Winter holidays when to go to school. Holidays in quarters

The favorite time of the year for schoolchildren is summer - this is the longest vacation period, when you can take a break from classes and not think about lessons. The rest of the time, the children also have the opportunity to briefly distract from their studies: in autumn, winter and spring, periods of rest are provided after the end of each quarter.

School holidays during the 2018-2019 school year will also be no exception, and children will be able to take breaks in their studies, although not all schools will have them at the same time.

General provisions

The periods free from classes at school are necessarily provided to all students at the same time. Their duration is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the school Charter. The calendar schedule for the academic year must be developed and approved by the educational institution.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation does not set exact dates for children's vacations in all educational institutions, but only limits itself to recommendations on the time of rest periods for Russian students, taking into account their studies in quarters or trimesters. There are also schools and gymnasiums that provide children with additional vacation periods, and for first-graders, in addition to the general ones, 7-day vacations in February are mandatory.

During the academic year, the total number of rest days is at least 30 (for first-graders - 35), and in summer - at least 56 calendar days. The mandatory start date is September 1st.

Vacation schedule for schools and gymnasiums for 2018-2019

When studying at school in quarters, the recommended rest periods in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are 7 calendar days in the fall, 2 weeks in the winter and 1 week in the spring. Two additional days, at the discretion of the administration of the educational institution, can be added to the autumn or winter rest, taking into account public holidays (November 4 and New Year).

This means that the vacation schedule for 2018-2019. may include the following vacation dates:

  • autumn - from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • winter - from 12/26/2018 to 01/08/2019;
  • spring - from 23 to 31 March 2019
  1. Summer holidays begin for elementary school students on May 23-25, and for high school students (except for grades 9 and 11) - from June 1. Graduates will complete the educational process in accordance with the schedule of exams, taking place from the end of May to the end of June.
  2. National Unity Day in 2018 falls on Sunday, so the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will most likely begin on October 29 and end on November 5, amounting to 8 days, and taking into account the days off (October 27 and 28) - 9-10 days. During this time, students will be able to have a good rest, visit museums and theaters, go to the cinema and spend time with their parents and friends.
  3. The New Year holidays of 2019 begin for schoolchildren after December 25, 2018 and continue until January 9, 2019. All-Russian New Year holidays fall at this time, so the children will be able to spend them with their families. Family holidays can be spent at ski resorts, on trips to interesting places in Russia. Throughout the country at this time, there are many fun activities for children that can be enjoyed by the whole family.
  4. In the spring, the holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will begin on March 23, and schoolchildren will begin their studies on April 1, 2019. The third quarter is the longest, and rest is especially needed after it. The end of the school year is coming, and you should have a good rest in order to complete it without problems. If the weather allows, this time should be devoted to walks and outdoor games. Holidays will also allow you to improve your knowledge in those subjects that require additional training.

Many Russian schools, with the consent of the parent committees, switched to trimester education, which involves dividing the study period into 3 parts. This entails a change in the rest time of schoolchildren in comparison with students in quarters.

Holidays with a modular system are calculated according to the following scheme: training - 5-6 weeks, then rest - 7 days. Children take the following breaks in their studies:

  • in autumn 2018, these days fall on October 7-13 and November 18-24;
  • in winter - from 12/29/2018 to 01/08/2019 and February 18-24;
  • spring 2019 - April 8-14.

Additional holidays for first-graders

Additional holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 will be held from February 25 to March 3. They are introduced in order to help the young student to better adapt to learning and spend the longest quarter in the study period. The same additional vacation period is recommended for students of correctional educational institutions. In some schools, a holiday in February is arranged for all students in primary grades from 1 to 4.

Where to find information about holidays

The vacation schedule in schools in various Russian regions during the academic period may undergo minor changes related to the postponement of holidays and the decisions of the local school administration. Only in Moscow, the Department of Education establishes a unified study schedule for students in the traditional and modular system.

The exact calendar of school holidays for the 2018-2019 academic year can be found in the most appropriate way:

  1. Go to the official information portal of the educational institution, where there is a calendar schedule for the academic year.
  2. The child's electronic diary should also contain information about rest periods in the information section for parents or in the news and announcements section.
  3. The class teacher is obliged to provide such information to parents, since the curriculum is drawn up in the summer and the vacation schedule is approved in advance.
  4. Information about rest periods during the school year can be obtained from the secretary by calling the reception of the educational institution.

Having all the necessary information, parents can plan the upcoming joint vacation with their child in advance.

Many studies show that by the end of the school year, it becomes more difficult for children to study than during it. The reason for this is child psychology and their natural desire for an active life, and not for forced education. To help the younger generation cope with the load and fully facilitate the process of assimilation of new information, vacations were invented. It is not surprising that every student and his parents are so eager to find out the dates for the spring break of 2018 in the Russian Federation in order to fully think over and organize the rest in the most effective and interesting way.

When does spring break start in 2018?

At the moment, we can only say roughly how the school holidays will be formed, since each educational institution has its own approved vacation schedule for the spring of 2018. Despite this fact, in most Russian schools, the spring holidays of 2018, will take place during from March 24 to April 1 2018 inclusive, so their duration will be 9 days. It should be noted that in some educational institutions, the periods of rest for schoolchildren may be shifted in relation to the above, so do not be surprised if at your school, lyceum, etc., holidays in the spring of 2018 will be held from March 19 to March 25, or from 1 to 8 April 2018

Who determines the timing of spring break at school

Naturally, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation becomes the first authority on the way of determining the dates for the beginning and end of school spring holidays. It is there that education standards are prescribed and the abilities of students across the country are assessed. Based on the data obtained, recommendations are formed on setting the dates of days off and the time of study in various educational institutions. After that, each school, gymnasium or lyceum forms its own, terms and schedule holidays, depending on the method of learning that is welcomed in this institution. In turn, schoolchildren's parents can also influence the management's opinion by making suggestions in the formation of the educational process.

Rest of schoolchildren on spring break 2018

Unfortunately, unlike those affecting adults, spring children's holidays often take place without the participation of parents, that is, most often boys and girls are left to their own devices. If you do not think over their leisure time in advance, then children are likely to spend all their free time on computers or smartphones. For a young organism, such a combination of circumstances is very detrimental, so we recommend that you look at alternative options for spending spring break.

Of course, it is good when there is an opportunity to send a child to warm countries (for example, to the sea), where he can enjoy the sun and get a lot of impressions. But not all parents have this opportunity. Therefore, it is better to think about more economical options. For example, children's camps that gather children depending on their age and hobbies. You can also organize a sightseeing trip around Russia or to any other state, get acquainted with new cultures and their traditions.

The first year at school is the most exciting and difficult time for the whole family of a first grader. The child is faced with a whole range of tasks that require the application of intellectual, physical and emotional forces on his part. At the same time, this period becomes no less difficult for parents. In order for children to successfully adapt to learning, the task of the school is to correctly distribute the loads, alternating them with proper rest.

In addition to the obligatory SanPiN requirements for organizing an elementary school, the Ministry of Education annually issues an order indicating the total duration of the school year and rest time. In addition, to minimize overload and stress for first-graders, additional vacations are provided. When will first-graders have holidays in 2018-2019?

Holidays for elementary school

According to the legislation, in the classical four-semester education, it is provided that in the period from September 1 to May 28, schoolchildren are allocated at least 30 days for holidays. The final decision with the beginning and end of the vacation weeks belongs to the school administration. All dates and duration in weeks are written in the annual schedule.

For Russian schools of all types, some educational provisions are also valid, according to which:

  • the date cannot be shifted by more than 2 weeks;
  • rest of students should begin on Monday;
  • between quarters - at least 7 days off;
  • a break in the summer should be at least 2 months;
  • The school year cannot begin and end on a Sunday.

It should also be borne in mind that the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation makes adjustments a few months before the start of the school year, so it will be possible to find out the exact vacation dates for first-graders in 2018-2019 no earlier than the spring of the coming year. Although, based on the experience of previous years, a tentative schedule can already be drawn up today.

Holidays at regular school

Educational institutions that divide the year into 4 quarters set a break after each. At the same time, in winter it usually lasts 2 weeks, and in summer - 3 months.

Autumn vacation

The first holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 should take place in the last week of October and the first of November. Everyone will have one extra day off, connected with an important public holiday - National Unity Day, which is celebrated on Sunday 4 November. According to the draft on the transfer of holidays, it will be moved to Monday. As a result, the elementary school will be able to rest from October 29 to November 6.

Plans for the New Year's weekend are not yet known, but the dates may differ from the usual 10 days of rest.

Winter holiday

New Year holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 will take place almost simultaneously with adults, so you can go on a trip together or spend time at home with your family. Usually they last 2 weeks, that is, they should start on Wednesday 12/26/18 and last until 01/08/19 inclusive. But a proposal is already being considered to start the weekend for elementary grades from 24, so the last school day may already be December 21. Due to the fact that New Year's holidays and especially Christmas holidays fall on winter weekends, which should be postponed, then, presumably, all schoolchildren will return to school only on Wednesday, January 9th.

Additional rest for first graders

For first-graders who are just beginning to adapt to school life, the legislation provides for an additional respite. Most likely, it will be the last week of February - the beginning of March. And although the dates 02/25/19-03/03/19 are indicative, 02/22/19 may well be the last day of school for grade 1. This week should help little schoolchildren recuperate.

Spring break

After the most difficult and long third quarter, a long-awaited spring break is provided. High school students will need to focus on preparing for exams, and for first graders and their parents, this is a great opportunity to learn something interesting and new. Based on past experience, the spring break is likely to take place from March 25 to March 31, 2019.

Summer vacation

This is the most long-awaited respite, which, as a rule, lasts at least 3 months. But according to the law, the minimum break between academic years can be 2 months. Due to the possibility of force majeure circumstances, the duration of the summer vacation is at the discretion of the school administration. If for a number of good reasons the school was closed, then students study longer. Although in practice this does not happen so often. In 2019, first-graders, as usual, will be the first to go on vacation and, most likely, already on the 20th of May they will be able to finish their first year of learning the unknown and the new.

According to the law "On Education of the Russian Federation", each school independently chooses a quarter or trimester system of education.

Trimester holidays

For schools with a relatively new teaching methodology for Russia, where the trimester lasts 11 weeks, while the seven-day breaks are repeated cyclically every 5 weeks of study. Although the vacation schedule differs from schools with a traditional educational system, the New Year and summer holidays have the same duration.

In 2018-2019, vacations for first-graders of educational institutions that have chosen modular education will take place between trimesters as follows:

  • I - October 8-14;
  • II - November 19-25;
  • III - from December 29 - January 9 (New Year holidays)

  • IV - February 18-24;
  • V - April 8-14;
  • VI - summer break will start from the end of May-June 1 to August 31.

This educational method appeals to many parents, as it allows them to make plans in advance. At the same time, all conditions are created for children to take a break from an intensive schedule and return to school with a new impulse.

Of course, all vacation dates for first graders in 2018-2019. are conjectural and based directly on the calculation of the total duration of the school year and planned days off, so by the Day of Knowledge they may be subject to slight adjustments.

Deviations from the planned dates

The vacation schedule can be changed for a variety of reasons. So, in winter, when the street temperature is below 25 ° C, classes for grade 1 are not held. Although if the temperature is higher, but the wind speed is stronger, which increases the frost, the school administration has the right to declare holidays. The situation is similar if the air temperature in the classrooms falls below 18°C.

Unscheduled days off may also be declared during peak periods. This usually happens during an epidemic of influenza and acute viral infections. If more than 30% of schoolchildren get sick, then the school is mandatory closed for quarantine.

The school year began a month ago, and the schoolchildren, although they managed to get involved in their studies, are already waiting for the first vacation - autumn. In fact, they didn't last long. Moreover, for some part of the school students, the rest has already begun this week. But first things first. When will the autumn holidays be at school in the 2018-2019 academic year, from what date do most Russian schoolchildren begin to rest.

An absurd question? In fact, no, because it all depends on the mode in which this or that school works and what schedule is chosen by its leadership.

Most schools in Russia work in the old way, with a classic routine. The academic year consists of four quarters, and during the year the students rest four times - holidays fall on each of the seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In this case, of course, the autumn holidays alone.

Another option, followed by a minority of schools (mostly located in Moscow and other large cities), is trimesters instead of quarters. The bottom line is that the academic year already consists of three trimesters, but in the middle of each of them there are additional holidays.

In schools where trimesters are used, holidays are present not four times during the year, but as many as six times. And the autumn holidays in this case are already present in the schedule twice.

However, in general, the rules remain the same in both cases. Although students who study in trimesters have more holidays themselves, on average they are shorter than students who study in quarters.

In total, in the academic year, Russian schoolchildren have 30 days of rest (the sum of the duration of all vacations, except for summer ones). First-graders have a little more rest days - 35.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there is no single vacation schedule in all Russian schools. The final right to decide exactly when the holidays will be remains with the headmaster. Which should be based not only on the recommendations of local educational authorities, but also on the wishes of the parents of the students.

The holiday schedule, which may be issued by the Ministry of Education, is always approximate and recommended. Most often, holidays are tied to public holidays (autumn will not be an exception), but schools can vary the start and end dates of the holiday on their own.

If you need to know one hundred percent exactly what date the autumn holidays will be in the 2018-2019 academic year at a particular school, you need to contact its official website. As a rule, information about this appears at the beginning of the school year, that is, in September.

You can also check this information with your child's secretary or class teacher.

Nevertheless, we can, of course, outline the approximate scope of the holidays. If any of the schools chooses a different timetable, it will in any case not differ from the one given by us by more than a week.

So, if the school works in quarters, then the holidays fall on the period from October 29 to November 5. Given that October 29 is Monday, the actual vacation will begin on October 27 or 28, depending on whether the children study on Saturday.

Recall that Monday, November 5, will be a day off due to the national holiday, which falls on the 4th.

If the school uses trimesters, then the autumn holidays will divide the school year twice:

  • from 8 to 14 October,
  • from 19 to 25 November.

When studying at school in quarters, the recommended rest periods in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are 7 calendar days in autumn, 2 weeks in winter and 1 week in spring. Two additional days, at the discretion of the administration of the educational institution, can be added to the autumn or winter rest, taking into account public holidays (November 4 and New Year).

This means that the vacation schedule for 2018-2019. may include the following vacation dates:

  • autumn - from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • winter - from 12/26/2018 to 01/08/2019;
  • spring - from 23 to 31 March 2019

Summer holidays begin for elementary school students on May 23-25, and for high school students (except for grades 9 and 11) - from June 1. Graduates will complete the educational process in accordance with the schedule of exams, taking place from the end of May to the end of June.

National Unity Day in 2018 falls on Sunday, so the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will most likely begin on October 29 and end on November 5, amounting to 8 days, and taking into account the days off (October 27 and 28) - 9-10 days. During this time, students will be able to have a good rest, visit museums and theaters, go to the cinema and spend time with their parents and friends.

The New Year holidays of 2019 begin for schoolchildren after December 25, 2018 and continue until January 9, 2019. All-Russian New Year holidays fall at this time, so the children will be able to spend them with their families. Family holidays can be spent at ski resorts, on trips to interesting places in Russia. Throughout the country at this time, there are many fun activities for children that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

In the spring, the holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will begin on March 23, and schoolchildren will begin their studies on April 1, 2019. The third quarter is the longest, and rest is especially needed after it. The end of the school year is coming, and you should have a good rest in order to complete it without problems. If the weather allows, this time should be devoted to walks and outdoor games. Holidays will also allow you to improve your knowledge in those subjects that require additional training.

Many Russian schools, with the consent of the parent committees, switched to trimester education, which involves dividing the study period into 3 parts. This entails a change in the rest time of schoolchildren in comparison with students in quarters.

Holidays with a modular system are calculated according to the following scheme: training - 5-6 weeks, then rest - 7 days. Children take the following breaks in their studies:

  • in autumn 2018, these days fall on October 7-13 and November 18-24;
  • in winter - from 12/29/2018 to 01/08/2019 and February 18-24;
  • spring 2019 - April 8-14.
  • Summer vacation will last from June 1 to August 31.

Additional holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 will be held from February 25 to March 3. They are introduced in order to help the young student to better adapt to learning and spend the longest quarter in the study period. The same additional vacation period is recommended for students of correctional educational institutions. In some schools, a holiday in February is arranged for all students in primary grades from 1 to 4.

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Traditionally, schoolchildren who study in quarters rest for two weeks in winter. This year's winter holidays are from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019. There are additional holidays for first-graders - they will be held from February 25 to March 3. This is necessary in order to dose the load and not to overwhelm the baby with studies from head to toe. Such additional vacations will help those who are lagging behind catch up with the rest, and those who are already doing well with their studies will simply take a breath.

Some difficulties may be caused by the calculation of the first school day in 2019. The long New Year and Christmas winter holidays, when both adults and children have a rest, usually last exactly a decade - the first ten days of January. But in 2019, the winter "vacation" will be somewhat shorter than usual.

The reason is the Christmas holidays. Christmas, although not included in the list of public holidays, is an official holiday. That is, with respect to this date, the law on the transfer of holidays comes into force.

But January 7 and 8 - Christmas days - fall on Monday and Tuesday. This means that no transfers and extension of the usual rest are foreseen. And the first working day in 2019 for everyone, including schoolchildren, will be Wednesday, January 9th.

When will the winter holidays be at the school where they study in trimesters

The entire period of study will be divided into 6 trimesters, between which at least 7 days will be allocated for children to relax. On average, one trimester is 5 or 6 weeks.

The educational process will be built as follows

  1. Third trimester. A new segment of study starts on November 25 and will take 5 weeks. This period will be the finish line before the onset of the New Year holidays and extended holidays, during which the whole country rests. The last day of school will be December 27th.
  2. Fourth trimester. The next segment of training will begin on Wednesday, January 9, 2019, and its duration will be almost 6 weeks, until February 15.
  3. Fifth trimester. From February 25 to April 5, the educational process will again take place actively. During it, schoolchildren will celebrate Women's Day, resting for 3 days off.
  4. Sixth trimester. The final trimester will be long, but it has a record number of holidays. Therefore, starting on April 15, it will last until May 24 and will take 6 weeks. During the May holidays, Wednesday 1 May will be a day off, as well as Thursday and Friday 9 and 10 May. The school year 2018-2019 will end with the last call, and schoolchildren will rest all summer.

The total number of rest days is the same for all systems. This is 30 days during the school year (for first graders - 35 days) and three months in the summer.

How to find out the exact dates of the winter holidays at school

The vacation schedule in schools in various Russian regions during the academic period may undergo minor changes related to the postponement of holidays and the decisions of the local school administration. Only in Moscow, the Department of Education establishes a unified study schedule for students in the traditional and modular system.

The exact calendar of school holidays for the 2018-2019 academic year can be found in the most appropriate way

  1. Go to the official information portal of the educational institution, where there is a calendar schedule for the academic year.
  2. The child's electronic diary should also contain information about rest periods in the information section for parents or in the news and announcements section.
  3. The class teacher is obliged to provide such information to parents, since the curriculum is drawn up in the summer and the vacation schedule is approved in advance.
  4. Information about rest periods during the school year can be obtained from the secretary by calling the reception of the educational institution.

Having all the necessary information, parents can plan the upcoming joint vacation with their child in advance.