Stockings. Pickup cooks, or cheating of a depraved woman

The novel is preceded by a letter to the anonymous benefactor "Camerager and various orders of Kavaleru" in order to draw the attention of the reader to the fact that praise or indignation turn into dust, like a person who praises or flocks this book. The author draws the reader in verses, calling him to be attentive, but indulgent.

A storyteller tells that nineteen-year-old widowed, since her husband died under Poltava and, being a man of a simple title, left it without any content. And since the life of the poor widow corresponds to the saying "Shele de, widow, wide sleeves, would be where to put adolescent words", then the heroine with ease agreed to the proposal to make the patronage of the very fitting of the butler noble lord. His heroine was put to his money, hired a maid and soon attracted the attention of all Kiev, where she lived, with his beauty and fun.

Soon, the gate of her house appeared Mr., who gave her gold tobacco with diamonds, because of what Marton, so calling the story, concluded that it was interested in very important especially. However, the former man, seeing tobackerka and identifying her owner's thing in it, threatened to the ungrateful widow to the thread. Marton was frightened before he slot, but returned with the wagon of the butler, seeing the bed of a sick owner, Primdal himself and expressed the heroine of the deepest reverence and continued to serve his lover his lord.

His owner, LIGHT, soon received a letter from his elderly father, and anticipating an ambulance ending. The Lights did not dare to leave the city without his girlfriend, but his buddy and a neighbor for the estate suggested them to go together and leave Maton in his village under the guise of relatives. On the way, the Lights admitted that he was married, and married recently. It was disturbed by the story, as she premeditated the disaster threatening. The premonition of it was fully justified, and during the next date with a beloved light, the wardrobe in the room, where they were kind, suddenly opened and the furious wife of the Sveton came out of it, hurried to escape. Marton suffered from a deceived wife a lot of fell and found himself on the street without a penny and belonging. The former silk dress had to exchange on peasant clothes and get to Moscow, to suffer and resent.

In Moscow, the storytellor managed to get a cook to the secretary who lived bribes and offerings of the petitioners. The wife of the secretary was not distinguished by virtues - changed her husband and was inclined to drunkenness, so I made the cook with my forehead. The stationery who lived in the house entertained the heroine with his stories. In his opinion, the true example of the mind and the study are famous Marton Secretary and Strank. The poetmen is not at all what heroin thinks about them. It was somehow in the office of some Lomonosov's office, so none of the order could not understand her, and therefore it was declared this ode with wanderings, inferior in all respects the last stationery note. Marton had to endure the stupidity of the office, as he generously gave it. I like it with it, it began to attract the attention of housing rehabils. The secretary's wife tolerate this did not and refused Marton from the place. Nobody was interested in the story of this house, and she was unfortunately left.

Very soon, with the help of a heroine pimmer, I found a place in the house of the retired lieutenant colonel. A childless widower, admired by the beauty and elegant journal of Marton, offered her to dispose of all his property and even walked to leave all the state to her, since he had no heirs. The heroine was agreed without delay and became "pleased with his money." The enthusiasm of the old man was so great that he did not allow the storytellor to go to her old apartment behind the farewell and gave her immediately the keys from the chests and the boxes with the jewels of his deceased wife. For the first time, heroine saw such a number of pearls and, forgetting about the decency, immediately began to adopt all the pearls. Love old man helped her.

Next, the storytellee says that a reasancement served as a reservoir and prosperous life, since she was forbidden to leave the house. The only place where she was brought to, the Church, where she went with the lieutenant colonel. However, and there she managed to meet her next love. The elegant appearance and honor of the lover allowed her to stand in the church near the closer among people of the venerable. One day, Marton caught a glance young man. Her owner, also noticing the attention of the acquisition of a well done, barely coped with his excitement and at home demanded from the "Russian Elena" assurances in love and loyalty.

Soon the petitioner with a large number of certificates appeared to the house in the hope of finding a place. The storyteller found a note among the papers with confessions in love from Ahal - a stranger from the church. It was not necessary to count on a place in the house of the jealous old old man, but the maid was filed by Marton, a cunning council. Akhal, changing into a female dress, penetrates the house under the guise of the older sister of storytellers. Their dates with Marton took place literally on the eyes of a jealous old man who did not only suspect anything, but did not hide his admiration for the tenderness and love of two imaginary sisters.

Akhal to such an extent attached to Marton, which suggested her to marry him. Lovers were engaged. Marton did not suspect anything even when Akhal attached her to get a board for her heroine for her heroine, in other words, take all valuable things. Pearls and money to take out quietly was the easiest thing that the storytellor did, passing the value of Akhalya. Having taught from the house of the old man, Marton found that Akhal disappeared with things, and his search was unsuccessful.

The prieuger of the priest had to return to the widow. The storytellor found him off-free from grief. He accepted her without flipping. The ruler, who accepted Marton was quite rude, was immediately dismissed, but he threw angrily and dismissed heroine. As soon as the lieutenant colonel died, his sister declared, claiming inheritance (she learned about everything from an offended governor), and managed not only to take possession of property, but also to plant Marton to prison.

In prison, the narrator had to be tightly, but suddenly appeared Ahhal with his friend Svidal. They managed to free Marton. Once at the wild, the storyteller quickly recovered, began to dress up and have fun. The only thing that seriously grieved her, is jealousy and rivalry between Akhal and Svidalhale. The first believed that he had more rights to Marton because of a long-time dating. During the card lot in the Lobmer, both wanders climbed to such an extent that Svidal caused Ahal on a duel. A few hours of Marton died in ignorance about the fate of their lovers. Suddenly, Akhal appears, reports that he killed Svidal, and, taking advantage of the heroine fainting, disappears.

The storytellor came seriously and recovered from the disease only when there was Svidal. It turns out that taking advantage of the duel, he pretended to be dead and forced Ahal to run forever from the city. He also explained that his ingenuity is not accidental, but dictated by love for adorable Marton. Our heroine, sciences of bitter experience, did not rely only on love and continue to start to save the Chervonians and dear gifts.

Soon, Marton met a young nobility, married merchant. The society, which was gathering in the house of the cauldron, was very funny and nobility did not differ, but served as heroine a good school. The same mistress itself had the criminal intentions of the lime of her merchant husband. To this end, she hired Maloross from Chelyadi Marton and persuaded him to prepare poison.

For an unlucky merchant, everything ended well, since the servant of the storylors did not poison him, but only caused his tincture temporary breathtaking. For what was generously rewarded. Suddenly, Marton received a letter from Ahal, in which he informed the desire to die, since unfortunately to endure the death of a friend and loss of beloved. In order to part with life, Akhal takes poison and dreams of saying goodbye to his beloved Marton. The storyteller and her beloved Svidal together went to the ahal, but only Marton entered the house. She learned that Ahal was brought to despair a remorse of conscience and he, having decided to leave her a bumpy for the estate acquired on her money, decided to leave life. One mention named after Svidal led him to fury, and he could not realize that his buddy was alive.


The book examines the little-known process of the development of the Western European Plutovsky Roman in Russia (in the Dogogol period). The author holds parallels between Russian and Western traditions, monitors the process of gradual "nationalization" of the Plutovsky Roman in the Russian Empire.

From the series:Airo - the first publication in Russia

* * *

Company LITRES.

"Potting the cook" Chulkov

In 1770, that is, only two years after the release of the fourth part of the "Mockingbird", the novel Chulkov appeared "Puttingrying the cook or the adventure of a depraved woman." He was printed without indicating the name of the author, but in accordance with both his own data Chulkov and others, unequivocally belonged to him. If at the beginning of the XX century. The Russian researcher attributed him to I. Novikov, the author of the Plutovsky essay, which is later to discuss - "the adventures of Ivan the Son of the Son," here it is just about delusion. The book has the designation "1st part", but the following parts did not come out. D. D. Good believes that the prime of continuation prevented censorship. But in favor of this statement there is no evidence, while there is a lot against him. Indeed, in the existing censorship reports, "Podgoda, the priests" is called a banned book, nor mentioned as suspicious. Also, stockings, even in its previously discussed bibliographic index, definitely quotes one of the first part of the "Footage of the priests", although it lists in this list not only printed, but also unpublished, even unfinished works. And since in the printed first part you can observe a distinct movement from the initial social satire to adventurous love Story, then the assumption that the continuation contradicted the censorship rules is completely incredible.

On the contrary, V. Shklovsky believes that as a result of the transformation of the heroine and the meeting of the main characters, at the end of the first part, the novel in principle was completed so that the stockings did not "could" continue to continue. In fact, the end of the printed volume is a kind of completion. Only the conclusion, according to which the stockings could no longer be able to continue his novel, exaggerated. The attacks of repentance take place in almost all of the Plutovsky novels, but form only the cesura inside the story, and not its completion. Even so radical moral turns, like those that took place with the simplcyssimus at the end of the 5th book, do not exclude "Continuatio" (continuation. - Lat., Approx. per.). Just an example of the Roman Grimmelshausen, as well as the continuation and pseudo-contracting of Spanish Plutovsky novels, prove that uniquely completed novels of this kind can be continued to continue again even from the point of view of action and in composite terms. This is possible because the form of the story of the first person does not exclude the undoubted completion as a result of the death of the central character. So, the adventure kaleidoscope is a free composite form that, in fact, there is a possible unlimited continuation. Therefore, it should not be compared to the Plutovskaya Roman like the "Fitness of the priests" with conceived completely differently, in aesthetic relation to incomparably more ambitious novels, for example, the "war and the world" of Tolstoy. Namely, this makes Shklovsky to justify his thesis.

Instead of going for assumptions and hypotheses, it is recommended only to state that only the first part of the "Foots of the priests" came out. This first part is, taking into account the action and composition so internally closed that it can be read and evaluated as a small independent novel, just because the form of the Plutovsky novel does not require an unconditional and final conclusion.

The book begins with dedication (in fact with a parody of dedication) "His high-speed ... Premogoomalumed my sovereign." But the title is limited and limited to the title, and the name of the "sovereign" is not named, and the author claims that he is silent the name only in order for doubtful quality of the book a dedication to Satira instead of praising, as often happens to many books and initiations. But the author hoped that his book was not free from the errors, nevertheless, the favor of a high-ranking patronage because this patron, of course, tolerate and virtue, because only generosity and virtue and promoted it to the career ladder before receiving an influential post.

Also following the appeal in verses to the reader connects an ironic refusal to his "I" with the praise of others, also ironic, and a request for refluxing. The reader, as far as his mind is enough, it will be able to correctly read the book (namely from top to bottom, but not vice versa). But let him not evaluate it too strictly, for a person is trusted to be mistaken, and even people who know how to dance, are not free from dancing mistakes. The author, however, did not even learn to play the swirls and jump into the beat, so something can not be able to do something.

After that, the introduction, in a manner and a tone of clearly resembling a "crossbar", the story itself begins. This is a story about the life of the "Footage of the priests" Marton, told from the first person and when looking at the lived. Her husband, a sergeant, fell in a Poltava battle, and since he was neither a nobleman, not a landowner, he left a nineteen-year-old widow in Kiev without funds.

The "honest old woman" takes her under his patronage and finds a suspect young woman of a young butler of a certain nobleman as a beloved. After a brief rejection, the helpless Marton agrees to love. Thanks to the money, which the butler drew from his Mr., he ensures a luxurious life to himself and his partner. Not satisfied with the services of the old woman, they will be seized even even the maid and servant, the Lords are played out, and the adorable Marton is soon becoming in the city known and enjoys success.

Once it is achieved by a notable young man and gives her an expensive tobacco. For the sake of this new connection, Marton wants to end the old one, but the servant of a new acquaintance, who found a tobacco car, arranges Marton scene and threatens to pick up all the things she received in the same evening. As soon as he is removed to carry out his threat, as a new lover appears, Marton comforts and drives the return. While the one full of horror understands that a new lover is his own master, Mr. considers the appearance of a seat of a simple mistake. The next morning, he even sends a servant to Marton to make it her. She apologizes the praying for forgiveness, promises nothing to talk about his forties or thefts, and after the reconciliation took place, both decide to bodies of Mr., he is also a new lover more than more than before.

Shortly thereafter, SVION is such a name of a young man of noble origin - receives a letter from his hard fellow who calls him home. In order not to lose Marton, he persuades her to come to the estate of one of his friends, located near his father. On the way, he admits to her that he was married, but married only at the request of his parents, actually loves Marton in reality. He regularly visits Marton in her asylum, but his wife learns about it, hides in the closet in the bedroom and finds a couple in love on a date. Sveton runs away, and Marton beat and kicked out.

She goes to Moscow and becomes the priests there with one secretary, who pretends pious, does not miss any worship, but at the same time allows the wife to make money received in the form of bribes, about which his little son should present a detailed report daily . He does not prevent him from that the wife is deceiving him with other men, if only income is growing. Marton becomes the favorite of the secretary's wife; After all, as the storytellor justifies with the help of one of the proverbs such as numerous in her speech, "Fisherman's fisherman is far away in the Plesa." The stationery (illiterate, despite this profession) falls in love with the "Correspondence of the Peak", which, testing it, asks a number of questions and receives foolish answers on them. Thanks to the beautiful clothes that he gives her, she, however, becomes more prominent than the wife of the secretary, who after that the envy counts it.

The accommodation for hiring to work suits her a new place in just a widowed retired lieutenant colonel who was looking for a young housekeeper. A seventieth old old man falls in love with Marton and entries her all her household, but, jealous, does not produce her from home. Only sometimes she is allowed to go to church. There is an attractive young man in love with her in love, but the jealous old man notes this, immediately leads her home and swear it is better to die than letting it. Only with great difficulty she managed to calm him, resorting to love assurances. A few days later, a certain man offers Marton his services as a servant. Between the represented papers, she finds a love letter from Ahal, a young man from the church, which thus tries to meet her. Marton is removing the servant, but with his help supports communication with the new cavalier. After a conversation with the cook, it is decided that Akhal should visit Marton under the guise of her sister, changing into a female dress. The cook everything thinks over, the intention is realized, and the lieutenant colonel touches the tenderness that the "sisters" meet that he is even inferior to them his own bedroom. Ahalya manages to persuade the loving on escape and marriage. Since he himself, though and noble origin, but Poiele, Marton Thai brings the most valuable things and other property of the old man to her beloved, who is ascended with her that they will meet at some of the city gates atther to run away from there. But when Marton comes there, there is no Ahal anywhere. She learns that this time she became a deceived by a cheater that her alleged lover and the groom was interested only for her money (or lieutenant colonel). She is returned to the old man who forgives her, but, having upsetting it, it's so hard that soon after that he dies. His sister, in the meantime, from the former econom, he learned everything about Marton frauds, orders it to arrest it and put into prison.

The prisoner is highly stunned when Akhal is visited once. He repents in the deed, assures it in his love and with the help of a clever officer Svidal he managed to promote the liberation of Marton from prison. She is placed by a certain old woman, where the officer Svidal visits it almost as often as Akhal. In the end, between both begins a quarrel behind which the challenge should. During Duele, Sidylum falls, and his rival, believing that she shot him, runs away from the city to escape from punishment. Marton, who fell in love with Svidal, would be sad about his imaginary death much more than about shooting Ahal. But suddenly she appears the one who was considered dead, and says that he charged both pistols without bullets and only portrayed the dead to remove Ahal from the road in such a way. Both are rejoiced by the successful tricks and conclude something like a marriage contract, according to which Svidal even appoints its partner a permanent retirement.

At this time, Marton gets acquainted with check-in noble origin, which for the money of her husband surrounds herself with young rhymeplates and contains a literary salon, in fact, employee more matrononial goals. And here also met people of one sewing, so Marton becomes a close friend of the hostess at home. She would really like to eliminate her husband and persuades the servant of Marton, who heard the understanding of the sense in the magic, to prepare her poison for this purpose. But he matches his Mrs and Svidale, and instead of deadly drink mixes the drug, leading to rage. When, after that the merchant covers an attack of rage, it is associated and it becomes the object of insults from his wife. Yes, and that followed the attempt to the sovereign and unleashed to take revenge on the slander, his wife uses to declare him insane. Only when the servant Marton, told the encrypted "fairy tale", exposes the maliciousness of the checkpone, the spouse rehabilitate. But he, showing generosity, refuses to revenge and simply sends his spouse to the village, which she also presented.

Marton and Svidal live happily and idle together. But it suddenly receives a letter from Ahal. He could not survive the separation from her and killing a friend and accepted poison. His last desire is to see her once again before dying. Accompanied by Sidel, she goes to him and finds desperate in the room, completely draped by black cloth, cleaned by the symbols of death, where he tells what the flour of conscience is experiencing. Then she admits to him that the witness deceived him, now it repents in his act and is about to come himself to ask for forgiveness. But Akhal, tormented by repentance and poison, considers the appearance of a new test, which caused the dead, and finally goes crazy. This melodramatic and moralizing scene is completed and the narrative, started in a realistic and frivolous manner.

Already from this review of the content it becomes clear that the stockings in his "Footage of the Priest" continues the line that he began in Plutovsky fragments of the "Mocking". Now he is still steady adheres to a sample of a Plutovsky novel, only this time "female option". As in the "Mockingbird", stockings and now, choosing types and plots, largely follows the usual template. The image of the "depraved woman", a dear servant, a carefree officer, in love with an old man, a greedy official who plays the role of a pious, shameless and evil spouse - all these images, which have long been famous from Plutskiy literature and Schwwanks, with whom Chulkov had mostly met earlier . The corresponding effect is in relation to such scenes as a deceived deceiver, dressing up a man into a woman, an unexpected detection of a couple in love with a jealous wife, which hid in the closet, etc.

But the "fitting of the cook" goes on in the "Russification" of individual types and the whole and turns out to be much more common than the first piece of Chulkov regardments whether it concerns the overall composition, a continuous narrative perspective, as well as language and stylistic design.

Before you can proceed to study in detail, it should be reminded that both works of Chulkov, although they are separated from each other only a few years, but for these years events that have had events great importance For all Russian literature and to the greatest degree for satirical prose. The fourth part of the "squeezed" was published in 1768. "Podvijahnya" followed in 1770, but laying between them 1769 marked by the appearance of "satirical journals", which it was previously discussed. Satyric images and the problems of the middle and lower layers of the people are not more rare and in printed literature. Therefore, a purely satirical prosaic story of this social sphere may count on the interest of the Russian reader in 1770, and there is no need for unconditional combination with knightly stories to whom the stockings resorted to the "squeeze". But first of all, the stockings itself in 1769 as one of the most diligent publishers and authors of satirical journals had a sufficient possibility of improving a satirical prose. It is valid for him from 1769. Satir's daily magazine "TOE and CE", very motley and diverse, while the monthly "Parnassian scrupter" of 1770 contains pure water literary controversy. There is no possibility, yes, Chulkov has no need for the analysis of Plutovsky Romanov and the need to stop the content and trends of his magazines. It should, however, indicate that stockings in its weekly continues to ironize at its address, as it was already in the "squeegee", that he again considers the goals and borders of his satire, expands its visual funds, and the Plutovskaya story also applies in individual fragments First person and first removes more superfluous, honing the style of his prose.

End of a familiarization fragment.

* * *

Led Book Foreign Fragment Plutovskaya Roman in Russia. To the history of the Russian novel to Gogol (Yuri Strides, 1961) Granted by our book partner -

Your high stepper

Your Majesty!

Everything that neither is in the world is made up of Tlen, therefore, the book is made by my book made from Tlen. Everything in the light of prison; And so the book of this book is now there, a few time will come, finally eating, will disappear and will come out of all from the memory. A person will be born overlooking glory, honor and wealth, taste joy and joy, pass the troubles, sadness and sadness; Like the book of Siah occurred in order to demolish her some shadow praise, negotiations, criticism, indignation and realization. Everything with her will come true, and finally will turn into dust, like the person who praised her or droin.

Under the guise of a book, the desire to prevent himself to the patronage of your high movement: the desire of the total all people who do not have tsarist portraits. People are made worthy, therefore, the mind, virtue and condescension, you erected you on this high degree. You can gline a lot of deliciousness, and I am convenient to deserve it with all sorts of zeal. Who are you, about Tom finds out the society when you have happiness to use your benefits.

Your high expire

merciful Soviet

nearby servant

Writer Say a book.


No beasts, no science science do not mean,

Neither the fish nor the Gada read read.

Do not argue about verses between sobody flies

And all flying perfume.

Neither prose nor verse they say

So it became that they do not look into the book.

To this reason visible

Reader my beloved

Of course there will be a person

Which is the whole age

In the sciences and affairs works

And above the clouds with the concept of becoming.

And as if he had no thoughts,

What impass him and will have a limit.

I leave all creatures

To you, about man! I spell my speech

And in the word, you mean, you mean,

Up the bottom of the books of the books, of course, do not know how

And you will see it from my head,

And you will see everything my art in it,

My errors are all in Oyoy,

But only you, my friend, do not strictly judge them,

Errors are affected to us, and weaknesses are decent,

Error to create all mortals are common.

Since the beginning of the century, we though in the sciences in the sciences,

However, the wisers do not find this

Which would have had no mistake

At least he knew how to dance

And I am not afraid of any dull, nor dance

So, therefore, I can also give.

Putting the cook

I think many of our sisters will challenge me immodestly; But as this vice for the most part women are now affected, then, not wanting against nature, the modest, let's go to it with the hunt. Will see the light, seeing, will disassemble; And the breakdown and the collections of my works, let him give me, what it will free.

It is known to all that we received the victory by Poltavoy, on which my unhappy husband was killed by the battle. He was not a nobleman, did not have a village, therefore, I was left without any food, I wore the title of sergeant wife, but was poor. I was then nineteen from the family, and for that poverty my seemed to me even more infrequent; For I did not know the passage of the human, and could not make a place for himself, and so did it, because of the fact that we did not determine in any posts.

At most this time, I was legitimized by this proverb: "Shei de, widow, wide sleeves, it would be where to put an unprecedented word." All the light on me overturned and so much in the new my life I hated me that I did not know where to browse my head.

All talked about me, vinyli and picked me out what I

dont know. Thus, I was hit in tears; But the honest old woman who was known was to all the city of Kiev, for in he I was then he took me under his patronage, and so much regretted my misfortunes that the young and state-of-the day was the other day for my envelope. At first, I thought I stubbornly, for two days later, the company should follow its advice and forgot my sadness, which I felt unpreperived two weeks on the death of my spouse. This man was more young, rather than good, and I am fit pretty, but on the "red flower and a bee flies." He was the butler of some Mr. in spent money without stopping because they were straightforwardly, and not his own. Thus, they were proof of love to me and served the eternal deposit. Soon, almost the entire seating courtyard found out that I am a great hunt to buy the necessary things and belligence, and the belongings almost growled in our house and the estate arrived.

I firmly knew this proverb that "wealth creates the honor." So, hired a maid and began to be mistress. Whether I knew how to command or not, I don't know about Tom myself, yes, I didn't have any need to go into such a trifle, but rather that I didn't want to take it myself, and went on my maid so like a fool On the donkey. Mr. Vamdiner and he wished no less to dominate me, that sake hired a boy, so that he served him when he talks to me, and I had hopelessly, therefore, our domination was not interrupted for a minute, and we shouted for servants so As on his own, they beat them and scolded, how much did it have anything, according to the proverb: "What is this pain, when the fool is willing." Yes, we did it so that "beat Duby, but paid the ruble."

The more the woman's decoration is, the more it happens in her hunting in the city, and many of our sisters will deteriorate and fall under thin consequences. I was pleased with everyone, and every clear day had been on Gulbishchi, many learned me and many wanted to get acquainted with me.

Once closely, the midnight knocked out at our gate, who did not ask so much, and she wanted to break down the power. We would not let him down, but our forces did not take it, and Mr. Kamdiner did not have; Thus, I sent a servant to spit, my old woman was preparing to meet him and ask, and then I was hidden and thought that I was not Paris Lee arrived for Elena because I was a enviable woman in that city; Or at least I thought about myself.

The first part of the novel Chulakova "Podsaja cook or the adventure of a depraved woman" appeared in 1770. The continuation was written, but did not see the light, most likely, in censorship. The content of the novel amounted to the history of lovers of some Marton, which remained 19 years old from the sow after her husband-soldier killed in Poltava fighting; Marton is not a noble woman, a woman's "low" title. She had to search for livelihood to enter the content of the butler one nobleman, and then she changed several lovers.

Chulkov's heroine is a completely new phenomenon in Russian literature, although something he could borrow in its characteristic, and in building the entire book from the Western Roman. The fitness of the cooking of Marton is a man from the "bottoms", from the people; This is a person who has been building his life itself, happiness itself. Marton is deprived of any respect for the estate partitions, to the nobility, to high ideas honor and even virtue. Her worldview reflects the amoralism of the individualistic struggle for existence. She is ready to use in the animal struggle for life all means. She is beautiful, and she uses her beauty. She can rob a rich nobleman, and she without remorse makes it; Her lover steals her stolen her; She does not too condemn him: he turned out to be cunning her, stronger in the vital struggle. Morality, honor is only masks, hypocritical words in society, where everything is based on the right of strong. Marton has no strength of class privileges, and it has the right to put into the course of a different force - personal success and dexterity. She does not respect the senses of tenderness, affection. The main thing in life is not this, but a rude external success.

Need to remember, evaluating this image that Plut Figaro grew up french literature In the symbol of bourgeois, still democratic revolutionism. Chulkova pleases that Marton, a man from the people, triumphs over nobles, leaves them in fools, at least by their beauty.

In the image of Martar, Chulkov tried to build a character; Marton is defined not with one or two features, but difficult psychologically; In this regard, stockings overcomes the abstractness of Russian nobility classicism.

In his novel, stockings wants to draw life as it is. Of course, it would be too bold to talk about the realization in the application to the "Footage of the Priest", but the denial of the abstract, the rationalistic poetics of classicism in this book is. It is necessary to remember that at Sumarokov in the fables, epigrams or satire, and Mikova in the "Elisee" we will find both widespread use of the surprise, and the image of ordinary things and "simple" people, peasants, otkupekers, even prostitutes. But for them, the "low" life is primarily "low", which deserves a satirical or hasty attitude towards him. In their poetic system, simple life could be included only with a special shade, a special taste of comic or satirical genre formations. They were interested in ideas, mental states at all, and life fell into the field of their view only when it was necessary to overcome him in one form or another, deny it. This also applies to the noble comedy of 1750-1760s., Although in it there are rapids of life; They are also tightly surrounded by ideas and artistic images that deprive them of independent paintings of real life.

Marton Chulkov, like other actors of his novel, not "bad" and not "good." She is a man and she clings for good life, for money, for success in the vital struggle; This is her excuse. And life that surrounds Marton is not drawn to the dilution and not for the sake of chief; This life, genuine, real life, in general, life is pretty nasty, mean life, based on egoism, passions, ego each other, and yet life, such, with what you have to deal with Chulkov. His images are neutipological; It does not even seek to deep disclosure of laws, the essence of society, the human being. He does not seek to a detailed psychological analysis. This affects the limitations of his aesthetic worldview, its weakness artistic method. Stockhkov - Empirik. Separate, externally observed facts, photographically recorded, make up the content of his book. It refers to reality Protocol. It registers everyday cases one by one, without a deep inner connection, and Delivito, Skapor gives a report about them. His life is scattered into separate pieces, empirically established facts are not built into a single picture. This external manner is extremely characteristic of the whole thinking Chulkov. It has grown primarily from the denial of mechanistic and distracted generalizations of classicism. It is like a destroyer that the paint-artist is strong, because it was not so much to build it. He saw some specific facts and individual individual peoplewho have not seen the nobility writers-classics. But it was already a step of great importance. Even the language of Roman Chulakov is interesting in this regard. Stockings writes emphasized simply, "Eldly", he refuses the norms of literature; His language is almost a stationery record, dry, deprived of the balanced logic of the Sumarock "clear" speech or the majestity of Lomonosovskaya. The style of Chulakova may be wrong from the point of view of literary standards, and this is his negative meaning - they said, so they wrote private letters, business papers. This is a style of practical life, which is more expensive for Chulkov, more valuable by the poetic element, as she was understood in the noble literature. Stockings goes for practice, not rising above her, and in this weakness of him as an artist and the power of him as a destroyer of the noble aesthetics.

His creativity was anti-dvoryan. It was directed against the aesthetics of classicism. He consciously reduces the literature from the heights of classicism, turning her to real life, to the low picture of reality, to domestic, sometimes naturalistic shown scenes.

Heroes Chulkov seek to achieve the earthly well-being of any means, and the question of the unhappiness of the goals before them did not get up.

"Gorky fate" is a story about the plight of the peasant Syshoy Fofanov, in which the stockings sees the "Main Fatherland of the feeder during a peaceful, and in a military strong defender." For him, there can not be "the state without landowner can be caught as a person without a head can not live." The life of the Sysophone Fofanova, the son of Durnsopov, heated since childhood. He worked in the sweat of the face and only bread and water had to feed.

Talking about peasant life, stockings for the first time in Russian literature notes stratification in the peasantry environment and all the sharpness of this process. Rustic fists give the poor, weak suskie to recruits. As if in passing, impassively, the author notes that only 50 left 50, the rest remained or died. Sysova turned out to be a brave soldier and, having lost his right hand in battle, returned home. In the village of Sysova, entering the parent house, finds all his family brutally killed. Here the author proceeds to the description of the mysterious history of the murder and the trial. "Gorky fate" - a testimony of inhuman conditions for the essence of the "Kormaltsev of the Fatherland", the terrible cure and poverty of the peasants.

In 1770, the first part of the novel Chulkov "Putting the priest, or the tearingurance of a depraved woman" appeared (the second part was not published). The very name of the novel, which put in the center of the narration "depraved woman," was the challenge of aesthetics of classicism, the noble taste of the noble class. Representing your heroine Marton, 19 years old from the family, the remaining widow, the stockings are not going to read the morals and to teach. He is not interested in the question of moral assessment of the action of heroes. Left without any means of existence, Marton uses its beauty to establish itself in life. She is beautiful, enterprising, and despite cynicism, peculiar to her, the author is in no hurry to condemn her. A person from the bottom of society, she experienced that the right of strong in this life is above all. And she lies, chittrate, deceives his lovers, openly sells his beauty.

Far from the idealization of their heroine, stockings, creating its image, and he is deprived of one-celinence, pursues the reader to the idea that not so much guilty of Marton, as life circumstances forced it to such a craft. The Agreement is conducted on behalf of the heroine, which impassively and sincerely tells about their luck and misadventures. Marton, in essence, not bad by nature: She sympathizes those who have become a victim of her deception and spontaneous, forgives those who turned out to be crucible and deceived it, she is capable of a sincere disinterested feeling (the love of the officer is sideway). Stockhkov faces the heroine with even more vicious people, many of which belong to the noble class. Such are the Barsky Camfener, his depraved Mr. Sveton, a devout secretary bribemer. The sympathy of the author is clearly on the side of the heroine.

In his prose, stockings truthfully reproduces certain phenomenons of reality, details of life and life of heroes, but does not seek to social understanding and artistic generalization of characters and life circumstances, does not seek to inspire certain ideas.

Heraskov "Russiaid"

"Russiaida" - the heroic epic (1779) of the poetics of classicism provided for the creation of the poem the importance of the historical plot, the inclusion of the element of the wonderful ITP.

An extensive poem, consisting of 12 songs, Russians is devoted to a significant event of the Russian history, Taking the Terrible Kazan, which Heraskov regarded as the final stage in the struggle of Russia with the Tatar-Mongolian ig. In the "historical preface" to "RussiaID" he wrote that the capture of Kazan meant the transition of the country "from weakness by force from humiliation to glory." In work on the work, he used the chronicle sources, the "Tale of the Kazan Kingdom", historical legends.

The main idea of \u200b\u200b"Russiaids" is the celebration of the heroic of Russian warriors, the victory of Russia over barbarism, Orthodox faith over Mohammedanskaya. With his poem, the author pursues an educational and patriotic goal: to inspire contemporaries with the exploits and teach them genuine patriotism. Heraskov does not seek the historical truthfulness, documentation in the poem. Much is creatively reworked, decorated with fantastics, painted from book sources, and from Folklore, when, near the mythological images of Mars, Erota, Cresprides act a snakes Tugarin ITP. In the spirit of the ideas of the noble liberalism of Heraskov, considers the relationship between the Terrible -Ideal monarch and Boyar. Tsar brave, generous, shares with the near the last sip of the water, he is pleasing to God. The unity of Grozny and Boyar affects the utopian of the political ideals of Heraskov. Most of the boyars, an approximate king, warriors and advisors are valiant, brave, they are faithful patriots who keep themselves with the king boldly and independently. This is primarily Kurbsky and Adashev. In the spirit of the educational ideology of Heraskov gives the lessons to the king. The introduction of the heavenly ambassador (Shadow of Prince Tver) the king is indicated for his debt to the fatherland.

"You are all the power to do everything, you are broadcasting to flattery;

You are the slave of Fatherland, broadcast debt and honor. "

Despite historical foundation The plot, "Russiaid" addressed to modernity. Written during the Russian-Turkish war and finished shortly before the accession of the Crimea to Russia, the poem contains praise to Catherine, which made the "Eastern Moon" and will give the peoples of "Divine" laws. The poem is dedicated to Catherine II - all this makes very limited liberalism Heraskov. Responding to the requirements of classicism, it fills the poem with a variety of allegories, personification, fantastic images. There are many deviations, long descriptions, which slows down the development of the plot. At the same time, there are a number of deviations in the heroic epic that violate the purity of the genre and testifying to new trends in the literature. Such are the plot line of the Tatar queen of Sumbeka, associated with her the love element, such an appeal to folklore.

Although Russians were far from genuine historicism, she played a prominent role in the Lit-December 18th century by virtue of his civilian patriotic content. No wonder Heraskov called his poem "Russiaid". At the heart of the epic - the national plot, it tells not only about the affairs and relationships of the king and boyars, but also about Russia, about the heroic Russian people.

The crisis of classicism is distinctly designated in the work of V.I. Mikov, who was a student of Sumroikov. Did not receive completed education. He was close as the writer Sumarokov Satiriko-accusatory trends of his creativity and attention to the realities of life. Rained on ignorant and nobility nobles, bribes, etc.

Elisha, or irritated Vakh

This is a poem in which the collision of high and low in the limits of one genre is combined. In the paradoxical interlacing of genre canons of the IROU-comic and burgrop (comic poem, in which the elevated theme is set out parody) poems and was the essence of the Commission. The string of living, the bright poem "Elisha, or an irritated Vaca" serves as an increase in prices for vodka by decoupers. This fact took place in reality, and Mikov, after Sumarokov, acts as an opponent of the exhaust system, which enriched individuals at the cost of ruining the wide masses. The god of Wine Vakh was angry at the flaws for raised the prices of wine and drunk became less. In the Petry House, Vakh finds a yammer Elezu, who chooses the tool of revenge. Mikes about the adventures of the drunk and Drachun Yellesi tells the jokes of the drunk. He ruins the cellar of the flaws, does not feel until Zeus, collecting the God's Council, does not decide to give it to the soldiers. In the poem, merchants, depositors, shoemakers, tailors, peasants, thieves act with mythological deities, referred to in low colors. The gods are engaged in the poem by ordinary affairs.

There are many rude words in the poem.

In "Elisee", Majkova is abundantly represented by household material, sharp sketches of reality. Life of urban life became Majkova for the first time the subject of artistic development. True, many paintings are given naturalistically. Mikes are somewhat hassle refers to their heroes from the bottom of society, he does not pursue any social goals, his task is to smash the reader. Many in the poem of people's poetic elements. All this, together with the paintings of the "low" life, taken from reality, contributed to the destruction of classicism and the development of realistic trends.