russia. It shows that the heroes feel the coming changes that will soon be accomplished.

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