Crimean Tatar Jamala. Song of Jamala: Crimean Tatars outraged by speculation on the tragedy

In the final of the national selection on February 21, the Ukrainians decided on the name of the artist who will represent the country at Eurovision 2016. 32-year-old Crimean Tatar Jamala won the victory with the song "1944" about the tragic fate of her people during the mass deportations that Stalin arranged during the Second World War. Ukraine returns to the competition after being absent last year following the events on the Maidan, the annexation of Crimea and the war in the east of the country.

The song "1944" was written by Jamala in two languages: English and Tatar. She talks about the biggest tragedy in the history of her people, the deportation, which the Tatars themselves call "surgyunlik". Whole Tatar people, 200 thousand people, were deported from Crimea on the orders of Stalin under the pretext of collaboration with the Nazis during World War II. In terms of speed and scale, this deportation was unprecedented in the history of the Soviet regime, as it covered an entire nation. The operation, involving 32,000 NKVD agents, went on for two days, from May 18 to May 20, 1944. As the singer herself notes on Facebook, “Last year I composed “1944”, a composition that is significant for me. I was inspired to write it by the story of my great-grandmother Nazyl Khan about the tragedy that happened to our family and to the entire Crimean Tatar people in 1944. (….) Unfortunately, people have not yet learned peaceful coexistence and tolerance. For me, this is a very personal song, and I would really like the message contained in it to be heard by as many people as possible both in our country and abroad.”


Eurovision and Jamal with political overtones

Sveriges Radio 24.02.2016

"My home is Crimea"

Radio Liberty 13.02.2016

The situation in Crimea causes concern

Le Huffington Post 02/10/2016 Crimea (2 million inhabitants and 27,000 square kilometers of territory) was illegally annexed Russian Federation in March 2014 in violation of international agreements signed earlier by Moscow. The most famous of them is the Budapest Memorandum, according to which Russia pledged to respect the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and to refrain from threats and the use of force against it. Neither the Ukrainian state nor the international community recognized the annexation of the peninsula by Russia.

Since the annexation, Russian authorities have been persecuting Crimean Tatars and other pro-Ukrainian activists on a daily basis. Searches in the premises of the Mejlis and in the homes of Tatars, as well as their frequent detentions, have become commonplace. The only Crimean Tatar TV channel, ATR, which openly called for a boycott of the referendum on joining Russia, stopped broadcasting on the peninsula in March last year. About 7,000 Tatars were forced to flee their historical homeland, while the leader of the Crimean Tatar people's movement, Mustafa Dzhemilev, and the chairman of the Mejlis, Refat Chubarov, were banned from entering Crimea for five years.

Tatars are the indigenous Crimean people, they are the descendants of the Crimean Khanate founded in 1441. IN late XVIII century, the khanate was declared independent of the Omani Empire, and Catherine II's Russia quickly annexed its territory. In the following years, the Tatars became a minority due to the appearance of a large number of Russian peasants, who were offered favorable conditions by the imperial authorities.

The song "1944" is not Jamala's first composition about the events in Ukraine over the past two centuries. On the first anniversary of the revolution in the winter of 2013, Jamala and the vocalist of the Ukrainian group Boombox recorded the song Zliva. In 2015 Tatar singer recorded "Way to Dodom" about the annexation of Crimea Russian authorities. In one of her last interviews, she said: "I cannot be silent when my people are crying." Jamala's parents and grandfather still live on the occupied peninsula.

She recently revealed that Michel Legrand's team contacted her and offered to collaborate in the future.

Jamala's participation in Eurovision 2016 becomes another way for Ukraine to draw the attention of the international community to the illegal annexation of Crimea and the alarming human rights situation on the peninsula. The State Duma of the Russian Federation has already condemned Jamala's participation in the music competition.

I was surprised to read on Ukrainian resources that Russia allegedly "snarled" at Jamala, for her song for Eurovision 2016, about the departation of the Crimean Tatars in the 44th. The song is called "1944". But I do not go to the forums, maybe so.

But when this news was reported on Euronews, whatever the event, Jamala is the Pope, to be honest, I was slapped. Why? Because of the selections of all European countries, it was Ukraine that was shown, and no one else. Let me remind you that Jamala won the Eurovision qualifying round for Ukraine, out of six candidates. And they showed it not in Russian-speaking Euronews, but in all European languages.

That is, they highlighted it as important news. Turned on the brain of Europeans on - what does this mean? I hate manipulation... Especially such perverted ones...

I don't know how much the Europeans watch this channel, but the attitude towards us can be clearly seen in it.

So I don't like this feeling when it's scratched. This means either a run-in or some kind of trick is being prepared. In general, as a psychologist, I put this news on the shelves. And here's what happened:

So what's wrong with this song, Jamala and Eurovision? Namely, the fact of the matter is that all these three components are intertwined.
And this is a PROVOCATION. I'll explain now.

What does Europe know about Jamal? Nothing.

What does Europe know about the deportation of the Tatars in 1944? Nothing. And I don't think he wants to know.

But Europe has been constantly blown into the ears for two years, they say that big evil Russia absolutely for no reason attacked friendly Ukraine and chopped off almost half of the territory.
And now, thanks to a song like this, what can Europe think? Which, among other things, is blown in that Stalin was at the same time with Hitler, and the amers won the war.

And the fact that, it turns out, Russia in 1944. among other things, they also didn’t herd the “innocent sheep” - the Crimean Tatars, into concentration camps, like the Japanese Americans, but relocated somewhere away from the war, what a horror.

And so that Europe does not have questions, why on earth Ukraine sings a song not about the "unfortunate" Crimean Ukrainians, but about the Crimean Tatars, and at the supposedly non-politicized Eurovision, the song was given to sing by a poor, hungry, "returned from the settlement" Tatar girl . They don’t really want to build such an association in their head who know history and everything else, Europeans.

Tatar Jamala - was in settlements - returned to Crimea - Russia took away Crimea - Jamala does not live at home, suffers in Kyiv - she sings such songs from suffering - and her future is horror horror ... And Russia is an evil demon!

Note. Note. Jamala is half Tatar and has been living in Kyiv for a long time. By the way, about the fact that she does not have her own apartment, she has already blown her trumpet. And corporate earnings, apparently, drink away, or do not invite. Well, now the authors of the provocation will give housing for such a song ... But that is…

So this whole production is a clear provocation. I would like to know who is the author.

And you know, if Ukraine really followed the so-called European path now, in any case, at least some results, reforms, the standard of living of people, industry, growth of indicators were visible, then yes, I would also be with such a Ukraine in my heart .

But in this case, such a song could not exist. The developing state sings about the joyful, about its development. About love.
And such a song, if the Europeans were literate, would cause bewilderment. But alas, they do not know their history, and here is some kind of Ukraine. About which they know something like this: Not enough 2014 - Odessa.

These are American students.

And you know what's the worst? That this is the beginning of inciting ethnic hatred between the Crimeans themselves. Pulling out long-past events, like the Holodomor and the OUN under Yushchenko. Here's what it led to in the end.
And a new war is being prepared near Kherson. The so-called hotbed of tension...
Ukraine is being made into a cesspool of constantly smoldering wars...
And such singers, potheads, among other things, help the war and the impoverishment of Ukraine.
There is still time until May, and it would be nice for Russia to show Europe a film about the real events of those years. After all, no one refuses that there was deportation and everything else, return, allocation of land, etc.

And you can also sing to Russia, for example, a song about nuclear bombings. With the name - "1945"! Is there a singer in Russia, a Japanese by origin? at least half)

In general, Eurovision is such a crap. There, apart from the voting itself, there is nothing to watch and listen to.

In general, it is high time to move away from Western dictates in any competition. In sports, beauty contests and other competitions.
It is better to create your own contests together with wise Asia. Down with the unipolar world. And then the international FIFA amers for some reason shmonayut. And all of this is silent.

And yet, if Russia leaves all the dictatorial world projects, there will be nothing to do there without Russia. Not because there are no talents, but because boredom will be continuous. After all, the West provokes, manipulates and politicizes everything... Tired, it's disgusting.

PS. I came across an article to the news about Jamali from the great, Ukrainian, competent political scientist Vitalik Portnikov. Turned out just the way it is beneficial to them. Getting ready. This is how they will explain to Europe about all this. If you are interested, then the Jews are resting ...


TV viewers in Europe unconditionally gave their votes for the first place to the participant from Russia Sergey Lazarev, but it is not clear how the jury formed awarded only the third position to the favorite of the public. The first one is gone. Now Eurovision will be held in Nezalezhnaya.

Seconds to exit. Sergey Lazarev is ready. A mysterious scenery for the number of the Russian artist is put forward on the stage. Dozens of people are cleaning up what's left of the previous issue at the same time to prepare for the next one. And now, the moment you've been waiting for so long.

"It's okay, everything. The final finished. Now nothing depends on us - only votes," says Lazarev.

Eurovision this year radically changed the voting system. Now during the inclusions from different countries the estimates of a certain professional jury are reported. According to the results of the jury voting, Australia is in first place, Ukraine is in second, Russia is in fifth. The tension in the hall is monstrous.

The press center is also not easy. Kiev journalists are shouting slogans of Ukrainian nationalists.

There were, however, people who came with both Russian and Ukrainian flags.

And ordinary viewers supported this position: the inhabitants of Ukraine gave Russia the highest score of 12 points, Russia gave Ukraine 10 points. According to the audience vote, Lazarev is the winner of Eurovision.

The number of the Russian was recognized as the best by the audience throughout Europe. However, due to the fact that the results of the audience voting were summed up with the professional one, everything turned upside down - Ukraine is in the first place.

"Difficult impressions. We have done so much to represent the country. It seems to me that we succeeded. The audience voted, gave first place, thereby showing that sometimes the jury can deliberately underestimate points," Sergey Lazarev believes.

The cardinal differences between the opinion of the audience and a certain professional jury are simply striking. The gap in the scores of Sergei Lazarev between judges and spectators. Residents of Armenia give Russia the highest score, and only 2 points come from the jury, judges from Estonia give Russia zero points, and the audience gives all 12. The Ukrainian jury also gives zero, but ordinary Ukrainians give Russia the highest score. The Czech jury also sends zero to Russia, but people immediately give 10 points. The situation is the same in Georgia: zero against 8. The jury from Germany gives Russia one, but the audience gives it 12 points. 12 points, of course, are put by Russia and Serbs, but during the live broadcast of Eurovision, the main focus was on live broadcasts about the jury voting and it might seem that neither Ukraine nor Serbia voted for Russia.

The highest scores from the jury came to Russia from Belarus and Azerbaijan - where the audience gave Lazarev the highest score - as well as from Greece and Cyprus. New system The voting eventually led to results that many viewers call absurd: the jury voted for Australia, the audience for Russia, and Ukraine won in the end.

"The discrepancies between the opinions of the public and the judges are too obvious. After all, if the winner, as in all past years, was determined by the audience, then this time Russia would have won the competition. However, the jury rated Sergey Lazarev's song much lower in terms of unknown reasons," writes Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten.

"Is this a musical result or a political one? Here you already need to think and conduct an investigation. Musical - according to how the audience voted. It is unlikely that every family is politicized, otherwise they would not have voted for Seryozha. But five people in a closed room, how they were processed , is another question," Philip Kirkorov is sure.

Five people on the jury in each country are chosen by the broadcaster. What is now the attitude towards Russia in the European media is well known. On the eve of the vote, telephone pranksters got through to the Minister of Culture of Moldova, Monica Babuc, and, posing as the Minister of Culture of Ukraine, asked for help with the results.

The Minister of Culture of Moldova later confirmed the authenticity of this conversation. The political tension surrounding the competition has been building throughout the week.

The apotheosis was the question at the final press conference of the winner. "Jamala, you are a Crimean Tatar, your homeland is Crimea. Would you like Eurovision to be held in the liberated Crimea next year?" - asked the singer.

“I hope that Eurovision will be in Ukraine. I don’t know where exactly, but in Ukraine,” Jamala replied.

Mustafa Dzhemiliev, the leader of the unrecognized Majlis, flew in to cheer for Jamala. A man who is wanted in Russia, who supported the energy blockade of Crimea, the blackout in Crimean Tatar villages, came to support a song about the suffering of Crimean Tatars 72 years ago. I tried to avoid publicity and did not expect to run into Russian journalists.

“If you had some kind of democratic press in your country, but giving an interview to the officialdom of the country that occupied my country is simply incorrect, unethical, disgusting,” Mustafa Dzhamilev said.

It was impossible to make political statements at Eurovision itself. Jamala told everyone that the song was about her grandmother. The film crew of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, which tried to clarify the details, was avoided in every possible way. “I just don’t believe that you will say what I think,” the singer said. “My song was written a long time ago, and those who draw parallels with today, it’s just beneficial for them for some reason. You don’t need to play it. I always make my music sincerely, from the heart. This is not an arena for political slogans. Of course, they are there. The song says more than you think. People know and understand."

Crimean Tatars in Crimea know and understand that the topic of deportation, which is really extremely painful for them, is being exploited in modern political games.

"As a Crimean Tatar, I am very sorry that people who pursue some personal selfish goals shamelessly speculate on such tragic moments for our people. Now this is being discussed with us, when we gather with the whole family, this is actually very important for me. it’s hard, it hurts me to talk about it,” said Ruslan Khalabov, a resident of Crimea.

The fact that Eurovision is often dominated by political intrigues has been discussed for a long time. But this year, perhaps for the first time, everything became so obvious.

Eurovision is leaving for Ukraine, and holding an all-European contest there will obviously not be an easy walk for the organizers.

A native of Kyrgyzstan, the daughter of a Crimean Tatar and an Armenian from Nagorno-Karabakh, the "native" Ukrainian singer Susana Jamaladinova, better known as the winner of Eurovision 2016 Jamala (Jamala), "lit up" at a corporate party at the Rosa Khutor ski resort in Sochi (Russia, Krasnodar Territory) .

Jamala (Ukrainian Jamala, Crimean Tatar Camala, Jamala; real name Susanna Alimovna Jamaladinova Ukrainian Susanna Jamaladinova, Crimean Tatar Susana Camaladinova, Susana Jamaladinova) is a Ukrainian opera and jazz singer(lyric-dramatic soprano), performing original music at the intersection of jazz, soul, world music and rhythm and blues, electronic music. Jamala became famous for her performance at the International Competition for Young Performers "New Wave 2009" in Jurmala, where she received the Grand Prix.

Jamala is the winner from Ukraine at Eurovision 2016 in Stockholm with the song "1944", which is dedicated to the deportation of the Crimean Tatars during the Soviet era. According to the singer, the song contains political overtones. She admitted this to the Russian prankster Alexei Stolyarov, who called her under the guise of the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Yevgeny Nishchuk, reports.

“Then she would definitely not have got to Eurovision, she would have been considered as a political action. This is not an arena for political slogans. Of course, he is there, of course. But we know this in secret,” Jamala said.

Without justifying the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, historical fact are numerous examples of cooperation between the Crimean Tatars and the German occupation authorities. As well as the destruction of the Jews of the peninsula by Tatar soldiers in the service of the Wehrmacht. Which was the reason for their deportation in 1944.

The Ukrainian performer has not been to Crimea for two years, where her parents live. According to the singer, coming there could be used against her. But to Russia, which Ukraine considers the occupier of the peninsula, Jamala traveled after March 2014, when Crimea and Sevastopol became part of the Russian Federation. For example, at the height of the ATO in Donbass, a Ukrainian singer performed at a party in one of the clubs in the Sochi resort Rosa Khutor.

According to the results of the audience voting at Eurovision 2016, the representative of Russia Sergey LAZAREV won, according to the results of voting by the professional jury, the Korean from Australia Demi IM won. Jamala Susanovna, as the singer from Ukraine is lovingly called on the network, as a result of summing up the points, she was in first place.

As it became known, Tatyana SKUBASHEVSKAYA, the daughter of Stanislav SKUBASHEVSKIY, the deputy head of the presidential administration of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, was engaged in the promotion of Jamala in Ukraine.

“Tanya, having left for her father in Kyiv, was engaged in the promotion of an unknown singer to almost no one at that time. She wrote texts in English for her, shot videos, organized performances, airtime on M1, well, etc. Jamal had not yet hit his head” genocide," she was just a mediocre performer with a jazzy voice.

Jamala - I Love You (Official Music Video)

15.05.2016 - 23:43
A member of the Danish professional jury, which evaluated the performances of the participants in the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016, admitted that Ukraine mistakenly received the maximum rating from Denmark. 12 points of the Danish jury were intended for the contestant from Australia, but a mistake was made when summing up the results.

In reality, the Ukrainian singer Jamala did not receive a single point from Denmark, TASS reports with reference to EurovisionWorld. “This is my biggest mistake, and I honestly admit it,” said the chairman of the Danish jury, Hilda Heik. Also, the Danish judges gave an incorrect assessment of Sweden, which received four points instead of seven.

On her Facebook page, Hilda Hake admitted to her mistake. “No one is more upset than me right now,” she wrote on her Facebook page. social network. With the new alignment, the gap between runner-up Australian singer Demi Im and Jamala was reduced to nine points.

Dami Im - Sound Of Silence (Australia) 2016 Eurovision Song Contest

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin proposed sending the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, to the next Eurovision Song Contest. He wrote about this on his Twitter. “We will send Shnurov to the next Eurovision. He won’t win, but he will send them all somewhere, ”Rogozin wrote.

The leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, quickly responded to the proposal to send him to the next Eurovision, which, thanks to Jamala's victory in 2017, will be held in Ukraine. And he was as always categorical. "We survived. It turns out that out of 140 million citizens, even just for ... only one can send. The Deputy Prime Minister of a nuclear power writes about this on his Twitter."

Two petitions immediately appeared on the Internet demanding to cancel the results of voting at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016. The English version received almost 17 thousand votes and continues to gain popularity. The petition page says that when 25 thousand users sign the petition, it will be sent to the European Broadcasting Union and the Eurovision organizers.

“This year, the winner is not the one who really should have won the competition. We have no doubts about the fairness and confidentiality of Eurovision, which is why we believe that there is a need to review the results of the voting,” the appeal says.

Russian fans of Sergey Lazarev have created a separate petition demanding not only to cancel the results of the current vote, but also to hold accountable "biased" judges who deliberately underestimated the ratings Russian participant. In case of refusal to comply with these requirements, users are calling for a boycott of the next contest, which will be held in Ukraine in 2017. This tougher version of the petition was signed by almost a thousand people.

Sign the petition:

Among the leading contenders for participation in international competition Ukraine's Eurovision entry this year is a 32-year-old Crimean Tatar woman and her heartbreaking song about the mass deportation of her people by order of Joseph Stalin to Central Asia in 1944.

Jamala's real name is Susana Jamaladinova. She was born in 1983 in Kyrgyzstan, where her father's parents were deported.

Singer Jamala won the first semi-final of the national preselection with her song "1944", having received the highest score from the judges and the largest number of support votes from TV viewers during the SMS voting. At the same time, the vast majority of Crimean Tatars were unable to vote because they live in Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in 2014.

I'm sorry. I know that I have a lot of supporters in Crimea. A lot of people wrote to me that they sent SMS anyway, because they support me. I tell them - you spent money in vain, SMS was not counted, and they said that they sent it anyway, - the singer said in an interview with the Ukrainian edition of RFE/RL.

Jamala's performance on February 6 at the semi-finals in Kyiv caused a wide response and strong support.

Today you made me understand the pain of the fact that we lost the Crimea with music. I just cried with you, - said Ruslana, a member of the jury, after Jamala's performance.

Jamala's performance with the song "1944":


The composition in English with refrains in the Crimean Tatar language tells about the deportation of almost 250 thousand Crimean Tatars in May 1944. The Soviet government accused the Crimean Tatars of collaborating with the German Nazis during the occupation of the peninsula and ordered their deportation to Central Asia and remote regions of Russia.

Where is your mind? Humanity is crying.

You think you are gods, but everyone is mortal,

Don't take my soul, our souls, - sings on English language Jamal.

Then the refrain sounds in the Crimean Tatar language, which is borrowed from the so-called unofficial national anthem of the Crimean Tatars “Winds of Alushta”, repeated by a refrain:

I did not enjoy my young years,

I couldn't live here.

It is believed that in the first two years after the deportation, between 30 and 50 percent of those forcibly displaced died. Last November, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine supported a resolution by which the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944 was recognized as genocide.

This is really a song about my family, about my grandmother. I couldn't not write about it. I really experienced this story both on stage and when I was writing. This is a dedication song. It was difficult for me to sing it, - says Jamala in an interview with the Ukrainian edition of RFE/RL.

Jamala's real name is Susana Jamaladinova. She was born in 1983 in Kyrgyzstan, where her father's parents were deported. Jamala began to study music from early childhood. First studied at music school, and then, upon the return of her family to the Crimea, she entered the Simferopol Musical College, and after that - the Kiev National Academy of Music in the class of opera vocals.

But her true passion was the performance of jazz songs. From adolescence, Jamala participated in vocal competitions. She won the main prize at the New Wave festival in Jurmala, Latvia in 2009.

In 2011, Jamala reached the final of the Ukrainian Eurovision Song Contest with the song Smile. However, before the last round, she refused to participate in the competition, protesting against the existing, in her opinion, violations in the voting procedure.

Crimean Tatar politicians promised that they would appeal to the organizers of Eurovision to take measures that would allow the inhabitants of Crimea to vote in the second semi-final, which will be held on February 13, then in the final on February 21.

Jamala also says that the composition "1944" is not only about the past. She also brings to mind the family of Jamala living in the Crimea to this day.

Now the Crimean Tatars are in the occupied territory, it is very difficult for them. They feel a lot of pressure, they disappear without a trace. And it's scary, I would not want history to repeat itself, - says Jamala.

Kazakh Service of RFE/RL